#Cheap Flights to Greece
shilvakarlsson · 5 months
Discover affordable travel options with Cheap Flights to Greece at https://www.oneair.ai/flights/cheap-flights-to-greece/. Explore stunning landscapes and rich history without breaking the bank.
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oneairai · 1 month
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Explore incredible deals on cheap flights to Crete and experience the beauty of Greece without breaking the bank. Visit https://www.oneair.ai/flights/cheap-flights-to-crete-greece/ for the best offers!
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yeonkimintakecare · 9 months
Cheap Vacations
Pairing: Kim Namjoon x Reader; Angsty Fluff
Summary: You've been in recovery for awhile now, and you're so tired of the people around you coddling you. You ask your boyfriend to come with you on a spontaneous trip, but will he end up disappointing you?
Author's Note: This is based of the song Cheap Vacations by Tobi Lou. He's my second favorite artist after BTS, and I was really depressed in 2020 and I was listening to a lot of sad music. But the song is really good!!! So I suggest listening to the before, during, or after.
Warnings: reader in recovery for a prescription addiction, lot of talk about recovery and mental illness, pretty angsty.
You sit at the window looking at the planes. You look down at your phone to check the time. Your plane to Greece was leaving in 30 minutes. You booked it a week ago when you got home for you and your boyfriend. But he still wasn’t here.
Where is he?! You think to yourself. You told him to be early to the airport but he still wasn’t here. If he’s late you don’t know what you’ll do. Your hands start to shake while you think about getting onto the plane alone. What I would do for a Xanax right now.
You check the time again, just as you pick up your phone it starts to ring. You immediately pick up.
“Namjoon, where are you?” You whisper scream into your phone.
“Baby, I’m not coming.” He said calmly.
“What do you mean? I can’t get onto the plane alone. I need you here with me.” You say starting to tear up and your voice starts to break. Your body starts to shake and you feel the knot in your stomach turn into a rock. You feel weighted down and you feel as though you are about to start sinking into the ground.
“Baby you didn’t ask me if I even wanted to go.” You could hear the guilt in his voice.
“It was supposed to be romantic.” You say weakly. You didn’t understand why he didn’t want to do this with you. To be honest, the break was much needed. Everything in life was always so overwhelming and you just needed some time to take a breath with the love of your life. You needed something new in your life.
“I also don’t think that you should go on this trip. ____, you just got out of rehab. I don’t think that going on a plane, which you find extremely stressful, in a country that doesn’t speak your native language, is a good idea. I missed you so much, can’t we just take a trip here?”
You understood where he was coming from. You had a really rough eight months in rehab to get better. And you were, better that is.
“I just need to get away. I need to get away from everybody treating me like a baby. I need something new for awhile. I want to find a new high. A different high that healthy for me. I just wanted to get a breath of fresh air with you, and when I saw the tickets to Greece I thought it would be good for us. I didn’t get to have alone time with you for eight months and I just wanted to go on this trip. I got a window seat for you and I needed you. I feel like absolute shit all the time and like I'm disappointing everybody all the time. I just wanted to be in a new place with people that don't know me or what I've done.” You sob into the phone. You hated flying alone, your anxiety made it impossible to not have a panic attack on the plane.
“Baby-“ Namjoon begins to speak, but is cut off by the speaker announcing the boarding for your flight.
“I don’t care whether you come or not. I’m going. I need this, and I had hoped you would’ve been here with me, but you weren’t. So I’ll do it on my own. My therapist taught me to be independent, so that’s what I’m going to do.” You say trying to convince him, as well as yourself. “I love you and I’ll contact you when I land. We can talk about how we are going to continue when I get home.”
You end the call and grab your bag and get into the line. You feel yourself starting to shake but you begin to breathe in and out. You didn’t need the Xanax or the Kolonopin. You didn’t do that anymore. You think back to Dr. Rall’s advice and instead of dwelling on all the bad thing, you distract yourself with the good things. While it didn’t cure your state of being, it helped you feel a little more comfortable. You board the plane and sit in your seat, looking at the empty seat next you and you feel the tears welling in your eyes.
Your sadness is interrupted when by a familiar voice.
“I believe that is my seat.”
You look up to see Namjoon with his bag. You smile but tears are still falling. He takes his seat next to you and grabs your hand.
“I thought you weren’t coming…” you say quietly.
“I was already through the check in, but I was hesitant. I wasn’t sure if you were doing this for the right reasons. I had to make sure it wasn’t manic decision. But what you said on the phone. It broke my heart. I’m sorry you feel over crowded, it’s the last thing you need right now.” He said while he grabbed your hand. You see his eyes tear up a bit as well.
You feel comforted while he rubs the back of your hand with his thumb. “I love you and if you need me, I’ll always be there.” He rests his forehead against yours. You stay there for a bit until you are told you have to buckle up and you both are pulled from your little world.
You both take out your own book to read and you share headphones. At first it was rough, but he held your hand again and eventually, using your breathing exercises and stress techniques to calm yourself down. Eventually the eventful morning catches up with you and you feel your eyes become heavy.
You fall asleep at peace with your head on Namjoon’s shoulder. He smiles when he sees the smile on your face. It reminded him of what you were like before the addiction and stress. He loved you then, and he loves you now.
No matter what struggles you went through, he would always be there for you.
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jordanandegypt · 8 days
Hello Jordan.
September 13, 2024
(Warning - this is a little map-heavy! Y'all know how I LOVE maps!!)
Greetings from Amman, Jordan!!  Salam! We have connected with our friends and met our delightful guide, Nader.  Let the trip begin!!!!
We escaped Zürich without eating cheese fondu, buying chocolate or a Swiss watch.  Yes, we have NO proof that we were ever there. Well. we did buy some grandkid stuff and we had a lovely visit, albeit much too short.   And before we leave that topic, I have a correction.  As we walked about this lovely town of Zurich we encountered some super busy multi lane roads and there, my friends, we found the walk/don’t walk signs.  So they do indeed have them despite my reporting that they did not. But they appear to be few and far between.
On Thursday, Sept 12, we flew from Zürich Switzerland to Athen, Greece. 
This morning we flew from Athens to here.  WHY? - you ask.  Money my friends - Money.  Getting to Amman from a lot of places is not easy and not cheap.  I was looking for non-stop flights that were reasonable priced and had the timing I could work with and after much research - (OMG - you cannot believe how much time to put into this silly endeavor) I landed on taking two days and doing these short flights with an overnight in Athens.  Now - the flights were on small planes - and one option I had was to pay an additional $7.00 as insurance against the airlines going bankrupt.🥴. I took that option FYI!
But it all worked out perfectly.  We left Zürich in the AM and arrived in Athens in the early afternoon. The little place we stayed picked us up then arranged for us to be picked up for dinner on the beach.  SWEET!!!!
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And MAYBE the Greek Salad and grilled fish was delicious because we were in Greece or because we could hear the Mediterranean lapping right there  - but whatever the reason, dinner was delicious. (Our younger son, Logan, BTW - pointed out that all salads in Greece would be technically Greek salads - but this is not going to bring me down!)
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Today we got to Athen’s airport WAY TOO early but so what.  We had a coffee and before we knew it we boarded our flight on Royal Jordanian.  Now - let me say - WOW!!  The cleanest roomiest seats ever and we were traveling coach.  With the exception of one little issue - my gluten free meal was absent - but they scrounged around and I did not go hungry.  “Come ON!” To quote my youngest granddaughter.   I will say not exactly gourmet - but you be the judge.
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But would I fly Royal Jordanian again?  Why, yes I would.  A crappy lunch on this lovely airplane with attentive flight attendants was just a little blip.
Another reason I wanted to go through Greece was to adjust myself to being completely unable to read signs.  While in Greece there were somethings I could make a guess on and somethings I could not  - like the sign below.
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But once we got to Amman I figured I wouldn’t have a clue about anything - and it appears I am correct.
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So, somehow I thought easing myself into that would be a good idea.  BUT clearly the answer is NOPE!  So really the reason for Athen was money...
Anyway - Jordan:
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Michigan is about 2.5 times bigger than Jordan but Jordan has more than 11 million+ people, about  1 million more than live in Michigan.  And of that 11 million people 5 million live in Amman - the capital of Jordan.  A peek out of our hotel window lets you know this is a HUGE city!
A quick review on the location of Jordan.
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Jordan is bordered by Syria to the north, Iraq to the east, Saudi Arabia to the south, and Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories to the west.   For those of you who were flipping out about us coming here (MOM!), we are indeed close to the Israel/Hamas conflict.  Amman and Jerusalem are just a little more than 60 miles apart.  
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But we are visiting this beautiful city and then going north to Jerash.  After Jerash we will be heading south to Petra and we will certainly be close to Israel - but no worries.  You wouldn’t want us to come this far and not get to see Mujib Valley , the Grand Canyon of Jordan.  Hopefully, we will get a look at the Dead Sea as well.
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When we arrived we had to buy a Visa and it was exactly as we had been told - EASY- PEASY!!  We stood in a short line - forked over our passports and 40 Jordanian dinars (that I got before we left Saline) and we got a single entry Visa and a welcome to “The Hashemitec Kingdom of Jordan.”  “Enjoy your time here!”
I’m so excited to learn about Jordan, the people, the geography, the history, their politics and more.  Already I learned that 85% of the land is desert and that water is scarce and they have NO OIL.  I admit I was surprised!  I discovered that it is a Sunni Muslim majority religion country (95% according to Wiki)  and I expect to learn more about this.
So the learning begins in earnest tomorrow and I’m going to bed.  We are now in Arabic Standard Time and we are 7 hours ahead of Michigan.  This adjustment is - like the VISA procurement - EASY-PEASY!
Tesbah ala khir. (Good Night in Arabic - and this is NOT easy-peasy). Also just for a little smile - my autocorrect changed that Arabic phrase to "Teabag la Kir" - which I'm pretty sure means nothing.
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boredmonkey12 · 6 months
The Airport - Shapeshift
Made with AI
The boy, 6'3 and 13 years old, stood in front of the mirror in the cramped airport bathroom, carefully observing his reflection. He had the ability to shapeshift, and today was the day he'd been dreading: their flight to Greece with his mom. The thought of sitting cramped in a plane seat for hours, of enduring the long security lines, the constant bustle of people… it was all just too much. So, he'd decided to take matters into his own hands. Or, rather, his own body.
He closed his eyes, focused on the feel of the cheap bathroom tile beneath his feet, and began to change. His bones shrank, his muscles compacted, his skin stretched and tightened. He felt a strange, tingling sensation course through his body as he grew smaller, his height shrinking inch by inch. When he finally opened his eyes again, he saw the reflection of a much smaller person staring back at him from the mirror.
He was now 4'10, the same height as his tiny classmate, John. His clothes, somehow, had changed with him, now fitting his smaller frame perfectly. The world looked different from this angle, the airport bathroom seeming cavernous around him. He stepped out of the stall, feeling self-conscious as people walked past him, their eyes darting down to take in the sight of this tiny teenager. He felt so strange, so vulnerable, as if everyone around him was a giant. Even his dick, which had once been so big and proud, now seemed tiny and insignificant.
He took a deep breath, gathering his courage, and made his way towards the gate, determined to make the best of this trip to Greece with his mom, no matter how uncomfortable it might be. As he walked, he couldn't help but marvel at the sheer audacity of his plan, and wonder just how long it would be before he could safely shift back into his normal size. For now, though, he had a flight to catch.
The line for security snaked its way through the terminal, people of all shapes and sizes shuffling forward, their luggage rolling along beside them. The boy felt even more conspicuous than before, his tiny frame drawing stares from every direction. He clutched his tiny carry-on bag tightly, feeling suddenly self-conscious about how it made him appear even smaller than he already was.
As they finally reached the front of the line, he followed his mom through the metal detector, trying not to think about how exposed he felt, with everyone watching as his clothes were briefly scanned by the security guard. Once they had cleared security, they joined the final line for boarding, inching their way closer to the gate with each step. The boy glanced around, wondering what it must be like to be this tiny all the time. Would people treat him differently? Would he ever feel like he belonged?
Finally, they reached the gate, and he followed his mom onto the plane, feeling a mixture of relief and trepidation as they made their way down the aisle. The seats looked impossibly small from this angle, and he couldn't help but worry that he'd be even more cramped than usual. As they took their seats, the flight attendants came by with drinks and snacks, their faces barely visible over the top of the armrests. The boy leaned forward, peering up at them, feeling suddenly very young and very small. But despite everything, he couldn't help but feel a sense of adventure bubbling up inside of him. After all, this was their trip to Greece, and no matter how tiny he might feel, he was going to make the most of it.
The plane taxied down the runway, gathering speed until they were airborne, soaring above the clouds. He stared out the window, marveling at the world below, feeling a sense of freedom and wonder that he hadn't experienced in a long time. He couldn't help but wonder if his classmates, John in particular, would be jealous of his newfound size. The thought made him chuckle to himself, and he glanced over at his mom, who was busy settling into her seat. She looked up at him and smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "You know," she said, "it's not so bad being small sometimes. It's a different perspective, isn't it?”
He nodded, considering her words. "Yeah," he replied, "I guess it is." The flight attendant came by with drinks and a small snack, and he politely accepted, feeling self-conscious about his small hands as he held the cup. As they ate, he and his mom chatted about their plans for the trip, talking about the beaches they wanted to visit, the historical sites they hoped to see. He tried to ignore the occasional glance from other passengers, but he couldn't help but feel a bit conspicuous. Still, he couldn't shake the sense of excitement and anticipation that coursed through him.
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justdonotaskmewhy · 9 months
The Crown fact-checked. Part 1/60
Before we begin I have to say a few words:
I understand that The Crown is a work of fiction and my goal is not to say "It's all lies!", we know it is full of stuff that has never happened, I just want to "do my own research" and see which facts were changed
I will try to be as unbiased as I possibly can. I can't promise you will like my stuff or agree with me, but my thoughts are just my thoughts, you can always decide for yourself
This being said, let's start our journey
Season 1. Episode 1. Wolferton Splash
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King George's VI illness
The Crown's opening scene is that of the king spitting blood and coughing heavily. This theme of illness is recurring for the rest of the episode.
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King George VI was a heavy smoker. The cigarettes were rather cheap after war and it is no wonder he developed such an unhealthy habit. Note: i phrased it badly but he started smoking much earlier than after the war ended, the cigarettes were just cheaper so it was even easier for him to get access to smoking.
Due to his smoking he had a lung cancer and coronary artery disease. Both of his illnesses appeared in the series.
2. Prince Philip renounces his royal titles
The series is true to the reality here. On the eve of his wedding to princess Elizabeth Prince Philip renounced his "foreign titles" of Greece and Denmark and was styled as "His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh,  Earl of Merioneth, and Baron Greenwich of Greenwich in the County of London"
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3. King stutters
It is no surprise to anyone who has ever watched "The King's Speech". King George stuttered ever since he was a child and attended speech therapy to get rid of it. He almost get rid of it and it is hard to notice it in his public speeches. You can listen to this if you're interested, the real speech King George VI delivered on September 3rd, 1939 addressing Britain's involvement in World War II.
4. Prince Philip gave up smoking because princess Elizabeth couldn't stand it
As any loving daughter would be, princess Elizabeth was preoccupied by her father's health. Seeing that smoking did not do him any good, she insisted prince Philip should give up the habit. He did and some sources state he didn't smoke once after his wedding day.
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5. Limericks
As fun as it may sound the king was fond of dirty limericks. However The Crown faced a controversy as the king says the word "cunt" in the opening episode.
The full limerick is as follows:
There was an old Countess of Bray,
And you might think it odd when I say,
That despite her high station, rank and education.
She always spelled "Cunt" with a K!
6. Princess Margaret at princess Elizabeth's wedding
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Princess Margaret was one of princess Elizabeth's bridesmaids. However she was shorter than her sister (Elizabeth was 163 cm tall, Princess Margaret was 155 cm).
7. Winston Churchill at princess Elizabeth's wedding. I Vow To Thee My Country
He and his wife attended the wedding and, in fact, caused a "false alarm" of applause by their arrival as everyone thought it was the princess who was cheered with such an enthusiasm.
However I Vow To Thee My Country apparently never played upon his arrival. But This song is indeed regarded as synonymous with Churchill, and it played at his funeral.
8. Hatred towards Mountbattens
Lord Louis Mountbatten was the last Viceroy of British India. In 1947 the partition of Pakistan was inevitable but it resulted in a blood bath. Million was killed, 15 millions were displaced.
Churchill was unsatisfied with Mountbatten's hurry to operate the situation and called it "a shameful flight" which was shown in The Crown.
9. Peter Townsend
Group Captain Peter Townsend was an equerry to King George VI. He indeed had an affair with Princess Margaret, the king's youngest daughter.
A gross fact but may I remind you: he was 33 and she was 17 in 1947 when their romance presumably began. We will discuss it further in later posts.
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10. Nazis and the British Royal family
The British Royal family is notorious for its connections to nazis. We are not going to talk about Edward and Wallace (because we will talk about them later), but Prince Philip had four sisters, all of whom married members of the German aristocracy—three of those men became Nazis. One sister, Princess Theodora married Berthold, Margrave of Baden; they tried to keep their distance from Nazism.
His eldest sister, Princess Margarita, married Gottfried, the 8th Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg—a German aristocrat who joined the Nazi party and served in World War II. He was involved in Operation Valkyrie, the plot to assassinate Hitler in 1944. 
Princess Cecilie, another sister, married German aristocrat Georg Donatus, Hereditary Grand Duke of Hesse. They joined the Nazis in May 1937, but died in a plane crash months later. At her funeral, Prince Philip marched with their relatives who wore Nazi uniforms.
His youngest sister, Princess Sophie, married Prince Christoph of Hesse, an Oberführer in the Nazi Party and a director in the Third Reich's Ministry of Air Forces. Sophie said in her memoir of Hitler, "I have to say here, that, although Chri [Prince Chrisoph] and I changed our political view fundamentally some years later, we were impressed by this charming and seemingly modest man, and by his plans to change and improve the situation in Germany."
It is worth mentioning that Philip served Britain during World War II and did not himself support the nazi regime.
11. The royal family was against princess Elizabeth's marriage to Philip
It indeed happened but for an unexpected reason. Royal courtiers said that prince Philip "was too funny and had too many gaffes".
12. Lilibet
Lilibet was a nickname for princess Elizabeth. It is said that it was given by Princess Margaret who couldn't pronounce "Elizabeth" at a young age. Now it is prince Harry's daughter name, what a sweet continuity.
i stand corrected: according to this source its origin can be different. Elizabeth used to call herself Lilibet when she was a toddler.
13. Waving
Royalty way much slower than everyone else. This waving is easy to recognise, you've seen it multiple times. It is supposed that this particular style is safer for articulations, and this can be one of the reasons they wave like they do.
14. Princess Elizabeth's passion for filming
Though it is not clear whether she liked filming herself, she was clearly fond of watching clips filmed by her family members as it was shown in "Queen at 90"
15. Princess Margaret smoking habits
Princess Margaret had a reputation of a heavy smoker. Rightfully so, as she could smoke up to 60 cigarettes a day. Allegedly she started smoking in 1952 after the death of her father (she was 21 at the time). Smoking excessively could be a sign of untreated depression and mental health troubles which we will discuss in later posts.
Side note: Margaret's smoking was first noticed in her late teens when she became famous on the party circuit for her turtle shell cigarette holder.
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16. King's operation
The operation to remove the lung indeed took place at the Buckingham Palace.
When the King's chest was suspected as the cause of his ill health, Sir John called in Geoffrey Marshall, 64, an expert on lung diseases, and Sir Robert Arthur Young, 80, grand old man of British chest experts. X rays by Radiologist Peter James Kerley and others showed what seemed to be a growth in the left lung. Australian-born Brigadier Sir Thomas Peel Dunhill, 75, who enjoys the title of Sergeant Surgeon to the King, agreed that an operation was necessary. The doctors decided that another Welshman, Chest Surgeon Clement Price Thomas, was the man to do the surgery.
17. Princess Elizabeth's curtsy to her mother and grandmother
A sweet gesture and a nice tradition to show respect which lasts up until this day.
Here is a clip of prince Harry bowing to his grandmother followed by kissing her on both cheeks.
18. Churchill elected the second time
Churchill became PM for a second time on October 26th, 1951. Fun fact: it happened month away from his 77th birthday.
19. Princess Elizabeth's Commonwealth tour
As the following episode will show the prince and the princess were on Commonwealth tour in 1952 when they received the news of king George's VI sudden death. They were in Kenya when it happened.
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20. Carolers at Sandringham
Even though I can't find any reliable source about this scene, it is a decent metaphor. The king who learnt he is dying welcomes villagers who offer him a crown.
They sing "In a Bleak Midwinter" which I highly recommend to listen to closely.
The poem was written by an English poet Christina Rosetti.
What can I give Him, Poor as I am? — If I were a Shepherd I would bring a lamb; If I were a Wise Man I would do my part, — Yet what I can I give Him, — Give my heart.
21. Prince Philip and Navy
Prince Philip's naval career began when he was 17. The Duke of Edinburgh’s active naval career ended as a commander in January 1953, after almost 14 years.
Despite his retirement from active service, Prince Philp remained both interested and involved in the Naval Service through official visits, patronage of, and association with, naval charities and clubs.
Useful links:
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indigo-a-creeping · 27 days
The foot issues continue. It was really bad for a couple days, but not as bad the last two days. I don't know that I have a lot of faith in the podiatrist I'm seeing. I'm currently doing stretches and icing (by her recommendation) and trying turmeric for the inflammation (not by her recommendation, but I had to try something after her prescribed MASSIVE amounts of ibuprofen ended).
I had been planning a trip to Greece and Rome with a friend (the one I went to Peru with a couple years ago), but she had to cancel... Luckily we hadn't booked anything yet. But that inspired me to get back out there (and flight prices are low right now), so I'm going to Singapore in November. I found a pretty cheap flight at perfect times, and a cheap capsule hotel in a good location. That works out so well with my schedule, except I didn't think about Nanowrimo... but I'll just start a week early, and it should be fine. I'll still write some while I'm traveling, but there's so much I want to see and do while I'm there!
I've been feeding a few feral cats in my backyard, and last night four kittens joined them... I will absolutely get them trapped/neutered/released. I will not keep one. I am definitely not already in love with one of them already. There are two black and white tuxedo kittens, an orange and white (the biggest and bravest), and a little calico who's mostly white with really cool spots ( <3 ).
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smuttyandabsurd · 7 months
Off Days (England x Greece)
Title: Off Days Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia Character(s) or Pairing(s): America, England, Greece; England/Greece, minor America/England Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Warnings: Implied/Referenced Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Suicidal Thoughts Summary: After Alfred's death, Arthur is left with a void in his life, and he goes to Greece to relive the memories of their last holiday together. There he meets Herakles, a young Greek man who unexpectedly guides him to a path of healing.
This fic has been in WIP hell for 10 years, but I finally found the push to finish it. Originally written as a follow-up to an even older fic The Ghost of You.
Thank you @cluster-bi and @all-turns-to-moss for your help and insight.
Read it on AO3.
The phones were ringing all around, and Arthur kneaded his forehead as he weathered through a viciously abusive barrage from an irate customer.
“Sir, please lower your voice or I will be forced to terminate this call.”
When the customer screeched at him for being a stupid script-reading monkey (“Sir, please try to keep this conversation civil...”), told him to fuck off (“…this is your second warning…”), and finally, to go kill yourself, he ended the call with a tight-voiced, “I am terminating this call. Please call again when you can hold a professional conversation. Good day.”
He hung up and punched in an idle code before the phone could ring again, then rose to his feet. Fifteen minutes, he signalled to his harried-looking team leader who gave a terse nod.
It was not as if the thought hadn’t crossed his mind before. He had thought of it, repeatedly, but only as a shadow which he had never voiced aloud. He did not have to do it now that a customer had said it for him: Go kill yourself!
His walk in the bitter spitting cold brought him to his usual haunt, a pedestrian overpass stretched across a busy road at the back of the office building. He leaned against the railings, nursing a Styrofoam cup of milky tea from the vending machine. A tonne truck blared as it bounced along under the bridge. He wondered what it would feel like to fall under those wheels.
Vaguely, on an unconscious impulse, he stepped onto the bottom rung of the railings and leaned all his weight forward. All that stopped him from falling now was a thin sheet of rusting metal digging into his hips.
It felt… wrong. It felt very wrong, and a primal survival instinct screamed at him to step back!
No, no. If he was going to do it, he was going to do it right. He would do it on his own terms, which was most certainly not at the back of a dilapidated office building at the behest of some prick over the phone.
Ten minutes later, he was back at his desk filing for a two-week holiday request. His team leader would have to approve it; it was getting near the end of the business year, and holidays were not transferable over to the next.
He spent the rest of the day looking up cheap flights to Greece in between phone calls.
It was stiflingly hot when he landed in Heraklion International Airport. Mercifully, an air-conditioned coach had been arranged to shuttle him and other tourists to their lodgings for the week. They sped past brown scrubs and fields of olive trees with the sea looming to the left, lapping mutedly under a harsh afternoon sun.
Arthur closed his eyes, feeling a wave of nausea as the coach hurtled along. He imagined Alfred beside him, combing warm gentle fingers through his sweat-dampened hair and murmuring comforting endearments.
“You’re going to be alright, babe.”
There was no Alfred, but he did remember to bring his motion sickness medicine. He took them with a swallow of water before leaning back into his seat with a sigh.
After booking into his room, Arthur dumped his suitcase, stepped out of the compound, and went over to the corner shop he had spotted on the way in.
The shop was well-shaded inside from the sun and dust. He browsed a few souvenirs on display before collecting a fresh bottle of water, a Cornetto ice cream (mint-flavoured, which had been Alfred’s favourite), and a box of Paracetamol. He had to point at the last item through a glass case so the shop owner could retrieve it from behind the counter.
It took some time for the large-built and rather sleepy-eyed Greek to tot everything up on an old cash register before finally intoning, “8 euros 30 cents.”
A cat leapt onto the counter and stretched atop a stack of newspaper as Arthur peeled a tenner from his wallet and handed it over. “Keep the change,” he said.
He was leaving the shop, pulling the Cornetto out of the bag and gritting the tip in between his teeth, when he happened to glance back.
The Greek youth was picking up the cat and cradling it in the crook of a strong tanned arm.
A pleasant sea breeze picked up in the evening, but Arthur was forced to shut the windows against a cloud of mosquitoes.
He had just come out of the shower, the water tasting salty on his skin. Rubbing a towel into his hair, he padded over to the dresser and picked up a box of matches, striking one alight. He lit a few lemon-scented tea lights and spent a few minutes spacing them out around the room as further ward against the mosquitoes.
A tea light was left on the dresser, which sat with a long unflickering flame before a row of pill bottles. Most were painkillers or sleeping pills, but there was also a haphazard collection of cough and cold medicines in blister packs he had dug up from the bathroom cabinet back home. They were all over-the-counter medication he had bought from different drugstores over a period of time.
He took the box of Paracetamol from the corner shop and placed it with the rest. A grim satisfaction settled on his face as he studied the growing pile.
There was also a framed photograph of himself and Alfred leaning on the dresser which had been taken two years ago at the beach. Alfred was handsomely tanned, wearing a white shirt that clung tightly to a soldier’s physique, and his eyes were as blue as the hot Greek summer sky in the backdrop. He had his arm around Arthur as they posed, Arthur standing a little more stiffly but looking just as happy.
He picked up the frame and smiled faintly at the memory of that summer holiday, just before Alfred was dispatched. He gazed longingly at Alfred, wishing he could touch and kiss him and take in his scent – a mixture of fast-food grease and mint chewing gum, and some cheap dreadful deodorant he insisted on using.
“I love you,” Arthur whispered before he could stop himself, a verbal habit resurfacing now that he was back in Greece even though there was no Alfred to reciprocate his love.
He was seeing a lot of the young Greek man from the corner shop.
There were the morning visits for bottled waters and mosquito repellent, and lately he even took to dropping by in the afternoons for refreshments. Half a week flew past in this way. Today was a Thursday and, as evening approached, he found the youth working behind an open bar whilst he was out on a walk along the beach.
Their eyes met and lingered with a familiarity, forest into olive green. It was becoming difficult not to acknowledge him properly after all the times they have seen each other.
He went over to the bar and glanced along the row of beer pumps before deciding on one.
“I’ll have a pint, please,” he said, tapping on his choice.
The youth pulled out a fresh glass. “3 euros,” he said as he pulled him a draft.
One pint led to six as the sun dipped and extinguished itself in the ocean. A chill stole silently over the beach, and after two whiskeys and an ouzo shot (courtesy of a high-spirited bar owner), Arthur found himself doubled over a gutter at the front retching up his guts.
The vomiting had started with chunks of a half-digested fish dinner before turning into liquid bile. Shivering and heaving wretchedly, he took turns clinging to a man – young, handsome, firm muscles – and pushing him away, unable to make up his mind.
“Don’t touch me!” he shouted, his voice hoarse with abuse, as the stranger caught him from tripping onto the pavement and into his own vomit.
“Come with me. We will go somewhere quieter.”
He was half-walked, half-dragged out of the bar and back onto the sand, led away from the thumping, pulsing music and partying undergraduates who were drinking themselves into oblivion.
The sea air breezed over Arthur, drying the perspiration that was sticking his clothes to his skin. His head was clearing and his roiling stomach was beginning to settle. After half a minute’s walk, he felt a lot better. He leaned into the stranger’s arms, trusting him a little more.
After some time, they stopped at a piece of driftwood log and sat down. The world was spinning, and Arthur dropped his head into his hands with a low moan.
“Drink this.”
He was offered a bottle of mineral water, ice cold and dripping with condensation with the cap already twisted off. He accepted it gratefully, rinsing out his mouth of vomit and bile before drinking his fill in big greedy gulps.
“Thanks!” he gasped after he had finished.
The stranger took the bottle from him, capped it, and placed it gently in the sand before him.
A cloud cleared from the moon, and Arthur could finally focus on the stranger’s face. It was none other than the Greek youth from the shop and bar. He was still in his bar uniform, smelling of dish soap water and stale cigarettes. He had on his usual stoic face that was not unfriendly.
“What’s your name?” he asked in a deep but youthful voice, his olive-green eyes taking on a soulful solemnity. Arthur felt his heart skip a beat.
“Arthur,” he said, feeling himself flush. “And yours?” he said hurriedly.
Like the demigod, Arthur thought to himself. Or he may have thought it out loud as Herakles cracked a soft rare smile, just for him.
They sat on the log together, staring out at the ocean and the slowly lightening sky, letting the gently lapping waves to fill the silence that had formed comfortably between them.
My darling, I am sorry. I do not have the courage. I miss you dreadfully. I love you.
Arthur stared blankly at the words he had written. He was sitting in the balcony of his room and the wind was picking up, causing the corners of his journal’s pages to flap. Sighing, he closed the book and smoothed his hand over the cover.
He had purchased the journal along with a cheap blue Biro for the trip with every intention of writing his will in it. An embarrassing sentiment, in retrospect, considering that he had nothing to his name and hardly anyone that he knew or cared to leave anything to. After a moment, he tossed the journal aside and reached for a tattered paperback. He flipped through the dog-eared pages to get to where he stopped last.
He hadn’t made much headway with the book, but he had every intention of giving a good go of it now that he wasn’t planning on dying anymore.
At some point Arthur must have fallen asleep, for the next moment he awoke with a jolt to find that evening had crept up on him.
He jumped up to his feet and stretched, his body stiff from having lain in the deckchair all afternoon. Stifling a yawn, he padded over to the edge of the balcony and leaned against the railing. The wind from the day had died to a gentle caressing breeze and it felt nice on his sunburnt skin.
Down in the courtyard was a lone figure in knee-length khakis and an unbuttoned shirt circling the swimming pool with a stick. On closer inspection, Arthur made out that the stick had a net at the end which the man was dragging across the surface of the pool to fish out any debris. He watched as the man worked, slightly mesmerised by the ripples forming in the water. Slowly, he recognised the man to be Herakles, the shopkeeper slash barman slash (he supposed?) hotel pool cleaner…
Arthur dashed into his room and straight out the door before he could realise what he was doing. He took the stairs two at a time, his sandals slapping loudly on the concrete steps as he clattered down to the ground floor. He almost slipped on the last stair, his arms windmilling wildly and rather comically to any errant observer, but he righted himself at the last moment, and he continued in the direction of the pool.
His heart beat tightly in his chest as he ran.
Herakles was emptying the net of leaves and twigs when Arthur, gasping and perspiring profusely, burst into the courtyard. The young man watched curiously as Arthur rounded the pool and came to a stop in front of him, his hands on his knees as he stood doubled over and panting.
“Last night, I… I…” Arthur gasped out in between frantic gulps of air.
Gradually, as he caught his breath, and Herakles showed every sign of waiting patiently for him, Arthur pushed himself from his knees and stood up straight.
“Thank you,” he said. “Last night, when you listened to me talk- I, uh… want to thank you. I hope I didn’t come across... well.” He cleared his throat. “I just wanted… to thank you. Yeah.”
He turned and made to slink away, suddenly overcome with embarrassment – god, the boy was only helping out a drunken old fool! – but Herakles grabbed hold of his arm and held him back.
“You are welcome,” Herakles said haltingly, smiling softly. Then a little more solemnly, “Alfred seemed to be a good man. I am sorry for your loss.”
Arthur felt his lips quiver. He sniffed, trying to stave off the prickling in his eyes, but the tears came unbidden and slid noiselessly down his cheeks. He hadn’t realised it, but it had been a long time since anybody had said Alfred’s name out loud to him.
The silent tears gave way to a low keening that seemed to rise from the very depths. His shoulders began to shake. A small sob bubbled up in his throat. Then, like a dam breaking, he was crying. He dropped to his knees, dropped his face into his palms, and began crying in earnest.
Herakles joined him on the ground, his hand rubbing Arthur’s back gently, reassuringly. It was warm and comforting.
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scatorcciogf · 6 months
pussy so good it got me googling cheap flights to greece
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explonade · 1 year
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Alright, get comfy my friend, because it's story time. This one's a tale about a thrilling sailing adventure that started on SailingClick.
You see, once upon a summer, our hero – yeah, that's you – got this insatiable itch to set sail and become the undisputed master of the waves. You've got no boat, no crew, and your experience is limited to a bathtub and a rubber ducky, but that's not stopping you.
So, you jump on your computer and, with the heart of a lion, type into the search bar, "SailingClick.com". The homepage opens up, full of promises of open seas and exotic marinas, and your eyes twinkle with anticipation.
First things first: you need a boat. Not just any boat, you need the best deal. You browse the 'Last-Minute Deals' section, and boom! There it is, a svelte sailboat, a real beauty, 'The Azure Wave', based in Greece, with an irresistible discount. It's like she's calling your name, waiting for you to guide her through the Aegean Sea.
Booking it is a breeze, just a few clicks, and bam! You're a temporary boat owner. SailingClick.com even lets you take a virtual tour of the boat before you book it, so you know exactly what you're getting into. The captain's hat is virtually on your head already.
Next, you need a route. You've always dreamt of visiting the Greek islands - Mykonos, Santorini, Rhodes - you want them all. So, you head over to the 'Find Marinas' tab and start plotting. You find marinas with top-notch ratings, free Wi-Fi, and the best views of the Greek sunset. SailingClick.com makes it so easy, it's like a Google Maps for sailors. You plot your trip, make your marina bookings and even find out which ones have the best beachside tavernas. And just like that, your journey is mapped out.
Alright, now you've got your boat, and you've got your route, but you're still sitting in your living room. You need a flight to Greece, and it needs to be cheap. You think it's time for another website, but SailingClick.com has got you covered.
On the top-right corner, you spot the 'Book a Flight' option. You enter your details, and in a jiffy, a list of budget-friendly flights sprawls out in front of you. With a few more clicks, you score a one-way ticket to Athens. There's no looking back now.
Before you know it, you're on a plane, leaving your homeland behind. As you look out the window, the twinkling city lights are replaced by the vast, dark ocean, just waiting for you to conquer it.
From a dream in your living room to sipping ouzo by the docks in Greece, waiting for the dawn when you set sail, it all starts to feel very real. You've got SailingClick.com to thank for turning your bathtub fantasy into a full-blown sailing adventure. Now all you need to do is kick back, let the Greek sun kiss your skin, and embrace the salt in the air. Your adventure awaits, Captain!
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wags-confessions · 1 year
hey Guys do you remember when we talked about budget friendly travel destinations ? Could the anons who travelled quite a lot come back and give me some suggestions for solo travels as a female? — Belle //
hey belle you live close to freiburg right? i always think city trips like amsterdam/paris are great because you can easily reach them by train (db/flixbus). if you want to leave in may/june places like barcelona/nice are also affordable to fly to and sunny. flights to dublin and milan are also always cheap. and if you’re going in june even places like greece/croatia/bulgaria are affordable but you definitely have to look for the best offer. those are some of my go-to’s :))
Thank you for the suggestions!! If any of you guys wanna meet up somewhere one day I’d be more than happy to! Me and my friends decided to take a roadtrip down to south of France 💕 that’s all I’ve got so far then I’ll see where I’ll be confident enough to go on my own! — Belle
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shilvakarlsson · 5 months
Exploring the Gem of the Mediterranean: My Journey to Crete, Greece
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Last month, I embarked on an unforgettable adventure to the picturesque island of Crete, Greece, and every moment was like stepping into a dream. From the azure waters to the rugged landscapes, Crete captivated me with its timeless charm and rich history.
As I boarded my flight, booked effortlessly through OneAir AI, I felt a rush of excitement knowing that this journey would be nothing short of extraordinary. Thanks to their seamless booking process and generous discounts as a premium member, my travel experience began on the perfect note.
Touching down in Crete, I was greeted by warm sunshine and a gentle breeze, instantly setting the scene for an idyllic getaway. From the vibrant streets of Heraklion to the tranquil beaches of Elafonissi, every corner of this enchanting island held its own unique allure.
Exploring the ancient ruins of Knossos, I couldn't help but marvel at the ingenuity of the Minoan civilization. The history seemed to come alive as I wandered through the labyrinthine corridors, imagining the lives of those who once walked these hallowed grounds.
Of course, no visit to Crete would be complete without indulging in its legendary cuisine. From savory moussaka to fresh seafood platters, each dish was a tantalizing celebration of Mediterranean flavors, leaving me craving more with every bite.
But perhaps what struck me most about Crete was the warmth and hospitality of its people. Whether sharing stories with locals at a taverna or getting lost in conversation with fellow travelers, I was reminded time and again of the universal language of kindness that knows no borders.
As I bid farewell to Crete, my heart was filled with gratitude for the memories made and the experiences shared. And to OneAir AI, I extend my sincerest thanks for making this journey possible with their unwavering support and unparalleled service. Until we meet again, Crete, you will always hold a special place in my heart.
Find Cheap Flights to Greece - https://www.oneair.ai/flights/cheap-flights-to-greece/
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oneairai · 5 months
Looking for Cheap Flights to Santorini, Greece? Explore its stunning views and rich culture without breaking the bank! Visit https://www.oneair.ai/flights/cheap-flights-to-santorini-greece/ for great deals on flights to Santorini.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Low quality kerosine lands several MiG-21 of the Romanian Air Force
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/08/2022 - 11:15m Military
MiG-21 LanceR of the Romanian Air Force. (Photo: Hertfordshire Airwolfhound, UK via Wikipedia)
Several used MiG-21 fighters ?? by the Romanian Air Force were damaged after suppliers exchanged premium fuel for low-quality kerosene.
The prosecutors of the Ploiesti Court of Appeal followed the sale of the defective kerosene to businessman Cristian Berendel. In 2018, Berendel and the Ministry of Defense signed an agreement by which the former would provide aviation fuel to the latter for four years.
The first fuel shipments were within the standard, consisting of premium kerosene. The following, however, were cheap and low-quality fuel from Greece and Turkey, according to the Gandul website.
Over time, five fighters used to patrol the airspace, who had received the fuel, began to show signs of malfunction. Its fuel pumps, in particular, warned aviation experts and technicians that kerosene did not comply with the standard.
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Romanian MiG-21 jets were damaged. (Photo: VanderWolf Images / Shutterstock.com)
Damage to planes totals 6 million euros. In addition, because the fighters were temporarily unable to fly, Romania was placed in the position of not being able to fulfill its obligations to NATO, that is, to defend its own airspace. The planes in question had to receive repairs at Aerostar Bacau.
Despite being one of the newest MiG-21 fleets in service, the Romanian fleet of MiG-21 LanceR was grounded due to aircraft maintenance difficulties and, since 1996, has had an accident rate of more than 30 per 100,000 hours.
After several incidents involving the MiG-21 LanceR fighters of the Romanian Air Force (RoAF), the Romanian Ministry of Defense announced that all operations with the aircraft were suspended as of April 15, 2022.
RoAF resumed flights with the MiG-21 on May 23, 2022. The service will continue to operate until May 15, 2023.
After May 2023, the LanceRs will be removed from service and replaced by the Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcons. Romania acquired 17 second-hand F-16 fighters from Portugal in 2016 and intends to buy 32 more aircraft from Norway.
Tags: Military AviationMikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21RoAF - Romanian Air Force/Roatroin Air Force
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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Europe offers an array of breathtaking summer destinations perfect for every type of traveler. Santorini, Greece, is famed for its stunning sunsets, white-washed buildings, and crystal-clear waters. The Amalfi Coast in Italy captivates with its dramatic cliffs, charming villages, and delectable cuisine. Barcelona, Spain, combines rich history, vibrant culture, and beautiful beaches. Croatia's Dalmatian Coast, with its pristine islands and medieval cities like Dubrovnik, is a sun-soaked paradise. Lastly, the French Riviera, with its glamorous resorts, azure seas, and luxurious lifestyle, is the ultimate summer escape. Each of these destinations promises unforgettable experiences.
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lookbookfly21 · 25 days
Discover Affordable and Best Europe Tour Packages from India with Look Book Fly
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Dreaming of a European adventure but worried about the cost? At Look Book Fly, we understand that a trip to Europe is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for many, and we’re here to make it both affordable and unforgettable. Our cheap and best Europe tour packages from India are designed to provide you with a rich cultural experience without breaking the bank. Whether you’re a first-time traveler or a seasoned explorer, our packages offer something for everyone, ensuring that your European getaway is as seamless and enjoyable as possible.
Why Choose Look Book Fly for Your Europe Tour?
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Tips for a Budget-Friendly Europe Trip
Travel Off-Peak: Consider traveling during the shoulder seasons (spring and autumn) when the weather is still pleasant, but prices are lower, and tourist crowds are smaller.
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Ready to explore Europe? Contact Look Book Fly today to start planning your unforgettable journey!
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