#Chapter 35: Landlord and Tenant Law
loyallogic · 4 years
Application to the Controller, Delhi Rent Control Act, 1958: Analysing two sides of the coin
  This article is written by Disha Pathak.
Delhi Rent Control Act, 1958 finds its roots way back to the 20th century. The Act came into existence aftermath the horrible crisis of partition, while the first Rent Control Act in Delhi came into being after the outbreak of second world war in 1939. This act was tenant friendly and was to protect the interest of especially the economic weaker sections from the untimely evictions and skyrocketing rents demanded by the landowners. However with circumstances changing (even the century), the archaic law stands stagnant, and though many amendments were made, but no amendment managed to hit the bull’s eye, and dig no deeper. While large part of the Act deals with the fixation of rent, Controller was in the charge of fixing the standard rents and handles most of the cases related to the rent regulation in the parts of Delhi. Both the landlords and the tenants have the right to approach the Controller through Applications for the regulation of rent of their properties. 
Controller in the Delhi Rent Control Act,1958 is defined as “Controller appointed under sub-section (1) of section 35 and includes an additional Controller appointed under sub-section (2) of that section.” in a legal and technical language, however in the layman language they can be simply defined as officers who are in charge of controlling the rents of the properties as and when the need arises. They have their powers same as are vested in the Civil Court, under Code of Civil Procedure,1908 while trying a suit. 
Appointment and Powers
Qualifications to be appointed as a Controller and functions and powers vested in him has been defined under Chapter VI of the Act. 
Applications to the Controller
So far it is clear that the Controller is in the charge of regulating the rules for the rent of properties of Delhi. But how to approach a Controller? Whenever there is a rough patch between the landowners and tenants. 
Controller there acts as a mediator, who sought to bring their deal to a conclusion. Either the landlord or the tenant can approach the Controller through an application made to him in the name of his office. Application can be made to him/her for different purposes. The basic motive behind enacting this act and appointment of the Controller was to protect the interest of the tenants so they don’t have to pay more than the reasonable and stipulated rent, and the arbitrary evictions by the landlords. Standard and reasonable rent here means, the rent which is affordable to the economically weaker sections and is being provided in the Act itself. 
Applications under Sections 9, 13, 14 or 19(1) 
(1) Every application to the Controller under Section 9, Section 13, Section 14 or sub-section (1) of Section 19 shall be in Form A. 
(2) An application under section 13 shall also give particulars of the sum or consideration paid, the circumstances under which such payment was made and the provisions of the Act, or of the Delhi-Ajmer Rent Control Act, 1952, which has been contravened. 
(3) An application for permission to re-let premises under sub-section (1) of section 19 shall also state the ground on which the premises are sought to be re-let in whole or in part. 
Section 9 guarantees, that the controller shall, through an application made to him, fix the standard rent keeping in with the provisions of Section 6 and 7 of the Act. 
Section 13 guarantees and protects the rights of the tenants, if they had paid any sum to the landlord in violation of the rules of this Act, the Controller shall on receiving an application may order the landlord to refund the sum to the tenant. 
Section 14 talks in length about the protection of tenants against eviction and specify certain grounds on which landlord can evict their tenants and not violating their rights. 
Section 19(1) elaborates about the recovery of possession of the property for the purposes of occupation and re-entry, and the landowner shall not except with the permission of the Controller re let the property within three years of having such possession; and Controller may by her/his order let the tenant take possession of such premises. 
Landowners perspective
Above mentioned sections deals in depth with the application to the controller. However these section give immense power to the tenants in regard of possession of the property. Since it is an archaic Act, it favors the tenants, which when the Act was enacted gave power to the economically weaker sections and gave them hope over the possession of their properties. However with the change in the scenarios, the Act has been misused by the tenants. Section 9 talks about the standard rent fixed by the Controller, however it is more like of a controlled market where the rent is fixed, irrespective of the current market situations.
Talking of the Controller, who has to be a judicial officer, it is not guaranteed that she/he may be an expert in fixing the rent, or aware of the market situations which gave a huge setback to this Act. Landlord does not get a chance to decide the rate of their property’s rent by themselves and therefore by mere application to the Controller, there can be a fixation in the rent. All the applications made to the Controller shall be in the Form A, which gives the details of the rent, about the property, and under which section it has been sent to the office. The act has been majorly in the tenant’ favor, however there are some sections and conditions which give relief to the landlords as well, as it provide certain grounds on which possession can be reclaimed, and protects them against the violations of the rules by the tenants. 
Under Section 19(1), through an application made to the Controller, re-possession of the property on grounds of occupation is possible, however it also grants powers to the Controller to decide that whether the tenant could acquire possession over the premises or not, which again leaves no room for the landowners to decide about their property. By a mere application tenant can possess the property. Controller here can be biased and there is no prior inspection of the property before letting the property to the landowners. Eviction should be ascertained and analysed, and therefore conclusion should be made that whether the eviction is just and lawful or not. 
Tenants’ perspective 
Since this act is Tenant friendly, and since ages it has been criticized because of stagnancy, it ignores the landlords’ concern over their properties. There has been considerable dip in the investments by the landlords in the properties, because of the controlled markets by virtue of interim and standard fixed rents. Initially it was enacted for the economically weaker sections, but now it has been misused by many residents, and even after several amendments it could not repair the financial damage done to the properties in the market dealings. The benefit of such act for the tenants is that it sets the fixed rent and standard rents by the act and protects them from the untimely or unreasonable evictions by the landlords. Also if the landlord acquires the possession of the property, on application to the controller, they can claim possession over the premises, if it is in the regulation of the rules provided under the Act. Also if the Controller thinks fit, they are eligible for the compensation. In all the ways this Act protects the interests of the tenants and ensures that they get a roof above their head.
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Application for Re-enter
An application by a tenant under sub-section (2) of section 19 or under sub-section (3) of section 20 for putting him in possession of the premises or part thereof shall be made within six months from the date on which the cause of action for re-entry arises and shall state the grounds on which such possession in claimed. 
This provision provides that application shall be made under Section 19(2) and 20(3) within six months from the date on which the cause of action for re-entry arises and shall also specifies the grounds on which such possession is claimed. 
Section 19(2) provides that if the landowner lets the possession of the property to another tenant other than the evicted tenant within three years from the date of obtaining such possession, and such premises are not held by landowner, then controller, through an application made by the evicted tenant, may order the landlord to give possession of the land or compensate him in equals. 
Section 20(3) deals with that if landowner, after the tenant has delivered the possession, fails to continue the repairs and work on the building, and provide occupation to the tenant, then the controller shall order the landowner to give such occupation to the tenant, upon receiving an application from such a tenant. 
Landlord perspective
The above sections are clearly not in favour of the landowners and curbs their liberty to engage tenants and for that matter even workers required for the works and repairs on his building. These sections are arbitrary and biased towards the landowners, since it gives powers to the tenants and in a way this power may get misused, because there is no prior investigation on the same. Mere application under the section prompts the Controller to take an action before the landowner can be reasonably heard. Moreover it is a pressure on the landowner regarding employing such tenants, and giving them possession specially after the property has been repossessed. 
Also the question of delay is not reasonable as there may be genuine reasons behind it, and having such tenants again should not be compulsory. 
However it can be ascertained that tenants may not get dispossessed unnecessarily and unreasonably, and therefore special experts maybe employed for such investigations and counselling maybe done for both the landowners. 
Tenants’ perspective 
Above sections clearly supports the plight of the tenants who are unreasonably displaced from their properties and are untimely evicted. 
Section 20(3) not only maintains that they get compensated but also ensures that they are given occupation of the building. However it is an undisputed fact, that there maybe misuse of the act and therefore many tenants who are genuinely evicted and with mala fide intentions get the advantage out of the situation. 
Application for Recovery of Possession under Section 21
An application for recovery of possession under section 21 by the landlord shall be made within six months from the date of expiry of the period of tenancy. 
This section deals with the recovery of possession in case of tenancies for limited period. In this Section, if the landowner and tenant has a written agreement between them, about the limited period of the tenancy, and on the expiration of such period, tenant does not vacate the premises, then the Controller on behalf of the application by the landowner may place the possession of such property to the landowner, and evicting such tenant and whosoever in occupation of it. 
This section is in favor of the landowners and protect their interests against tenants with malafide intentions. It is illegal and not reasonable to go beyond the written agreement, and therefore both the landowners and tenants are obligated to adhere to such rules, and anyone who violates it, must bear with the legal consequences. 
Form of other Application
An application not herein before specified in these rules shall, so far as may be made in Form A and shall state the grounds on which it is made. 
This provision provides that the Applications made to the Controller shall be made in Form A, which also states the grounds on which they are made and specially sections under which these grounds fall. 
Manner in which Applications are to be made 
(l) Every application under the Act shall be signed and verified in the manner prescribed under rules 14 and 15 of Order VI of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, and shall be presented by the applicant or his recognised agent to the Controller. 
(2) Every such application shall be accompanied by a copy or sufficient number of copies thereof for service on the respondent of respondents mentioned therein. 
Rule 14 of the CPC, 1908 talks about “Pleading to be signed” i.e. the pleading has to be signed by the pleader, or in his absence any pleader who is authorised to do the same. 
Rule 15 of the CPC, 1908 specifies about “ Verification of Pleadings” which is to ensure that pleader verifying the facts of the case is upto the \satisfaction of the Court, and verifies the facts to be true by signing it duly. 
Appearance before the Controller 
A party may appear before the Controller either in person or by a recognised agent provided that if the Controller so directs the party shall appear in person. 
This ensures the legal identity of the party pleading, and if the Controller is not satisfied, he may order the party to appear personally. 
[8A. Form of report of valuation by valuer – (1) The report of valuation by a valuer in respect of the premises shall be in Form F. 
Fees – (2) The amount of fees to be paid to the valuer shall be such as may be decided by the Rent Controller.] 
-Form F deals with the details and intricacies of the valuation of rent and about the property to be valued. 
After discussing about the details and analysing the applications made to the Controller under The Delhi Rent Control Act,1958, we reach to the conclusion that beside all the benefits it has given to the tenants, economically weaker sections, it remains an archaic enactment, which has not come to terms to the modern times. All the amendments made were great efforts to fit this Act into the modern times and improve the rental housing conditions, but it remains a fact that it was enacted for a short time period and still it has managed to cross a century, the positive side is that it has proved the rental housing conditions for the tenants or those without the shelter but it has a worst hit on the landowners and their investments. 
Application to the Controller in this Article dealt with that how under several Sections provided in this act ensures that on what grounds, both the landlords and tenants could make applications to claim what’s rightfully theirs and have it through the right means. Nevertheless with the time and space changing, the laws must get the better out of it and keep pace with the modern scenarios. 
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The new, ninth edition of the Essentials of Business Law program is a practical, concise, and broad-based introduction to the vibrant field of business law. Both the traditional areas of law, such as contracts and property, and the emerging areas of law, such as e-commerce and environmental, are covered in short, informative chapters written to capture the essence of each topic. The objective of the text throughout its coverage is ease―ease of use, ease of teaching, ease of assessment, and ease of understanding. It has been developed for those seeking a more fundamental overview of the concepts and principles that are vital to the understanding of business law.
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Part II: Torts, Crimes, and Intellectual Property
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13. Genuineness of Assent and Undue Influence
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Part VIII: Business Organizations, Corporate Governance, Investor Protection, and Business Ethics
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35. Limited Partnerships and Special Partnerships
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Part X: Personal Property, Real Property, and Insurance
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Business Law: Legal Environment, Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and International Issues is an engaging text that teaches students about the workings of business law by examining real case studies and examples. The material explores core issues in both national and international business law in depth while remaining brief and concise.
The Ninth Edition has been updated with a wealth of new cases from the U.S. Supreme and Federal Courts for students to investigate, as well as new examples of environmental, digital and international business legal cases. An exploration of ethics takes business law education a step further by teaching students how to practice justly. Illustrated with beautiful imagery, Business Law uses tangible examples that students will be able to reference in their future careers to introduce students to this important topic.
Table of Contents
Part I: Legal Environment of Business and Online Commerce
1. Legal Heritage and the Digital Age
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Part II: Torts, Crimes, and Intellectual Property
5. Intentional Torts and Negligence
6. Product and Strict Liability
7. Intellectual Property and Cyber Piracy
8. Criminal Law and Cyber Crimes
Part III: Contracts and E-Commerce
9. Nature of Traditional and E-Contracts
10. Agreement
11. Consideration and Promissory Estoppel
12. Capacity and Legality
13. Genuineness of Assent and Undue Influence
14. Statute of Frauds and Equitable Exceptions
15. Third-Party Rights and Discharge
16. Breach of Contract and Remedies
17. Digital Law and E-Commerce
Part IV: Sales and Lease Contracts and Warranties
18. Formation of Sales and Lease Contracts
19. Title to Goods and Risk of Loss
10. Remedies for Breach of Sales and Lease Contracts
21. Warranties
Part V: Negotiable Instruments, Banking, and Electronic Financial Transactions
22. Creation of Negotiable Instruments
23. Holder in Due Course and Transferability
24. Liability, Defenses, and Discharge
25. Banking System and Electronic Financial Transactions
Part VI: Credit, Secured Transactions, and Bankruptcy
26. Credit, Real Property Financing, and Debtor’s Rights
27. Secured Transactions
28. Bankruptcy and Reorganization
Part VII: Agency, Employment, and Labor Law
29. Agency Formation and Termination
30. Liability of Principals, Agents, and Independent Contractors
31. Employment, Worker Protection, and Immigration Law
32. Labor Law
33. Equal Opportunity in Employment
Part VIII: Business Organizations, Corporate Governance, Investor Protection, and Business Ethics
34. Small Business, Entrepreneurship, and General Partnerships
35. Limited Partnerships and Special Partnerships
36. Corporate Formation and Financing
37. Corporate Governance and Sarbanes-Oxley Act
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39. Limited Liability Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships
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Part IX: Government Regulation
43. Administrative Law and Regulatory Agencies
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46. Antitrust Law and Unfair Trade Practices
Part X: Personal Property, Real Property, and Insurance
47. Personal Property and Bailment
48. Real Property
49. Landlord-Tenant Law and Land Use Regulation
50. Insurance
Part XI: Accounting Profession
51. Accountants’ Duties and Liability
Part XII: Personal Law
52. Wills, Trusts, and Estates
53. Family Law
Part XIII: Global Environment
54.International and World Trade Law
A The Constitution of the United States of America
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Test Bank for Dynamic Business Law 4th Edition Kubasek Neil Browne Barkacs Herron and Dhooge
An ETHICAL DECISION-MAKING framework, first introduced in Chapter 2, is a cohesive theme throughout cases questions and other material.An emphasis on CRITICAL THINKING, backed by co-author Neil Browne’s expertise in this area, teaches students how to frame and re-frame a question/issue.A focus on BUSINESS RELEVANCE consistently ties legal issues back to the core business curriculum. Students leave with an appreciation of why understanding the law in the context of the business is critical to their future success as a business leader.With Connect, students benefit from critical thinking practice with Interactives, a personalized reading experience with SmartBooik, and review opportunities that drive enhanced performance in this crucial business course.
Table of Content:
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Dynamic Business Law
Chapter 2 Business EthicsChapter 3 The U.S. Legal SystemChapter 4 Alternative Dispute ResolutionChapter 5 Constitutional PrinciplesChapter 6 International and Comparative LawChapter 7 Crime and the Business CommunityChapter 8 Tort LawChapter 9 Negligence and Strict LiabilityChapter 10 Product LiabilityChapter 11 Liability of Accountants and Other ProfessionalsChapter 12 Intellectual PropertyChapter 13 Introduction to ContractsChapter 14 AgreementChapter 15 ConsiderationChapter 16 Capacity and LegalityChapter 17 Legal AssentChapter 18 Contracts in WritingChapter 19 Third-Party Rights to ContractsChapter 20 Discharge and RemediesChapter 21 Introduction to Sales and Lease ContractsChapter 22 Title, Risk of Loss, and Insurable InterestChapter 23 Performance and Obligations under Sales and LeasesChapter 24 Remedies for Breach of Sales and Lease ContractsChapter 25 WarrantiesChapter 26 Negotiable Instruments: Negotiability and TransferabilityChapter 27 Negotiation, Holder in Due Course, and DefensesChapter 28 Liability,Defenses, and DischargeChapter 29 Checks and Electronic Fund TransfersChapter 30 Secured TransactionsChapter 31 Other Creditors’ Remedies and SuretyshipChapter 32 Bankruptcy and ReorganizationChapter 33 AgencyFormation and DutiesChapter 34 Liability to Third Parties and TerminationChapter 35 Forms of Business OrganizationChapter 36 Partnerships: Nature, Formation, and OperationChapter 37 Partnerships: Termination and Limited PartnershipsChapter 38 Corporations: Formation and FinancingChapter 39 Corporations: Directors, Officers, and ShareholdersChapter 40 Corporations: Mergers, Consolidations, TerminationsChapter 41 Corporations: Securities and Investor ProtectionChapter 42 Employment and Labor LawChapter 43 Employment DiscriminationChapter 44 Administrative LawChapter 45 Consumer LawChapter 46 Environmental LawChapter 47 Antitrust LawChapter 48 The Nature of Property, Personal Property, and BailmentsChapter 49 Real PropertyChapter 50 Landlord-Tenant LawChapter 51 Insurance LawChapter 52 Wills and TrustsProduct Details:
Language: English ISBN-10: 1259723585 ISBN-13: 978-1259723582 ISBN-13: 9781259723582
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Test Bank for Business Law Text and Cases Legal Ethical Global and Corporate Environment 12th Edition by Clarkson Miller Cross
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Test Bank for Business Law Text and Cases Legal Ethical Global and Corporate Environment 12th Edition by Kenneth W. Clarkson,‎ Roger LeRoy Miller,‎ Frank B. Cross
Product Descriptions
Comprehensive, authoritative, and student-friendly, longtime market-leader Business Law: Text and Cases – Legal, Ethical, Global, and Corporate Environment delivers an ideal blend of classic “black letter law” and cutting-edge coverage of contemporary issues and cases. The first text to implement an undergraduate-oriented pedagogy with traditional law school-like content, Business Law continues to set the standard for excellence. The text combines the benefits of a black letter law approach with a strong student orientation, making the law accessible, interesting, and relevant for readers. The cases, content, and features of the 12th Edition have been thoroughly updated to represent the latest developments in business law. An excellent assortment of included cases ranges from precedent-setting landmarks to important recent decisions, and ethical, global, and corporate themes are integrated throughout. In addition, numerous critical-thinking exercises challenge students to apply what they’ve learned to real-world issues, and the text offers an unmatched range of support materials–including innovative online teaching and learning resources. It’s no wonder that Business Law is used by more colleges and universities than any other business law text.
Table of contents
PART I: THE LEGAL ENVIRONMENT OF BUSINESS 1. Introduction to Law and Legal Reasoning 2. Courts and Alternative Dispute Resolution 3. Court Procedures 4. Constitutional Authority to Regulate Business 5. Ethics and Business Decision Making Part II: TORTS AND CRIMES 6. Intentional Torts and Privacy 7. Negligence and Strict Liability 8. Intellectual Property and Internet Law 9. Criminal Law and Cyber Crime PART III: CONTRACTS AND E-CONTRACTS 10. Nature and Terminology 11. Agreement in Traditional and E-Contracts 12. Consideration 13. Capacity and Legality 14. Mistakes, Fraud, and Voluntary Consent 15. The Statute of Frauds-Writing Requirement and Electronic Records 16. Third Party Rights 17. Performance and Discharge in Traditional and E-Contracts 18. Breach of Contract and Remedies PART IV: DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL SALES AND LEASE CONTRACTS 19. The Formation of Sales and Lease Contracts 20. Title, Risk, and Insurable Interest 21. Performance and Breach of Sales and Lease Contracts 22. Warranties and Product Liability 23. International Law in a Global Economy PART V: NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS 24. The Function and Creation of Negotiable Instruments 25. Transferability and Holder in Due Course 26. Liability, Defenses, and Discharge 27. Checks and Banking in the Digital Age PART VI: CREDITORS’ RIGHTS AND BANKRUPTCY 28. Creditors’ Rights and Remedies 29. Secured Transactions 30. Bankruptcy Law 31. Mortgages and Foreclosures after the Recession PART VII: AGENCY AND EMPLOYMENT 32. Agency Formation and Duties 33. Agent’s Liability to Third Parties and Termination 34. Employment, Immigration, and Labor Law 35. Employment Discrimination PART VIII: BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS 36. Sole Proprietorships and Franchises 37. Partnerships and Limited Liability Partnerships 38. Limited Liability Companies and Special Business Forms 39. Corporate Formation and Financing 40. Corporate Directors, Officers, and Shareholders 41. Corporate Merger, Consolidation, and Termination 42. Securities Law and Corporate Governance 43. Law for Small Business PART IX: GOVERNMENT REGULATION 44. Administrative Law 45. Consumer Law 46. Environmental Law 47. Antitrust Law 48. Professional Liability and Accountability PART X: PROPERTY AND ITS PROTECTION 49. Personal Property and Bailments 50. Real Property and Landlord-Tenant Relationships 51. Insurance 52. Wills and Trusts
Product Details
Language: English ISBN-10: 0538470828 ISBN-13: 978-0538470827                        9780538470827 Author:  Kenneth W. Clarkson,‎ Roger LeRoy Miller,‎ Frank B. Cross
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