#Cause now those are gonna be inaccurate… but like who cares! I can rewrite that shit hehe 😈
libertys-lovers · 10 months
I keep forgetting that, like, it’s actually completely okay to change your Sona lore.
Like even if it’s been the same for years, you’re allowed to look at it randomly one day and go, “Eh! I don’t fuck with this anymore! Begone with you!”.
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nihil-a-nusquam · 7 years
A reply to a friends question on how we change thought
Although accurate to the variety of thought processes youre talking about. I am inclined to disagree to the extent of mans interest in thought and reflection. The evidence i bring to the table is myself. Thought, prior to action, as a genetically inherited trait, as in nature over nurture, is something i, and many others, manifest prior to putting thought into action. It is proposed that thought carries weight and thought influences reality. If this is true, then the law of attraction is verified. But. We are a civilization of many many different facets of form of thought. Man as a majority may think this way that you describe, avoiding such things as self reflection, however this could not possibly apply to every single individual. The reason we have individualism is tightly related to society and capitalism. This is the design of thought imposed. You get born, you grow, you learn, you contribute, you react, you decide, you inherit, you waste, you choose, you die. This is an example of the template of life as seen through the eyes of society. This however, is wrong. We are symbiotic, we are not an individual, we are a collection of like thinking minds, meant to cooperate. This is proven every time you strand a group of people on an island. You work together or you perish. But, big brother doesnt benefit off of one person working just enough to scrape by so 5 of his friends can crash at his house. They would rather see 6 people working owning their own homes. Because this facilitates the illusion of money and keeps the people with nothing away from the people with everything. Hence the individualistic perspective. Its good for business. So, you think your an individual, but, even so, how do you think? We are manipulated into the form of thought where what is of most priority is money. Need to eat, need money, need a place to sleep, need money. But those needs turn to wants when the needs have been facilitated. So you got a job and a home but hate taking the bus, buy a car. Car sucks, got a raise, finance a new car. Cause your peers are all in debt but they look like theyre doing well with their porsche and you wanna impress them now that you have the means so you get the newest model porsche. Uth ohhh, your job is downsizing, you got demoted, you cant make your payment, best get a better job. No dont sell the porsche, you wont get pussy ever again. See? So. Wheres the time for self refection or thought in any regard? We are far too distracted obtaining our necessities then our prizes and scrambling around so we dont lose our prizes when we miscalculated that "shit happens" circumstance. You dont need wholesomeness or understanding or community cause fuck it you got a porsche, youre important, you made it to the popular table at lunch. However, i see a different wave emerging from the untamable sea. Where in your generation, your world, you were saturated with opportunities and being introduced to the rat race for the glory of being the cool kid on the block, you were nurtured in the society that set up the race as we know it today. Youre already programmed to think individualistically. Yet, my peers dont think like that. I dont think like that. I dont need to retrain or rewrite my understanding of what it means to live, because i inherited a world of needing to meet necessities while instead everyone is out obtaining prizes. Prizes are good for business. So my peers werent born striving to get their necessities taken care of and then sparking the prize race. They were born into the prize race with no regard for the necessities. And since the necessities have been shifted to the social standing of prizes, for example 20 bucks worth of groceries in the 80s is costing about 45 bucks now (inaccurate inflation example, dont quote me on) so for natural thought to occur it is significantly easier for the fresher generations to comprehend the shift, and to sit and think about things before rushing into a mistake. Because the world is littered with con artist like mistakes. Buy that timeshare. Get this "certified pre owned" car, but dont ask about the warranty cause you got 5 miles before its null and void. Vultures preying on the lesser in the know. Get this credit card, here free money, interest? Yeah im interested. No no, interest, as in you buy 300 worth of stuff and you pay the card back 450 cause minimum payments and INTEREST. Ohhh, oops. I think my point is made. We are so used to happening upon the monkey paws of land mines that we are distrusting in everything we do. So. We think. And that movement, has enlightened us to thinking more and more about many things. If im not worth a home of my own working 90 hours a week, doesnt matter the job, im putting in 90 hours and i cannot be housed, then what is the worth of this stupid fuckin rat race anyway? Which leads to self reflection. Well if what i want is a bed to sleep on, but all i can muster is a friends couch, what would make me happy, since im not worth a bed. Cause fuck this race, if im gonna be miserable financially for the next 10 years, i dont wanna be miserable emotionally too. So we think. What can we do within our realm that makes us happy. And the conclusions we draw are to live a life away and departed from this rat race, this programming and deception. Now that we know the score and that the game is rigged. We do the last thing that no one can regulate. We think. So i think... we think... differently, depending on a complex combination of nature vs nurture and station in which we reside. However. Your observation of this is necessary. Because nature can only account for so many freely thinking peoples. So we need people who had to fight for the freedom to think for themselves. The people that needed to learn how to self reflect. Needed to learn that it is okay to change. It is okay to sell the porsche. It is okay to let go. It is okay to have nothing but yourself and the clothes on your back. No one is grading you. This isnt a test. This is an illusion, a sick joke. And one more note to wrap this up. The law of attraction. Don't be fooled by someone trying to sell a self help book. If it is spiritual wisdom it will be shared, it will NEVER be purchased. But this universal law is very very real. And we have been hearing about it in media for quite some time. The thing that is left out is that we have to DO. You cannot just dream it, just want it, you must do it. You must manifest your dreams. The good news is if you sacrifice to accomplish, you will be rewarded and that sacrifice will be worthwhile. But there are many factors to take into account. Your dreams must have a practical way of manifesting. You will never grow wings and fly. But. You can learn how to hang glide. You will never be the strongest person in the world. But you can be the strongest version of you that can concievably exist. Practical realities. These are all here for you, you just have to do. If youre not willing to sacrifice, then you will not be able to manifest. And if its something else, then its something else. Call it fate call it luck call it whatever but if you are successful without a lick of doing or a lick of sacrifice, you might be in trouble, because you might be filler, irrelevant to the structure of things, you might be set up for a huge fall. And that is why no one wants change. Because we are taught that sacrifice is a bad thing. It is bad for the individual to sacrifice because sacrifice is synonymous with loss. And if you are a selfish thinker, abusive to your friends and family, egotistical and damaging in your actions and words, and everyone distances themselves from you because you will not change. You will never know wholeness. You will never know oneness. You will always be trapped as an individual. Because the system forces you to fear sacrifice, cause sacrifice is not good for business. But if all of us, the new thinkers, the reformed old thinkers, everyone inbetween, started thinking, and tried manifesting a universe where money didnt rule our spiritual well being, well, maybe the universe will plant the seeds of thought for a new generation to harvest change.
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