#Cassidy.ᵒᶰᵉ ᶠᶤᶰᵉ ᶤʳᶤˢʰ ᵍᵒᵇˢʰᶤᵗᵉ
katexrenner-a-blog · 7 years
continued from x || @notoneofthegoodguys
Kate let out a small sigh as she sat next to Cassidy on the bed. She ran her fingers through his hair, giving him a smile when he mentioned Denis’ rebellion. “I can’t guarantee he’ll listen to me, but I can try.” she said, getting up from the bed and heading out of the room so she could get Cassidy a mug of blood. After she got the blood out of the fridge and heated it up, carefully listening to Jesse in the other room as she did so. She couldn’t help but laugh to herself as she heard his ‘police sergeant voice.’ As she finished making the blood, she poured two mugs full of it, one for Cass and one for Denis. She took the mugs in her hands and walked back into Cass’s room. She set Denis’ mug down on the table and handed Cassidy his. “Here you go, hun.”
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katexrenner-a-blog · 7 years
continued from x || @notoneofthegoodguys
Kate let out a sigh as she rolled her eyes at Cassidy’s little comment. “I told you not to call me that.” she said before she ran her fingers through her wet hair. “I love the rain, trust me, but I’m not a fan of it when I don’t have an umbrella or a jacket.” she said, flipping her hair over her face, running her fingers through her hair to get any knots out. Then she flipped it back up so it could rest on her back again. 
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katexrenner-a-blog · 7 years
continued from x || @notoneofthegoodguys
"Sorry about going all ninja on you. It’s just instinct at this point at guess.” she said with a small laugh. From years of doing contract killings and bank heists with Jesse and Tulip, she had learned many moves that would help her in a tight situation, so beating someone up when they woke her up was purely on accident. 
She couldn’t help but smile at Cassidy’s suggestion. Kate was about to respond to Cassidy’s offer when she heard Jesse in the other room calling off the police that had been watch for the last week. “Looks like we don’t need to sneak out after all.”
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katexrenner-a-blog · 7 years
continued from x || @notoneofthegoodguys
Kate’s eyes widened a bit when she heard Cassidy’s words. Had he already been drinking today? She looked away from him when she heard Denis scoff. He probably overheard his father’s comment and Kate knew how embarrassing it was when someone’s father would talk the way Cassidy was in front of company. “Why are you like this Cassidy?” she asked with a small smirk as she turned her attention back to the tv.
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katexrenner-a-blog · 7 years
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Picspam for @notoneofthegoodguys ! Hope you like it hun! <3
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katexrenner-a-blog · 7 years
continued from x || @notoneofthegoodguys
[iMessage: Cass] What? [iMessage: Cass] You aren’t making any sense [iMessage: Cass] I’m pretty sure you’re not allowed in the pool after hours [iMessage: Cass] You’ll cause Denis to get kicked out [iMessage: Cass} CASS GET OUT OF THE WATER OH MY GOD NO ONE WANTS TO SEE YOUR PASTY ASS IN THE POOL.
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katexrenner-a-blog · 7 years
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Surprise edit for @vaempir ! Hope you like it hun!
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katexrenner-a-blog · 7 years
continued from x || @notoneofthegoodguys
"Why are you watching me sleep?” Kate asked as she sat up, running her fingers through her long brunette locks. “Did you sleep there last night?” She knew for a fact that Cassidy wasn’t there when she fell asleep last night. She wasn’t sure how she had fallen asleep with the events that took place the day before. The Saint of Killers nearly killing her and Tulip, Cassidy getting his fingers cut off, Jesse not acting like his normal self, finding out Denis was Cassidy’s son. All of those thoughts were running through her head but maybe that was enough to knock her out for the night. 
She let out a small sigh before she looked over to the Irish vampire. “How’s Denis doing?”
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katexrenner-a-blog · 7 years
continued from x || @notoneofthegoodguys
Rare was it that Kate found herself intoxicated. She had a high tolerance throughout the years of drinking whiskey and vodka, so it always took her a while to get drunk. But when she did, she became the biggest flirt on the planet. She had come to the bar with Cassidy, but she found herself sitting at the bar with a rather handsome man at her side. After throwing back shot after shot after shot, she found herself beginning to get a bit tipsy. She could tell the man next to her was also tipsy, so a little harmless flirting wouldn’t hurt anyone right?
The two were touching shoulders and she was laughing at his awful puns. Maybe she could go back to his place and get laid since everyone else around her was. Jesse and Tulip. Cassidy and... well Cassidy always found some woman to have a good time with. As her new friend began to reach out to touch her shoulder, she felt someone wrap their arm around her. She looked up and gave a big smile when she saw it was Cassidy..
“Oh, hey Cassidy! This.. This is my new friend! His name is Jason.” she said, a slight slur to her speech.
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katexrenner-a-blog · 7 years
continued from x || @notoneofthegoodguys
[iMessage: Cass] You can’t break your tongue off [iMessage: Cass] I’m pretty sure  doeitos and vodka whiskey bars aren’t a thing. [iMessage: Cass] Where are you? [iMessage: Cass] ... please tell me Jesse is with you
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katexrenner-a-blog · 7 years
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The Unholy Square
( @thelovcless , @gxnsandtxlips , @notoneofthegoodguys )
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