#Caroline would bore Klaus to death in a heartbeat
cynthiav06 · 1 year
If there was a love triangle between Hayley/Klaus/Caroline in The Vampire Diaries, who do you think Klaus would prefer?
Let's consider this scenario for after he sleeps with her. I am certain Klaus would choose her, it would take time but he would definitely choose her not because she is pregnant with his child but because eerily enough she accepts him and understands him without judgement, is his mirror in fact and it's not just a one sided thing, they both complete each other.
Caroline "Klaus is root of all evil until I need something" Forbes would manage to string him along only so long. If he wasn't so intent on getting back at Tyler and so caught up in the thrill of playing hard to get he wouldn’t look at her twice. Caroline has on multiple occasions betrayed his trust, used his affections for her own gain and demeaned and disrespected him. Let's be real it would take Klaus two months tops, my bet is one really to get bored of Caroline, (when I say bored I mean irritated, annoyed, disappointed at Caroline).
Yes Klaus would initially be furious he lost precious hybrids due to Hayley's schemes but he would come to admire it instead.
Her ambitions to do everything under the sun and otherwise for the sake of mere information on her family(she was born to be a Mikaelson), her exceptional cunning, wit and survival instincts all stemming from roots of abandonment leaving her to face the world alone quite like his very own and her strength and perseverance despite it? It would awe and mesmerize him, I would say he would be falling for her so fast and so hard given their compatibility and chemistry.
Plus Hayley has what it takes to stand on equal grounds with Klaus Mikaelson and she would also get along swimmingly with his family (and if he have any evidence to go off of from The Orignals she would even unite them like never before). Caroline would be nothing short of a frivolous and insignificant distraction in the grand scheme of things between Klaus and Hayley.
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bellemorte180 · 4 years
Canon-ish. Klaus is somehow back from the dead several years after his (stupid and unnecessary) death and he shows up on Caroline's door (or whereever Caroline happens to be). Make it smluffy pleeeeeassee (smut/fluff). Not directly fall related but I'm sure it could take place in the fall. 💜
Okay, this is more FLUFFY than smutty but I hope it hits the right spots.
Caroline inhaled the scent of her pumpkin spice coffee that warmed her hands as she gazed out her bay window as the leaves fell to the ground. The colors were changing and the weather growing cooler. Lizzie and Josie were safe, the merge having been prevented and they were off on their own at separate universities. Even Hope had found peace in traveling the world from place to place with her aunt Rebekah. Caroline settled down in a small New England town and was slowly enjoying her retirement. She decorated her small house on a boring street, preparing to hand out candy in a few days when the small children came knocking.
Knock. Knock.
Caroline pulled herself from her musings of pumpkins and candy and kicked off the blanket covering her legs and made her way towards the front door, wondering who it could be since trick or treat night was still a few days away. When she opened the door and was greeted with fierce blue eyes, sandy blonde girls and dimples that made her heart stop after all these years.
“Trick or treat, Love.” Klaus Mikaelson was standing in front of her and yet it should not be possible. He was dead. Dying senselessly for his daughter and yet he stood in front of her as he did that day in the bar in New Orleans. “I suppose your silence means that Hope did not call you. I thought she might have but my daughter is stubborn. She refused to accept that I was gone and with the help of Freya and Rebekah they found-“
Klaus’s words were cut off because Caroline reached for his Henley and pulled him inside the house. She slammed her lips to his and molded herself to him, kissing him for everything that he was worth. She had spent years hating herself for never giving in to him and letting that chance slip by. She wasn’t going to let that happen again.
“No talking. Not yet. Just kiss me.” Klaus tossed her that smirk she had missed so desperately after he had died. She slammed her door shut, knowing full well that she had given Mrs. Gibbons enough fuel to spread around the neighborhood and shoved Klaus up against it. Klaus returned her kiss feverishly and picked her up so her legs could wrap around his waist. He stumbled into the living room and tossed Caroline onto the sofa in front of the bay window.
They discarded their clothes quickly, neither one willing to mess with foreplay. Klaus looked down at her as though he was a starving man and the sight of just how much he did love her caused tears to prickle in Caroline’s eyes. She reached up for him and brought him down to lay on top of her. Klaus lined himself up with her and pushed inside; taking his time as he loved her. His thrusts were slow and thoughtful, basking in every moan and whimper she gave.
Caroline reached down between them in order to circle her nub as Klaus thrusted into her. The sofa was scraped on the floor beneath them, creaking to the point that Caroline thought it might break with the rocking. If it did, Caroline found that she did not care for she could only focus on the pleasure Klaus was creating between her legs and how he whispered how much he loved her over and over into ear. Klaus was driving her insane that when she shattered around him, his still whispered all the promises he had made to her in her ear.
When they were done, Klaus lay on his back as Caroline draped herself over him with a warm blanket to cover them both. She rested her head on his chest, listening to the sound of his heartbeat; a sound she knew that she would never stop seeking out. Klaus was alive, in her arms and happy.
“How long?”
“A couple weeks. I wanted to spend some time with Hope before seeking you out.” Caroline nodded, not offended in the least that he would choose his daughter first. “She gave me your address and said she would pop in after a few weeks. Maybe for Thanksgiving. I was hoping we could have everyone here. You, me, Rebekah, Freya, Keelan, Kol, Davina, Hope, Lizzie and Josie. All of them before we grow sick of them and send them away.”
“You’re staying?” Caroline propped her head up on her hand and gazed down at him. She had not really thought on what they would do, she was too busy wrapping her mind around the fact that he was alive. “Here? With me?”
“The rest of the world thinks I’m dead, Sweetheart. Perhaps I will use that to my advantage in order to live a nice quiet life in a small New England town with the woman I love for a few years or decades before letting the world know that the Hybrid is alive and well.”
“Like a retirement?”
“Yeah. A retirement.”
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cupcakemolotov · 4 years
An Unlikely Favor
And forever many days later, my muse finally cooperates. Almost 13K, and dragons (Caroline this time fam!) No Smut, as that just wasn’t going to work for this one. Since it exploded, I don’t feel bad at all.
Warnings: Character Death (not OTP), Fluff, Canon-Typical Violence. I mean. Klaus is Klaus and Caroline is a dragon.
I hate formatting on this hell-site, so I linked you to A03 after this first scene. Also, wanted to give a big thank you to @goldcaught and @klarolinedrabbles who have been a delight and received many text messages and complaints through this writing process (and other stories I am still hitting with mental-sticks).
Caroline set aside her empty glass, the lingering taste of cheap champagne bitter against her tongue. The lead for the painting she wanted was a bust, and irritation clawed sharply at her insides. The artist was no famous painter, but something about the colors and lines had caught her attention when she had seen it all those years ago and she wanted it. It had been an unfortunate turn of events that the family who owned the painting, descendants of the creator, had been so unwilling to sell no matter what she offered them.
Human sentiment could be so frustrating.
At the time she had walked away, because collecting through force was only fun when it was her enemies' heads, and humans did not live forever. She’d had the time. So she’d left behind a few feelers, and made sure she arrived mere weeks after the deaths of those who had owned the painting. But upon arrival, she learned that their entire collection was gone. To her great annoyance, three decades later and she was still no closer to finding where the painting had disappeared to. Once, it had very nearly been in her grasp, but her attention had been needed elsewhere and so she had walked away.
Tonight was turning out to be another long evening of disappointment. Turning sharply on one spiked heel, she headed for the door. Time was on her side, and thirty years was not her longest hunt, but for once her patience was in shambles. She’d come to the city specifically to search for her lost painting and had instead found a hotbed of witches. Usually, that was not a matter of too much concern, as she had learned to hide what she was… and certain spells had been gifted to her over the years to make that easier. But this coven had known who and what she was, and the relaxing week she had planned had turned into something a bit more bloody.
Now she was leaving empty handed and annoyed. Shopping would do her no good, collecting pretty baubles only soothed the rough edges when they were the pretty baubles that she wanted. Maybe it was time to return to one of her more secluded homes and stretch her wings. It had been a few years since she’d allowed herself the indulgence, and her beast was starting to grow restless and bored. Perhaps some time meandering through her collections and flying would help burn the worst of her temper off.
“Hello, love. You look ravishing.”
The sharply accented words were unexpected, and Caroline twisted around to blink at the man standing near her, surprise cutting through the annoyance that for the first time in centuries, he’d managed to sneak up on her. The curling smile on his face as he realized it did not improve her mood. But this particular monster had never bothered with reverence or fear, and charm clung to all the sharp edges of him as he smiled at her.
Tonight, he was dressed in a perfect tux, overdressed for the small gallery and unbothered by it, the leather cords she found endlessly fascinating missing but the dimples and lips she sometimes thought about too long on full display. He stepped closer, the edges of his smile deepening at her continued annoyance.
“Klaus.” She offered him her hand after a dozen heartbeats, giving herself a moment to absorb the impact of him even as a lifetime of greetings nudged at her. As much as she’d learned to love modern familiarity, with Klaus and in public, she’d never been comfortable expressing it. Unchanging he might be, she’d never managed the immunity to him necessary to ignore the way her beast shifted beneath her skin in his presence. Formality was a shield against public eyes. “I didn’t realize you were back in this part of the world.”
“A bit of business, I’m afraid.” He said, brushing a lingering kiss along her knuckles. “Nothing nearly so entertaining as the last time we ran into each other.”
Caroline frowned at his words, the slightly apologetic note, but decided it could be dealt with in a moment. This close and there were other changes that were suddenly apparent and far more important. Ignoring the decorum that had colored so much of their long, long lives she stepped closer and brushed her fingertips along the edge of his jaw, studying the shape of his eyes. Klaus allowed the familiarity, seemed to welcome it, and she breathed deep.
His scent was different.
Finally certain, she allowed herself to smile, her annoyance and irritation pushed aside for happiness for her friend now that she knew he had not learned a new trick. For this, she did not have to fake her delight. “You broke your curse.”
The flash of satisfaction, the smug tilt of his head was achingly familiar. “I did.”
“That’s wonderful,” she told him, letting her hand reluctantly fall away, fingertips tingling. “How long?”
“Less than a year,” Klaus assured her. “Even if business had not brought me here, I would have found you soon.”
“Good,” Caroline murmured “You remembered your promise.”
His look was chiding, starkly serious beneath the charm. “I have not forgotten a single word that has passed between us, Caroline.”
Lips finally curling at the hint of darkness in his voice, she tipped her head. “But if you are not here about your curse, I do wonder what business could possibly bring you to this particular gallery.” She deliberately let her gaze scan the quaint gallery, the mostly casually dressed patrons. “This isn’t quite your scene anymore.”
Klaus chuckled and moved to tuck her arm through his. “As it were, I have been looking for you, just not only for all the reasons I would have liked.”
She paused, fingers resting lightly on his forearm. Rarely did she go longer than two decades without Klaus making an appearance in her life, but this stretch of time had been nearly forty years. Such a small number of years in their lives, but an endless amount of time in terms of humans and their technology, and she had started to grow curious that he had not reached out to her. That he would make a deliberate choice to tell her that this visit was different was both a curiosity and a warning. “And why were you looking for me, Klaus?”
His hand settled over hers, fingers and palms far warmer then she remembered them ever being before. In her heels they were nearly the same height and he met her eyes steadily. “Would you let me buy you a drink? Perhaps dinner?”
Caroline weighed his offer against the disaster of her week and her eyes narrowed. “Do tell me that you are not here with those witches.”
“I am not,” a flicker of something dangerous, a hint of new and unusual yellow and the hard edge of the vampire she’d known for centuries behind his eyes. “But perhaps I will acquaint myself before I leave.”
“There shouldn’t be much left to find,” she dismissed. “I am perfectly capable of killing a few witches, Klaus.”
A laugh, low in his throat. “So I have seen. And perhaps you are correct, but there is always one or two, stashed away who believe themselves safe. I do so enjoy ruining their illusions.”
She huffed and relaxed against him as he led them towards the door. “For you, perhaps, hunting such a thing is enjoyable.”
“Come now, Caroline. You cannot expect me to believe after all these centuries that you do not enjoy a challenge.”
“There are challenges, Klaus, and then there are challenges. Hunting witch covens is an annoyance, I assure you.” She wrinkled her nose. “And these witches are not particularly imaginative.”
“And yet,” he murmured, the set of his mouth unforgiving.
Caroline considered that as they bypassed the humans still mingling, the startled glances thrown their way as they took in the finery. She knew his thoroughness would partly stem from a promise given so long ago, but Klaus had never left her with the impression that their past was a burden he wished to be rid of. In fact, if anything, he always sought for more of her, for more of her time. It fascinated as much as it left her wary, this man who knew more of what she was than any other living creature.
And whatever business had Klaus seaking her out would likely be messy, but hadn’t she just been contemplating how bored she was? Things rarely stayed dull near her favorite vampire, now hybrid she supposed, and more importantly, he had earned the right to ask that she at least hear him out. It was a favor she granted very few, but for Klaus… In all the centuries and decades that they had known each other, he had only ever asked her for one favor. She had been unable to help him, though she had done what she could to mitigate that failure.
That he would come to her again, the ghosts of his creation seemingly laid to rest?
“You may take me back to wherever you are staying,” she said decidedly as they approached the doors. “Hopefully you have better booze.”
His head tipped towards her, brows winging upwards. “As if I’d offer you something subpar, love.”
She laughed at the offended note in his voice, the glint behind his eyes. “No? I remember spending many a night drinking with you what could most definitely be described as subpar. Chicago was just a few decades ago, as I recall, and the booze there was terrible.”
His mouth curled upwards on one side, amused indulgence heavy in his voice. “I assure you, I have not forgotten your preferences.”
“I should hope not,” she drawled before squeezing his arm. “I will listen to your request, but I have one of my own.”
“Do you?”
His eyes glittered at her, something hot and unreadable in those yellow edges of his pupils. She pressed against his side again, and deliberately let her gaze linger on the lines of his face. “I do. You will keep the rest of your promise, and tell me the details of how you finally broke your curse. I want to know everything.”
Find the rest here:
A03 | FFN
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daylight-imagines · 5 years
Miss Me? Part 2
Pairing: Kol Mikaelson x Reader Warnings: Description of vampires hunting/feeding. A very small amount of violence. Nothing that isn’t in the show.  Word Count: 3090
Part 1     Part 3
“Miss me, darling?” Kol asked. 
You stared at him for a moment, your mouth hanging open.
“How are you standing in front of me?” 
“Magic is a wonderful thing,” he said. 
“I’m glad you’re alive.”
“Really? I assumed you’d be worried about your friends.”
You paused. “You’ve missed a lot.” 
You couldn’t believe he was really there. In the end, you had actually been friends. You could have been more. Three years had gone by, but the sight of him still made your heart race. 
“Let’s have a drink. You can tell me all about it.
“Alright,” you said. “I hope you know somewhere good because I have no clue.”
“Trust me, I know New Orleans very well.”
The night after the ball you went into the grill and found Kol sitting at the bar. You walked over and sat next to him.
“You look as miserable as me.” He turned to look at you. “Maybe a bit angrier.”
“Well, if it isn’t the beautiful Y/n.”
“Are you alright, Kol?”
“Why would you care?
“I care about my friends.”
“Is that what we are?” He asked. “Friends?”
You shrugged. “We’re getting there.”
“Alright darling, tell me, has anything interesting happened to you today because you seem rather boring?”
You hadn’t known him long enough to know his moods, but you did know your own. This was one of your common ones: acting like an ass to cover up the hurt.
“What happened?”
“I’m sure your friends have told you by know. Maybe you were in on their plan. Is there someone waiting to put a dagger in my back while I’m distracted?”
“Kol, I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
You hesitated a moment before placing your hand over his that was resting on the counter. He glanced at your hands before turning back to you with a strange look on his face.
“My mother tried to kill me today.”
You stared at him with wide eyes for a moment. That had not been what you were expecting.
“She said we’re monsters and she regrets turning us into vampires. So she tried to kill us all.”
“I’m sorry, Kol.”
“It happens,” he said. “Your friends helped by the way.”
You sighed. “I’m getting less comfortable calling them my friends as time goes by.”
Silence fell over you. You thought about what happened with Ester and realized the same thing could have happened to you.
“You know my mom is on the town council, and from one of the founding families. Every generation has been taught to hate the supernatural. When they become aware of a vampire or werewolf in town, they get rid of them. How do you think she handled the news about me and Caroline?”
“I imagine she took it poorly.” 
“Yeah, but eventually she accepted it. I know your mom probably won’t change, but I do get it.” 
He raised his glass. “Cheers to becoming our mothers’ biggest fears.”
What you said didn’t fix anything, but you did notice the small smile on his face. It was only there for a second before it was replaced with a smirk.
“So how long have you been back in the land of the living?” You asked as Kol led you into a small bar. 
“That answer is more complicated than you may think.”
“Well, I don’t have any plans for the rest of the night. How about you?”
“I do now.”
He told you about his mother resurrecting him to help with her plans. Then Finn’s hex killed him.
 “Wait, Finn is alive too?” 
“Kol, He’s your brother.”
He scoffed. “My brother who killed me.”
You nodded and looked down at your glass. Once again, the relationship between the Mikaelson siblings amazed you. 
“I heard about your mother,” he said. “I’m sorry.”
”You know, with my dad it so sudden and unexpected I didn’t have time to process it. Not to mention the heightened emotions on top of it.” You sighed and finished your drink. “With mom, we knew it was coming. It didn’t hurt any less, but I had time to prepare. And I knew I had to be there for Caroline. Of course, I even messed that up.”
“I’m sure that’s not true.”
“She turned off her humanity. How much worse could I have done?”
“Is she back to normal now?”
You laughed. “Nothing will ever be normal again.”
“Caroline’s humanity is on, and you’re both alive.”
“Technically-” You laughed at the look he gave you.
“My point is you’re going to be alright.”
“You’re right, I guess.”
You smiled, looking around the bar. You were so focused on observing the room that you didn’t notice when Kol leaned forward. When you turned around, you let out a gasp, realizing how close you were. The look on his face never failed to put you on edge.
“How are those craving you were dealing with?”
You cleared your throat, shifting in your seat. You knew exactly what he was talking about. He brought it up to see you squirm.
It’d been a few days since you saw Kol in the bar. Christmas past and you’d been so busy you’d been able to avoid the feeling that had been nagging at you. Now you were laying in bed with nothing to distract you. 
All you could hear were the heartbeats throughout the apartment building. The sounds and smells were driving you insane. It took every ounce of strength to keep yourself in control. But after almost a week, you were about to break. You took a deep breath and picked up your phone. You needed help, and you knew it. There was only one person you wanted to help you. You stared at your phone, trying to work up the courage to make the phone call. Every minute that passed, the worse the burning in your throat got and the louder the sounds got. You weren’t sure how much longer you’d last. You dialed the number and waited for an answer.
“Kol.” You hated the way your voice shook.
“Y/n? Are you alright?” 
“I need your help.”
You could hear him moving around.
“Where am I going?”
You paced as you told him your address. 
“I’m on my way.”
You were curled into the corner of your apartment, farthest from the door when Kol got there. He knocked on the door. 
“It’s open.”
When he saw you, he was by your side in an instant. You couldn’t help jumping. Vampire speed still shocked you. He kneeled next to you.
“What’s going on, darling?” He brushed the hair out of your face.
“I…I’m.” You didn’t even know how to explain it. “I’m going to hurt someone.”
“The cravings are getting a bit out of hand?”
You nodded. He started rolling up his sleeve.
“What are you doing?” 
“Feeding on me will take the edge off. I can’t take you out of here with you this high strung. It won’t end well.” 
“I’m not a normal vampire Kol. My bite is poison to you.” 
He pulled a vial from his pocket. “It wouldn’t kill me anyway, but this will fix it.”
He sat next to you and held out his arm.
“It’s alright.”
You watched his face making sure it was ok as you bit into his wrist. You couldn’t help the moan that left your lips as the blood ran down your throat. The feeling that fell over you was something you’d never felt before. A warmth spread through your entire body; it felt like you were floating. You laid your head against Kol’s chest as you drank. He ran his fingers through your hair, and you could feel his eyes on you.
You drank until you stopped shaking, even then you had to force yourself to pull away. You didn’t move from Kol’s arms- taking deeps breaths trying to regain your composure.
“Feel better?” 
You nodded, sitting up. He stood, pulling you up with him. 
“Does it always feel like that?”
“Feeding on other vampires is different from feeding on humans.” He moved the hair away from your face. 
You couldn’t help but notice how close you were, and how his eyes glanced at your lips before moving back to your eyes. You thought he was going to kiss you...and realized you wouldn’t mind if he did. That wasn’t good.
You stepped back looking down. You grabbed his wrist, seeing the effect your venom was already having. 
“Does it hurt?” 
“I’m sorry,” you said. 
“Don’t worry.” He pulled the vial of Klaus’s blood out and drank it. The wound healed instantly. “See? It’s fine.”
You looked up at him. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now come on it’s time for you to learn how to hunt.”
“I’m fine now. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t helped me.”
“Why did you call me and not one of your friends?” 
“You are my friend.”
“But it’s different.”
You paused before answering. “They live one way, so they expected me to live that way. Caroline drinks blood bags, and that works for her. It wasn’t for me, as you know. None of them would have understood that.”
“So, you called me.”
“I didn’t need them. I had you.”
“Not for long.”
You looked away. Caroline had been the one to tell you about Kol’s death. It hurt a lot. You hadn’t realized how attached you were- how much you cared.
“I didn’t know what they were going to do.”
If you had known, you would have told him. He protected you, but you hadn’t been able to do the same.
After leaving your apartment, Kol took you into town. You were standing across from the grill. There weren’t any lights nearby, you couldn’t be seen from the other side of the street. 
“What are we doing?”
“You’re learning to feed,” Kol said. 
“On people trying to go about their day.”
“Think of it as a necessary part of life. Humans have to eat, so do vampires.”
You looked up at him and smiled. That wasn’t how he looked at it, and you knew it. But he was trying to make you feel better.
“You find someone, isolate them, compel them to be quiet, heal them, compel them to forgot and be on their way. No harm done.”
You sighed as people came out of the doors. “Ok. Who?”
“Someone alone that won’t be noticed disappearing.” He motioned towards the building. 
Behind the group that just left came a girl around your age. She went the opposite way as the rest of them.
“You’re up, darling.”
You turned to him before moving. “Promise me, you’ll stop me if I-”
“If you lose control, I’ll stop you, but I don’t think you’ll have that problem.”
You nodded, and then you were gone.
In the alleyway, you compelled the girl to be quiet. You fed quickly, not losing your senses the way you did when you fed on Kol. Once your hunger was gone, you pulled away. You fed her your blood and compelled her to forget. After she left, you turned to Kol. He was already watching you with a smirk on his face. 
“I told you you wouldn’t lose control.”
You walked closer. “Thank you. For helping me.”
“Well, I couldn’t have you killing your entire apartment building.”
You scoffed. “You can admit you like me Kol.”
“I never said I didn’t.”
“So you do?”
“There are very few people in this town I care about Y/n,” he said. “And you’re one of them.”
His hand moved up to cup your cheek. He was looking at you the same way he had in the grill. With a glint in his eye that made you feel like the breath had left your lungs. His other hand moved to your waist, pulling you closer. You couldn’t help the shiver that went down your spine when you realized how close you were. You both moved forward, eager to close the last bit of distance. But you jumped away from him when you heard the voice behind you. 
“Don’t move. Put your hands up.”
It was impossible to describe the horror you felt hearing your mom’s voice. You were relieved it was so dark. It’d be impossible to see your face from the entrance of the alley. 
 You couldn’t move even when you heard the sound of a gun firing. Kol was quick to react. He wrapped his arms around you, putting himself between you and your mom. You heard him groan as the bullets hit him then he sped you both out of the alley. Before you knew it, you were back at your apartment. 
You broke out of your trance when Kol let out a curse. “Are you ok?”
“I’ll be fine. Indestructible, remember? Just help me get this off.”
You helped his get his jacket off and then moved behind him. There were six bullet holes in his back that weren’t healing because the bullets were still inside. 
“I’m going to have to get them out,” you said. “Take off your shirt.”
“If you wanted me to take my shirt off, all you had to do was ask. I didn’t need to get shot.”
You rolled your eyes and helped him pull it off. It definitely wasn’t disappointment you felt once the shirt was off; your gaze lingered a moment too long before you went to grab one of your kitchen chairs. As you walked away, you saw Kol’s smirk widen.
“Like what you see?” He asked as you pulled the chair into the room. He sat down, and you moved behind him.
“What if I do?” 
You started digging out the bullets and any pieces of wood that broke off into the wound. 
“I’d offer to show you more.”
You couldn’t help laughing and finished the rest of the wounds in silence. Once you were done, you wiped away the dried blood and washed your hands. Turning back around, you let out a gasp seeing Kol right behind you. You looked away from him and took a breath.  
“I guess we should have thought about the town council’s mission to kill vampires.”
“It just means next time we go to the next town over.”
“Next time?”
“I can’t teach you everything in one trip. Especially when it ended with us getting shot at.”
You laughed.
“We’ll skip that part from now on.”
You smiled. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, darling. Now I need to leave.” He smirked. “Unless you want me to stay.”
“Goodnight Kol,” you said, rolling your eyes.
After he was gone, you let out a sigh and cleaned up. It wasn’t until you were laying in bed to sleep you realized you had wanted him to stay.
“You haven’t told me why you’re in New Orleans,” Kol said. “I’m surprised you left your sister in Mystic Falls.”
“Caroline is actually in Texas of all places.”
“Mystic Falls was too tiring?”
“Too dangerous. My nieces weren’t safe there.”
“Nieces? How did that happen?”
“It’s a very long and complicated story.”
“We have time.”
You told him about the Gemini coven and then about Jo’s family, Ric and Jo’s relationship, and the tragic wedding came next. Kai wasn’t a subject you liked discussing, but you didn’t have a choice. You explained the spell the coven cast, saving the twins and making Caroline their surrogate mother. 
“There isn’t a lot of information on siphoners, and the twins’ powers are growing. I’ve been going around to any witch that would talk to me trying to learn more.”
“I can help,” he said. “There are hundreds of witches who owe me favors.”
“That would be amazing.” You smiled. Then you realized what you’d left out and looked down.
“There’s something else, isn't there?”
“In the Gemini coven, twins are in line to be leaders. It’s determined by a ritual called the Merge. Their magic is merged together and absorbed by the stronger twin. The other dies,” you said. “It’s another thing I’ve been trying to figure out.”
“You’re looking for a loophole.”
You nodded and laid your head on the bar. “It doesn't happen until they’re twenty-two, but time goes by fast. We need a solution sooner rather than later."
“Take a breath, darling,” Kol said a hand running up and down your back. “You’ll figure it out. And I’ll help you.”
You sat up and looked at him. It amazed you that even though three years had passed your feelings were still just as strong. You told yourself if you had more time you could have fallen in love with him. Now you knew you would have. 
“I missed you.” You didn’t know why you said it. It was true. Over the years you’d thought about him many times.
“You have no idea, Y/n."
His hand cupped the side of your face, and he moved closer. You wrapped your arms around his neck. Your lips were about to touch when there was yelling behind you.
“Kol Mikaelson where the hell have you been?”
You laughed at the look on his face. He was ready to kill whoever interrupted you. The number of times this had happened to the two of you was frustrating. 
“What Rebekah?”
“I’ve been calling you all day.”
He stepped away from you with a sigh. “You’re not my mother. What do you want?”
“Is it so bad that I want to see my newly resurrected brother,” she said. “You weren’t answering calls. For all I knew, you could have died again.”
“Rebekah, I’m grateful you had me brought back to life, but you can’t be afraid I’m going to die anytime I’m away from you.”
“Who’s this?” She asked, looking at you.
You waved. “Y/N.”
“From Mystic Falls.” Her gaze darkened, and she moved towards you. “Here to kill my brother all over again?”
Kol stepped in front of you. “Don’t touch her Rebekah.”
“FIne. I’ll wait outside, but we need you at home.”
After she left, he turned around. “Apparently I have to leave.”
“I got that.”
“Where are you staying?”
You told him and he nodded, walking away. A thought crossed your mind, and you grabbed his arm. 
“Kol, don’t...don’t tell Klaus I’m here. Please.”
He cupped your face and pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“I won’t tell him. Even if I did, he wouldn’t touch you.”
You nodded, and he walked away. You watched with a smile on your face. Yes, you were definitely falling for him.
Part 3
Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it!
Tags: @del-rcys
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ashleighxx · 7 years
The Cabin Part Two
This drabble is dedicated to @delerithmoriwen for her very subtle attempts at letting me know here birthday is TODAY!! And I mean very subtle :P So happy Birthday love, hope you enjoy! Read the first part HERE 
Klaus really couldn't believe his luck sometimes. He had spent the last year travelling with Caroline and some mornings when he woke up and sat watching the sunrise with his cup of tea he had to pinch himself that she slept so close. Did he wish they were together romantically, of course, but he valued the friendship they had built together all the same. He was glad that she looked up at him in something other than revulsion and hatred, and it was breathtaking. They had started off in Tokyo, her heart still aching and even though her eyes were brightening up with each sight, new food to taste, she would spend equal amounts crying out in pain and grief still. Guilt that she's still living, eternal while her mother was dealt with death. Two months touring Japan and Caroline surprised him when she gave him two tickets to Florence.
That's when things changed the most. Italy. They spent days and days walking around the ancient cities. Hours upon hours standing in front of the most beautiful art, with Klaus telling her as much history about the items as he knew. She would surprise him too with her own keen knowledge she researched ahead of time. She began to relax more as they both bore their heart and secrets to each other and she taught him the art of hugging. They had become close in their companionship and he utterly adored it. Didn't know it was possible to love her even more than he did. Didn't know he was capable of experiencing that live at all. And it terrified him. There were bumps in the way of course, what with her traveling with the hybrid who had caused nothing but heartache, pain and death in his wake. She had been kidnapped once in retaliation in Venice. It only took a few hours to track her sent and tear the ancient vampires he sired limb from limb, but it took over a week to regain her trust in him. After her shouting at him and then giving him a cold shoulder the rest of the time. Another bump in the road was the nights he woke up to sounds of her raising heartbeat, smell of her sweat, sense her fear radiating from her before she would wake up in terrified gasps, calming herself down with whispers of how she was still alive, they cant hurt her no more. Those were the nights he would sneak off and tear into some unsuspected victims throat imagining ways in which he wanted to hunt those who hurt her down. To find their loved ones and break them, to feel hearts in his hand and revel in their terror.
He thoroughly enjoyed the days when it was so easy between them. Caroline grabbed his hand, looking up at him with eyes shining in excitement as she pulled him to the Colosseum in Rome, forgetting she was holding his hand when they reached the gates. Times where she would cuddle into him on the sofa when she demanded they watch a film so she could practise her Italian and the moments where he couldn't stop himself from pushing her hair away from her face and caressing her cheek, catching her blush as she leant into his touch.
Caroline had requested they travel to France for the anniversary of her mother's death and something inside him twisted.
Paris, Rome, Tokyo.
They were the places he told her he would take her and they have already been to two of them and he thought that maybe after he showed her Paris that she would finally leave him and go back to Mystic Falls. Deny their friendship and he would be left all alone. So he promised himself to savour these moments, sketch every time she took his breath away, find a way to bare the pain of her leaving as much as his instincts wanted to keep her by his side.
But he knew he had to be selfless with her.
The only person he would be.
Even if it broke him in the process.
The day of Liz’s first year of her passing arrived and Caroline had been in a somber mood, her grief not hitting her as hard as when he first came to her. She had waited till the evening before she went to the park near the hotel and set off a candle lit lantern in remembrance and to let go of her in. She told him of the times her and her friends had done the same before. Had shocked him when she gave him his own to let go of his own pain. He surprised himself as he whispered in his mother tongue of the pain of losing Henrik, the pain of his father's brutal beating, seeing his birth father on a spike as Mikael killed him, pain of losing both Finn and Kol, even if Kol had been resurrected again.
He could never forget the moment that brought them here, in Paris, on top of the Eiffel Tower, a year to the date they left Mystic Falls.
*FlashBack of the cabin*
The drive was relatively quiet, the music radio on some pop station for Caroline to listen to in between her silent sobs and little gaps of fitful sleep. He wasn't sure what he should do and how he could help, he didn't realise too much what going away with her meant, caught up in her asking him to spend time with her. He was never good at conforming someone, even Rebekah. He was the reason people needed comfort because of.  So to say he was out of his element was an understatement, carry on driving to the location she tapped into the gps and trying not to concentrate on how his own heart is breaking over hers crumbling. Klaus stopped a few times on the way, grabbing some supplies of blood bags for Caroline, and reluctantly himself if there wasn't anyone around the remote cabin. He fed on the nurse who helped grab them for him while he was at it, taking his time to savour the fresh, warm blood and grabbed him and Caroline some coffee and snacks for the road. Once he arrived at the small cabin, he compelled the owners to invite them in and woke Caroline up, who dragged herself into a shower before falling asleep. Leaving him to unpack the car and having a quick shower and bed himself.
He spent the next week coaxing the grieving blonde from her bedroom, where he would check in on her and make sure she ate, drank and showered, to come sit on the sofa each day. Where she silently sobbed into him while they watched some inane chick flick, but the sobs were becoming less frequent. He was glad he always had his sketch pad and charcoals to keep him amused while she slept and he couldn't remove the images of her red, puffy eyes from his heart. He caught her looking out the window to see the views and she looked genuinely excited and happy before guilt swept over her and she closed herself back off in her room for the remainder of that day. Caroline had confessed when she finally reached for his hand, walking around the woods to the river running through them, that she had thought of turning it off for a year and then switch it back on once the worst of the grieving had stopped. He gripped her hand slightly harder at the thought of her losing her light. But he couldn't help but dream of her wild and stripped to her basic vampiric nature, wondering if she still held her impeccable control so rare in vampires centuries old, never mind newborns. Wondered if she would give into him too alongside the bloodlust, but he knew she would have regretted her actions when she did eventually turn it back on, and he didn't want to be a regret.
A mistake.
They spent a month in the cabin before Caroline made up her mind to go back to Mystic Falls. Although the time spent in the cabin was filled with sorrow, he still loved spending his time alone with the love of his life, so he tried in vain not to feel the sorrow that Caroline just let go of.
Dropping her back to her childhood home, Caroline leaned up to him whispering thanks before she pecked his cheek, dragging her luggage behind her. She got to the porch before she swirled around, a smile on her face, eyes shining that light which dimmed in her torment.
“Nothings binding me here anymore, and I know it's a few decades earlier than I planned, but is that offer still on your cards?” Caroline shuffled on her feet a slight bit that no human eye could detect, but he did. As much as she demanded an answer, her insecurities still lay behind her eyes, if you knew where to look. “Which offer love? To take you traveling across the world, or to be your last love?” he tried not to show his nerves at her question, putting on his smug cocky bravado that he was sure she could tell wasn't real anymore. “Both?” “Always.” He whispered through the most genuine smile he didn't think he was capable of after all the centuries of death and bloodshed.
"What are you thinking of?" She asked him, bringing him out his memory of how they came to travel together. "You." "Do you think of anything but?" Caroline teased him. "Well I am considering going over there and talking to that guy who can't stop looking over at you." He couldn't help but taunt her, she was simply stunning when she had fire in her eyes as much as the light that first drew him in, like a moth to a flame. Her light. Her fire. He wanted to get as close to it as possible, to bask in her. She looked behind for a moment before giggling as she turned back to look at him in the eyes. "I'm pretty sure he's looking at you Klaus." "Well then he gets to keep his eyes in his sockets after all." "I can't believe I'm drinking champagne, watching the sunset on the Eiffel Tower." "Is it everything you dreamed of, Caroline?" He asked, hoped it was everything to her as it was to him. "No." "No?" "No." She paused, looking back over the Parisian skyline. "You're not kissing me." "Well I have to rectify that as soon," he leaned down to her. "As." Placing his hands on her waist, bringing her in closer, her hands winding around his neck. "Possible." He whispered before he brushed his lips to meet hers.
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cupcakemolotov · 5 years
A Wild Ride
Klaroline AU Week: Day Three (October 9th - Wednesday): All Human 
This is totally a bit rushed and I will probably have to do sneaky edits later, but I managed to get this done. I’ll take it.
The carriage wheels bounced painful over a screaming Damon Salvatore. For a single heartbeat, Caroline considered regretting her impulsive choice of shoving him out the door. But he had been bleeding and she refused to let him ruin this dress after everything else he’d left in shambles in her life. Thankfully, her companion had realized her intention and his firm grip kept her from tumbling out of the carriage with Damon. 
Glancing across the carriage once the door was firmly shut, Caroline righted herself and glared at her remaining companion. “Your brother is a menace.”
Sir Klaus Mikaelson’s brow lifted as his gaze swept her disheveled figure, and Caroline arranged her skirts, pointedly ignoring the heat in his eyes. “You’ll find no disagreement from me, love. Still, I cannot imagine even he thought you’d reduce Salvatore to carrion pickings in such a dramatic fashion when we are driving at such… speed.”
She scoffed, refusing to let his words, the glint of admiration in his gaze, affect her. The hint of dimple in his cheek said he might have seen something anyway. “Should I have waited for you to deal with the situation? Difficult, with one arm.”
His mouth tightened in displeasure at the reminder of his injury. Since he’d received the stab wound unnecessarily defending her only a few weeks ago, she supposed she could stop needling him about it. Particularly when their acquaintance had become quite profitable. Or it would, as long as they’d stayed just out of the reach of the local Sheriff.
Damon being the last bit of a plot that had taken them the better part of a month to execute. But now their last enemy was dead, and all their plans had all come to fruition. Caroline wiggled back against the hard bench, and tried not to wince at another hard bounce of the carriage. 
While her numerous skirts added a layer of cushion, but Kol was driving at breakneck speeds. And while she approved of putting a fair amount of distance between them and the body they’d left behind, she hardly wished for a broken bone to go along with their escape. It would be weeks before a Marshall was brought in to hunt them, and they would all be long gone by then.
The tight set to Klaus’ jaw said the jolts also hurt his arm, but she’d learned he’d only allow so much fussing, as he rudely insisted on calling her concern. Since she’d already pointed out his limitations once and preferred to fight with him when she wasn’t in danger of losing teeth, she supposed she could keep from mentioning his injury. Again.
“Besides,” she dared after a moment. “He deserved a far more ignoble death. It’s a pity we couldn’t provide one.”
A tip of his head, as Klaus agreed with her. She’d been quite clear about her reasons for wanting Damon’s death. His murder had been a very firm requirement in her bargain. Thankfully, the Mikaelson brothers were far from squeamish. 
Underneath them, the carriage finally slowed a hair and they were no longer in quite so much danger of being tossed about. Relaxing now that she no longer needed to brace herself so firmly, Caroline glanced out the window, wondering what lay before them.
She hadn’t expected to feel so… disappointed once the adventure had ended. Oh, they still had a far but to go before they went their separate ways. Klaus had been dropping unsubtle hints about escorting her as far as Boston should she wish it. Kol has minutes far to many innuendos, but she had long since learned how to tune him out. 
Sir Klaus and Sir Kol Mikaelson has been an unexpected addition to her life. The night they'd interceded when they’d thought she’d needed their help, they’d claimed they were looking for their brother. A Duke who had left the family in dire straights with his abandonment. They’d apparently done a fine job of faking his death in good old England, but wanted to confirm the job done. 
She’d been quite surprised when it turned out that the brother was a Duke in truth, off plotting the downfall of his family with his American mistress. Somehow she allowed them to tangle her in their schemes, and in turn they’d provided the aid in hunting she’d been lacking. 
Not quite a month later, and Finn lay cooling in his grave. Damon Salvatore would be a meal to whatever creature found him first. And as an added bonus, the gold they had stored beneath their benches would make them quite wealthy.
“An unfortunate ending,” Klaus said finally into the growing silence between them. “but an ending nonetheless. But tell me, Caroline. With our scheme coming to an end, what are your plans?”
She turned and frowned. “What do you mean?”
Klaus’ brow tilted, amusement in his eyes. “You’ve been rather quiet about your intentions now that you’ve had your revenge, love. Surely a quiet life back East doesn’t appeal to you after you’ve tasted so much freedom.”
Caroline studied him with narrowed eyes. She did not believe that Klaus intended to betray her now. Not after everything else this past month. Their uneasy alliance hadn’t truly developed into something like trust, but she saw where it could become a partnership. If she wanted it too. 
“Perhaps,” she agreed easily enough. “Home would be a bit… sedate. But far less likely that my brand new wealth will lead to bloodshed or my neck in a noose.”
His mouth tightened. “It is unlikely anyone left alive could give a good description of you.”
She laughed. “I am hardly the only pretty blonde, though my sudden blessing of money could be a bit difficult to explain. Though a dead husband is something many wives have in common with me so far west. And you? Back to the chill of your English Hills?”
“There is unfinished business yet,” Klaus agreed. “A few more promises to keep.”
She nodded. “And then back to the boring life of a gentleman, I imagine.”
He made a low noise. “I doubt Elijah would allow either of us to be so underfoot. And neither Kol nor myself are likely to settle. While we should perhaps make ourselves scarce from your most charming of continents for some time, there are other fortunes in different cities to find.”
It was a strain to keep her jealousy off her face at his words. She spoke a smattering of French, had gleaned a fair bit of Spanish during her hunt for Damon. But the life he spoke of, moving from city to city and plundering what they found, that was far more difficult for her. There would be no cover of a mail order bride to aid her as she moved about once she left the west.
Though being a supposed widow would help.
Klaus’ lips curved, something tempting and coaxing about his gaze. “You could come with us.”
Her brows rose as she didn’t try to hide her surprise. “Why on earth would you want that?”
“Your clever,” he said immediately. “Quick on your feet and mean, when the mood takes you. I’d much rather have you on my side than find myself working against you one day.”
“Have you thought this through?” Caroline asked in exasperation. “The West is a bit more… lax, about certain matters, but there is no good reason for a single woman to be traveling with two brothers. Whatever would we tell people?”
A lift of his good shoulder. “That’s easily fixed with a minister, love.”
Her expression turned scandalized. “You want to pretend to be married? We already tried that and it was a full disaster.”
Caroline was extremely particular about her space and having Klaus invade it had been… daunting. Twice, they’d been forced to share a room and it’d been an experience. She’d never been so close to a man before. Waking to Klaus, sleep-warm and long limbed, the firmness of his body taking up most of the space on a mattress that hadn’t been nearly large enough…
Keeping to herself had been far more difficult than she have through. The temptation to touch him, to see what the steady strength of him, injured or not, had felt like beneath her fingers had been heady. That he was deviously clever had been a delightful bonus.
Klaus’ laugh was deep chested, but the gleam behind his eyes was intent. “I didn't plan on it being fake.”
Her spine stiffened. “And this is your idea of a proposal?”
The crease of his dimple deepened. “So it is the manner of my asking that offends you, but not the offer?”
Caroline glared at him. “Why would I marry you? I haven’t even decided if I like you yet.”
“Now, Caroline. We know that isn’t entirely true.”
She refused to blush at the dip in his voice. The reminder of those moments where the air between them had grown warm and filled with tension she’d had no words for.  Not wanting to discuss any of it just then, she lifted her chin. 
“You haven’t answered my question.”
“Why would you marry me?” Klaus repeated. The curve of his smile turned wicked. “I can think of a number of reasons. But to start, it gives you a way off this continent.”
She waved a dismissive hand. “I don’t need you for that. I’m certain I’d find a way on my own, eventually.”
Loud laughter from the front of the carriage told her that Kol was avidly listening. She was amazed he hadn’t butted in with his two cents. Kol enjoyed little more than needling everyone. 
“That,” she said in exasperation and with mostly false irritation while she glanced towards where Kol would sitting. “Is quite the detriment.”
“You know you adore me!”
Caroline rolled her eyes and leaned back. Klaus wore the familiar expression of exasperation and the low simmer of his temper. It was a look she knew he wore most frequently around Kol. But for all of her exaggerated complaining, the younger of the two had become something like a friend. Albeit a very annoying one. 
She wasn’t sure she was ready to let this go. Running her teeth along her lip, she made an impulsive decision. Damon was dead, her mother’s ghost put to rest. For once, her future was about her. 
And maybe that could include Sir Klaus Mikaelson. 
“You have until we reach Boston.”
Klaus’ brows creased with a hint of confusion. “To do what, love?”
“To convince me that I want to marry you.” She narrowed her eyes in warning. “And to plan a far better proposal than your last attempt.”
The sound of Kol’s uproarious laughter did nothing to stop the rising flush in her cheeks at the sudden glean behind Klays’ gaze. The way his gaze dipped to trace her mouth before returning to her wide eyes. 
“With pleasure, Caroline.”
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