#Cat Spray For Cords
crime-in-alls · 2 years
Not sure if this is a crime, or if it's a great victory for feline kind in the ancient war against spray bottles and water misters
Either way, tis a sad day for my plants, and a triumphant day for Zazel
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dare-to-dm · 29 days
I've had multiple people express to me in the past month that "cats are basically impossible to train". And I just have to reply "skill issue", because it's not that hard, and you absolutely should do it to improve your quality of life and safety for both you and your pets.
I am by no means an expert, but here are the things I've managed to teach my cats:
not to jump on the kitchen counter
not to hover around exterior doors and try to slip through them when opened
not to scratch my furniture
not to chew on cords
not to walk on keyboards
how to snuggle me without hurting me
how to go through a door when I point at it (which is why it's funny to me that the phrase "like herding cats" is meant to describe something difficult)
Neither of my cats are food motivated either, so I can't use treats to teach them. One is motivated largely by pets, playtime and perches with good views. The other is most motivated by snuggles, getting brushed and sink drinks. He likes brushes and sink drinks so much that I actually taught him how to do a trick in order to get them (specifically to give head boops).
It's a matter of finding out what your cats like, what they don't like, and also finding replacements for their more destructive behaviors.
Spraying with a water bottle is a good deterrent for many cats because it annoys/upsets them without harming them. But that's not the case for all cats, so you need to get to know yours well. Something that both of my cats hate is being held, so I use "punishment hugs" to help teach them what I don't want them to do. Maybe your cat hates a particular noise or having their fur rubbed backwards or having air blown at them or something else.
As for replacements, there are some cat behaviors that simply need to be redirected. It's normal for them to want to scratch things, so you need to provide things that are okay for them to scratch in strategic locations. It's normal for them to want to jump on things and be up high, so you need to provide appropriate perches for them. It's normal for them to want to be as close as possible to you while you're working on your computer, so make a comfortable spot specifically for them nearby.
Like I said, I'm not an expert, but I have to say that the efforts I've made have made my cat owning experience a better one. Now if only I could train them not to throw up on the carpet, I would be perfectly satisfied (that's not a joke, if anyone has tips on how to do this I'd love to hear them).
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copperbadge · 11 months
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[ID: Three images; top left, a spray bottle of clear liquid, labeled PRO SPRAY, sits on a gleaming cutting board; top right, Dearborn the tortie glares at the camera from the work desk's copilot basket. Bottom, a white rug with blue patterning in my hallway, surrounded at the edges by dark dustbunny-looking lumps.]
NaClYoHo Day Two! Pardon my grossness.
Yesterday afternoon I did the first of what is usually several trips to the hardware store; I bought spackle, gnat traps, and a PROFESSIONAL spray bottle. PRO SPRAY. It has an adjustable nozzle and measurement marks on the side, so I can dilute the vinegar pretty accurately. Last night I filled it up with vinegar water and laminated the kitchen, and this morning found and killed several weevils it drove out of hiding. It's sitting on the wooden cutting board because I had taken ALL the cleaning supplies out from under the sink and was reminded I should oil my cutting board with some Walrus Oil.
Dearborn is very skeptical about this morning's activity: carpet cleaning.
I threw on an episode of A Date With Dateline, popped in my earbuds, took down my Tineco One X vac and vacuumed for the first time in Slightly Too Long. I didn't get all the way through the house because I was running it on high which drains the battery, but usually vacuuming is a multi-day process. For what I paid for the Tineco I could have a high-end corded vac that does a better job, but I know that I won't use corded vacs because I hate the cord, so I'm okay vacuuming more often with the cordless. In any case, I hit the rugs because the next step was to break out the Hoover Powerdash Pet carpet cleaner and figure out how to use it.
I know I'm dropping a lot of brand names but just because I usually get asked; I don't make money from affiliate links or anything.
Anyway, the Powerdash came to me secondhand from friends who were moving, and for a long time it sat in my hallway in its plastic wrapping because I was intimidated by it. We never had one growing up and I've never really seen one in use. But it turned out that it was super easy to use, you just add water and cleaner to the tank and go; you go over the rug once with the trigger down, to spread water/cleaner, then a second time without the trigger to rinse/dry. I only hit about half of the rugs in my home, just to see how it went, and then stopped because they all seemed to remain very wet after cleaning. (They've since pretty much dried and I'm assured by the internet that's normal.)
The white patterned carpet above is the cats' favorite place to roll around and shed on, and as you can see, those dark dustbunny looking things around the carpet? That's cat hair and other dirt the cleaner pulled up. Gross but visibly effective.
I got a slightly late start so I had myself on a hard time limit; I started at 7, finished up at 8, and still had half an hour left on A Date With Dateline (they sometimes run a bit long). The cleaning solution definitely adds a certain chemical smell to the air, so I'm running the HVAC's fan and I've added "scented candle or incense" to the shopping list. Which I wanted to do anyway; some people always have such nice smelling houses and scent never seems to stick around in mine, but I've never gone hardcore on Making This Place Smell Nice. (Yes, I promise to be careful about what scents I use, I know diffused scents can harm cats.)
Disposable nitrile glove count: Still just 1!
Hardware store trips: 1.....so far.
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I don’t currently own a cat but in the future it’s a goal of mine. Despite not having one right now, I still try to prepare myself for being a parent sometimes by reading about cat care and such lol. Anyways, I know there are some cats that will chew on or even eat things that are definitely not food and I’m so worried my future cat will have this problem since it would likely be one of the more “dog like” breeds that exhibit strange behaviors. I’ve read about Devon Rexes eating weird shit they shouldn’t… the point is, got any advice on how to train them not to do that stuff from a young age? I want to make sure for their safety they won’t do that (ykno even tho the cat is hypothetical atm) Thanks!
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, or whatever the real saying is.
Basically: if you're worried about them chewing on things, set up your space proactively so they can't chew on things that are major health hazards. Remove any toxic plants from the house entirely, secure electrical cords where they can't be reached or put them inside of something that can't be bitten through.
After you've done as much prevention as you can, you really basically just have to work with the cat in front of you. Notice that they like chewing on things? Give them plenty of appropriate options in the form of toys or other enrichment, and make the specific thing you don't want them to chew available.
Kittens, moreso than adults, are going to investigate things with their mouths. And the biggest thing with babies is to not let them practice behaviors you don't want them to do is adults. So if you're getting littles (since you said from a young age), monitor them closely, remove inappropriate items before they can even learn they're fun to chew, and provide appropriate things to gnaw on if they seem to want to chew things. One good thing you can do with a new cat, if you're worried, is keep them confined to one safe room while you learn their behavior, and then allow them more access to the house once you know them better.
There are deterrent sprays like bitter apple that you can put on stuff they're trying to chew, but that should really be something you only try after everything else. If you have to resort to deterrent sprays, you're in a situation where you have to be hyper-vigilant to make sure it's on everything, and there's a lot of room for error (and some animals don't care!).
But here's the thing: at the end of the day, you have to work with the cat in front of you. You can discourage certain actions, but for something self-reinforcing like chewing, you're not necessarily going to be able to train any animal completely out of the behavior. It's natural for them! So I'd suggest maybe reframing the question as "how do I plan to manage this behavior if/when it occurs" not "how do I prevent this from ever happening."
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Demon zombie Au:
Just some ideas for how Demon!Kuai Liang looks and such
-Due to those infected appearances being affected both based on their environment, their own personal nature, and even due to experiments done on them in Kuai’s case
-demon! kuai Liang’s has similar eyes to that of wraiths or spectators, no pupils, just the Iris being almost visible and glowing, his glowing blue with no emotion behind them. [Kinda simialr to Giyuu from Demon Slayer if you look him up]
-Had horns but they were barely visible and not really developed until the Lin Kuei got access to him, they grew fast but were incredibly brittle due to the fast growth so long is almost completely broken
-Eyes glow in the dark when light hits them like a cat, scares the shit out of random warriors or just Hanzo who got up to check on him
-Lot of scars both from missions and experiments, while demons are not exactly always the most welcoming of random demons on their territory and Kuai got the blunt of it sometimes
-claws, just claws
-Devleoped scales, they scatter all over his body and they do hurt him and he needs to remove them manually to let new scales grow in
-His vocal cords got fucked up as well, both due to being bit in the throat but also that it’s harder for him to form any words, on able to make mostly unnatural sounds like growling and hissing
Ahhhh I love this, and I will add:
Kuai Liang's horns were also brittle due to malnutrition (demons don't need to eat to survive but they do need it to survive well and be healthy) so his horns get longer and stronger after he gets taken in by Hanzo and Harumi
Harumi has a spray bottle for when Kuai Liang hisses just to be surly. He finds this very amusing
Hanzo finds the growling very attractive
Bi-Han used to help pull Kuai Liang's scales whenever they grew in too much, and before Hanzo and Harumi realized he needed help, Kuai Liang had to pull them himself and he couldn't reach his back
Demons stay very far away from the Shirai Ryu now that Kuai Liang is there bc that is His territory and he Does Not Share
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shadythetortie · 7 months
Me, spraying diluted Franks Hot Sauce onto my plants and cords to keep bugs and cats from chewing on them: I really do put that shit on everything
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bumblebeerror · 1 year
Please don’t be afraid to get older.
I’m 25, and I have varicose veins and nanny goat hairs and moles and freckles and wrinkles at the corners of my eyes. I have old scars and pockmarks and dents in my skin. I have old burns and tattoos and cuts and bruises.
And the older I get, the more i feel comfortable in this body, the more I feel I’ve truly lived in it. I’ve picked the curtains and I’ve dented the walls and I’ve put nail holes in the drywall to hang up a new picture.
I’ve had fun with this body, I’ve rolled down hills with this body, I’ve played with my dog with this body, I’ve loved my cat with this body, I’ve kissed my mother and held my brother’s hand. I’ve punished this body, I’ve torn this body up with the things I’ve felt, I’ve screamed these vocal cords raw, I’ve bitten these hands, I’ve bashed this head into a wall. I’ve marked this body with ink and nail polish, I’ve injected hormones into it, I’ve smoked weed with it, I’ve nicked my fingers building things, I’ve cleaned and walked and run and jumped with it
And it’s all here, like a history book written on my skin and in my bones. It’s here. It’s all happened and the memories are etched into my muscles and tendons. My stomach remembers the nice things I’ve eaten and my tongue remembers my first kiss. My eyes remember the colors of the flowers in my dad’s funeral spray and my ears still echo with the sound of my brother asking me if I’d paint his little nails. My toes remember a hundred different beaches of sand and rock, my hands know how to fold paper and play games and sew. These shins know someday I’ll fall up the stairs again, and these arms know how to scoop up a kid to see them smile. These cheeks remember my family’s kisses and the summers of sunburns. This hair remembers every botched bleach job I’ve tried on it and every color I’ve dyed it. These under eye shadows remember the nights I’ve spent so happily engrossed in a game that I couldn’t sleep. These lines at the corners of my eyes remember every time I’ve smiled.
It’s all here, it’s all mine. And I hope I collect more. I hope I’m given more reminders. I hope I get more scars and more moles and more wrinkles and more veins that poke out.
Please don’t be afraid. Your body’s just being lived in.
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seishirokitten · 2 years
Travel Habits
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Barou Shouei ⚽🖤
There are several things Barou packs to prepare for traveling the country or the world. The first being his trust lemon scented bleach wipes, his own pillow, and most importantly your body wash.
Using it after every game not caring that the scent is soft, floral and sweet. It makes the sheets smell like you, well almost. It is missing you of course but it's as close as he can get. Letting the smell wash over his tired body and he'll fall asleep arms curled around the pillow as he sleeps on it as he would after every home game. His face buried into your chest or throat because you're the only thing that can make him relax. He'll want to video chat no matter what time it is for you or him, he just wants to hear about your day before he falls asleep. Besides you didn't mind seeing his sleepy, grumpy glare illuminated by the light of his phone even if it was 3am for you.
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Nagi Seshiro ⚽🖤
Without a doubt Nagi only cares about two things in his bag, his phone and it's charger. Occasionally he'll bring his switch but he's mostly on his phone. There are mobile games to be played and highlights to be watched! He learns the hard way that these drain his battery so quickly so when you got him a battery pack for his phone and a small charging cord that had one of those cute animals protecting the cord by the prongs he brings it with him everywhere. Mostly because he doesn't want his phone to die so he can text you but a lot of it has to do with the way his thumb swipes over the sleeping cat that's lying on its stomach with the charger coming out of it's mouth. How that little squishy animal reminds him of you.
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Kunigami Rensuke ⚽🖤
Kunigami always packs extra jerseys for himself. Since he gives the sweaty fabric away after every game and sometimes after a really good goal, even if it's barely ten minutes into the first half. Especially keeps extras after he gave away his jersey and the one back up the team had on hand for him, obviously unable to play the rest of the game shirtless, much to the fan's disappointment.
The other thing he always packs is his muscle roller. Having been stopped before for wanting to bring weights onto the plane, he figured a foam roller wasn't threatening at all. Besides his sore and tight muscles would need it after a good match. Rolling out his hamstring and quad not knowing how many people would PAY to see footage of that. But you're the only one in the world who gets to see it on video chat, trying so hard to focus on him telling you the highlights when all you can see is the fresh sweat dripping down his abs.
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Bachria Meguru ⚽🖤
Always has a fluffy blanket, the one you made him, so he can wrap up on the bus or plane and fall right asleep. Not that he had any issues with sleeping wherever his head lies but there was something about the soft fabric you wove together for him that makes his sleep that much deeper. Even going as far as spraying your expensive perfume on the blanket so he can smell you the entire time he's gone.
The other thing he brings is a Polaroid camera, probably the only artsy thing he picked up from his mom was his eye for things. Snapping shots during training or of the view from his hotel room so he could show you in person. You always loved the photos he took but he never saw your eyes light up brighter than after the trip he lost his phone on the plane and bought a disposable camera so he could show you the city he was in. Curled up under the blanket as you excitedly watched him move through the physical photos. So if he forgot his polaroid you best believe he's scouring every store for the outdated disposable cameras.
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crystalelemental · 3 months
Alright, so Coco outdid all of this as I was writing it by getting real close and then getting into lap, but kitty update time.
We'll start with Coco, because she's the girl of the hour. Coco has been doing very well, and is getting very sociable. She's starting to do pretty well with Bond overall, showing a lot of curiosity and continuing to get close, but she's still wary and runs off if he turns to face her directly or god forbid moves in her direction. By and large, she's doing great.
That said, Coco is also our bastard child. This is now hard confirmed. She bit through my wife's computer charger. The computer was already on its way out, so this wasn't too much of a serious loss, but it's a really bad habit she's picking up, because she also bit into her work computer charger and my own cable. My computer cannot stay on unless constantly plugged in anymore. Oddly, it's only computer chargers. She hasn't done this to iPhone chargers, the DS or 3DS chargers, TV cords, the lamp cord, or the power strip. I have no idea what her deal is. She did try for the controller cord for the Switch, but it was dangling. Girl almost pulled the whole console off the media stand, so that was...a problem. We got some cat repellent spray and are getting cord protectors, as well as some replacement objects in a general rope toy, a longer fish kicking toy, and a stretchy rope on a string kinda play toy. There was also a snake toy, but Bond took that one immediately. Coco likes the rope on a string, and we got some good play time in yesterday, which was the first time she's like...played with us too. And now she's gets between us on the couch, and will get in lap! Big growth.
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Bond needs to go next to contextualize Gia. So, Bond is...well, but I'm kinda worried something's still up with his mouth? He had several teeth extracted due to infection, and apparently some just fell out it was so bad. His breathing was a lot better for a while, he seemed to be mellowed out, but now he's cranky again and his breathing sounds congested. There's also a ton of heavy pollen going on, so he might be allergic, but he is very cranky.
Specifically, he's backsliding a bit in his interactions with the girls. As Coco grows more bold, he seems to grow more annoyed with her presence in the house. He's taken a swing twice, not necessarily to hurt, but definitely in agitation. He got really mad at her when he felt like she was getting too close to the bedroom, which has historically been his space, but their fight was in the guest room that's the girls' space, so I do think he feels like he can throw his weight around to intimidate them and get what he wants. He'll kinda hiss at seeming random at Coco, but I've noticed it's always when she's near something he wants, be it a toy or the step to get on the couch. We're getting a bit of improvement where he'll move toward her and she'll leave before he starts hissing, but I don't want her to be afraid of him either.
On the plus side, they do bond when it's feeding time. He's oddly more mellow about that aspect and will sit calmly in the kitchen while Coco is there also demanding I move faster. He's never gotten aggressive at that time. He's also not even trying to go for their food anymore. We let them share water bowls so they mix their scents, and no one seems bothered. Coco has tried to steal his food on occasion, and does not learn lessons as quickly. I'm going to kick her butt if she keeps it up.
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Then there's Gia. Originally, Gia was expected to be the hellion, because she warmed up much more quickly than Coco when it came to food. But then Coco jumped ahead to get her portions, and bloomed into a big social kitty who is a Problem. Gia has since been...almost submissive, in a weird way. She'll dart as soon as Bond so much as enters the room, and mostly hides from us too. She just hasn't seemed comfortable, which had me really concerned given her stronger start.
But it turns out, Gia's actually our dainty princess baby. Gia is finally starting to come out of her shell a bit. She'll come out to say hi, and demand attention like Coco did for a while. She's a bit more accepting of us, and while we thought maybe she wasn't as into people, she's definitely starting to prove us wrong. She also curls up her paw while getting pets, and it's super cute. Unlike Coco, she also meows, and has the daintiest little cry you ever did hear. Her big bravery is that she's started to hiss at Bond every time she sees him. This seems bad, and I'm certainly not encouraging it, but this is a similar, if delayed, structure to Coco's development. The first step was feeling confident enough to hiss at him, and when he doesn't engage and try to fight, Coco mellowed out. It's my hope and expectation that as Gia voices her distress and finds out he won't chase or aggress, she'll also mellow out with him and be more comfortable. Which is a relief. I was seriously worried that Gia was traumatized about their first encounter and would never warm up, but we are making progress. Even if it’s often from the window alcove.
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All in all, excellent cat progress for all three. Bond could stand to be a bit less of a cranky old man, and I don't like that he's swat at Coco, but he is, I think, improving in his relations. Gia also needs to be neighborly, but is at least coming out of her shell. Coco...girl, if you bite through one more cord I'm going to pet shame you oldschool internet style. My handwriting is atrocious but cat-mother will join me in this.
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icarus-suraki · 2 years
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Haunted Doll Watch!! That’s Delaine in the striped chair (haunted doll 1) and the harlequin doll is Luna (haunted doll 2)
Books! Mostly witchcraft, Wicca, and New Age junk that I snagged for free out of a donation bin during my library days. Yes it includes Big Blue Buckland and To Ride a Silver Broomstick. You can’t see the nearly-complete Kyron collection behind the Pagan Family book but it’s there. Also yes that’s a fanbook for the MXTX series. 
The Chris Chan art is on the top shelf next to the tiny treasure chest (which contains old, old Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab scents).
World Band radio from my dad. Journals and notebooks down there.
Literature shelf 1: Joyce and Pynchon and Pratchett but also a first edition of New Frontiers of the Mind which was about to get weeded at a library. Naturally I grabbed it. Also Sister Karol’s Little Book of Spells and Rituals which is so odd and I love it. Rando army officer’s guide that once belonged to a Rosicrucian. No joke.
Tasty-smelling unused candle (unused) with silver butterfly, Nendroid boxes, MXTX books lying down (because they tend to bend when standing up). Imported stickers.
Bottom shelf is a lot of foreign language: Japanese novels, including Memoirs of a Geisha, Misery by Stephen King, and one titled God Is a Gun. Again: donations that I grabbed. Couple of manga because back in the day you could score Japanese manga at conventions. I miss those days. It was fun. One book in Japanese about “Getting Along in English” and another on “adulting.” Also the Glitch game artbook. I miss Glitch so much. The lantern is disassembled because the batteries leaked and I need to clean it up, sigh.
Literature shelves 2+: drawing books, Japanese craft book for cat houses, Cormac McCarthy my beloved, The Practice of the Presence of God. BCP (baptism gift to me as a baby) and the Bible in Chinese (another donation). Teacup for gin (it’s the cucumber one, yes). Random bottles and jars because I love them. A Course in Miracles both volumes and teacher’s workbook (more donations). V.C. Andrews because I sometimes have no taste. Haunted photograph, Arthur, is in the ripped-up looking case to be protected from sunlight. Animal Crossing: New Horizons-edition Switch dock (I didn’t want the paint/decal to get scratched). Little tiny chenille chicks used for pranks. People in a bag for Sashimiko cosplays. Japanese fashion magazines and Gothic & Lolita Bibles. The Red Book sitting on a children’s book in Chinese, partial view of sewing patterns. Unseen: more books stacked on the floor.
Literature shelves 3+: with Saint Dymphna, patroness of those with mental illnesses. Listen, I’ll try anything. There’s Big Blue Buckland’s, couple more Llewellyn magic(k) books, the Normal Tarot book, and the third copy of City of Bohane (I love that book but not enough for 3 copies; long story). Tarot cards and Lenormande cards. Russian language book. Imported stickers. Random electronics bits (cords, &c) and office supplies live in the two bins.
On top you’ve got Senor Misterioso (he glows in the dark) and his real saint figurine self, Doctor Jose Gregorio Hernandez. They are counterparts. Lantern. Fake succulent. Rando room spray. SACRED TUMBLR BRAND SHOELACES!!!! Aforementioned haunted doll, Luna. Egg cup with blessed salt.
On the other side, egg cup w/ salt (alt. view), plastic palm trees from my old desk in the library, “fake” fountain pens and more imported stickers. Fake flowers mostly from cosplay, bowl held by claws (Target Halloween 5 or 6 years ago), cup with a jubilee of pens. Xie Lian bookmark 💗 Tiny gashapon and blind box doodads. Wooden jar. 
There you go. That’s my shelves. I can entertain questions if you’d like. Closeups available. 
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toast1862 · 2 years
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likes: snuggles, chest rubs, cat tv, spinning in office chairs, high places, dropping toys in boots, causing problems
dislikes: nail caps, sprayed with water bottle due to chewing electrical cords, letting oolong be a blanket cat in peace
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obxqveens · 30 days
aesthetic list ; daisy pierce
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homemade beaded bracelets ⋄ sunscreen ⋄ surf board ⋄ riding a bike w/ a basket ⋄ random cats at her feet ⋄ cherry flavored lip gloss ⋄ straw hats ⋄ cut off jean shorts ⋄ fresh flowers in her hair ⋄ coconut vanilla body spray ⋄ stopping to pet every dog that she see's ⋄ panic attacks ⋄ chipped periwinkle blue fingernail polish ⋄ flip flops ⋄ shell necklaces ⋄ gifting friends w/ found objects ⋄ sugar free mint gum ⋄ earbuds with the cord ⋄ picking at her cuticles ⋄ fidgets ⋄ fabric purses ⋄ textbooks ⋄ damp hair ⋄ mint green water bottle ⋄ half eaten fruit ⋄ waitress uniform ⋄ save the planet patches ⋄ trash bags full of plastic ⋄ small piles of jj's dirty laundry ⋄ empty packs of seaweed snacks ⋄ endless supply of number two pencils and pens ⋄ hard cover books ⋄ scattered cat toys ⋄ sounds of phoebe bridgers and lana del rey coming from her bedroom ⋄ crisp pale yellow sheets ⋄ velvet blouses ⋄ open windows on sunny afternoons ⋄ beach sunsets
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