#Cassie MacEntire
cassidystclair · 2 years
I saw as ask meme about what your character’s go to drink is so here’s a bunch of drinks for characters w/o context <3
Helen gets a medium americano, 4 shots, iced in the summer, hot in winter.
Cassie gets a large iced white mocha, no whip, all year round.
Aaron gets a medium hot earl grey tea (and puts so much sugar in it) and gets it even in summer to seem “cool” and “mysterious”
Amanda gets a medium hot vanilla latte in winter, and an iced chai in summer
June gets a pink lemonade, no matter where she goes or time of year.
Susie only drinks shitty gas station cappuccinos and Arizona iced teas.
Helena brought over a tea recipe from the old country that the old folks make in winter. It’s recipe is a closely guarded town secret but it’s extremely beloved by all and a warmly held tradition to drink when the weather gets cold
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bibliophileiz · 1 year
Hey at least reba macentire got to do something.
I assume Cassie is going to save the day since she's the only competent person left
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