#Cassandra Cresswood
cursed-ice-spirits · 4 years
Me: I’m gonna post in the morning
Restless brain: SIKE!
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Anyway two requested girls, Lith Throne ( @slytherinliththorne ) and Cassie Cresswood ( @strawberrysunrisewitches ), both coincidently known to be shy Slytherins
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LuCassie Fluffabet
A - Attractive (what they find attractive)
Lucia loves everything about Cassie from her intense determination at everything she does to how she giggles when she’s having fun and especially how bright her smile always is in the morning when she wakes up
Cassie loves Lucia’s unending optimism and compassion for all their friends and family  She also loves how protective Lucia is of her and how she always makes her feel safe when she’s around no matter what
B - Baby (do they want a family?)
Oh 100% both of them want kids, they have since before they got together, Lucia wants kids because she always loved babysitting her siblings and cousins, and she likes the image of having a big family. Cassie loves being around kids and babies and when she does start having kids she will make sure she’s better than her parents. They of course do have kids shortly after graduating and getting married 
C - Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Both Lucia and Cassie like to cuddle as close together as possible so that they both feel like the other will never go away which is especially important to Lucia who is genuinely afraid of being alone after end of sixth year, Cassie likes being able to listen to Lucia’s heart which calms her down as well
D - Dates (What are dates with them?)
Both Lucia and Cassie prefer nice calm dates which usually means picnics at their favourite park where they have made their favourite food and just enjoy being with each other in the moment and focus entirely on everything the other is doing.
E - Everything (“You are my __”)
To Lucia, Cassie is her light in the dark
To Cassie, Lucia is her universe 
F - Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Cassie knew she loved Lucia quite quickly after they met and Lucia helped her study the vaults which quickly resulted in them becoming friends
Lucia because she is incredibly oblivious to her own feelings took quite some time to realize she loved Cassie romantically rather than just platonically but when Cassie confessed to her, it finally made her realize that she loved Cassie
G - Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Absolutely, neither of them would ever dream of hurting the other physically, Lucia loves running her fingers through Cassie’s hair and vice versa, Cassie loves how when Lucia embraces her they are always the perfect embrace, not too tight and very comforting .
H - Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Lucia loves gently holding Cassie’s hands while being able to softly trace her palms while looking softly at Cassie’s face
Cassie has no real preference for how she holds Lucia’s hands so long as it’s nice and loving.
I - Impressions (what was their first impression?)
Lucia’s first impression of Cassie was someone who was oddly quiet and kept to herself for some reason that she could not see
Cassie’s first impression of Lucia was a very happy over enthusiastic girl who she wished would just go away and stop interrupting her studies
J - Jealousy (do they get jealous?)
Lucia never gets jealous, she knows Cassie would never leave her and would for sure punch anyone in the face for trying to pull a move on her
Cassie on the other does get quite jealous at times, especially when it comes to Rebecca giving Lucia platonic cheek kisses, she still hasn’t got used to that
K - Kiss (how do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Cassie was the one who initiated the first kiss after they both confessed that they loved each other.
Their kisses are always very tender and loving, the more passionate kisses however are reserved entirely for when they are in private
L - Love (who says “I love you” first?)
Cassie was the one who admitted she loved Lucia first after a seemingly innocuous game of never have i ever made her confess in front of her friends and Lucia before she ran off to the Black Lake, Lucia close behind
M - Memory (what’s their favourite memory together?)
Their favorite memory is a tie between their wedding and the birth of their twins Alissa and Selene all for obvious reasons
N - Nickel (do they spoil one another? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Oh they both absolutely spoil one another so much especially Lucia who would do or get Cassie anything that she wants or needs without a second thought or care, in her eyes Cassie should always be happy
O - Orange (what colour reminds them of their other half?)
Red and Blue remind Lucia of Cassie because of Cassie’s red hair and how Cassie always wears blue when they go to balls and dances
Green and Yellow are the colours that remind Cassie of Lucia because of Lucia’s bright green eyes and her hair colour
P - Pet names (what pet names do they use?)
Cassie took Lucia’s nickname that her family calls her, Little Sunflower, and just removed the Little part. Lucia calls Cassie Strawberry Shortcake, Dragonfly and Strawberry
Q - Quaint (what is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Lucia and Cassie like collecting old recipe books to use said recipes at their bakery
R - Rainy day (what do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Lucia and Cassie like cuddling up together with hot chocolate and listen to the rain while also occasionally watching a movie or two
S - Sad (how do they cheer each other up?)
When Cassie is upset, Lucia wraps her in a blanket, places their cats and dog on her and just lets her get everything that’s upsetting her off her chest 
When Lucia is upset, Cassie makes her favourite food and brew some licorice tea before talking to Lucia about completely random nice things to get her mind off whatever is worrying her
T - Talking (what do they like to talk about?)
They like to talk about basically anything at all except the bad stuff that happened to them at Hogwarts, they however especially like talking about their friends and their kids, that always makes them happy
U - Unencumbered (what helps them relax?)
For Cassie, listening to Lucia’s heart is an instant way of relaxing her, it makes he know that Lucia is alright and with her in her arms
For Lucia, snuggling with Cassie in bed with a cup of chamomile tea is exactly what she needs when she is stressed or tense.
V - Vaunt (what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Lucia loves showing off her garden and her wandless magic, she is very proud of Cassie and all of their kids when they accomplish anything at all
Cassie loves showing off any new recipes she has for the bakery and just like Lucia is very proud of everything their daughters do especially when they all became animagi together.
W - Wedding (when, how, where did they propose?)
About two years after they graduate is when they decide to tie the knot, Lucia pulls out all the stops when proposing to Cassie, nothing is too good for Cassie in her eyes especially after everything she put Cassie through over their years at Hogwarts. Lucia for sure proposes in Italy right as the sun begins to set, more than likely she roped her family into setting up a beautiful setting for their date. Lucia after they have had their food would begin listing everything that she loves about Cassie and how much having her by her side has changed her life for the better, once she’s done listing everything she would finally get on one knee and propose to Cassie with a ring she made herself. Cassie would 100% be crying tears of joy once Lucia proposes and would not hesitate to say yes.
X - Xylophone (what’s their song?)
Their song is  Sunshine, Lollipops And Rainbows · Lesley Gore
Y - Yes (do they think about marrying/proposing?)
They both always wanted to get married but it wasn’t until their third year dating each other that they both knew that the other was the one they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with(Near death experiences helped that along too).
Z - Zebra (if they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Both Lucia and Cassie want cats and dogs, specifically three ragdoll maine coon cross cats named Pixel, Yuki and Cassia and a samoyed named Mayhem named such because she caused so much mayhem as a pupper
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cursed-ice-spirits · 4 years
“Absolutely not.”
Rebecca and Diego had their heads together, quietly bickering as they walked, their two companions Lucia and Cassie looking at each other in exasperation and amusement, exasperation probably because how long they were arguing and amusement because of what they were arguing about.
“What is it about again?” Lucia murmured to her girlfriend.
Cassie shrugged. “No idea.” Her eyes flickered about, landing on a lone figure walking by his lonesome down the corridor, and she clasped a hand on Rebecca’s shoulder. “Heads up, it’s the birthday boy.”
Rebecca gasped. “Oh!” She parted away from Diego and gave her friends a fist bump. “Thanks!” She called, and rushed toward Ethren. “Whitecross!”
Ethren visibly jumped and turned around, relaxing when he saw Rebecca heading his way. “Oh,” he said. “Hey.”
“Hey yourself. I’ve heard you had an adventurous birthday,” she said, chuckling when he made a face. “Come on, walk with me.”
“No kidding,” he sighed, starting to walk. “Where?”
“No where in particular.”
As they walked, Rebecca carefully slipped a small present into his bag, ready for him to open when he’s alone.
Happy Birthday Broody Lion ;)
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What Cassie looks like
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Lucia Profile
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Name: Lucia Mirabelle Firahel
Birth Date: February 23 1973
Species: Human
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Residence: Leeds, England 
Myer Briggs Personality Type: ENFP-A The Campaigner
The Mage
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1st Wand:
Pear wood
13 1/4″
Slightly flexible
Horned serpent horn
Animagus: Lucia’s animagus form is a common genet with a black heart pattern on the chest
Misc Magical Abilities: 
Lucia is an occlumens which she learnt from her uncle
She is also an animagus and is registered. She was able to become an animagus due to Cirilo saying she’d become a unicorn
Boggart Form: All of her family and Cassie dead and blaming her for it
Riddikulus Form: Her big brother wearing a tiger onesie chasing her
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?) Someone smelling her in Amortentia would smell sunflowers, honey, chocolates and mint
Amortentia: (What do they smell?) She would smell Strawberries, watermelon, licorice, roasted almonds and chocolates
Patronus: A saber tooth tiger
Patronus Memory: Making chocolate with Cassie on the day they began dating
Mirror of Erised: Herself as an adult married to Cassie with kids
Specialized/Favourite Spells:
Glacius (Cause sometimes you gotta make ice cream faster)
Bombarda (Her go to fuck someone up spell, she’s very destructive)
Expelliarmus(Cause No wand means she can beat the shit out of ya )
Ventus (Kites and watching people slowly get blown into a lake is always fun)
Tempest Jinx(This is the spell that she uses when she is extremely angry and murderous)
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Height: 6′0
Weight: 156 Lbs
Physique: Toned AF and curvaceous
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Dirty blonde
Skin Tone: Peach
Body Modifications:She has a tattoo on her chest of a pale orange flower with a bright orange dragonfly resting on it, On her right arm she has a multi flower tattoo which has a sunflower and a moon flower at the top followed by a pink hyacinth then a star flower, a dragon’s head gladiolus and finally a pink carnation
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In year 7 she added a streak of red hair to her hair
Scarring: She has a scar going from the middle of her left cheek to just below her mouth,A scar on her right side of her waist, a scar just below her chest on the left side she has two x shape scars on her hands and a larger cross shaped scar on her left shoulder.
Inventory: She usually has on her: her wand, a large amount of licorice wands, a charm bracelet that Cassie gave her, large bladed piece of Bladed Wroewolfeite that glows the colour of sunflowers, her orange and purple scarf and a pair of intricately designed magic gauntlets that she keeps under an invisibility charm.
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Ilvermorny House: Pukwudgie
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Head Girl
The Dark Suns Assassin Organization
The Tower of The Regal Sunset Sea
Wand Maker(Briefly)
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies:OWLS
Astronomy: 4/10 (P)
Charms: 3/10 (D)
DADA: 9/10 (O)
Flying: 2/10 (D)
Herbology: 8/10 (O)
History of Magic: 4/10 (P)
Potions: 7/10 (E)
Transfiguration: 8/10 (O)
CoMC: 8/10 (O)
Magical Theory: 9/10 (O)
Muggle Art: 8/10 (O)
Alchemy: 6/10 (E)
Quidditch: Never in a million years
Extra Curricular:
Dueling club
Magical creatures club
Favourite Professors:
Silvanus Kettleburn: He helped ignite her initial path to be a magizoologist and she will always thank him for that until the end of her time
Least Favourite Professors:
Binns: Lucia is extremely confused about how Hogwarts lets him teach to this day despite the fact that everyone sleeps in his class and he is literally the most boring teacher you could ever meet and wishes he would be fired so a professor who can actually teach History of Magic and help any would historians start early
Brother: Cirilo Sebastian Firahel (6 Years older)
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short blonde hair, green eyes, Man mountain of muscle and handsome, well groomed beard
St Bernard animagus
Cirilo is very sweet and charismatic if he has no reason to be angry at you otherwise, he will break your neck, the reasons why is usually related to people hurting his family or abusing kids
He becomes an auror that specializes in investigating and dealing with cases of child abuse and neglect once Rakepick and R are dealt with
He and Lucia are very close and share the same drive to protect their loved ones no matter the costs to others, which is part of the reason why he got involved with R to protect his family, once he learned that R is not to be trusted he breaks all ties with them which officially happens once he is freed
Misc Siblings:
Sonia Firahel(4 years younger)
Enzio Firahel (7 years younger)
Nicoletta Firahel(10 years younger)
Father: Simon Graham Firahel
short blonde hair, blue eyes, fit as fuck and tallest in his family(6′6)
Simon is very compassionate, loving and very calm in day to day life but when he gets angry, he gets angry
He is the sensei of a karate dojo which he has run for most of his life and ensured that all of his kids know self defence just in case magic fails them 
 Lucia is his little sunflower that he will protect until his last breath, while CIrilo’s disappearance did hurt him, he did not let it impact him raising his kids who still needed their father to be there for them
Mother:Bianca Natalia Firahel
Long voluminous blonde hair, green eyes, curvy and kinda tall but not too noticeable of a height(6′0)
Bianca is extremely sweet to everyone she meets unless they want to talk about Ollivander wands and is very intuitive to her kids secrets but will let them tell her in their own time
Bianca is a international wand maker who refuses to only use the big three wand materials and believes there is no such thing as inferior wand materials only inferior wand makers
Love Interest: Cassandra Cresswood
Best Friends: 
Rowan Khanna
Penny Haywood
Rival: Ben Copper (From 1-5)
Death Eaters
Dormmates: (Who’s in your MC’s dorm with them?)
Rowan Khanna
Penny Haywood
Nymphadora Tonks
Chiara Lobosca
Rebecca Lord
Her family owns a a ragdoll cat named Sara
She has a long-eared owl named Artemis
Her entire family owns a black owl that has red eyes called Ares
When she moves out into her own house, she gets a samoyed named Mayhem and three ragdoll cats named Cassia, Yuki and Pixel
Closest Canon Friends:
Talbott Winger
Chiara Lobosca
Penny Haywood
Rowan Khanna
Closest MC Friends:
Rebecca Lord @cursed-ice-spirits​
Jason Novak @death-or-sleep​ 
The O’Donnell Quadruplets @unfortunate-arrow​
She needs more please feel free to ask for your MC to be her friend
Lucia was born in Ariccia, Italy to Bianca and Simon, she is the second oldest. She spent much of her life in Italy until three of her grandparents were killed by death eaters and then her family moved to Britain hence her heavy accent
Lucia’s father taught her everything she knows about fighting which led to her physique and fueled her laser focused aim of protecting her family which is why she was so distraught when Cirilo went missing. For months she was basically inconsolable 
This changed when Lucia realized she can try get Cirilo back by learning everything he did in his investigations of the cursed vaults when she starts Hogwarts.
In her second year, she met Cassandra Cresswood when she decided to search the library on her own for information on the Vaults
She took Cassie to the Celestial Ball but much to Cassie’s disappointment as friends (Lucia didn’t want to jeopardize their friendship despite her having a crush on Cassie)
But later in the year, Cassie got fed up with Lucia and full out asked her out though they tried to keep it secretive
Year 5 was bittersweet for Lucia, on one hand she got her brother back and he decided to not abandon her but on the other hand Rakepick escaped after torturing Merula.
During her fifth year, Lucia also forged her magic gauntlets at  The Tower of The Regal Sunset Sea which is also her family’s ancestral home. Her gauntlets increase her speed and strength
Time for a lot of canon divergence  Lucia gave up on the cursed vault hunt, leaving it to Cirilo and everyone else but just in case she hired the Dark Sun Assassins, which is led by her extended family, to kill Rakepick just in case to calm her worries
In her sixth year, she very reluctantly came along with Ben and Merula to investigate rumours of an R meeting in the forbidden forest, this is where Rakepick tried to kill Ben and when Rowan tried to get in the way of Rakepick’s killing curse. Lucia pulled Rowan out of the way just in time and anger welled up inside her due to her remembering her helplessness when her grandparents died causing her to use the full power of her gauntlets ending up with Rakepick’s left arm being obliterated.  
After this is when she got her tattoo, it represents Cassie 
It is also in her sixth year that her relationship with Cassie is found out by the school when they are caught kissing before a quidditch match
In the final battle of the cursed Vaults when all of R tried to get the treasure of the final battle, Lucia joined in the battle and was the one who ended up killing Rakepick
After she graduates, she briefly becomes a wand maker and magizoologist before finally becoming a baker with Cassie
Three years after she graduates, she and Cassie get married
Four years after she graduates, she has her first kids, Alissa and Selene though they are carried by Cassie
When Voldemort returned she was openly defiant of him and joined the Order of the Phoenix. She also sheltered Muggleborns where she could and commonly was found dueling Death Eaters sent after her and her family alongside Cassie
She had Aurea a year before the battle of Hogwarts, this time she was the one who was pregnant
She was absent from the Battle of Hogwarts as she stayed behind to protect her family from any would be attackers while Cassie went to fight in the battle which she survived much to Lucia’s relief and the two were able to live their lives in peace
Lucia most of the time is very happy, always smiling in some way but this hides her extremely protective side for her loved ones and the anger that follows when her loved ones are hurt. She will never give up on anyone and will always do her best to help them.
However if anyone she cares about is hurt and she can’t get revenge either because the perpetrator is gone or whoever or whatever did it did so out of fear, she will be very distraught and blame herself even if she quite literally couldn’t have done anything and will shut herself away for days but if the perpetrator is not gone then she will be merciless and will kill them if they hurt her loved ones badly enough(Before Year 5, she would not readily kill).
She for the most part cannot handle people who are seemingly grumpy all the time and will intentionally avoid people like that.
She is very empathetic and tries to do her best to help her friends out when they are in bad places but she fails to take the same advice and apply it to herself and will fall into dark places easily if the signs aren’t noticed quick enough. 
She is very resistant to sleeping potions and charms to such an extent that by the time she’s in year 7 she is basically immune and requires extremely potent versions used on her for it to take proper effect
All her scars came from a magical accident when a spell she was trying to create backfired injuring her and Cassie
She is very proud of her heritage and will fight people if they insult it in her presence
She has Norse ancestors on her father’s side of the family though most of the traditions and practices from them have been lost in time
She is fluent in Italian, English and Scottish Gaelic, the latter of which she learned from Cassie
She for most of her life had a huge fear of heights which came from her fall, she overcame it with the help of her friends when she decided to watch Cassie’s quidditch matches
She is very physically affectionate and will hug all her friends without a thought and will always make it known that she cares about them 
When she first started Hogwarts her italian accent was very strong but over time it began to fade and once she graduates and moves in with Cassie, she starts unwittingly adopting a slight scottish accent which is tinged with her remaining italian accent
She is a very good singer, she taught herself and was naturally good from the onset. She knows many italian songs and lullabies
She is a black belt in Karate and despite her much less chaotic life after Hogwarts and the Second Wizarding War she maintains her strong AF physique
The scarf she wears was made by her late grandmother and she is rarely seen without it unless she is dueling seriously
She is named after her strongest ancestor Lucia Altera, a name which she lives up to.
She is capable of casting two of the unforgivable curses except for the killing curse
The names of her five daughters are; Alissa Dawn, Selene Abigail, Aurea Amara, Roxanna Amber, Rebecca Ciana and Hannah Chiara Firahel
Format made by @hogwartsmysterystory
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Cassie Profile
Format made by @hogwartsmysterystory​
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Name: Cassandra Eliza Cresswood
Gender: Female
Birth Date: February 1973
Species: Human
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: Neutral Good
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: Scottish
Residence: Glasgow, Scotland
Myer Briggs Personality Type: Defender-ISFJ-T
The Mage
1st Wand: 10", Cedar, Phoenix tail feather
2nd Wand: 10″, Ebony Oak, Horned serpent horn (made by Bianca Firahel)
Animagus: Red Squirrel with a red heart marking on the chest
Misc Magical Abilities: Legillimens
Boggart Form: Lucia dying
Riddikulus Form: Lucia dressed as a clown
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?) Strawberries, watermelon, Lavender and roasted almonds
Amortentia: (What do they smell?)  sunflowers, honey, chocolates and mint
Patronus: Flame Skimmer Dragonfly
Patronus Memory: Getting married to Lucia(Was made up until they actually did)
Mirror of Erised: She and Lucia having a happy family together
Specialized/Favourite Spells:
Carpe Retractum
Orchideous (She used this spell to help ask out Lucia)
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Height: 5′3
Weight: 138lbs
Physique: Muscled arms, quite curvaceous
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Red
Skin Tone: Pale
Body Modifications: Tattoo of a sunflower with multiple sunflowers wrapped around her left arm, around her stomach she has six daffodils forming a heart, In her seventh year she dyed a part of her hair blonde
Scarring: Scar going vertically down left eye, X- shaped scar on the middle of her chest and a scar on her right side of her waist
Inventory: Wand, Dragonfly Brooch gifted by her sister, a charm bracelet that matches with Lucia’s, dragonfly species books, a locket with photos of Sierra and Lucia in it, multiple songbooks  
Hogwarts House: Slytherin 
Ilvermorny House:Horned Serpent
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Arcuri Family
Wand Maker(Briefly)
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: 5/10 (A)
Charms:  9/10 (O)
DADA: 8/10 (O)
Flying: 7/10 (E)
Herbology: 6/10 (E)
History of Magic:  5/10 (A)
Potions: 4/10 (P)
Transfiguration:8/10 (O)
CoMC 7/10 (E)
Music:  7/10 (E)
Ancient Runes:  8/10 (O)
Quidditch: Beater
Extra Curricular:
Frog Choir
Dueling Club
Slytherin Quidditch Team(Beater)
Favourite Professors:
Professor Snape: Despite her skills at potion making being subpar, Cassie trusts Snape and his teaching, she just believes she is not suited for potion making. Snape shared her distrust of Rakepick which Cassie was relieved as many of her friends did not and he helped train her legillimency after the vault, she was also thankful for him giving Lucia the garroting gas as it saved their lives from Rakepick
Professor Flitwick: Cassie took to charms like a duck to water which she attributes to Flitwick’s kind and understanding nature which always encouraged her when she attended his classes and she always looks forward to learning any new charms from him even if she intends on using them to break the rules
Least Favourite Professors:
Rakepick: Cassie never trusted Rakepick from the outset and made this known to all her friends in an effort to keep them safe. When her true nature was revealed in the portrait vault, Cassie was not surprised but she did not expect the things she would do to them.
Professor Trelawney: Cassie does not believe in her teaching Divination, does not believe in any of her prophecies and dismisses them as pure superstition. She believes that someone who is a proven seer should teach instead.
Sister: Sierra Arcuri(Nee Cresswood)
Shoulder length red hair that fades to dirty blonde, brown eyes, lithe build
Duck animagus
She is a muggle veterinarian 
Cassie is closer to Sierra than to her parents especially so after year 3, Every time Sierra returned from Hogwarts, she would regale Cassie with everything she learnt and Cassie listened with great enthusiasm every time. Sierra was the first person Cassie told about her crush on Lucia
Father: Edward Cresswood
Buzzcut red hair, brown eyes, pudgy build
He is a entomologist 
Edward was the one who got Cassie interested in dragonflies when she was young and is very caring to his kids to a certain extent, Before year 3 he supported his daughters in everything they did and worried about how Cassie’s introvertedness could affect her. Eventually he grew hatred towards Sierra and eventually Cassie aswell for their sexualities.
Mother: Joan Cresswood
long red hair, brown eyes, svelte build
She is a published writer
She is the reason why Edward became homophobic in that she was able to convince him that LGBT+ people are wrong to exist and just like Edward she cared about Sierra and Cassie up until that point. She believes that the magic world corrupted her daughters and made them stray from what she saw as their path.
Love Interest: Lucia Firahel
Best Friends: 
Rowan Khanna
Talbott Winger
Chiara Lobosca
Rival: Rebecca Lord ( @cursed-ice-spirits​ ) in Quidditch
Death Eaters
Dormmates: (Who’s in your MC’s dorm with them?)
Merula Snyde
Ismelda Murk
Liz Tuttle
A Elf Owl named Syl
When she moves out into her own house, she gets a samoyed named Mayhem and three ragdoll cats named Cassia, Yuki and Pixel
Closest Canon Friends:
Rowan Khanna
Talbott Winger
Chiara Lobosca
Closest MC Friends:
Lauren Shields
Rebecca Lord ( @cursed-ice-spirits​ )
Cassie grew up in Glasgow, she was very much an inside child always reading books whenever she could, the times she was outside it was to hunt for dragonflies that she saw in her books
When Sierra got her Hogwarts letter, Cassie was incredibly interested in all things magical and begged Sierra when she returns to tell her everything she can.
Cassie learnt about Cirilo and the cursed vaults from Sierra and became determined to prove they exist if she gets accepted to Hogwarts.
A few years later, her wish came true and she was accepted to Hogwarts where she started reading everything she could to do with magic and chose to neglect to gain any friends 
This changed in Year 2 when Lucia Firahel searched the Library for anything pertaining to the Cursed Vaults which was also what Cassie was doing, Lucia’s cheery personality and persistence in talking to Cassie broke through her antisocial exterior and it was here that Cassie developed a crush on Lucia
Next year was one of the worst years of Cassie’s life when Sierra came out to her parents who were disgusted and disowned her. This event hurt Cassie mentally and emotionally to such an extent that she avoided Lucia for weeks until she was able to sit Cassie down with the help of all her friends and find out what the problem was. Lucia promised that if living with her parents ever got too bad then she has a place at her home which increased the intensity of Cassie’s crush on Lucia
In year four Lucia asked Cassie to the celestial ball which excited her a lot until Lucia intended it as just friends which caused Cassie to be less excited but still pretty excited. 
After the ball, Cassie with encouragement from Sierra asked out Lucia though they tried to keep it secret to the school
In year five her legillimency was used by Rakepick to enter the Portrait Vault along with Lucia, Merula, Bill and Ben. When Rakepick betrayed them to say she wasn’t shocked would be very apt, fortunately Lucia was able to make Rakepick go away through the garroting gas
The next year, Cassie was relieved beyond belief when Lucia revealed she will no longer be going after the cursed vaults which meant Cassie wouldn’t have to worry about Lucia’s safety anymore
However she was scared and angry when Ben and Merula made Lucia come with them to the Forbidden Forest, a fear which she was right to have as Rakepick did try to kill them there but thankfully she failed and Lucia survived
It was also during this year that her relationship with Lucia was revealed to the school when they were caught kissing before a quidditch match
In year 7 once she turned 18 Cassie got her arm tattoo so that even if they are apart she is always fighting alongside Lucia
In the final battle against R, Cassie singlehandedly kept any members of R from interfering with Lucia and Rakepick’s duel, killing any who kept trying to do so
After she graduates, she briefly becomes a wand maker under Lucia’s mother and a part-time magizoologist before finally becoming a baker with Lucia
Four years after she graduates, she has her first daughters, Selene and Alissa with Lucia
When Voldemort returned she was openly defiant of him and joined the Order of the Phoenix. She also sheltered Muggleborns where she could and commonly was found dueling Death Eaters sent after her and her family alongside Lucia
Three years after Selene and Alissa’s birth Lucia gave birth to Aurea
Cassie took part in the Battle of Hogwarts with Lucia staying behind to protect their family. When Cassie learnt of Tonks’ death it was as if Lucia’s anger that she would have flowed into her and when the battle recommenced after the armistice ended, every death eater and creature that faced her met a gruesome end, most of the death eaters were unrecognizable at the end of the battle due to the full extent of Cassie’s attacks. Cassie survived the battle and returned home to Lucia’s relief and the two were able to live their lives in peace
Cassie is highly ambitious to an almost extreme degree, before Hogwarts she willingly chose to not befriend anyone to focus on schoolwork instead, this backfired on her in that due to the lack of social skill development she was very shy and avoided people out of shyness rather than willingly when she started Hogwarts. She eventually overcame this shyness over the years with the help of Lucia and her friends.
 She also has an incredible competitive streak that comes out when she takes part in any competition and is always seen in Quidditch especially once Lucia started watching her matches.
She struggles with emotional situations and will always leave it to others to deal with that stuff, she hates this part of her as many of her friends deal with emotional breakdowns multiple times over the years and she never knows how to help.
Once she is befriended she will never let a single bad word be said about her friends without her shutting them up and will never give up on her friends no matter what. If you aren’t her friend and you wrong her and/or her friends then never expect her to forgive or forget ever.
The names of her five daughters are; Alissa Dawn, Selene Abigail, Aurea Amara, Roxanna Amber, Rebecca Ciana and Hannah Chiara Firahel
She is fluent in English, Scottish Gaelic and Italian which Lucia taught to her
Has a pretty strong Scottish accent which never goes away with age
She’s left handed
She got her scars from a magical accident involving a spell Lucia was working on
She has a fear of bees from an incident when she threw a rock at a beehive when she was young and the swarm chased her until she got inside safely
She only joined Quidditch at first because she wanted to experience Quidditch up close but her competitive streak soon took over and she started loving it but she  never wanted to be a professional quidditch player
She was taught to sing by her sister, Sierra and was a great singer out of the gates
She’s had two dragonfly brooches in her life, the first was from her parents but after they disowned Sierra she threw it into the Black Lake 
She is really only physically affectionate with Lucia, that is not to say she is touch scared or won’t reject hugs from her friends but she won’t be the one to initiate any hugs
She is very knowledgeable about everything related to dragonflies 
She can in theory cast all three unforgivable curses 
When she graduated, she packed her stuff and left home immediately kissing Lucia in front of her parents as a big fuck you to them for how they treated Sierra and her
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