agence-photo-imatext · 11 months
Chastre. Fête des animaux et bénédiction de la Saint-Hubert
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mask131 · 2 years
Cold winter: The dahut
Category: French folklore
There are two “Dahuts” in French folklore. One is a cursed princess that became a deadly mermaid. And then there’s this Dahut. People apparently more popularly write it “Dahu”, but I knew it first as “Dahut” and so it is the spelling I will use.
The dahut is a wild animal living in mountains of France. Due to only living on the slopes of mountains for centuries and centuries, the dahut evolved in a very peculiar way… It has two legs shorter than the others. More specifically: either the dahut will have its left legs shorter than the rights, either the rights longer than the left, both in front and in the back. Like that, the dahut can stand perfectly on diagonal slopes. The problem with this specific evolution is that as a result the dahut can only move in one direction – clockwise or counter-clockwise around the mountain. Some tales even claim that there are two subtypes of dahuts, defined by which direction they go towards, and that when they met they have specific and unique ways to cross each other’s paths (and there are just as many tales about how these two sub-types… reproduce in very inventive ways).
Where exactly does the dahut live? Everywhere! But usually under different names. As long as there is a mountain, there is a dahut. In the Vosges it is the darou, in the Jura the dairi, in Bourgogne darhut, in Picardie bitarde, in Maine biroufle, in Anjou darut, in Ile-de-France daru, in Provence chastre, etc… But beyond the characteristic of the beast having two different sizes of legs, nobody can truly agree on what the animal looks like or is – while most people describe it as a mountain goat, other regions will use another type of furry mammal or mountain creature, sometimes it is even a bird!
Quite a nice little legend, isn’t it? Except… it isn’t truly a legend. If you ask people about it, they will tell you it is a real beast and that they regularly see it with their own eyes. And if they tell you that, then you better be wary, because they think you’re an idiot. You see the dahut is… basically one big joke. It is an artificial legend, a made-up cryptid, but a creature nobody really believed in, except the butts of the joke. I’ll explain…
The dahut and its regional variations is an archetypal creature invented by mountain-dwellers, and the rural populations of mountainous areas. Invented as an elaborate prank: the whole idea is to make city-dwellers visiting the area, or really naïve people, believe in the existence of the beast, using their lack of knowledge of the mountains fauna to convince them the dahut is a real beast. After all, behind its bizarre legs, it will always be described as a logical, rational, non-fantastical creature part of the mountain’s ecosystem. And people believed the lie and fell for the prank – so much it spread not just to mountains, but also to heavily forested areas. It even got out of France! In some regions of Spain you can find the creature – in Catalonia and Andorra it is the “tamarro”, the dahu’s Spanish cousin. But you see, the prank isn’t about making the fool believe in the existence of the dahut. Oh no… the prank actually lies in a specific ritual. The dahut hunt.
“La chasse au dahut”. The hunt for the dahut. Now a synonym for “sending someone doing something useless” or “pursuing something that does not exist”. There are as many dahut hunts as there are variations of the dahut, and all have one purpose: convincing the fool to go on the hunt for the beast, and then ridicule him (of course, usually the hunt for the dahut is inflicted on men, because that’s olden days countryside). This fake dahut-hunt was never conceived in a spirit of wickedness or evilness, the idea wasn’t to torture the fool – but it was a form of entertainment for small villages and remote rural areas, and usually a good dahut hunt became the hot topic in pubs, public harvest feasts and evening gatherings, becoming a cherished memory for months afterward. The preparation of the dahut hunt was a true ritual: first, the community had to select the “fool”, usually an outsider that was freshly arrived to the community (a new domestic, an apprentice, a new farm employee, or maybe some visitor who has business in town) – as I said before, the person either has to be quite notably naïve/stupid/credulous, or has to be an urban person not used to the ways of rural folks and the fauna of the countryside, or even both at the same time! After testing the credulity of the fool subtly over a long period of time, if the fool is deemed “ripe” (so to speak), starts the conditioning. The community will feed the fool with grandiose and fascinating tales of the dahut and previous hunts for it, they will teach the fool the ways to capture a dahut, have him train regularly and encourage him with his “progresses”, but also while making sure to not too openly mock him or force him to do things too extravagant – to balance the joke and the realism. And when the “fool” is impatient and hyped for the hunt… starts the hunt.
The hunt always takes place in “groups”, in remote areas far from the village, of course forested and mountainous, and always in the evening or at night. One method to hunt the dahut is to use sticks and a bag: the “pranksters” will go into the forest, hitting their sticks on the trees to panic or anger the dahut, which will result in the beast losing its balance and rolling down the slope ; the fool is down the slop, with a bag, open and his mission is to receive the rolling animal. Of course nothing falls, and after a certain time the fool realizes that the other hunters went home and left him to wait in the dark. A second popular method of “hunting” is to convince the fool that to hunt a dahut you must call it while standing behind it – the dahut is a very social animal that gets extremely happy whenever someone shows him some interest, so upon being called from the back the beast will lose its balance and fall on the ground unable to get up. The fool is trained to “call” the dahut – he will learn a specific cry, or whistling, or mating call, and then be sent in the mountain. The fool will call the beast by shouting or whistling for quite some times, before finally realizing he was fooled all along (usually the shout or cry tends to be quite funny or ridiculous). A third hunting method is to place pepper on big rocks across the area where the dahut “lives” and then wait: the dahut, upon sniffing the pepper, will sneeze so hard it will bang its head on the rock and knock itself unconscious. A fourth and final method of hunting is only done from November to February (aka during the winter season): the “hunters” will identify a body of water where the dahut regularly drinks, and then have the fool wait for the beast to arrive with a bag to put it in. But the thing is that the dahut has a very strong sense of smell, so to better hide the fool has to take off his shoes and plunge his bare feet into the cold water – and the hands too.
It all might seem very cruel, but as I said, the “dahut hunt” ritual was never actually thought as cruel or wicked in any way (except maybe by those suffering from it – urban-dwellers usually seeing it as a form of bullying by rurals). Not only was the dahut hunt supposed to be a community entertainment fondly remembered by everyone, but it also doubled as an initiation ritual: the fool, after coming back empty-handed and mocked from the dahut hunt, was immediately considered to be “part of the community”. To be fooled by the dahut somehow meant that the barrier between you and the community you had arrived in was lifted – the community will always accept more gleefully and readily a dahut fool than an “outsider” who never went through the ritual.
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Of course, time passing by and things changing, the dahut hunt as described above stopped existing, or rather evolved. Instead of being a prank placed on adults, the dahut hunt became a children game. Parents, summer camp staff, teachers organized “dahut hunts” to keep their kids busy or entertain them, and while with times kids came to understand that the dahuts did not exist, they still kept the activity as a fun group game, which doubled as a way to explore wild or rural areas, and could even become a sort of “treasure hunt”. In fact, summer camps and “green classes” as we call them (class journeys to rural or wild areas) started using the dahut hunt as a way for kids to study and explore the fauna and flora of areas. And the dahut soon became a folkloric symbol, resulting in it being use in commerce – for example there is a candy called the “dahu”, which is raising covered in milk chocolate ; and during the winter Olympic games of 1968 the French ski team had for a mascot a dahu – Pataski the Dahu, which later got some stories written for him in the shape of comic books.
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lesterplatt · 10 months
AUDREY NUNA - LOCKET from valentin petit on Vimeo.
LOCKET, a music video for AUDREY NUNA Directed by VALENTIN PETIT & produced by OCURENS
Production Company: Ocurens Managing Director: Germain Robin Executive Producer: Elisa Johanna Känd Line Producer: Robin Lavaud Production Coordinator: Andrea Thirion Production Assistant: Vini Kundlani
Artist Management: Anwar Sawyer, Noah Kim Arista Records: Cliff Joseph, Veronica Sanjines
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR 1st AD: Mathieu Perez 2nd AD: Lea Cerqueira 3rd AD: Julia Aner
LOCATION & FACILITIES Location Manager: Benoit Becquereau Assistant Location Manager: Antoine Groun Runner: Augustin Royer Runner: Ludo Mendez Traffic And Parking Control: Djamel, Boualem
CAMERA Director Of Photography: Jeff Bierman Agent: Vinh Nguyen 1st AC: Tom Haudry 2nd AC: Vassili Devintcha Video Operator: Louis Chenieux Steadicam: Teva Vasseur
LIGHT Gaffer: Maxime Chastres Spark: Adrien Demarest Spark: Camille Benariac Spark: Matéo Poulin Spark: Kallamon Bouvier
GRIP Key Grip: Vathana Kang Grip: Camille Romanyszyn Grip: Bertrand Motte
CINEMOTION Motion Control Operator: Yann Besset Motion Control Assistant: Manu De Bernardi Motion Control Assistant: Adrien Payet
STUNTS Stuntman Coordinator: Kevin Cauderlier Stuntman Assistant Coordinator: Remi Canaple
ART DEPARTMENT Production Designer: Till Duca Production Designer Assistant: Guillaume Ypreeuw Production Designer Assistant: Thomas Lelong Production Designer Assistant: Antoine Robin Production Designer Assistant: Natasha Le Sourd
SFX FLAM & CO SFX Supervisor: Armel Cessa SFX: Hicham Bouzékraoui SFX: Barthélémi Robinho
WARDROBE Stylist: Florie Vitse Assistant Stylist: Iris Laricheva
GLAM TEAM ARTIST Hair Stylist: Jacob Kajrup Make-Up Artist: Zahra Benghida
GLAM TEAM TALENTS Key Makeup Artist: Orystella Vitti Make-Up Artist: Oldie Mbani Make-Up Artist: Lucie Marty MUA Assistant: Léa Fontaine MUA Assistant: Marine Guillerme
Hair Stylist: Verinica Liccardi Hair Stylist: Mills Mouchopeda Hair Stylist J2: Kadiakhe Fanta Nail Artist: Padena Peironaziri Nail Artist: Raphaelle Parot
CASTING Casting Director: Lucie Tartensson Assistant Casting Director: Nesrine Benayad
POST PRODUCTION BY MONUMENTAL FX Head Of Post-Production: Laïla Hamdaoui Post-Producer: Elisa Johanna Känd Post-Production assistant: Maxime Veigneau Editors: Simon Tristant, Valentin Petit Colorist: Arthur Paux Sound Design: Emilien Bernaux Music End Credit: MiM (from Valentin Petit's Le Bruit de la Lumière)
VFX BY SQUARE Head of VFX: Mathieu Jussreandot, Colin Journée VFX Supervisor: Antoine Pion On-Set Supervisor: Flore Mounier 3D Scan: Adrien Bavant VFX Production Manager: Julie Delepine CG Artists: Martin Goldwasser, Thomas Salmin, Arthur Amanatiou, Morgane Perrier, Paul Perrier, Hugo Aboab, Eddy Choppy FX Artists: Luis Fos Compositing Artists: Adrien “Pamito” Renay, Isabelle Tchoungang, Thomas Jouenne, Tom Gueret, Jonas Caillet, Richard Gomard Cleans : Sancio VFX
Credits: Nathan Almeras Valentin Petit’s Logo: Nairone BTS: Gohan Keller, Max Heilbronn, BTS video edit by Yanjun Zhou
CAST Dannie Mendez, Clementine Morisset, Eden Payet, Ines Lafourcade, Clara Paschini, Clara De Lataillade, Jules Leroy, Gaia Zimmermann, Tristan Vasseur, Alioune Sane & Adelaide Tourres
Special thanks: Hugo Beron, Jon Echeveste, Ant Pablos, Theo Gall, Fabienne Billioud d’Espace Commines, RVZ, Le Bendo, Flycar Montparnasse, Basik, Adelyo, Flam&Co,
With the support of the CNC.
0 notes
montysworld · 11 months
AUDREY NUNA - LOCKET from valentin petit on Vimeo.
LOCKET, a music video for AUDREY NUNA Directed by VALENTIN PETIT & produced by OCURENS
Production Company: Ocurens Managing Director: Germain Robin Executive Producer: Elisa Johanna Känd Line Producer: Robin Lavaud Production Coordinator: Andrea Thirion Production Assistant: Vini Kundlani
Artist Management: Anwar Sawyer, Noah Kim Arista Records: Cliff Joseph, Veronica Sanjines
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR 1st AD: Mathieu Perez 2nd AD: Lea Cerqueira 3rd AD: Julia Aner
LOCATION & FACILITIES Location Manager: Benoit Becquereau Assistant Location Manager: Antoine Groun Runner: Augustin Royer Runner: Ludo Mendez Traffic And Parking Control: Djamel, Boualem
CAMERA Director Of Photography: Jeff Bierman Agent: Vinh Nguyen 1st AC: Tom Haudry 2nd AC: Vassili Devintcha Video Operator: Louis Chenieux Steadicam: Teva Vasseur
LIGHT Gaffer: Maxime Chastres Spark: Adrien Demarest Spark: Camille Benariac Spark: Matéo Poulin Spark: Kallamon Bouvier
GRIP Key Grip: Vathana Kang Grip: Camille Romanyszyn Grip: Bertrand Motte
CINEMOTION Motion Control Operator: Yann Besset Motion Control Assistant: Manu De Bernardi Motion Control Assistant: Adrien Payet
STUNTS Stuntman Coordinator: Kevin Cauderlier Stuntman Assistant Coordinator: Remi Canaple
ART DEPARTMENT Production Designer: Till Duca Production Designer Assistant: Guillaume Ypreeuw Production Designer Assistant: Thomas Lelong Production Designer Assistant: Antoine Robin Production Designer Assistant: Natasha Le Sourd
SFX FLAM & CO SFX Supervisor: Armel Cessa SFX: Hicham Bouzékraoui SFX: Barthélémi Robinho
WARDROBE Stylist: Florie Vitse Assistant Stylist: Iris Laricheva
GLAM TEAM ARTIST Hair Stylist: Jacob Kajrup Make-Up Artist: Zahra Benghida
GLAM TEAM TALENTS Key Makeup Artist: Orystella Vitti Make-Up Artist: Oldie Mbani Make-Up Artist: Lucie Marty MUA Assistant: Léa Fontaine MUA Assistant: Marine Guillerme
Hair Stylist: Verinica Liccardi Hair Stylist: Mills Mouchopeda Hair Stylist J2: Kadiakhe Fanta Nail Artist: Padena Peironaziri Nail Artist: Raphaelle Parot
CASTING Casting Director: Lucie Tartensson Assistant Casting Director: Nesrine Benayad
POST PRODUCTION BY MONUMENTAL FX Head Of Post-Production: Laïla Hamdaoui Post-Producer: Elisa Johanna Känd Post-Production assistant: Maxime Veigneau Editors: Simon Tristant, Valentin Petit Colorist: Arthur Paux Sound Design: Emilien Bernaux Music End Credit: MiM (from Valentin Petit's Le Bruit de la Lumière)
VFX BY SQUARE Head of VFX: Mathieu Jussreandot, Colin Journée VFX Supervisor: Antoine Pion On-Set Supervisor: Flore Mounier 3D Scan: Adrien Bavant VFX Production Manager: Julie Delepine CG Artists: Martin Goldwasser, Thomas Salmin, Arthur Amanatiou, Morgane Perrier, Paul Perrier, Hugo Aboab, Eddy Choppy FX Artists: Luis Fos Compositing Artists: Adrien “Pamito” Renay, Isabelle Tchoungang, Thomas Jouenne, Tom Gueret, Jonas Caillet, Richard Gomard Cleans : Sancio VFX
Credits: Nathan Almeras Valentin Petit’s Logo: Nairone BTS: Gohan Keller, Max Heilbronn, BTS video edit by Yanjun Zhou
CAST Dannie Mendez, Clementine Morisset, Eden Payet, Ines Lafourcade, Clara Paschini, Clara De Lataillade, Jules Leroy, Gaia Zimmermann, Tristan Vasseur, Alioune Sane & Adelaide Tourres
Special thanks: Hugo Beron, Jon Echeveste, Ant Pablos, Theo Gall, Fabienne Billioud d’Espace Commines, RVZ, Le Bendo, Flycar Montparnasse, Basik, Adelyo, Flam&Co,
With the support of the CNC.
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conatic · 2 years
Soutenez Divine, accueillante extrascolaire dévouée menacée d'expulsion (Chastre)
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gogmstuff · 3 years
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1749 Louise-Elisabeth de la Chastre, marquise de Dreux-Brézé by Jean-Marc Nattier (Musée de la Chartreuse - Douai, Hauts-de-France, France). From history-of-fashion.tumblr.com/image/665316224201261056; enlarged to fit screen 2134X2876 @144 5.7Mp.
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heaveninawildflower · 3 years
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Some examples of book binding from The British Library.
1) 18th century binding. Wheel, Scotland.
2) Bible.Liturgical Epistles and Gospels, velvet, 19th century, Greece.
3) Erasmus, Desiderius. Tooled in gold|painted. Cover material - Calf. France, 16th century.
4) Armorial (the arms of Jacques-Auguste de Thou impaling those of his second wife Gasparde de la Chastre). Tooled in gold, 17th century, France.
5) English Shakuntala translated into English prose and verse by Monier Williams. Tooled in gold|Sunk panel|Onlaid; Cover material - Goatskin (includes morocco, turkey etc). 19th century, England.
This file has been provided by the British Library from its digital collections. It is also made available on a British Library website
This file is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.
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sanktnikolais · 4 years
more Captain the good boy content no one wants bc I can ft. some more domestic fluff
Captain is def spoiled by everyone in the Palace. He knows how to use the pleading eyes technique and masters it pretty easily
The pup uses it to his advantage, especially when asking for food. And it works every single time.
Tolya doesn't even fight it and just gives him food from his plate the moment he sees Captain approaching him.
David isn't any different either, and he's also the one to remind them of what Captain is allowed to eat
Genya is the one who tries to resist at times, but always ends up giving Captain what he wants because "he's too adorable not to" and David has to chuckle at her for even resisting
Tamar, who is usually the fastest one to finish a meal to avoid getting scammed by the sunshine dog, is still duped by the mischievous Captain by trying to distract her by being cute and dumb, and when he gets close enough to the plate, he just snatches whatever he can and zooms away before Tamar could even blink
Nadia has a good laugh over it, but is also getting tricked by Captain so she stopped trying to resist and just give the pup what he wants
Even Nikolai, who's the one who taught him the technique and confident that he would not get deceived by his own dog, still falls for the pleading eyes every time
Captain's favorite food to snatch from his dad is none other than herring
The only person able to resist the dog is Zoya, who only feeds Captain at his actual eating time, saying that it's beneficial for the dog to learn discipline when it comes to getting what he wants
But she totally emptied Nikolai’s plate and gave it to the dog when he wasn't looking one time and got away with it but we're not going to talk about that
They don't let him anywhere near other meat bc ✨ expensive ✨ but there was one time when he was able to snatch a big part of the turkey in the kitchen and that tragic incident involved like the half of the palace guards chasing him around and trying to catch him
Long story short, Captain has everyone's hearts tho he's totally dumbTM and def takes after his dad
He falls asleep literally everywhere. Guards aren't even surprised when they see a mess of fur dosing off at the gardens or at one corner in the kitchen, even in the training grounds where it's usually so loud he still falls asleep peacefully
But he's also an early bird. He's Zoya and Nikolai’s alarm clock, waking up around like five or six in the morning and starting to run around their room barking and just being dumb
He crashes on the balcony door once with a loud thump and it wakes the both of them completely, with Zoya already ready to attack in thought of an assassination attempt only to find Captain lying belly up on the floor near tye door looking like 😀❓
Zoya finds it adoringly strange and says, "Nikolai, our dog is a huge idiot."
Nikolai, having selective hearing, only heats the word "our" and replies, "I knew you'd fall in love with him like you did with me"
He gets another gust of wind blasted to his face and effectively ruins his hair, but the flushed look on her face is enough to make him laugh lightly and press a chastr kiss to her lips.
"My ruthless Zoya, I know we both have your heart."
Zoya laughs back, knowing that she doesn't need to hide anymore. "I guess you really do."
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artwalktv · 3 years
Production company : Incendie Films Director : Jean Charles Charavin Casting : Arnaud Binard Romain Levi Aurélie Bancilhon Producer Antoine Olla Liner Producer Marie Brillant Assistant Producer Laura Bougeard 1st assistant director Tanguy Mottin 2nd assistant director Yohanne Bernard Director of photography : Ian Pompeo de Camargo 1AC : Tom Haudry 2nd assistant opérateur caméra Manon Delville Gaffer : Maxime Chastres Electrician : Nathan Jean-François Trainee Clément Schürch Grip : Hugo Rotivel Grip Assistant : Paul Le Coz Grip trainee : Maxence Parquet Location manager : Vincent Decremps Assistant location manager : Bastien Rouillet Assistant location manager : David.depetris Assistant location manager Grégoire Charavin Set Designer : Alexia Paulus Assistant set designer : Solveig Gourmelen Assistant set designer : Lise Lacoue Assistant set : designer Emma Charavin Mask up Artist : Pierre Louis Graizon Drawer : Barthélémy Belle Make-up & Hair : Marie Koleda Stylist : Pauline Robin Assistant Stylist : Gautier Krug Assistant Stylist : Solène Borsatto Editor : Stéphanie Pelissier Assistant editor : Clara Hurtado Colorist : Fernando Lui VFX : Cousin Bizarre, YSF, Adrien Renay Graphist : Nathan Almeras, Quentin Valois, Antonin Wolvs Sound designer Aristide Rosier Assistant writer Astrid Verdun Bodyguard Sylvain Abélard Bodyguard Charles Gebenholtz Arthur Mura’s Daughter Angela Mahmoudi The man with the envelope : Gabriel Greffier Special thanks : Hôtel Saint Marc, Hôtel Garden Inn Orly, Hôtel La Pinte du Nord, Aéroport d’Orly, la ville de Nogent-Sur-Marne, la ville du Perreux-Sur-Marne, Christophe Macary, Cyrille Cuvillier, Thomas Boesch, Etienne Boulanger, Cyril Cannizzo Agnès b, J.M. Weston, Husbands, Victoria Tomas, Emmanuelle Khanh, Vuarnet, Kuboraum, Arbo, Philéo, Steven Passaro, Atelier Nu, Quartier Libre
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art-now-france · 3 years
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Blue Morocco, Solveiga Chastres
Acrylic on canvas
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heypetu · 3 years
BEYOND CONTROL - NTO & MONOLINK from Jean-Charles Charavin on Vimeo.
Production company : Incendie Films Director : Jean Charles Charavin Casting : Arnaud Binard Romain Levi Aurélie Bancilhon
Producer Antoine Olla Liner Producer Marie Brillant Assistant Producer Laura Bougeard
1st assistant director Tanguy Mottin 2nd assistant director Yohanne Bernard
Director of photography : Ian Pompeo de Camargo 1AC : Tom Haudry 2nd assistant opérateur caméra Manon Delville
Gaffer : Maxime Chastres Electrician : Nathan Jean-François Trainee Clément Schürch
Grip : Hugo Rotivel Grip Assistant : Paul Le Coz Grip trainee : Maxence Parquet
Location manager : Vincent Decremps Assistant location manager : Bastien Rouillet Assistant location manager : David.depetris Assistant location manager Grégoire Charavin
Set Designer : Alexia Paulus Assistant set designer : Solveig Gourmelen Assistant set designer : Lise Lacoue Assistant set : designer Emma Charavin Mask up Artist : Pierre Louis Graizon Drawer : Barthélémy Belle
Make-up & Hair : Marie Koleda Stylist : Pauline Robin Assistant Stylist : Gautier Krug Assistant Stylist : Solène Borsatto
Editor : Stéphanie Pelissier Assistant editor : Clara Hurtado Colorist : Fernando Lui VFX : Cousin Bizarre, YSF, Adrien Renay Graphist : Nathan Almeras, Quentin Valois, Antonin Wolvs Sound designer Aristide Rosier Assistant writer Astrid Verdun
Bodyguard Sylvain Abélard Bodyguard Charles Gebenholtz Arthur Mura’s Daughter Angela Mahmoudi
The man with the envelope : Gabriel Greffier
Special thanks :
Hôtel Saint Marc, Hôtel Garden Inn Orly, Hôtel La Pinte du Nord, Aéroport d’Orly, la ville de Nogent-Sur-Marne, la ville du Perreux-Sur-Marne, Christophe Macary, Cyrille Cuvillier, Thomas Boesch, Etienne Boulanger, Cyril Cannizzo
Agnès b, J.M. Weston, Husbands, Victoria Tomas, Emmanuelle Khanh, Vuarnet, Kuboraum, Arbo, Philéo, Steven Passaro, Atelier Nu, Quartier Libre
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blprompt · 4 years
British Library digitised image from page 11 of "Pierrefonds, Saint Jean aux Bois, La Folie, Saint Pierre en Chastres. Souvenirs historiques et archéologiques de la forêt de Compiègne"
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Image taken from: Title: "Pierrefonds, Saint Jean aux Bois, La Folie, Saint Pierre en Chastres. Souvenirs historiques et archéologiques de la forêt de Compiègne" Author(s): Caillette De L'Hervilliers, Edmond [person] British Library shelfmark: "Digital Store 10171.ff.10" Page: 11 (scanned page number - not necessarily the actual page number in the publication) Place of publication: Paris Date of publication: 1858 Type of resource: Monograph Language(s): French Physical description: 88 pages (8°) Explore this item in the British Library’s catalogue: 000567189 (physical copy) and 014860196 (digitised copy) (numbers are British Library identifiers) Other links related to this image: - View this image as a scanned publication on the British Library’s online viewer (you can download the image, selected pages or the whole book) - Order a higher quality scanned version of this image from the British Library Other links related to this publication: - View all the illustrations found in this publication - View all the illustrations in publications from the same year (1858) - Download the Optical Character Recognised (OCR) derived text for this publication as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) - Explore and experiment with the British Library’s digital collections The British Library community is able to flourish online thanks to freely available resources such as this. You can help support our mission to continue making our collection accessible to everyone, for research, inspiration and enjoyment, by donating on the British Library supporter webpage here. Thank you for supporting the British Library. from BLPromptBot https://ift.tt/2WWFwfR
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storage134 · 4 years
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Chastre, Belgium
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lunar-night1 · 7 years
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@bonfas gift Fuc i luv thes chastr И фон мне чот нрав
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nicolas-demaret · 5 years
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! SAUVONS DES VIES ! ! SAVE LIVES ! Envie de devenir donneur d’organes ? ♥️ Votre commune ouvre ses portes ce 26 octobre de 10h à 12h. Venez remplir le formulaire et sauvez des vies 🇧🇪💪 Voici la liste des communes qui participent à l'action: Si votre commune ne figure pas dans la liste, vous pouvez tout de même vous y rendre aux horaires d'ouverture habituels. Bruxelles - Ixelles - Jette - Berchem Sainte-Agathe - Uccle - Auderghem - Woluwé-Saint-Pierre Hainaut - Comines-Warneton - Estaimpuis - Pecq - Rumes - Flobecq - Ath - Quiévrain - Beloeil - Chièvres - Brugelette - Silly - Braine-le-Comte - Jurbise - Mouscron - Saint-Ghislain - Boussu - Frameries - Binche - La Louvière - Le Roeulx - Ecaussinnes - Seneffe - Manage - Les-Bons-Villers - Fleurus - Chapelle-lez-Herlaimont - Anderlues - Courcelles - Charleroi - Sivry-Rance - Beaumont - Thuin - Montigny-le-Tilleul - Châtelet Brabant-Wallon - Ittre - Nivelles - Waterloo - La Hulpe - Rixensart - Walhain - Chastre - Mont-Saint-Guibert - Grez-Doiceau - Beauchevain - Perwez - Incourt - Jodoigne - Orp-Jauche Liège - Lincent - Wasseiges - Berloz - Faimes - Wanze - Donceel - Amay - Huy - Crisnée - Fexhe-le-Haut-Clocher - Grâce-Hollogne - Saint-Georges-sur-Meuse - Flémalle - Nandrin - Modave - Marchin - Ouffet - Huy - Ans - Saint-Nicolas - Seraing - Juprelle - Oupeye - Herstal - Liège - Esneux - Beyne-Heusay - Chaudfontaine - Hamoir - Aywaille - Sprimont - Pepinster - Theux - Soumagne - Limbourg - Jalhay - Trois-Ponts - Stavelot - Waimes - Bütgenbach Namur - Walcourt - Florennes - Onhaye - Fosses-la-Ville - Sambreville - La Bruyère - Eghezée - Fernelmont - Namur - Gesves - Yvoir - Dinant - Ciney - Somme-Leuze - Rochefort - Beauraing - Gedinne - Bièvre Luxembourg - La Roche-en-Ardenne - Florenville - Libin - Libramont-Chevigny - Rouvroy (à Sprimont) https://www.instagram.com/p/B36j0_tnOt6/?igshid=9zg1ran0lcl4
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maltaosj · 5 years
Giorno 14 dicembre, in territorio Vaticano, all’interno della Basilica di San Vitale, il Capo della Casa Reale la Chastre e precisamente Sua Altezza Serenissima il Principe Don Michele Maria Biallo Principe di Déols-La Chastre e di Chamarande (Cammarada), Duca di La Chastre Licastro, Duca di Montereso, Marchese di Bonfornello, Conte di Serrano e di Nancay, Conte Palatino, Barone d’Avola e Calattuvo, Patrizio Palermitano, Signore di Montereso, XXIV Governatore Generale ad vitam dell’Ordine Equestre di San Giorgio di Borgogna, Gran Maestro dell’Ordine Ereditario di San Giorgio nella Franca Contea, unico erede di Sua Altezza Serenissima Pierre Pasleau de Charnay Principe e Conte di Surmont e Charnay dei Porta Stendardo di Normandia etc… Balì Gran Croce di Giustizia Ereditario, Gran Priore Ereditario del Priorato Indipendente della Tres Sainte Trinité de Villadieu del Sovrano et Militare Ordine dell’Ospedale di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme, al fine di riunire il predetto Priorato della Santissima Trinità di Villadieu al Sovrano Ordine di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme OSJ, Cavalieri di Malta, continuatore delle antiche tradizioni del glorioso Ordine di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme, considerando che nel 1623 i Frati Benedettini di Saint Gildas abbandonarono il Priorato che passò nelle mani dell’Ordine di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme e il Gran Maestro in carica, Antoine de Paule (1623-1636), lo trasformò in Priorato Ereditario a beneficio della Casa di La Chastre, nella persona di Henri de La Chastre, Conte di Nancay oggi alla presenza dei testimoni:
Il Principe Don Domenico Libertini di San Nicola, Duca de Chåteau-vert, Marchese di Viano, Conte di Filetto e Barone di Fara
Il Marchese Don Thomas Molendini di Santa Magdalena
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Sua Altezza Serenissima il Principe Don Michele Maria Biallo riconoscendo tutte le prerogative Sovrane di Sua Altezza Reale il Principe Don Thorbjorn Francesco Giuseppe Nicola Roberto Paternò Castello Guttadauro d’Ayerbe d’Aragona di Carcaci d’Emanuel quale discendente di re Giacomo I d’Aragona detto il Conquistatore nonché del Suo patrimonio araldico e della Gran Maestranza dell’Ordine Cavalleresco denominato Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem OSJ, direttamente discendente dall’Antico Sovrano et Militare Ordine dell’Ospedale di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme detto di Rodi e di Malta, ha deciso di rinunciare per se e per i suoi successori e di cedere il Priorato della Santissima Trinità di Villadieu alla Real Casa Paternò Castello a favore del Principe Thorbjorn I il quale ha dichiarato di accettare per se e per i suoi successori.
Per effetto della predetta rinuncia, dalla data della sottoscrizione dell’atto, avvenuta a Roma in territorio Vaticano, l’ufficio di Gran Priore ereditario del Priorato della Santissima Trinità di Villadieu viene acquisito al Patrimonio araldico della Casa Reale Paternò Castello Guttadauro d’Ayerbe d’Aragona di Carcaci d’Emanuel, di Valencia e Sardegna, con tutti i diritti, prerogative e privilegi che ne conseguono, riconoscendo tutti i Cavalieri che sono stati armati prima del presente atto da Sua Altezza Serenissima il Principe Don Michele Maria Biallo.
Sabato 14 dicembre 2019 è stata scritta un’altra pagina della storia dell’Ordine di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme, sempre fedele al proprio motto, PRO FIDE, PRO UTILITATE HOMINUM
GRAN PRIORATO DELLA SANTISSIMA TRINITA’ DI VILLADIEU GRAN PRIORATO DELLA SANTISSIMA TRINITA’ DI VILLADIEU Giorno 14 dicembre, in territorio Vaticano, all’interno della Basilica di San Vitale, il Capo della Casa Reale la Chastre e precisamente Sua Altezza Serenissima il Principe Don Michele Maria Biallo Principe di Déols-La Chastre e di Chamarande (Cammarada), Duca di La Chastre Licastro, Duca di Montereso, Marchese di Bonfornello, Conte di Serrano e di Nancay, Conte Palatino, Barone d’Avola e Calattuvo, Patrizio Palermitano, Signore di Montereso, XXIV Governatore Generale ad vitam dell’Ordine Equestre di San Giorgio di Borgogna, Gran Maestro dell’Ordine Ereditario di San Giorgio nella Franca Contea, unico erede di Sua Altezza Serenissima Pierre Pasleau de Charnay Principe e Conte di Surmont e Charnay dei Porta Stendardo di Normandia etc… Balì Gran Croce di Giustizia Ereditario, Gran Priore Ereditario del Priorato Indipendente della Tres Sainte Trinité de Villadieu del Sovrano et Militare Ordine dell’Ospedale di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme, al fine di riunire il predetto Priorato della Santissima Trinità di Villadieu al Sovrano Ordine di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme OSJ, Cavalieri di Malta, continuatore delle antiche tradizioni del glorioso Ordine di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme, considerando che nel 1623 i Frati Benedettini di Saint Gildas abbandonarono il Priorato che passò nelle mani dell’Ordine di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme e il Gran Maestro in carica, Antoine de Paule (1623-1636), lo trasformò in Priorato Ereditario a beneficio della Casa di La Chastre, nella persona di Henri de La Chastre, Conte di Nancay oggi alla presenza dei testimoni:
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