#Chibi Usa and Hotaru
sailor-moon-rei · 1 year
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by jiji_zizidolce // part 1
art republished with artist’s permission  
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lcdyserenity · 9 months
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Chibiusa in S, Super S and Sailor Stars DVD covers
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moonlightsdreaming · 1 year
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Sailor Moon Cosmos | 2023.06.09 + 2023.06.30
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highqueensofanime · 2 months
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senshi-moon-empire · 3 months
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phoenixgalactic513 · 13 days
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Chibiusa Redraw
Holis ^W^ ¿cómo andan, todo bien? hoy les traigo un redraw de chibiusa :D me gusto el resultado final y espero que a ustedes también les guste. Si quieren un redraw de algún otro personaje u otro anime escríbanlo en los comentarios :3. Los quiero mucho cuídense :3
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perryseity · 2 days
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i needed to draw hotaru and chibi-usa for my button designs so i was like why not draw them... together...
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cakeshifter · 9 months
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thequietkid-moonie · 3 months
The glimpse of a lost memory about someone that doesn't exist anymore
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[ Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon / Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon ]
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Okay, i can't believe I made myself cry after reading it once it was done! I think i put waaaay to much heart on this
I really REALLY hope you like it as much as I did, my dear reader ! ❤️
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It all started by just a simple dream, it wasn't the first time Usagi dream with someone calling out for her, it happened before she became a Sailor Scout, but this time it felt different, it wasn't like if that person was calling for her to try and reach her, if was more like if it were someone greeting her, happy to see her again, and whenever she wake up she felt rather melancholic
The first time Usagi tried to just brush it off, but soon it started to happen more and more, every time it was diferent scenarios and diferent places but what never changed was the person talking to her, someone she can't reconize, she can't even see their face but know that is smiling at her, it was too weird, but what it was more weird it was how happy and comforted she felt on that dreams
Soon she will end up telling her friends about it, probably just because she was too distracted with all of this that it had became obvious for everyone, Usagi tried to brush it off but it was of no use since they know her too well, and at the end she finally tells them about the weird dreams she have been having lately, and for her surprised everyone agreed to have those dreams too, for everyone was different but what never changed was the person talking to them, even Mamoru had a few dreams with someone who talked to him with respect but treat him as family
Everyone start to worry about it, they would prefer to don't take it as something bad imediatly but it wasn't imposible to be some kind of trick from their enemies, so everyone decided to investigate more about it, looking for any posible enemies that were trying to trick them into something, or maybe it was just the inmense curiosity everyone were feeling, they needed a reason for that strange melancholic they feel for those dreams
But not matter what they do, at the end there was no threaten, only the feeling of melancholic, like if they had lost something and now they were missing it, it was so confusing, Makoto, Rei and Minako were the ones growing more frustrated for not reaching any answer to what the hell was happening, they want to be ready for any posible future threating but this was too strange and yet it felt so familiar
At some point Michiru, Haruka, Setsuna and Hotaru get involved too, it is normal for them to step in if there is any posible threaten to their princess but they were pretty much in the same position at the rest, the feeling of missing something and some weird dreams of someone they don't reconize, however their role when they were on the Moon Kingdom were far different from the others and they are more aware than the other sailor scouts about what happened, so they are a little more aware about this situation, somehow knowing that it isn't a bad thing, in fact is the opposite
Now being all together on this it would make things easier for them to try to find answers, using all their recurses and powers together to try to find out who is that person that they can't remember but always smile at them. Even when it was dificult they had came way too far to back off now, feeling a curiousity grow by the shared feeling of lost and missing, the more they go deeper by trying to remember the more sadness start to grow in their hearts, it was so strange but make them think that this was far more important from what they thought
The answers they were searching for were finally reveled when they finally reached the spot where they had lost what they were missing, in one of the rooms of the the ruins of the castle of the moon they were able to find the remains of a dead star that leave behind only their feelings, their wish of a greater future, barely noticeable but still somehow intense
The memories slowly started to came to them again, it was you the one that was being missing, that one comforting presence that make them feel melancholic. Still without being able to fully to see your face they started to remember the day they met you, a shooting star that came to the moon kingdom, motivated by pure love you wanted to serve the royal family and fight along side with the greatest warriors that were the sailor scouts, your comforting presence was even able to be felt even for those who were so far away, you used to always look at the vast universe in their direction, sending them a smile hoping they won't feel too lonely
You became their friend and confident, become part of the group and spend a long time with them, caring and helping all of them at the best of your habilities, trying your best to teach the princess what you had to offer, even when that bring you problems since you were the one to teach her to travel to earth. You laughed with them and cried with them so long ago, you cared for them and cover their backs on battles, you were there to fight along side with them to protect the kingdom and the princess, you were also there to watch how the pince Endymion sacrificed himself to save your princess and to see your princess take her own life, you were there to cry for their dead and slowly see the kingdom fall into the deepest sadness, to see the kingdom slowly perish by the aftermath of the war
You had came to serve the princess because of love and that love was the one who motivated you to try your best until the very end, people always said that shooting stars were able to make wishes come true and you were determinated to do that, you didn't care about the price you'll have to pay, you had made your choise and decided to use your power to make your wish come true. But your wish was not only too ambicious but it was also taboo for a shooting star to use their power to make their own wish come true, but you didn't care
So, with all your determination you used all your power (and you even had to use your connection with the other sailor scouts, taking a little bit of their power to help you, just hoping they wouldn't mind), concentrating all your power, putting all your heart and mind to ask for your wish, you asked to please give your beloved friends and princess, the people you consider your family, a second chance to be together
Using all your power and strength you were able to make sure that someday somehow all of them would be able to met again and live together in the planet your beloved princess used to love so much, but, sadly, you won't be able to be in that future that you wished with all your heart, to make your own wish come true you had to consume not only all your power but also your entire existance, you had to return to your purest form as a star to let it happen, but you wouldn't mind, as long you assure that they have a future then you didn't mind giving your life for it
And then, on that last glimpse of memory the recovered they were finally able to see your face, smiling brightly as your body slowly start to fade away, whispering your last goodbye to them and wishing them a bright future before you become nothing but a light that were slowly foing out
It was more than what they expected, and it hit them harder than what they would guess, they were able to remember you only to lose you again, even if they wanted there was no way making you return, your existance have been extinct for so long ago, leaving behind only your love impress on that wish thay will make them company and protect them forever
The melancholy quickly become a deep sadness and a terrible feeling of missing you, now that they remember all that they lived with you they can't stop the tears from falling, even those that never had the pleasure to met you in person can feel an emptiness in their hearts and the lack of your comforting presence, even Mamoru, who had spent little time with you and in really bad circumstances remember that comforting smile you give him when he came to the moon or the horrified expression in your face when he was hurt, he even remember your voice calling out for him before he died as the prince Endymion
You knew that there was a high posibility that you'll be forgotten and yet you didn't care, for you it was fine as long as they could live happily all together, just as they all wanted, but now that they had remember you all of them promised to never forget you again, even if you can't heard them anymore, even if you won't be able to smile at them again they will not forget you ever again, living in your honor and carrying the memories close to their heart, forever grateful for your sacrifice
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msmoonlights · 9 months
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thefloatingstone · 6 months
Sailor Moon Questions: Why is Mamoru the worst part? Is it a Kaiden Alenko sort of thing or did you inherit Kunihiko Ikuhara's dislike maybe? Also, what about PGSM gets past your dislike of live action remakes?
Mamoru is the worst part of Sailor Moon because he is BORINGGGGG. He is literally just a prize for Usagi. And I mean that's perfectly fine because, to put it bluntly, "this ain't about him". Mamoru is only important because he's important to Usagi. We only care about him because Usagi does. If she didn't care about him we could kick him out of the group and never think about him ever again.
The problem is just that sometimes, although very rarely in the 90s anime, the story makes a big drama over him and Usagi's relationship. Honestly the ONLY reason is works in the anime is because we're always seeing it from Usagi's perspective. So we care because she cares.
But whenever we have to spend time with Mamoru it's just so incredibly dull and uninteresting because the guy has no personality. And what little personality he DOES have isn't particularly enjoyable. In the manga he's a bit of a sarcastic bitch which is at least SOMETHING I like about him. But in the anime and in PGSM... he's just a anal retentive jerk most of the time, brooding and aloof to make him ~*mysterious*~ and desirable to the preteen audience because he is uncomplicated and therefore nonthreatening. But in the anime especially, as soon as he and Usagi officially get together he is all but a blank slate. Just passively nice in a way that forgoes any individuality. He's literally the opposite of Bella Swan. A sort of reverse Y/N where instead of being a self insert for the audience, he's an insert for the audience to project whatever they think would make for a cool boyfriend because he has no describable traits. Hell we barely even know what he's supposed to be studying!
This is why a rather big group of fans, especially back in the day, preferred Usagi with Seiya in the anime. Because at least Seiya had SOMETHING resembling a personality. I don't like Seiya but they at least are a CHARACTER.
And then because Mamoru has 0 personality it brings up a lot of questions the source material isn't built to address which is "why are these two together?". Because without actually having a personality, they don't seem to have anything in common at all. And that brings up a lot of uncomfortable questions regarding fate, and destiny, and whether the only reason they are together is pressures from a past life and pressures of a Utopian future they are obligated to fulfill.
None of this is something the story is equipped or interested in discussing, however. Because it's a story for preteen girls (except for the final Stars arc, especially in the manga, where Naoko decided to go off her shit and make the entire thing about philosophy regarding the self, static death versus dynamic life, the acceptance of chaos because it is the only way good can exist even if it means the possibility of evil, self love, the universe as organism etc etc).
Mamoru isn't like Kaidan at all tho because Kaidan is an actual character. I can tell you things about Kaidan, both good and bad, about his personality, how he sees things and how he thinks about things. Mamoru is literally just the male version of a sexy lamp.
I clown on Kaidan and make fun of him because I really appreciate his role in Shepard's story and his importance to the games as a whole. He enriches the world and plot, especially as a foible to Shepard. I think Kaidan's clashing with Shepard makes her personal story BETTER. kaidan ADDS to the narrative specifically because of who he is, how he thinks and how he responds to things, and how he and Shepard have to work out their shit to reach equal grounds and overcome their past issues and mistakes with each other. Kaidan also humanises Shepard in a way that I adore. Because Kaidan and Shepard's messy relationship shows that Shepard is just a human being. Which is immensely important to Mass Effect as a whole.
Shepard isn't space Jesus. She's a human being. Which is why she makes me so emotional.
Mamoru is just there so Usagi can give the preteen girls watching their wish fulfillment of a cool older boyfriend.
And that's just incredibly dull. Especially when the canon within the story itself, in all its incarnations, has other really great relationships which are complex and nuanced and actually interesting.
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cindytranart · 3 months
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Senshi Summer Days
Spring is HERE and so is tons of brand new anime prints, stickers, and bookmarks! Select items in the sh0p are also 15% off, so take a look before the sale ends
Spring Sale & Update March 19th-23rd, 15% OFF select items
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Mamoru is a senshi. Fight me.
I’ll make a separate poll for starlight and other senshi.
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moonlightsdreaming · 6 months
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Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon | “Water Blue”
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jaeharuart · 1 year
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Back in 2017 I did a Salilor Saturn and Mini Moon piece. Wanted to redo it since I've learned a lot since then so I did. Also first flat-colored piece of 2023 \o/ Patreon (PSDs, Brushes, Whatever): https://www.patreon.com/JaeHaruArt?fan_landing=true Link Tree (Follow Links): https://linktr.ee/jaeharuart
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senshi-moon-empire · 16 days
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