#Chan x oc
jinnie-ret · 8 months
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ep.5: the honeymoons
ratings: fluff, some angst
warnings: none
running time: 1.6k words
summary: we see the first batch of couples go on their honeymoons. is love still in the air?
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chan and rori
location: budapest
"I've always wanted to travel," Rori grinned, feeling peaceful as she gazed across the city, night lights twinkling and night life buzzing.
"You've not been around Europe before? I thought most brits would end up going around Europe because it's so convenient," Chan hummed in thought, his head resting on her shoulder as he hugged her from behind, arms wrapped around Rori's waist.
The two of them had grown close very quickly, already having taken things to the next level. Rori trusted him, and him, her.
"Well, South Korea was a chance I took and I love it. But when I had Oliver, it kind of threw a spanner in the works, so I didn't get the chance to," Rori stroked Chan's hands that involuntarily hugged her tighter as he laughed.
"A good spanner though!" Chan giggled, making the silly comment as he remembered the cute kid that had definitely surprised him on his wedding day, but made him that more excited for their new adventure together.
The day had ended perfectly, after going around and seeing the sights, Hero's Square and Fisherman's Bastion, and now taking in the beautiful city. Of course, there were drunk people in their twenties stumbling down the street together, shouting the words to a song Rori was sure she would have recognised if it had been sung soberly. A piece of her wished maybe she could have had more time in those years, to be recklessx to have fun. She was worried she'd never have that feeling again. But Chan have that to her, he made her feel alive.
"I can't believe how lucky I've gotten, Chan is just so... he gives me butterflies. I can't remember the last time I felt that way," Rori tucked some of her ginger hair behind her ear.
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jeongin and dallas
location: mt. fuji
Jeongin and Dallas had finally made it to Mountain Fuji, sharing stories to each other about things they had achieved in their lives and what they wanted to do in the future. Sweetly they had held each other's hands the whole journey there, that small sense of affection and comfort whilst getting to know each other bringing them closer together already. And even as they exited the car together, they never let go of each other, until Dallas was so excited at the gorgeous colours of the flower festival in the clearing of the mountain.
"Ahhh! It's gorgeous! Wow, I just wish we had this back home! This is stunning I can't cope!" Dallas squealed, leaning over the fence and trying to comprehend all the glorious hues of purple, lavender, lilac and magenta intertwining into something she thought she could only dream of.
"You're really excited aren't you?" Jeongin laughed fondly, his wife, yes, he couldn't believe it, his wife, making him happy, her excitement spreading so easily.
"Duh! This is likely my dream, my life," Dallas grinned in astonishment, dropping his hand to run forwards along other paths to take in the sights even more.
They had a great day, and of course got some cute photos with each other, marking the day an amazing one. It was certainly one of the best days of Dallas' life, and Jeongin enjoyed himself too, content in wandering around and taking in nature. Amongst the other things they had done during their honeymoon, this certainly topped it, so it was a shame the day came to a close with a slightly bitter feeling.
"You're so cute, Dallas," Jeongin chuckled from his spot in bed, stretched with his arm around her, cosily nestled in his arms.
"Me? Nah... I think you were the one who's head was in the clouds, wearing that grin all day. That smile will be the death of me, Yang Jeongin," Dallas exclaimed, hand lightly smacking his stomach to emphasise her point.
"If my head was in the clouds then yours was all over the place, haha, you were like an excited child, you remind of the kids I teach," Jeongin chuckled once more, hand going to stroke her hair out of her face but Dallas had already sat up.
"I'm going to make us some tea," Dallas kept a smile on her face and went into the kitchen, Jeongin being none the wiser about how his words had affected her.
"I don't get why he had to say that last bit... like I get it, I can be quite energetic, like I give a lot of energy into the things I love. But I've been told before that I remind people of a child and it feels sort of... patronising? I don't know... it just felt- it didn't feel nice. He's my husband, I shouldn't feel this way..." Dallas rambled as she explained to the camera away from Jeongin, reflecting on the day they had had.
Hopefully they'd be able to squash this in the future.
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jisung and valentina
location: new york
"We had such a good day yesterday and now he's all closed off, he won't come out of bed. I thought we'd be doing more with our honeymoon, but, I guess not?" Valentina sighed as she spoke to the camera.
Jisung felt overwhelmed to say the least. He was tired from the flight to New York, but tried his best to keep his energy up during their first day going sightseeing. And everything seemed fine to Valentina. Oh, Valentina. Jisung really was trying his best, he suddenly felt this big responsibility. He had never been in a relationship before, and now he was someone's husband. He had a wife. He knew what he was getting into but he still likes having time to himself, and that was why he was relaxing in bed, scrolling through his phone, having down time like he normally would. But Valentina was there, trying to encourage him to go somewhere with her and do something.
"Ji, you wanna go out for dinner at least?" Valentina sighed, leaning against the kitchen counter in their hotel suite.
"I feel bad. I feel like I'm letting her down already. She's so amazing and, I feel worried that I'm not going to be the man she really needs," Jisung stammered, having his own moment to talk on his own.
But, he took a step and agreed in having dinner. They went to a luxurious restaurant, a top rated one that served mouthwatering gourmet burgers.
"Now this, I can get into this," Valentina let out a breath in delight. Not only was the burger looking delicious, but it gave a break from the sudden awkward small talk that her and Jisung had been contending with.
"I'm sorry," Jisung suddenly said, after swallowing down a mouthful of his burger. Miraculously, they had ordered the same thing, having similar tastes in their preferred cuisine and flavours.
"Hmm?" Valentina delicately wiped her mouth before speaking, "what for?" She had an inkling, but she wanted to hear from him first.
"I know you wanted more, I just, I'm quite a homebody? And I'm really trying to get used to this lifestyle, this..."
"Married life?"
"Not even that, just being able to spend time with someone constantly," Jisung glanced away, taking a sip of his cocktail.
"I'll be real with you, I was sort of upset at first, but I didn't know that about you yet. I didn't know you needed that space to yourself so, it's ok. We'll work through it together, ok?" Valentina reassured him once again, pushing away the thoughts she had before, and putting herself in his shoes.
She was a party animal at heart. She just had to bring out that more confident and energetic side to her husband, and she was willing to do that.
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hyunjin and sienna
location: rome
"This all feels like a dream," Sienna marveled at the sights of Rome, swinging her arm with Hyunjin's as they wandered around the city.
"It's not a dream, baby, it's real," Hyunjin earnestly reminded her, pulling her in a different direction as they wandered around some markets, looking for a bite to eat.
"I never thought I'd get to live this," Sienna added on, still in denial.
"Well stop thinking that, ok? Seriously, I'm going to make sure you're happy every day," Hyunjin stopped in his tracks, gazing into her eyes before kissing her on the forehead.
Soon they found somewhere to eat, a quiet restaurant being decided when they couldn't pick from the market.
"Let's get spaghetti and meatballs," Hyunjin smirked, kicking Sienna's foot lightly underneath the table.
"Why so sly about food?" Sienna rose an eyebrow, her accent coming through stronger as she stared at her husband in confusion.
"No reason, just taking inspiration from a certain film..." Hyunjin nodded smugly to himself as he ordered them their food.
And once it arrived, it all clicked.
"Why only one plate... Hyunjin..." Sienna facepalmed, Hyunjin instantly bursting into giggles.
"Have you realised, baby?" Hyunjin cooed as he leant forward.
"We are not lady and the tramping this lunch," Sienna folded her arms, but she too started laughing as she couldn't resist his loving expression.
They exited the restaurant, a blush on Sienna's face after Hyunjin whispered something in her ear.
"He's so romantic. And I'm not used to that. I love it. Just maybe not the sharing food part. I need my own food," Sienna deadpanned into the camera, before huffing out a laugh.
viewers: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @kai-lee08 @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @turtledove824 @2minstan @royal-shinigami @yangbbokari @skzoologist @crabrangoongirl25 @jyu-037 @keen-li @strawberry31 @5starlee @thatonedemigodfromseoul @amararosesblog @noyurcapri
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sarcasticsweetlara · 2 months
Lee Chan 이 찬 Masterlist
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sungielvr · 1 year
Nervous Young Inhumans
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Warning - smoking, weed, mention of anxiety and depression, talk about not wanting to live anymore
w.c. 1064
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Seoyoon's day began as it usually did – with a joint in hand, her morning ritual on the bedroom balcony. The wisps of smoke curled around her, creating a cocoon of tranquility as she savored the moment. It was her way of finding peace, at least for a while, before facing the world that seemed to follow her everywhere.
Once she was finished she headed back into her room where she continued to get ready for her first class. She wasn't to sure why she chose a class so damn early in the morning. perhaps she just needed that reason to wake up in the morning.
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Once Seoyoon made her way onto campus she made a b-line straight for the library where she could be alone. Because although they were in college the bullies seemed to still follow her.
She was surprised when she saw a squirrel like boy sitting in her usual seat. She found him absolutely adorable and that kind of pissed her off.
Seoyoon was way too shy to tell someone they were in her seat so instead she opted for sitting at a table across from her regular one. A little more out in the open than she was comfortable with but what can you do.
Breaking the silence, Jisung invited her to share the table, revealing his kind-hearted nature. Blushing and stuttering, Seoyoon introduced herself and cautiously took a seat across from him.
"Oh! Um are you sure I don't want to be a bother" Seoyoon spoke so quietly that if the library wasn't already silent he would have never heard her.
"Of course I don't mind, I'm Jisung by the way" He giggled to her, she thought that giggle was the most cutest and addicting thing she's ever heard.
" I'm Seoyoon, Park Seoyoon" She almost stabbed herself after hearing herself stutter. Putting her laptop as a makeshift barrier, yet her attention kept drifting back to Jisung.
Instead of going onto her laptop to study like she should be doing she instead opened up twitter...
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Seoyoon occasionally looked up to see what Jisung was up to. At one point she was nearly immersed into her staring till he cleared his throat. she let out a small squeak which made him chuckle slightly.
"I'm so sorry, that was so creepy! I swear I was just lost in spaced," she easily lied. Her face was bright red and her heart pounded slightly. It was at the moment she wished her attempt last month worked.
Before she could get lost in her dark thoughts Jisung spoke up.
"Hey class is about to start... we both have economics, right? Why don't we walk together? It can give us time to chat more" He spoke with the sweetest smile ever, it was almost as if he genuinely wanted to hang out with her. But who would want to hang out with the quiet girl who was too rude to acknowledge the people around her. That's what everyone told the 19 year old.
"Yeah I'd Love to" She replied with the kindest smile she could muster yet if you knew the girl close enough you'd know right away it was slightly awkward.
On the way to class Jisung noticed Seoyoon pulled her hat a little more over her face and walked slouched almost as if to seem smaller. He knew this poster all too well, Seoyoon was anxious. He decided to start conversion with her in hopes to get her mind off of whatever was eating at her.
"Hey Seoyoon, what's your major? I realized I never asked you." He ever so gently pulled on her sweater sleeve to get her attention. She looked up at him with slightly panicked eyes trying to piece together an answer.
"Oh, um um I major in music theory and minor in psychology, weird mix I know" She very softly laughed. Jisung nearly grinned when he realized talking to her worked; she was now focused on him, not the thoughts tearing her beautiful brain up.
" I major in music theory too.. hence why we share the class" He ever so awkwardly chuckled after, because even though he was leading the conversation he was still the same old awkward Jisung.
They were now inside the class and both had decided to sit next to each other.
Jisung bravely asked for Seoyoon's Instagram and number, expressing his genuine desire to stay friends beyond that day.
"Um, is it okay if I get your Instagram and or your number? I'd like to continue being friends after today" She couldn't believe her ears; someone wanted to be friends with her, the quiet girl who had always been misunderstood.
"Yeah! it's p-k dot s-y-n!" She spelled out for Jisung as he typed it into his phone. She pulled out her phone as she got the notification of him following her. She followed back immediately, also saving his number in her phone
hanji has started following you.
She looked up at him with a big smile to find he was already looking at her with a fond look, She tilted her head to the side with her eyebrows furrowed,
"Nothing, I just like your smile"
She felt her face burst into the hottest flames imaginable, she looked down at her sleeve and started playing with the hem hoping he wouldn't see the effect he had on her.
A few seconds later the professor walked in and Seoyoon had gone into work mode. It's funny for someone who doesn't try in anything she surely does pay attention in class.
After class Sooyeon bid Jisung goodbye both promising to meet in the library again the following day.
Back home in her apartment, Seoyoon allowed herself to release all her anxieties and emotions in tears.
She made her way to her room, still slightly shaking. She sat in front of her mirror and laughed,
"You're so fucked up in the head Park Seoyoon. You make me sick." She laughed once again but there was no humor behind the laugh.
Sung imessage (1)
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She faced the harsh truth of her inner struggles but found comfort in the thought of meeting Jisung again the next day.
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Lying in bed with mixed emotions, Seoyoon realized how much she enjoyed talking to Jisung, how he made her feel seen and appreciated. The memory of his chubby cheeks brought a smile to her face as she drifted off to sleep, looking forward to the next meeting with the boy who had unexpectedly brightened her day.
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marriiemeii · 1 year
Chan's List
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Oneshots and Drabbles of Chan and his wife, Minah (oc)
Forgotten Drink
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gn4bnahc · 4 months
Bangchan fucking you while you’re asleep 💤
Masterlist (Please Check it out 😭🙏)
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hoshifighting · 15 days
Hear me out, you have a crush on SVT (following them around, giving them gifts etc) but one day you stop doing that and start ignoring them, how do they react!??
when you start to ignore them — seventeen a your crush
hyung line / maknae line
seungcheol doesn’t notice right away. at first, he thinks you’re just having an off day—maybe you're busy, maybe you’re just tired, but then a few days pass, and the silence starts to feel heavy. no more small gifts, no more lingering smiles when you catch his eye. nothing.
he can’t stand it. seungcheol’s the type to act tough, but the way you suddenly stopped all your little gestures? it eats at him. “what the fuck,” he mutters under his breath when you pass him by, not even sparing a glance. his chest tightens. you’ve always been there, always giving him attention, and now… nothing?
he texts you once, just a casual “you good?” but when you leave him on read, something snaps in him. you’re ignoring him on purpose. the next time he sees you, he grabs your wrist, pulling you into an empty hallway. “what’s your problem?” his voice is sharp, but there’s a hint of desperation in it. “did i do something? why are you acting like i don’t exist?”
he doesn’t get it—why you stopped. he misses the attention, misses you, and for the first time, he feels vulnerable, wondering if he pushed you away without even realizing it.
jeonghan notices the shift immediately. he's always been sharp, always able to read people. when you stop following him around, when you stop trying to make him smile with little gifts or compliments, he can feel the change in the air.
at first, he finds it amusing. “oh, so you're playing hard to get now?” he teases, half-expecting you to blush and laugh it off, but you don’t. you just shrug and walk away. and for once, jeonghan doesn’t have a quick comeback. it starts to bother him, more than he’d like to admit. the absence of your attention leaves a strange void. he used to roll his eyes when you'd bring him coffee or leave him little notes, but now? he catches himself looking for them.
he corners you one day, that sly smile on his face, but his eyes give him away. “did you get bored of me already?” he tries to joke, but his voice wavers, just enough for you to notice. when you don’t answer, he steps closer, his fingers brushing against yours. “i miss you,” he admits quietly, his smirk fading. “don’t you miss me too?”
joshua pretends not to care at first. he’s good at hiding his feelings, always calm, always collected. when you stop showering him with attention, he tells himself it’s fine, maybe even a relief.
but it’s not.
he starts to overthink—did he say something wrong? did he push you away? the questions spiral in his head, and soon enough, he’s analyzing every interaction the two of you ever had. one evening, when you pass by without so much as a glance, something in him cracks. “hey,” he calls out, his voice a little too soft, a little too careful. when you turn around, he hesitates, trying to find the right words.
“did i do something wrong?” his voice is small, almost vulnerable. “you used to… i mean, we used to…” he trails off, rubbing the back of his neck, awkwardly searching for the right way to say he misses you. he doesn’t want to come off as needy, but the truth is, he misses your attention more than he thought he would. “just… talk to me. please.”
jun doesn't know what to do with the silence. he's never been great with words, always a bit awkward, but he’s used to you being there. used to your constant presence, your gifts, your smiles. so when you stop, he feels lost. he tries to act normal, tries to laugh it off like it doesn’t bother him, but it does. it really, really does.
one day, after you’ve ignored him for too long, he blurts it out. “did i do something to piss you off?” it’s blunt, but that’s all he knows how to be. his eyes are wide, his hands fidgeting as he waits for your response. “you used to… i don’t know, you used to care.” his voice cracks at the end, and he quickly looks away, embarrassed by how desperate he sounds.
he doesn’t know how to fix it, doesn’t even know what went wrong, but he wants your attention back. he misses it, misses you, and it’s killing him that he doesn’t know how to get you to care again.
soonyoung’s never been good at subtle. when he likes someone, everyone knows. and he thought it was the same with you. you were always there, always laughing at his dumb jokes, bringing him snacks after practice, and just hanging around, like you couldn’t get enough of him. but now? you’re distant. cold, even. no more gifts, no more texts, and it’s driving him up the wall.
“are you mad at me?” he asks one day, voice unsure, eyes wide with that puppy-dog look that usually works on everyone. you just shake your head. “no, everything’s fine.” but he knows it’s not. everything’s changed, and he hates it. soonyoung’s the kind of guy who thrives on attention, and without yours, he feels off-balance, like something’s missing. he doesn’t know how to fix it, and the more he tries, the worse it seems to get.
he starts showing off more, trying harder to make you laugh, but nothing works. and it’s fucking with him, making him doubt himself in ways he never has before. because he liked the way you made him feel, and now that it’s gone, he doesn’t know how to handle it.
jihoon is another one who pretends he doesn’t care. he’s always been good at that—keeping his emotions locked up tight, never letting anyone get too close. but you? you somehow slipped through the cracks. you were always there, bringing him coffee when he worked late, leaving notes on his desk with dumb doodles or stupid jokes that made him smile when no one was looking.
now it’s like you’ve disappeared. you’re still around, sure, but you don’t bother with him anymore. no more coffee, no more notes. nothing. he tells himself it’s for the best. that it’s better this way, less distracting. but deep down, it stings. because he liked having you around, more than he’d ever admit. one night, he stays late, hoping you’ll show up like you always used to. when you don’t, he feels a pang of disappointment in his chest. he hates it. hates how much he misses you. he sends you a text, something short and casual: “you haven’t been around much lately.” when you don’t respond, he stares at his phone, frustrated. he throws his head back, closing his eyes. “fuck,” he mutters under his breath, wondering when he got so attached to your presence.
he watches you sometimes, sees you talking to other people, laughing like everything’s fine, and it makes something twist in his chest. he wants to ask you why, but he’s too stubborn, too proud to admit that it’s bothering him. so he stays quiet, burying himself in his work, trying to forget the way it felt to have your attention. but no matter how hard he tries, he can’t shake the feeling that something’s missing.
wonwoo doesn’t say anything at first. he’s quiet, observant, and he notices right away when you stop hanging around, but he doesn’t know how to bring it up.
he tells himself he’s fine with it, that maybe it’s for the best. but then he realizes how much he actually looked forward to your little gifts, your presence. he misses the way you’d light up when you saw him, the way you’d try to get his attention in your own subtle way. when you start ignoring him, it feels… empty.
one day, he finds himself walking up to you, his hands in his pockets, trying to act casual. “you’ve been avoiding me,” he says, his voice soft but direct. “did something happen?” there’s a sincerity in his eyes that’s hard to miss. “i… i miss you. i don’t know why you stopped, but…” he hesitates, glancing down before meeting your gaze again. “i liked having you around. i still do.” he doesn’t push for answers, but the quiet hope in his voice says it all. he just wants you back.
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Dad!skz texts overload🥰🤍
Definitely been in a dad!skz brainrot lately so why no just give in a little more🙃 also you guys seem to like dad!han and dad!leeknow imagines a lot which makes me extremely happy I am so soft for them💖
🖤hyung line🖤
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🖤maknae line🖤
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acidinduceddaydreams · 3 months
Skz ot8 corrupting reader౨ৎ ⋆。˚
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Synopsis: ot8 corrupting innocent crybaby reader slowly but surely.
Warnings: corruption kink; innocent reader being bullied in some parts by the members, dacryphilia but not really , deep throating of ice cream. Mean skz. Reader is not a child. She is an adult!!!
Part 2
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Innocent reader who doesn’t like horror movies but watches it anyway because Hannie told her to.
The movie is not even halfway and your screams are already prevalent. You try to muffle your cries against Jeongin’s arm but he isn’t having it. “Stop crying you’re ruining my shirt.”
Seungmin making fun of you for crying and how you made Chan change the movie because you’re too scared. “Can you shut up now. Your whimpers are so fucking annoying.”
Minho who bullies you once you’re settled again into crying more because it secretly or not so secretly turns them on. “Wow! The crybaby finally shut up.” “Oh don’t get upset, you can’t help it if you’re a loser and a crybaby it’s just who you are.”
Felix who acts as if he’s calming you down from the taunting of your other friends when in reality he’s just trying to make it worse. His voice is low and condescending. “Leave the poor thing alone you guys.” “She’s just a baby trying to act like an adult, but don’t worry baby you don’t have to pretend with us.”
Hyunjin who buys ice cream for everyone on a hot summer day. Everyone else’s is in a cup or arch-shaped but yours just happens to be long and phallic shaped. Not that you even notice or would know what that means.
Changbin who ‘accidentally’ nudges your arm just a little as he goes to sit next to Hyunjin causing you to choke on the ice cream and let out a gagging sound along with coughing and glassy eyes having never had something go that deep before. “Sorry, pretty my arm slipped.”
Han who ‘helps’ you pick out clothing to wear when you go out with them. You’re standing in your closet picking out things you think he’d like. He tells you that he doesn’t mind you changing in front of him and that all friends do it. Not that you need much convincing you’re just too busy trying to look pretty. “Wow honey. You look wonderful in that sundress. Though I think it’s too long.”
Chan who has a hand on you wherever you go. Walking in a crowd? He’s holding your hand. Talking to someone? His hand on your waistline should give them the hint. You’re in your head about something? It’s ‘normal’ for friends to wrap their hands around each other’s throat to ground them.
Minho who heard from Hannie that you wear hello kitty, my melody and other childish underwear. Laughing as he mocks you. “Wow Y/n how old are you, huh?” “Do you want a pacifier while you’re at it.” He can’t help himself. Your voice trying to defend yourself is barely audible only coming out in whimpers. “Wow, kitten you do you know you have to grow up someday, right?”
Seungmin tugging on your two plaits whenever he wants. “Ow Minnie why’d you do that?” “Sorry puppy it’s a force of habit.”
Jeongin who puts a finger in your mouth to soothe you after all the tears. You’ve never needed to have something to stop you from crying but now it’s automatic. As soon as the tears fall you’re begging for his fingers or thumb. “you want my fingers in your mouth. Wow sweetheart you’re so silly. Do you know they have pacifiers for this exact situation? Maybe I should get you one to really shut you up hmm.” “No, you don’t want one? Well then that means you’ll just have to learn to stop talking back or you won’t even get my fingers.”
All of the boys who make fun of you for closing your eyes when a somewhat steamy scene comes on in the movie they purposefully picked but you don’t have to know that. Sitting on Minho’s lap covering your eyes does something to them. The scenes usually aren’t even that sexual. It’s usually just the two main characters kissing. Seungmin is obviously the first one to pipe up saying between laughs “Wow Y/n they’re just kissing.” “Yeah” Felix’s adds. “Would you like us to show you how so you’re not shy next time.”
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charmercharm3r · 1 year
Dream You
wc: 4k
Synopsis: He cheated on you— in your dreams, then took kiss it better too literally.
warnings: smut, explicit sexual content, softdom!chan, light bondage, oral (m receiving), dacryphilia, pretty intensely fluffy they just rly love each other
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4,000 followers! enjoy this lil idea as a thank you. i appreciate you!
You. Needed. Affection.
Just affection, and loads of it from one person in specific. Mostly because you were pretending to be mad at him and it made you miss him even more. Chan rarely makes you mad, he’s always good about communicating and listening, so the fact that you were mad at him and he didn’t even know why threw him off a little.
So there you were, sat on the couch wrapped in one of his hoodies eating straight out of the ice cream tub because you were too upset to do anything but count the seconds until he got home. You weren’t answering his texts, you picked up his call because you accidentally pressed the wrong button out of muscle memory and Chan could tell through the phone that today was just not a good day.
When he came home and found you sitting in the same spot that you were in when he called you– he knew this because you described it exactly as it looked, Chan almost collapsed at how cute you were. You had this ruffle in your brow and his hoodie looked like it was threatening to drown you in the black material. Gnawing on the spoon, your chest rumbled a little as Chan smiled his dimply smile and reached for the tub of ice cream to take away. “You doing okay, baby?” He chuckled trying to pop the spoon out of your mouth, wriggling it back and forth and swaying your head until you decided to let go.
“No, I’m mad at you,” there wasn’t much bite to the statement.
Chan pecked your forehead and ventured off to put the ice cream away, “oh yeah? Wanna tell me why so I can fix it?” He returned to stand behind you and lean over the back of the couch, wrapping his arms around your neck and nuzzling his cheek into the top of your head.
Upset but still wanting the physical touch, you pulled his arms tighter, “dream you cheated on me.”
He popped his head around the side of yours to come face to face with a look of genuine shock. “Did he?!” Chan hopped over the back of the couch to sit next to you.
“Yeah. I caught you in our bed and everything. Then you broke up with me and posted the bitch on your instagram the next day.” You huffed and pushed him away with no force, turning to lean on the armrest and lay your legs over his lap. Chan rested his head on your knees, looking at you with his big puppy dog eyes that never failed to make you melt.
“I thought I taught him better than that,” he gently scolded. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. Is that why you didn’t kiss me back when I left this morning?
You nodded. “And why you weren’t answering my texts?” Another nod. “And why you can’t look at me because you know how ridiculous that sounds?”
You were half way through nodding for a third time when you caught his words, “hey! It’s not ridiculous! It could be a premonition, I could be psychic and get into fortune telling with how accurate I am.”
Chan closed his eyes and let his hands wander up and down your calves, lightly dragging his lips across the bare skin of your knees as he spoke, “mhm, mhm. Or it means that it’s never gonna come true. I like to think that, instead.”
It was getting harder to be mad when the feeling of his breath fanning over your skin made goosebumps rise, he loved watching the way your body reacted to him. It was never hard for him to work you up, physically and emotionally. Chan thrived on the effect he has over you, but it’s a two way street and you live for the way he’d do anything to please you. Even if it means apologizing for something he didn’t really do. In this reality, at least.
You wanted to be mad so bad that you debated on throwing him off you entirely, however his lips were just too plush looking and you craved to feel them on your own. Chan took his time to work them higher up your legs, eventually laying them and sticking his head under the hem of his hoodie you wore. He tugged you to lay flat so he could have more area to trace his pretty lips cross, the thoughts of being upset almost totally dissipating under his touch. Your leg instantly wrapped around his torso, to which he grinded lightly into the cushion. His hair tickled your bare chest as he peppers kisses across your belly, hands roaming your back to keep you near. He didn’t move as sexually as one might’ve thought from an outside perspective, it wasn’t to get into your nonexistent pants, you just got him so horny.
So horny to the point where he would’ve kept grinding against the couch if you didn’t feel like relieving him, he would’ve taken it like a champ if you denied him. You never do, though, as if you had the impulse control to ever tell him no.
Chan kept his movements slow, intentional, with the purpose of getting you to relax and see how much he loves you and how much an asshole dream-him was for cheating on dream-you. Big hands moved down to cup your ass under the fabric of your underwear, teething lightly above your belly button then soothing over the bite with his fat tongue. The wet muscle laved over the sore spots with the tip of his tongue, then flattening it, the tip, then flat again, alternating like he would if it were your pussy and were trying to get you to cum.
You wanted that, you always wanted his tongue on you. But now, you needed this more. The closeness and being able to keep him where only you can love and appreciate.
It felt so stupid to even be thinking that way, stupid that you had pulled such childish acts instead of just telling him in the first place. If you had just asked to be coddled, he would’ve given it to you without a second thought.
Chan needed this as much as you did, little to your knowledge. He could feel how off you were in the morning but really just didn’t have the time to fix it at that moment. It stung his heart hearing what dream-him did to dream-you, he couldn’t possibly imagine putting you through that, let alone move on so quickly if you ever were to actually break up.
No, he couldn’t even bear the thought of leaving you, it hurt too much.
His heart hurt for you, he could see the pain all over your face when he got home and it wasn’t even real life. Chan would rather die than ever let you go through something like that in this reality. In your dreams, well, there isn’t much he can do other than what he’s doing now.
Leaving chaste kisses anywhere along your torso he could, massaging your ass with his nimble fingers while heavily breathing in the scent of your skin. The quiet moans you were trying to suppress made him smile, able to feel your muscles tightening and loosening beneath his fingertips. He felt so warm against you, you wanted to thread your fingers through his hair and tried to from over the hoodie. Chan mumbled incoherently in protest and tugged the hem over his head again when you tried to tug it up.
“Wanna be close to you,” he murmured, going back to rubbing his cheek to your belly. You could only giggle and let him.
This was just Chan. Just purely and entirely him. Doing nothing and everything at the same time and making you melt into the palm of his hand, you’d forgotten why you were mad until he spoke again.
“Can’t believe I’d do that,” the barrier of material made it hard to hear him.
“Hm?” You hummed.
He slithered a little higher up your chest and you pulled the neckline to peak down into the dark shadows of the hoodie. You could see just one of his pretty brown eyes peering up at you sweetly, “who in their right mind would do that to you?”
Chan rested his cheek on your chest and stayed there, arms enclosing around your torso. “Dream-you did. And it really sucked.”
He whined this time, higher in pitch and wiggling to get comfortable. Your head back against the couch, you closed your eyes and let yourself calm down before you got worked up again. Chan could hear your heartbeat speed up, placing another soft kiss to the skin above it. You shivered and draped your arms over the back of his shoulders to succumb entirely to the feeling. Just as you finally relaxed, warmth engulfed your left nipple, wet and hot and being suckled into his mouth like a pacifier. “I’m trying really hard to be mad,” you admit while smiling to yourself, out of his field of vision.
“Please, don’t be,” he pleaded, “I’ll never hurt you. I’ll destroy anyone who tries.” It sounded silly coming from his mouth considering it was full of your tit, you couldn’t help a gentle laugh.
A few more moments of him playing with your breast, then switching to the other with no regard for the wet sounds that emitted from his suckling, you couldn’t take not seeing him anymore. You sat up as much as he’d let you and tucked your arms into the body of the hoodie, pulling your head through the neckline just enough so that the two of you were pressed chest to chest under the material.
It was dark and hot, you weren’t sure how he was able to stand being underneath it for so long. You couldn’t totally see him, but you knew he was looking at you– or at least, attempting to. You felt for his cheeks and held him just millimeters away, feeling his calm breathing over your chin. In almost total darkness, unable to see but could feel each other entirely, he whispered, “you’re safe with me. You’ll always be safe with me.”
You pulled him into you, savoring the fragile way he always tended to kiss you when you were particularly emotional, scared as if he’d break you. Handle with care, your heart said, and he did just that and more. Delicate. Do not touch, written outside the glass case he envisioned you in whenever something went even remotely in the opposite direction you wanted. It wasn’t that you needed the protection, by no means were you unable to handle yourself, but you invoked something in him that he couldn’t control. Fortunately for him, you let him smother you and baby you and wrap you in bubble wrap so tight you couldn’t breathe because it felt good to be seen. It felt good to be loved, and loved by him.
It was getting more and more difficult not to rut your hips against him, any part of him because he made you that insatiable. Chan could feel you trying to restrain and laughed against your lips.
“What if I want you to break me?” He glitched for a second, then went back to kissing you with a little more intensity.
“Then, I’ll just have to put you together again.” You ripped the hoodie away, leaving you naked in his hold aside from the underwear you were soaking through. “And break you, put you together again, and again, and again until you’re begging for me to stop.”
You felt the wave of butterflies flutter right between your legs and caved.
“Fuck– take me to the bedroom.”
Chan stood just to throw you over his shoulder effortlessly, entirely too excited for either of your own good. It wasn’t until now that you noticed he was still in those uncomfortably tight jeans he left in this morning, your mouth watered at the timely prospect of getting him out of them. You just couldn’t stop yourself from sending a light smack to his ass as he walked through the bedroom door, and he reciprocated with an even harder one to the bare skin of your own.
He laid you down gently just to cover your body with his own once again, not letting you strip him without your tongues laving against one another's. His shirt came off first, tossing it towards the headboard, your underwear, then his pants. Chan stopped you from reaching for his underwear so he could tease you, barely tugging the elastic down his hips and letting his erection catch in the fabric until he finally let it slap against his lower belly erotically.
Chan let them fall to the floor before kneeling tall onto the bed, “turn around,” he instructed. You followed and faced the headboard, seeing him reach around for his discarded shirt. Just barely could you feel his hot breath against your neck, “are you sure this is what you want tonight, baby?”
You hummed with desperation, “break me. Lovingly, please.”
Leaving a small peck to your cheek for reassurance, Chan grabbed your arms harshly and brought them behind your back. He used his forgotten shirt as a makeshift restraint, keeping you bound and tied up with no way of being able to touch him, you wondered what it was he had in store that required it.
Once he finished he sat opposite of you, falling on his back and watching the process of your mouth watering over seeing him in the perfect cock-sucking position. The redness of his tip, you would’ve thought it was painful if you didn’t know better. No, that’s a lie– it was painful. Painful watching you be so pretty and worked up and he was fighting the urge with everything in him not to untie you and lay you in the sheets like the pillow princess you so rarely got to be.
But it wasn’t what you wanted. What you wanted was to not think, be serviced and be of service, used to please. Tonight needed to end with you feeling weightless and not an ounce of sadness or anger left lingering to be found.
“Break you lovingly?” Chan called, tucking an arm under his head while the other stroked himself slowly. He swiped the bead of precum, beckoning you over with a single finger and forcing his thumb past your lips to taste. You hummed at the salty bitterness, the weight of him on your tongue and could feel yourself salivating. “Which do you want first, doll? Break you, or love you?”
Judging from the way you were practically drooling down his wrist, he took your lack of response as the former.
Stealing his thumb away, a thread of spit following, Chan laid back down and put both hands behind his head. “Go ahead. Be a good doll and suck.”
You folded so fast that it made him chuckle with pride knowing you were wanting him as much as he wanted you. Licking and twirling your tongue around the tip like hard candy, taking in as much of him as possible. Your own spit dripped down your chin and filled your mouth like a perfect hole.
Chan started to stutter up into you the further down you went. The more of him you took in, the harder it got not to thrust up. By the time you’d gotten to the point of lightly gagging, he was biting his lip to keep from losing all control. But then you looked up at him, eyes big and watery, tears already rolling down your cheek and you couldn’t even wipe it away. Nope, all self control completely obliterated by that single look. That fucking look, Chan physically felt his chest cave like crumbling sand between his fingers.
“I’ll fucking break you, baby. Don't worry your pretty little head, I’ll make you forget.” You couldn’t reply with his thick cock in your mouth, but could see you approve with the little nods you managed to give. “Be a good cocksleeve, yeah? Make me feel good.”
You took him as deep as you could, stilled as soon as your nose hit his pelvis and thought that was good enough since he groaned, loud and deep from within his chest. But you looked up at him again, this time just as the tears fell from your lash line. Chan tangled both hands in your hair and hooked his legs over your shoulders, cock still buried down your throat. He locked his ankles around the back of your head and pushed himself that much deeper to get you to gag harder. The sound that he emitted resembled that of a bear, hearty, unrestrained, feeling.
Oh, how he felt you. Felt the constricting of your throat around him, felt your tongue fighting to make room for you to breathe and failing, felt your tears wet the skin of his pelvis. Nothing but your safe word could have stopped him from pulling you off his cock for a split second to inhale a deep breath, then shoving you back down to abuse your throat like it was just a toy. For now, you were just a toy– his toy.
Lewd and adulterous squelching of your mouth slicking up and down his cock filled the room, overridden just by Chan’s moans of pleasure and your light humming to vibrate up his shaft. He was kind for a few moments– as kind as he could have been in this position, and eventually gave up seeing as you could still fight back. His lazy pushes and pulls of guiding your head up and down turned into him rutting up into your mouth in quick jabs, utilizing the headlock he had you in as leverage to move at what could have been neck breaking speed. His hands held you firmly in place as Chan did all the work now, focused on nothing but his own pleasure as your tears and spit mixed to puddle around his throbbing cock.
You were a gagging, crying mess and you loved every second. So much so that you spread your knees and tried to rub your puffy clit into the bunched up sheets. A few more upthrusts of his tip hitting the back of your throat, Chan let you go entirely. Without the stability of him holding you up, your weak body tilted to the side as you gasped for air, hips slightly twitching from the immense need built up.
He took a second to regain his composure while you caught your breath. Chest still heaving up and down, Chan forgot that your hands were still tied, wondering why you weren’t jumping his bones the second he let you free. Sitting up, he tilted his head at you with a sympathetic smile, “sweet doll, I haven’t even done anything to you yet. Anything left in here?” He mockingly tapped the side of your temple, to which it went unacknowledged. You just wanted him on you again, whining and trying to wriggle closer to him. “Hm, guess not. Did my job, didn’t I? Didn’t take very much effort, baby. You love me that much? Or you’re just a cockhungry doll.”
Through the soreness in your jaw, you managed to whisper, “l–love you.”
Chan chuckled, “I know you do. Love my sweet doll, too.” He leaned over to kiss your forehead, ignoring the way you puckered your lips for more. Chan manhandled you to the center of the bed, keeping you on your side with arms still restricted from touching.
There was nothing you could do but let him do what he wanted with you, but this was the lovingly part. This, although bound on your end, was where he showed you everything he couldn’t tell you. This was the putting you back together part, the safe with me part, the dream-me can go fuck himself because you deserve the best dicking down ever part.
And could you tell that’s what all of this was? Absolutely. Could you do anything about it? Not a chance. You couldn’t touch him, couldn’t form coherent sentences, couldn’t do anything but babble love you, love you, and more love you’s.
Chan pushed your hair from your sweaty forehead, memorizing your features for just a second before he lost himself again. Then straightening out your bottom leg for him to straddle while resting the top in the crook of his arm and aligning his cock at your entrance, just teasing your clit with the tip and spreading the perpetually leaking beads of cum. He would dip into your hole, hear you whimper, then pull away and do it all over again to keep you in a constant state of frustrated that he wouldn’t just fuck you already.
It was because fucking you wasn’t what he wanted, he hated calling it that. If it were anyone but you, calling sloppy sex for what it is wouldn’t have bothered him. But you weren’t just anyone, he wouldn’t dare call you anything less than what you deserved and that applied in the bedroom as well. That was, of course, aside from when you truly asked for it.
Even the sloppiest of sex with you wouldn’t be classified as just fucking. He felt every inch of you in every single one of his nerve endings, in his veins, pumping the blood through his heart straight down to the tip of his cock. Chan felt a little dumb just looking at you, like he’d lost his mind at the mere scent of your arousal, he felt like a lovesick puppy and if you’d ever decide to leave him, he’d die of a broken heart.
God, he loves you. He said it as he finally pushed into your pulsing, wet hole. He said it as he came to the hilt, he said it as he slipped the bondage off your wrists, as he grabbed your hand to hold and as he began to lazily thrust in and out, searching for the spot that would make you cry so hard you’ll pass out as soon as you cum.
And you did cry, not just from how good you felt physically but because even if he wasn’t mindlessly telling you how much he loved you, you could see it in the way he looked at you. He wasn’t looking anywhere but your face, straight into your eyes in a stare so intense it should’ve been uncomfortable. It was anything but, you shed a tear every time you blinked to see him still looking at you like he was sure you were the last thing he’d ever see.
God, you love him. You said it as your hand held his for dear life, as he pummeled the soft spot within you that made you see stars through the tears, you said it as you were curling your toes and arching your back at an unholy angle. You said it as coherently as possible as the butterflies in your belly swept you into a whirlwind of pleasure, as you milked him for everything he had, as you came back down to earth somehow laying on his chest and not at all in the same position as when the orgasm hit.
Gentle beating of his heart in his chest stirred you from the light daze you had fallen into, you don’t even remember doing it. “Hey there,” his chest rumbled. Chan kissed the top of your head, your forehead, then moved to lay your head in the pillows so he could kiss your lips.
As he tucked your hair behind your ear, you finally got to brush your fingers through his curls, so soft and pretty. His eyes closed as your nails raked across his scalp, letting his forehead fall against yours. The rumbling of his chest made you smile, “you purr like a cat,” you said through the sore scratch in your throat.
“Cats ward off evil. Real me is shooing away the nightmares for good. Let me purr.” Chan let you tug his head against his chest with a content him falling from your lips, where his purring turned into soft snores as the exhaustion finally hit him.
tags: @sensitiveandhungry @babebatter @changbinluvr @epiphanynaffit @fawnpeaks @linovely @dumplinbokkieracha @finnydraws @naturules @djeniryuu @hamburgers101 @skzhomiehopper @yesv01 @hyunjinsamdl @dazzlingligth @lvrhyuka @alexis-reads-fics @linaliskz @0002linoskitten @chillichillicrabcrab23 @zerefdragn33l @straycrescent @binnies-donuts @soldierstangirl-blog @bakedlilgoonie @levanterlily @shelbyyy44 @yeetmehome @in2heartz @astroodledream @the-sweetest-rose @goblinracha @lilbugs-things @viviennenstan @staurdvst @alex--awesome--22 @imzenning @jeyelleohe @iadorethemskz @skyvastbunny @mamabymychem @katsukis1wife @woozarts @noellllslut
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jinnie-ret · 9 months
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ep.3: the first weddings
ratings: fluff
warnings: mentions of ADHD, alcohol
running time: 2k words
summary: the first two weddings are under way, how will the oldest and youngest grooms of our singles react when they meet their wives for the first time?
C.A 🤍 C.A 🤍 C.A 🤍 C.A 🤍 C.A 🤍 C.A 🤍 C.A 🤍
We put these two together because they both have such open hearts, yet they seek acceptance. They'd be a great pairing because they can give that to each other. Without even meeting each other there is so much love to be given, I can't wait to see how this one goes.
"Oh wow, Rori... you look stunning," Aurora's best friend Isabelle gasped as she saw the red head do a little spin in her white gown. The dress rested off the shoulder, a daring plunging neckline accompanied by a sheer quality to the dress as it flowed downwards, flowers cascading across the skirt of it.
"Thanks Belle," Aurora hugged her best friend tightly, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek, careful not to smudge her light pink lipstick. She went for a glowy natural look, which made her fair skin stand out even more in contrast to her bold hair colour. "Lu, what do you think?" she saw her younger sister, Luna, barely able to hold back her tears.
"I-i..." Luna trailed off, not knowing what to say as she stared at her gorgeous older sister.
"Aw, don't go soft on me now, Lu, you never cry," Aurora held her hands gently.
"I'm just so proud of how far you've come, it's so nice to see you happy again, full of life," Luna spoke sincerely. She had seen what her sister went through and couldn't bare for her to be in that dark place ever again.
"Bless you, come here," Aurora cuddled her, before pulling away, "wait where's Oliver?"
"Your mum's looking after him, don't worry," Isabelle reassured the bride, all of them chattering in the dressing room before guests began to arrive.
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"You got this hyung!" Lucas, Chan's younger brother and best man ruffled his hair. Despite their big age gap, it was the younger than inherited the height genes, so he had no trouble looking down at the groom and teasing him.
"Aish! Stop, stop," Chan giggled, trying to adjust his hair but giving up, as his dad stepped in and did his best to help out.
"We're all so proud of you, Channie, I know we weren't sure of this experiment at first, but you've got to go with your gut, ok? Whoever walks down that aisle-" Chan's dad began speaking, before Chan cut him off, having already had this speech/pep talk a lot of times.
"-deserves all the love I can give. And I deserve the same back. I know, dad, I know," Chan smiled and nodded, looking in the mirror to see one strand of his black hair flying loose but it actually looked quite good, in his opinion.
C.A 🤍 C.A 🤍 C.A 🤍 C.A 🤍 C.A 🤍 C.A 🤍 C.A 🤍
Soon, more and more guests pulled up to the venue, your classic church. It was tall in stature, and had beautifully presented stained glass windows not only seen from the outside, but from the inside too from where you sat. People filled the seats on both sides, white flowers lining the edges of the pews. The guests whispered excitedly as they heard the first pair of footsteps confidently walk down the aisle.
From Chan's side of the church, he saw his mother and sister, Hannah, for the first time that day, and they were smiling at him encouragingly. His mum did seem quite emotional too at the same time. As he turned to his bride's family, he gave a friendly wave and a smile.
"Hi, I'm Chan," he grinned, a lot of women sat near the front especially, one lady in particular who he assumed was the mother of his bride returned his actions, warmth and approval in her smile.
Then came the next sets of footsteps.
Arm linked through her father's arm, Aurora, kept a big smile on her face yet took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She was excited, sure, but she needed to make sure it stayed that way. She wouldn't let herself talk her way out of this one.
The Bahng family muttered amongst themselves, Aurora blushing lightly as she heard lots of 'wows' and some gaps too.
Time stopped when the couple's eyes first met. Her ginger hair drew in Chan immediately, her chocolate brown eyes, rich and smooth in colour. Aurora smiled at him brightly as she stood opposite him, nose scrunching up as she did so, half in disbelief at how handsome Chan was and that she was about to marry him. His black hair gelled to one side, one strand elegantly astray. What nearly made her laugh was the way his mouth was hung open slightly, cheeks sucked in by the smallest amount and showing off his dimples.
"Well, hi," Chan laughed breaking the silence. Both families watched on with smiles, happy with who their relative had been paired with.
"Is this real?" Aurora laughed and shook Chan's hands in her own as they both let their nerves slip away.
"I think so-" Chan went to nod back at her, before a small, young boy came running out of the aisle, and tugged on Aurora's dress.
"Mummy! Mummy!"
J.D 🤍 J.D 🤍 J.D 🤍 J.D 🤍 J.D 🤍 J.D 🤍 J.D 🤍
Now this pairing will certainly be interesting, I can't wait to see how this dynamic plays out. Dallas has a lot of energy and has been open about her ADHD and needing a calm presence with her, and Jeongin is exactly that. He knows what he wants in a relationship and he wants to do all the cute dating stuff, he wants to experience love again, this could really tick all of Dallas' boxes.
"I don't know why I'm so nervous all of a sudden," Dallas had her leg jolting up and down, her mum gently holding her hands to stop her from wanting to bite her nails.
"Calm down baby, you look great, you are great and your husband will be great too, yeah?" her mum tried to reassure her.
Just then the makeup artist came back to redo some eyeliner after Dallas had been so shaky and fidgety that it had smudged across the side of her face earlier on.
"Come on, baby, deep breaths, yeah? He's gonna love you, that's what marriage is all about. You may not be doing it the conventional way but that love won't chance, he'll be a lucky man," Dallas' mum calmed her down further, holding onto her daughter's shoulders from behind as the makeup artist got to work. Her hands gently traced circles into the lace details at the top.
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"Ahhhh!" Jeongin whined throwing his body weight back into the chair as he realised what he had just done. Having a glass of wine before walking the aisle was his idea, yes, but maybe he shouldn't have drank a glass of red when he has his white shirt on. There was bound to be something going wrong.
"Bro... Aish what are you like? Good thing I brought a spare shirt for you," Jeongin's older brother pulled him out of his seat and shoved the fresh shirt in his arms. "Now, get dressed, better yet, finish that glass before you out the new shirt on, you're so clumsy," he chuckled.
And Jeongin nodded, laughing along too. He slipped his stained shirt off and quickly downed the rest of his glass, pulling a satisfied smile after as he shrugged on his new shirt and buttoned it up quickly.
"You're a lifesaver, hyung," Jeongin sighed in relief, relaxing back into his original chair.
"I know," his older brother smirked.
J.D 🤍 J.D 🤍 J.D 🤍 J.D 🤍 J.D 🤍 J.D 🤍 J.D 🤍
The venue Jeongin and Dallas got married at was stunning. There were fairy lights all lit up under a huge, white gazebo. It was pitched up next to another one which everyone could only assume was for their fine dining later on in the day. There was a clear path up the aisle, and as each person arrived and took their seats, they found a small gift in the mini bouquets prepared by the bride herself, Dallas. What better way to show a piece of who she is from the very start?
Once Jeongin had made it up the aisle, he was stood nervously, unable to make eye contact with Dallas' family and he could only clasp his hands together tightly and stare down at his shiny shoes. Her family didn't mind though, they could tell he was sweet and had kind intentions.
Dallas began to walk up the aisle, doing such a great job on her own until she stumbled a bit, managing to catch her balance but feeling bashful as she covered her cheeks.
"They're perfect for each other," Jeongin's older brother laughed under his breath as he observed that his sister in law was clumsy as well.
The two singles grinned shyly as they made eye contact, and Jeongin grinned widely, eyes starry.
Dallas on the other hand was trying to hold back her words from tumbling out, she had just met him and already had so much to say.
"Oh wow, you're gorgeous," Jeongin however, was the first one to get his words out, making Dallas follow immediately after she made a cute squeaky sound.
"Ah, wow, umm, thank you, you too," she blushed and bounced on her toes excitedly.
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It was now time for the vows, and back at the church, it was a tense moment, Aurora going pale as she didn't quite know when she was going to bring up the fact she had a son, and now, that had been done for her. She saw the way Chan's eyes widened and she debates running out of the venue. That was until Chan crouched down.
"Hi little one," he grinned as Aurora's son peeked round the side of her dress and waved shyly at Chan.
"That's Oliver," Aurora said shakily, and Chan could see she was nervous and knew exactly why, squeezing her hands.
"It's ok, it won't change anything, ok?" Chan calmed her down, making Aurora feel relieved as she nodded feeling reassured, and she picked Oliver up, gave him a kiss on the head and sent him off to sit with his grandmother, her mum.
The priest made sure everyone was listening before getting the pair to read out their vows.
"I promise to support you and be by your side in every moment of our future together. I promise to be the support you may need throughout our lives in sickness and in health, through thick and thin. I will give you my all, as long as you give me all of you too, because that's all I could ever ask for," Chan sweetly said his vowels, speaking the traditional words after as he placed a ring on Aurora's finger.
"Before in my life, I've found it hard to trust the right person, but I come here with open arms, hoping you'll be the reason I won't have to worry anymore. I want to be that person for you too. I've already got one boy to take care of, and he's very important to me," Aurora paused gesturing to her son with a wave before continuing, "so I hope you have space in your heart for the two of us, just like we've already made some room for you."
J.D 🤍 J.D 🤍 J.D 🤍 J.D 🤍 J.D 🤍 J.D 🤍 J.D 🤍
Back in the gazebo, Dallas couldn't help but request to speak first.
"Ok, so, umm, I promise that if you're around me, I'll always try to make you smile. Even though sometimes I may be a lot to handle, I will authentically be myself around you. If you're struggling through hard times, I will be there for you, with my happiness, my care, and hopefully my love," Dallas quickly shoved away the piece of paper she read from back into her dress, and placed a ring onto Jeongin's finger.
"I'll do my very best to be the husband you've always wanted, and I hope that I can make you happy. We've only just met each other, but from here on out, I will take care of you, and stay by your side, and you'll have me fighting in your corner all of the time," Jeongin promised Dallas, before slipping the other ring onto her finger.
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You may now kiss the bride.
Aurora and Chan had gazed into each other's eyes for a moment before sharing a sweet kiss, lasting a couple of seconds. Jeongin and Dallas, however, had been more shy despite their excitement, and quickly picked each other on the lips and looked away with smiles on their faces.
These pairs are a match made in heaven. How long will they last together in the experiment?
viewers: @jyu-037 @keen-li @strawberry31 @5starlee @thatonedemigodfromseoul @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @kai-lee08 @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @turtledove824 @2minstan @royal-shinigami @yangbbokari
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kooqitas · 2 months
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#pairing: virgin!dino x reader.
#genre: smut MINORS DNI | #w.c: ~2400
#synopsis: you knew that your entire rivalry with lee chan was solely sexual attraction, but you didn't expect him to invade the bathroom you were in, much less that he was a virgin.
#warnings: vaginal sex, unprotected sex, oral sex (m.), loss of virginity, spit. cute ending
#notes: i'm a little drunk (nd horny).... sorry guys
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you and lee chan are the fucked up cliché of students in the same course who can't stand each other for always competing with grades.
you've been at college for almost an year and you can't even count how many times you've argued with him, he's simply unbearable, of course, you sometimes tease him too, but none of that would be necessary if he wasn't so unbearable.
but everything changed tonight, mingyu's damn party, and now lee chan is in the bathroom with you, sucking your neck while grabbing your waist.
things just happened, one moment you were dancing on the dance floor and feeling his gaze burning into you every time your skirt lifted an inch, and the next minute, when you decided to go to the bathroom, he went after you, locking the door and trapping the two of you in the damn bathroom on the second floor of mingyu's house
"what the fuck are you doing?" you asked when you saw him lock the door.
"shut the fuck up for at least a second."
and he kissed you.
lee chan, or dino, as he is also called,  was completely possessive in the way he kissed you, it was hard to differentiate anger and desire since they clearly went together. you didn't judge him, dino could be annoying, but he was hot as hell and you knew it, you just didn't expect him to think the same of you.
"you're so fucking hot, what the fuck is wrong with you wearing that mini skirt? everyone seeing your ass on the dance floor, is that what you wanted?"
"you got turned on because of a mini skirt?" you laugh, clearly teasing the man in front of you. "how much of a virgin are you, lee chan?"
that was funny, you liked to say that dino was a virgin and he only teased you so that at least he could get attention from a woman, you knew it was a lie, after all, he was fucking hot, he definitely had the attention of any woman he wanted.
"fuck, stop calling me a virgin, we're not in college and i’m sure this shitty situation got you as turned on as i’m."
you laughed again, because it was true, fuck, you wanted to die when you entered mingyu's house and saw dino wearing the black shirt and the silver chain around his neck, it was inhuman how hot he looked.
anyways, the first move was his, he followed you to the bathroom, he kissed you, and he tried to take off your skirt at all costs...
wait... what?
"jesus christ, stop acting like a virgin, my skirt doesn't even need to be taken off, lee chan!" you grumbled at him.
"fuck, stop calling me a virgin..." he said, a little more irritated and nervous than usual.
"god, why do you get so offended by that… do you know there's no problem you're a virgin, right?" you keep teasing.
he huffed, dropping his hand from her hip in an instant.
"shit, stop it."
dino's reaction was strange. you were used to teasing each other with much worse things than simply calling each other a virgin. why was he so offended by a simple word? that wouldn't even make sense.
"wait, are you really a virgin?" you asked, trying to understand the situation.
he didn't answer you, he just started to adjust his clothes, getting ready to leave the bathroom, visibly upset with the whole situation.
"wait. lee chan, are you REALLY a virgin?" you questioned, visibly surprised.
"please, don't tell anyone about it, it's so fucking embarrassing."
"what? no! i'm not gonna tell, i just... i'm just in shock... wait, why the hell are you leaving?" you questioned when he unlocked the door.
"shouldn't i go?"
"hm?" you asked. 
"i'm a virgin..."
"yes, that was the big discovery of the night... and?"
dino looked at you visibly confused, trying to understand why you were stopping him from leaving in that situation.
damn, it was clear that you fought for the most idiotic reasons in the world, that academic rivalry was capable of making you kill each other one day, but lee chan was hot as hell, and you would never miss a night of sex with him JUST because he's a virgin... that's easily solved.
"y-you don't want me to go?"
you approached him, a little irritated, almost like when he bragged about a higher grade than yours.
"you broke into the fucking bathroom, kissed me, i’m completely wet, fuck your damn virginity, lee chan, we're gonna fuck”.
the next few minutes were marked by a wide-eyed dino and you dragging him out of mingyu's house. you ordered an uber straight to your house and thanked god for living in the neighborhood. in less than five minutes, you were in your apartment.
dino sat on your couch, observing every detail of the decor while you were in the kitchen getting him a water. when you arrived, handing him the glass of water, he had enough time to drink it for you to take off your skirt, leaving your white panties with a wet stain on display for him, who gasped when he saw you. he seemed to freeze, and everything got worse when your shirt also fell to the floor and he realized that you weren't wearing a bra.
"you're a virgin but you're definitely not an idiot, take off that shirt and your pants, damn it!" you grumbled, making him take off his clothes immediately, still looking at you. and you couldn't help but notice that the red underwear he was wearing also had a stain, and that turned you on even more.
you climbed onto his lap, attacking him as if he were prey, taking control of the kiss and watching him melt with every inch of your body that he discovered with his fingertips.
you felt him whimper inside you as you slowly rolled on his hard cock, and the sensation made you even wetter. it was clear that he didn't really know what to do, but all the tension in the room was completely exciting.
you felt him move his kisses down to your neck, shy but still possessive, biting and sucking there in a way that would certainly leave marks.
you took one of his hands and placed it on your chest, making him moan...
"you can touch it however you want... with your hands or with your mou-”
and the next second, dino's mouth was on your nipple, in a somewhat desperate way while his tongue swirled around your nipple, his hips crashing against yours and his other hand playing with your free breast in a violent way.
he was a little rough, maybe because of his lack of experience, maybe because of the horniness he felt at the moment, but that wasn't bad, you wanted to be hurt by him.
"for someone who's a virgin, you don't seem nervous!"
"shut up." he said with his mouth still on your nipple. "you don't have to remind me all the time that i'm a virgin."
"but that's what you are... a poor virgin." you teased, laughing when he got angry.
"don't get on my nerves now, damn it, i can't control myself anymore if you keep annoying me..."
"what are you gonna do? you're the virgin here, lee chan. you're the one who needs me if you want your dick to touch some pussy."
he gave a sort of grunt before squeezing your neck. you laughed a little, he was gripping you the wrong way, so you just repositioned his thumb.
"squeeze with your fingers, not with your hand!"
he nodded, squeezing a little harder as he went back to kissing your lips in a voracious way.
the excitement in your body made you grind again, and you could feel his dick getting harder and harder… you patted his hand twice and he let go of your neck at the same time.
"is everything okay? did i hurt you? did i do something wrong?" he asked when you got off his lap.
you didn't answer.
you just knelt in front of him.
"what are you gonna d- OH” he moaned when you touched the tip of your finger to his underwear.
the wet spot was bigger. and the moan he gave was enough to make you lose your sanity.
you distributed little kisses on the wet fabric, making dino moan and hold your hair while lifting his hips seeking more contact. and it was relieving when you actually pulled his underwear down, releasing his fat cock from the fabric.
his cock was hot, not big enough to hurt, but enough to fill you up completely, the swollen head and the bulging veins made you salivate
but he could barely breathe, the next second you were with your mouth on him, putting his whole fat cock in your mouth to suck as if you needed it to survive. the 'ploc' when you removed it for the first time could easily be heard from another room along with his moans, but damn, it was delicious.
lee chan saw stars when your nose touched his pelvis, a sensation he had never felt in his life, your throat vibrating on his thick cock.
and you continued, sucking every inch of his cock and letting your own saliva run down your mouth as you heard him scream that he was going to cum. it was a little early, of course, but you understood that it was his first time and he was sensitive to the new touch.
but you didn't want that.
not now.
"why why why" he questioned when he saw you stopping. "please, don't stop... don't do this to me... i almost..."
"I'll give you something better"
you said, pulling his underwear completely off his body, and then your panties too...
you didn't usually have sex without any preparation, fingering, oral sex, you usually demand at least one of the two, but seeing dino so vulnerable made you forget about anything. and that was why in the next second your pussy was going down on his cock.
it hurt a little, but the burning of being opened by a cock was extremely pleasurable, especially because the owner of the thick cock was completely crazy underneath you.
"fuck, i’m gonna go crazy, this- fuck-"
you raised your hips and lowered them once, watching him lose control.
his hand went back to squeezing your hips hard while the other played with your tits, all while he whimpered incoherent words.
"you're so beautiful" "your pussy is so tight." "so hot" "mine. fuck you're mine"
"i'm not yours!" you scolded him, going even faster on his cock.
at this point the shock of their bodies was audible, as were the eager moans of both of them, despite not being a virgin you hadn't had sex in a few months...
lee chan kissed you, the mess of the kiss making you go even harder on him, your tongues clashing and even the chattering of your teeth was extremely exciting.
you felt him pinch your nipple again, and that was the end for you.
you laid his head on the couch, and took advantage of his open mouth from his moans to spit there, ordering him to swallow it right after.
dino obeyed, he swallowed your spit and looked at you with a look that bordered on devotion. you were already whimpering on his cock, you knew you wouldn't be able to hold on to that position for much longer, your own orgasm was coming and you couldn't think...
"no no no, please don't stop," he begged, placing his big hand on your waist.
"i- i can't control it, fuck, it's too much."
the truth is that deep down he was a little bothered for not having 'done' much, after all, you were in control the whole time. and he was overcome by this, and by the overwhelming excitement he felt, that he grabbed the arm around your waist, forcing you to lay your body under his.
he put his foot on your coffee table, and began to fuck you like an animal, desperately and roughly seeking his own orgasm. you couldn't even think, the rough movements taking you to his as you felt his cock open you up hard. the way he held your body as if he wanted to merge with you, adding to the way he moaned making your pussy pulsate more and more.
"fuck- so good-" you moaned, with your mouth glued to his, but without even being able to think about what was happening.
"mine. fuck, you're mine, this pussy is mine. i'm gonna fuck you forever, me, only me, but no one. fuck, so hot." he said between the eager moans he gave.
one of his hands from your waist went to your hair, and he kissed you, in a completely clumsy way but he kissed you, and that was how he came inside you.
you felt his hot liquid running inside you at the same time that his legs trembled. and that was enough for you to come too.
and he continued thrusting, slowly, enjoying his liquid that was now leaking out.
"mine. you're mine." he moaned softly.
"i'm not yo-"
"shhh... shut up. you're cumming on my dick after taking my virginity."
"that doesn't make me yours..."
"so you don't want it again?"
you didn't answer. it was clear you want it...
"mine..." he teased again.
deep down you knew that all your fighting had always been about pent-up fucking lust, and you were glad it was finally over.
his cock slipped out, and he laughed when your legs shook on top of his...
"something tells me you want more..."
"dude, shut up"
"shut up my mouth for me...put your pussy here, sweetheart!"
"what happened to the whole 'virgin thing'?"
"if you taught me how to use a dick you'll definitely teach me how to use my mouth"
"goodbye lee chan" you laughed.
you settled down on the couch, even though you both knew you wouldn't be sleeping there, but in your bed...and probably in a spoon...
"i'm not kidding... you really are mine now."
you remained silent.
"aren't you gonna say anything?"
"no, i think i agree with that."
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houpss · 6 months
𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
soft and fluff, will be about all members (!), there may be hints of smut
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Chan, who sees the meaning of life in you and wants to see you always in front of him all his life.
What do they say? People who truly love will die one day.
Chan, who promised to love you until the day death finds him, and even after that. He doesn't want to leave you.
The most tender dates, the most tender times. He will give you all his love and attention.
Chan, who tells the members so much about you, you are their “9th member”
Chan, who you're talking to video call with his family! and btw with yours too.
Chan, who, regardless of how busy the day is, will spend the evenings with you. Whether it's cooking or watching a movie/serials/k drama
Chan, who remembers every little thing about you and does what you don’t even ask for, but are clearly thinking about.
Meeting Chan was fate, maybe you were given each other by fate?
Oh..he looks at you like an angel, his eyes shine so brightly when he sees you!
Chan, who gives you a large bouquet of your favorite flowers every Friday.
He writes you songs, from the sad to the most vulgar... oh, the boy is simply overwhelmed with emotions for you.
Chan, who takes you on all his world tours because he finds it difficult without you.
He is the most gentle and sweetest with you! your heart literally breaks with love for him, you want to love and kiss this man.
Chan, who sits you on his lap while he works and holds your waist with one hand...babe, he has hot and big hands
Chan, who pays for ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING for you. seriously, even if you argue with him.
I wrote this situation, but...
"Channie, make me some coffee please"
"Ugh...I'm late, little mouse"
"So you won't do it? :("
"That means I’ll be late” and goes to make coffee for his beloved woman/man
His favorite terms of endearment for you are subtle but classic: “sweetheart” and “baby,” but on special occasions he will call you “sweetheart” with a matching saccharine expression. Or “little mouse”, which is also very cute
Chan, sometimes he can get angry and yell at you, but that's because he puts too much pressure on himself at work.
Oh..during your quarrels even plates and insults fly. After one quarrel, there were broken plates and you cut yourself, he noticed this and took you to the bathroom, where he treated the wound and apologized to you almost a hundred times. And the plates...buy new ones.
Chan, who practices flirting with you like you're in high school, but he learned it from STAY
Chan, who gives you all his hoodies and absolutely everything... for some reason you love to steal his shorts and walk around the house in them. Ooh, he thinks they fit really sexy on your hips.
He'll give you a bear hug when you sleep, he's a big spoon
He also always kisses your forehead when he leaves for work, because you are still sleeping, and he is already leaving.
but keep in mind, Chan makes sweet sex to you, but his stroking game is so crazy, even when he takes his time with you, he's so deep inside you that it drives you crazy, you're literally pray
Chan is an experienced and mature man, he is completely confident in himself and in you. He takes the leading position in the relationship, he is the one who leads.
Do I need to tell you that all his things smell like your perfume? What if all your things are in his perfume?
You sometimes help him with lyrics or with song arrangements when he gets stuck and doesn’t understand what’s best to add.
You, who pulls the vat out of the studio.
You, who always checks how he ate or how much he slept. You absolutely monitor his regime and make sure he doesn’t overwork.
You are flying to Australia together to visit his family! they will bless your couple.
Hannah will definitely say funny things about Chris, and Lucas is so shy around you.
Oh...Berry, baby Berry 🥹🥹🥹
How about date nights?
You really raised Chan's self-esteem, with you...he fell in love with himself, just as you love him.
He's just grateful that you exist.
First love is always last love.
“Home” is not a place, it is sometimes only a man, the man whom you consider your home.
When you come, all Chan’s problems and wounds heal, he wants to live next to you.
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ybklix · 5 months
Cry Baby
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☆ pairing: bang chan x fem!character
𐙚 genre - content - tags: fanfic / smut / legal age gap / daddy kink / sugar daddy / bdms / sexual toys / physical punishment / voyeurism / obsession / abuse relationship / teacher x student / mystery / omniscient narrator and character's pov
₊˚⊹♡ inspired by melanie martinez's album: cry baby
⋆.˚note: every chapter is named and inspired by the songs, in order / age gap, she: 20, chan 26. MDNI.
Synopsis: Chris had a quiet and perfect life, until one of his biggest problems appears, an unhealthy obsession with his young neighbor.
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𝐂𝐫𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 ��.ᐟ⭒๋��� ⭑
𝜗𝜚 ˖°. Your heart's too big for your body It's why you won't fit inside ⋆.˚⊹
Chris Bang is a young successful man who seems to have it all. He lands a dream job where he can finally be with his long-distance girlfriend and moves to one of the city's most beautiful and peaceful neighborhoods, or so he believes until he meets his lovely young neighbor. He secretly watches her from his window and notices how she cries every night... What initially worries him too much... turns into something dark, something he isn't proud of.
She is a girl with plenty of problems trapped in that home with the appearance of a perfect family, but upon meeting her mature neighbor, he awakens in her a feeling more than just sadness.
UPDATE: part one / part two / part three / part four
a/n: we all know chan is so 2016 grid pattern daddy dom the nbhd the weeknd tumblr boy, remember his 2017 emo grid locksreen lmaoo he's so me fr
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kayewrite · 25 days
blue sticky note (part 2)
OT8 x reader!! stray kids x reader!! word count: 5.9k
stray kids fic wherein, you know the answer of the mystery of the blue sticky note in your binder, but then keep denying it.
AN: i literally love this guys. please tell me your thoughts also im crying.
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(part 1 here!!)
Does Bang Chan like you?
Why did he create a song for you?
Your mind raced as you held the blue sticky note, staring at the familiar handwriting that had been haunting your thoughts for days. You replayed the moment when you confronted him, hoping for a straightforward answer.
“Are you the one who put this in my binder?” you had carefully asked, showing him the sticky note that had left you sleepless for nights.
Bang Chan didn’t answer right away. His eyes softened as he looked at you, and for a brief moment, you thought you saw something deeper in his gaze. But instead of responding to your question, he gave you a gentle smile, one that made your heart skip a beat.
“Did you know we all made this song?” he said, his voice calm, almost as if he was leading you from the truth you were seeking. “We all helped to do this.”
His words left you more confused than before. What did that even mean? Was it some kind of cryptic message?
“You know what,” he suddenly said, his tone shifting to something more casual, “you should really attend Changbin’s party this weekend. I’ll be the one to pick you up.”
And just like that, he left the studio without waiting for your reply, leaving you standing there with a thousand questions swirling in your mind. The mystery you thought you were close to solving only seemed to deepen, the answers slipping further from your grasp.
You tried to focus on your upcoming presentation in class, but Bang Chan's words and that blue sticky note kept intruding on your thoughts. Lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, you wondered why this was all becoming so hard to figure out.
Suddenly, a knock on your door snapped you out of your thoughts. You opened it to find Felix standing there, a soft smile on his face as he greeted you.
“Hi,” he said, holding his favorite yellow plushie—a chicken. “I’m back again.”
You let him in, and without a word, he walked in and instead of heading to the sofa like usual, he went straight to your bedroom and flopped down on your bed..
You followed him, sitting at the edge of the bed as you pulled the blanket over him. You felt a pang of sympathy for your friend. He always seemed so worn out whenever you saw him in the mornings at school, his eyes heavy with exhaustion. You knew it must be because of his noisy neighbor.
“I think my neighbor is angry with me,” Felix mumbled, his face half-buried in the pillow.
“Why?” you asked, your voice gentle.
“He only makes noise whenever I’m about to sleep.”
“Maybe we should complain to the landlord,” you suggested, but you knew Felix. He was too kind-hearted to make a fuss about it. He’d rather suffer in silence than cause trouble for someone else.
"I’ve decided I should move out here," he said quietly.
"Really? Finally," you replied, a bit of relief in your voice. You’d wanted someone to share your apartment with for so long. Living alone had become so lonely.
"But I’ll be moving next door," he added.
Oh. That was fine too.
You couldn’t help but smile as you lay down beside him, both of you staring up at the ceiling. The silence was comfortable, but your thoughts were still tangled up in the mystery of the blue note.
“I think I should talk to someone about this,” you finally said, breaking the silence. The questions were too much for you to keep inside anymore.
“Talk about what?” Felix asked, his voice calm but curious.
“The blue note…” you began, turning your head to look at him. “Do you know who owns it?”
Felix took a deep breath, clearly expecting this conversation. He didn’t answer right away, instead asking, “May I ask you a question? Who do you think owns it?”
“I don’t want to assume anything,” you admitted, “You guys are giving me a hard time. I don’t want to jump to conclusions.”
Felix’s gaze softened as he looked at you, his expression unreadable. “What would you do if you found out who owned it? Would it change things between you and us?”
You sighed, running a hand through your hair. “I see all of you as my brothers. But if it really was one of you… then…” You trailed off, not knowing how to finish the thought.
“What if it was all of us?” Felix’s voice was quiet, almost hesitant.
“What—” Before you could react, Felix leaned in and pecked your lips, the suddenness of it leaving you frozen.
“Do you know how hard it is?” he whispered, his eyes locked on yours. “Loving you means risking our whole friendship. But as long as I could hold it in, I thought I should. But right now, I can’t.”
His confession hung in the air between you, heavy and filled with emotion. He searched your eyes for a reaction, his heart clearly on the line.
“Please,” he continued, his voice breaking slightly, “when tomorrow comes, forget what I did. And I hope… you’ll forgive me.”
And then, before you could process everything, he claimed your lips again, this time with more urgency, as if trying to convey everything he couldn’t put into words.
The next morning, you walked to class feeling like you were floating. Felix was already gone when you woke up, leaving behind only a note saying he had to go.
The memory of last night's kiss made your cheeks flush as you touched your lips, but you quickly shook the thought away.
Why does this feel so wrong?
You've been friends with these guys since middle school, and now, everything felt like it was spiraling out of control.
You slumped into your seat next to Yuji, dropping your head onto your table.
“Girl, you look stressed,” she said, combing her fingers through your hair.
“I know. I think I should just die.”
“No, not yet! We still have that concert to go to, remember? Physics might make you want to drop dead, but focus on the bright side—concert!” Yuji playfully shook your shoulders.
“What concert? Why didn’t you invite me?” Seungmin’s voice interrupted as he approached, handing out papers.
"Oh! it's seungmin." Yuji immediately straightened up, trying to play it cool. “I have two tickets. One for me, and one for her.” She pointed at you with an exaggerated modesty. “But she can always buy new her own, so I’ll give you hers.” She smiled sweetly at Seungmin like a puppy.
Seungmin didn’t even look up as he continued distributing papers. “Never mind. I’ve got plans with her, anyway.”
You blinked, confused. Plans? He hadn’t mentioned anything to you.
“What plans?” you asked, tilting your head in curiosity.
“It’s a surprise.” He finally looked up, flashing a small, knowing smile before moving on to the next student.
Yuji’s eyes widened in surprise. “Wait, is there something going on between you two?” she asked, crossing her arms and pouting. “You betrayed me?! I thought you were on Team Seungmin and Yuji!”
You barely registered her words, your mind suddenly flashing back to what Felix said last night.
“What if it was all of us?”
Was there a chance that Seungmin… liked you? Or were they all just playing with your feelings?
The stress of it all made you tug at your hair in frustration. But then you remembered Felix’s kiss, making you feel even more confused.
After class, you were about to leave when Seungmin called out to you.
“Hey,” he said, jogging over. “Let me treat you to the cafeteria.”
Normally, you’d jump at the chance for free food—who wouldn’t? This was just how you and Seungmin usually were. But after everything that happened, you found yourself questioning his intentions.
Still, you plastered on a smile and nodded. “Sure.”
As you both sat down, Seungmin played with his spoon, eyeing his food. “Do you think short hair would suit me?” He ran a hand through his hair, “I’m thinking about getting a haircut.”
You looked at him, trying to picture it. “Honestly? I think everything suits you.”
“Oh really?” He laughed, raising an eyebrow. “Well, if it turns out ugly, I’m blaming you.”
“It won’t,” you assured him. “Promise. Trust me, just imagining it, I think it’ll look great on you. And why would you blame me? I’m not the one asking you to cut it; I already think it’s perfect.”
You forced yourself not to think about what Felix said, focusing on keeping the conversation light and normal, just like always.
“Hey, why are you two eating alone without me?” Changbin suddenly appeared, sliding his tray onto the table like some kind of cool bad boy—though you knew he was a softie at heart.
“Because according to Seungmin, you eat too much,” you teased, even though Seungmin hadn’t actually said that. Changbin shot Seungmin a playful glare, his expression saying, ‘How dare you?’
“Why? It’s true,” Seungmin teased back with a casual shrug.
“Well, it is,” Changbin admitted with a grin. “But do you really think you can get away without buying me food? I put it on your tab at the cashier.”
You laughed, enjoying their playful banter. This is what you wanted to keep, this easy friendship with them. Nothing more, nothing less.
“Hey, don’t laugh! You owe me, too!” Changbin suddenly turned his attention to you.
“What? I don’t remember owing you anything. If anything, you owe me,” you shot back, munching on your food.
“Well, you’re right about that.” He chuckled, then leaned in closer, his tone turning serious. “But you owe me a promise. You have to come to my party. And you too.” referring to Seungmin.
“Tell me why I should attend instead of going to my weekly seminar,” Seungmin challenged, always enjoying a good tease.
“There’ll be lots of food.”
“Valid, but not enough,” Seungmin replied, feigning disinterest.
“I’ll be there,” Changbin said. Seungmin just rolled his eyes before standing up.
“I’m done eating,” he said, grabbing his tray. Then he looked at you, “Finish your food and eat well. I’ll go ahead.”
“What happened to you?” Hyunjin asked, concern etched on his face as he glanced over at you.
You were lying on one of the beds in the school clinic, feeling utterly drained. “I think I’m coming down with a fever. Can you give me some medicine?”
Hyunjin’s eyes narrowed slightly, a familiar sigh escaping his lips. “Again? Don’t tell me you’re pulling that trick to avoid PE.”
It was Wednesday, and Hyunjin was on clinic duty again. It seemed like every time he was here, you somehow managed to find your way to the clinic as well.
“I just really dislike playing volleyball,” you complained, curling up under the blanket.
“You know it’s part of the curriculum,” Hyunjin said firmly, reaching out to help you sit up. “Now, get up and get moving.”
But you stayed put. “I’m serious this time. My head is pounding.” You pressed your fingers against your temples, trying to relieve the discomfort.
Hyunjin’s expression softened, though he still looked slightly exasperated. “Alright, alright. Just stay here.” He walked over to the medicine cabinet, opening it and rummaging through the various bottles.
You watched him, admiring how he looked in his white lab coat. He seemed so professional and competent, and it made you smile despite your discomfort.
After a moment, Hyunjin returned with a small bottle in hand. “Here, take this.”
You examined the label. “Gummy vitamins? Really?”
Hyunjin grinned. “Yep, gummy medicine. It’s actually quite effective.”
“But… isn’t this for kids?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“You’re never too old for gummy vitamins,” Hyunjin said with a teasing smirk. He leaned closer and playfully tapped your forehead. “And besides, you’re basically a kid.”
“Ouch!” you said, rubbing your forehead as you accepted the bottle. You popped a gummy into your mouth, making a face as you chewed. The taste was oddly medicinal, and you struggled to hide your reaction.
Hyunjin chuckled, his laughter bright and genuine. “You look like you’re eating something terrible.”
“It’s not as good as the regular gummies,” you said, grimacing slightly. “But I guess it’ll do.”
Hyunjin shook his head, his smile softening. “You really need someone to take care of you. I swear, you can’t even handle a gummy without making a face.”
“I can take care of myself just fine,” you insisted, stretching your arms out as if to demonstrate your health. “Look, I’m perfectly okay.”
“Yeah, right,” Hyunjin said, sitting down on the chair next to you. “But even if you can take care of yourself, you don’t need to do it alone. I’m here for you, and I’ll always be here to look out for you.”
His words were meant to be comforting, and they were—though they took on a new weight as you recalled what Bang Chan and Felix had said. It suddenly seemed like there might be a deeper layer to Hyunjin’s concern.
You pushed those thoughts aside, forcing a smile. “I’m really glad to have you guys around. It means a lot.”
Hyunjin’s eyes softened as he returned your smile. “I’m glad to hear that. Now, try to get some rest. You need it.”
“Hey, Han,” you called out as you entered the library, spotting your friend among the sea of students hunched over their books. Probably finished of his schedule in the counter as a librarian assistant.
“Oh, hi!” Han looked up from his desk, his glasses perched on the edge of his nose. His eyes were bright with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. You often wondered how he managed to juggle work, study, and his other responsibilities so effortlessly.
“I finally finished that novel you recommended,” you said, making your way over to his table. “..And it was so boring.”
Han’s eyes widened in mock horror, his hands flying to his chest. “What? Don't do that to my most favorite book!"
You couldn’t help but laugh at his dramatic reaction. “Just kidding. It was actually really good.” You gave him a thumbs-up, your voice low but full of mirth, mindful of the quiet atmosphere in the library.
Han let out a relieved sigh and shook his head with a smile. “You almost had me there. What did you think of the ending?”
You shrugged, a hint of frustration in your tone. “I’m still confused. How can the main character like her but never pursue her? It just doesn’t make sense to me.”
Han’s face took on a look of mild exasperation as he leaned back in his chair. “Did you read it with your whole heart, or were you skimming through it?”
“Of course I read it!” you protested, feeling a bit defensive. “I just didn’t get it.”
Han’s expression softened into a more thoughtful one. “Well, sometimes love isn’t as straightforward as we want it to be. The character had reasons for not pursuing her, even though he wanted to.”
“What reasons?” you asked, genuinely intrigued. You leaned forward, eager for an explanation.
Han sighed, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice, can't believe he has to explain it to you. “It’s not always easy to explain. Sometimes, there are external factors, personal struggles, or circumstances beyond our control that affect our decisions.”
“Oh, I see,” you said slowly, trying to digest his explanation. “I still think the ending was a bit of a letdown, though.”
"Me too." Han chuckled, nodding in agreement. “Yeah, it’s definitely not the happiest of endings. But that’s what makes it memorable, I guess.”
“So, why is it your favorite if it’s so depressing?” you asked, genuinely curious.
Han hesitated, a thoughtful look on his face as he stared into the distance. “Because…”
He didn’t finish his sentence, leaving you hanging. You could guess what he might mean, understanding more than you let on. Sometimes it was easier to pretend you didn’t get it than to face the deeper implications of his words.
“Why would you need another cat when you already have three?” you asked, following Minho around the animal shelter. The space was filled with the soft meows and playful purrs of the cats, and you tried to keep up with his purposeful stride.
“Having one more won’t make me poor,” Minho replied, his gaze fixed intently on the cats. He seemed completely absorbed in the task of finding the perfect feline companion, his focus unwavering.
You chuckled softly, “Based on your face, you don’t look like someone who’s a father to a bunch of cats.” well he does look like a cat but you'll never tell him that, it might boost his overflowing confidence
“I don’t take opinions from anyone who’s trailing behind me,” Minho said with a smirk, still not turning to look at you.
“Oh, so you brought me here just to hear my complaints?” you sighed dramatically, trailing behind him. The endless walking was starting to wear you out, and you couldn’t help but think about the stack of assignments waiting for you at home.
Suddenly, Minho stopped in front of a white cat who was sitting calmly, watching him with wide, curious eyes. Minho crouched down and began speaking to the cat in a soft, melodic tone that seemed to mimic the cat’s own meows.
“I think I already found it,” Minho said with a satisfied smile, glancing up at you.
Back at the shelter’s counter, Minho was busy with the paperwork, preparing for the adoption. You watched him efficiently handle the forms and place the cat into its carrier. As he completed the final details, he turned to you with a beaming expression.
“Let’s go,” he said cheerfully.
You both headed to his car. Once inside, you buckled up, only for Minho to place the cat carrier on your lap. You opened it gently, letting the cat come out and stretch. Its beautiful white fur was soft and silky under your touch.
“What should we name her?” you asked, stroking the cat’s fur as she nuzzled closer to you.
“I don’t know,” Minho said, adjusting his seatbelt. “Why don’t you name her?”
"why would I be the one to do that?" you protested,
“Then, I’ll just name her after you,” Minho teased, looking at you with a mischievous glint in his eye.
“Oh no, don’t do that,” you laughed, shaking your head.
“Right? She seems to like it.” Minho chuckled as the cat responded positively to being called by your name. “She’s our daughter now.”
You felt a flutter of surprise at his words, but you tried to keep your emotions in check.
“Well, now you’re officially the baby of our friend group,” you said, hugging the cat gently. The little creature purred contentedly in your arms, and you couldn’t help but smile. “Welcome to the family.”
You were about to drift off to sleep when your phone buzzed with a FaceTime call from Jeongin. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you fixed your hair a bit and answered.
"Hey, what's up?" you greeted, trying to sound awake as you adjusted the phone to make sure you looked presentable.
"Hey!" Jeongin's cheerful voice came through, though his face was momentarily obscured as he set the phone down. The background of his room appeared on screen: a collection of action figures and band posters. He returned, holding his guitar. "Got a minute? I have a performance evaluation tomorrow, and I was hoping you could listen to my song and give me some feedback."
"Of course," you replied, leaning back against your headboard. "Why me though? You have plenty of musician friends who could help."
Jeongin laughed softly, adjusting the tune on his guitar. "Well, I think I’ll get the most honest comments from you. Han just tells me I sound like bread—whatever that means—and Changbin mostly just laughs at me."
You smiled at his playful tone. "Alright, hit me with it."
With a nod, Jeongin began to strum his guitar and sing. His voice filled the room with a soothing melody, performing Day6's "Afraid." His rendition was as captivating as always.
When he finished, you sighed in appreciation. "That was beautiful. Seriously, the song fits your voice perfectly."
“Really?” Jeongin’s face brightened with a hopeful smile.
You nodded enthusiastically, giving him a thumbs up. “Absolutely. You did an amazing job.”
Jeongin chuckled. “The truth is, that wasn’t the song I intended to perform,” he admitted with a playful grin. “but i hope you enjoy that song. It's for you.”
You laughed softly, feeling grateful for the unexpected late-night serenade. “I did. Thanks for sharing it with me.”
You enter Bang Chan’s studio, balancing a coffee cup in one hand. The studio is buzzing with activity, but Chan looks up with a smile as you walk in.
“Hey, thanks for the coffee!” Chan says, taking the cup from you with a grateful grin.
“No problem. I figured you’d need it. I’ve heard you’re practically living here these days,” you tease, slipping into the casual banter you’re used to with him.
“Yeah, it’s the price of fame,” Chan chuckles, pretending to adjust an imaginary tie. “I’m basically a coffee addict now.”
“You’ve always been one. Remember that time you tried to make your own coffee blend and nearly set off the fire alarm?”
Chan laughs, shaking his head. “Oh, don’t remind me. I’m still convinced it was a conspiracy by the coffee machine.”
You laugh along, feeling a comfortable ease in the familiar exchange. “So, are you busy today? Or can you spare a few minutes?”
“Earlier, I was buried in work, but now I’m taking a break. What’s up?” Chan asks, settling into his chair.
You nod, setting your coffee down on a nearby table. “I actually came to talk. And, well, I left my glasses here the other day.”
Chan raises an eyebrow playfully. “So it’s a dual-purpose visit: coffee delivery and a retrieval mission?”
“Exactly. I’m multitasking,” you reply with a wink.
“Impressive. I’d expect nothing less from you,” Chan says, leaning back in his chair. “But seriously, what’s on your mind?”
You take a deep breath, shifting your focus from the lightheartedness to a more serious tone. “You know, Chan, I’ve been thinking a lot lately. About everything that’s been happening with us.”
Chan’s expression shifts to a more serious one, sensing the change in tone. “Go on.”
“You know I’m always proud of you and everything you’ve achieved,” you begin, your voice softening. “And I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for me. But lately, I’ve been worried. I don’t want to ruin the friendship we have.”
Chan looks at you with a mixture of concern and curiosity. “What do you mean?”
“I just hoped that everything you’ve said, and everything I thought, is wrong,” you continue. “I don’t want to ruin the friendship I have with you guys.”
Chan’s smile is gentle but sad. “You know, now that everyone likes you?”
You look down, fiddling with your coffee cup. “Well, I hope it’s because you all care for me as a friend and not something more.”
Chan’s eyes are filled with a warmth that both comforts and troubles you. “You’ve always been special to us. And we’re okay if you have to choose one of us. We promise it won’t ruin anything.”
“I don’t want to choose any of you,” you say, your voice trembling slightly. “You’re all special to me.”
It was Changbin's birthday, and you were carefully wrapping the gift you had bought for him—a watch. You knew it wasn’t as extravagant as the ones he usually wore, but it was thoughtful and sincere, a gesture from a poor uni student to a friend who seemed to have everything. Still, you hoped he would appreciate the sentiment.
A knock on your door startled you, pulling you from your thoughts. You were expecting Chan, who had offered to pick you up for the party, so you hurried to answer the door.
But it wasn’t Chan.
“Hey.” Felix stood there, a small, familiar smile on his lips. The sight of him made your heart skip a beat, especially after everything that had happened between you two in the past few days. You had promised yourself to forget about it, to push those feelings away, but seeing him now made it all come rushing back.
“Hello, gorgeous,” Felix greeted you, his voice as smooth as ever. He looked effortlessly handsome in his suit, his charm radiating as always.
“Thank you,” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. You appreciated the compliment, but there was an undeniable awkwardness in the air, a tension that neither of you wanted to acknowledge. “You look great too.”
Felix chuckled softly, his eyes briefly meeting yours before he looked away. “I try,” he said, his tone light, but you could hear the underlying edge to it. He cleared his throat, trying to ease the tension. “Ready to go?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, grabbing your bag. “Chan’s waiting downstairs.”
Together, you walked down to the first floor, where Chan’s car was parked outside. He rolled down the window as you approached, flashing you both a bright smile. “Finally! I was about to start the party without you guys,” he joked.
“Wouldn’t be much of a party without the birthday gift,” you teased back, holding up the wrapped box.
Chan laughed, unlocking the doors. “Get in, then. Can’t have you showing up without it.”
In the car, the three of you quickly fell into easy conversation, laughing about inside jokes and reminiscing about old memories.
“So, what did you get Changbin?” Felix asked, looking over at you with genuine curiosity.
“It’s just a watch,” you said, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “Nothing fancy.”
Felix shook his head. “It’s the thought that counts. He’ll love it.”
You smiled at his reassurance, but the heavy tension lingered, especially with Felix sitting so close to you. You could feel his presence, his warmth, but there was a wall between you—one neither of you seemed ready to address.
As the conversation continued, you found yourself getting lost in the sound of Chan’s voice, trying to push away the awkwardness. But no matter how much you tried to immerse yourself in the moment, you couldn’t shake the heaviness in the air.
Finally, you arrived at the party. The venue was stunning, elegant in every way. All your friends were already there, looking beautiful and sophisticated in their formal attire. As soon as you entered, they complimented you, making you feel like you belonged in that glamorous setting, even if you often doubted it yourself.
Yuji, who had also been invited, greeted you with a warm hug, her energy infectious. “You look amazing!” she gushed, her eyes wide with excitement as she took in the atmosphere. “This party is insane, right?”
“Yeah, it’s something else,” you agreed, smiling at her enthusiasm. “You look great too, by the way.”
She grinned, doing a little twirl. “Thanks! I can’t wait to see what happens tonight.”
The party began, and you found yourself seated at a table with your friends. Minho, who had always been obvious about his feelings for you, couldn’t take his eyes off you. He looked at you like you were the only person in the room, his gaze intense and unwavering.
“Are you okay?” Jeongin whispered in your ear.
You nodded, trying to act nonchalant. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
Jeongin didn’t seem convinced, but he didn’t push it. Instead, he casually wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. “Just let me know if you need anything,”
You smiled gratefully at him, though the tension between the table was palpable, and you could feel the weight of Minho’s gaze even more acutely.
Then there was Han, who had always been more subtle about his feelings. He had never made it obvious, but tonight, when the air began to cool, he quietly draped his coat over your shoulders, his fingers brushing against your skin as he did so.
“Thanks, Han,” you said, looking up at him with a soft smile.
“No problem,” he replied, his voice low and warm. “Can’t have you freezing out here.”
As the evening went on, the program began, and Seungmin took the stage to offer a song. His voice was beautiful, capturing everyone’s attention as he sang. But as he performed, your heart began to race. He kept looking at you, his eyes locking with yours in a way that made you feel both flustered and vulnerable.
Yuji, sitting nearby, was practically glowing with happiness. She leaned in close, whispering, “I think this song is for me!”
You forced a smile, unable to bring yourself to tell her otherwise. “Maybe,” you replied, but your heart knew better.
Hyunjin, ever perceptive, seemed to pick up on the tension in the air. He observed quietly, his sharp eyes darting between you and the others, before taking a long sip of his wine. “Quite the night, huh?” he murmured, more to himself than to anyone in particular.
Then, out of nowhere, Changbin appeared at your table. His face lit up when he saw you, and without hesitation, he pulled you into a tight hug. “I’m so happy you’re here!” he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine joy.
You laughed softly, hugging him back. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Everyone at the table watched the interaction closely, some with smiles, others with unreadable expressions. But as you stood there, enveloped in Changbin’s embrace, a strange feeling crept into your chest.
And in that moment, you realized that perhaps it was better not to know. Ignorance, as they say, might be bliss.
As the night deepened, the more you wanted to go home. It wasn't that you didn’t enjoy spending time with your friends—quite the opposite—but with the tension growing thicker by the minute, you’d rather be curled up under your blanket, away from the chaos.
You were about to take another sip of your wine when a hand gently stopped you.
"You should stop drinking. You shouldn't get drunk," Han said, his voice soft but firm. He took your glass and, without hesitation, drank it himself.
The loud music continued to play in the background, filling the air with a vibrant energy that contrasted sharply with the underlying tension. Everyone else was getting more and more absorbed in their drinks, except you—Han never let you have another sip.
"Hey, do you want me to sing a song on stage?" a voice asked, leaning close to you to be heard over the music. You turned to find Jeongin grinning at you.
You laughed, feeling a bit lighter in his presence. "Why would you ask for my permission? You should go up there and do what you want. I'm just here to support you."
Jeongin nodded, his smile growing wider. "That's the reason I like you." He stood up from his chair, leaving you momentarily stunned by his words.
As the seat beside you became vacant, Seungmin slipped into it, his presence bringing a different kind of tension. He smiled at you, his eyes soft and warm as he said, "You look beautiful tonight." Then, almost as if he couldn't stop himself, he added with a slightly slurred voice, "You know, I realized I should have kept you to myself."
You went quiet, not sure how to respond. Seungmin had been the reason you met all of his friends, the one who had introduced you into this complicated circle. Now, his words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken feelings.
He rested his hand on the back of your chair, and you let out a nervous laugh, trying to shake off what he said by teasing him instead.
"Hey, Seungmin!" Felix called out, drawing everyone's attention. He smirked as he teased, "That song you sang earlier—it didn't sound like a birthday song at all. Are you sure you weren’t serenading Changbin?"
Seungmin, who was still looking at you, replied without missing a beat, "Well, it wasn't for him."
The tension at the table thickened, and you could feel everyone’s eyes on you. Hyunjin, who had been quiet until now, finally spoke up, his voice cutting through the charged atmosphere. “Changbin, you were the one who put the note, right?”
It was the question you were asking, but then you suddenly don't want to know the answer now.
Changbin, who had been busy entertaining guests earlier and was visibly tired, looked up with a blank expression. “Yeah, that was me,” he admitted, his voice flat.
Minho scoffed, taking a sip of his drink. “That was weak, Changbin,” he remarked, his tone dripping with disdain.
You could sense the unease building, the tension wrapping around you like a vice. Jeongin returned, plopping down in the seat Seungmin had vacated, his carefree demeanor a stark contrast to the heaviness in the air. “The band didn’t want to let me sing,” Jeongin said with a laugh, though even he seemed to feel the strain. “I think Changbin didn’t let me.”
“Well, it’s true. I put it in there,” Changbin confessed again, this time with more emphasis. He looked at you, his gaze heavy, and you realized how exhausted you were by this whole ordeal.
Chan, ever the mature one, noticed the growing tension and tried to intervene, but before he could speak, Felix’s voice rang out. “I kissed her.”
The words hung in the air, heavier than anything that had been said all night. The atmosphere at the table grew unbearably thick, and for a moment, you felt like you couldn’t breathe. Yuji had left earlier, and suddenly, you wished you had gone with her.
You stood up abruptly, your chair scraping against the floor. “I… I need to go to the bathroom,” you muttered, not waiting for a response as you made your way through the crowd, your steps unsteady.
In the quiet of the bathroom, you stared at your reflection in the mirror, your heart pounding in your chest. This couldn’t go on. You had to do something before everything fell apart, before you lost the friendships that meant so much to you.
Determined, you took a deep breath and opened the door, only to be pulled into a dark corner. Before you could react, Minho’s lips were on yours. The kiss was desperate, filled with emotions you didn’t want to face. You pushed him away, tears welling up in your eyes.
“Minho, stop!” you cried, your voice breaking. Minho stepped back, his expression one of shock and regret.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, his voice trembling. “I didn’t mean to…”
Without another word, you turned and hurried back to the table, grabbing your bag as everyone’s eyes followed your every move. “I’m going home,” you announced, your voice steadier than you felt. Chan offered to drive you, but you shook your head.
“No, it’s fine.” You left before anyone could argue, the night air cold against your skin as you flagged down a taxi.
As the car sped away, tears streamed down your face, each one heavy with the realization you had been avoiding all night. You knew why you were crying, why you wanted to run away. Because deep down..
you already knew who you wanted to choose. But the thought of hurting the others, of breaking the delicate balance between you all, was too much to bear.
an: who do you want to choose?
@hpnsfwaddict @stay-tiny-things @velvetmoonlght @tonkatesuramen @spearbinnie0327 @leezanetheofficial @furioussheepluminary 
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gn4bnahc · 3 months
Giving Channie a handjob while watching a movie🍿
Yall I can’t, this sound like Chan too much 😔
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hoshifighting · 15 days
when you start to ignore them — seventeen as your crush
hyung line / maknae line
minghao’s not dumb—he felt it when things shifted. the way you suddenly stopped giving him those small gifts, the attention, the lingering gazes when he caught your eye. he didn’t know why, but he knew something had changed. he never mentioned it, though. minghao’s never been one to chase attention, but yours? yeah, he got used to it. maybe too used to it. the weird part is, he started to crush on you too. he’d look forward to your little gifts, the way you’d brighten up around him. he thought he’d play it cool, but now? now he feels like he’s the one waiting.
one afternoon, after another day of you barely acknowledging him, he corners you. his voice is calm, but there’s something sharp beneath the surface. “did something happen between us?” you blink at him, caught off guard by the sudden confrontation. “no… why?”
he tilts his head, eyes narrowing. “you stopped talking to me. stopped giving me attention.” his lips curl into a smirk, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “i thought you liked me.” the words hang in the air, and for a second, you swear you see a flicker of irritation in his eyes. “or was that just for fun?”
mingyu’s used to girls crushing on him. he’s tall, handsome, and charming without even trying, so it never surprises him when people start showing him attention. he thought you were just like everyone else at first—another person fawning over him. but then, you stopped. and fuck, that’s when he realized it was different.
he never thought much of it before, but when your gifts stopped showing up, when you stopped hanging around him, it hit him hard. he didn’t expect to miss it, didn’t expect to miss you. but here he is, sitting in the practice room, scrolling through his phone, wondering why you’re suddenly ignoring him. “hey,” he catches you outside the dorms one evening, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “you’ve been… quiet.”
you raise an eyebrow. “quiet?”
he nods, swallowing. “yeah. you used to, y’know, be around more.” he glances away, almost embarrassed. “i kinda miss it.” there’s a pause, and when you don’t respond right away, mingyu’s chest tightens. “did i do something wrong? or… were you just over it?” his voice is softer than usual, less cocky, and it makes you realize how much he actually liked having you around. maybe more than he let on.
seokmin doesn’t take it well. when you stop giving him attention, he feels it immediately. it’s like a cloud settles over him, and he doesn’t know how to shake it.
he tries to laugh it off at first. “oh, what did I do now y/n-nie?” he jokes, flashing you one of his signature grins. but when you don’t laugh, when you just shrug and walk away, his smile falters. it eats at him for daysssss!! he hates it. hates how much he’s thinking about you, about the way you’ve been avoiding him. he misses your presence, your gifts, your attention.
finally, he can’t take it anymore. one night, after practice, he pulls you aside, his expression serious for once. “why are you ignoring me?”
“i’m not—”
“you are,” he cuts you off, his voice a little sharper than usual. “you used to care, you used to… i don’t know, you used to make me feel special. now it’s like i don’t even exist to you.” his voice cracks.
“what the hell ive done?! or are you just tired of me?”
seungkwan’s first instinct is to make you jealous. when he realizes you’ve stopped giving him attention, stopped following him around, his pride takes a hit. so, he starts flirting with others more openly, trying to get a reaction out of you.
but it doesn’t work. you don’t even seem to care, and that only makes him more frustrated. after a week of his failed attempts, he finally gives up and decides to confront you. “what’s going on?” he asks one day, crossing his arms over his chest, clearly annoyed. “you’ve been ignoring me, and it’s pissing me off.”
you raise an eyebrow, not really in the mood for his theatrics. “pissing you off?” he huffs, rolling his eyes. “yeah. you used to be all over me, and now… nothing. did you find someone else or something?”
there’s a pause, and for the first time, seungkwan’s usual confidence wavers. “i don’t like it,” he admits quietly, his voice softer now. “i miss you.” it’s a rare moment of openness from him, and you can tell he means it.
“can we… can we go back to how things were?”
vernon doesn’t say anything for a while. he notices when you stop hanging around him, but he’s not the type to make a big deal out of it. he figures you’re just busy, or maybe you’ve lost interest, and he tells himself it’s fine. but deep down he knows its not.
after a few days of silence, vernon starts to feel restless. he misses the small things—the way you’d smile at him, the way you’d always bring him snacks, when you click your fingers on his face when he zooms out or laugh at his dumb jokes. without you around, everything feels off. he catches you one day after class, his hands shoved in his pockets as he looks at you. “sup’, you good?”
“yeah, why?”
he shrugs, glancing away. “just… you’ve been kinda distant.” he pauses, trying to find the right words. “i don’t like it. actually, i like having you around...” his voice is quiet, almost shy, and it takes you a second to realize he’s being serious. “i mean, i get it if you’re over it or whatever, but…” he trails off, rubbing the back of his neck. “i really miss you. that’s all.”
chan’s reaction is instantaneous. the moment you stop giving him attention, he starts giving it right back. it’s like he can’t stand the idea of losing your presence, so he tries to fill the gap himself.
suddenly, he’s the one following you around, offering you snacks, little gifts, even bubblegum. “here, thought you might like this,” he says with a grin, holding out a pack of your favorite candy.
“uh, thanks…”
he smiles, but there’s a hint of nervousness in his eyes. “you’ve been kinda quiet lately. figured i’d return the favor, y’know?” he keeps it up for days, going out of his way to get your attention, to make you smile. and when you finally ask him why he’s doing it, he just shrugs, his usual confidence slipping a bit.
“i missed you,” he admits softly, his eyes dropping to the floor. “you used to do all this for me, and i didn’t realize how much i liked it until you stopped.” there’s a beat of silence before he looks up at you again, his voice quieter now. “i guess… i just wanted to remind you that i care too.”
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