#Certain canon's interp and god did it get old fast
astrxlfinale · 6 months
17 with fanon because I know the tea is going to be 15/10 ☕
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And a good morning to you there agent of chaos! I see you're immediately going for the fun pitchfork topic.
Aight! Let's break it down then. Exactly how do I angle myself with fanon?
I think my best approach (as it has a lot of on blog examples of my feelings) is how horribly misrepresented the genuine canon material is within fandom space (which often echoes obnoxiously). The classic of moniker 'if its in my hands its my world', in my opinion, just serving as an excuse for being callous. Now I'm not going to say anything about the creators of these trends, for that's just a starting spark, it's when the evolution of this trend falls into the hands of actual fan space itself that the story switches up.
Where the headcanon is taken as gospel that has to be abided by, you can only be recognized when you respect that, that right here, I believe will always serve as my core as to why I can never fully stand it. Since to be frank, in the name of the many more emotionally charged avenues 'such as XYZ character being a person's comfort character', this is where we're tearing far from the medium of storytelling/creation and having this be a confirmation or preening act to the emotions of these said fans. The lack of respectful boundary, and in fact, this is the form of behavior that gets aggressive is where it goes to high hell.
It's taken as an attack on the 'feel good' element experienced, which can range from new works, to constant confirmation by seeing folks mindfully/mindlessly come to agree.
So what ideas are people supposed to have on the authentic content as an outsider coming in? As someone who find themselves getting increasingly well versed in the contents of a series? In my mind it just becomes a road to high hell.
The series/mediums these characters come from can speak for themselves. I believe a lot more attention should be fashioned on that facet.
Now if you want me to just get plain old salty on this. LMAO. As it stands for being one of the most emotionally charged aspects for a series fanbase, shipping has singlehandedly been a PLAGUE and I can not be moved on that. As much as I adore it myself, the scale of agendas, outright attacks, harassment to actual workers of their favorites (such as VAs), and the wealth of these experiences have been a festering mark.
It's mainly how it's personal, respect is some unknown factor, and ultimately people are very willing to become some online terror to others nonsensically in the name of this act. I'm tooooooo old (I say as a 31 yr old) and tired to even remotely amuse this. Let people work to their rhythm, respect that, and find better outlets for the pettier emotions that can stem from this.
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