#Cheap Holidays to Turkey 2018
josiejourney · 6 years
November 22, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving! What a weird feeling to be alone on this holiday. I miss my family and the meal they’re eating so so so much. I haven’t had sweet potatoes in so long. Or turkey. Or stuffing — wow, it’ll probably be a full two years until I eat stuffing (Thanksgiving 2017-2019). RIP.
Also it’s so odd to be in a place that couldn’t give less of a damn about Thanksgiving. Everything is open and people are going to school and no one even knows it’s a big holiday in America! That’s honestly kinda cool.
So I did so much stuff by myself today! I left from Campo di Marte at 11am (well more like 11:15 because the train was delayed as usual) on a Frecciargento (LMAO) that was going to Bergamo (EVEN BIGGER LMAO). [Understanding why Frecciargento is a “lmao” takes too long to explain here in full detail so I will just say that normally one would want to take a Frecciarossa when going to a big city (Milan, Rome, Florence, Naples, Venice, etc.) and the Frecciargentos don’t go the most direct route/to the most populated stops. Which makes perfect sense as to how I could take a single train from Firenze Campo di Marte to Bergamo.]
So, just for backstory, I got cheap flights on Ryanair because I didn’t plan going to Paris with the foresight that I would’ve liked. Ryanair only flys out of shoddy airports...like Paris Beauvais and Milan Bergamo.
So I went to Bergamo — got there at 2:30. My flight didn’t depart until 7:20pm, and although I had to take a freaking bus there, I knew I’d have time to kill. So I explored Bergamo! Wow, it was the most Italian place I’ve ever been yet. Like no one speaks English. Because why would they? It’s a tiny mountain town in Lombardy (technically closer to Switzerland than Milan, I believe) -- I did see the occasional English (yes, like British) or Asian tourist with their giant DSLR cameras -- and for the most part, they stay to themselves. I remember a boy who went to my high school was from Bergamo. Full circle. 
It was cold. The city is split into two areas — a Città Alta and a Città Bassa -- and the upper part of the city is a UNESCO Heritage Site for its medieval Venetian walls, old churches, and overall insanely unique presence. So unique that I had to take a funicular. A FUNICULAR. I couldn’t get a good picture of this thingy, so I’m gonna go on Google and put one on here. What the heck? I was #shook.
I spent my time in Bergamo looking at two churches. It was so worth it. They were two of the best churches I’ve ever been to in my entire life. I took the funicular back down and walked through a Christmas market they had set up on the main street towards the station. Europe is so Christmasy! After buying my bus ticket, I bought some hot chocolate from a lady for €1.50 (which is SUCH a steal) and she was so incredibly nice. Our interaction made me very happy; the entire day I was using my Italian of course, but still felt so out of place -- maybe it was my backpack, maybe it was because I was legit the only non-white person there, maybe it was just me overthinking things, but the entire day I’d felt a little out of my element, and having the quick little exchange with her (and having everything go smoothly and her not even second guess whether or not I was Italian!) made me feel so much better.
So, now the fun part ends. I got on the bus from Bergamo to the airport, was transported in the “bus in the sky” that is Ryanair to Beauvais. Took another bus from Beauvais to Paris Porte Maillot city center. Then took the metro to my Airbnb. WE LOVE EUROPE! BIENVENUE!
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8 Countries That Are Cheaper To Travel
Your ever-expanding travel wish list may be placing a strain on your finances, but there are plenty of places where you can get more bang for your dollars. Here are 8 places you may visit without breaking your wallet, from Greece to Turkey.
Thailand is popular with travellers for a reason: it has picturesque islands, a rich culture, beach huts abounding, tantalizing cuisine, and adventures aplenty, all at often shockingly inexpensive prices. Despite the well-travelled routes through the country, getting away from the masses is not difficult.
South Africa
One of the best things about visiting South Africa is that you can go on a safari – replete with the Big Five – without breaking the bank. Visit Hluhluwe-Imfolozi to see white rhinos and avoid the crowds of Kruger National Park, the Drakensberg for excellent trekking, and don't forget to spend at least a few days in Cape Town.
Despite a tremendous rate of change in the decades following the end of the American War, Vietnam continues to offer incredible value to Western visitors. From the limestone karsts of the north to the rivers and rice fields of the Mekong Delta, with exquisite beaches and bustling cities squeezed in between, the country's biggest draw is its sublime landscape.
Despite its popularity as a tourist destination – not to mention a bachelor party hotspot – Prague remains one of Europe's most affordable capital towns. A big meal can be had for a few Czech Crowns, washed down with a good local beer (of course). The city itself is a sight to behold, brimming with history and ideal for leisurely strolls.
 Greece has had a difficult economic situation in recent years. After eight years of bailouts, it finally began trading on financial markets in mid-2018, but many people are still struggling to make ends meet on a daily basis. In fact, the current economic condition is all the more motivation to visit and support the locals. Because of the current scenario, prices are still lower than they were previously, you may be able to add an extra island or two to your schedule. Pay for whatever you can in advance with a credit card, but bring enough cash for your trips, and you'll have a fantastic holiday.
In Mexico, your money will likely stretch to tacos and tequila aplenty - which is wonderful news because there's a lot to see and do. Whether you want to relax on a hammock on gleaming white sands, eat some of the greatest street food in the country in Oaxaca, or cool off in a crystal-clear cenote (sunken swimming hole), the country will entice you to return.
Istanbul is certainly enticing, with one foot in Europe and the other in Asia. Despite the fact that seeing all of the major monuments – the Aya Sofya, Blue Mosque, and Topkapi Palace, to name a few – might quickly deplete your lira, the city can still be a good value for money. The finest ways to fully absorb up the city are from a Bosphorus ferry, roaming the alleyways of the Grand Bazaar, or eating a freshly cooked kebab on a streetside patio.
Travel in Egypt should cost a lot more than it does, given the amount of mind-blowing historical sights. Sure, if you visit all of the major sights, such as the Pyramids, the Valley of the Kings, and Abu Simbel, expenditures will rise, but when you combine that with cheap (and delicious) food and quality budget lodging, it's easy to feel like you're living like a Pharaoh.
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newsnigeria · 6 years
Check out New Post published on Ọmọ Oòduà
New Post has been published on http://ooduarere.com/news-from-nigeria/world-news/turkeys-economic-crisis-limited-options/
Turkey’s Economic Crisis: Limited Options
by Gary Littlejohn
It is said that when Groucho Marx was asked how he went bankrupt, he replied “Slowly at first, and then much more quickly”. The Turkish Lira had started to slide slowly and then last week it went down much more quickly. The context for this was made clear by the Moon of Alabama on 10th August, on the very same day that the decline of the Lira reached the tipping point into an urgent crisis level.
The fact that he could analyse it so quickly indicates that the crisis had been developing for quite a while, and so he had already digested the implications of Turkey’s political and economic trajectory. Given that Greece has recently received what is claimed to be the last tranche of its bailout funding from the European Central Bank [ECB] one has to wonder why Turkey apparently learned no lessons from Greece’s long-run debt crisis, or even from the much smaller and shorter financial crisis in Cyprus. Both showed that when the financial crunch arrives, events move very quickly. Even though in Greece the Syriza government had a plan to exit from the Euro and return to the Drachma, when it was ready to do that, it found that the funds had already disappeared from Greek banks. A rapid bank run had meant that funds had disappeared abroad. In the case of Cyprus, only quick-witted wealthy Russians managed to get their funds out quickly enough, by using a bank that also had a branch in London, which was a loophole that the authorities had not thought to close when capital controls were imposed and banks were closed temporarily.
There is no sign that Erdogan or his advisers fully understand the speed with which a financial crisis can develop, despite all the evidence of the last 10 years, or the Asian financial crisis of 1997-8, a crisis from which Russia evidently learned to avoid being so vulnerable again. So what can the Erdogan government do in such difficult circumstances? Until today (15 August 2018) all that had been seen was rhetoric and blaming others, but as the Moon of Alabama pointed out, the economic leverage now available to those hostile to Turkey was provided by Turkey’s own economic policies.
Now that debt in US dollars and Euros probably exceeds 50 per cent of the total debt owed by Turkish financial institutions, and the Lira had accelerated its fall over the 5 days to the 14th August, repaying such debts quickly is impossible. Nor would trade retaliations have a sufficiently large effect to hurt the USA. [The Turkish economy is only about 8 per cent of the size of the EU economy.]
While Erdogan’s supporters helped him to withstand the recent coup attempt, they are not wealthy enough to finance such debts by selling their gold or other assets. It has already been calculated that Turkish commercial bank reserves have effectively been liquidated by the decline in the exchange value of the Lira. Total Turkish government reserves are about $131 billion.
Turkish institutions have borrowed about $150 billion, and it would now take about double the pre-crisis amount of Lira to repay this. This far too big for, say, Russia to support and Erdogan has stated that he did not seek Russian financial aid in his recent phone call with Putin.
Russia has simply declared that bilateral projects such as the Turk Stream gas pipeline and the atomic power plant are not in jeopardy, but then Russia is financing most of these costs and the clear implication is that no further financial aid will be forthcoming. This is hardly surprising when Russia’s reserves amount to $458 billion, only about 3.5 times more than Turkey’s reserves, and Russia too faces sanctions. So it is likely that Erdogan’s denial that he asked for aid is a face saver.
Nor is it likely that China would feel able to come to Turkey’s aid, for two main reasons. Firstly, it has just taken an 80 per cent stake in Iran’s natural gas project, based on the largest single reservoir of natural gas in the world, and it has longer-term plans to build a rail link from Central Asia to Iran. Secondly, with today’s announcement by Turkey of what is called a ‘soft capital control’, the Lira has bounced back today and the financial pressure from investors has suddenly switched to China.
According to the link above, the phrase ‘soft capital control’ refers to a newly announced requirement by the local banking regulator “that the total amount of foreign currency and Lira swap and swap-like transactions can’t exceed 25% of banks’ legal shareholder equity (which followed a similar determination at 50% just two days earlier). The logic behind the move, taken straight out of the PBOC’s [People’s Bank of China] playbook: to ‘kill offshore Lira liquidity to stop foreigners shorting the Lira’….” So foreign speculators are not going to find it easy to buy Lira in order to bet against the Turkish currency.
This is the first sign that Turkey is using what international investors would recognise as credible financial measures to deal with the crisis. Meanwhile, the Lira crisis has made global financial markets more nervous and carries the danger of a global crisis. This now-panicky mood partly explains why China has suddenly attracted negative attention.
Yet the danger of ‘contagion’ within the EU is not over, even though the weak French, Italian and Spanish banks most exposed to Turkish debts are considered to have sufficient reserves to withstand bad Turkish debts. While Turkish debts are not considered to be an existential threat to such banks, the fact is that any additional destabilisation of EU banks, such as a so-called ‘hard Brexit’ by the UK, could destabilise the EU banking system. The ECB is already finding it difficult to buy EU government bonds as a way of pursuing its policy of ‘Quantitative Easing’ (QE, effectively printing money electronically) without causing high levels of inflation, and so QE may be coming to an end as a policy fairly soon. Since this is happening at a time when the US Federal Reserve has made it clear that it wishes to raise interest rates, and the Bank of England has just done so, the nervousness on global markets that the last 10 years of cheap credit might be coming to an end is understandable. So the Turkish Lira crisis may be seen as a possible precursor of a much wider financial crisis, whose likelihood is increased by Trump’s trade war measures.
The actual point of origin of any such global crisis can only be guessed at, and while many might expect it to start in the USA as it did in 2007-8, it could well happen within the EU, where many banks are comparatively over-stretched dealing with what are politely called ‘non-performing loans’. These problems are exacerbated within the EU by the large flows of funds from southern EU countries to northern ones.
Geopolitical Implications
The Moon of Alabama pointed to the sort of political price that various countries might extract from Turkey now that it is suddenly in a much weaker position. Readers of the South Front website could readily outline the probable implications for the Syrian conflict. Neo-Ottoman dreams of a buffer zone between Turkey and any Kurdish groups seem far from being viable.
With regard to the recent BRICS conference in South Africa, where Turkey suggested that it might join BRICS, that will inevitably be shelved at best. I am not aware of Turkey having engaged in any of the currency swap arrangements signed in recent years by Russia and China with various partners, and so Turkey’s references to reorienting by turning to new allies and markets carries little credibility in the short run. Yet I expect Erdogan to resist calling in the IMF since that will be seen in many quarters as a public surrender to the USA. That may scare off Western tourists (and the share price of the large German travel firm Tui has declined in recent days) but Russian tourists might still take their holidays in Turkey. The alternative to the IMF is probably stronger capital controls, rising goods shortages as international trading becomes more difficult, and fairly high inflation. In the longer term of such a scenario, food rationing cannot be ruled out.
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laurenj966 · 4 years
Being pregnant during A Global Pandemic COVID-19
About me, myself & a bit of him!
Hello everyone! My name is Lauren, I am 24 years old and I am a care assistant in a care home and my partner, Craig, 23, is a mechanic. Craig and I reside in Scunthorpe. In January 2019, I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression, which was managed by medication. I grew up in Ashby, Scunthorpe as an only child. Craig was born in Scunthorpe then brought up in Barnetby. Craig and I met on Plenty of Fish in what I think was 2017!? We was on and off for a while but then he eventually got stuck with me! (Poor lad!). We only got to see each other at weekends due to work commitments which was hard at first, but the will power made it work.
We went on our first holiday together to Amsterdam on a mini cruise, then went to Benidorm in October 2018, where I lost all dignity due to a stomach bug! (Bless Craig, his first time on a plane!) We then decided to ‘gate crash’ my parents 25th wedding anniversary in Marmaris, Turkey in July 2019, where Craig and I got engaged on July 2nd, their anniversary! When we got home the planning began! We have our date set for the 12th June 2021, a beautiful church, venue, five bridesmaids, oh and a best man! Haha! With us planning a wedding, we thought we should move out! We bought a lovely three-bedroom semi-detached house in Scunthorpe. With a lot of Saving, blood, swear and tears, we finally moved in on Friday 13th December 2019 (I know! What a day!) and now we have our home just as we’d imagined.
 The mental health
After previous employment issues, I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression in January 2019. I was prescribed Sertraline tablets which were my rock! I had my bad days and good days. Planning the wedding and the house move was stressful, but it kept my mind occupied. I then got another job which I love, in a different care home. I was so scared of asking the doctor for help, but it was the best things I did! I was embarrassed for a while in front of people who knew I was on medication, but with support from my family and Craig, made me more confident.  
 Finding out
It was 5am on Saturday 25th April 2020 when I woke up and something told me to do a test. I had been on the ‘pill’ for years, to help control my heavy periods, but I chose to come off the pill earlier in the year as my periods were all over the place (Craig new about this!). I took one of those cheap tests and... a line appeared then a faint line! I shouted Craig and got him to look and he could see it too! We went back to bed then went to get a better test when the shops opened that morning. We bought a digital Clearblue test which said I was 1-2 weeks pregnant. We was both shocked as we had been careful, but we was both so happy! Craig said a few swear words and we both laughed and said, “oh s**t!”. I straight away went to tell mum, who did not believe me at first, but then was shocked and cried. The next person I had to tell was dad! (HELP!) Dad was more bothered about the house and the wedding, but he got over it! And I saw him smirk a little on the video call! Craig told his mum, dad, and sister, who were all over the moon. I then visited both sets of my grandparents to tell them and they were happy too!
I was due in work the following Monday and took advice from a nurse who said I was at risk been there with being early weeks due to the Coronavirus. I was then sent home by the area manager and was put on ‘Furlough’. I had my first appointment with the midwife on May 15th, unfortunately Craig was not allowed to come in with me due to the pandemic. This is when I realised that this pregnancy was going to be hard for both of us, especially Craig. I found out at the appointment that I was seven weeks pregnant, which meant the ClearBlue test was two weeks out!
1st Trimester  Week 1-12
Some of the symptoms started to show by week five! I became very bloated and my clothes were getting tight already! It was quite frightening, we were in lockdown, Craig’s garage was forced to be closed, I was ‘furloughed’ and no one was able to see each other. Not seeing mum everyday was hard. Craig did all the shopping while he was off work to protect me and the hand washing, and sanitising door handles game was very strong. As now there was not just me, I had to protect from a deadly virus, I now had my baby to protect. Craig’s garage finally reopened, and he had to go back to work. The first day was hard as I was used to him been here every day and now I had to do the shopping. As lock down was eased and we was allowed to see people again, distancing was key, I needed to protect my baby.
Nearing the 12th week and with been at home all day, I began to clear the spare bedroom, (baby’s room). I was always on the internet looking at ideas to decorate the baby’s nursery. By now we already had Moses baskets, bouncer, cot, almost everything! (I’m impatient!). I had my first scan at 12 weeks, and it was one of the hardest things I ever had to do, because I had to do it alone as well as knowing Craig was missing out on seeing his first child in the womb. They confirmed there was only one baby in there! Phew! They said he’s looking perfect! And I got a photo to keep. It now felt real! At 18 weeks we booked an early gender scan at Hey Baby in Hull. This was when we found out the gender! The cravings were strong... crisps, fruit, and sweets, but still no sickness! Yay!
 Gender reveal!
We booked an early gender scan at Hey Baby in Hull as Craig was allowed to come into a private scan with me. Our scan was Saturday 31st July. We had arranged a gender reveal back home in the garden as the lockdown restrictions had been relaxed. The scan place was amazing, it had big screens to see the baby on, Craig could not believe it. I closed my eyes and waited for the lady to put the coloured light on. I opened my eyes and the room was... BLUE!! We was so happy I even cried! We got some brilliant scan photos of baby and we bought a confetti cannon! We got home and set the garden up. There was my parents, Craig’s parents and one set of my grandparents and we also video called my auntie and cousin. We nervously burst the cannon, and everyone was so happy for us. We then went to the Queensway for a meal.
 Mental health & pregnancy
When I found out I was pregnant, I immediately stopped taking my Sertraline tablets. Luckily, I had no side effects. My GP told me to stop taking them however my midwife said to take them if needed. This meant that I would need extra scans as they can have an effect on the baby and I felt this would be selfish of me, if I continued to take the tablets, so I stopped and chucked them in the bin. Some days were definitely harder than others and still are but then I realised I came off the tablets for a good reason, for my boy! Only my closest family and of course Craig have supported me through this. My manager has been brilliant, she has phoned me almost every fortnight to see how I am.
I take comments to heart, always have done, always will due to the depression. So comments such as ‘you’re getting fat” “There must be more than one in there” “Do this” “Don’t do that” and pressures of breastfeeding instead of bottle feeding, all have an impact on my mental health that some people can’t see. Also, due to spending nearly all my school life been bullied, I am more scared of my child being bullied at school and not having friends like me. I want to give my boy everything he wants and needs in life just like I was given. I do spend too much time worrying about what I need to do in the future or what might happen in the future. But what I do know is that I will do my damn best to be the best role model I can be to my boy!
2nd Trimester Week 13-28
By week 20, the nursery is almost complete! We decided to go neutral and animal themed. I love it! We are lucky that we have a lot of built in storage in that bedroom. We built the cot, the changing unit and bought a lovely gliding nursing chair in beige. It is perfect! We also have our pram! It is like pushing a bus! We went for the Venicci Prestige Edition in Shadow Denim Grey and we got the 10-piece bundle. Two days before my birthday in August, I had my 20-week scan at the hospital. I was able to take someone along to this scan with me for some unknown reason! So, I chose to take mum as Craig was working. Mum could not believe it and said it was amazing! It was quite a long scan as they checked he had everything he should! He has two arms and two legs! His brain, spine and organs are growing as they should be, and she said he looks perfect and I got another picture! At 24 weeks I had a test for Gestational Diabetes, due to having a high BMI (Everything seems to be blamed on a person’s weight!). It was the longest appointment I’d had yet, and it was awful! I was told that if I got a call within a couple of days it would mean I have Gestational Diabetes... after a week and no phone call it turns out I DON’T have it! Yay! Baby had started to get very wriggly in there during these weeks. I had been to the hospital a few times as I had not felt him move which was really scary and I got told that because he is only tiny, I won’t feel him much. However, as the weeks went on, I started feeling a pattern in his movements... (my mealtimes!) but then one day did not feel him for about 12 hours. I was so scared; I called the hospital and was sent to the maternity ward and yet again I had to do this alone. (Even though at this point of the pandemic you could meet people in a pub but was not allowed one single person to come to the hospital with you at such a scary time!!!!). After waiting anxiously and seeing the midwife looking nervous, he was absolutely fine and was just hiding! Monkey! By week 27 I have baby’s bag packed, car seat and blanket ready! Just my own bag to pack! It has gone so fast and we are so excited! The cravings have stopped, I still have not had any sickness! But my hormones and emotions have been like a rollercoaster. I have felt like I needed the tablets, but I haven’t given in! I can do this!!
 The COVID baby shower
I had arranged a baby shower for November. I bought all the accessories I'd need to throw a baby shower for me and my boy. I had sent out invitations to close family and friends and planned what food I was going to make and what games we'd play. But then... Big bad Boris made yet another announcement, one that thousands and especially I did not want to hear... the rule of 6. Gatherings of six people maximum and he said this could be in place for the next 6 months. I gave it a few weeks and though about possibilities of having two separate parties of six, but then thought the second just would not be as good. So, I decided to cancel it. I am absolutely gutted. This pandemic really is breaking so many hearts and ruining peoples' plans.
3rd Trimester – week 29 – 32
At 29 weeks I was having a lot of stabbing pains in my lower abdomen I was sent to ward 26 and was monitored for over an hour. Baby’s heartbeat and movements were fine, then I was examined, and they said it was not labour. I also started my maternity leave at week 29.
I had a routine scan at 29 weeks and 2 days. I saw the doctor afterwards who said that baby was growing a little smaller than expected, but the midwife said he’s growing normally, and he weighs three pound. At this appointment I was also told that I had to commence Tinzaparin injections twice a day because of my varicose veins and to prevent blood clots. I was also told that there had been a prescription at the hospital for Aspirin since June! Which no one told me about! It came as a shock that I had to inject into my stomach twice a day as I am not a great fan of needles. I was sent home with sixty injections and a sharps bin. Some days are harder than others at doing the injections and they are leaving my stomach in a right mess!
The following day I had a routine appointment at the midwifes, she measured baby and said he’s fine and we listened to his heartbeat and she said that it’s perfect! I informed her about the injections, and she said I should be taking the Aspirin a long side the injections, so I had yet another trip to the hospital to get the tablets. I then requested to speak to the practice manager of my doctors surgery, to query why I haven’t been put on any form of blood thinners since going to the doctors since 2015 about my veins and being told repeatedly there’s nothing they can do (or should I now say will do!). Since being put on the injections and the tablets, I have felt fed up and I’ve been more annoyed at the fact of why was the possibility of having to be put on this medication not mentioned to me at the start of my pregnancy, it’s disgusting.
Another day, another letter through the door… I had an appointment with the Anaesthetist to talk about pain relief in labour. Disgusted and upset could not even describe how I felt after that phone call appointment. So yet again… “due to your BMI” I suggest you go straight for Epidural. No, I’d like to try without anything thankyou. I won’t lie, throughout this pregnancy, I have never felt so discriminated against by health professionals who I thought was are there to support you. But no, everything is put down to a person’s weight. If they’d bother to even, ask “why do you have a large BMI” they’d probably understand!
My midwife appointments are getting more regular now. At 32 weeks I had another appointment they said he’s measuring fine and his heartbeat is good. They are referring me to the consultant earlier than my next scan due to the severity of the bruising and pain caused by the injections.
 3rd Trimester – week 33 – 36
I got to see the consultant earlier than I should have regarding the bruising… typical! They’ve faded. So, I showed her the pictures I had taken but she wasn’t interested, just said to continue with the injections. Part of me felt selfish as they’re keeping both me and baby safe but the other part of me is finding it really hard physically and mentally. Twice a day having to count down to inject myself, suffering with the bruising and now lumps are appearing from where I’ve gone into something under the skin. But needs must n all that!!
Week 33 I had another scan, baby is now five pounds and is growing as well as expected. The lump I have sticking up on my stomach is his little bum! Every time his bum moves makes me laugh and love him even more!
At week 34 I had loads of appointments this week! I had my routine midwife appointment…. Now this was amusing! Little man decided to fight the doppler and send his heart rate up to 200!! The midwife said if it doesn’t decrease, I will have to go to the hospital to be monitored and put onto a drip. After filling in my notes she checked his heartbeat again and it had gone back to normal! What a monkey. The next day I had the health visitor visiting me, I heard they can be not very nice, but the lady appeared to be nice! I didn’t agree with some of the things she said and most of it is common sense and she gave me a little red book for baby. Last appointment of the week… I had a phone call appointment with the midwife about my birthing plan. I’m having him at Scunthorpe General (if he doesn’t pop out at home or in the middle Aldi! Haha!) I’m hoping to give birth in the birthing pool, firstly with no pain relief and if need be gas and air and then Craig is going to cut the cord. Typical me asked about self-discharge… I don’t like hospitals and I don’t want baby in that place for any longer than he needs to be especially at the minute.
By week 35, the hospital bags are fully packed! My monthly deep clean of the house has been done with thanks to mum for helping! And the Christmas tree is now up! So, now the moses baskets are in place upstairs and downstairs, baby’s bottles and everything else is organised. So now it’s just a matter of waiting!
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dailykhaleej · 4 years
Stuck in paradise: Stranded for months in Bali, UAE residents now find their jobs at risk
Lana Shevchenko in Bali Picture Credit score: Provided
Dubai: What was meant to be a tropical vacation has become a nightmare for a number of UAE residents who’re presently stranded in Bali owing to journey restrictions necessitated by the coronavirus pandemic. Residents of assorted nationalities reached out to DailyKhaleej narrating their struggles of getting to pay for their home lease, utility, cellphone and Web connection in absentia in the UAE whereas additionally having to concurrently pay for their lodging and meals bills in Bali, Indonesia.
Though a lot of these stranded are managing to work remotely, they’re frightened for their jobs if this uncertainty persists. Small enterprise homeowners are struggling, with no work being commissioned, but having to pay lease for their home and workplace area. Others have even been laid off from their jobs whereas in Bali.
Obtained the pink slip in Bali
Lana Shevchenko, an Ukrainian who has been a UAE resident for a yr, visited Bali on March 15 for a two-week enterprise journey. Nevertheless, the occasions trade skilled acquired the pink slip from her firm as quickly as she arrived in Bali.
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A tranquil scene from Bali, Indonesia, however for UAE residents paradise is misplaced Picture Credit score: Provided
With Ukraine additionally closing its territory for residents, Shevchenko’s solely possibility was to spend time in Bali till borders reopen and fly to Dubai the place she rents an residence for which she nonetheless pays lease, has her private belongings and mates.
“I planned to stay here only for two weeks, so I’m running out of money and using my credit card now. I’m still waiting for my last salary. To save money, I initially stayed in a cheap hostel, but now I’m sharing a villa. I’m cooking at home and buying fruits and vegetables from local people instead of shops,” she advised DailyKhaleej.
Shevchenko is aware of it is going to be not simple to find a job throughout a world disaster. However she is utilizing her time in Bali to be taught portray and assist a charity. She is actively wanting for jobs and has already attended an interview.
“I tried registering with Twajudi as soon as it was announced, but several times it showed errors in my application. Finally, I have managed to register successfully and currently the status is shown as under process,” she stated.
Double whammy
Natalya Afanasyeva, an expat from Kazakhstan who works in Dubai with Chalhoub Group as a industrial government, has been caught in Bali since March 11. A 10-day trip has now prolonged into a number of months with no readability on when it is going to finish.
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Natalya Afanasyeva Picture Credit score: Provided
“I am still paying my house rent, car loan, DEWA bill, phone and internet bills back in Dubai plus all my expenses in Bali. Although we are not living in Dubai and using these services, we are still receiving bills to pay. I cannot stay in Bali anymore since I don’t have enough money to pay for my second accommodation and food expenses,” she advised DailyKhaleej.
Within the first month in Bali, Afanasyeva and her pal rented a house for $1,300 (Dh4,774) a month and paid $650 for meals (Dh2,400). She modified homes on a weekly foundation in the primary month hoping the state of affairs would change and he or she might fly again. In April, she paid greater than $1,000 (Dh3,672) for a rented home in Bali whereas in Could, she is paying $650 (Dh2,400). She additionally must put aside Dh3,000 for her month-to-month home lease in Dubai.
The Kazakhi expat who has been residing in Dubai for 12 years stated her employer has been paying her the absolutely wage with none deduction thus far. “My employer is doing everything to support me but if the situation deteriorates further, I might have to face unpaid leave or a salary cut,” Afanasyeva added.
Ready for Twajudi approval for weeks
Though Afanasyeva has tried filling up the Twajudi type on the UAE’s Ministry of International Affairs and Worldwide Cooperation web site a number of occasions, there was no response and he or she is ready to get an approval earlier than reserving a ticket on Etihad’s flight from Jakarta to the UAE on Could 29. “A one-way air ticket from Jakarta to Abu Dhabi costs almost Dh4,000,” she identified.
A number of stranded expats declare that the UAE authorities is prioritising solely lecturers, medical employees, youngsters separated from dad and mom and faculty college students who’ve been ousted from college lodging to return to the UAE.
Caught in transit
C.M., an American analyst, travelled to Bali alone on March 17 since her UAE residence visa had expired and he or she wished to re-enter the nation on a vacationer visa. Nevertheless, with the nation closing its borders on March 19, she has been stranded in the Indonesian resort city. She has attended a number of digital interviews and was on the verge of signing a brand new job supply. Nevertheless, the employer just isn’t open to her beginning work remotely.
“The experience has been extremely stressful. I left the UAE with the intention to return in seven days. My apartment, belongings and bank accounts are all in Dubai. I am being forced to cancel my apartment, give up my DEWA account and close my phone since the expenses add up. I have to support myself in another country without knowing how long this will go on for. I don’t appreciate my life being put on hold and my career being interrupted,” C.M. advised DailyKhaleej.
The American expat is pissed off with the shortage of transparency in how Twajudi approvals are being given. She has acquired no responses from the UAE Embassy in Jakarta or the Amer providers. She has additionally contacted the American Embassy in Abu Dhabi, the American Consulate in Dubai, the American Consulate in Bali and the American Embassy in Jakarta. “Not having information in terms of what to do and how long I may be stuck here is unnerving. The American Embassy has offered to fly me back home to the US at my own expense. The number of coronavirus cases are rising in the US. I don’t feel safe returning there and I don’t have health insurance in the US. My parents are old and are considered a high-risk group. So, I don’t want to travel across the world and put them at risk. I might as well stay where I am,” she defined.
The expat, who has lived in the UAE for three-and-a-half years, has some cash saved to fulfill these unexpected bills. She additionally secured some freelance work with a Dubai firm.
With the Bali tourism trade in limbo, a whole lot of companies are providing discounted lodging and scooter leases. Nevertheless, stranded vacationers are renting a home and transportation solely on a two-week foundation. “They can negotiate a much better price for a month as opposed to two weeks. But because we have no foresight of when we might return, we are spending more money than necessary. There should be a systemised approach to repatriating residents stranded abroad,” C.M. defined.
Honeymoon prolonged
Shervan Shivesh Soogrim and Chenelle Diane Chattergoon, each residents of Trinidad and Tobago, arrived in Bali for their honeymoon on March 14 and are now stranded for two months. Shervan has been a UAE resident for 4 years and works in the well being and security division of a maritime firm in Dubai.
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Shervan Shivesh Soogrim and Chanelle Dian Chattergoon Picture Credit score: Provided
“I am able to work remotely and get my salary. Thankfully, I bought my personal laptop during the holiday. I am not guaranteed any job security. While most of my managers are supportive of my situation, some are not as understanding of how it is to get work done around here,” Shivesh Soogrim stated.
Lodging is the household’s largest expense in Bali. The couple paid Dh7,500 for their lodging in April and Dh3,500 on meals and groceries. In Could, the couple moved to a different place for Dh3,800 and paid Dh2,000 on meals bills.
“I am using my basic salary to cover food, transport and accommodation costs in Bali. There is no saving,” Shivesh Soogrim advised DailyKhaleej.
The unique plan was for Chenelle to fly again to Dubai after the honeymoon on a 90-day vacationer visa. Nevertheless, in the present state of affairs, even when the UAE opens borders for residents, Shivesh Soogrim’s spouse can not fly again with him. “Trinidad borders are also closed and all flights stand cancelled,” he added.
Stuck in Turkey
Ryan Pyle, a Canadian nationwide, is a movie and tv host in Dubai with an workplace in Jumeirah Lakes Towers. A UAE resident since 2018, Pyle has been caught in Istanbul, Turkey, for eight weeks now.
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Ryan Perle Picture Credit score: Provided
He was filming for a TV sequence in Ethiopia when the UAE closed its borders on March 19. “I could have gone back to Canada, but wanted to stay in the Middle East where I could keep working in the same time zone as my main partners. I landed in Turkey because it was one of the few places I could travel to,” Pyle defined.
He’s not at risk of dropping his job however admits to his firm being in horrible monetary form. “The experience has been expensive. I was in a hotel in Istanbul for the first six weeks. Now, I have rented an apartment because this is looking like it will last much longer. The UAE has still not offered low interest or zero interest loans through financial institutions to small businesses like mine. I am still paying rent for my office in JLT. I have not received a rent holiday from my landlord,” he identified.
Pyle stated that small companies had been getting crushed in the lockdown. Nobody is commissioning new movie and tv work, he added.
“I am not interested in a repatriation flight. I will come back when Dubai and Emirates get back to work properly. I am not missing any work in Dubai, there is no work anywhere,” he added.
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eriechoblog · 5 years
The perfect look for Thanksgiving
Sometimes I would wonder what life really is? The life repeats day by day without change. And time goes on in its own way, we can’t seize anything but left behind by times. Fortunately, there are some memorial days or festivals which make certain days different from the rest days. Along with the weather is getting colder and colder, Thanksgiving Day is here now. 
It is precisely because Thanksgiving day is here that make Nov. 28th is special. It should be the day to dress up to make the days different from other days.
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This dress - it's a sweater dress and super soft and comfy. Bonus that it's loose so I can eat as much as I want! Really looking forward to the Thanksgiving dinner with my best friends, I wish I have the same appetite as Joey who can eat the whole turkey. It seems a site that is doing the clearance, sometimes you can get a wonderful dress with the price down to $2. Most surprising me is that there is a collection for over-stock, only paying the shipping fees is its rule. There are not many coats and jackets, but you can something valuable to look up.
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Now it’s time to talk about how to match this sweater dress, I think ankle boots would be the best choice. It keeps you warm but also charming enough to dress on.
I have to say this one is quite amazing, the shining crystal make me feel that I wear the stars in my feet. the Outsole is made of Rubber which is quite comfy to wear, also they were super cheap and look really cute.
Most of the shoes on Tiosebon are sneakers, but I still find these gorgeous boots, there are more sneakers that worth buying, you can search and see if you can find someone you like.
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The Fluffy Teddy Coat has been being popular since 2018. The Wide-waisted design, Wearing a denim jacket over anything is always great, and it’s loose enough for you to match more shirt insides to keep you warm after you outside. The price is also good enough to own, would be the first items on my wish list from Zaful.
I always buy a whole look to celebrate Thanksgiving Day every year. This dress would be perfect for Thanksgiving to give you a little extra wiggle room when you eat that second serving of stuffin’. If you feel cold, you can put on the Teddy coat to get warm and but also be an extra chic.
Thanksgiving Day should be spent with your best friends and families, I will always try to make myself look good, I feel like holidays are meant for a special dress. this persistence is related to a sense of ritual, so we can make life more interesting in the daily boring life.  Does your family do a casual or dressier Thanksgiving?
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bangkokjacknews · 5 years
Thai tourism industry and how the Thais are ruining it
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The Thai tourism industry has been suffering over recent years, despite the claims of the Tourist Authority of Thailand.
And this is largely the fault of the Thai people themselves and their behavior towards their fee paying guests. Recently a tourist who turned off a moped because he said it was too loud was left dripping in blood when the furious rider punched him in the back of the head, during a holiday in Thailand. This is typical behaviour for the average Thai man who specialise in the cowardly strike from behind on old men, or women, who have had one too many and are ill-prepared for such an assault. Often with a crash helmet or wooden club. You never see Thai men being 'offended' by young, fit and sober chaps. You won't find them attacking anybody who can defend themselves, even from behind and with a helmet. Instead, they run away. Last year Chiang Mai started a campaign to try and lure back Chinese tourists, whose visits have fallen significantly lately. The drop in visitor numbers is thought to be related to the Thais’ constant criticism of the Chinese on social media, causing the them to boycott Thailand. Why have Westerners stopped going? And this is something like the reason the Americans stopped going there in numbers a few years ago. And the British, Australians & Europeans. The attitude of the Thai authorities and, in some cases the population, towards their guests is driving people away. The fifteen-year prosperity, thanks to the wealth Westerners brought in by the billion that looked, only a few years ago, as if it would never end, may well be ending. Take a look at tourism over the last forty-years and a pattern emerges. In the 1970's the early package tours took wealth and prosperity to Spain's, previously undeveloped, Costa del Sol region. The Coast of the Sun was cheap, easy to reach, beautiful, unspoiled and safe. The Spanish welcomed new customers to their bars, taverns, hotels & beaches by the million. And, of course, the crooks moved in too. The pickpockets, the muggers, the taxi driver scams, the water-ski scammers (you damaged my ski, that's $50, gracias). Waiters watered down wine, shops short-changed. Every non Spaniard was an opportunity and the Spanish police were bought and paid for. In on it - up to the nail-bag. So were the authorities. Ugly hotels went up, the beautiful shoreline was ruined, the seawater polluted, condos were bought and never built. Now-famous time share scams were established. . Golf club memberships were sold, to courses that would never be played. Nightmares were had and tears flowed. Greed flourished and wealth changed hands. https://bangkokjack.com/2019/06/19/epidemic-tourist-death-in-thailand/ The Crooks Then the foreign crooks all moved in and gun-fights were common. Taxi drivers cheated, robbed and raped. And the tourists were all chased out of town. People just stopped going there. First the Americans left. Then the British and other Europeans. The Japanese, so affluent during the 1970's & 80's, stopped going. The Russians had a brief look around, after their borders opened in the 1990's, but it was too late for Spain by then. There was no way to change the attitudes of the people by that time. A whole generation had grown up thinking tourists in numbers had always been there, and always would be. But the Russians also found somewhere else to go before long. Spain then spent the next twenty-years with its collective arms out saying, 'where you go, please come back handsome man.' But no-one goes back there now. Not in any numbers anyway. Spain is broke. The money is gone. Buildings lay derelict and a decent condo can now be picked up from a bank for the price of a medium sized car. And it serves them right. Spain was onto a good thing in the 1980's. And they thought it would last forever. But people who are abused, everywhere they go in a country, just stop going there. The tourist dollar went to Greece instead during the 1990's and exactly the same thing happen there too. Now their elderly scavenge for food in street bins and you can buy a decent apartment in Athens for pocket change. But, who would? The gravy train pulled into Turkey next, for a brief while, until the same thing happened there and tourists were chased away by robbing, thieving locals who thought they knew a good thing when it walked past them at night. Who, in their right minds, would go on holiday to Turkey now? Fifteen years ago (or something) the same gravy train left western stations and pulled into Thailand. Is any of this sounding familiar yet? https://bangkokjack.com/2019/08/25/beer-t-shirts-illegal-thailand/ So what is going on? It doesn't take long for the so-called quality tourist to be driven out of town. Parts of Thailand today mirror the Costa Del Sol during the 1980's. And I don't just mean the once beautiful coastline through Naklua and Wongamat that is now so badly scarred by high-rise chicken boxes. And nor do I just mean the polluted seawater, thanks to cheap drainage. It is every baht bus driver who pulled away without giving change. It is every chicken vendor who charged the white face more than they saw the person before them pay. And all the gold stealing ladyboys in the dead of night and every traffic ticket that is issued unfairly. Your Man in the Orient - Albert Jack It is every motorbike taxi driver who beat up and robbed a drunk tourist instead of helping him home and every bar worker who added tabs to a bin. And the tour guides who refused to help a stranded tourist because 'he didn’t pay for a tour guide. Next time he come he pay for tour guide. He learn his lesson and more money for us. Why should we help him now?’ I will tell you why, my lovely. Because he isn't coming back. There is no next time. The next time his (or anybody he knows) cruise ship docks in Laem Chabang Port him and his wife will stay on board, in the casino, and not come to Pattaya or Bangkok. The next stop for them is Saigon. Because you think he 'learn his lesson' sitting, sweating like a farmer, outside Mike's Mall having missed his bus. And you won't take him back to the ship on your half-empty, air-conditioned, tour bus because 'he no pay for guide.' He learned his lesson alright. 'He no come back' - ever. That is why you should have given him a lift, and been nice. And multiply that example by tens of thousands. Hundreds of thousands. Maybe millions of times over the few short years the gravy train has been coming to Thailand. It is every single thing, big or small. Because every time anything like this happens someone goes home and tells all of their friends, on Facebook, ‘don’t go there, go somewhere else instead.’ Most Thais are lovely people Now, obviously I don't mean everybody in Thailand are mistreating their guests. I don't even imply it is anybody outside the tourist centres. It is not that many inside towns like Pattaya & Phuket either. But it is enough. The small minority that are causing people to go home with a bad experience. Just as it was in Spain, Greece and Turkey.. And the Thai police do nothing about these people. Instead the tourist is usually blamed in some way. In Thailand the paying customer is always wrong. And imagine those bad experiences being shared many hundreds of thousands of times by modern social media users in all corners of the world over the last five years. As it is in China, right now. https://bangkokjack.com/2018/11/05/thai-politics-red-shirts-yellow-shirts/   They just don't understand it do they The people seem unaware of any of this. Chiang Mai deputy governor Mongkol Suksai tried to calm feelings down in the province when he said 'it is just a significant difference between cultures which, on many occasions, we Thais are not accustomed to. That is why it is vital that we make them understand how Thai people are. It is our job to show them what is acceptable, and more importantly, what is inappropriate in Thai culture.’ I am afraid not, Mr Governor. You couldn't be more wrong than that. It is an Olympic gold medal effort in being wrong. Who the hell made you deputy governor? The Chinese, Indian and Arab tourists are the level you are at right now, in terms of visitor. They are the customer. They bring the money. This is what you are left to work with. Europe, America, Australia and Russia have all been chased out of town, to Vietnam perhaps. Hurried over the border. This is what Thailand have right now. It is you who must adapt your service to suit the Chinese. If you want them to keep coming. Because if you don't then your tour guides, who have all been learning Manderin over the last twelve months, had better start learning Arabic, Hindi and Urdu instead. And it will serve them right too. Because that is what is coming next. Just ask the Spanish, the Greeks or the Turks. (First published as 'Are Days Numbered for the Thai tourist industry - August 2016) Report by Albert Jack https://bangkokjack.com/2019/08/28/top-scams-in-thailand/   – – You can follow BangkokJack on Facebook, Minds & Twitter. Or join the free mailing list (top right) Please help us continue to bring the REAL NEWS - PayPal Read the full article
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wecityguidecom · 5 years
Antalya Airport Transportation Guide
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Antalya is one of the most touristic places in the world. Each year Antalya breaks its own tourist record. For example in 2019, tourist number increased more than %20 than in 2018, almost 15 million. Antalya is a very popular holiday destination for Russians and Germans. Based on these tourist numbers Antalya Airport becomes one the important airport in Turkey. You can fly to Antalya Airport from 327 different location in the world. Many world-class and low-fare airlines fly here. Antalya Airport is 7/24 living airport. In this post, you will find detailed information about how to go to Antalya city centre from Antalya Airport and other major locations like Belek, Side, Alanya, Kemer, Kaş, Fethiye and Ölüdeniz.
Where Is The Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport?
Did you get bored waiting for a long time to get to the city centre or other location from airports? I think the answer is quite clear, YES! You will love Antalya Airport. Because it is only 13 km away from Antalya city centre. It's fantastic when you came from a long flight. Antalya Airport is located just very east exit of the city. You can find the distance between a major touristic spot in Antalya and Antalya Airport below; Belek: 35 km Side: 64 km Alanya: 124 km Kemer: 58 km Kaş: 201 km Fethiye: 207 km Ölüdeniz: 213 km
Transportation Options From/To Antalya Airport to the Antalya City Center
Antalya Airport is a really good airport with its location and variety of public transportation options for passengers. you don't have to pay much to go to Antalya city centre or other touristic districts close to the Antalya. You will need an Antalya Card to use on public transport. You can buy the card from the airport. Also, In Antalya, if you have a contactless credit card you can use it to pay the ticket prices. For one adult, the ticket price is 3.20 Turkish Lira. Train Lines Unfortunately, Antalya has no train lines so its airport. There is planned high-speed rail line to the Antalya but it is still in the planning phase and construction will take at least 10 years. Metro and Tram Lines The population of Antalya is around 2.3 million but there is no active metro line. Instead, there is a light-rail system whose name is ANTRAY and it operated on 3 different line in the Antalya. Havalimanı - Meydan - Fatih line operated between Antalya Airport and Antalya city centre from 05.50 to 00.00. This line also has a stop at the main coach station. You can take national land local buses to go nearby locations like Adrasan, Kemer, Çirali. If you are planning to go Adrasan or Çirali please read this post. It will be helpful for you to plan your trip.
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One of the trams of ANTRAY (Source). Bus Lines Besides ANTRAY, There are two bus lines operates between Antalya Airport and Antalya city centre. The first line is number 600 which operates between Antalya Airport and main coach station. Buses will leave from the airport at 07.00 and every half an hour until midnight. Number 800 is the second line that operated between Antalya Airport and Sarısu district where is in the west side of the city on the Konyaaltı area. These buses will leave from the airport at each quarter past until 22.15. Generally, the tram line will cover your transportation need but buses will be an alternative.
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One of the buses of number 600 (Source). Havaş Buses Havaş is the oldest public transportation company of Turkey for airport transportations. From 1958, Havaş is carrying people to the different airports of Turkey like İzmir. Havaş operates on one line between Antalya Airport and Antalya city centre. Havaş buses leave the domestic terminal. If you come to Antalya from abroad don't forget to go to the domestic terminal. There are no fixed timetable for buses. Buses will leave when they get full. That won't take too long because of almost every 5 minutes a flight lands to the airport. If you want to come to the Antalya Airport from Antalya city center there is a fixed timetable. Buses will leave from 5M Migros Mall Parking Lot from at each hour between 04.00 and 22.00. The trip will take around 35 minutes and the ticket price is 12 Turkish Lira.
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Havaş buses are new, modern and comfortable (Source). Taxis You can always use taxis to go to Antalya city centre or Antalya Airport but it is not really necessary. Because ANTRAY and buses will be enough for you. If you had to use taxis don't forget to ask them the price for the trip before you get on. Private Transfer There are numerous agencies operating to the Antalya Airport from any point in Antalya and near touristic spots and same for from the airport. You can arrange your transfer before your arrival but always don't forget to ask for receipt and reservation confirmation.
Car Rental
If you want to be free during your travel in Antalya or the other touristic destinations renting a car is another options. There world-wide car rental companies in Antalya Airport like Garenta, Sixt, Avis, Budget, Hertz and Europcar, much more. It is possible to find them both domestic and international terminals.
Pros and Cons of The Airport
Pros New, modern, renovated and high-tech Ticket prices are lower than the Istanbul Airports Low-cost airlines Very easy to go to the city centre Close to the Belek, Alanya, Side and Kemer Major tram line Cons Not direct transportation to the Belek, Alanya, Side and Kemer (except private transfers)Antalya My suggestion for going to the İzmir city centre from the airport, use İZBAN. It is cheap, fast and offers you a small city tour. I hope you will enjoy your time in İzmir, feel free to ask anything about getting to the İzmir city centre from Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport. Read the full article
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tripstations · 5 years
5 beautiful destinations Pakistanis can travel to on a budget
From island escape­s, Easter­n Europe­an marvel­s and South-East Asian deligh­ts, inspir­e your inner wander­lust on a budget­
KARACHI: The global travel industry is growing and it’s growing fast. Not only that, more people are travelling now than ever before, thanks to cheaper flights and the ease of planning and booking a trip.
Add to this the new batch of travel bloggers on Instagram and you’ve got hundreds of people jetting off to places they had never heard of before. After all, it’s a most human thing to explore new horizons.
And statistics don’t lie. The travel and tourism sector grew more in 2018 than all other economic sectors, adding a record $8.8 trillion to the world’s combined Gross Domestic Product – up from $8.3 trillion in 2017. It created some 319 million new jobs as well, according to Forbes.
While Pakistan is expected get higher numbers of tourists thanks to the government’s support, what about Pakistanis wanting to go abroad? Everyone is surely feeling the rupee’s present standing against the dollar and this can make travel for Pakistanis at home very expensive.
But don’t worry, we have you covered. Here are our recommendations for some pretty lust-worthy destinations across the globe that will allow you to indulge your wanderlust without draining your pockets. Bon voyage!
Istanbul, the transcontinental escape
Turkey really offers the best of both worlds. Straddling Europe and Asia, its capital Istanbul is hailed as one of the greatest cities in the world with lots of history, heritage, culture and beauty to offer. Not to mention, the Turkish and Pakistanis love each other!
A single entry visa will cost you around Rs8,500 and flight tickets will be roughly Rs80,000 return during peak holiday seasons. Decent 3-star hotels are abundant, right next to the exquisite Sultan Ahmet Mosque. And then, there is the AirBnB option.
Best places to go: Grand Bazaar, Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace, Dolmabahce Palace, Taksim Square…need we go on?
Maldives – the water wonderland 
This island nation is the picture of paradise. Think bungalows hovering over turquoise waters, golden beaches and lots of scuba diving. Oh, and seriously Insta-worthy sunsets! How could you not want to travel to the Maldives?
The best thing is that this dream can be a reality because it’s surprisingly reasonable and also Muslim-friendly.
Located in the Arabian Sea, the capital Malé has a busy fish market, restaurants and shops on the main road, Majeedhee Magu, and 17th-century Hukuru Miskiy (also known as Friday Mosque) made of carved white coral. No wonder it’s a honeymoon staple.
Cheapest flight: Around Rs60,000.
Eastern Europe – the new it place 
You may not think Eastern Europe is cheap area but it actually is! If you want a unique travel experience that truly captivates, this entire region is the place for you.
Take Romania for example. Whatever you think this country is, it probably isn’t. The Transylvanian region, in particular, defies expectations with its quaint medieval towns and spectacular Carpathian mountain range. Many travel bloggers reiterate that it’s a beautiful country with great food and friendly people. The cheapest flight is around Rs60,000 (not to mention once you’re there, eating and sleeping is great value!), making it one of the most inexpensive countries to travel to for Pakistanis.
And, can we please talk about Ukraine. It’s on every traveller’s bucket list as of late and there are raving reviews about it. With flights starting from around Rs50,000, Ukraine is possibly one of the cheapest options for Pakistanis wanting to go beyond the Middle East.
Hotspots: The coastal city of Odessa on the Black Sea is a favourite, while the beautiful city of Lviv (close to the Polish border) is widely tipped as offering some of the best values for money in Europe.
5 Muslim countries that are trending holiday destinations this summer
Azerbaijan and Georgia – easy on the eyes and the wallets
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I burnt my hand in Georgia. . I was rushing to catch the 10 am Mashrukta (intercity mini-bus) from Tbilisi to Signagi. When I reached the bus stop, there was a 10-minute window. I bought some bananas for breakfast & coffee in a flimsy, small cup from a tiny window in a kiosk. I got into the minibus with low roof, my back bent, backpack on, bananas, wallet & phone in one hand and coffee cup in another. As I sat amongst two strangers, and tried to adjust my butt, I shook the coffee cup, it spilled a bit on my hand, it was so hot that in within a second, my instincts had me drop the entire thing, and then it spilled it on my right palm all the way to my right thigh, splashes on left hand; and couple splashes on the stranger sitting next to me. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I was first embarrassed on my clumsiness, then guilty for being late & rushing in the first place and then in pain. I had burnt my right palm and it was BURNING. The bus had started. It was a 2-hour ride to this small city, Signagni, reputed to be the city of love. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ And in burning pain I thought, holy mother of shits I need to see a doctor and finding a doctor in a small city I’m heading to for the first time! I was sure I’m gonna get huge blisters all over my palm and then I won’t be able to touch or hold anything and then the rest of the trip will be a waste. All thoughts crossed my head in the next 15 minutes. I felt like crying. The only thing that comforted me was the reminder that I was medically insured for such accidents, courtesy @jgi.pk (not an ad). ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Anyway, I kept a bundle of tissue paper soaked in water, between the palm of my hands, the entire journey. Suggested by the stranger next to me. And that did relieve me to some extent. I reached Signagi, the burning had calmed & I didnt feel the need to see a doctor. I looked at my coffee-stained dress, felt sad; but then I looked at the terra cotta roofs, amidst lush green hills and cobblestone streets of Signagi and I forgot the incident. I headed ahead to explore this tiny quaint town & make the most of my day! Ever spilled coffee & burnt yourself? Outfit courtesy: @qnhstore #Signagi #Georgia
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Travel Lifestyle (@girlwithgreenpassport) on Jun 11, 2019 at 8:52am PDT
Speaking of Eastern Europe, take Georgia for example. Where is it? Right next to the latest Pakistani travellers favourite, Azerbaijan. So  consider going to both countries together and explore this stunning region.
Georgia small country in the Caucasus – one you’ll probably be hearing more about it in the years to come. It all starts in the eccentric capital of Tbilisi. From there, be sure to explore the stunning Caucasian Mountain range, dip your feet in the Black Sea, and visit ancient hilltop monasteries (a few of them are inside caves!) all over the country.
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Welcome to Georgia. Sitting at the crossroads of Asia & Europe, but unfairly, the less talked about country, compared to its neighbouring Turkey. It swept me off my feet with its expansive sights, sounds, experiences and tastes. All of which, I had a heart full of in my 10 days. Tbilisi, the beating heart of the country sits in the lap of lush green hills. It is dotted with old Eurasian architecture on the slopes and decorated with modern and artistic glass shaped buildings and bridges in the centre. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Three hours north of the capital & I was in the midst of the Caucasus mountain. The tapestry changed. The little town of Kazbegi welcomed me first with its chilly mountain air & then warmed me with the hospitality. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ When I drove 2 hours east of Tbilisi, I was in Kaheti, the wine region of the country. Ask a local and they show you with pride, their traditional winemaking methods. With a curious set of eyes and ears, I learnt all I could about 8000-year-old Georgian winemaking tradition. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Three hours west of Tbilisi, I reached one of the oldest cities in Europe, Kutaisi. The highlight was the locals I met; they were even more friendly and had all the time in the world for conversations. They enjoyed learning about Pakistan from me as I did about Georgia from them. Nature swayed me even more, as I visited the canyons nearby Kutaisi. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The only thought I had throughout my visit, is that this country deserves more limelight than it has! There is so much I want to pour out, but I gotta save some for upcoming posts. Are you guys with me? Pls let me know what do you want me to tell about the country? . : Old town Tbilisi (picture taken via self timer & remote)
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Travel Lifestyle (@girlwithgreenpassport) on May 28, 2019 at 5:10am PDT
As for Azerbaijan, the capital Baku is an obvious must.  There’s so much you can pack in a few days, including the ultra-modern Heydar Aliyev Center.
Flights: Cheapest air-tickets to either or of these countries are around Rs45,000, usually with one stop somewhere in the Middle East.
Vietnam – a different kind of South East Asia
Forget Thailand and Sri Lanka right now because Vietnam is all that it’s about these days. And for good reason too. From the beautiful chaos of Hanoi’s Old Quarter to the serene Hoi An riverfront adorned with coloured lanterns, this is truly a country full of contrasts.
But Vietnam is not for the faint-hearted. If adventure is what you’re about, be prepared for crazy weather cycles and off-beat exotic scenery. Alas, it’s also among the cheapest places in Asia: eat local and you’ll struggle to spend more than a few hundred rupees per meal. A round trip ticket is around Rs87,000.
What to do: There are a myriad of pristine beaches, such as Mango Bay and Halong Bay. Don’t forget to explore rice-farming mountains where you can go caving. Adventure sports on the beaches are also a must.
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jeromenathen · 6 years
Book your holiday to Turkey NOW as hotspot becomes even cheaper for Britons
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TURKEY holidays are currently much cheaper for UK tourists as the lira hits a record low against the pound - making now the best time to book a trip to the hotspot. from Daily Express :: Travel Feed https://www.express.co.uk/travel/articles/1001604/turkey-holidays-cheap-2018-antalya-exchange-rate-lira
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searchaholiday-blog · 6 years
Find the Best Turkey Holiday Deals on Search A Holiday at low cost. Book today cheap holidays to turkey under ABTA & ATOL Protection. For more information call us +44 203 883 8247.
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besthoneymoontour · 7 years
Europe group tour package
Best Budget Europe group trip packages: “Fill your life with adventures, not things. Have stories to tell not stuff to show”. The material is intermittent but..Read More http://www.europegrouptrip.com/blog/2017/10/10/best-budget-europe-group-trip-packages/
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wecityguidecom · 5 years
Antalya Airport Transportation Guide
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Antalya is one of the most touristic places in the world. Each year Antalya breaks its own tourist record. For example in 2019, tourist number increased more than %20 than in 2018, almost 15 million. Antalya is a very popular holiday destination for Russians and Germans. Based on these tourist numbers Antalya Airport becomes one the important airport in Turkey. You can fly to Antalya Airport from 327 different location in the world. Many world-class and low-fare airlines fly here. Antalya Airport is 7/24 living airport. In this post, you will find detailed information about how to go to Antalya city centre from Antalya Airport and other major locations like Belek, Side, Alanya, Kemer, Kaş, Fethiye and Ölüdeniz.
Where Is The Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport?
Did you get bored waiting for a long time to get to the city centre or other location from airports? I think the answer is quite clear, YES! You will love Antalya Airport. Because it is only 13 km away from Antalya city centre. It's fantastic when you came from a long flight. Antalya Airport is located just very east exit of the city. You can find the distance between a major touristic spot in Antalya and Antalya Airport below; Belek: 35 km Side: 64 km Alanya: 124 km Kemer: 58 km Kaş: 201 km Fethiye: 207 km Ölüdeniz: 213 km
Transportation Options From/To Antalya Airport to the Antalya City Center
Antalya Airport is a really good airport with its location and variety of public transportation options for passengers. you don't have to pay much to go to Antalya city centre or other touristic districts close to the Antalya. You will need an Antalya Card to use on public transport. You can buy the card from the airport. Also, In Antalya, if you have a contactless credit card you can use it to pay the ticket prices. For one adult, the ticket price is 3.20 Turkish Lira. Train Lines Unfortunately, Antalya has no train lines so its airport. There is planned high-speed rail line to the Antalya but it is still in the planning phase and construction will take at least 10 years. Metro and Tram Lines The population of Antalya is around 2.3 million but there is no active metro line. Instead, there is a light-rail system whose name is ANTRAY and it operated on 3 different line in the Antalya. Havalimanı - Meydan - Fatih line operated between Antalya Airport and Antalya city centre from 05.50 to 00.00. This line also has a stop at the main coach station. You can take national land local buses to go nearby locations like Adrasan, Kemer, Çirali. If you are planning to go Adrasan or Çirali please read this post. It will be helpful for you to plan your trip.
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One of the trams of ANTRAY (Source). Bus Lines Besides ANTRAY, There are two bus lines operates between Antalya Airport and Antalya city centre. The first line is number 600 which operates between Antalya Airport and main coach station. Buses will leave from the airport at 07.00 and every half an hour until midnight. Number 800 is the second line that operated between Antalya Airport and Sarısu district where is in the west side of the city on the Konyaaltı area. These buses will leave from the airport at each quarter past until 22.15. Generally, the tram line will cover your transportation need but buses will be an alternative.
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One of the buses of number 600 (Source). Havaş Buses Havaş is the oldest public transportation company of Turkey for airport transportations. From 1958, Havaş is carrying people to the different airports of Turkey like İzmir. Havaş operates on one line between Antalya Airport and Antalya city centre. Havaş buses leave the domestic terminal. If you come to Antalya from abroad don't forget to go to the domestic terminal. There are no fixed timetable for buses. Buses will leave when they get full. That won't take too long because of almost every 5 minutes a flight lands to the airport. If you want to come to the Antalya Airport from Antalya city center there is a fixed timetable. Buses will leave from 5M Migros Mall Parking Lot from at each hour between 04.00 and 22.00. The trip will take around 35 minutes and the ticket price is 12 Turkish Lira.
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Havaş buses are new, modern and comfortable (Source). Taxis You can always use taxis to go to Antalya city centre or Antalya Airport but it is not really necessary. Because ANTRAY and buses will be enough for you. If you had to use taxis don't forget to ask them the price for the trip before you get on. Private Transfer There are numerous agencies operating to the Antalya Airport from any point in Antalya and near touristic spots and same for from the airport. You can arrange your transfer before your arrival but always don't forget to ask for receipt and reservation confirmation.
Car Rental
If you want to be free during your travel in Antalya or the other touristic destinations renting a car is another options. There world-wide car rental companies in Antalya Airport like Garenta, Sixt, Avis, Budget, Hertz and Europcar, much more. It is possible to find them both domestic and international terminals.
Pros and Cons of The Airport
Pros New, modern, renovated and high-tech Ticket prices are lower than the Istanbul Airports Low-cost airlines Very easy to go to the city centre Close to the Belek, Alanya, Side and Kemer Major tram line Cons Not direct transportation to the Belek, Alanya, Side and Kemer (except private transfers)Antalya My suggestion for going to the İzmir city centre from the airport, use İZBAN. It is cheap, fast and offers you a small city tour. I hope you will enjoy your time in İzmir, feel free to ask anything about getting to the İzmir city centre from Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport. Read the full article
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centralparkpawsblog · 5 years
Royal Canin vs. Blue Buffalo
Yesterday I picked up another bag of prescription dog food from my vet office.
Sophie and Calvin have severe food allergies and require a hypoallergenic prescription diet.
We are currently paying $3.63 per pound of food, which gets pretty expensive for three dogs.
To make things easier, I’ve always just fed all the dogs the same food, but recently I’ve considered changing Ginger’s kibble since she doesn’t require a special diet.
I’m not considering putting her on “cheap” food but instead trying a food that is high quality yet less expensive.
I’ve not made the transition yet, as I am still in the research phase. I want to keep Ginger on a food that contains grains until more information is discovered regarding the grain-free diet’s impact on heart disease.
Ginger is 7-years old, reasonably active, and maintains a healthy weight. She had surgery on her femur when she was nine months old. So, early arthritis is almost guaranteed.
The food I am looking for should include Omega-3 fatty acids, glucosamine, and chondroitin, as well as being rich in healthy lean proteins to promote healthy muscles.
Can either Blue Buffalo or Royal Canin provide the food my dog needs?
Blue Buffalo’s Company History
Blue Buffalo was inspired by a dog named, you guessed it, Blue.
Blue was Bill Bishop’s beloved Airedale.
Mr. Bishop’s interest in dog food was prompted after Blue had been diagnosed with cancer.
Though Blue Buffalo grew into a large pet food company, it remained a family-owned business until 2018 when General Mills purchased the company.
Blue Buffalo’s 3 Best Sellers:
Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula
Blue Buffalo Wilderness High Protein
Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula Small Breed
Interested in learning more about Blue Buffalo? Check out our other comparisons against Purina Pro Plan, Nutro, Fromm, Taste of the Wild, and Merrick as well as our review of their brand in general. 
Royal Canin’s Company History
Royal Canin was established in France in 1968 by a veterinarian Jean Cathary.
During Cathary’s career, he came to believe that food greatly impacted an animal’s health.
The first recipe created by Cathary was called “yellow soup[1]“, which was a canine formula.
Over the years, Royal Canin was purchased multiple times, continuing to grow and becoming a global brand.
As Royal Canin expanded, so did the variety of foods they offered.
In 2002 they joined the MARS team and still remain a part of that company.
Royal Canin’s 3 Best Sellers:
Royal Canin Health Nutrition Small Adult Dry Dog Food
Royal Canin Size Health Nutrition Mini Puppy Dry Dog Food
Royal Canin Size Health Nutrition Medium Adult Dry Dog Food
Interested in learning more about the Royal Canin brand? Check out our other comparison against Acana as well as our review of their Urinary SO dry dog food. 
Both brands have recalled some of their dog food products, for various reasons.
Royal Canin Recalls
In the last 12 years, Royal Canin had 2 recalls in 2007, both about melamine contamination.
Since 2007, Royal Canin has not had any other recalls.
Click the plus symbol for a complete list of Royal Canin’s recalls.
Royal Canin Recall List
May 2007
There were eight Sensible Choice dry dog foods and six Kasco dry dog foods impacted in this recall. The recall was initiated due to melamine being found in the food, “…from tainted Chinese rice protein concentrate provided to the company by domestic ingredient supplier Cereal Byproducts, headquartered in Illinois[2]”.
Sensible Choice Foods impacted in the recall:
Chicken and Rice Adult (Dry Dog Food)
Chicken and Rice Reduced (Dry Dog Food)
Lamb and Rice Reduced (Dry Dog Food)
Chicken and Rice Puppy (Dry Dog Food)
Chicken and Rice Large Breed Puppy (Dry Dog Food)
NATURAL BLEND Adult (Dry Dog Food)
NATURAL BLEND Senior (Dry Dog Food)
NATURAL BLEND Puppy (Dry Dog Food)
KASCO Foods impacted in the recall:
Chunks (Dry Dog Food)
Hi Energy (Dry Dog Food)
Maintenance (Dry Dog Food)
Mealettes (Dry Dog Food)
Mini Chunks (Dry Dog Food)
Puppy (Dry Dog Food)
April 2007
There were seven dog foods related to this recall, two of which were prescription foods[3].
The recall was due to melamine found in the rice protein they use in the foods.
Royal Canin Veterinary Diet Dry Dog Food:
Canine Early Cardiac EC 2
Canine Skin Support SS21
Sensible Choice Dry Dog Food:
Chicken Meal & Rice Formula Senior
Lamb Meal & Rice Formula Puppy
Lamb Meal & Rice Formula Adult
Lamb Meal & Rice Formula Senior
Rice & Catfish Meal Formula Adult
  Blue Buffalo Recalls
Blue Buffalo has had seven recalls in the last 12 years.
Click the plus symbol for a complete list of Blue Buffalo’s recalls.
Blue Buffalo Recall List
March 2017
Only one wet food was included in this recall, which was due to high levels of beef thyroid hormones in the food[4].
Blue Wilderness Rocky Mountain Recipe Red Meat Dinner Wet Food
February 2017
Only a single variety of canned dog food was involved in this recall. The recall was initiated due to possible aluminum contamination[5].
Blue Buffalo Homestyle Recipe Healthy Weight, Chicken Dinner with Garden Vegetables, 12.5 ounce can
February 2017
This recall was based on a packaging error[6].
The foil tops of these foods had quality issues.
There were 13 Blue Devine Delights in the 3.5 oz cup and 4 Blue Wilderness Trail Trays affected.
Blue Divine Delights impacted in the recall:
Filet Mignon Flavor in Gravy
New York Strip Flavor in Gravy
Prime Rib Flavor in Gravy
Rotisserie Chicken Flavor in Gravy
Filet Mignon Flavor
Porterhouse Flavor
Grilled Chicken Flavor
Top Sirloin Flavor
Angus Beef Flavor
Roasted Turkey Flavor
Bacon, Egg, and Cheese
Sausage, Egg and Cheese Flavor
Steak and Egg Flavor
Blue Wilderness Trail Trays impacted in the recall:
Duck Grill
Beef Grill
Chicken Grill
Turkey Grill
May 2016
Blue Buffalo voluntarily recalled one of their Life Protection formulas due to high moisture and possible mold content[7].
Life Protection Formula Impacted:
30 lb Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula Fish & Sweet Potato
November 2015
Only one lot of one dog chew variety was impacted in this recall, which was due to possible salmonella contamination[8].
Cub Size Wilderness Wild Chews Bones
October 2010
Three dog food varieties were part of this recall, which was due to a possible excess of Vitamin D[9].
Dry Dog Foods impacted in the recall:
5 lb, 11 lb, 24 lb Blue Wilderness Chicken Flavor dry dog food
11 lb, 24 lb Blue Basics Limited Ingredient Formula Salmon and Potato Recipe dry dog food
30lb Blue Life Protection Formula Natural Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe Large Breed Adult dog food
April 2007
This recall is the same one that impacted Royal Canin, due to melamine contamination[10].
All of Blue Buffalo’s Canned Dog Foods, as well as the Blue Dog Treats, were recalled.
  What’s Important When Choosing a Dog Food?
Specific to your Dog
Health – GI issues such as chronic pancreatitis or irritable bowel disease, Heart or Kidney Disease, Allergies, and so on
Energy Level
Specific to the Dog Food
Dog food company’s reputation
Where the ingredients are sourced
Where the food is manufactured
Comparison of Blue Buffalo vs Royal Canin
  Winner: Blue Buffalo   
Blue Buffalo wins because the company offers multiple protein options.
Additionally, Blue Buffalo’s recipes contain superfood ingredients like kelp, blueberries, and turmeric.
Many of Blue Buffalo recipes have also been enhanced with probiotics to improve digestive health.
Royal Canin is a chicken and grain focused food.
Though it lacks in protein variety, it does contain essential ingredients such as beet pulp, fish oil, and glucosamine.
  Winner: Royal Canin   
Royal Canin has both retail and veterinary food lines.
As for the retail options, there is a specific recipe for:
Specific breeds
Special needs like weight management, digestive sensitivities, and stress support
Each category contains several options. There are over 80 retail varieties.
Blue Buffalo also has a wide variety of food lines, including a veterinary line:
BLUE Life Protection Formula
BLUE Freedom
BLUE Basics
BLUE Wilderness
BLUE Carnivora
BLUE Natural Veterinary Food
But Blue Buffalo lacks breed-specific varieties and some other options Royal Canin covers.
  Winner: Blue Buffalo (Almost a Tie)   
It was close, but Blue Buffalo came out on top, despite averaging $2.21/pound.
Though the per pound price is slightly higher, the superfoods added to the recipes put this one on top.
Royal Canin is a well-priced food averaging $2.09/ pound.
Royal Canin is high-quality food, but there is a lack of superfoods on the ingredient list.
  Winner: Blue Buffalo   
Both foods are equal when it comes to online shopping.
However, Blue Buffalo can be found at all large pet stores, pet boutique shops, large hardware stores, and grocery markets.
Royal Canin can be seen in most pet stores, both large and boutique, but it is not a brand found in non-pet retail stores.
Shop Blue Buffalo at Amazon
Shop Blue Buffalo at Chewy
Shop Royal Canin at Amazon
Shop Royal Canin at   Chewy
  Winner: Royal Canin   
This was another close competition, but Royal Canin was the winner.
No one snubbed Blue Buffalo, but when given the option between the two, my dogs chose Royal Canin.
  Winner: Blue Buffalo   
Blue Buffalo is the clear winner.
Blue Buffalo is involved in four community programs.
Pet Cancer Awareness[11]
Sierra Delta Service Dogs for Heroes[12]
Canine Cancer Genome Project[13]
Shelter Stars/Home 4 the Holidays[14]
  Winner: Blue Buffalo   
Blue Buffalo is the overall winner; it is well priced and available at far more retailers than Royal Canin.
Although Royal Canin won the variety category, Blue Buffalo still has more options than many other dog food lines.
However, there are few other situations I felt it is worth mentioning that one food would be more optimal than the other:
Breed Specific Winner: Royal Canin
Giant Breed Winner: Royal Canin
Non-Prescription Hypo-Allergenic Food Winner: Blue Buffalo
Final Thoughts
Both foods have their strengths and are commonly well received.
However, the number of recalls associated with Blue Buffalo gives me pause.
There haven’t been any recalls in the last two years, but they do carry more recalls than several other companies. This is not to say they are a bad company, but it is noteworthy.
Royal Canin is a brand carried by most veterinary clinics, which makes me more comfortable with this brand.
However, the lack of a variety of proteins and the overall ingredient list makes me wonder if it is the best choice.
Rarely is protein the first ingredient on the list, which is reflected in a lower protein percentage.
At this point, neither of the foods is precisely what I am looking for, so it appears I will need to continue my search.
The post Royal Canin vs. Blue Buffalo appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/dog-food/royal-canin-vs-blue-buffalo/
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businessliveme · 5 years
Why Cider Should Be the Official Drink of Thanksgiving
(Bloomberg) –For most families, the Thanksgiving menu is set in stone, with idiosyncratic food traditions that are practically sacred.
The complicated part of planning has always been deciding what to drink, something people seem to start worrying about weeks in advance. I’m a staunch believer in drinking American on this U.S. holiday, and wine has always been my go-to choice, with bottles of the latest craft beers thrown in for those who shun the grape.
This year, though, I’m taking the American theme even farther and embracing cider, which dates back to the Mayflower, which carried a cider press and apple seeds to the New World. New York’s first apple tree was planted by its last Dutch administrator, Peter Stuyvesant, at the corner of what is now Third Avenue and 13th Street, a fact I learned from the informative drink menu at Terroir Tribeca, which has a superb cider selection.
Happily, the cider revival that started a decade or so ago (sales are up 500% since 2011) means there are more stellar, sophisticated examples than ever. They come from more than 1,000 cideries in just about every state, according to Michelle McGrath, executive director of the U.S. Cider Association, so the drink really does reflect our country’s diversity.
Read More: 12 Best Fast-Casual Lunches in New York, From Top World Cuisines
True cider isn’t that sweet, pasteurized stuff that comes in jugs sold in supermarket vegetable aisles. The real stuff has alcohol. Real cider is made from fermented fruit juice, just as wine is, and has similar dimensions of acidity, tannin, sweetness, and body. It comes in a wide variety of styles, from sparkling to sweet. As with grapes, apple varieties number in the thousands, each offering different taste nuances.
And cider fulfills my main Thanksgiving drink requirement, big time: versatility. Easygoing, crisp, fruity, with little tannin or oak, it complements everything from the complex savory flavors and rich textures of stuffing to the tart-sweet bite of cranberry sauce, earthy yams, salty gravy, and, of course, the turkey. Cider also has enough refreshing acidity to perk up palates through an entire day of cooking, greeting, eating, and watching football. Many are effervescent, which adds to the atmosphere of celebration.
Then there’s the added attraction of lower alcohol. Most ciders, whether sparkling or still, are in the 6% to 8% alcohol by volume range, about half that of wine. (That’s even more important in a high-politics year, when you’re trying to avoid the kind of arguments that arise after everyone has downed too much booze.)
Oh, and did I mention that cider, unlike beer, is gluten-free?
As great as they are for Thanksgiving, the difficulty in picking ciders is navigating the flavor-style spectrum, which ranges from bone-dry to super sweet and from funky rustic to so elegant it could almost be mistaken for white wine.
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And as with wine, a cider’s taste depends heavily on the apple varieties used. The most interesting ones are made by small farms from blends of historic varieties classified as bittersweet or bitter-sharp, meaning they’re unpleasant to eat, with names you’ve probably never heard of, such as Esopus Spitzenburg.
Modern cider makers are also experimenting with single varietal cuvees, fermenting with wild yeasts, barrel aging, and wine-cider blends, and adding hops and other flavors such as maple syrup, mint, and even jalapeños. Some are jumping on the rosé bandwagon, by using red-fleshed apples.
When it comes to price, don’t expect these artisanal ciders to be cheap. A 500 ml bottle of Aaron Burr’s Malus Baccata will set you back $130, because it’s rare. Maker Andy Brennan spent several years foraging wild Siberian Crab apples, and it takes 10,000 of these pea-sized fruits to make a single bottle. Fortunately, most artisan ciders cost less than $25 for a 500 ml bottle.
Angry Orchard, produced by the Boston Beer Co., makers of the ubiquitous Sam Adams beer and Truly hard seltzer, is one of the most widely available big brands. The company’s ciders aren’t for artisanal purists, but their annual Walden Hollow release may surprise you.
A few thoughts on serving: 1) Don’t chill ciders too much, or you’ll mask their aromas and flavors; 2) Pour into tulip-shaped wine glasses for the best effect. Here are some of the best bottles to look out for.
Nine Great American Ciders
Aaron Burr Appinette (750 ml, $27)
Wine-ciders are very traditional and food-friendly. This crowd pleaser blends foraged apples and traminette grapes. It’s sharp, dry, and loaded with personality and earthy-fruity flavors, and it has a gentle sparkle like a pét-nat.
Brooklyn Cider House Raw (750 ml, $10)
From Brooklyn’s first cidery, this is an American cider inspired by those from Spain’s Basque country. It’s pale and light—ideal as an aperitif—with crisp green apple and citrus flavors and zingy acidity.
Drew Family Brut Cider Sur le Mer (750 ml, $20)
The Drew winery in Mendocino, Calif., is known for its award-winning pinot noirs, but the organic estate also has an orchard of 60-year-old heirloom apple trees. This fresh, salty, sparkling cider is made according to the traditional Champagne method.
2015/2016 Eve’s Cidery Autumn’s Gold Sparkling (750 ml, $18; magnums, $30)
This frothy classic from New York’s Finger Lakes was made by one of the leaders of the cider revival. Broad, rich, and moderately tart, it has smoky, fruity flavors and a long finish. (Also, look for their gulp-able still cider, 2018 Albee Hill.)
It takes eight pounds of apples to make one 375 ml bottle of this sweet, amber-colored Vermont elixir with honeyed flavors of caramel and dried apricots. It pairs well with pumpkin and apple pie. Also, look for Eden’s off-dry Imperial 11 degree Rosé.
Farnum Hill Kingston Black Reserve Extra Dry Still Cider (750 ml, $23)
This cider is made from a single varietal, Kingston Black. It’s a bitter-sharp apple, which translates into a cider with high tannin and acid levels. New Hampshire’s Farnum Hill makes it into a serious, earthy example, with a rich texture and aromas that smell like fall.
2018 Floral Terranes Surburban Moraines Still (500 ml, $22)
This two-year-old Long Island, N.Y., cidery produces several ciders from apples that are mostly foraged from backyards, parks, and abandoned orchards. Easy drinking and wine-like, it has bright, clear aromas, subtle fruit, and the acidity to perk up taste buds throughout dinner.
Read: The World’s Best Restaurants 2019
2014 Redbyrd Orchard Cider Celeste Sur Lie (750 ml, $27)
Super dry, brioche-scented, and made by the same method as Champagne, this barrel-fermented cider comes from a biodynamic cidery in the Finger Lakes. A creamy-rich texture helps it stand up to rich food.
Sonoma is a hotbed of cider producers bent on saving the local heirloom Gravenstein apple from the threat of more pinot vines. This cider blends 50% Gravensteins with such other bittersweet apples as Muscat de Bernay. Expect savory flavors of damp earth and ripe apple, with enough richness for roast turkey.
The post Why Cider Should Be the Official Drink of Thanksgiving appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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