#Charles blackwood smut
nickfowlerrr ยท 6 months
darling, it's cold outside.
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pairing: charles blackwood x curvy!reader
words: 2.7k
warnings: 18+ only. cockwarming. not foot fetish stuff but he does remove her heels for her? lol. pining. little bit of holiday blues mentioned but overall this is pretty fluffy. maybe like the littlest bit soft!dark if you squint.
notes: very happy to be writing for charles again, i've missed him. ๐Ÿฅน
inspired by this txt post, this is one of seven characters iโ€™m writing this prompt of sorts for. thank you in advance for reading and as always, reblogs and comments are welcome and so appreciated. โฃ๏ธ
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"Mr. Blackwood," you call out as you walk down the empty hallway, your heels clacking on the marble flooring as you go, "I remade the guest bedroom like you asked. If there's nothing else for tonight, I was going to be heading home?"
You look into his open office as you pass, he's not there. Curious...
You continue down the hall, peeking into the study, then the tea room, and then the living room - none of which held him. The television in the living room was on, however, so you assumed he must be close by. But where?
Normally you find it difficult to get more than a few minutes alone from him when you're working, but now the man of the house is as elusive as your holiday spirit seems to be this year.
The pitter patter of the rain outside the castle captures your attention as you pass the grand window.
"Oh no," you sigh as you peer out into the dreary scene. The Christmas lights strung up outside appear blurry through the rain droplets on the glass as the sky grows darker with each moment that passes.
You were supposed to be out of here by 3pm, but Charles, for the first time since you'd started working for him, had many a qualm about your cleaning and tidyings today. You had to go over the bathrooms twice and were instructed to remake his bed before reattending to the guest room. It was nearing 5:30 now, and the rain you were hoping to avoid has clearly already begun - and if the weatherman was correct - would be staying long through the night.
It's not a terribly long walk home, but in your uniform, having to walk home in the rain is a less than ideal situation.
But you resign yourself to your fate as you turn from the window and continue on your search for your boss.
"Mr. Blackwood," you call again, "I'm about to be heading home."
As you finish your sentence, crossing in front of the lavish cranberry colored couch, you notice the throw blanket you had folded and put away earlier is now adorning the cushions. You think to check by the linen closet on the other side of the staircase - hoping to find him somewhere over there so he may dismiss you for the night.
You are about to leave the room when suddenly you hear the kettle whistle sharply from the kitchen. Your brows knit together as you stop in your tracks and turn back around to go toward the kitchen instead.
The sound of your heels as you walk informs Charles of your presence as you enter the room. He turns from the stove, having just moved the kettle from one burner to the other, and looks surprised to see you.
"Oh," he said, nonplussed, "you're still here?" His brow was raised as he looked at you.
You felt stumped yourself, standing blankly for a moment before blinking away your confusion. "Yes, I- I just finished remaking the guest bedroom like you asked," you stammered just slightly.
"Oh, perfect. Thank you. You really are an angel, you know that?" he praised, smiling that ever charming smile at you.
You couldn't help but return one of your own, eyes flicking down almost immediately, unable to hold his gaze.
You sucked in a breath, schooling your face as you looked back up. "Did you want to check it over?"
"No," he brushed off with a shake of his head, turning back to open the cabinet behind him, "I'm sure everything is in order. I trust you."
Your lips twitch as you hold back a disbelieving laugh. He seemed so concerned earlier...
"Alright. Well, if that's everything, Mr. Blackwood-"
"Charles," he corrects.
"...Charles," you amend, "if that was all, I was planning on heading out for the night."
"Of course," he agrees, turning to face you once again, with two mugs in his hands. "Do you have time for some hot chocolate, or will your ride be here soon?"
"Oh, I don't have a ride," you hide a grimace at the reminder of your lonesomeness. Well...maybe you could call a cab? But no, that short ride would just feel like a waste of your hard earned money. And anyway, Charles knows you walk to and from. He's chided you on it before. You'll never forget the way you warmed at his concern for you that first time. He had offered you a ride home, but you refused. It was a clear evening and there really was no reason for any fuss. But of course, his worry still made your heart flutter.
The mugs clink as they're set down on the counter, the sound brining you back to the room. "Sweetheart, it's raining. Supposed to only pick up, too. If you were planning on walking, I don't think that'd be a good idea."
The pet name has butterflies taking flight in your tummy as you work to tamp them down.
"It's not that far of a walk, I'm sure I'll be fine."
"I must insist that you stay," he presses, your name sounding so nicely on his tongue. "Please. I would offer you a ride myself but I'm afraid my headlight blew out, I wouldn't be able to see a thing. The guest room would be yours and I could drive you home in the morning. Or, if you insist, the weather should be fairer by then - enough to walk if you really want."
"Oh, really, I would hate to inconvenience you, sir."
"Not at all," he assures you as he prepares both mugs of coco. "In fact, I think it'd be nice to have some company for the holiday. In a house this big, being alone can feel rather lonely."
You consider his words and can't help but agree. "It can feel much the same in a small home, too," you say with a bittersweet smile. "If you really don't mind, I'd be thankful to stay."
"And I'd be thankful for the company," he smiles back. "I was about to start a movie."
You trail behind him slowly as he leads the way back to the living room. When you get to the couch, he sets both mugs down on the coffee table as he gestures for you to sit.
"Please, get comfortable. You've been on your feet all day."
You don't argue and take your seat. The couch is as comfortable as it always looks and you can't help but sigh as you relish the feeling. You almost instinctively kick off your heels, but stop yourself right in time. Charles notices the twitch of your feet, however.
You hold in a gasp as he kneels down before you and takes hold of your foot. His eyes flash up to yours as you stare down at him, lips parted and breath stalled. He slips your heel off and squeezes your foot lightly before repeating the same to your other foot. No words are exchanged as he pops back up and walks to the television. He pushes a tape into the player before sauntering back over to you.
You want to lift a leg up underneath you but don't allow yourself to, especially not while you're in this skirt. Charles takes the spot beside you and you somehow go even more rigid at his proximity.
"I said get comfortable, darling," he chides, pulling you in closer to him, "I meant it."
You allow yourself to fall into his side, and then after a long second, slowly bring a leg up to get more comfortable beside him. Another long moment, and you bring your other leg up as well, repositioning yourself while you shimmy the littlest bit closer.
Charles is warm and the room is a bit cold, so you don't mind how close he actually is. Maybe more aptly, how close you are to him...
You try to focus on the opening scene of the holiday movie you've only heard of before, never actually having had the chance to see it. But as Charles leans over and grabs the throw he'd brought out earlier, he takes over your focus once again. He drapes the blanket over both of you before settling back, essentially right against you now.
Your heart is beating so loud, you're almost sure he can hear it if he listens close enough.
Charles wraps his arm around your shoulder and you instinctively scoot closer still, letting your head rest on his chest trepidatiously. He hums his approval as you do.
"Is this okay?" he asks quietly, keeping the cozy and comfortable ambience in tact.
You're quiet, unsure of what to say. Does it feel okay? It feels like everything you've dreamed of since meeting the man. But is it okay? That you're not so sure of. Are you crossing a line? Is this a mistake?... Oh god, what are you doing? You can't lose this job!
You push yourself to sit up, pulling away from Charles as he looks at you, stunned by your haste.
"I- I'm so sorry, Mr. Blackwood. I don't know what's come over me. I should, I should go," you rush your words as you try to stand.
Charles' hand is on you in an instant, keeping you in place. You look at him with wide eyes, like a deer in headlights. He says your name and you don't think to try and get up again.
"Darling, I don't know what you're apologizing for. If I've made you uncomfortable, I should be apologizing to you," he says. "...Have I? Made you uncomfortable?"
You stare into the hypnotic gaze of his cerulean blue eyes, taking in his words. It's a moment before you softly shake your head. "No," you nearly whisper. "No, you haven't." He nods, admiring your face as you peer at him.
"That's good. And, it's Ch-"
"Charles," you cut him off. "I know. Habit," you shrug lightly.
"One you'll hopefully come to break," he smirks. "So, back to my question," he pulls you closer, "Was that okay? Being that close to me?"
You nod meekly, "Yes."
"And was it okay that I put my arm around you?"
Another weak murmur as you unconsciously lean into him, "Yes."
"And just to be sure," he breathes, leaning closer into you in return, "do you really want to leave?"
Your breath catches in your throat as you shake your head. "No."
"One last question," he says as he brings a hand to your cheek, holding your face delicately as he urges you closer. You're nose to nose as he continues, "Would it be okay if I kissed you now?"
You smile softly, your lips brush his as you answer him. "Yes," you nod.
He pulls you in gently and your hand holds his to your face as he finally kisses you, so softly you swear you could melt into the cushions.
You murmur again into the kiss as your eyelids flutter shut. Without thinking, you deepen the kiss. You find your body moving without your permission as you pull yourself more into him - almost crawling along the cushions to get closer to him.
Charles doesn't stop you, in fact, he leans back further - pulling you along the way, moving you up his lap.
Your skirt stretches across your thick thighs as you are maneuvered by him onto his lap. You straddle him as his arms come around you, pulling you to be flush against him - his lips never stopping as he kisses you so completely, so passionately. The intensity only grows more fervent as you return the desire in kind.
You mindlessly move your hips against his and he moans at the feeling. The sound of his pleasure is music to your ears and serves to get you even more worked up. You can feel the slickness as it grows between your thighs. And as you rock your hips again, you can feel Charles' excitement, too.
He is hard beneath you, his erection growing more and more prominent with each second.
"Mhm," you mewl against his lips, breaking for a breath, "Charles," you sigh - rocking once more. The friction sending a wave of sparking pleasure through you.
"Does that feel good for you, angel?" he asks, hands grabbing your hips.
You nod helplessly, "Feels so good."
He kisses you again, harder this time as he holds you in place on his lap. "I know what would feel even better," he says huskily.
He reaches for the button of his slacks and you bite your lip, a few nerves building now. You pull away from him ever so slightly as he begins to undo his pants.
"Um, Charles," you nearly whisper, waiting for a response you don't get.
You watch with heavy lidded eyes and parted, pouted lips as he pulls his straining cock from his briefs. You almost feel frozen for a second before one of his hands comes up and buries itself between your thighs. You yelp, squeaking at the touch.
"Charles, I don't know if we should-"
"Oh, sweetheart, don't worry," he hushes you. You gasp with a tremble and a light moan as his deft fingers slide up and along your clothed sex. You tilt your hips as he feels along your cunt and don't stop him when he moves your underwear to the side.
His eyes are trained on your face, he watches as it contorts with the beginning sparks of your pleasure under his touch. His dick is throbbing, on the verge of starting to leak for you.
He can't wait any longer, he's waited so long already. He needs to have you around him. Needs to feel your warmth envelope him and your weight as you sit on him. He doesn't even need to go all the way with you - not tonight. He just wants to feel you.
His tongue slips past his pillowy lips as he grips himself with one hand, guiding his red tip to your tight, slick entrance. He presses against you but you slightly back away - still unsure.
"I just want to feel you, angel. That's all. I promise. Just need you to sit down and that'll be it. Just sit right here and keep me warm for a bit. You can do that, can't you, darling?"
A sigh of relief escapes you as you slacken a bit into him. You can do that, you decide. You nod your head and bring one of your hands to his shoulders. He presses against you again and this time you move into him. You whine at the sting of his intrusion as he helps ease you down onto his length a little at a time. When you are fully seated, you drop your head into the crook of his neck as one of his hands rubs your back.
"Fuck, doesn't that feel nice?" he asks, voice breathy. You only nod against him as your walls stretch around his cock, squeezing him every so often.
"Yes," you huff, "Oh, it feels so nice, Charles."
He pulls you from his neck, brushing his nose against yours as he brings you face to face with him again.
"I knew we'd be a perfect fit," he smirks, kissing you hotly as you press yourself closer to him, returning his kiss.
"I said the guest room was yours, but there's room enough for two in my bed if you'd rather," he simpers.
"I think I just might rather," you whisper with a smile against his lips. You move to sit up but are immediately pulled back down onto his cock. You moan deeply at the movement, the drag of his length along your walls and the way your walls work to keep him inside of you. To be fair, you aren't the most experienced woman in the world, but the feeling of him is unlike anything you've ever felt before. You are entirely full of him and you fear you won't want to ever go empty again.
"Not just yet, sweetheart," he laughs, holding you down. "We aren't even halfway through the movie yet. And we have all night before we take this upstairs, angel. I want to make sure this is a Christmas we'll always remember."
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sergeantbarnessdoll ยท 1 month
could I please request a Charles Blackwood fic where the reader is his rlly shy and innocent neighbor who has a secret crush on him. But.. PLOT TWIST: he has the BIGGEST crush on her and will find any excuse to talk to her. (maybe some smut alsoโ€ฆ?)
I know this is pretty vague but I thought Iโ€™d leave it up to you bc youโ€™re very talented at writing. Absolutely no pressure tho xx
Sweet ยป Charles Blackwood
Pairings: Charles Blackwood x Shy/Innocent/Neighbor!Female Reader
Summary: You have a secret crush on Charles and little do you know that he has a crush on you.
Warnings: mix of Fluff and Smut (18+), language, flirting, dirty talk, kissing, hickeys, fingering, praise kink, use of pet names
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this๐Ÿฉต
Written on my phone. Iโ€™m sorry for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
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Ever since you moved in next door to Charles, he immediately felt a connection between the two of you. He did anything just to talk and hangout with you. He helped you take boxes inside of your house when you moved in. He helps you with the simplest things. Like planting flowers. He also helps you carry your groceries inside and helps you with your yard work, especially mowing the grass which is what heโ€™s doing today.
โ€œAll done mowing the grass?โ€ You asked as he took a seat on your porch swing.
โ€œYep.โ€ Charles answers with a smile.
โ€œI bet youโ€™re hot after being in the sun for that long. Are you thirsty? I made lemonade while you were mowing the grass.โ€ You say sweetly.
โ€œI would love some, darling.โ€ He says.
You couldnโ€™t help but blush when he called you darling. Youโ€™ve known him for almost a year and youโ€™re still shy around him. You went inside to the kitchen and poured him a glass of lemonade. You jumped when you felt a hand on your lower back.
โ€œSorry, didnโ€™t mean to scare you.โ€ Charles chuckles.
โ€œI-Itโ€™s ok.โ€ You shyly stuttered. โ€œHere you go.โ€ You say, handing him a glass of lemonade.
โ€œThank you, sweetheart.โ€ He says, taking the glass from your hand.
A hum of satisfaction left his lips when he tasted the lemonade.
โ€œMmm, this is really sweet. I love it.โ€ He says, taking another sip of it.
โ€œThank you.โ€ You say with a smile.
Charles put the glass cup on the kitchen counter and took in your appearance. You were wearing a yellow Summer dress with purple flowers on it.
โ€œI bet youโ€™re sweeter.โ€ Charles says, licking his lips.
โ€œWh-What?โ€ You asked.
โ€œYour lemonade is sweet, but I bet you taste sweeter.โ€ He says, his voice low.
You stood with your back against the edge of the counter as Charles walked closer to you. Due to yours and his height difference, he was looking down at you. A shiver went through your body when he placed his hand on your waist and his other hand on your cheek, gently caressing it. He looked deep in your eyes before leaning in and kissed you passionately. You moaned against his lips, loving the feeling of his lips on yours. Charles hand left your waist and slowly made its way downward and underneath your dress. You gasped when you felt his hand against your thigh. His hand inched its way up to your soft white cotton panties. He fingers rubbed your pussy through your wet panties, making you whine. His other hand left your cheek and disappeared underneath your dress. Charles hooked his fingers in the waistband of your panties and pulled them down your legs, putting them in his front pocket.
โ€œWh-What are you doing?โ€ You asked.
โ€œIโ€™m gonna taste your sweetness, sweetheart.โ€ Charles says huskily.
He swiped his fingers in between your folds, collecting your slick, making you gasp at the feeling. A tingling sensation went through your body when he began to rub your clit in circles. Youโ€™ve never felt anything like this before and honestly, you like it, but youโ€™re too shy to admit it. He slid a finger in your tight pussy, making you whimper when his one finger stretched your pussy.
โ€œThere you go.โ€ He coos, kissing along your neck. โ€œYou think you can take another finger?โ€ He asks softly.
You nodded your head yes, too shy to say anything. Charles slid another finger in your pussy, beside his other one. He began moving them in and out of you at a steady pace while his thumb rubbed your clit. Your hands grasped the edge of the counter to steady yourself. His fingers moved faster. Moans left your lips. Your moans were like music to Charlesโ€™s ears.
โ€œYou make pretty noises, sweetie.โ€ He says against your neck.
You gasped when you felt his teeth bite your skin hard enough to create a hickey. He repeated that same action on the other side of your neck before leaving a hickey on both of your collarbones. Your cunt squeezed around his fingers every time his teeth bit on your skin. Charles moves his head back to get a good look at the hickeys he created on your skin and smirked to himself. He watched as your jaw dropped and your chest rose and fell, breathing heavily. He curled his fingers in your pussy, hitting your sweet spot perfectly.
โ€œOh fuck!โ€ You moaned loudly.
โ€œDid I find your little spot, sweet girl?โ€ Charles asks, biting his bottom lip.
โ€œYes!โ€ You gasped, feeling your cheeks heat up. โ€œWhatever youโ€™re doing, please donโ€™t stop!โ€ You say.
Charles bunched your dress up above your hips, watching with hungry eyes as his fingers disappeared in and out of your pussy each other he thrusted them in you. You bucked your hips against his hand every time his fingers curled against your sweet spot. You glanced down at where his hand is, watching as his fingers thrusted in your pussy, wet with your slick.
โ€œYou like that, sweetheart? Does that feel good?โ€ Charles asks.
You nodded your head yes, unable to form coherent words. Only moans and his name left your lips. Your moans and his name leaving your lips encouraged him to move his fingers impossibly faster, hitting your sweet spot every single time while his thumb applied more pressure on your clit as he continued to rub it. You squeezed your eyes shut, beginning to feel overwhelmed with the pleasure.
โ€œCharles!โ€ You gasped, grabbing his arm when you felt a tightening in your lower abdomen. โ€œI-I feel something!โ€ You stuttered. โ€œI-I donโ€™t know wh-what it is.โ€ You say, feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
โ€œYouโ€™re going to cum, darling.โ€ He tells you. โ€œCum for me when youโ€™re ready.โ€ He says softly and huskily.
Your eyes fluttered shut. His fingers curled against your sweet spot one last time as you came hard on his fingers, a loud moan left your lips. Charles gave your clit one last rub before pulling his fingers out of your pussy, making you whine. Charles licked your release off his fingers, moaning at your taste.
โ€œYou taste as sweet as your lemonade.โ€ Charles says with a smirk, making you turn your head away shyly.
Charles turned your head back towards him and kissed you hungrily and passionately.
โ€œI want your sweetness on my cock.โ€ He says in almost a whisper against your lips before taking you to your bedroom to do just that.
-Buckyโ€™s Doll
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the-iceni-bitch ยท 5 months
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Relationship: Charles Blackwood x female!reader
Words: ~1.4k
Warnings: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT!! explicit language, explicit sexual content (non-con, public sex, unprotected vaginal sex, marking), horror elements, SMUT!!! 18+ ONLY!!
A/N: my muse is awake and thriving?! Anyway, enjoy the creepy ghost sex, yโ€™all. More monsters to come
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You smiled as your maid of honor helped you do up the last of the buttons on your grandmotherโ€™s wedding gown, turning when she was finished and basking in the โ€œoohsโ€ and โ€œahsโ€ of your bridal party. Everything was so perfect. The manor was beautiful and it really was the vintage wedding of your dreams.
But something still felt off. An occasional shiver would travel up your spine and you felt as though you were being watched. No matter how much you told yourself it was nothing, the feeling wouldnโ€™t go away, causing you to look over your shoulder and your smile to falter. You thought you saw something out of the corner of your eye and tried to move your head quickly to get a better look, but whatever it was was gone.
Charles was enjoying setting you so on edge. Ever since you first came to his manor, his home, trying to decide if this was where you wanted to celebrate your love for your nothing of a fiancรฉ, he had wanted you. You looked exactly like her, especially now that you were wearing her dress, and since he couldnโ€™t have her when he was alive, maybe now he could have you while he was dead. In fact, there were quite a few things he could do whilst dead that he never would have dreamed of while he was alive.
Emboldened by the fact that neither you nor any of your bridesmaids could see him, Charles glided forward, ignoring the other women and focusing all his attention on you. When you shivered at his proximity he grinned wickedly, eager to see what other reactions he might be able to elicit from you.
The feeling of an ice cold finger dragging down the side of your neck made you gasp, your bridesmaids asking you what was wrong and only shrugging when you said it was nothing. You must have been going crazy, that was the only explanation for this. All of a sudden the finger turned into a hand that was gripping and massaging your breast, making you gasp again but only able to offer your bridesmaids a shake of your head when they inquired about your wellbeing. A second hand joined the first in fondling your breasts and you whimpered under your breath, swearing that you heard a lascivious groan in your ear and the chilly breath of some eerie presence on the back of your neck.
You suddenly realized that whatever was happening to you, it was making you wet, so wet you were worried about it soaking through your panties and staining your dress. Fortunately it was time for the procession, so you stood up to make your way to the hall where your ceremony would be taking place. Your hope that perhaps these odd sensations would cease once you left the bridal suite was quickly dashed, one of the freezing hands moving from groping your breasts to squeezing your ass. It was all you could do not to start crying, confusion and arousal making your head feel fuzzy as you stumbled after your bridal party and tried to keep your smile on your face.
Charles had never felt so elated in either life or death. He knew he was torturing you, but he didnโ€™t care, groaning again when he smelled your pussy getting wetter and wetter. You were so soft and warm under his dead hands, your body more responsive than he could have ever dreamed. When he felt your nipple hardening under his fingers he gave it a pinch, tugging on it gently and chuckling again when you whined and squirmed for him.
It took everything in him not to grow even more bold before you had reached the hall. For everything he wanted to do to you, he also wanted an audience. The doors opened and he waited alongside you, his cock throbbing when he smelled your neck as your bridesmaids made their way down the aisle.
When you spotted your fiancรฉ you finally forgot about all the strange things that had been happening to you for just a moment, smiling at how handsome he looked and beginning to make your way towards him so you could be joined as man and wife. Then you heard a tearing sound, and all the beautiful antique buttons that had decorated the back of your grandmotherโ€™s wedding dress scattered around you while everyone in attendance gasped. Suddenly you were on the floor and screaming, trying to bat away invisible hands as they tore at your ruined gown and delicate lingerie until your breasts were exposed to everyone in attendance.
They were all frozen, horror gripping them and keeping them from helping you as you pleaded and begged for whatever was happening to you to stop. Something was between your legs and your screams became even more frantic, your body thrashing wildly even as you were pinned down by some invisible force. It was pushing your skirt up your legs and you wailed, choking on your tongue when your cry was suddenly muffled by what felt like a freezing cold pair of lips. The utter shock allowed for your panties to be ripped off and discarded, and then your ghostly assailant was inside you.
Your cunt was so tight and warm Charles almost came on the spot. Instead he just roared with pleasure, a sound that every living being in attendance heard and was made to cower. He didnโ€™t care about them, though, except for the fact that he wanted them to watch him fuck you into oblivion. Bruises were already raising on your breasts and the insides of your thighs from the brutality of his assault on you, and that just made him fuck into you even harder, ramming his cock as deep as it would go and grinding against your clit so you knew that he was giving you pleasure that you had never thought existed.
He reveled in the knowledge that your fiancรฉ had a perfect view of your pussy stretched wide open around his invisible cock, loving that the poor man could see every ripple and flutter of your internal muscles when his violent movements wrenched an orgasm from your tormented body without warning. You even squirted everywhere, making a mess that Charles would have licked up if he still had the ability. For now he just settled for kissing you again as he continued to fuck you, swallowing your sobs and whimpers as your body quivered underneath him.
You had never felt more miserable or humiliated in your entire life. Every member of your family and all of your friends were witnessing you being assaulted by some spectral being and still your body betrayed you again and again. When your second orgasm took you you had to shut your eyes, silently praying that this was a nightmare and that soon you would wake up. But you knew it was futile. This was impossible, but it was real.
How could you ever look your fiancรฉ in the eyes again? Knowing that he had seen you so utterly debased and used. And the man did nothing to stop it, just stood there and watched as pleasure was wrung out of your helpless body. It made you almost hate him even though all you wanted was for him to hold you and tell you everything was going to be alright. You knew it never would, though, not when every important person in your life had to watch you be completely and utterly degraded for the amusement of some spirit.
After your fourth orgasm Charles couldnโ€™t hold back any longer, looking over his shoulder and laughing at the look of horror on your fiancรฉโ€™s face as he started to pump his cum inside you. He knew how strange it must feel, so cold and thick as it coated your inner walls. And it would always stay with you, that small piece of him like a piece of ice that was piercing your heart and sticking to the most intimate part of you. As soon as he was finished he withdrew, sighing as he floated towards the ceiling and ignoring the sounds of your wretched cries as everyone suddenly broke from their terrified spell and rushed to your aid. He had finally gotten everything that he wanted, and he knew that you would never forget him.
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sebastiansluts ยท 2 years
Reader getting fucked hard infront of mafia bucky, Lee and Charles by seb, maybe they even get involved
Sebastian Stan x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader, Lee Bodecker x Reader, Charles Blackwood x Reader; dub!con, mafia, rough vaginal sex,
You were bent over the table, legs spread wide as Sebastian thrust into you from behind. Bucky, Lee, and Charles were sitting around you, jerking their cocks.
"I don't know how many times I have to drill this into you baby, if I'm busy, find one of the guys. If we're all busy, wait patiently. Interrupting my meeting with the boys, climbing all over Bucky to get my attention because I'm talking about him? That's not okay."
Sebastian was fucking you hard, with deep, powerful strokes that had you biting your lip as you pressed your face harder into the table. "Uh-uh, you better look at the boys, 'specially Bucky, cause you won't be seeing him for a couple days. Matter of fact, Bucky come help fuck this pussy- little parting gift before your trip that someone interrupted our discussion about." Sebastian snapped his hips harder, your hips banging against the edge of the table until he eased up, Bucky sliding a finger in beside Sebastian's cock.
You moaned as you were stretched, Bucky quickly adding a second finger and pulling at your pussy walls, forcing you to relax and loosen. When he had three fingers comfortably inside you, he hooked them around the top of your cunt, pressing hard on a spot that had you shaking, his palm rubbing against your clit.
"That's enough Bucky," Sebastian growled, feeling you tighten on him. Bucky nodded, using his fingers to pull you again, as he slipped the head of his dick inside you, fingers popping out.
You moaned, babbling nonsense as Bucky pressed forwards, inching along beside Sebastian until they were both as deep as they could be.
Sebastian pulled out, letting Bucky slide in, then he pulled out and Sebastian thrust in. They kept up this rotation, fucking you back and forth, making you clench as you tried to keep up with them.
Lee and Charles kept their eyes locked on you, and as you stared at Charles, he came, mouth dropping open, cum spilling up and over his hand. You whined and he held his hand up to your mouth, letting you lick it clean. As he tucked himself away, you turned to Lee, who was standing up. He aimed at your face, hand moving rapidly, and right as he came, Sebastian and Bucky both pressed back into you, making your mouth drop open in a silent scream.
Lee groaned as his cum shot across your lips and tongue, coating them as you gasped, chest heaving. Bucky was grinding deep into you, coming and making the the way slick for Sebastian to fuck even harder when Bucky pulled out.
You felt tears in your eyes as Sebastian wrapped his hand around the back of your neck, holding you down as his hips rolled. "Next time, what are you going to do baby?" he asked darkly, sounding like his jaw was clenched.
"Gonna w-wait p-patiently," you stuttered, moaning as you felt his hips still, coming deep inside you. You clenched desperately, trying to push yourself over the edge, but Sebastian pulled out, leaving you empty.
"Good girls get to come. Bad girls who interrupt, don't. Now come sit on my lap while we finish talking, and you'd better be silent."
440 notes ยท View notes
georgiapeach30513 ยท 2 years
Misguided Ghosts, Part 2
Summary:ย  Jake comes to help out in your new house
Pairings:ย  Jake Jensen X Reader
Rating:ย  explicit
Warnings:ย  explicit language, explicit sexual content, somnophilia, fingering, air humping, pissy Charles, mutual pining,ย 18+ ONLY
Word Count:ย  2K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics
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Letting out a soft sigh, you peek your eyes open in the gray room. You felt wrecked. Your body used in an almost unholy way. Flipping towards your side, you know that your late night masturbation, and dreaming of the man over your fireplace had you feeling off. โ€œWhat did you do to me?โ€ You ask, closing your eyes. Charles nods his head while staring at your spent body. You were going to be perfect for him, and all alone.
You loved it. Every time his body would slither in between your legs, you would open your thighs wide, ready to take him. Lucky for him you felt it was just an erotic dream. What luck he had. He couldnโ€™t wait for every time your eyes started to drift close. He would have his way again and again, until it took. If it could. He wasnโ€™t sure.
He was sure that he came in you. Watched his almost translucent spunk ooze out of your body. But would it be enough?
You groan as a geeky little diddy lights up your phone. The theme song to Game of Thrones only meant one thing. Reaching over onto the bedside table, you just answer, not saying a word, โ€œGiggles!โ€
โ€œShh, not so loud, Jakey.โ€
โ€œOkay, listen. Like, Iโ€™m thinking Iโ€™m almost there, butโ€ฆokay, thereโ€™s this Addams Family house up on the hill.โ€
โ€œThatโ€™s the one,โ€ a soft smile prints on your face, realizing your ridiculously handsome and sexy best friend was just down the hill. Throwing your covers off you, you search for some shoes to put on. Not caring about your appearance, Jake has seen you at your worst.
โ€œSo, I just drive up to the house on Haunted Hill? And then, I get to see your gorgeous face?โ€
โ€œYes, cutie! Now, letโ€™s go.โ€
Cutie? Charlesโ€™ eyes dart around the room, before he leaves his portrait. Who were you talking to? Why did your smile get bigger? And you were just sore, and now you were dancing around down the stairs.
โ€œThereโ€™s this giant gate. Never mind,โ€ he whispers when you go to have them open. โ€œAm I really at the right place? Colonel Mustard isnโ€™t going to whack me in the head with a candlestick in the library, right?โ€
โ€œNo, I would never be Colonel Mustard, Jakey,โ€ his ridiculously yellow hummer pulls into the drive, and you have to calm your breathing. Even when he jumps out and those gigantic arms are right there, and ready for you to just pinch and hold. Pretending you werenโ€™t in love with him, by saying heโ€™s your best friend. You wanted all of Jake.
โ€œJake!โ€ You scream running down the porch steps, and bouncing into his arms. โ€œI thought you werenโ€™t coming for another week,โ€ he smelled amazing. His arms wrap around your chest, and hold you tight into him. He didnโ€™t realize just how attractive he was.
Get rid of him. Charles did not like this man. You were his. He stares hard at Jake, but he never makes any romantic gestures. That was working in this stupid manโ€™s favor. But he was holding you too tightly. And you were his!
โ€œYeah, well, the bimboโ€ฆโ€
โ€œJacob, I told you, youโ€™re the bimbo in the relationship, you canโ€™t date another one. They donโ€™t deserve you anyways,โ€ he sets you down onto the ground, and Charles spots it. His hand coasts down to your waist, settling at your hips. His fingers twitch around wanting to hold you closer. He wanted you pressed up against him again.
โ€œI know. Youโ€™ve told me before. Next girl I date, Iโ€™ve got to get your approval. Ahh!โ€ Jake screams pointing at the steps. Charles nervously waits, thinking that he had been spotted. Some humans could see ghosts without being made available to them. โ€œA black cat! You literally bought Leatherfaceโ€™s house.โ€
โ€œLeatherface is modern,โ€ you groan, pulling at his hand, and that goofy man smirks as you pull him into the house. โ€œThis is historic. Itโ€™s gorgeous. It needs work, but,โ€ you open up the door, and Jake lets out a sound of awe. โ€œThe space! Itโ€™s close to town, but far enough away, so when thereโ€™s childrenโ€ฆI mean, if I have kids, itโ€™s like they live in this castle.โ€
Blackwood Manor! Charles screams into Jakeโ€™s ear. Jake grimaces, rubbing into his ear. โ€œYou okay, Handsome?โ€
โ€œYeah. This place slightly gives me the creeps. Who ya gonna call, am I right?โ€ His mouth turns up in that crooked smile, as a laugh huffs past his lips. โ€œLook at that chair!โ€ His voice growls out as he walks towards a sitting chair.
Do not let him sit in my chair! Charlesโ€™ hand touches your own, and you shake your head at Jake.
โ€œNo, that chair stays empty.โ€
โ€œOdd request. Is there something I should know?โ€ His hand pets over the arm, giving you his best crazed smile.
โ€œIt just feels wrong. I think itโ€™s his,โ€ you start to walk up the stairs, and Jake bounds after you.
โ€œWho is he?โ€ You donโ€™t answer. You just giggle walking up the stairs. โ€œGiggles! Giggly box! Who is he?โ€
โ€œWait,โ€ your laugh was so heartwarming to Jake. He could get used to it. Could listen to it daily.
โ€œI just have so many questions. A creepy house like this has to have such a history. Itโ€™s so retro, but then also itโ€™s eerie, no?โ€
This is my home! You need to get rid of him! I donโ€™t like him! Heโ€™s touching you and looking at your ass! He gives you no respect! Only one man in this household!
You glance back at Jake, stopping on the stairs. He was in fact looking at your ass, and not paying attention to what you were doing, and ran into your back. โ€œAh, why are you stopping?โ€
โ€œWhat were you doing?โ€
โ€œCounting the steps. Itโ€™s a tick of mine,โ€ he answers quickly, looking away from your rear end. You were always going to have to walk in front of him.
How many are there?
โ€œHow many steps then?โ€
โ€œThere's twenty-seven. Itโ€™s an odd number. I donโ€™t like it,โ€ he awkwardly smiles at you when you bite your lip.
Heโ€™s lying! Thereโ€™s twenty-four. He was looking at your ass!
Judging by his awkward smile, and his fidgeting hands, you had caught him. And you didnโ€™t care, you would rather have him touching your ass. โ€œIf you say so. Now,โ€ grabbing at his hand you pull him into the room that you decided would be your own. Opening the door wide, Jake jumps backwards at the portrait. โ€œThere he is. Charles Blackwood.โ€
Iโ€™m the handsome one.
โ€œItโ€™s looking at your bed.โ€
โ€œHe is,โ€ you laugh. You canโ€™t believe you brought him in here with your room and bed a mess.
โ€œDid you have company last night?โ€ His voice seemed sad, and you look at him oddly, shaking your head.
I fucked her all night last night! Had that cunt hugging my cock all night long. Thatโ€™s why she was sleepy, and you ruined everything!
โ€œWhy are you asking?โ€
โ€œItโ€™s justโ€ฆyour bedโ€™s a mess,โ€ Jakeโ€™s feet shuffle around, and he looks back over towards Charles. โ€œMaybe itโ€™s his fault.โ€
It is! I had her gripping onto the sheets, crying at how good I made her feel. You could never! Now leave!
โ€œI donโ€™t think he likes me,โ€ Jake stares at the portrait. The hair on his back starts to prickle up, and he scratches at his neck. โ€œIโ€™m gonna turn him around.โ€
Donโ€™t you dare! That is mine!
โ€œSuit yourself,โ€ continuing to make your bed, and unaware of the tantrum that your ghost man of the house was pitching. Jake gives a nod to the portrait facing the wall now. โ€œIt looks like heโ€™s in a timeout. What do you think he was like?โ€
I was handsome! I will live like that in eternity, and we will have the most beautiful hybrid babies of mine. But he needs to go! Get rid of him!
โ€œI donโ€™t want to talk about him.โ€
Jake walks over to your body, grabbing your hips to pull you closer to him, โ€œJake?โ€
โ€œI bet thereโ€™s an amazing old record player with these scratchy albums that would make the most amazing music for us to dance to, or,โ€ he stutters out, getting a whiff of your perfume from the day before. It still smelled so perfectly sweet, and so very you. โ€œOr yโ€™know, just clean up this filthy place.โ€
Itโ€™s not filthy! Itโ€™s old. No one has lived here with me. I canโ€™t clean.
โ€œIt has character. Letโ€™s work on your room,โ€ you gulp up at him.
โ€œOr, if thereโ€™s more important things. We donโ€™t need to worry about making you a room. I mean, the bed is big enough. Weโ€™ve slept in the same bed before. It is big enough,โ€ he was repeating himself, and becoming more nervous with each moment. Ugh, why did you make him nervous?
No! No! This is our bed! You keep him out!
โ€œYeah,โ€ you whisper, nodding your head. This was not at all how Charles had envisioned his life with you. You were to take him every night. He was exhausted trying to keep Jake away from his things. He was tainting this house. Charles saw the way you stared at him, and the need you felt to please him, it sickens Charles. You were supposed to do that with him! Only him!
He needs to go!
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Charlesโ€™ fingers drift up your leg, settling in between your thighs as he works on your bundle of nerves. Careful to stand on the side of the bed, seeing how Jake was on the bed with you. You would see Charles Blackwood was better suited for you. His fingers drift lower and into your drenched folds.
His free hand starts to undo his shirt, and he starts panting, when your breathing turns labored. Maybe he could pull this off. Have you with Jake beside him. Maybe. Your whimpering though, wakes Jake. He sits up a bit in the bed staring at your body. Your skin glimmering with your sweat. Those pretty little sounds echoing off your lips. โ€œWhatโ€™s got cha worked up, Giggles.โ€
Jake bites at his lip, he knows he shouldnโ€™t touch you. Knows he should just enjoy whatever wet dream you were having, but he needs to feel you. His hand gets closer to your core, and Charles lets out a growl.
Donโ€™t you dare! This is mine! I made her this wet.
Jake goes into a zone, touching on your sex, and everything else disappears.
I do it better! Charles pushes his fingers deeper into you, while Jake rubs gently over your little nub. A salacious moan fills up the room, and Jakeโ€™s cock strains under his boxers. You looked so pretty like this.
Quit touching her! This is my princess!
โ€œYouโ€™re so wet,โ€ Jake laments as his fingers push into your warmth. โ€œFuck!โ€ He canโ€™t believe how wet you were. How tight your cunt was, and just how your body moved with his motions. โ€œWow.โ€
I did this! Get out!
Your eyes start to flutter, and Jake pulls back. โ€œThis is wrong.โ€
Exactly! Leave her alone! What?
Your body turns to the side, throwing a leg over Jake, and you start grinding over him, โ€œYouโ€™re killing me, sweetheart. But Iโ€™m gonna let you,โ€ he was rock hard watching you. Your slick coating his thigh, and unbeknownst to him, Charles stares angrily at the moment.
I hate you! But Charles doesnโ€™t leave. He just watches how desperate you were for touch. He got you that hot, but Jake gets to feel you.
His voice mixes with yours, creating a lewd and sensual theme song to your mutual pinings. Charles is furious. Jakeโ€™s hips jut upward, matching your speed perfectly. โ€œRight there, Giggles,โ€ he pants, trying to envision you bouncing over top of his cock. โ€œFuck. Fuck. Fuck,โ€ his voice starting to trail off with every thrust into the air.
โ€œJake,โ€ you whisper, a hard and nasty grind over him making you come undone.
โ€œYeah,โ€ he whispers as he cums untouched. โ€œYeah, that was incredible,โ€ he looks towards you and pouts, โ€œAnd you wonโ€™t even remember it! This isnโ€™t fair.โ€
I fucked her all night the first night, you pathetic weasel! She is mine! Now, I must get rid of you.
โ€œJake,โ€ you whisper again. Jake wraps his arm around your back, and pulls you closer to him.
โ€œYouโ€™re gonna be the death of me. And I will give you babies, and we can live in your creepy house.โ€
My house! My babies!
Taglist: ย @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @infatuatedjanes @whiskeytangofoxtrot- @peaches1958 @thedarkplume @duuhrayliegh @rebekahdawkins @johndeaconshands @seitmaiโ€‹ @redbloodedgurlโ€‹ @whimsyplaty92 @sgtjaamesbaarnes @missusbarnes-rogers @km-ffluv
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buckrecs ยท 1 year
๐™˜๐™๐™–๐™ง๐™ก๐™š๐™จ ๐™—๐™ก๐™–๐™˜๐™ ๐™ฌ๐™ค๐™ค๐™™
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masterlist | s.s characters masterlist
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Deflowering in the Garden by @sableseb
Charles has a taste for the finer things in life. But, the finest wines, the finest art, and the finest suits have nothing on the pretty little thing he spots from across the lawn. Sheโ€™s in a floral dress that falls just above the knee. Hair down and messed around her soft features from the wind that seems to have picked up from the moment he laid his eyes on her.ย 
Boys in Bed with Books 3 by @jobean12-blog
You try on something new and want to show Charles.ย 
plastic smile by @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog
Charles comes to town and you both fall for each other quickly.
acting like that by @/sweetkingdomstarlight-blog
You see Charles at a party flirting with another woman.
figured you out by @/sweetkingdomstarlight-blog
Charles comes home to find you in the hands of your bodyguard Chris.
Easily Repaired by @navybrat817
Convinced that Charles is cheating on you, you damage his precious car. When you realize your mistake, he decides to teach you a lesson.
the girl in the diner by @starbuckie
Dust To Dust by @boxofbonesfic
Your dream job turns out to be more of a nightmare.
Like a Dream by @/jobean12-blog
Charles takes you to Italy.
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abbatoirablaze ยท 2 years
SDAU-My Best Friend's Brother, Master List
This series is complete! โœ”๏ธ
Charles Blackwood was an oddity at the shifter college. He is a human. And not just any human. He is the star pitcher on the baseball team.
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But he's got a secret. He has been suppressing his homosexuality all his life.
It's not like anyone wouldn't understand. All of his friends love and appreciate him. He's kind beyond all measure. And he would give you the shirt off his back.
But none of that matters to him.
He's had too many nightmares from his past...the scars on his body from when his parents beat him...the self-hate that consumed him for most of his teenage years.
But now that he's a sophomore, there's something about the new guys brought on...especially a wolf by the name of Loki Laufeyson. And there's a pull in his chest that makes him want to just give in to everything he was taught was wrong.
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The Sin
The Secret
The Promise
The Contract
The Happiness
There WILL NOT be warnings in each chapter. This story includes smut, unprotected sex, homosexual relationships, mentions of abuse and violence over someone's sexual orientation, mentions of rape, and slight angst.
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mrwinterr ยท 25 days
Charles Blackwood Masterlist
* indicates 18+ content.
๐Ÿšซ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT ๐Ÿšซ don't click it, plz.
a/n: i don't have any desire to write for this character anymore :( but if you want to know what happens, feel free to message me. tysm for reading!
mrwinterr masterlist
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idek why i wrote about this character. the movie didn't even hit.
the consequence* --- fic has been discontinued :(
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vellicore ยท 1 year
Various characters and their favorite places to have sex.
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Warnings: public sex, shower sex, car sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, cum kink, basically this is all filth.
A/N: Please do not report this! It's so frustrating to have things reported. If I missed any warnings you feel should be listed, please let me know. Gifs made by me. I know I didn't list all of Seb's characters, but I did some of my favorites.
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๐๐ฎ๐œ๐ค๐ฒ ๐๐š๐ซ๐ง๐ž๐ฌ - After being denied pleasure for many years, Bucky is desperate. Heโ€™s more than happy to have sex any place at any time. Out to dinner with friends? He doesnโ€™t care, heโ€™ll gladly take you in the bathroom of the restaurant. Heading to a mission? No better place than the back of the jet. He even took you in the laundry room of your parentโ€™s house. The man is insatiable.ย 
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๐‚๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐๐š๐ข๐ณ๐ž๐ง-ย Carter loves the thrill of making you cum while riding the elevator. It all started when the two of you got stuck on one. He knew he needed to distract you somehow. What better way than having you cum on his cock? Now, whenever you two ride one together, he considers it a challenge to see just how fast he can make you cum.
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๐‚๐ก๐š๐ซ๐ฅ๐ž๐ฌ ๐๐ฅ๐š๐œ๐ค๐ฐ๐จ๐จ๐ - Charles loves to take you apart in the back seat of his red convertible. He gets even more excited when you let him keep the top down. Itโ€™s almost like heโ€™s determined to get caught. He craves the sound of your moans and screams. Let the townspeople hear you while his tongue is buried deep into your soaked pussy.ย 
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๐‹๐š๐ง๐œ๐ž ๐“๐ฎ๐œ๐ค๐ž๐ซ - The gym, of course. Lance loves to use the different gymnastics equipment to his advantage.ย You'd never considered yourself to be flexible. That is, until Lance came along. He causes you to bend and stretch in ways you didn't even know was possible. Whether it's bending you over the pommel horse or having you ride him on top of the mats, he always manages to give you a solid workout.
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๐‹๐ž๐ž ๐๐จ๐๐ž๐œ๐ค๐ž๐ซย - Lee loves to fuck you at the station. It all started when he spotted two of his deputies staring at your ass. That afternoon he made sure they all knew who you belonged to. He bent you over his desk and pounded into you until you were screaming his name. Now anytime you bring his lunch (which happens frequently). Everyone in the station knows whatโ€™s about to happen.ย Lee can't help but feel smug as you walk out of his office with his cum running down your thighs.
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๐Œ๐š๐ฑ ๐๐ฎ๐ซ๐ง๐ž๐ญ๐ญ - Max craves the riches in life. He lives for the thrill. He loves to have sex in your current mark's house. Once, you were conning a millionaire. Max fucked you up against the window of the man's penthouse. He always finds a way to be a part of the con. Whether it's posing as your best friend, brother, or coworker. He doesn't care. As long he finds a way to have you.
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๐Œ๐ข๐œ๐ค๐ž๐ฒ ๐‡๐ž๐ง๐ซ๐ฒย - Mickey loves to fool around inside his DJ booth. Once the club was so dark, he was able to fuck you without anyone noticing. He's constantly looking for opportunities to make it happen again. But most of the time, the two of you are only able to manage to sneak in a blow job or some fingering. It doesn't matter though, because the set is over. He'll find a place so he can be buried deep inside your pussy.
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๐๐ข๐œ๐ค ๐…๐จ๐ฐ๐ฅ๐ž๐ซ- Nick loves to take you apart in the shower. There's just something about the way the water trickles down your breasts that makes him feral. He loves the way you look with your hair soaked and the blissed-out expression on your face. Whether it's first thing in the morning or ending a long day. Nothing relaxes Nick more than a shower with you.
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๐’๐ญ๐ž๐ฏ๐ž ๐Š๐ž๐ฆ๐ฉย - Steve never expected to be able to fuck you once he put you in his basement. No, he thought once you found out the truth of everything, youโ€™d want nothing to do with him. But that wasnโ€™t the case at all. He quickly realizes you're just as twisted as he is. So, that's why he loves to fuck you while you're locked away. Knowing that his other victims are listening only causes him to want this more.
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bucknastysbabe ยท 2 years
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Hi my name is Cal. I love HOTD/Bucky/fandomโœจ
About me: Iโ€™m a current psych major, part-time fruit chopper, Gecko mother always. One recovering alcoholic of 2 years, please feel free to reach out if you struggle or are in the same boat!!! White ass bitch from the Southeast US but will pester you with cultural questions.
I love sexy blonde Incest bitches, incel knight, and unstable metal armed man. Writing started as my sober hobby now Iโ€™ve been gifted 2% Latina!
ASOIAF/HOTD/GOT (Targaryens n Velaryons๐Ÿฆš, Criston๐Ÿฆš, Harwin Strong, Robb, Jon, Jaime)
Note: I do NOT write for Daemon or Luke
I write for marvel (Bucky๐Ÿฆš, Zemo, Marc Spector, Matt Murdock, Adam Warlock)
The Last Of Us (Tommy Miller๐Ÿฆš and Joel Miller)
Seb Stan Characters: (Lee Bodecker๐Ÿฆš, Charles Blackwood, Steve Kemp, Lance Tucker)
Rdr2 (Arthur Morgan & John Marston)
Ask Boxโ€ผ๏ธ: Open (check list)
Short headcanons โŒ
Blurbs โŒ
Questions โœ…
Shitposting โœ…
Silly edits โœ…
Fic length one-shots โŒ
Taglistโฃ๏ธ: Comment here (no itโ€™s not a threatโ€ฆunless?)
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Into: M/F, M/M, fem dom, pegging, sex in any position, bdsm (light), breeding kink, man tears, angst, drunk sex, switching, actually non-smut things, daddy kink
Nope: F/F (Iโ€™m really bad at writing it and cursed to be really into dicks), literally just ask me!! Dead dove and niche kinks arenโ€™t really an issue unless itโ€™s like gory or stanky
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Smut ๐Ÿ || Angst ๐ŸŸข|| SFW ๐Ÿ’š || Dead dove๐Ÿ”ซ|| Fluff๐Ÿผ || Master โœจ
Kink Bingo - Done!
Au Bingo - indefinite hiatus :(
***More of it is on my Ao3 linked in my bio :)
Bucky Barnes
โ€œYouโ€™re my mission!โ€โœจ
Baron Helmut Zemo
The Call Girl๐Ÿ๐Ÿผ
No Conviction - Criston Cole x Aegon II๐Ÿ๐ŸŸข๐Ÿ”ซ
Aegon II Targaryen
"You Do Know How The Act Is Done, Don't You?"โœจ
Ser Criston Cole
โ€œDo You Want Me To Kill Him?โ€โœจ
Related Characters
Tommy Miller (TLOU)
Little Slice oโ€™ Heaven๐Ÿ๐Ÿผ
Dirty Talk๐Ÿ๐Ÿผ
Lee Bodecker (Devil All The Time)
You can be my daddy๐Ÿ๐Ÿผ
Western AU๐Ÿ๐Ÿผ
Lance Tucker (The Bronze)
God of what? ๐Ÿ
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614 notes ยท View notes
sebstan2020 ยท 2 years
Stocks and Crops
Pairings: Sebastian stan x Reader
Warnings: BDSM, Dom/Sub, Bondage, Stocks, Crops, Corporal Punishment, Orgasm Denial/Delay, Master/Slave, Sir Kink, Name Calling, Cunnilingus, Foot Worship, Spanking, Vaginal Sex, Fingering
Summary: Your ready to submit to Sebastianย 
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Sebastianโ€™s hands cupped your face, his long fingers tucking under your ears and hair. His lips were pressed against yours, tongue darting inside and swirling with yours like two people dancing. His teeth grazed your bottom lip, sending a tingle down your body and a soft moan escaped from you. The room was warm, the faint smell of vanilla in the air calmed down your nerves and brought your excitement up.
โ€œTurn aroundโ€ he whispered, his voice low but dominant. You turned around, facing the other way. His hands brushed across your skin, sending a shiver down your naked back as he took your hair and placed it on your back. His lips lingered over your ear, teasing as he pressed a light kiss just behind it.
โ€œI want you to go and kneel by the door, hands on your thighs and wait for meโ€ he ordered, and you nodded slowly, biting your lower lip to stop the grin from appearing. His little shove gave you the indication to move and you padded across the room, kneeling directly in front of the door on the hard wooden floor. It was a little slippery and dug into your knees as you kneeled. You placed your hands flat on your thighs, waiting as he told you to do, and the little hum of approval made you smile to yourself. He was already pleased with you.
The rustling behind made you rack your brain on what he was getting ready for you. He knew all your limits, what you liked and what you didnโ€™t like, what you would try and what was an absolute no. But the mystery was knowing what he had planned for today. Your submissive and dominant lifestyle was erotic, fun and freeing. You loved to give up the control, allow him to take it and use it anyway he wanted. You wanted to be dominant, to be told what to do, to submit to him. To please him.
The clatter of objects on the floor made your heartbeat faster. Sweat started to form in the crooks of your body, on the small of your back and now running down the sides of your face but you didnโ€™t let it distract you. The room was warm anyways and you were about to get a lot hotter.
โ€œCome hereโ€ he said, his voice so soothing and calm but with that hint of assertion. Standing from your spot, you turned and strolled over to him. He smiled as you came closer, his hand taking yours and leading you to the middle of the room. The playroom to be exact. It was large with a king-sized bed, fitted with structures designed for your play. There was a leather sofa opposite the bed and a grid on one of the walls. Against the walls were bundles of ropes in different lengths and thickness, leather cuffs, hand cuffs, bars with cuffs, metal restraints, chains, and leashes. There were leather harnesses and even a straitjacket.
In the large chest of draws there were toys, blindfolds, gags, masks, collars, and more restraints. Another wall held the implements consisting of whips, floggers, crops, belts, canes, and paddles. There was a small shoe rack with sets of glamours heels lined up perfectly and in one of the draws held garments of lace, latex, and leather.
He took your face once again, kissing you sweetly, his breath warm and minty. He smelled divine, the scent almost sending you on a high and you had to not fall into the deep spell it could take you under. You wanted to touch him all over, feel his warm skin on yours. Your hands itched to touch his perfectly toned chest, but you knew it would end in punishment. He didnโ€™t have an issue with you touching him, but it was all part of the control aspect, knowing you couldnโ€™t touch him, but he could touch you.
โ€œWhat are the safe wordsโ€ he whispered.
โ€œMercy and red Sirโ€ you added to the end, earning a hard grin from him. You knew those words off by heart and so did Sebastian, but he always checked before.
โ€œGood girl, kneel down for meโ€ he ordered, and you knelt by his feet. Sebastian turned and picked up the metal stocks. The simple brush of your hair made you shiver and exposed your neck. The metal stocks came in front of you, surprising you. You hadnโ€™t yet tried this way of being bound and now you were even more excited. Automatically you lifted your hands up for him to place in the loops and your neck in the hole in the middle and attach the other bar, so it locked together. Delicately he placed D rings to lock the pieces together, sturdy enough so they didnโ€™t budge. The metal was cold on your skin and stung like a bee stinging you.
โ€œHowโ€™s thatโ€ he checked.
โ€œGood Sirโ€ the metal holding your wrists up made you wet between your legs and you squeezed your thighs together. Sebastian kneeled beside you, running his hand across your body. You moaned and whimpered as his fingers glided over like butter, swooping down to your pussy where he flicked his index finger across, feeling your pink and warm clit. You gasped as he sunk deeper, sending pleasurable shocks to your core and your hands rattled in the bar as if you wanted to touch down there yourself. It was almost torture, his touch so light and pleasurable but not enough to please your aching pussy.
โ€œMmm, someoneโ€™s wet already and I havenโ€™t even put my dick inside you yetโ€ he smirked, and you groaned.
โ€œOh yes Sir, oh pleaseโ€ you begged. You wanted him to touch you further but then a cruel chuckle came, and his fingers left you.
โ€œNot yetโ€ very slowly, he settled you down, so you were lying on the floor on your front. He helped you down with ease, placing the stocks on the floor and positioning you so your legs were spread. Your head looked to the right and the position was a little more comfortable for your arms. There were four rings attached to the floor and Sebastian proceeded to hook the ends of the stocks to the rings with a dog lead clip, securing you to the floor.
Next, he moved to your ankles. He wrapped black leather cuffs around them, tightening them before tying them to the rings with a short piece of rope, tying a tight knot and giving them a tug to test them. You were bound and ready for him. His hand trailed across your legs, over your ass and back, fingertips tickling down your spine earning another soft moan from you. You were embolised and couldnโ€™t move much. You could feel your pussy dripping, but you couldnโ€™t close your thighs.
A little hum came from Sebastian as he padded to collect his next item, the whip. His fingers gripped it tenderly, running the other end across his hand as he slowly walked around you, trailing the end across your exposed body. You gasped lightly as you felt the leather end of what felt like a crop trail over your legs, across your ass, down the centre of your back and over to your face. He moved the fallen strands of hair away with the whip, revealing your flushed face and twirled the whip across your cheek, teasing you.
โ€œAre you going to be a good girl for me, do everything I tell you?โ€.
โ€œYes Sirโ€ you answered gently.
โ€œYou want to be my little submissive, donโ€™t you?โ€ there was a pleased tone to his voice, and he tapped the crop on your cheek, waiting for your answer.
โ€œYes Sirโ€ you smiled, sinking lower into the floor, closing your eyes to escape away in sub space.
โ€œWhat do good girls do?โ€ he stepped in front of you, his feet coming into your eyeline. The stocks rattled slightly on the hard wood floor, fingers leaving sweaty imprints as you supported your bound state.
โ€œThey please and serveโ€ you answered. Your pussy was now dripping, you could feel the precum leaking from your folds and seeping down to your g spot.
โ€œThatโ€™s right, start worshiping meโ€ his whip tapped your cheek for you to obey his order. You struggled to move and position yourself so you could kiss his foot. You pressed soft tender lips to the top of his foot, the skin smooth and cold. You left wet little kisses, your tongue darting out to lick. You grunted at the awkward position, having to arch your back and squirm on the floor like a worm.
Suddenly a sharp crack of the whip hit your back and you yelped, caught off guard.
โ€œDonโ€™t stopโ€ he warned, and you resumed your worshipping. Another flick of the whip and a sting was now on your shoulder blades. The gentle brush of your hair was moved from your back with the end and then another smack came. Your skin was lighting up a shade of pink, warm and tingly and only adding to the pleasure between your legs.
โ€œAhhโ€ you hissed against his foot as the next one was a lot harder and sharper, but you kept on going, not wanting to displease him.
โ€œMmm good girlโ€ he praised, the word making you grin and feel giddy inside. You moved to his next foot, giving him equal amounts of worship and pleasure. You nuzzled your nose across his foot, kissing and licking, showing your gratitude for submitting to him.
โ€œMmm, thank you Sirโ€ you answered, hearing a hearty chuckle from him.
โ€œYouโ€™re welcomeโ€ his feet left your eyeline, slapping on the hard ground as he began to circle you, smacking you with the whip every few seconds. You jolted with every hit, moaning, and panting into the floor as the pain and pleasure mixed was sending you on a high.
โ€œOh my godโ€ you groaned, gasping lightly as he hit you again. Your body was stinging all over, the pain warming you up further. The floor was so uncomfortable, but you didnโ€™t mind. It was pleasing him to see you on the floor, at the lowest point you could be, so submissive.
โ€œAh thank you Sirโ€ you murmured and suddenly your eyes snapped open as you felt the end of the crop touch your pussy. He swirled it across, pushing between your folds and moved it up and down.
โ€œLook at this dripping pussy, this turning you on, being smacked around like a whoreโ€ the name calling only added to his dominance and you nodded against the floor, humming in response but that earned you a hard slap to your ass.
โ€œAnswer meโ€ he demanded.
โ€œYes, Sir it doesโ€ you answered with a squeak.
โ€œOf course, it does, I can see it just from looking at your pussyโ€ he pushed the whip, so it was almost entering inside you, teasing you softly. You squirmed on the floor, the pleasure so delicate and naughty that it was almost torture. Then you felt pain. The whip cracked and slapped your aching pussy, earning a jolt. The rings on the floor clacked as you yelled into the floor but seconds later you were moaning.
โ€œWhat do you say?โ€ he teased.
โ€œThank you, Sir,โ€ you relaxed back into the floor, your fingers scratching at the polished wood and his feet came back into view.
โ€œGood girlโ€ he crouched down next to you, his finger brushing away a fallen strand and placed a kiss to your swollen lips. You smiled into the kiss, noses touching and teeth smashing together.
โ€œAh please Sirโ€ you pleaded, wanting his pleasure inside you.
โ€œPlease what babyโ€ he whispered.
โ€œPlease make me cum, I want to cum so bad for youโ€ you looked up with wide eyes and an innocent face.
โ€œYou want to cum, you want my tongue on your pussyโ€ he teased, grinning against your lips and you nodded as best you could.
โ€œYes, please Sirโ€ with one final kiss, he snatched himself away, crawling over to your pussy. His fingers spread your ass cheeks, exposing the pink and plump folds of your pussy. With a hum he delved inside, running his tongue across your aching spot. You gasped into the floor, eyes rolling to the back of your head as pleasure descended to your toes, the tingles radiating across. You squirmed in your binds, wanting so badly to just squeeze your legs tighter for more pleasure but you couldnโ€™t.
His tongue flicked into your spot, warming, and leaving a slick.
โ€œOh fuckโ€ you moaned, pressed your forehead deeper into the hard floor despite it being uncomfortable.
โ€œGod your pussy is perfect, this belongs to me doesnโ€™t itโ€.
โ€œYes Sir, it all belongs to you, every bit of me is yoursโ€.
His mouth engulfed you, eating you out like he was sucking on a Slurpee. The pleasure was so intense you could feel your first orgasm. Your toes curled up tightly, your nails digging into the palms of your hands as you shook with the sensation.
โ€œOh my god, Iโ€™m going to cumโ€ you whispered.
But then his lips left you and you were met with a spank to your ass.
โ€œWhat was that?โ€ he scolded. You said something wrong, and you knew straight away what it was.
โ€œI mean can I cum Sirโ€ you corrected yourself and then felt his finger glide over.
โ€œIโ€™m not sure, I donโ€™t know if you deserve itโ€ he inserted his finger deep inside, pumping it in and out and soon enough added another one, opening you up.
โ€œOh, please Sir, Iโ€™ll do anything for youโ€ you begged. Youโ€™d do anything to get an orgasm right now and all this denial and delay was making it harder for you to hold back. his fingers sped up, pumping hard and slapping into your folds, cum dripping over his fingers.
โ€œOhhhh please!โ€ you shook, whining for your orgasm. Your body was tingling all over, the tingles turning bigger, and you could feel your pussy about to pulse. But then the feeling was ripped away and you gasped in shock. your orgasm floated away like it was on water. There was nothing worse than getting so close to your orgasm and then having it ripped away like that. Suddenly your hair was ripped upwards, yanking your head as far as it could go, and a pair of lips pressed against your ear.
โ€œYou didnโ€™t think Iโ€™d let you cum that easily, did you?โ€ you groaned in response still feeling the ache of your no longer orgasm.
โ€œNow itโ€™s time to take whatโ€™s mineโ€ he kissed you roughly and dropped your head. His hands opened your folds, spreading you nice and wide for him to slip inside. His cock touched the entrance, teasing you as he poked it in and out before pressing himself deeply all the way in. The feeling was out of this world, and you arched your back as he sunk even deeper.
Then he began to thrust, slow and steady at first and then the rhythm picked up, soon pounding into you, balls slapping against your clit. Your body was sweating, leaving an imprint on the floor. Shackles and stocks clicked against the floor as he thrusted inside, hands roaming your body like a fine piece of art. His fingers gripped hard onto your waist, almost to the point of leaving little marks on your skin.
โ€œOh fuckโ€ you heard him moan. Sebastian let his head fall back, hair falling and soft moans escaping his lips as he fucked you hard. Your orgasm soon came flooding back, on the brink of cumming and toes curling once again. Your body slid across the floor with every pound, tits pressed hard and knees clunking.
โ€œThis is my pussy isnโ€™t itโ€ he said.
โ€œYes Sir, itโ€™s all yoursโ€ you breathed.
โ€œI decide when it cums donโ€™t I?โ€ his dick harden more inside you knowing he was getting off on his dominance and control he had of you.
โ€œYes Sir, you decide when I cum, ohhhhโ€ you were finding it harder to hold back, you pussy clenching around his cock.
โ€œFuck baby you feel so good wrapped around my cockโ€ he gripped your ass cheek tightly, giving it a slap along with it and leaving a bright red handprint.
โ€œOh, please Sir may I cum?โ€.
โ€œNoโ€ his answer was strong and short.
But you donโ€™t know how long you were going to be able to hold on for. The more he thrusted, the more your pussy tingled and pulsed.
โ€œPlease Sir, please can I cum for youโ€.
โ€œHow bad do you want to cum?โ€ he grinned behind you.
โ€œSo bad, I want to cum all over your cock Sir, all for youโ€ you groaned into the floor, wet lips leaving marks.
โ€œTell me once more who you belong toโ€ he leaned over your body, speaking into your hair.
โ€œYou Sir, Iโ€™m all yoursโ€ you gasped as you felt your orgasm literally on the line.
โ€œCum for meโ€ he whispered, granting your wish like a genie and you spilled over him, pussy walls clenching on his cock. You pressed yourself deeper into the floor as you fell into your climax space, biting your lip as pleasure overtook you. It was like you had been put under a spell.
โ€œOhh thank you, thank you Sirโ€ you breathed, exhausted, sweaty, and feeling like you were on cloud nine.
Sebastian huffed as he continued to fuck you, his cock hardening and twitching inside. His orgasm was not far off and only a few thrusts later did he cum inside you. He moaned loudly, falling on top of you, his hand gripping into your hair as he spilled his seed. You were all filled up, cum leaking out of your used hole.
โ€œOh babyโ€ he moaned, catching his breath. His hair was slightly messy, sweating dripping down his head. He pulled himself out, seeing his cum start to drip and he grinned in satisfaction. You could barely keep your eyes open, exhaustion taking over.
Sebastian began to untie your ankles, freeing you from the rope and left the leather cuffs on. He then unattached the stocks from the rings on the floor, gently lifting you up and balancing you on his weight with care. Your head rolled around, heavy to keep up after that intense session and he unlocked the bars, freeing your arms and head.
โ€œEasyโ€ he said gently, helping you bring your arms down. They had cramped up in the awkward position, but you liked it. It showed you had been used and submitted for him. His hands cupped your face and he kissed you sweetly, lips lingering over yours for a while before he pulled back, earning a soft giggle from you.
โ€œHiโ€ you whispered, looking into his bright blue eyes, your safe place.
โ€œHi babyโ€ he whispered, pressing another kiss to your lips. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, leaning all your weight into him. You didnโ€™t want to let go, all you wanted was him on you. Your head rolled onto his shoulder, and he gathered you up like a bundle of blankets, wrapping your legs around his waist as he carried you out of the playroom, sleep taking over you.
Hey so I hope you like it, let me know if you think I should carry this on or you want to see more, let me know in the comments or my ask box xxx
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sergeantbarnessdoll ยท 4 months
Sexy Break ยป Charles Blackwood
Pairings: Charles Blackwood x Maid!Reader
Summary: Charles convinces Y/N to take a break.
Warnings: Smut (18+), language, dirty talk, kissing, hickeys, unprotected sex, praise kink, pet names (darling, sweetheart)
Written on my phone. Iโ€™m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators.
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Charles stood in the doorway of the kitchen, leaning against the doorframe as he watched you clean up from breakfast. He couldnโ€™t help but let his eyes roam your body. He shamelessly stared at your breasts as you bent over the table to wipe it down, giving him a perfect view of your cleavage.
โ€œIs there something I can help you with, Mr. Blackwood?โ€ You asked, looking up at him.
โ€œNo Iโ€™m good, but I can help you with something.โ€ Charles says.
You furrowed your eyebrows. He pushes himself off of the doorframe and approaches you. You watched as he walked behind you.
โ€œMr. Blackwood, what are youโ€” oh!โ€ You gasped when you felt Charles press his bulge against your ass.
โ€œTake a break.โ€ He whispers in your ear, sending shivers through your body.
Charlesโ€™s hand found the bottom of your dress and slid his hand underneath it. His hand glided against your thigh, stopping at your panties. You gasped again when you felt his fingers against your wet panties.
โ€œDo you trust me, sweetheart?โ€ He asks, kissing your neck.
โ€œY-Yes.โ€ You stuttered.
Charles bent you over the table and bunched your dress up above your hips, revealing your black lace panties to him. You looked over your shoulder to see him unbuckling his belt and undid the button and zipper of his pants. He pulled out his hard cock, making you gasp at his size. Charles pushed your panties to the side and rubbed the tip of his cock in between your wet folds, smearing your wetness and his precum together.
โ€œIโ€™m going to make you feel so good, darling that youโ€™ll be wanting more.โ€ Charles says in almost a whisper, kissing below your ear.
Your hands grasped the edge of the table when you felt his cock slip past your tight entrance. Your jaw dropped, inaudible moans leaving your lips as his cock stretched your pussy. The sting of the stretch hurt, but it was also pleasurable.
โ€œMr. Blackwoodโ€ฆโ€ You breathed.
โ€œCall me Charles, sweetheart.โ€ He tells you.
His hands grasped your hips and started thrusting. His thrusts started off slow and got faster. The sound of skin slapping filled the kitchen. You bit your bottom lip to keep yourself from moaning too loudly.
โ€œMoan for me, darling. Let me hear those pretty sounds you make.โ€ Charles says.
You parted your lips to allow moans to leave them.
โ€œThere we go. Good girl.โ€ He praises. โ€œYouโ€™re my good girl, arenโ€™t you, sweetheart?โ€ He says.
โ€œMhmm yes!โ€ You moaned.
One of his hands left your hip to reach around to your front to rub your clit, applying a lot of pressure causing your cunt to clench around his cock.
โ€œFuckโ€ฆโ€ Charles moans.
His tip hit your sweet spot causing your jaw drop and your eyes to flutter shut.
โ€œRight there!โ€ You tell him.
โ€œThat your little spot, darling?โ€ Charles asks.
You moaned and nodded your head yes. Charles continued to hit your sweet spot repeatedly causing your pussy to squeeze around his cock.
โ€œIโ€™m not going to last long if you keep doing that, sweetheart.โ€ He says, followed by a moan.
The more his fingers rubbed your clit and his tip hit your sweet spot made your orgasm start to build up.
โ€œCharlesโ€ฆโ€ You moaned.
โ€œYes, darling? Tell me what you need.โ€ He says.
โ€œMore!โ€ You begged.
Charlesโ€™s thrusts sped up. His thrust were now faster and harder causing your orgasm to build up even more.
โ€œIโ€™m close!โ€ You moaned.
โ€œGive it to me, sweetheart.โ€ Charles moans, not too far behind you.
Your jaw dropped, his name left your lips in a moan as you came harder than ever. Charlesโ€™s thrusts became sloppy as he came inside of you, painting your walls. He thrusted a few more times before coming to a stop. You two stood there panting for a moment before he pulled out of you and tucked his cock back inside of his pants and put your panties back into place and fixed the skirt of your dress.
โ€œYou ok, sweetheart?โ€ He asks, helping you stand up straight.
โ€œMmm yes.โ€ You hummed.
Charles leaned his head down, capturing your lips in a much needed kiss causing you to moan against his lips.
โ€œMeet me in my room tonight.โ€ Charles says with a wink before walking out of the kitchen, leaving you hot and bothered and wanting more.
-Buckyโ€™s Doll
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valleyfae ยท 2 years
baby looking for inspo? i'm HERE
see now you know im obsessed with step everything and my entire personality is dark or daddy issues-esque fics so im sure you're already expecting what's to come
mean manipulative dark best friend's dad seb who wants to turn you into his little girl. secret perverted touches, him pushing you into dark corners when your bff is there, hand over your mouth telling u about all the bad things he wants to do to you ๐Ÿฅฐ i love me a sick fuck
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step dad charles blackwood disciplining you? telling you it's for your own good? lots of slapping from his side because he LOVES inflicting pain he's a total sadist and a very very strict and mean dom and he has one dirty twisted mouth he loves humiliating you and how touch starved you are. YOU GET ME??
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and random but i have very normal feelings about the chest hair they are very normal im not insane about it AT ALL
older mentor nick fowler and you being the new naive young intern who he decides to take in basically? show you the ropes? he has lots of anger issues and he gets off on seeing you cry because of him. hes a cocky asshole im sure you can guess where im going with this ๐Ÿคญ
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okay and here's another; yandere steve kemp just wants a doll for himself. like a pure pretty little girl to corrupt and destroy and to treat like a princess at the same time. dress her up in pretty clothes and slap and throw her around if she ever tells him no. mean and manipulative and praise in the most condescending way. also likes to threaten you with how he'd give you the same treatement that he gives his other girls if you piss him off ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ
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these are all literally just random thoughts i have for no reason. do with them what you will they're all yours now <3
love you ๐Ÿ˜ฝ
โ€œMy whole personality is dark or daddy issues-esqueโ€ youโ€™re killing me baby oh gosh ๐Ÿ˜ญ
There is a lot especially for Steve!!! 1k word rant under the cut hehe enjoy
Iโ€™m whimpering and squirmingโ€ฆ heโ€™s such a perv ekkjkhkgj cupping your cunt under the table during dinner, going through your things and stealing your dirty underwear, insisting on taking pictures of you two while swimming but just videos you and zooms in to take photos of just you, stuffing his fingers in your mouth and covering the whole bottom of your face to shut you up. His voice is deep and gravely as he whispers the most vulgar, disgusting things. He has a collection of paddles and floggers and, of course, has way more than necessary amount of tough, expensive belts. He has a huge sir kink >.< he is not afraid to be vocal or grunt and moan, growling the most filthy things while pinning you down and fucking you into oblivion.
I know I barely talk about Charles, but he is one of my favorites ๐Ÿคง๐Ÿคง all my favorite things ever. Iโ€™m the biggest obedient pain slut masochist, and the things he would do just turn me on to a disgusting degree. I love mean and strict doms and them being cruel for no reason and treating you like a toy to use and hurt. OMG MY FAVORITE LINE โ€œitโ€™s for your own goodโ€ ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ Iโ€™m weak!!! All of the impact play and breath play ahhsfksglhsk!!!! Charles does the occasional paddle or belt, but heโ€™s more traditional (maybe thatโ€™s the wrong thing to call it lol). Anything handy and close by will do, even though he has a strict schedule, which includes proper discipline and regimens. He finds you getting off in your room? Bent over your bed using the back of your hairbrush. In the kitchen? Bent over the counter using the back of a wooden spoon, and so on.
I really shouldnโ€™t expose myself right now :/ but Iโ€™m going to lol. The whole paddle, hairbrush, just Charles spanking in general reminded me of this couple wksjahasjh so last year or so I found this clip from a video and as one does I showed my friend and she found the couples ph account. Porn has never really turned me on and I never really enjoyed watching it I donโ€™t know BUT THIS?!!?!!? They only had one typical porno and the rest were just discipline and punishment spanking videos. And I forgot about them. Iโ€™m literally creaming my pants just thinking about itโ€ฆ full on nutted everywhere </3
Some people go crazy for chest hair and I mean if it fits with the whole package, or the specific person, it can definitely do something but Seb doesnโ€™t need it whatsoever ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
OLDER MENTOR NICK *sobs* DECIDES TO TAKE YOU IN *sobs harder* DACRYPHILIA *sobs even harder and profusely whimpers* why doesnโ€™t he love me :(( I need him :( ohโ€ฆ you really went there with the anger issues, didnโ€™t you? You little fucker :|
I wanna be Steveโ€™s favorite basement pet!!!!!!! I will do anything for him. Iโ€™m thinking breeder!Steve so sorry if this is a different direction than you were going. Steve running the most successful underground dark web breeding I donโ€™t know what to call it. He never picks favorites, and he promised himself that from the beginning, but there is something so pure about you. The fear in your eyes so rare and beautiful he nearly canโ€™t hold back his urges. Your confusion is evident. Just looking at you, he knows you havenโ€™t been touched before.ย 
He hands down has a piss kink, both ways around. He makes you hold it for as long as possible, then totally humiliates you when you canโ€™t control your bladder anymore. And on the other hand, heโ€™ll sit you beside the tub and degrade and humiliate and call you a โ€˜brainless muttโ€™ while going all over youโ€ฆ Iโ€™m so very sorry lmao.ย 
Back to where I was, I guess? Being so frightened and shy once you arrive, crying every time Steve gets near you, not sleeping or eating, and just staying in your cage until youโ€™re ripped out. One night he loses control and carefully gets you from your cage to bring you back to his room upstairs. No one notices, including you, due to everyoneโ€™s nightly shot. Waking up in a different cage at the end of Steveโ€™s bed with a sore throat, dried cum all over you, and some marks and blood on the backs of your thighs and bum from his crops :(( naive and easily manipulated, you become Steveโ€™s most prized breeding toy. You follow him around and let him do whatever he pleases.ย 
His praise can sometimes be youโ€™re doing such a good job, pup. But it always has to be mixed with some of these: dirty little pup has gone fucking brain dead, huh? Just love getting ruined, donโ€™t you? Good little muttโ€™s so obedient sheโ€™ll take anything given to her. Pathetic little pet.ย 
Twice a week, there are inspections. Strapped down to his examination table, he checks and makes sure your holes are healthy, and youโ€™re in good condition for breeding and selling. All the other girls have plain black collars with their tracking numbers, but Steve has put you in a handmade leather collar with a little bell and bow attached. He sometimes lets you sit in his lap while he works or on the couch opposed to kneeling on the floor, but when you get too comfortable and forget that Steve hasnโ€™t given you specific instructions, he threatens to not even let you leave the basement like the others and accept Mr. Fowlerโ€™s generous bidding and sell you to him.
You are an angel!!! These concepts are absolute perfection (sorry I went a little crazy) ๐Ÿคง๐Ÿคง
Love you <3
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sebastiansluts ยท 2 years
Anon Ask - Sebastian Stan, Lee Bodecker, Lance Tucker, Nick Fowler, Charles Blackwood, Carter Baizen
Anon asked: I'm thinking Lee, Lance, Nick, Charles and Carter, since he already used Bucky with you before. Heavy degradation, spitting, lots of face slapping (and any other slapping really), brutal p in v and p in a, eventual fisting (you chose where), edging to the point you beg in between sobs, choking until you pass out and he just keeps on fucking you until you wake, cumplay and aftercare, pretty please :)
Sebastian Stan x Reader x Lee Bodecker x Lance Tucker x Nick Fowler x Charles Blackwood x Carter Baizen; dub!con, degradation, humiliation, spit kink, face slapping, tit slapping, ass slapping, pussy slapping, brutal vaginal sex, brutal anal sex, fisting, edging, choking- passing out, cumplay, aftercare
One day, you're both lounging on the couch and you're deep in concentration scrolling through your phone, and he notices how every now and then you get squirmy and flushed, and your breathing picks up. When you get up to get some water, he quickly grabs your phone and looks through it, only to discover you've been reading fics of himXreader, and all his charactersXreader. He goes through some of them and gets super hard instantly, and only tears his eyes off the phone when he hears you gasping, staring at him completely mortified. You try to explain, and even begin to apologize, but the wicked idea has already been formed in his mind and he moves to you at lightning speed, grabbing you by the throat and pushing you hard against the wall, pressing his body against you and letting you feel just how affected by your reading he is. Then he leans in and whispers against your face, his voice lower than usual but with a commanding tone you can't help but recognize from one of his movies.
"So you think it's okay to fantasize about being destroyed by other men while your boyfriend is sitting right next to you, huh? Well, let's see how okay you feel after I'm done with you, little girl."
"I- I'm sorry," you try, but he cuts you off with a hard slap to your cheek.
"Did I ask you to speak? No, so shut your mouth before I stuff it. Now, the way I see it, this isn't your boyfriend's fault, it's not that he's not man enough. No, it's that his little girlfriend is a fucking whore," he said, spitting on your face.
You glanced around, trying to see if there was an easy escape, and he slapped you again, harder, with enough force to leave a mark. "Stop trying to figure a way out of this, and do as you're told," he growled.
"Nick! Oh god," you whimpered, and he slapped you for a third time, your head whipping around and bumping the wall.
"Now just hold on there son, that's not how you treat a lady," he said, voice switching, accent coming out thick. "I'm sorry darlin', he shouldn't have you hit you like that. He should've hit you like this," he said mockingly, then stepped back and slapped your tit. You weren't wearing a bra, since you were at home relaxing before this, before he was making your wildest fantasies come true.
You moaned in shock and arousal as he slapped your tit again, watching it bounce and sway under your tshirt. "Needta get this off-a ya," he grunted, pulling your shirt up and over your head, then sliding your sweats and panties down until they pooled on the floor.
"There we go, that's better, innit?" he slapped your tit again, hard, making your eyes burn with tears at the sting. "Say 'Thank you, Lee', and maybe I'll go easy on ya, darlin'."
"Th-thank you Lee," you stuttered as he slapped your tit again.
"Good girl! See that wasn't so hard now was it? And because you were so good, I'm gonna let you decide if we move on to your ass now or not," he grinned, fingers stroking lightly over your breasts, goosebumps rising and your nipples hardening.
When you didn't answer right away, he pinched your nipple hard, twisting it until you shouted, "Now! Ass now, Lee!"
"That's a good job darlin', now on the couch, over my knee," he said, as he sat down, feet firmly planted on the floor, leaned back to make room for you. You took a deep breath, steadying yourself, then walked to him, folding yourself over his lap. Your face was pressed into the cushions, your legs hanging down limply.
Suddenly, his hand was tight in your hair, making you squeal. He pressed your face harder into the cushions, smothering you for a moment, before letting go. You gasped for breath and he spanked you hard. You screamed, not prepared at all for the strike.
"Lee?" you asked, panting, trying to turn back towards him.
He stilled you with a hand to your head, smacking your ass again. You cried out and he chuckled darkly. "Lee's not here anymore, it's just you and me now, and you're gonna be a good girl for me, aren't you? Say 'yes Charles'," he ordered, letting you finally place the mannerisms.
"Yes Charles," you breathed, hissing when he slapped your ass repeatedly. When your ass was bright red and burning, he finally stopped. His hand rubbed against your flaming skin, making the tears that had been in your eyes, fall to the couch.
"Good girl, you took your punishment well. Normally I'd be ready to fuck you now, but..." he trailed off as he helped you stand in front of him on shaky legs. You watched as his body language changed, suddenly lax but with holding his good posture. "Charles is gone, now it's my turn, and I think you need a few more good spanks."
"Oh god," you whispered, and his hands shot out, yanking you down onto the couch beside him. You cried out as your ass hit the fabric, but he leaned in and hissed, "I'm your fucking god, you say my name."
"Lance! Please!" you cried, and he shoved you back until you fell on the couch. His shoulders held your legs apart as he slapped your pussy, immediately making his hand wet and sticky.
"Yeah, that's fucking right baby, scream for me," he goaded as you did scream, when he slapped your pussy again, spanking it over and over until you were sobbing, hands tearing at your hair.
He leaned down and blew on your pulsing cunt, making you keen as you shivered. "There, this cunt is ready to be fucked now," he muttered, standing up and taking his clothes off. He did a ridiculous pose that had you giggling, before he pressed himself over you. His body language changed again, becoming looser, pressing his face into your neck.
"You ready for me baby? My turn to hear you say my name, say 'Carter' and I'll give you what you want," he murmured, voice a little higher, a little lighter than usual.
"Carter," you sighed, pulling his face up to yours, kissing him quickly. He pulled back laughing and said, "You went down easy," and pried your jaw open, spitting down into your mouth. You swallowed reflexively and he groaned, releasing you and grabbing your hip and his cock.
"Fuck baby, so hot," he grunted as he lined up with your entrance, shoving forwards in one quick, brutal thrust.
You screamed, back lifting off the couch as you were split open, his cock huge and throbbing inside you. He swore as you clenched around him, shoving you back down onto the couch with a hand on your shoulder. He pressed you down hard as his hips pulled back and slammed into yours again.
"That's it baby, fucking take it, you can do it," he growled, fucking you hard as he thrust two fingers into your mouth. You gagged, but sucked on them, until they were drenched with your saliva. He removed them from your mouth and immediately moved them down, pressing them into your asshole.
You clenched around the sudden intrusion, but forced your muscles to relax as he began pumping his fingers in and out of your hole, pulling out of your pussy and pressing against you.
"Now I don't have a pepsi cup, so I guess your ass will have to do," he grinned, and began pressing the tip of his dick into your asshole.
"Lee! Please," you sobbed, as you were forced open, his dick wet with your juices, the only thing slicking the way.
"Yeah darlin', cry for me, that's a good girl," he soothed, his hips finally resting against your ass, dick all the way inside you.
You panted, clenching and releasing around him before he sat up, pulling your hips onto his lap. He began thrusting, building up a pace quickly until he was pounding your ass, with you bent nearly in half, legs in the air on his shoulders.
"Please, can I come?" you begged, pussy pulsing emptily as your ass was stuffed repeatedly.
"No, pathetic whores don't get to come when they want, and what did I tell you you are?" he sneered, making you cry.
"Nick, please, I'll do anything," you sobbed, gasping, when he stilled his hips completely buried in your ass, and shoved four fingers into your pussy, making you shriek.
"I asked what I called you," he growled, fucking your pussy hard, twisting his hand around to stretch you out.
"A pathetic whore! I'm a pathetic whore!" you shouted as he tucked his thumb and pushed his way inside your cunt until his whole hand was inside and he could make a fist.
You were moaning, babbling nonsense, as he began thrusting his hips again, his arm being pushed deeper into you with every pass.
"Now you can come baby, right...now," he said, punching his fist up into you, his other hand wrapping around your throat and squeezing.
You screamed again but only a wheeze came out as you came, clenched so tightly around his fist your cunt ached, spasming repeatedly. Your legs shook from their tense position on his shoulders, your arms above your head, nails dug into the armrest.
He didn't let up, holding your throat as your hearing faded, and your eyes rolled back in your head. He let go, fist stilling but hips still pumping as you slowly came back, blinking up at him and breathing heavily.
"That's my fucking girl, fuck, Jesus Christ, that was the hottest thing," he murmured, stroking your face as you moaned, your cunt tightening again. Your head spun dizzily as he slowly pulled his hand out of your cunt, then pulled out of your ass, fisting his hard cock with his wet hand. He began jerking himself, breathing heavier as you gazed dumbly up at him, mouth opening autmatically.
"Oh fuck me," he groaned, coming, ropes of it landing on your face and tits, before he directed it at your gaping pussy. When he finished, he shoved two fingers into you, spreading his cum around as you moaned.
"That's what happens when fantasize about other men little girl," he whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead. You slumped, drained, and he chuckled.
"Come here baby, let's get you cleaned up," he said softly, pulling you into his arms, your legs around his waist as he carried you through the house into the bathroom. He climbed into the tub and sat down with you on his lap, and turned on the water. You were chest to chest, your legs behind him, your face pressed into his neck.
"You with me yet baby?" he asked quietly as the tub filled.
"Mmm," you sighed, body loose and heavy. "Seb."
"I'm here, I'm right here, did so well baby. You blew me away sweetheart, we're definitely exploring some more of those writings," he said, pressing his grin to your hair. You smiled against his shoulder as he leaned forwards, turning off the water. The two of you sank deeper into the tub, moving and stretching out your legs alongside his, still resting on top of him.
"Love you Seb," you murmured, already half asleep.
"Love you too sweetheart," he replied, kissing your pursed lips, which slid into a grin after. "You rest now baby, I'll take care of you."
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georgiapeach30513 ยท 2 years
Misguided Ghosts, Part 1
Summary: ย Charles likes watching you
Pairings: ย Ghost!Charles Blackwood X Reader
Rating: ย Explicit
Warnings: Explicit language, explicit sexual content, smut, female masturbation, sex with a ghost, unprotected sex, PIV sex, cream pie, breeding kink, possessive kink, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: ย 860
A/N: If you read last years Spectrophilia one shot, this chapter isnโ€™t necessary, but it is setting the scene
Series Masterlist
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You got so lucky when the Blackwood manor came on the market. ย A beautiful estate that had been left abandoned. ย Sure, there was minor things that needed to be fixed, but as your dad would say, โ€˜Lipstick and rouge, sweetheart.โ€™ ย While it would take time, it would be worth it.
The first day you spent mostly just cleaning up a bedroom for you to sleep in. ย Removing the sheets off the furniture and walls, uncovering a portrait of an extremely handsome man. ย Charles Blackwood carved at the bottom. ย โ€œWell, Charles. ย Looks like itโ€™s just me and you now,โ€ you talk to the painting. ย โ€œJust donโ€™t stare at me as I change handsome.โ€
You continue to clean up, feeling like youโ€™re being watched. ย You twist around quickly, the painting the only eyes you see, โ€œI told you not to stare at me, Charles. ย Or should I call you Charlie?โ€ ย a chill runs up your spine, and you assume itโ€™s best to keep him at Charles. ย 
Finishing up the bedroom, you decide itโ€™s time to bathe. ย โ€œListen, sir, Iโ€™m going to take a bath, so I need you to stay here. ย Are we clear?โ€ of course the stupid thing isnโ€™t going to answer. ย Itโ€™s just a painting. ย Walking into the bathroom you settle into the claw bathtub, dreaming of how grand this house must have been in its glory days. ย 
When you walk back into the room, that painting is still demanding on your attention, โ€œAlright sugar. ย Iโ€™ve got to sleep. ย Youโ€™ll watch over me though, right? ย God, Iโ€™m so lonely Iโ€™m talking to a fucking painting. ย You are quite attractive though, Charles. ย Well goodnight.โ€
You wake up at 3:00am, your hands massaging at your entrance, and you look up at Charles. ย โ€œDid you do this to me?โ€ you ask, already panting. ย โ€œMight as well make the most of it.โ€
You continue to stimulate yourself. ย Your fingers creating soft circles on your clit, โ€œWaiting for that slow buildup,โ€ you tell your painting friend. ย Sliding down two fingers you enter them into your tight hole. ย Pumping them in and out, and heating yourself up even more. ย โ€œI wish it was your fingers, handsome.โ€
โ€œWhy didnโ€™t you say so?โ€
You gasp looking over on the other side of the room, Charles in all his copper haired glory. ย โ€œWhat?โ€
โ€œYou saw me watching you. ย Talked to me all day. ย Started touching yourself to my image, and now youโ€™ve invited me to finish the job.โ€
โ€œThereโ€™s no wayโ€ฆdid you not die? ย And how do you still look like that?โ€
โ€œShhโ€ฆcan I not just take care of you?โ€ he asks, taking off his clothes and you gulp seeing just how chiseled he actually is. ย โ€œWell, princess, you gonna let me take care of you? ย Or at least pull the covers down so I can see how wet I make that cunt.โ€
You nod your head, opening up the blankets to allow him in. ย A chill surrounds him, and you just know youโ€™re dreaming. ย Falling asleep from pleasuring yourself. ย โ€œIโ€™m just gonna enjoy it.โ€
โ€œAnd Iโ€™ll make sure you do.โ€
His almost translucent body crawling over your own, and the chill from him makes you shiver, โ€œYou get used it,โ€ he tells you, his lips kissing all over your body. ย The way he makes you feel, mixed with the chill every time he touches you makes your hairs stand on end. ย โ€œItโ€™s been so long, princess. ย Do I get to keep you?โ€
โ€œYes, as long as you make me feel this good,โ€ your body already giving into him.
He gives you an evil grin, โ€œThis is nothing,โ€ his hands adjust your body, spreading your thighs further apart. ย His hand roams through your folds, โ€œAlready ready for me. ย Youโ€™re just as lonely and horny as me, huh?โ€
โ€œYes, Charles just fuck me.โ€
A darkness creeps over his eyes, โ€œBe polite. ย Ladies donโ€™t say fuck.โ€
โ€œPlease, Charles, I need you.โ€
He eases his icy cock through you, youโ€™re crippled with pleasure. ย Mewling with every inch into your body, and when he bottoms out, he removes himself quickly, only to slowly enter back in. ย Driving you crazy with all the senses heโ€™s making your body feel. ย Every part of you wants to scream the nastiest profanities, but you fear Charles would halt his movements. ย So you just allow yourself to make those sweet sounds.
Charles body trembles when he feels your walls flutter. ย โ€œPrincess,โ€ his voice begs. ย Your fingers assist him by stimulating your clit. ย Racing for your release, and when your close, you pull Charles down for a spine-tingling kiss. ย Feeling warmth for the first time since heโ€™s been near you. ย โ€œGhosts do that?โ€
โ€œOnly for you, princess. ย Now get some sleep. ย Youโ€™ll need it for when youโ€™re carrying my child,โ€ you donโ€™t hear the last part. ย You were barely awake as it was. ย A fever dream of a ghostly Charles fucking into you. ย But he knows better. ย Heโ€™s keeping you. ย Keeping you here, and keeping you nice and round with his hybrid babies. ย โ€œIโ€™ll keep you forever princess.โ€
Taglist:ย ย @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @infatuatedjanes @whiskeytangofoxtrot- @peaches1958 @thedarkplume @duuhrayliegh @rebekahdawkins @johndeaconshands @seitmaiโ€‹ @redbloodedgurlโ€‹ย @whimsyplaty92ย @sgtjaamesbaarnes @missusbarnes-rogers @km-ffluv
156 notes ยท View notes
dreamlessinparis ยท 2 years
Problems of Inheritance
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Pairing: Dark!Serial!Killer!Charles x F!Reader
Word Count: about 2k
Summary: When the man who kills your boss, discovers she left you more than you could ever imagine, heโ€™s not willing to let you slip through his fingers.ย 
Warning: explicit sexual content, nicknames, teasing, degradation, cumplay, oral (f receiving), explicit language, praise, murder (not explicit), manhandling, choking, sassy-ish reader, mean Charles, rough fingering, non-con/dub con, squirting, kidnapping, blackmail, mentions of blood (not explicit)
A/N: This is Charles's first part in my Serial Killer AU, you can check out the rest of the stories here. Thank you toย @sparkledfirecracker for looking over this and beta'ing it for me ๐Ÿ’— All mistakes are still my own.ย 
if youโ€™re a minor, please DNI!
Please do not repost, publish or translate my work. Reblogs and comments are appreciated! Thank you for reading :)
Dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics
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The house was eerily silent when you entered. Usually, Mrs. Devereaux was up by now. You shrugged off your coat and placed it and your keys on the counter. There was a building dread in your stomach with every step you took further into the house.
The floor above your head creaked and, you froze because the footsteps that followed were far too heavy to be those of Mrs. Devereaux's. Her steps were soft and graceful. A truly regal and kind woman. She had taken you in, even though everyone turned their back on the dirty orphan. Been given a home and hired you as her personal maid when you were old enough.
She was the closest thing you had to a mother. You grabbed a heavy brass candlestick and began to ascend the staircase. Trying to channel Mrs. Devereaux in an effort to stay silent. You made it to the first landing when you heard him. A low deep voice barking hurtful things to your boss.
"You lying hag... I gave you everything and this is how you repay me. I don't deserve this!โ€ Chills raced down your spine at his cold, malicious tone. You wanted to race in and save her, especially when you heard her whispering plea for help. "You should have thought about that before you threatened me. I was thinking of keeping you, Claudia. If only you hadn't gotten wise and called your lawyer to change your will again."ย ย 
You tiptoed up to her room, carefully peering in. The man was standing with his back turned to you. Mrs. Devereaux was sprawled on the ground, in her nightgown. She looked frightened and disheveled with blood gushing from her head.
โ€œPlease Charles," she said with labored breath. "I fixed the will, I swear. Please don't -" her eyes widened as she caught sight of you in the doorway.
Charles slowly turned and you were frozen in place. Your brain screamed at you to move but your body wasn't having it. His devilishly handsome face was just as cold as his tone and incredibly hard to tear your eyes from.
โ€œWho do we have here?" Charles asked. His face broke out into an evil grin. โ€œSuch a pretty little thing isn't she?"ย 
Mrs. Devereaux looked at you fearfully, mouthing you. Yet you stayed frozen as he approached. He leaned down so you were eye to eye. "Too easy. A fortune and a pretty face to ruin.โ€
You shook your head vehemently as Mrs. Devereaux screamed out for him to leave you alone. Charlesโ€™ eyes never left your face. The icy blues so sharp and equally as cruel. You were so entranced that you missed the motion of his arm until the gun went off and her body fell to the floor. You managed to look away. Seeing her dead body on the ground as if your body was doused in ice water. You snapped out of your stupor and you bolted. Charles reached out to grab you, his hand brushing your sleeve but you managed to evade his grip. Racing towards the stairs.
Your eyes hooked on a gold candelabra and took it as quickly as you could. His footsteps were close behind you. There was no way you were truly getting out here alive. Not when the man was chasing you had a gun. Yet he hadnโ€™t taken a shot. Just chasing you on foot instead. Maybe he only had one bullet.
The front door was just out of reach and your hand brushed the knob when his hands grabbed your waist, pulling you away. โ€œNo! let me go!" You screeched, flailing in his arms. A shiny glint caught your eye and you realized that you were still holding the candelabra. Charles spun you around, and without a second thought, you swung. The candlestick hit the side of his head with a thunk. He groaned, letting you go and you managed to escape him, yanking the door open, and racing down the stairs. "Oh little one, you really shouldn't have done that. You're gonna learn real quick that anything you do, Iโ€™ll do to you tenfold."ย 
Ignoring his words and on somehow steady footprints, you continued to run. It was terrifying and you didn't know what to do. You tossed the candlestick behind you. It missed but you felt better having tossed it at him.ย 
Charles crashed into your body, tackling you to the ground. The gravel dug into all your flesh, sending little pricks of pain through your body. "You're not going anywhere, my precious Rosebud. Can't let the one witness to my crimes go.โ€ He was so close to you, his lips brushing your lip with each word. You felt drops of blood falling down onto your face. You tried to squirm away but he shifted his position, pressing his knee to your lower back to pin you in place.
"I won't talk. I promise.โ€
"I know you won't. I won't give you the chance.โ€ Charles placed a tender kiss on your temple. You opened your mouth to speak, but with a swift motion he brought the butt of the gun down and everything went back.
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The room you woke up in was dark and chilly like there was a draft somewhere. Your head was throbbing and your vision was bleary. You blinked several times trying to clear your vision. It did very little.
You rested your head against the headboard and rolled your head towards the window.
It was hard to be sure but it seemed like the moon was full and bright right outside your window. The smartest thing to do would be to get up and attempt to find a way to escape but your body was weighted down and tired. There was also very little chance that Charles would be that stupid. He seemed like the type to leave no loose ends. For all you knew, he locked you in this
room to starve to death.
Your mind wandered to the events of the last - well you didn't exactly know how many hours - several hours. Charles' face popped into your brain. His sharp features and ensnaring blue eyes. Lips so plush, you couldn't help wondering how they'd feel on your skin. You clenched your thighs, trying to create friction for the heat pooling at your core.
This was so wrong. You couldn't Iust after such a horrid man. No matter how incredibly dressed and beautiful he was. He was a murderer. He killed Mrs. Devereaux, Claudia. One of the most important people in your life. Tears blurred your vision even more as you remembered her lifeless body.
Your head fell into your palms as you began to sob. The pain and heartache wracking through your worn body. You sunk down further into the bed, pulling the covers up and burying yourself down. The reality was too hard to face and if your fate was tied to this room, you didn't want to be conscious for it.
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The next time you woke up, you weren't alone. You could feel his eyes on you before you fully woke up. Something you hadnโ€™t noticed last time was that your clothes were changed and it sickened you to know he saw you naked. You didn't like him, despite the slip up your mind had made last night. That thought was locked tight behind a door, never to be unlocked. He was the enemy and you wanted him as far from you as possible. It was highly doubtful that would happen considering you were his prisoner. But you refused to soften up for him. You begrudgingly opened your eyes. The blurriness from last time seemed to have disappeared, your vision crystal clear.
Charles sat in an armchair in the corner of the room. He was crouched over, his elbows resting on his knees, hands clasped together. Those sharp cerulean eyes were locked on you. His face was blank but from the tightness in his eyes and clenched jaw, you could tell he was upset.
โ€œYou knew, didn't you?" Charles said, in each word slow and calculated.
โ€œKnew what?โ€ You cleared your throat, trying to keep your words from cracking again. Your mouth was exceptionally dry and you glanced at the side table, for anything to drink. It was empty, much to your disdain.ย 
Charles slowly got up and approached the bed. You scrambled up into a seated position. Not wanting to be at a disadvantage. The nightgown you were dressed in was a delicate thing. The strap sliding down before you could stop it. Charles hooked a finger under it, slowly pushing it back up, his touch lingering. You fought the feeling his touch gave you. No, you didn't like it. You kept repeating in your head.ย 
He perched on the bed, scooting close enough to press his thigh to yours. Instinctively
you grabbed the covers and held them up to hide your chest from his wandering eyes. It had nothing to do with the fact that your nipples had tightened to the point that they could cut glass from his mere touch.
"I'm going to ask this nicely, one more time." Charlesโ€™ tone was calm, almost like he was making casual conversation. But there was a dangerous storm brewing in his eyes. One wrong move and you'd be swept up in it. "You knew about the will, didn't you?โ€
"Mrs Devereaux's will?โ€ You asked, trying your best to keep up. Charles nodded, waiting for you to continue. โ€œI don't know. Anything. I swear. I was just her maid. "
โ€œJust her maid, are you sure?" His questions were getting on your nerves. Acting like you were a child.ย 
"Yes I'm sure, Charles!" You snapped sharply. Immediately regretting it when his eyes flashed angrily. He grabbed you by the neck, slamming you back against the headboard. You instantly tried to yank his hand off you. ''I'm sorry. Please."
"Don't test me. I may think you're beautiful but I won't hesitate to get rid of you if you overstep." His hand eased but didn't release you. Keeping you pinned and helpless. "I have ways of making you talk, my sweet Rosebud. "He slid his hand down making you release the covers as he dipped below them. He traced down your silk-covered torso to the junction of your hips. You gasped when his fingers glided over your panty clad pussy. You reached down, grabbing his wrist, and tried to push him away. But all you did was make him more persistent. The sneer on his face grew into a smug smirk.
โ€œI don't know anything," you swore shakily. He ignored you, dipping his fingers past the fabric.
"You're very wet for someone who's acting like she doesn't want this." He lazily stroked your core, occasionally circling your clit.
You whimpered as he pushed in a finger. Take his time to stroke your silky walls. You weren't a virgin by any means but it had been a long time and the stretch was kind of painful, especially when he added a second finger.
โ€œI don't know anything. Charles... Ah fuck-โ€ you keened, as he hit a spot that make your whole body tense in a shock of pleasure.ย ย 
โ€œYes, seems like you don't," Charles said begrudgingly, "this definitely puts a dampen on things but I guess I have to keep you alive."
Relief flooded your body, tangling with extreme levels of pleasure. Charles watched you as he continued fucking you with his fingers. Your mind was fuzzy and unable to form words giving into your instincts. Your legs opened wider and your hold on his wrist was mostly to ground yourself. Part of you wanted to stay strong and fight, wanted to ask what he meant about keeping you.
"Such a good girl. I feel you fluttering, darling. Go on, come for me... now." At his command, your body erupted in a head-to-toe tremble, your orgasm hitting you as Charles grinded his palm against your clit. Working in time with his fingers hitting your sweet spot. You moaned loudly, lifting your hips as he kept going.
You felt sensitive and raw. All of it was too much. "Please." You managed out.
โ€œOne more. Give me one more," Charles urged. You didn't want to, you couldn't. Yet your body was betraying you. The second orgasm approached quicker than the first.
Your head fell back in a soundless cry as your release gushed out of you, coating his hand. Charles finally stopped and your body slumped forward exhausted. You felt empty without his touch which made you sick to your stomach. You kept your head down, trying to ignore the sound of Charles sucking his fingers clean.
"What did you mean you had to keep me now?" You murmured. Charles hooked a finger beneath your chin making you look at him. โ€œMeans you're mine, Rosebud. At least until we get this will situation sorted. Seems Claudia left you everything." Charles explained. He stood up, leaving you to bask in your shock. "Get some rest, you'll be resuming your duties tomorrow."
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