#astarion x tav
skeptical-lynx · 1 day
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Snuggling with a tiefling be like
twt: https://x.com/skeptical_lynx/status/1816759290071302155?s=46&t=EuBiJuFrpmM7JiLiuDbaCA
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justporo · 3 days
You know what I'm pretty sure Astarion masturbated during the time when Tav and him weren't sleeping together. And he probably felt guilty about it.
Of course he must have done this before, probably rarely though since all things sexual were already tainted. But I still believe he must've felt true desire and lust sometimes. Resulting in him indulging himself if they weren't a target. Or maybe even after he delivered a target that he found truly desirable. So there was guilt and it was all tainted anyways.
Cut to when he's with Tav. It must still make him feel guilty for several reasons, one being old habits, another that he indulges himself while he now even doesn't even provide Tav with the one thing he thought he's good for. But still the feeling of letting his desire for a person he's also developing romantic feelings for take the reins once in a while must be way too tempting.
Now, there probably is an instance where they talk about it. And it's truly awkward, uncomfortable, filled with shame for Astarion. But Tav tries to assure him, tries to ease his guilt. Assures him that they do it too. Maybe even encourages his fantasies, making sure for example he knows when they go bathing in the nearby river. As long as he gets to experience it in his own time and for his pleasure alone, making sure he knows he's allowed to just enjoy his own desire.
And maybe, eventually, Astarion gets to enjoy the act.
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jmliebert · 2 days
♡ little things that would make astarion fall harder for you♡
how you described his looks in great detail once you learned he couldn't see his own reflection (and while doing so, you never once sexualised him)
how you don't press when he doesn't want to talk
how your touch is warm and gentle against his marble skin
how you laugh at the silliest things sometimes
how you give him little looks when you think he isn’t watching
how you tilt your neck toward him playfully
how you ask him how the sun feels on his skin
how you crack vampire jokes
how you cherish the small things in life
how you gleefully ask him to dance with you (and how happy you look when he reluctantly agrees)
how you wink at him from time to time
how you bought him nail file when he lost his
how he realised with you, that kiss can just me a kiss; nothing more, nothing less
how you laugh at his briefs (or more importantly, the message he engraved there)
how he catches the way you gaze at the horizon with a longing for what was or what might have been, when you think no one can see you (he sees though, and understands more than he would care to admit)
how you tug your hair behind your ear (he finds it endearing)
how you have special smile that you reserve just for him and him only
how you give him matching magic rings
how you pause for a moment, allowing him to enjoy the sunset in peaceful silence
how you make it a point to greet him warmly each morning at the camp
how you screeched your nose while tasting particularly awful wine
how you stand up for him, while others are suspicious and wary of who he is
how your hand finds its way into his without you even noticing
you can find more of my works about astarion ♡here♡
and again, thank for the request <3
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steelsuit · 3 days
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Tender Night ❤️
A commission for lovely @bunnidarling of their bard Avy and Astarion ❤️❤️ Thank you!
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vdyuong · 3 days
I have a new obsession.
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Thank you so much!
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vancunin · 1 day
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nellyofthevalley · 3 days
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tumblr hates nice things, you can see the version without awkwardly drawn clothing on twitter 💘
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aurora-darling · 2 days
the adorable way Astarion would light up over quality time/affection is a cure all
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You drew him a bath? He would soften the moment you tell him, his body relaxes as you help him remove his armor. He would watch your every move, his lips forming a slight smile. You turn your back to him to give him privacy as he enters the tub. You added lemons and lavender and ask before washing his back. He closes his eyes, his body relaxing into bliss.
You made him potions/are a healer? He's pretending to be hurt more than he is, pouting from having to leave your tent since you called his bluff. Astarion shows his annoyance when you care for others, his expression sour. He bullies them into leaving early and plays innocent when you scold him.
You hold his hand and kiss his cheek more than his lips? He craves this attention, the pure respect from it. You make him feel safe. He feels less like an object and more like a person. He doesn't feel pressured to keep you interested in sex with him. Instead, sex is now rewarding.
You worry about him? He loves watching you from the shadows, pretending he's still gone. His eyes tear up as he watches you fuss with concern over his return. He smiles as he steps into the room and sees you rushing to hold him. You scold him about worrying you, but you smile as he leans to kiss your forehead.
You listen to him and ask his opinion? He daydreams of you looking at him like he's your idol. The way you ignore others when he talks, your focus on his every word. You remembered his favorite scent, his wine, what position he likes to feed in..
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astarisontheway · 3 days
Ghosts and Silhouettes
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Astarion, haunted by centuries of nightmares, finds himself in a state of panic and pain. In his dazed and disoriented state, he accidentally hurts you, who remains determined to be there for him.
Genre: angst, fluff & comfort
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Astarion's entire world was this moment. The one he kept on repeating. He finds himself all alone in a dark, cold forest. A familiar male voice echoes through the tree branches, a stern and threatening tone to it. His heart pounds, his whole body stiffens. Cazador,his master, shows up right in front of him. Red eyes glowing, piercing through Astarion's, make him recall his worst memories.
A scream rips from his throat, but he can barely hear it. There's no one to save him anyway. Still, he keeps on trying, letting out a helpless sound.
You stumble to your feet upon hearing the silent cries coming from Astarion's tent. The blurred vision almost makes you trip.
You and Astarion had a petty argument. Nothing serious, but it had been a long day, and the stress got the best of you. While everyone else was sound asleep, you drank alone, trying to forget the heated words you two shared. You clearly got a bit carried away with the alcohol.
Fighting against your body, you rush to Astarion's tent, kneeling down to wake him up.
"Astarion." You say, trying to get him out of his meditation state, but to no avail.
"Astarion!" You practically yell, starting to get worried with his restless state. You grab his shoulder, shaking him as you repeat his name.
His eyes flash open like a mad animal, and before you can react, he catches your wrist in an iron grip, fist wrapped tight around it.
You yelp in pain, struggling to pull away from him, but his hand doesn't flinch. Looking at Astarion's face, you can tell there's not an ounce of recognition in his eyes. He looks...empty.
"What's wrong?"
You turn around when you hear Gale's voice, facing the rest of the group. Astarion finally frees you, fully waking up.
"Nothing. Everything's fine,we just need to talk, okay?" You reply, pleading with your eyes for them to go back to their tents. All of them comply and walk away, not noticing how you quickly glance down to look at your bruising arm.
You turn back to Astarion. He's sat up now, widen eyes staring at your arm in clear distress. He would never hurt you. But he just did.
You cut him off, placing your hand on his shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze.
"Don't. You were having a nightmare, you couldn't have known it was me. I know you wouldn't... It's not anyone's fault." You try to put his mind at ease, brush this off.
Astarion's eyes remain fixed on the darker spot that's forming on your skin, vaguely resembling the shape of his hand. His brows furrow, angered by his own behavior.
"I hurt you." He sounds terrified. The thought keeps running through his head.
"Hey-" You whispered softly, pulling him closer. His vulnerable state makes your heart ache.
"I'm okay." You reassure him, kissing his cheek. Astarion looks you in the eyes, searching for any hint of fear. But there's none. Instead, he finds kindness. Warmth. Love.
As if you're made of glass, he wrapped his arms around you. You both remained close like that for a while, enjoying the quietness of the night in each other's proximity.
"I'm sorry. For earlier." He mutters softly against your hair, slightly pulling away to hold your face. You lean into his touch.
"Me too. I know we were just tired, but I hate our petty fights." You smile, holding his hand, gasping when he suddenly pulled you into a needy kiss. He strokes your cheek delicately, leaning back and smiling by seeing you out of breath.
His grin was loving and playful, but you could tell that the aftershock of that nightmare and his consequent behavior still lingered in his eyes.
"You could've just said I love you, you know?" You teased, pecking his lips.
"I think my lips convey that message just fine." His grin gets wider as he gently tilts up your chin before planting a soft kiss on your forehead, making you smile in adoration.
Astarion scoots both of you down, resting his head next to yours, reciprocating the smile. You could lose yourself in his hauntingly gorgeous eyes.
"Your eyes are beautiful." You whisper, tracing his features with your fingertips. His smile seemed to fade away for a brief moment, reappearing too fast for your sleepy state to point it out.
"I know, my love... but I like yours more." He murmurs, the comfortable silence in-between words of affection along with your warmth makes Astarion go back to his meditation.
All the dangers that you're bound to encounter never let you take your peace for granted. But it's on moments like these that you seem to forget it all. For now, you're gratified to sleep in Astarion's embrace. No nightmare could ever change that.
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mutualcombat · 16 hours
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let him snuggle
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moonselune · 2 days
So just a silly little scenario that keeps reeling through my head but: astarion reveals/confirms that he is a vampire and tav is just staring blankly at him for a hot minute so he's fearing the worst but then tav just asks "so like... Do you just use your fangs to puncture the skin and then just slurp up what comes out or are your fangs like. .. sharp straws?"
Okay so when I was younger there was a show called young Dracula and I deadasss thought that was how vampires drank blood as because it was a kids show they couldn't show the blood so I just assumed it went straight up the fangs lmao
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Astarion x reader | Questions
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The moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the campsite. You and Astarion sat a little apart from the others, the crackling campfire providing a warm contrast to the cool night air. Astarion had been acting strangely all evening, and you could tell something was weighing heavily on his mind.
Finally, he took a deep breath and turned to you, his usually confident demeanor replaced with a rare look of vulnerability. "There’s something I need to tell you," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "Something about myself that I’ve been hiding."
You leaned in, your curiosity piqued. "What is it, Astarion?"
He hesitated for a moment, then spoke in a rush, as if afraid he might lose his nerve. "I’m a vampire. Or rather, a vampire spawn."
The words hung in the air between you, and for a long moment, you could only stare at him blankly, your mind struggling to process the revelation. Astarion’s eyes searched your face anxiously, his fear evident as the seconds ticked by.
Just as he was about to speak again, perhaps to explain or to plead for understanding, you finally found your voice. "So, like… Do you just use your fangs to puncture the skin and then just slurp up what comes out or are your fangs like… sharp straws?"
Astarion blinked, clearly taken aback by your unexpected question. "I… what?" he stammered, momentarily at a loss for words.
You tilted your head, genuinely curious now. "Well, I’ve always wondered how it works. Do you bite and then suck, or do your fangs actually draw the blood directly like straws?"
Relief flooded Astarion’s features, followed quickly by a chuckle. "Of all the questions I expected, that wasn’t one of them," he admitted, shaking his head with a bemused smile. "To answer your question, I bite and then… slurp, as you so eloquently put it."
You grinned, your curiosity now fully engaged. "That’s kind of fascinating, in a morbid way. Does it hurt the person you’re biting?"
He seemed to relax further, clearly relieved that you weren’t recoiling in horror. "It can, but it doesn’t have to. There are ways to make it… pleasurable, even. If done right, the bite itself can release endorphins."
You nodded thoughtfully, still processing everything. "And do you have to bite people often? Is it hard to control?"
Astarion sighed, the weight of his existence as a vampire evident in his expression. "I do need to feed regularly, yes. And it can be difficult to control, especially if I’m starved or in the heat of battle."
You reached out and took his hand, squeezing it gently. "Thank you for telling me, Astarion. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to carry that secret. But it doesn’t change how I feel about you."
His eyes softened, a mix of gratitude and surprise in his gaze. "You… you’re not afraid? Or disgusted?"
You shook your head firmly. "No, I’m not. I’m glad you trusted me enough to share this with me. We all have our burdens to bear. Yours just happens to be a bit more… unique."
Astarion let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "Thank you. Truly."
You smiled back, feeling a sense of closeness with him that you hadn’t before, "We’re in this together, Astarion. Vampire spawn or not. But I have one more question."
"Go for it," Astarion chuckled, shaking his head, his white curls framing his face.
"If you could turn your fangs into straws, would you?"
".... quite probably."
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Hope you guys enjoyed it, just a short fun one for y'all x - Seluney xox
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thiriann · 3 days
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justporo · 2 days
I'm having so many nsfw thoughts about Astarion atm (yes, I'll try to write more smut, I need it just as much as you).
But one thing I want to see explored (more) is Tav taking care of Astarion. Just like plainly jerking him off. I'm fairly sure he's not very used to it if at all.
But the thought of Tav slowly teaching him that they are willing to take care of his needs without looking for payment is so endearing to me - and hot.
Especially with a partner that isn't super experienced a kind of "show me how to take care of you and make you feel good" isn't only a wonderful opportunity for them both to explore but for Astarion to slowly let himself fall into his partner's arms.
I need that, okay?
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spacebarbarianweird · 23 hours
People say if Astarion was a fem character, he would be the most hated character ever. I disagree. Astarion is a literal male version of Mara Jade from Star Wars Expanded Universe. No one hated her (well, some disliked her but she was on the coolest female characters ever created).
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seaofdaydreams · 2 days
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Astarion's pickpocketed someone and Baasa (@takaani 's dragonborn) is picking him up and carrying him away from any and all consequences! 😎🖕
Reblog if you too enable the gremlin man! 😏
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panksage · 18 hours
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Kissing on the mouth so they can keep arguing. @interstitialvacancy’s charlatan4charlatan romance staring Yador and Astarion.
🎨I have some slots open for summer so check out my TOS and pinned post for prices!🎨
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