#Chelonoidis denticulata
coyotydave · 1 year
Yellow-footed Tortoise by Coyoty Via Flickr: Chelonoidis denticulata. At the Pittsburgh Zoo in Pittsburgh, PA.
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Os jabutis são répteis que fazem parte da Ordem Testudines, da família Testudinidae (como as tartarugas e os cágados) e do gênero Chelonoidis.
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Na América do Sul, podemos encontrar quatro espécies de jabutis: Chelonoidis chilensis, Chelonoidis nigra, Chelonoidis carbonaria e Chelonoidis denticulata. É recomendado que 85% da dieta deste animal sejam verduras e vegetais, 10% de frutas e 5% de proteína animal, como insetos, carne moída crua e ovos cozidos com casca, Também é fundamental que a dieta desse animal seja rica em cálcio para manter a estrutura ósssea.
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collectiveofanimals · 8 years
Chelonoidis denticulata, Guyane by Matthieu Berroneau
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tortus-blog · 4 years
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Yellow foot Tortoise - Chelonoidis denticulata via /r/tortoise By:dailyells - https://ift.tt/2xGQNYv
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collectiveofanimals · 8 years
Yellow-footed tortoise by Andrew Snyder Via Flickr: Yellow-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis denticulata) from Iwokrama, Guyana.
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collectiveofanimals · 8 years
Chelonoidis denticulata by Camila Rodriguez
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collectiveofanimals · 8 years
Chelonoidis denticulata
Chelonoidis denticulata by Frank Deschandol
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collectiveofanimals · 8 years
Yellow-Footed Tortoise
Chelonoidis denticulata
Chelonoidis translates into turtle-like, while denticulata means little tooth.
Family:  Testudinidae (Tortoises)
Fun Fact: “ Bizarrely, soil, sand and pebbles are also consumed; these abrasive objects presumably assist the digestion of foods, as this tortoise has a tendency to swallow foods whole.” (Arkive)
Habitat: They are endemic to rainforests of the Amazon basin, and introduced to Dominca. 
Ecosystem Role: They help control populations of artrhopods and gastropods, while also eating many parts of various plants. 
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
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