#Casual Banter has 10k hits and almost 600 kudos and I'm having emotions about it
slusheeduck · 6 months
Party Favors
That’s what everyone had called Falerin tonight.
“It’s our hero!” called as greeting as his glass was refilled again and again.
“I’m crafting an ode to our hero,” the bard, Alfira, had said with a cheeky little strum of her lute.
Hero hero hero. Fal had never thought of himself as a hero, truthfully. That’s not to say he hadn’t wanted fame—yes, his main reason for wanting to be a wizard had been for the magic needed to keep himself alive, but he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about the renown that would come with that level of power. If he lived, he might as well be some level of famous. A Falerin of Neverwinter situation, to take a leaf out of Gale’s book.
Hero, though. Falerin Glais, hero of the Grove. Much more swashbuckling—Wyll-esque, really—but he actually quite liked the sound of that, too. Maybe that’s how he’d get to live forever, through his deeds. It worked for Drizzt Do’Urden, after all. And if the tadpole helped him be able to do all this…
The thing in his head twitched, and he grimaced. No, no, that kind of thought needed him to be a lot less happy and a lot more sober. He shook it off, giving a smile to a passing tiefling who gave him a wink as he refilled his glass. This was no revel, not even close to one, but the atmosphere was similar—the joy and celebration giving way to hooded eyes and coy smiles.
Fal had done his rounds earlier, checking in with everyone save for two. Astarion, who looked as though he very much hadn’t wanted to be bothered as he stayed near his tent, a bottle in one hand and his book in the other. And their newest arrival.
Falerin glanced over to Halsin, trying to take a casual drink from his glass as he did and ending up with a good amount spilling out down the side of his face. He couldn’t say what it was, but he liked the druid. It was different than how he and Gale had clicked instantaneously, or how he and Karlach had, for all intents and purposes, pointed at each other and decided they were friends. It was that…comfort about being a little more wild than most. Very reminiscent of the fey, which was nicely familiar territory for Fal, but with a much more grounding, solid presence—it was as attractive as a pretty face.
Okay, and his biceps. His biceps also helped.
Fal wiped off the wine that had spilled down his cheek, laughing a bit to himself before he took a deep breath. The air was full of potential tonight, and…well. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. He refilled his glass, then made his way over to Halsin. The druid looked up immediately as he approached, and he chuckled as he looked him over.
“I see we’ve already had a casualty tonight,” he said, gesturing to the fresh stain of wine on Fal’s shirt. “But that’s one I’m glad to see.” He waved his hand. “But go on now, don’t waste a night like this talking to me. We’ll discuss your problem in the morning.”
Falerin bit his lip. How did he flirt? Had he ever actually flirted? That wasn’t how the fey worked, and with Astarion…well, he was much more flirted at than flirted with. Finally, he smiled and held up his glass.
“I’m not wasting my night at all,” he finally said. “I thought you…might want to have a drink with me.” There. Perfect. He was so good at this.
Halsin looked him over, then gave a warm smile before he shook his head. “In truth, I rarely imbibe,” he said, voice lowering like he was sharing a secret. Falerin leaned in without hesitation. “The stuff goes right to my head. Before you know it, I’d be breaking into song or…” He chuckled, gesturing to Falerin. “…declaring love to the first person I laid eyes on.”
Falerin’s breath caught. Was he flirting back? He must be. “That…that doesn’t sound so bad to me,” he said, his own smile widening. He was this close to twirling a finger in his hair and giggling.
“You haven’t had the misfortune of hearing me sing,” Halsin quipped back with a wink.
Falerin took another drink of wine, bracing himself. All right. In for a copper… “Perhaps there’s something else you’d rather do, then…”
Was that obvious enough? He tried to show off every bit of his intention in the words as he could, but this was so not his area.
Halsin met his eyes with a smile and, with a thrill of delight from Fal, his gaze traveled over the half-drow’s frame with something a bit more intense than a mere once-over. He wanted it too. Fal’s heart beat hard enough that, without the tadpole, he’d be worried about having an episode.
“I’m sure there are,” he rumbled. “You strike me as extremely…resourceful.” But, just as Falerin was about to throw himself right at the druid, Halsin sighed and shook his head with a smile. “But there are many grateful people here who want to spend time with you. I must not keep you all to myself.” His eyes flicked up to meet Fal’s odd-eyed gaze, the hazel of them warm and wanting. “As enjoyable as that may be.”
“They’re fine,” Falerin assured breathlessly, stepping closer. “I’ve spent time with them.”
Halsin’s eyebrows rose and, subtly but pointedly, he glanced over the warlock’s shoulder. As subtly as he could, Fal glanced back. To his great surprise, Astarion was watching them, fiddling agitatedly with the bottle in his hands. His expression was…not one that Fal could place, not at this level of drunkenness, at least. Desperate was the first word to come to mind. He seemed to realize Fal had looked over, and he immediately took a swig from the bottle, trying to look cool and disinterested as he had up to this point.
“He’s been watching you all night,” Halsin murmured. “And I’ve seen how you speak with him in the short time I’ve been with your party. I think you know where your attention should really go.”
Falerin swallowed, nerves returning in full force. He took a drink, shifting his weight back and forth for a moment as he tried to think of how to best phrase what had been gnawing at him. Instead of any eloquent answer, he blurted out, “I don’t think Astarion really likes me.”
Halsin looked surprised at that, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, he crossed his arms, brows furrowing curiously. “You think he’ll turn down your advances, then?”
Falerin chewed his lip. “No,” he said after a moment of deliberation. “No, I don’t think he will. But…” He let out a sigh that was much sharper and louder than he intended. “I think…I think he feels…forced to, for whatever reason. Maybe because he feeds from me?”
“He feeds…?”
“Oh, he’s a vampire,” Falerin said with a casual wave of his hand. He paused, then quickly added, “A good one! He’s a good one. Only feeds on animals. And, you know, enemies. And me.”
Halsin blinked. “Well. Not the strangest traveling companion I’ve had…but up there,” he mused, then looked back to Falerin. “Do you like him? I suppose that’s another area to consider.”
Falerin let out a long sigh, shutting his eyes. “I like him so much,” he whispered. If he was any less drunk, it’d feel juvenile to say—like admitting a childhood crush—but now, there’s no small amount of relief in finally saying the words aloud. “I think he’s wonderful, and funny, and so good at what he does, and—I mean, yes, he’s gorgeous, he’s fucking beautiful, but everyone in this camp is beautiful…”
“I have noticed that, yes,” Halsin said mildly.
“But it’s so much more than that with Astarion for me. I see the way he looks at the night sky and basks in the sun and he’s so happy for those few moments and…” Falerin looked up, trying to find the right words. “I think, if he…if he had someone he could feel safe with…I think he’d just, I don’t know, blossom. Does that make sense?”
Halsin smiled. “Perfect sense,” he assured. “I have no doubt that you could be that for him. But do you want to?”
“So badly,” Falerin said without hesitation. “But I can’t…I can’t say anything like that. He’ll get all…sneery about it.”
“Then show him. There are too many ways for words to get tangled, in my opinion. It’s one of many things nature does better than people,” Halsin said with a little chuckle. He nodded back toward Astarion. “If you’re careful, if you’re slow, I think it’ll work. Like…approaching a cat you don’t know.”
Falerin nodded. He took a breath, then finished his glass and set it aside. He paused, looking up at Halsin. “Thank you,” he said quietly. “For…letting me dump all that on you. I’m friends with the others, of course, but…”
“But you’re trying to keep everyone working well together, and matters of the heart make that difficult,” Halsin said with a knowing nod. “I know that all too well with my position.” He gave Falerin a warm smile. “We’ve a long journey ahead. I’m sure we’ll find plenty of time to talk on all sorts of things, and I look forward to it. For now…” He gestured for Falerin to get moving. The half-drow gave him a wide smile, then took a breath and made his way to Astarion’s tent as casually as possible.
Astarion, in turn, seemed to be equally casual in his acknowledgment of Falerin as he came up to him, but the warlock could see the tension melt from him as he approached. Relieved, if only for a moment. He leaned in, closer than he needed to, before Falerin could even greet him.
“You know,” he said, voice quiet, “I never pictured myself as a hero. Never thought I’d be the one they toast for saving so many lives. And now that I’m here…” He took a swig from his bottle, head lolling to meet Falerin’s eyes with total disgust. “I hate it. This is awful.”
Falerin snorted before he could stop himself, the tension from hyping himself up to have any sort of conversation with Astarion melting away as he laughed. “Really? Saving lives is awful?” he asked, still grinning.
Astarion jerked up the bottle in a half-shrug. “We killed some goblins to save some tieflings. The tally of lives didn’t change much.” He took a swig before sending what could only be described as a pout to Falerin. “And what do I get for all my hard work? A pat on the head, and vinegar for wine.”
Falerin grinned at him, and he pulled the bottle away to take a drink. It’s a heavy, rich red, dry and sharp. Reminiscent, really, of the vampire drinking it.
“See what I mean? Awful.”
Falerin shook his head. “We have definitely had worse,” he said, still grinning. “I think you’re just being difficult on purpose.”
“Me? Difficult on purpose?” Astarion scoffed. “Now I have to deal with shit wine and cruel warlocks. I’m starting to think I should have sided with the goblins.”
“I would’ve had to kill you.” Falerin took another drink. “Or you would’ve killed me, I suppose. Or, what if we killed each other at the same time?”
“How romantic. I assume we’re dying in each others’ arms in this morbid fantasy of yours. Though I don’t suppose…How would that work, if we were both dying?” Astarion suddenly waved his hand. “Look. All I want is a little fun. Is that too much to ask?”
“Were we not having fun just now?” Falerin asked.
Astarion looked up at Falerin from under his lashes. “Not the kind of fun I was picturing, darling.”
Falerin wet his lips and swallowed. Here it was. “So…so what is your idea of a little fun?”
Astarion rolled his eyes with enough force to send his whole body swaying. “By the hells. Sex, my dear.” He rested a cool hand on Falerin’s arm as he purred out, “A night of passion.”
“Ah.” Fal stared straight ahead, every possible thought crashing together in his head. “With me?” he asked stupidly, as if he hadn’t just agonized over this possibility with Halsin fifteen minutes ago.
“No, with Zevlor there. Of course with you.” Astarion’s hand traveled down Falerin’s forearm, clever fingers caressing his wrist as he leaned in, voice dropping to a whisper in his ear, “Let’s wait until things quieten down. Once the others are asleep, we’ll find each other.” Astarion’s lips brushed his ear in the barest hint of a kiss, and he pulled back with a smile. “I’ll see you soon, Falerin,” he purred as he finally drew his hand away and went back to his tent.
Falerin stood in place for a moment, balking. Okay. Okay. He was doing this, and he was going to do it right. Tempting as it was to just go with what Astarion was offering—a night of passion, a bit of fun, nothing more—he’d do his best to show that he could be safe with him. Foolproof.
But…maybe a few more hero’s toasts first wouldn’t hurt.
There was a clearing, not far from camp, that Falerin had been to a few times when the stress of traveling with six extremely strong personalities had been too much. He knew the others had been there, too, so instinctively, that’s where he had known he’d find Astarion. The party had already started dying down when he stole away, and it was quiet as he stepped into the space.
For a moment, he shut his eyes and just tried to calm himself, ignoring the amused chuckle in the back of his mind. Good for you seemed to be what his patron was saying. Glad to know she approved, though she’d likely be equally happy if he royally cocked up a moment like this. No…pun intended.
He looked up as he heard a rustle in the underbrush, and Astarion stepped out into the moonlight, pale skin practically glowing as he did. Falerin had gotten the odd glimpse of him here and there—quickly averted glances while bathing or changing, the sort of thing that was unavoidable when traveling with people for a significant amount of time. But this time, Fal let himself look.
He was beautiful, obviously. All lean muscle and angles, with just enough softness to make Falerin desperate to touch him. And clearly he knew it, with the way he practically posed in a moonbeam. Look at me, was the silent message. Don’t you want me? Of course you do.
Another giggle tickled at the back of his mind. Someone thought he was trying too hard. Falerin tried to shush her as best he could with his mind, then smiled as Astarion sidled over.
“There you are,” he purred out, hooded eyes locking on Falerin. “I’ve been waiting. Waiting since the moment I set eyes on you.” He reached out, finger lightly chucking under Falerin’s chin. “Waiting to have you.”
Oh no. Oh dear. The laughter in his head got louder, and a giggle bubbled out of him before he could stop it.
“You tackled me to the ground and held a knife to my throat!” he exclaimed with a loud laugh before covering his mouth. Astarion blinked, and the seductive poise suddenly evaporated.
“I…well, after that,” he said, suddenly cross. “Clearly.”
“When you said you were going to decorate the ground with my innards?”
Astarion huffed, arms crossing. “Look, if you don’t want to, I can find plenty of other people to spend the night with,” he said, almost petulant. “I bet that stuffy tiefling wizard wouldn’t have such cheek.”
Oh, no. There was still plenty of wine in Falerin, but he could still tell that he’d struck a bit of a nerve. He stepped up to Astarion, chancing to brush his fingers against his cheek. Astarion flinched automatically, and he pulled his hand back. “I do want to,” he murmured, leaning to meet Astarion’s eyes. “Gods, I want to so badly.” His mouth quirked up. “Would you believe that I have wanted you since you held a knife to my throat?”
Astarion looked up at him, and he sighed. “I would, actually,” he said. He took a breath, then smiled, bringing his hand up to cup Falerin’s cheek. The seductive switch was turned back on; fascinating to see, really, but it also sent an odd little twist in Fal’s stomach that wasn’t quite…comfortable. But Astarion tilted his head, red eyes locked on his as he smiled.
“And now, you have your chance,” he said, voice low enough to raise goosebumps on Falerin’s skin. “You’re here. And I don’t think you want to talk.” Before Falerin could say that he wouldn’t mind that, actually, he leaned in, lips brushing the half-drow’s and sufficiently stealing every possible reply as he murmured, “I think you want to be known. To be tasted.”
Falerin’s brain stopped, odd eyes wide as he stared up at Astarion. He swallowed hard, heart pounding in his ears. Then, voice barely able to get above a whisper, he asked, “What…do you want?”
Astarion’s smile widened, and his voice was pure sin as he dipped down to brush his lips against Fal’s jaw. “What do any of us want? Pleasure.” Open-mouthed kisses found their way down his neck, Falerin’s head tipping back obligingly as his breath hitched. “Yours. Mine. Our collective ecstasy.” He pulled back, smiling as he caught the flush on Fal’s freckled cheeks before he locked eyes with him again. “That’s what you want, isn’t it?” he asked, the promise of every pleasure in his voice. “To lose yourself in me?”
Falerin stared at him, lips parted and pupils blown. But even so…it wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted to be present, to be safe for him. Losing himself would just make him like all the others.
But how could he say that? A little laughter had thrown off Astarion, so imagine what an earnest declaration like that would do. He swallowed, brain trying to race with the admittedly low amount of blood it had to find a solution. He took long enough that Astarion tilted his head.
“Falerin?” he asked. “Are you having a…moment?”
“I want to have fun,” Falerin said in a rush. “That’s…that’s it.”
Astarion looked at him for a moment longer, and his mouth quirked up in an amused smile that almost looked genuine. “Then let’s have some fun.”
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