#x reader
ghouljams · 2 days
Absolutely cannot have fresh shaved/waxed pussy around the 141 boys.
Soap will cry over it, mourning the loss of your bush and "talking his girl(your pussy) through the loss" ie fingering you until you're soaked and sore as punishment.
Price will make it his mission to give you beard burn, shaking his head like a damn dog while he's eating you out, scratching the hell out of your pussy and thighs with his beard. He's trying to bleach the damn thing you just know it.
Ghost is the worst. Taking the opportunity to leave his dental imprint in the soft flesh surrounding your clit. He's going to bite until you're sobbing just to see the dimpled marks he's left.
At least Gaz is sweet. Pressing little kisses over the newly shaved/waxed skin, giving your clit soft little licks and pulling back to rub his fingers against your clit with gentle praises. Until you realize he's been doing that for the last hour, giving you just enough to keep you making those nice breathy noises but never giving you more. Maybe you should try Soap again...
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bunnis-monsters · 3 days
Guys I’m in love with cat hybrid bf lately… I just think he’s very cute.
Imagining cat hybrid bf dragging you around by the scruff… or at least attempting to. He’s got this urge to coddle you, and one of the things he wants is to carry you around like a kitten by your scruff.
In reality he ends up dragging you around, and you yowl and mew, your small claws useless against him.
It’s not painful, just annoying and gets your clothes all dirty.
Or if you’re human he gets so pouty when you ban him from biting the nape of your neck during sex because he gets too rough trying to dominate you.
“I-it’s instinct… I do it so you submit to me…”
Pouty guy…
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slvttyplum · 2 days
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halloween for you and toji became less about getting sexy and devouring each other and more about your two sticky finger little kids you had to take care of. 
smiling as you got one of them ready but slowly losing your sanity thinking about all the things you and toji could be doing to each other in this very moment.
you and toji looking at each other every five seconds, whispering with your eyes, smirking knowing what the other just said. toji eyeing your cute little costume down as he patted your child's head and walked towards you. 
fighting the urge to tell your son to watch over his sister while they go trick or treating so you can have an hour to toji for yourself with the way he's looking in the coveralls he was wearing, rolling your eyes at how irresponsible that was, but your prayers were answered. 
"the babysitter is taking them; worked overtime to get her. you can pay me back by sitting on my face." toji whispering in your ear as your knees buckled, those words making your body untense.
impatiently waiting for the sitter to show up, bouncing your leg, thirty minutes, and they were out of there. wasting no time to jump his bones and unzip him while you drop to your knees. 
toji was right there with you; he needed you badly. he worked for months to save up for this good ass babysitter, and he wasn't going to waste it. 
picking you up from your knees and dragging you to the bedroom and placing you right on his face, right where he wanted you, his eyes fluttering with pleasure once he got your taste directly on his tongue, swallowing thickly as he tuned into your moans.
nails in your thighs and your moans, making his dick hard, leaning into the pleasure and riding his face, riding out the quick high that he gave you. 
his tongue rubbing all over your pussy as you ran your fingers through his hair, tongue fucking you until you couldn't handle it, and it took little to no hours for that to happen.
he ate pussy off the bone without fail every single time, slurping all the meat off of it and eating it good, doing it again and again until his jaw was sore. your stomach twisting and turning with pleasure, the little knot in your lower stomach unraveling as you finish right on his face. 
too messy of a finisher to finish right in his mouth, so all over his face was the best option, and he loved that shit; he loved how messy you were. 
wondering if going for kid number three would be worth it, but once he looked up at you in the eye, he knew the answer.
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ccoconutmall · 3 days
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⪼ the jjk men wake you up in the middle of the night to tell you about their dream!𑁤
ʚɞ pairing: gojo, geto, nanami, toji, choso x gn!reader
warning 𐀔: suggestiveノ characters are 18+
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© property of ccoconutmall ‘24. please do not repost, copy, modify, or translate.
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gurugirl · 22 hours
The Mushroomer | friendly ghost!harry
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Summary: Y/n moves into a small house in the woods and she soon realizes the house is haunted. But it really turns out to be not so bad at all to have a ghost when he's as kind as the one living with her.
A/n: Harry's a sweet ghost - so nothing scary here. But it is a little sad (with a happy ending). Also, I took some artistic liberties on what ghosts can do with this one shot so you may need to suspend your disbelief a bit. xoxo
Word Count: 11.5k
Warning: smut, talk of depression & suicide, loneliness (Harry's a sad ghost but Y/n makes him happy)
✨🍂',•* 🍄 *•,'🍂✨✨🍂',•* 🍄 *•,'🍂✨
Y/n had been living in the small house in the woods for only a couple of weeks when she started noticing strange things. She'd be typing on her laptop, cozy and focused when suddenly the tea kettle would whistle, breaking her out of the moment and scaring the life out of her. Somehow, not only would her tea kettle be on the burner but it was magically filled with water -both of which she had not done.
Or like the other evening when she was getting ready to settle into bed and she remembered she needed to turn off the lights in her kitchen so she grumpily got up and padded into the living room to see with her own eyes as her kitchen lights shut themselves off. It was nice to not have to walk all that way (which really wasn't all that far) but the creep factor of that happening was quite substantial.
But there were a lot of little things she'd been side-eyeing that made her wonder what was going on. However, she couldn't ignore it that morning. The way the blankets next to her were raised up as if someone were lying underneath them with her.
She had just woken up and her eyes were bleary and tired but the drizzle of morning light shining in her room made it clear that something was in the bed right next to her. Reaching toward the human-sized lump she blinked her eyes slowly and the moment her hand came into contact with the wool it suddenly deflated and dropped to the bed. She sat up and looked around the quiet space of her small room with her heart pounding in her chest.
"Is someone here?"
She was answered with silence. Pulling the blanket back she found exactly what she imagined. Nothing.
But then the kettle was going off and she jumped from the bed, quickly putting her slippers on her feet before dashing into the kitchen to shut off the burner.
"What is going on? Is someone here? Just…" She put her hands over her face in frustration as she groaned and when she pulled her hands away, there was her favorite mug sitting out for her already.
She remembered emptying the kettle and cleaning her mug and putting it away the night before. This was all impossible.
But she was in the mood for a hot cup of tea so she reluctantly grabbed the mug and that's when she saw her tea ball inside already filled with her favorite English breakfast tea leaves.
Pouring the hot water into her mug she peered around the kitchen, "Thank you. If there is someone there. This was nice. But… kind of creepy."
So, Y/n's day was off to an interesting start, and even though she'd been experiencing strange things and there was a small part of her that wondered if perhaps she had some kind of friendly ghost in her house, that day she was especially present and keeping her eyes open for anything odd.
Which led her to do some research on the old house she'd bought. She wondered who'd lived there before her. She only knew what was public. The property tax amount, and how many times the house had been bought and sold over the years (that number was surprisingly high). And that made her wonder if there was a connection. Had others been experiencing strange things in the home too? Had they been so spooked that they left, selling it to the next person to start the process all over again?
Of course, nothing that was happening was scary. Not really. It was strange, yes. It got her heart rate up a few times… but in the end, everything had been friendly or harmless gestures. Helpful even.
She didn't get much writing done that day, but rather she did find some interesting things online. It took her some time to get down to any names of people who'd lived in the house before (she didn't find many), but there was an old article from 1999 about a young professor who lived in town who died after going mushroom picking and eating the wrong kind. The article was more of an informative warning kind of story but there were some details that caught her interest.
The man would often forage for mushrooms being somewhat of an expert, but even with all of his knowledge he still mistook a bad one for a good one. Supposedly he died in his home all alone. And he was called by the name Harry. It didn't say where Harry lived exactly just that he was a professor from the area and he'd lived in the woods.
And that story led her to other smaller accounts of Harry the teacher and mushroomer who lived in the woods. She was so fascinated by the little bits of information she found that she hadn't realized the sun was already setting. She'd been at her desk reading what little she could find about this mysterious man who died in 1985, likely in the very house she was sitting in. He was 30 when he died.
"Mushrooms…" she spoke to herself as she recalled the mushrooms carved into the top of the banisters on the porch.
Closing her laptop she flicked on a lamp and then turned on her front porch light to double-check the wooden banisters and sure enough, mushrooms.
She placed her hand over the tops of them and bent to look at the work. It was crude, not carved by a wood maker but maybe an amateur. Perhaps Harry himself had carved them. Over the years, of course, the wood was aged and worn from the elements but it was clearly meant to be the shape of a mushroom.
She made a mental note to buy some varnish to cover them and make sure they didn't erode further. To keep the artist's work intact.
"I like these," she smiled and looked around herself, not sure if the ghost, or whatever it was, might be watching. She knew she might be losing her mind, entertaining such thoughts, but what else could it be? Surely something was afoot. Luckily, whatever it was, seemed to be kind and liked to get her tea started for her.
Y/n turned on her radio as she made cucumber and cheese sandwiches and hummed along. She'd peek behind herself every now and then in hopes of seeing something but that night nothing more came. Just when she was beginning to find the whole idea of having a ghost exciting, he suddenly wanted to be quiet.
✨🍂',•* 🍄 *•,'🍂✨
She wanted to sit outside to write that day. Took her hot tea with a little honey that morning and an English muffin with a jammy egg and extra butter. Then she piled the wooden bench with blankets and a couple of pillows and spread herself along the space and began to write.
Y/n loved her solitude. Loved the quiet and the freedom to live her life as she wanted day to day. She might call herself lucky that she didn't have to work a traditional 9-5 job but being a writer and trying to keep on schedule with her publisher was quite difficult at times. But she wouldn't trade the stress of getting her work done on deadline for anything. Especially not when she got to enjoy such peace in her life.
She wasn't rich. Not even close, but she did alright for herself. She'd been able to buy the adorable little house in the woods all on her own after all. So she was grateful for her life.
When she heard rustling leaves coming from the side of the house she stopped typing and kept her ears perked to listen. It sounded like a large animal moving through from the woods.
Getting up slowly and as quietly as she could she carefully stepped toward the edge of the porch and looked down at the side of the house to see nothing but dried brown leaves.
She was still hoping to see her ghost. Hoping he'd show himself –if there was a ghost (though she was almost certain by then). But everything had been quiet since before she ate dinner the night before.
Pursing her lips, she was a little disappointed that she still had not seen anything substantial yet. But as she turned to walk back to her bench, there, atop her closed laptop was a mushroom. A freshly picked mushroom. She wasn't sure what kind it was but it was clearly wild with a bit of dirt still at its base.
Plucking it up between her pointer finger and thumb she laughed as she moved her eyes all around her, "Is this from you, Harry? Harry the Mushroomer? That's what they call you, you know."
She walked down the steps of her porch to the front yard with the mushroom in her hand and peered around, "Thank you for this, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable eating it. Didn't you die because you ate the wrong kind? Accidentally poisoned yourself?"
Y/n knew that if anyone could see her they'd think she was a crazy woman talking to herself like that. Luckily she had no visible neighbors.
"Well? Are you gonna show yourself or just keep doing little things like this? It's okay if this is it. I don't mind, but it's hard to talk to you when I can't hear or see you."
In almost an instant there was a figure at the limn of her eye and she turned to see a tall man looking at her. She waited for a moment before speaking as his appearance seemed to slowly fill in… like he was being painted to life before her eyes.
He pointed at her hand, "It's safe. I promise."
She looked down at the mushroom in her palm and then back at the man, "Are you… Harry?"
He stepped back, the lines around him seemed to fade and Y/n reached toward him, "Don't leave! Please. I'd like to talk if you can."
"I can't leave."
"You can't… Because you're stuck here? Attached to this house?"
He nodded, the vibrant color of his skin filling in again and she noticed his eyes were a soft green like the moss in the small pond up the path.
"I'm sorry. It must be hard to be stuck like that."
"It is."
"Did you carve those mushrooms there," she pointed toward the banister.
He nodded again. She didn't know if that's just how he was, quiet and shy. Or maybe it was because he was not used to interacting with people anymore.
"Um… thank you for the mushroom. And for the tea. You seem to like to help."
He looked like a real man standing in her front yard with his brown shoes in the dead leaves that were scattered about. He wore a cream-colored sweater and khaki pants.
"I do like to help. You can eat that. They were wrong."
"Who was wrong? About what?"
She watched him blink and look toward the porch before he motioned to the house, "May I?"
Y/n grinned, not quite believing what was happening but fascinated all at the same time, "Of course. It's your house, Harry."
He looked at her for a second, the smallest bit of a smile spread across his face before he nodded and began to move up toward the porch, Y/n following behind him.
She stopped and watched him walk toward the wooden bench and sit down, as if he were too weary to stand, though she never imagined ghosts feeling tired like that. He stared out toward the trees before he spoke, "I did it on purpose. It wasn't an accident."
She stitched her brows together and wrapped an arm around the wooden post at the top of the steps, "You poisoned yourself?"
He nodded, still staring toward the yard and trees with their changing leaves, "I wish I hadn't but I was sad and I wanted to stop feeling sad. And then everyone thought it was just an accident. A mistake. But it wasn't."
Y/n stepped toward him cautiously, not wanting to scare him off, "Can I sit next to you?"
He looked up at her before moving his mournful eyes back toward the woods. She took that as a yes, so she carefully sat on the bench next to her sad ghost.
"Why were you sad?"
He shook his head slowly, "Lonely. But it's much worse like this. No one wants to talk to a spirit. Everyone gets spooked."
"You can talk to me. I'm not spooked," she spoke quietly and he looked at her again, brows softening as she continued, "If you want we can be friends."
"Why what? Why am I not spooked? Why do I want to be your friend?" She raised her brows.
Harry didn't answer, though. He only kept his gaze on hers. She figured his why was to all of the above. He wasn't used to people anymore.
"Well… you've been very welcoming toward me since I moved in. Kind even. Getting my tea ready, that was clever," she laughed and watched as his shoulders seemed to relax, "That's not spooky. It was helpful. And I like that you wanted to be nice so I'd like to be your friend."
"Okay. Just know… I can't leave. So if you feel bothered the best I can do is step outside or into another room. People have tried having the house blessed. A priest came in once and tried to get me to leave. I wish I wasn't stuck here. I hoped that somehow that would work, with the priest, but it didn't. I'd rather be gone but instead, I'm trapped, halfway here and halfway there."
"So, you're the kind of ghost that can pick things up and –well you also look like a real man too. To me you do."
He shrugged, "I don't know. I guess. I've never met another ghost."
The pair sat on the porch together for nearly two hours. Y/n was intrigued and had quite a few questions but she also told him about herself. At one point Harry could see she was chilled so he handed her blanket from underneath him and helped her drape it over her shoulders.
She couldn't imagine how a man like him had found such a fate. Every now and then when he spoke she noted that he had a natural charisma, a charm that certainly had caught the eye of a few ladies at one time. He was smart and kind. And she couldn't help but notice how handsome he was too. But mostly he was sad. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and hold him if he'd let her. Tell him he wouldn't be alone anymore and that it was going to be okay.
When she made dinner for herself she used the mushroom he'd picked and he told her where she could find more of them. That they could forage together if she were up for it. He made her tea and told her that she liked her tea the same way his mother did.
It felt like she was talking to someone she knew a long time ago and that they were just reconnecting after years of being apart. It took a bit to warm up but once they got going Harry was a regular conversationalist. She could picture him as a professor in front of students relating his biology teachings to a story about being chased down the street by a pack of wild dogs.
He was funny. Y/n liked Harry a lot. She hadn't really gotten any work done that day but there wasn't a part of her that regretted that.
When the sun had gone down she turned on all the lamps and let Harry sit in her comfy chair near the wood-burning stove (that he installed all by himself in 1981) and take his pick of book to read from her bookshelf.
She finally wound up getting a decent amount of writing done with Harry just there reading. It was nice to have a companion with her. She loved her peace and quiet but it was easy for her to adjust to Harry being there. Maybe because he had been there all along.
When she was getting tired and couldn't write anymore she looked over at Harry and noticed that he was still fully immersed in the book, "I think I'm gonna go to bed. Um… you can do whatever you want. And no need to hide or anything. Okay? I like you around."
"Oh. Yeah. Of course. I'll just be here. Won't bother you."
Y/n smiled at him as she stood up, "You're not a bother. I'll see you in the morning?"
He smiled and nodded at her, "Thank you."
✨🍂',•* 🍄 *•,'🍂✨
"So you do sleep at all, Harry?" Y/n asked him as she poured hot water over her tea.
"Yes. That's mostly all I do. I like to be unconscious. Pretend I'm not here."
Y/n felt so sad hearing the way he spoke. Even in death, he seemed to be depressed, sad.
"And where do you normally sleep?"
He shrugged, the book he had been reading from the night before was in his hand, "Wherever. In the bed sometimes."
Y/n looked at him, squinting her eyes, "Next to me? Like you did the other morning?"
He looked down and nodded, "Sorry. I won't do it again. Just like to feel like I'm not alone and when you're sleeping I know I won't scare you because you won't even know I'm there. But," he looked up at her quickly, "I've never done anything weird. I would never. It was just to be closer is all. Not in a weird way-" he shook his head and grumbled something under his breath, "But that still sounds weird to you I'm sure. I meant no harm."
She reached her hand toward him, almost not expecting to feel anything but when her finger grazed the fabric of his sweater she was startled and stepped back. But the moment Harry realized she'd gotten spooked he was gone in an instant. The book he'd been holding lying on her tile countertop.
"No. Harry don't leave, please. I… just didn't expect to be able to touch your sweater. It's… I promise it wasn't because I was scared of you. Please come back. I'm sorry. This is all new for me and I was surprised is all."
She saw movement out of the corner of her eye and turned to see him, but he was hazy, not quite there, "I don't want to scare you. I'm used to just staying in the shadows, Y/n. I don't think I could bear having you be frightened of me."
Moving toward him slowly she put her palms facing out to him in conciliation, "I'm not frightened. I promise. I just didn't realize I'd feel it when I reached for you. I want you to stay. I like you here. I like your company. I like seeing you. And now I'll know better than to be surprised when I can feel the wool on your sweater next time."
"Are you sure?"
She nodded, putting her hands down to her side, "I'm sure. And I don't want you to be skittish around me either. You don't need to disappear like that. Let's just get used to one another okay? But I'm not frightened. I think I already prefer you to most people I've met, in fact."
That got him smiling and it almost appeared like he was blushing as he looked down at the floor, a dimple scored into his cheek.
Quite the handsome ghost when he was smiling. He blinked his eyes as his form became tangible again, corporeal.
She took a deep breath and reached for him again, slowly that time, placing her palm up for him to reach out toward. She watched as he lifted his hand and gradually pushed it forward until she could feel the whispy brush of his skin on her fingertips before he pressed his palm over hers. Like a real person, with skin and everything.
"I can feel you. Can you feel me too?" She asked.
He nodded as his grin spread, "Yes. That's nice."
"It is nice. See? Nothing to worry about."
"Nothing to worry about," he repeated, his eyes on hers.
"Can we rewind? Go back to what we were just talking about before I got all jumpy? About you sleeping in the bed?"
She moved her fingers around his hand and squeezed it gently, "If you ever need to be close, it's okay if you come to sleep in my bed with me. This is your house too, Harry. It was your house first. I don't want you to feel lonely in your home. Just because you're… well, a spirit, that doesn't mean you deserve a life of isolation. I'm your friend now. Okay?"
"Okay. Thank you."
Y/n found that having Harry around somehow inspired her and kept her focused. She'd gotten more work done than she had in a very long time. Perhaps it was just that there was another presence there with her, watching and paying attention. Somehow it seemed to keep her on task. He was quiet most of the day. He'd read or take walks outside and bring mushrooms back when he found them. In the evenings they'd chat and she often caught herself wishing he was a real live man because if she were being very honest he had all the qualities she'd want in a partner. But on top of that, he was tortuously handsome. And it seemed the more she knew of him the more attractive he was.
He was quite humorous at times, a natural storyteller. And it seemed he enjoyed making her smile. He listened to her talk as well and remembered every detail of every word she spoke. Like she was worth listening to. It's something she didn't often find with other people.
Sleeping next to him at night was also increasingly difficult as now there was a sentient and conscious being lying next to her when she was feeling a bit lustful (as did happen on occasion inevitably). But there was little she could do to satiate herself in her bed when Harry was there too.
So she wound up changing her schedule slightly, to have her showers at night and find relief under the warm stream of water before she climbed into bed with him, who took up a lot more space than one would assume a ghost would.
He was always perfectly polite. Too polite maybe. But then again she had no idea how that would work with him anyway. Yes, she could feel his skin and touch his clothes and once had the pleasure of running her fingers into his hair… but certainly they couldn't… get intimate?
Though, she'd imagined how his lips might feel or those big hands on her hips or her waist. She'd imagine his eyes peering at her as he undressed (she'd never seen him remove any clothing but she often wondered what was under his clothes). She knew it was wrong. Felt guilty for thinking about him like that.
But she was a warm-blooded woman with certain needs that every other woman had just the same. And Harry, ghost or not, was easy to look and he was even easier to trust.
He was sweet.
And she was ovulating.
So even taking care of herself in her shower didn't quite scratch the itch by the time she got into the bedroom to find Harry already sitting with the blankets over his lap and his back against the headboard and his nose in a book. It was like having a really hot friend who lived with you who you knew you could never do anything like that with.
"Feel better?" He asked her as he closed the book and watched her take off her sweater.
She didn't remember telling him she hadn't felt good before her shower. In fact, he hadn't ever asked her before if she felt better after her shower so it made her wonder if he was paying closer attention than she realized. Could he tell that she had a change in mood? That her hormones were fluctuating? Surely not.
"Um, I think a little better," she smiled and slid into the bed, wishing she could climb into his lap and lift up his sweater to feel his skin. She was curious about him and wondered if there was more to explore with him. Was there anything under the clothes? Did he ever have those natural human urges he likely had when he was living?
"You seem a little tense. Would you like a tea? I think camomile is good for helping you calm."
She sighed, "I'm just… yeah. A tea sounds good. Maybe that'll help."
Harry left her alone in her room and she watched as the light in the kitchen gently spread out and illuminated the hallway off the bedroom. With a few minutes to herself, she reached into her soft night pants and rubbed over her panties. It was risky and she knew he might return any minute but she was hidden by the covers over her lap.
And it felt good. Obviously, the shower had been nice but there was something about doing it in her own bed on a dry surface that was her favorite. And she was already wetting the material of her underwear as she pushed the fabric aside and pressed her fingers directly over her clit. She could be quick.
A quiet gasp fell from her lips when she began hitting the right spot, fingers quickly swiping back and forth, body heating, heart pounding.
But then he was there at the door with a steaming mug in his hands, standing still like he'd been the one to see a ghost. She was covered up but by the way he was looking at her…
She slowly moved her hand away and smiled, "Uh, that was fast. Thank you."
He placed the mug on the table next to her bed quietly and looked away from her, "I can give you some privacy. I'm sorry."
Oh. He knew what she was up to. She'd been so stupid to think she could rub one out fast enough without him realizing.
"No, I'm sorry. I… since you've been around, or since I knew you were here I have to kind of… God, I'm embarrassed," she put her face in her hands and groaned.
"Don't feel embarrassed. It's normal. Nothing shameful about any of that. I was a biology professor after all."
Y/n looked up at him, "You're always too nice, Harry. I feel so awful. You probably don't even… well… you know. Things are different for you now than when you were alive?"
He cocked his head to the side, "Things are different yes. But if you mean in terms of feeling stirred, aroused… I can -still. But it's been a very long time."
She swallowed, unable to quite comprehend how that was possible, "So… you, as a ghost, can like feel that way? Does your body react as well?"
He puffed out a laugh and looked down at the wood floors below his feet, "Yes. Mostly. I still have all the feelings and emotions within my consciousness as when I was alive. And yes, I feel it and it can be visible if I let it."
Visible. That did nothing to quell her growing curiosity.
"That's… I guess I don't really know much about spirits, but I'm surprised."
"To be honest, I don't know much about myself like this either. I just know I still feel emotions and physically can feel…. excited. And that I can only go as far as the perimeter of the land this house is on. If I step past the boundary I wind up back inside the house. You're the first person I've really interacted with. Everyone else was terrified. I don't blame them."
"You can come back if you want," she patted the spot on the bed next to her. "If I didn't make you uncomfortable. I'm good now I think. Sorry to make this weird."
"Are you sure? I can leave for a bit–"
"No. No, I'm over it now," she took a sip of the tea he'd made her. He always seemed to know exactly how to make her tea.
Harry pulled the blankets back and settled into bed next to her before she flicked off the light on her lamp.
"I'm sorry I interrupted."
"Don't be sorry. You did nothing wrong."
She wished she could ask him to hold her. Just to be in his arms, to know what that would feel like. And she was sure that if she asked he would because he was so kind. But he'd just caught her playing with herself and she felt like a pervert and she was sure he'd wonder what her intentions were. Hell, she wasn't even sure of her own intentions at that point.
So, she closed her eyes and tried to push down how embarrassed she felt and the subtle ache between her thighs. Perhaps she'd get on birth control so she wouldn't ovulate anymore. She felt out of control, led by her id, her hormones calling the shots.
Eventually, she found sleep, and for a while, she forgot all about her misdeed and her aroused state in exchange for much-needed rest.
But upon waking she found that she'd snuggled into Harry tightly. Her cheek smushed against the sweater over his chest and his arms were placed around her back. It felt like waking up in the arms of a real man. It was soft and cozy. She felt warm and safe.
She knew he could sleep. He told her as much so she wasn't sure if he was awake or not which was her reason to keep still and bask in the moment. As much as she loved her solitude, it hadn't dawned on her until then how much she missed human contact. It was lovely to feel him so close like that. He felt solid as if he had a real live body.
Slowly the light from the sun began to brighten her room as the morning grew later. She probably should get up but it was so hard to peel herself away from Harry. Not only did she not want to wake him, she wanted to enjoy him holding her for as long as she could.
"If you need to get up you can."
She startled, tilting her head back to look up at him, "I didn't know you were awake. I didn't want to -wake you."
He was cute. His face half-covered with her pillow as he looked down at her, "I know. But I am awake. You can stay here like this for as long as you like, though. I don't mind."
Harry adjusted his face into the pillow, pink lips set in a soft smile as he kept his eyes on hers. He was beautiful and she could think of nothing better to do in that moment than to reach her hand up to his neck and stretch up toward him so she could give him a quick peck on his mouth.
Maybe it was her sleepy brain or just the soft moment they were enveloped in together. Perhaps it was the way he was looking at her that did it. But whatever made her do it felt like something she needed to do. To feel.
And then he kissed her back. It was like kissing a man. A real live man. His palms slid over her back softly, upward to her shoulder blades as he continued moving his lips with hers. Gentle and slow. Sleepy.
It did nothing to make her hormones calm. Which just led to her sliding her hand down his sturdy chest and to his hip. She wouldn't take it too far, she was just curious what the skin under his sweater would feel like as she edged the tips of her fingers upward and he was still real underneath too. Taut skin and sinew over muscle and bone. Moving her palm higher up his stomach she found herself quite pleasantly surprised by the way he felt under her hand.
But he stopped abruptly, sitting up and clambering out of bed, "Sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't know why I did that. You… I'm really sorry."
She looked up at him from her spot on the bed and blinked her tired eyes, "Why are you sorry? I kissed you first."
"You did?" He shook his head, "I thought I started it. I'm not used to this. I don't know what I'm doing." He ran his hands into his hair and stepped around the bed toward the door, "I'm sorry. I think I need to… just some time to think."
She watched him walk away out of sight, blindsided by what had just happened. Of course, the whole thing was wild. It was insane even. He was a ghost. It wasn't like they could be together. She wished things were different, she really did. She needed to pull herself together. Harry had real feelings, he'd told her as much.
Taking a warm shower she tried to reason with herself about what had happened. But the more she considered it all, the more she wondered what a future would look like if she were to fall in love with a ghost. She didn't want to indulge in those thoughts but she couldn't help it. She didn't like being around people and rarely needed to leave her little house. Would it be so bad to just be with Harry? He was lonely and needed companionship just like she did and she really enjoyed his company. He seemed to be the perfect companion, the only issue being that he was technically dead. And she had no idea how a physical relationship would work but she was beginning to think, after that kiss, that was in fact possible.
She could stay "single" forever and if anyone asked why she never married or dated she'd just say she preferred to be alone. No one would need to know about Harry.
Y/n shook her head as she dried her hair. She was losing it. Why was her mind going there? Yes, maybe she was a little lonely at times, and he was kind and nice to talk to, and he was clearly a very attractive… specter. But he wasn't a living man.
Opening up her laptop after having made herself a tea, she tried to ignore the pit in her stomach. Harry hadn't come back. Or if he had he wasn't showing himself to her. Had it really been all that bad for them to kiss? Probably. She shouldn't have done it. And now he was the one who was spooked. She couldn't blame him. It'd been a long time since he'd had a person to even talk to who knew of his existence and the one that he finally does show himself to winds up developing silly feelings for him and wants to kiss.
Y/n hardly got any writing done that day. Harry stayed away. The house was quiet. She didn't want to push him to show himself or to talk to her. If he needed space, she'd give it to him.
✨🍂',•* 🍄 *•,'🍂✨
She figured that the worst part about having a ghost was knowing he was there but not knowing where he was or what he was seeing her do. If he was even watching. Harry didn't return that first night nor the following day. He didn't sleep next to her in bed and he didn't prepare her tea.
She started to wonder if he was going to come back at all.
"I'm sorry, Harry. I'm sorry for scaring you like that. I hope you can forgive me and come back. I promise I'll never be so reckless again. I just had a lapse in judgment."
Her phone rang, startling her from her speech to her ghost. She had an inkling he was there and listening.
It was her cousin Sil. She had promised to bring over a small kitchen table, something Y/n didn't have when she first moved into the house.
"Oh, tonight? Sure. Um… yeah. I'll be here."
She would be happy to have a kitchen table and chairs finally but she wasn't really up for company. Hopefully, Sil would be in and out quickly, though getting to her house in the woods was quite the drive.
"Harry, my cousin is coming to drop off some furniture. I'm just letting you know," she looked around the space and the room was empty and quiet still. Her heart dropped as she sighed.
But she had to stop moping and pull herself together before Sil arrived. She put on something a little nicer and swiped a little mascara onto her lashes before spritzing herself with her favorite perfume. Then she filled her kettle with fresh water and pulled down a couple of mugs and plates and then sliced up strawberries and cantaloupe.
She kept herself busy until she heard a knock at her door and put on a smile before opening it to see not only Sil, but a man wearing a thick flannel just behind her.
"This is Memo. He offered to help with the table. It's kind of heavy."
"Oh, of course! Thank you! And it's nice to meet you, Memo."
Y/n propped open the door and then she and Sil got to work carrying in the chairs as Memo shimmied the table inside on his own. When everything was set up in her little kitchen she was quite pleased with the way it looked.
"I love it. Thank you so much, Sil," she pulled her cousin in for a hug and then reached for Memo's arm and squeezed, "And I appreciate your help. Thank you."
"Your house is amazing. Ever get lonely living out here by yourself?"
Y/n looked up at the man and shrugged, "Um… not really. I like the peace out here. It's great for inspiration."
"She's a writer," Sil interjected, "Already has two published books and one on the way. She's the famous one I was talking about."
Y/n laughed and put her hand up, "I'm not famous. That's an exaggeration…"
"Well, she's a published author and her first book sold almost, what… like 50,000 copies?"
"That's average at best. I'm not… I'm lucky but I'm not anywhere near famous," Y/n looked at Memo and then at her cousin. "It pays the bills. And I love it, so…" She turned toward her kitchen counter, wanting to change the subject, "Would you guys care for some tea or coffee? I've got fruit sliced up as well?"
"I could go for some tea. Thank you, Y/n."
Memo smiled at her softly and her cousin raised her brows with a nod, "Sure. We'll stay a little longer."
Y/n prepared tea and placed the fruit and plates on her new kitchen table before joining Sil and Memo to sit. She learned that Memo was Sil's neighbor and when Y/n commented that she thought they were cute together Sil quickly corrected her cousin, "Oh, we're not… No," she laughed. "He's just a friend."
"I'm as single as they come," he winked at Y/n before taking another sip of his tea.
She found that to be a strange thing to say. Was he suggesting something? Y/n didn't know but she definitely wasn't interested. Her mind was still on Harry and wondering where he was, if he was watching everything.
When the fruit was all eaten and their mugs were dry Y/n got up to place everything in her sink and Memo followed, "I can help. Let me wash the dishes."
She looked back at Sil who was grinning, a raised brow in her direction. Y/n shook her head and rolled her eyes. Maybe it was a setup. She'd be nice but there was no way in hell–
"What the… shit!" Memo stepped back from the sink quickly and turned, his arms out exasperatedly.
He had water all over the front of his flannel and Y/n covered her mouth to hide her laugh.
"Something just… I turned on the water and it was like the stream just sprayed out right at me. Got all over my shirt!"
Sil stepped passed Memo and turned off the water then turned it back on to check, "Seems okay now. Maybe it was just air in the pipe or something?"
"Sorry. That has never happened. Would you like a towel?" Y/n offered.
"Yeah. If it's no bother."
When Y/n walked into the hallway to grab a towel she felt someone behind her. She brightened up as she turned, hoping to see Harry but found the other male standing there with her, plucking at his shirt.
"Here," she handed him a white towel, "I'm really sorry about your shirt."
Memo nodded as he dabbed at himself, "Yeah it's just water. My shirt'll be fine. Just a little embarrassed."
Y/n laughed, "Embarrassed? Why?"
"Got my shirt all well and startled everyone. Especially in front of a pretty girl. Little bit of a hit to my ego."
Y/n's brows stitched together, "Oh. Well, don't worry. I really don't care–"
"Would you… Well, we're about to leave and I thought maybe I could give you my number or something?"
There was no way she was going to call Memo or entertain anything more with him. But she decided to play dumb and just go along with it. She'd take his number and then lose it. Not that he wasn't a good-looking guy. And he was probably perfectly nice (he seemed nice). In a different world, one where she was more outgoing and liked to meet new people, maybe she'd actually be interested.
Suddenly the hallway light flicked on and her TV came on in the living room, volume all the way up. The lamp in the corner flashing on and off and then on again.
Y/n quickly slid past Memo to turn her television off, one hand cupping her ear as she aimed the remote at her TV.
Sil looked spooked as she stepped out of the kitchen and then Memo suddenly rushed in, tripping as he cursed, "What the fuck?"
Everyone stood in shock staring at one another when all the lights in the house went off and Memo gasped, "Shit! What is that?!" The sound of someone running into her coffee table and something slamming into the wall had Y/n rushing to flick her lights back on.
Memo was swinging into the air on his ass next to the wall, "Something just pushed me against the wall!"
Sil put her hand out to help Memo stand up and then looked back at Y/n in worry, "Is this place like… haunted? What was that?"
She shook her head, "I don't know. You guys should probably leave, though. I'll clean up. I'm really sorry about this."
Memo stepped toward Y/n, "You need to come with us. It's not safe. It felt like someone grabbed my shirt and pushed me… slammed me! Whatever it is, is very strong and very angry."
Shaking her head she looked from her cousin to Memo, "No. I'll be fine. I promise."
It took a little convincing for Sil and Memo to accept that Y/n wasn't going to be leaving with them with Sil pouting and giving her a long hug outside, "Are you sure? I'm going to call you when we get back. I'm really worried about what just happened in there."
"I'll be fine. Okay? You don't need to worry about anything."
When they were down the street Y/n let out a breath and closed her eyes. She knew exactly what had happened in there.
It was Harry. Her gentle, easily spooked ghost, who had somehow flipped a switch and scared the shit out of Memo and her cousin.
When she stepped inside she straightened out her coffee table and looked around the living room, "Harry? Please come out and talk to me. I need to see you, okay? I'm not mad about what you just did but I think we need to talk about it. About why you did that."
She was startled when she turned and there he was. She had expected to need to plead with him for a little longer.
"I'm sorry."
Looking up at him Y/n shook her head, "Why did you do that? Was it because you didn't like him? Memo?"
He nodded, "I didn't like how he was looking at you when you'd turn away. Like you were a piece of meat or something. He was flirting with you."
She smiled, "You didn't like him flirting with me?"
"It's just that… I don't know," Harry turned and ran his fingers into his hair, "I'm stuck. I don't get to have anything good but people like… Memo," he spat the name like it was bitter in his mouth, "Get to enjoy whatever they want." He turned to look at her again, "He could have you if he wanted. It's so easy for him."
"Well, you're wrong. He can't have me if I'm not interested, which I'm not. Not my type."
"He's not?"
She shook her head, "No."
Harry groaned and looked down at the floor, "Doesn't matter anyway, does it? No matter how I feel about anything, about you… I don't get to have you. I don't get to fall in love and live happily ever after. I've made it so that I'll suffer in sadness forever. This is what I deserve for what I did to myself. Might as well watch you fall in love with another man while I'm at it."
Stepping toward him, she slowly reached her hand out toward his, "Hey, look at me."
She swore it was like looking at a real man. His eyes were so green and so sad as he placed his gaze on hers. "Is that what you want? That we could be –together?"
"Doesn't matter what I want."
She took his hand in hers, "Yes it does. It matters. You matter to me. And to be honest," she shrugged, keeping her eyes on his, "As long as I'm here and you're here, I don't think I need anyone else."
Frown lines carved in between his eyes as he looked down at her hand, "You can't say that. You don't know. I can't give you what you need."
"And what is it you think I need that you can't give me?"
"A real relationship. I couldn't meet your family or… anyone. I couldn't –touch you. Not really. I know this doesn't feel the same," he squeezed at her fingers. "It's not warm. It's not real. And if you wanted to have a family… well obviously I can't give you that either."
"Your hand feels pretty real to me, Harry. It's not quite as warm as if you were flesh and blood but you're firm against my skin. I feel you. And that kiss… I can't stop thinking about how nice it was. I liked that. I like how you did it."
A wider grin spread over her face as she watched the edge of his lip quirk upward, "And I've never wanted kids anyway so I don't care about that."
"You don't?"
Shaking her head she smiled, "Never. But we haven't known each other all that long so you wouldn't have known that about me. You also wouldn't have known that I don't really like going out unless I have to. It's why I bought this house. To be away from people. But I do get lonely so when I met you it felt like a special gift."
"When you moved in it did feel different for me too. I wanted to be your friend right off."
"See? We can be friends. We can maybe even be more. I know it's weird probably… I'm not particularly normal, though. But… I was already imagining what it might be like. You and me. It's not perfect but life isn't perfect and maybe we can find some happiness together."
Harry had been jealous of Memo, Y/n had figured that much. He hadn't really hurt him, just scared him. And in a way, she was glad that he was spooked and left relatively quickly so she didn't have to take his number and then sit in that awkward moment where she didn't give him hers back or have to explain later to her cousin why she never called him.
What would she use as her reason? Well, she'd probably simply just say she wasn't interested. But knowing Sil, there would be some pushback – You don't even really know him. He's the sweetest! Give him one date…
The real explanation, which she'd be unable to express, would be that she had already met someone and she wanted to find out what would happen with it. That the ghost that lived in her house with her, the one who'd pushed Memo, was warmer, sweeter, smarter, and more handsome than Memo by leaps and bounds.
Not that Memo wasn't a catch. But Y/n liked Harry much more. Even if he was a ghost. And maybe him being a ghost was better for her in a way. Of course, she was insane. Perhaps if she were a more well-adjusted person with healthy relationships she'd be interested in living men. But most men made her uncomfortable.
"What if –we just see?" Y/n placed her hand on his arm over his sweater as she kept his hand in hers, "Would that be okay with you?"
"I just don't think I can satisfy you how you need."
"So far you've done a great job of making me happy. I haven't felt this way about someone before. It's unconventional, yes, I know. But so what?"
He turned to face her, "So what…" he mimicked her words before he moved his hand to place at her hip. She could feel the weight of it on her side, "I can kiss you again?"
"Yes, Harry. Please do."
He leaned down slowly before she felt his nose bump into hers and then his lips press over her mouth. And it was sweet and emotional. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close as if he realized suddenly he couldn't let her get away.
It was different than kissing someone with skin and warm blood and saliva on their tongue. But she could feel it. Feel him pressed into her, his body his mouth, his hands on her back. She could feel his neck on her palm and it might have just been better than any other kiss ever. Because it was Harry she was kissing.
She felt him open his mouth and close his lips around her bottom lip, felt him poke his tongue against hers… so different but still it was real and so nice. He was conscious and he was kissing her and holding her.
Y/n pushed her hand up his neck and let her fingers card through his hair, whispy silk between her fingers. Every bit of him had mass even if it didn't feel quite the same, it was so close and that only excited her, made her insides light up and liquify.
She could tell he really seemed to enjoy it too, small moans fell from his throat as he brought a hand up to her jaw and kissed downward to her neck. Like he knew what he was doing. But he did know, didn't he? He was once a man, living on earth, meeting women and no doubt had at least some experience.
Y/n couldn't imagine that someone who looked like Harry would have trouble in that department. So he knew what he was doing.
And when he moved against her hips she felt a solid lump under his pants poking against her. Even though he said that it could be visible and that he could feel aroused, it still surprised her. Especially that she could feel it. A decent-sized lump. And she wouldn't classify that as just a lump either… more like the bulge of a man who was nicely endowed.
Her body was hot. She needed more. Gripping onto his back she pasted herself against him, letting him curve around her as he kissed her neck and her jaw. He was better than any man she'd met already. Sensual and full of emotion.
When he placed his mouth back against hers she realized that her back was pressed into the wall. She hadn't even realized they'd moved at all. With a moan, she raised her leg and hitched her thigh over his hip. Part of her thought that might deter him or make him stop. Maybe he'd be too shy or he'd tell her they didn't need to do that, but what happened instead was that he went in harder, hips glued to hers as he reached down to grasp her thigh to keep it in place.
And now the swollen bulge was pressed over her dress right where her pelvis was and he rocked against her.
"Oh god… Harry…." her words were mushed into his mouth as he kept kissing her.
"Let's go to bed."
Again, she thought perhaps it might be too much for him. That he'd try and slow down or maybe he'd back away… But she gasped when he picked her up and held her under her thighs and brought her to the bedroom. Like he'd just been waiting for permission and the shy and conflicted man from earlier was all but gone.
Her head was placed on her pillow, with his palm under her neck as he smothered her mouth with his. Y/n moved her legs apart for him and he settled against her, using his free hand to clasp over her hip.
It felt so good to be with him that way. It was exciting and soft and it made her insides ache. Reaching down for the button on his trousers he parted from the kiss and looked down at her hands as she pulled his pants open.
"I don't know if… it's gonna be different. I haven't done this before. Like this."
"It's okay. Will it feel good for you?"
He nodded, "Yes. I can still feel like that. Just don't know what'll be like for you."
Y/n bit her lip and pushed herself up, "I'm gonna take off my dress. Okay?"
"Okay. Should I… I don't know what to do."
It was funny that only moments before he was carrying her to the bed but now he was unsure of himself once again. She figured it would take some getting used to, "Can your clothes come off? Is it possible?"
"Yes. Should I take them off?"
Y/n smiled and cupped his cheek, "If you want to. If you want to find out what it'll feel like with me. It's up to you."
He nodded and pulled at his sweater, bringing it up over his head and Y/n reached for his torso, smoothing her hand up to his pecs and shoulders. He was fit and looked strong. Tattoos on his chest and his arms. It wasn't what she expected exactly. She had seen the peek of tattoos on his hand but hadn't imagined he had many more. She'd been wrong.
Lifting herself she slid her dress off and unplucked her bra to get rid of the uncomfortable thing, tossing them to the floor as she watched him bring his pants down. He had on blue boxer shorts. She didn't want to let her mind go there, but she wondered if those were the last clothes he wore as a living person. Most likely.
He looked at her, searching her face and then his gaze dropped over her body. Her breasts, her tummy, her panties. She reached for his hand to place on her breast, "What does it feel like?"
Harry blinked his eyes closed, "It feels real." He reached up with his other hand to cup her opposite side and softly massaged, opening his eyes to watch as his palms smushed and slid over her skin.
Y/n inhaled as she let him group and knead. The gentle fondling was perfect.
Harry adjusted his position, bending his knees as he leaned in and looked at her, mouth nearing her nipple, "Can I?"
Nodding she placed her hand in his hair when she felt his mouth on her tit. She could hardly tell the difference. It wasn't wet and warm but his mouth was on her. He switched sides and focused on her nipple.
"Fuck… Harry that feels good."
Looking up at her he pulled away, "Does it?"
"Yes. You're really good. I like this. How do you feel?"
"I like it too. A lot. I feel…" he shook his head, lips parted, "Like a man. Like I'm alive again."
Y/n reached down for his thigh and ran her hand upward, "Can I touch you too?"
He looked down at his lap, blue boxer shorts tented from his erection as he nodded and shifted to his knees so he could bring them down and off.
And fuck if he just didn't look completely real. Like a live man with a big cock and soft green eyes looking at her for approval.
Y/n got to her knees and dragged her hands down his chest and over the silky bits of hair, "You're very handsome. I've never seen a more attractive man, Harry. Everything about you…"
When her palm found the underside of him there was weight to it. Bulk. She was having a difficult time understanding it all. That he wasn't flesh, nor alive, but that he was conscious and he was solid. The moment her palm dragged upward on his length, fingers curling around his shaft he sputtered a deep moan.
"Feels good?"
He nodded, "Just like when I… from a long time ago."
"When you were still alive? When you had a woman in your bed with you?"
He nodded again, "Yes."
"Good. I want to make you feel good."
He moaned again as she worked her fist over him. He was long and he had girth. A very nice cock for a ghost, she laughed to herself about how her inner dialogue was working itself out.
"I want to make you feel good too," he placed a hand at her hip over her cotton panties and she smiled at him. Of course, he did. Harry seemed like a giver. That much she did know.
Releasing him from her hand, she peeled her panties off and Harry quickly pushed her down to the bed and tucked in between her legs, hands sliding up her inner thighs, "You're so pretty."
Y/n giggled and turned her eyes to her ceiling. No one would ever believe she was doing something like this. Hell, she hardly believed it herself. When she looked back at Harry she pulled his hand to bring up to her center, "You can touch if you want. In fact, you can do whatever you like. I trust you."
His lips parted as he grazed his fingertips through her labia and kept his eyes on her pussy. Soft strokes up and down like he was inspecting until he slid his pointer finger up to her clit and looked into her eyes as he started to circle, "You're getting wet. That feels good?"
A laugh puffed from her lips as she nodded, "It feels so good. You make me wet, Harry."
His brows pinched together as he leaned over her body to kiss her, fingers still gently circling her bud. She reached down to stroke him in her hand, making him moan into her mouth.
He thrust into her hand softly as he pressed a finger inside of her. She inhaled sharply, "Yes…"
"Yeah?" He panted against her mouth, finger tucked inside of her thrusting as she pumped him the best she could with the angle.
And he might have been a ghost but when he added another finger the gushy sound her pussy made couldn't be mistaken. As if something solid was plunging into her. Which made her certain his dick would be the same. Better.
Pushing at his chest he backed away from the kiss as she pulled his shaft, angling his tip at her mons, just above where he was pumping his fingers into her, "You can if you want. I think it'll feel good."
He didn't say anything but when he pulled his fingers out and grasped around his cock, hand over hers he kept his pupils pinned to her eyes as he dragged his tip through her pussylips and down to her opening.
The moment he began to penetrate they both dropped their mouths open. It felt just like it should. Two people connecting with their bodies and their emotions. The friction felt different inside of her but she could feel the weight and the circumference of him slowly sliding into her walls.
As he blew out a harsh breath, she could feel it on her neck. It wasn't humid nor warm, but she felt the draft against her skin as he buried in.
"Can you feel me?"
Y/n reached her hands around his back, "I can feel all of you. Keep going."
He dropped his hips down against hers, pushing himself in and then easing back, dragging through her insides deliciously.
"I can feel how wet it is around me. So warm… Squeezing…"
She panted as she placed her feet flat on the mattress and rolled up against him, her clit pressing into his pelvis as he rocked into her so gently. So easy and so soft, but the swollen length inside of her was anything but soft. She felt every inch of it as he worked in and pulled back.
"It's so hard. Harry, you feel so good," she mewled before he pushed his lips against hers again.
Her old bed creaked in time with his languid pace. He held her tight, one hand at the back of her head and the other wrapped under her back as he fucked himself into her warm, gummy channel.
As fantastic as Y/n felt she imagined for him it was even better. He could feel her temperature and the moisture of her arousal, he could feel the tightness of her around him as he drove into her and surely he could feel her heart pounding in her chest.
She was in heaven. Y/n would swear off men forever if she could have this with Harry. They could have soft, lazy days together in silence, go mushroom hunting together in the afternoons, and have deep conversations about the world and biology and books they'd read… then go to bed together every night with full hearts. She'd be satisfied with him. It didn't matter what people thought of her. The strange woman who moved into the woods to live alone, never married or had kids, never had an interest in dating…
He grunted as he began to plunge in harder. He was feeling it. Just like any man would. His release, whatever that might look like for a ghost, was coming. She lifted her hips against his thrusts as he wound his lips around her slowly. The faster he moved his hips and worked into her the louder her mattress squeaked under her.
She gasped as he ground into her, swiveling his hips and groaning into her mouth, "Right there…" She panted.
If he kept his pelvis against her clit she'd come, "Don't stop. Just like that…"
So he rocked against her like she wanted, pelvis pasted to her clit as he tucked in deeper and filled her insides with his sturdy mass. She felt his hand move down, fingers wrapping around the back of her neck as she ran her tongue against his.
With their bodies glued together, Harry's big cock stuffing her and his hips down against hers she began to shake. He flexed his glutes and thighs as he continued sliding into her, raking against her walls, patting against her softly when her metal headboard started to hit her wall with every other plunge.
Harry stopped abruptly but Y/n draped a leg over his low back and pressed her hands into his bum, "Keep going. I'm gonna come…"
Shifting against her he prodded into her guts that time, making her hiss as he dragged his lips down to her neck.
"Oh fuck…" she moaned into the dark room as he plowed into her tummy, sucking on her delicate skin between panted breaths.
She loved how it felt to have him curled around her like that, arm holding her close, hips pressed against hers as his thighs pushed against the underside of her own. She loved how he did it so tenderly but so needy.
Because it'd been a long long time since he'd had sex. The poor guy had been moping in the shadows for so long, he deserved a warm pussy to enjoy. He deserved her.
When she started to come her lips parted and she sobbed his name. She also hadn't had sex in a long time. Not with another person anyway. And Harry was just as much a man (more so even) than what she'd had in the past. He grunted against her neck as she arched into him, her pussy clenching and sucking him in as she released around him.
He whimpered and then moaned loudly and suddenly he pulled his arm from under her back and took both hands to hold her hips down as he pounded into her, the frame of her bed slapping into the wall and creaking loudly as he came. His big cock was pushing into her depth, bulbous head dragging into her guts as he orgasmed. He gasped and panted as he rutted in and then stilled his hips as he bottomed out inside of her.
She rather enjoyed the way he manhandled her at the end. Holding her down so he could fuck into her to finish himself off like that. The gruff noises he was making and the pinch of pain she felt from having something so hard and so big drill into her tummy was actually quite pleasant. Satisfying.
And just as if he were alive and needed oxygen in his lungs, his chest was heaving as he looked down at he, letting go of her hips, pulling her up into his arms, and dragging her into his lap.
"Are you okay?" He asked her as he kissed her cheek and placed his palm on the back of her head.
She wrapped her arms around his torso, "I'm so good. That was so good, Harry."
He looked at her, holding her face in his hands, "It was?"
Nodding she ran her fingers up his back, "The best."
✨🍂',•* 🍄 *•,'🍂✨
Y/n would have loved to tell everyone about her boyfriend. About how happy she was and how amazingly well they got along. But she couldn't. Because if she did some of the more nosy ones (her mom for example) would want to meet him. Would want to invite him over for a family dinner so everyone could meet him.
And when she'd have to tell her mom that he wouldn't be joining them for dinner she'd be convinced that he was a lowlife. A deadbeat. Which was the furthest thing from the truth.
No. He's not a flake. He's a ghost.
So, she just told everyone she was happiest single. That men were garbage anyway (that was true).
She was happy. And so was Harry.
"I feel like this is what I was supposed to do. Meet you in the afterlife. Well, my afterlife. So our timelines would fit together."
Y/n grinned and dropped a mushroom into her basket, "I think so too. We were meant to meet, weren't we?"
Harry smiled and looked up at the sun poking through the canopy of the trees above, "It's all I ever wanted."
Y/n took his hand and looked up at the trees with him. Most of them had lost their leaves as the weather was turning chillier. This was the time of year, Harry said, that his favorite mushrooms were out. Chicken of the woods and oyster. She was going to saute them with butter and eat with the pot of lentil soup she had started before they went out to forage.
Squeezing his hand and leaning into his arm she turned her gaze from the trees to her handsome ghost, "It's all I ever wanted too."
✨🍂',•* 🍄 *•,'🍂✨✨🍂',•* 🍄 *•,'🍂✨
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sunhee27 · 2 days
☆ Thing Enhypen do at night/ when they are sleeping.
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• 엔하이픈 ୨୧ f ! r・fluff established relationship ・kisses, petnames (^-^) pls reblog if you like it and requests are welcome.
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(Sorry some of the letters are big, I can’t change it) :(
The man pouts! Yes he does, especially when sleeping. It’s honestly the cutest thing ever. Of course he denies it, and that makes it even more cute in a way. “I don’t pout!” He whines into your ear after he is begging for a kiss and you tell him that you will only give him a kiss if he admits that he pouts in his sleep. He hugs you and cuddles you while whining. He whines again at you. “Kiss me!!!! >:(“ He ‘cries’ into you ear to which you just give in. You can’t help but give him a little peck on his pouty lips when he is snuggled against you.
-Switching spots
Do you know what I mean here? probably not. But like once you are asleep, you will turn to the other side, which Heeseung doesn’t like because he likes you facing him to hug you against his chest. Or sometimes he likes back hugging you. So when you turn around, he IS gonna scoop you up and put you on his side of the bed, and he will switch to being on your side of the bed, so that he can hug you in his desired position.
(Rest of the members under the cut)
• 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐉𝐀𝐘 (박종성)
-Stealing blankets
It’s tiring and it annoys you, but you kinda live for it when he steals your blanket. He doesn’t even seem to notice himself. It’s just a habit he picked up. If he steals yours, you steal his! And that goes on and on. But you don’t complain…only a little. “Stop stealing my blanket at night.” You say. “Man, but yours is always warmer.” He pouts. “Get over it. You can just hug me if it is.” You scoff. “I would…IF I COULD CONTROL MYSELF WHEN I AM SLEEPING.” He argues back pulling you by the waist. “Fine. It doesn’t bother me more than that. But only because I love you so much.” You give up.
-Strokes you hair
When he notices that you have fallen asleep, he will just stroke your hair as a reflex almost 😅 And sometimes you will stir awake, to which he apologises faster than light itself. But honestly you only woke up because it felt nice to have your hair stroked.
• 𝐒𝐈𝐌 𝐉𝐀𝐊𝐄 (심재윤)
Who would’ve thought, jakey jakey talks in his sleep. He mumbles and talks, rambling about his day, about you 🥺 You voice recorded him saying that you were his princess. And it may have boosted his boyfriend ego. “Did I say that?” He laughs at it. ”Clearly yeah.” You giggle back, he connects your foreheads. “Do you know what that means?” He hovers over you in the bed. ”No” you giggle again. “That I am obsessed with you.” He smiles.
-Does tasks
Broski think you go to bed too early, even if he is the first of all members to go to sleep. So he will just cuddle up with you until you fall asleep, and then… get ready for bed. Doing tasks, all sort of tasks. And you would wake up slightly, still half in dream land. ‘it’s just an illusion’ he would say when he notices that he woke you up. Because he doesn’t want to make you feel bad for making him cuddle with you until you fall asleep, even if he loves doing it.
-Lightly snoring
Idols don’t snore… Bullshit! At least this man does. It’s cute when he makes small noises and groans at night. And he knows that he does it. And only just nervously laugh when the topic is brought up. His members tease him with it too. “I know I snore, but let’s just act like I don’t!!!” He says in an embarrassed tone. “But it’s cute.” You giggle. “No…” he pouts. But you will truly never stop teasing him about it.
-Swings leg around you
He sleeps late, looking at his phone. And out of nowhere he will probably swing a leg or two around you. Like they are heavy man! But you don’t mind it when he then pulls you closer with his legs :D Cute man indeed
• 𝐊𝐈𝐌 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐎𝐎 (김선우)
Believe me when I say. I think he dreams a lot. And his face shows it all, happy, sulky, mad, frustrated, scared. And as soon as you notice he is having a nightmare and breath is uneven, you will wake him up. And he will squirm before noticing it’s just his sweet girlfriend who is before his eyes. “You scared the shit outta me. But thank for waking me up.” He would say. And he would ask you to hug him for the rest of the night.
-Go to sleep early and wake up in the middle of the night
The title says it all. He would go early think it would be good for his beauty sleep. But he would then wake up in the middle of the night not being able to sleep at all. And would literally not give a shit about YOUR beauty sleep, and he would wake you up to gossip together until you both fall into slumbers again.
-Get cold and crawl under the blankets
It’s so cute to watch the little kitten crawl all the way under the blankets at night. Like he would roll himself into a little ball under the warmth of his blanket and then snuggle up to you. “Bllrr, it’s so colllddddddd.” He shivers. “Do you need an extra blanket.” You laugh sitting up beside him. “If you are the blanket, then yes.” He teases.
-Dry lips
Don’t ask me how he would literally, feel in his sleep, that his lips are chapped. But he would a million times in a night. And of course he would make sure to gloss up your lips too. So that his pretty girl is also satisfied with her lips in the morning.
-Moves a lot
He would absolutely destroy you, crush you with his six feet long body. He would roll in his sleep without noticing it and before he knows it you are about to fall of the bed. “Nikiiiiii, you are so heavyyy.” You whine under him. And shit he would wake up and be so embarrassed by it. “Sorryyy.” He would laugh. Definitely forgiven 👍
-Get up and get snacks
He would do something like this. He would wake up hangry. So he would check out the fridge then the pantry and then whatever else there is, before deciding to just toast a piece of bread. And then you would pop up and you would end up sitting in comfortable silence eating bread together.
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twisted-broth · 3 days
You Were the Weird Kid
Characters: Cater, Trey, Leona, Vil, Rook, Idia, Malleus, Lilia, Rollo
Genre: Crack
Warning for pica behavior (Rollo)
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quitesins · 3 days
Mr Deku!
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Tags: Sfw, fem!reader, aged up!character, teacher!deku, teacher!reader, coworkers, mentions of periods, idk how ua classes work but reader is like general course teacher or sumn, they’re both all might nerds :P
I wanted to make a Deku version of The Bossman so u can assume they’re all in da same universe
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winnie1emon · 1 day
✧.* now what happens when you find a frustrated theodore on the quidditch pitch...?
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theodore nott x prefect!lamb!reader (fem pov)
word count: approx. 2.4k
cw: MDNI!!, smut, dom!theo, innocent!reader, sexual language, praise, piv, fingering, unprotected sex, face painting lmao, slight exhibitionism(?)(on the quidditch stands lol)
a/n: first smut fic... don't bully </3 + been working on this sleep-deprived, lmk about spelling mistakes :(
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"Hey- hey!" you said loudly over the raging music, leaning over your friend's shoulder. "I'm gonna go; got prefect duty!"
Your friend, too engrossed in your house's quidditch victory party after they had beaten Slytherin earlier that evening, gave you a mere nod before realizing you actually said something. "Really? There are other prefects out anyways and you never find anyone. Don't be lame, just stay!"
"No, it's fine. I like walking outside anyways, it's fun," you explained, garnering a rather dismissive wave goodbye from your friend.
You trudged down the corridors searching for the way out of the castle. Curfew was approaching and you were given the task of finding a few stragglers outdoors; a task you most appreciated due to the fact you'd never find anybody and you were usually lucky with receiving ample amounts of good weather.
Too comfortable with the usual, you spent most of your patrol time frolicking on the grassy fields and never looked too carefully for any students. You were about to head back inside when you saw the broom shed's door open. Curiously, you peered inside and nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary...
A bit daunted, you closed the door and suddenly saw movement in the corner of your eye. You whipped around quickly, seeing someone flying on the quidditch pitch. You made your way into the pitch, assuming it was some overzealous lowerclassman riding on their broomstick.
As you made your way into the pitch, you realized how large it really was, somewhat awestruck. Hearing a distressed grunt, you turned around and saw the person who was flying, quite a distance away, chuck their broom onto the ground. You hastened over and the image came into view. Their brunette waves became clearer with each step you took and you managed to get their attention.
"H-hey!" You waved. You came to a stop in front of them, slightly huffing as they looked at you acutely. "Theodore, it's curfew in like... oh, two minutes ago."
Theodore raised an eyebrow at your words, seeming as if he had no idea who you were. "What?" he asked you, even though he heard what you said.
"It's past curfew, you can't be here," you said patiently. "What are you even doing here?"
"What's it look like?" he retorted. "Practicing," he added before you could answer his rhetoric question.
"Well... you should practice tomorrow. You already had that game today, you should take a break," you suggested.
He gave you what was probably the most condescending look ever, roaming over your figure. "Yeah, and we lost, princess. Need to practice."
"Don't overwork yourself," you said, your voice tinged with concern. "You were great today, I saw!"
"Mhm, probably cheering on your house, yeah?" he sneered. "Just get lost, I'm not harmin' anyone by practicing, but you're going to tell someone aren't you?" He looked a bit taut and you couldn't help but feel a bit of pity for him. After all, he wasn't the worst player on his team yet he was the only one here practicing, probably losing hairs in the process.
"No, I won't tell anyone," you said quickly. "You look exhausted though. At least sit down." You trailed all the way to one of the tall wooden towers going up to the quidditch spectator stands, feeling the wooden bench poke your thighs. Surprisingly, he sat beside you on your right with a grunt, running his hands through his hair.
Well, now what.
You peered at him in wonderment as his gaze was set straight, admiring his birthmark. Your eyes trailed around the side of his face, looking at his thick, dark brows and then at his slightly unkempt hair. He turned suddenly to face you and you darted your head away, embarrassed. He let out a small scoff, throwing his head down in a smirk.
"So," you started. "You like quidditch?" you asked dumbly. He obviously did... he plays.
"I do," he responded. "When we win."
"You guys almost did," you consoled him, tentatively reaching to rub his shoulder.
Theodore didn't protest, finding the way your palm's touch warmed his shoulder unexpectedly comforting. He looked at your seemingly apologetic face before his eyes wandered down your form, going from your neck and then down to your legs.
"Mm, almost."
Fidgeting with your fingers, you spoke up again. "Yeah, almost! Almost is good!" You reassured him. "Don't beat yourself up-- you're already so stressed." You recalled the instances in class where he'd focus on his work, the times you saw him in the library as you patrolled the halls, and the way he never seemed to hang out with his friends this past week.
"Oh princess," he said, calling you that nickname again, making you turn a light shade of pink. "When has almost winning ever helped anyone? What can I do about the stress? Nothing's going to change if I don't work." He gave a nonchalant shrug, breaking contact with your sorry eyes as he buried his head in his hands.
"Uhm... I mean, do you want help?" You peered at him, wide-eyed and full of pity.
And that's how you found yourself sitting on the open quidditch stands, thighs squeezed together with your head downcast as Theodore rubbed lazy circles over your underwear.
"I-I don't really see how this is supposed to help you," you mumbled.
He used his other hand to hold your chin gently, guiding your head to face him. "You think seeing a pretty girl like you lookin' like this doesn't help me?" he simpered. You felt your face heat up from the compliment, shifting your thighs to press against each other some more.
He let go of your chin and you looked down to watch him spread your thighs apart gently. Despite never being his friend, his touch felt familiar, even soothing. In fact, you didn't protest against him, even when you felt him slip your underwear to the side and insert a thick finger into your cunt.
Your mouth agape, you turned to look at him, brows knitting together as he met your gaze with a lascivious smile. You pressed your lips together to try and catch your breath, but it only lasted a few seconds as your lips parted once he entered another digit into you. He moved slowly, not taking his eyes off of yours, drinking in your dazed look.
You felt his pace increase, his fingers going in and out of your now glossy cunt rapidly, and let out a shaky moan which made Theodore's mouth contort in a wicked smile. You threw your head back, looking up at the greying sky. He leaned closer to you, his warm breath hitting your ear as he whispered.
"Feels good, yeah? Feels good to help me decompress hm?" He asked you quietly, having you squirm from his touch. You nodded meekly and let out a small yeah in response.
You had never experienced anything like this before. You were sort of scared, but also excited... maybe a bit confused? ...happy to help?
His touch eventually slowed, his two now-soaked fingers leaving your cunt as he held them up in front of you. Your eyes followed his fingers, your face turning into that of surprise as he brought his fingers into his mouth momentarily.
"So sweet..." he breathed out. "Come on, open up," he slapped your cheek lightly with his clean hand.
You opened your mouth slightly, your eyes looking reluctant.
"Come on, don't be scared," he cooed. You opened a little wider and he gently placed the two fingers on your tongue. You swirled your tongue around slowly, tasting sweet, kind of salty as well, but you weren't sure if that was you or his fingers. Taking in your appearance with his fingers in your mouth, he gave a breathy chuckle. "Cute."
He stood up from the bench with a sigh, taking a step in front of you. "Just one more thing, that okay?" he asked, the corners of his mouth curving into a smile.
"Yeah- yeah sure," you agreed. Even though you were unfamiliar with what you guys were doing, you were just glad you could help him out in some way.
"Good girl. --Has anyone told you how sweet you are?" He leaned forward slightly and cupped your cheeks to tilt your head upwards as you stayed seated on the bench.
"Some people, mhm," you nodded.
"Well, they weren't lying." He complimented you casually, making your stomach lurch in an oddly pleasant way. You adverted your gaze so you could soak in his compliment, your head then snapping up at the sound of a zipper. He gave you a wink that you'd be thinking about for the next week and a dazzling smile that you couldn't protest against.
He guided your legs up off the ground so you'd be kneeling on the stands bench and turned you around, having you facing opposite of the center of the quidditch pitch, towards the castle. Your eyes widened from the circumstances, the risk of being so exposed. You heard him shuffle a little behind you, the sound of his pants going down, boxers following.
You felt one of his cold fingers brush against your skin as he pushed your skirt up, making you shudder. He pulled your sodden underwear down and you heard him take a sharp inhale. His fingers ran over your folds, eliciting a groan from him. "You're so wet... n' you've never done this?" he asked you.
You shook your head, making him sigh.
"And you really want to give this to me?"
"Yeah, I do," you muttered quietly. You didn't care that it was Theodore, you just saw him as someone who needed some help and you were going to give it to them... Oh, who were you kidding? Of course you cared that it was Theodore. The Slytherin that you'd always catch yourself ogling at during the quidditch games, the one you'd stare at in potions, the guy you'd hold the door open for before Charms class.
Seeing no reason to delay his pleasure, Theodore positioned himself between your legs, holding your waist from behind as he pushed the tip of his cock into your ready cunt. You couldn't help the large gasp you let out while he stretched you out. You tried to recuperate momentarily, but he continued to enter you slowly, feeling as if there was no end.
"Fuck, you feel so good," he murmured. He slid in and out of you slowly, picking up the pace over time before you started to let out involuntary moans.
"Theo- Theodore," you huffed out, almost whining. "The castle-- someone could see us," you worried.
His pace becoming incontinent, he brushed off your concern with ease. "No one will, okay?"
Even with his reassurance, you couldn't help but feel sheepish, your anxiety spiking as the thrill got to you.
"Oh my g-god," you moaned. Theodore leaned into your back, head resting on the nape of your shoulder. He snaked his arm on your other shoulder, putting you in a headlock. You brought your hands up to hold his arm, your mind going blank as he started up a relentless speed on your and had his other arm travel down to rub on your clit.
"Shh, shh," he whispered. "Now they will see us if you don't quiet down, yeah?" You nodded in agreement, understanding that you mustn't be loud. After a few minutes of biting back your moans as he drilled into you, he positioned you to lie on your back, on one of the benches. You complied and allowed him to reposition himself into you.
"F-fuck!" You mewled, unable to contain yourself in the new position.
"Shh, shh, shhh..." he shushed you once again, covering your mouth with a large hand as the other held both of your legs against his chest. "Be quiet for me, okay? You can do it," he murmured into your ear, leaning forward to kiss your cheek.
You nodded slowly as you looked up at him when he pulled his head away from you. "Good... so good."
So entranced by his eye contact, your brain drowned out the sounds of his cock going in and out of your sopping cunt, forgetting all about your precarious surroundings.
You felt the knot in your stomach begin to unravel and you knew that your orgasm was nearing. You clawed at Theodore's hand that was on your mouth and he let go, allowing your ragged gasps to float out into the air.
"You okay?" he asked you. "You close?" He couldn't help but smile endearingly at your state, horribly disheveled, biting your own lip to keep yourself from attracting attention.
"Mm," you nodded weakly, feeling your legs begin to shake. As you came undone, you felt him slow down, letting out groans of his own. You bit down on your lips harder and you could feel tears creeping into your eyes as you felt overloaded with sensations. He pulled out of you with a light pop and stepped towards your head.
He had his cock a few inches above your face and looked hesitant before asking, "May I?"
You honestly weren't very sure of what he was requesting, but you let out a soft yeah, being surprised once he spilled onto your face.
Your lips parted into an o-shape as you squinted slightly. After one last drop, you ran a finger on your cheek, observing the mark he left on you trailing down your finger. He dropped his hands to his side and crouched down to be face level with you. He cupped your face with his hands as he ushered you to sit up.
"You're a sweetheart, so nice of you to help," he praised. Even though he had just done things to you that you'd never even been brave enough to imagine an hour prior, you couldn't fight back the bashful look on your face.
"Of course," you whispered. "Do you feel better?" you asked, pulling your underwear back up.
"Yeah, yeah I do," he chortled. He leaned forward, pressing a kiss on your forehead.
You saw the sky darkening by the second and looked out the pitch. "Oh! Someone's coming!" you exclaimed.
He gave a mischievous smile that you could stare at for days, planted a quick kiss on your lips, and grabbed your hand to stand you up, brushing ur skirt down to cover your behind.
"Then let's go."
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57 / 3.2k / medic reader + Ghost + coworkers with benefits (part 1 here)
kinktober keywords: subtextual authority kink, workplace smut, rivals to rivals who fuck, coworkers with benefits?, voyeurism, edging, fingering, distracted sex, anxious sex
As soon as you lay back--before your back can meet the bed--Simon's hands are gripping your hips, your waist, pulling you higher on the bed, situating you the way he wants.
You’re already breathless by the time he's handled you. You stare up at him, flushed and embarrassed at your uneven breathing.
As he guides you into a comfortable position, he can feel the tension in you, the way you tense up and the way your breath comes in short, frantic bursts. "Breathe. That's it." His voice is a warm, comforting murmur.
Then he slides his hands to your thighs. His rough palms send heat to your core, and you can't help how wet it makes you. You shift, breath stopping altogether in your throat as he moves your thighs in his hands, coaxing them up and open.
A dozen catastrophic thoughts whirl around your mind, but you don't quite voice any of them. The feeling of his hands is just enough to keep you focused. You let your eyes slide closed and try to make your body relax in his hands.
He doesn't rush, Simon. But he's efficient. He puts in just enough time with your thighs--squeezing, rubbing up and down, letting his hands wander from your hips all the way to the backs of your knees--to make you pliant. You barely notice him slide your skirt up to your hips and remove the cloth barrier between him and your heat.
nsfw ⬇
He can tell you're overwhelmed. His sense of pride swells as he watches you trust him anyway. He waits for you to relax a little more before dragging his hands to your inner thighs. He slides his fingers up slowly, an agonizing crawl, until he finally reaches your heat.
The way his fingers press into your folds and his touch causes your muscles to loosen is more than enough to have you shifting around on your back, letting out a soft groan. You can't keep from twitching.
He takes notice of it. He’s careful not to show how gratifying it. His pupils dilate.
 Every single movement he makes, down to the smallest gesture, adds to the unbearable heat building in the pit of your stomach. With his every touch, he slowly, agonizingly reminds you how badly you need this. He isn't gentle. Not rough, either, although you get the sense he could be. Instead, his movements are practiced. Focused. Technical. You try to match him. You focus on the release you want, trying to help him by speeding things along. You swallow the sounds that threaten to tear out of your throat. The walls are thin, you remind yourself. Just focus on what you both need to do.
The tension starts to build, and you let your breathing quicken. Every little touch feels like it's bringing you closer and closer to your breaking point. The sensation of his fingers stroking you, homing in on that sensitive bundle of nerves, sends electricity up your spine.
Your nerves begin to light up in his hands, and your body responds even more sharply as Simon begins getting a little rougher. He doesn't want to hurt you--he wants to drive you over the edge and give you what you need.
He wants you to moan, to squirm, to cry, to let it all out in front of him. And he's not going to stop until you do.
"Talk to me, love." His voice is husky, punctuated by the wet sounds of his fingers. "Let me know what you like."
His words send another flood of heat straight to your core. Your muscles twitch and pulse and clench around nothing. Your legs start to tremble. Desperation threatens to scatter the few frayed thoughts left in your mind. His fingers work you over faster, small circles growing faster and harsher. He knows you’re close.
God, he's wanted to see you like this for so long. You look starved. Your legs tremble. your hands grip the sheets. Despite how you try to control yourself, your hips move in circles, desperate to work against his hand. As your breath grows more ragged, his hands work faster, rougher. He wants to hear you moan for him. His eyes blaze with heat as he watches you struggle to keep control. He wants you bucking and twisting, desperate to reach your climax. He wants to be the one who feels you fall apart on his hand.
You want it too. You see feel how hard he's working to get you there. But as close as you are, you can't reach it. The anxiety is still there. You’re too inside your own head, worrying that you won't finish, that you’re boring him, that this is a selfish inconvenience.
You try to banish those thoughts. But the further you try to push them down, the more they build. A groan of frustration leaves your lips as you slow, settling back into the bed. "I can't," you mutter.
He stares down at you. The frustration etched in your expression sends a pang of guilt through the pit of his chest. He watches as the anxiety takes you over, slowing your breath and undoing the intoxicating tension he'd bound up in your body. You're barely moving now. You're already resigned to ending it here. Frustration sweeps over him.
"Can't?" He tries to speak like he's not desperate to push you harder, rougher, to rail you into the mattress right now. He leans forward and lets his fingers slow but not entirely still. Is there something else bothering you? Is he not doing something right? Are you thinking of someone else?
But those questions won't help. You're overthinking already. Despite that, he can't accept that it ends here. He'll fight to keep you under him, even if you’re already resigned.
"That's alright," he murmurs. "You don't have to finish, hm? Just get yourself used to my fingers. How does this feel?"
You turn your head to the side, feeling a pang of irritation. He should just leave well enough alone. You tell yourself that, not him, because deep down you know it's an excuse. You hate that sinking feeling of disappointment, shame, self-blame. You should be able to finish, you just... can't focus.
You open your mouth to tell him off, but when he presses just a bit harder, picks up his pace just a bit more, your voice dissolves into a breathy groan.
"It feels good," you admit, your eyes fluttering closed again. "But I can't... can't get where I need to... be..." you trail off, distracted by the way his fingers circle and press that bud. Your hips move of their own volition again. It feels nice, the oxytocin washing through you. You don't want it to end. Maybe if he says you don't need to finish, it's okay for him to keep going a little longer. Just a little.
He glances down, repositioning his hand, but his gaze is snagged by your folds. Your flushed, glistening folds, dripping fluid down his hand, coating your thighs. He was so busy watching your reaction and reading your tells that he didn't realize just how goddamn wet you are.
Your heat is so inviting. He knows he shouldn't--knows he should be restrained, be clinical, at least for now--but resisting that dark impulse is impossible. His fingers stray from your clit to your slit, sliding up and down, feeling you pulse with need.
He muffles a groan, part sympathy and part lust. You really do need this. You need someone to help you. And he's nothing if not a problem-solver, right? He's the man for the job. He'll find out what you like, what makes you comfortable, what makes you cum your goddamn brains out.
You stretch your hips down with a small sigh, not quite having the presence of mind to protest as his fingers slip inside of you. The heat in your core builds in small amounts, enough to intensify the pleasurable feeling but not enough to make you feel like you’re losing control of yourself.
"Simon, you okay?" you ask, knowing he's been at it for awhile now. His hands must be tired. His wrists must be cramping. You don't want this to become a burden before he feels like he can speak up. Meanwhile, you shift, spreading slightly wider to give him more room, and let your hips glide back and forth at his pace. His fingers are impressively dexterous, even with a moving, slippery target.
God, your voice. Breathy. You don't know what it does to him. His mouth goes dry before he can respond, heat running up his spine as you spread your legs wider for him. You're relaxing. You trust him. He can't let you know how badly he wants to devour you. The way you grip his fingers makes him want to climb the walls. The way you stretch your body out right in front of him and slide your hips down on his hand makes him want to force your thighs all the way open and bury his face between them.
He keeps his voice even. His desperation can wait until he gets back to his bunk, he tells himself. "Perfectly fine. You're doing well. Stunning." The word slips out before he can stop it. He quickly moves on.. "This feel good?"
"Yes," you tell him. Short and simple. If you talk too much, you won’t be able to keep your voice down.
You should be trying to relax, wind down, and let this end naturally. But then the calloused pads of his fingertips run over a sensitive spot. You jolt and hiss in a sharp breath.
He sees it--the way your face tightens and you press your breath out. You're getting overstimulated and trying to rein yourself in. Trying too hard. He recognizes it as the usual clinical approach you prefer when it comes to the field. You're keeping your voice down, breathing evenly, avoiding the temptation to let yourself get too noisy or lose too much control.
He can’t quite find it in himself to admire your self-restraint. No, he doesn't want you to relax. He wants to see you undone.
His fingers press harder, a rougher stroke, and you jerk more harshly than the last time. "Is that where you like it?" he asks.
You grab his hand. "Nnh..."
He starts to pull his hand away, but you push his hand closer. He leans over you to stare down at your hand wrapped around his. The tangle of calloused fingers coated in slick feels strangely more intimate than erotic.
You begin to undulate your hips and grind against his hand. Your breath hitches. He's got you figured out. You don't say it, but your responses indicate you're getting closer to where you want to be. You just couldn't focus. Now you're helping him help you.
You drop all pretense of propriety and chase the high. Calls of encouragement spring out of your throat. They turn needy. You rut your hips desperately against his hand.
Simon has to dig his free hand into the sheets, and fight the urge to push you down and hold you there. It takes every ounce of restraint. He's never seen you this open. All that time spent watching your back, working with you, learning how to anticipate you--as much as he wanted this, he never saw himself with you like this.
But he shouldn't think that way. Right? This is nothing. Stress relief. Trust in your lieutenant. Implicit, privileged trust.
He works his fingers faster, rougher, more beseechingly against your soft inner walls. "Come on," he growls, voice raw. "Come on. Let it out."
You grit your teeth in frustration. You need more somehow. You need his rough palm to stop slipping around your sensitive nub and press harder. Need his fingers deeper. You push yourself against his hand. He leans forward on instinct--so you don't have to move, so he can give you more--and feels a shiver roll down his spine as he does. But the more your pretenses fall away, the more he struggles to hold his own back.
His goddamn knees feel weak. You grinding against his fingers is enough to make him want to pant like a dog.
But this is a transaction. Not personal. You're not making it there and he needs to know why. "Use your words," he growls.
You groan in frustration. You're a little beyond words at the moment.
"Eyes up, medic. Tell me what you need," he demands hoarsely. His voice is raw and low. He doesn't know whether to sound encouraging or commanding--both are what he needs you to be. He presses harder with his fingers, stroking you faster. "You need just this, like this?" Another press. "Or do you need more?"
That drop into his lieutenant voice makes you tense up. You look up at him with a weak glare. Is he serious? Ordering you around right now?
The heated frustration in your glare just pushes him to press you harder. He’d dead serious; he doesn't back down. He's made up his mind that he'll see you come apart at the seams. He'll be relentless until he's figured out how to do it perfectly.
He leans in, pressing you down, his lips at your ear. "I need to know what you need. Or I can't help you. So tell me."
You swallow, throat dry. "I don't know if I can."
Cop-out. You just love making things difficult.
"Don't bullshit me," he snaps. Tension in his shoulders stiffens his fingers. "You know what you need. Tell me how to get you there."
"You said I didn't have to," you retort as meanly as you can right now.
There it is. The prickly smartassery he can't stand. Even in his hands and at his mercy. "I changed my mind. I'm your lieutenant. It's my job to help you."
"You're not my fucking therapist."
"My job to push you, then."
The way he argues with you while his fingers are still pumping in and out of you--speeding up, you'd swear--raises more heat from the pit of your stomach. One thing you two have in common: you're stubborn. He's going to give you what you need, by God. Even if he has to convince you that you still need it.
You try to ignore how much that thought turns you on.
But Simon can tell. There's more heat than anger on your face. Your cheeks are flushed, and your eyes are wild, and he knows it's not rage alone.
You try to hold his glare. "Fine. Just... ah..." Your eyes flutter closed. Your hips buck up against his hand before you can stop it.
The way that stubbornness starts to dissolve away--that, and the way your hips buck up--makes him want to salivate. "Good work," he murmurs. "Keep going. Work with me."
"Focus on stimulating my g-spot," you manage. Then you reach down and begin working your clit with two fingers. You're all business.  
Simon can't help but be a little jealous of the way you touch yourself. He wants to feel what your hands can do. At the same time, he'd give anything to have you under him like this without the pretense--but you'd never let yourself do something so unprofessional.
It's that damn professional tone that really gets to him. The way you deal him orders like the field medic you are, even now. Not commanding, not begging--but direct. Clear and concise, like you speak to him when you’re working together.
"Good," he says. "That's good. Focus."
His hand shifts and he works his fingers faster, rougher. A little too rough. You want something more direct? He can do direct.
You arch off the bed at the sudden overstimulation. "Fuck, Simon--" You grab his fingers to force him to slow down. "Don't fucking hammer me!"
"I'm doing what you asked. If you want me to be gentle, use your words."
"Not gentle, just..." You huff and release his fingers. "A little softer. Match my pace."
He can't help but smirk as you command him. You're not used to him falling in line, are you? He eases up and strokes the bundle of nerves inside you with the same rhythm you roll your fingers. "Like this?"
"Yeah." You let out a sigh that dissolves into a soft moan. "Yeah."
"Good show." He murmurs. So good. Simon's stomach tightens. The way your body twists makes him want to bend you in ways you'd never let him do. You have him in the palm of your hand. He’s doing exactly what you want, matching your fingers perfectly, as you have him so easily wrapped around them. It's on the tip of his tongue to ask you if you want more than his fingers, but he squelches it.
You focus on the feeling of pleasure building up in the base of your spine. Soon, your body is moving of its own volition, riding his fingers, wanting the feeling so badly it's willing to pretend this is normal.
"That's right," he murmurs. "Nice and easy." You're almost there. He can feel it. He doesn't know which of you needs you to come more at this point. You've been frustrated for weeks. He's never so badly wanted someone else to use him for their own relief.
You seize up sharply, arch, and cry out as the first wave hits you. You keep working yourself--you have to wring as much pleasure out of this as you possibly can, fingers slipping as they circle your bud furiously.
At the sounds you make, it takes every ounce of self-control Simon has not to close his teeth around your throat.
With his help, you work yourself through the feeling slowly. It was sorely, sorely needed, and when it fades, you let yourself collapse into the creased sheets and close your eyes.
You seem so worn out and satisfied, Simon thinks. It's a good look. He carefully slides his fingers out of you as your breath slows. You'll be asleep in moments if he doesn't disturb you.
He should leave. You've been taken care of. You'd certainly make him leave if you weren't too breathless to speak. But he can't will himself to go just yet. A little selfishly, he wants to enjoy the sight of you like this a minute longer. He sits in silence as you catch your breath. He'd never admit it, but he's smitten. Just hormones, surely. The feeling will fade.
After a moment, he clears his throat. "Satisfied?"
"Mmhmm." The sound is almost a purr. It makes something warm spread in his belly.
Your flushed cheeks, the soft look on your face, your mussed hair, eyes closed, lips parted, flushed cheeks, hair tousled in the sheets--you're so vulnerable and open. His gaze trails down to the slick gleaming on his fingers.
He should go. He needs to clean himself up.
He stands up. You turn onto your side, your back to him. "This never happened, then?"
He nods curtly. "Never happened."
"Good." You fidget with the corner of your pillowcase. "But thanks."
He'll take it.
"Anytime," he murmurs. "Get some rest, medic."
part 1 / [part 2]
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misfit0789 · 2 days
Revealed Secrets
Emily Fox x Reader
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Summary: Emily and Alessia reveal some secrets to the team.
Word Count: 4.6k words
Warnings: None, just fluff :)
My longest fic yet! And special thanks to @alotofpockets for helping with the final details of this!!
Emily POV
I walk into the Arsenal clubhouse my gym bag slung over my shoulder held up by my right hand. My coffee held by my pinkie, index finger, and thumb with my phone held between my middle and ring finger against the cup, my keys held with my pinkie by the key ring in my left hand.
"Foxy!" I stop and turn and see Katie, Caitlin and Leah walking into the clubhouse, Katie waving at me. I smile and lift my hand with my coffee up in greeting. "I see nothing has changed since you won that gold medal. Still going to that same little café non of us have been to yet." I roll my eyes and turn to continue on my way into the locker room.
"As I told you before, I will never go to a different café willingly. Nothing compares to this coffee. I won't be swayed to leave. Their food and pastries remind me of home." I hear feet moving quicker to catch up, and turn to see Katie next to me. I glance back and see Leah and Caitlin shaking their heads at Katie's antics.
"Well then why won't you ever let us join you? From what I hear you only have let Alessia and Lotte join you. I get you all went to college together but I want to try this food that is so amazing." Katie says as we reach the door. I open it walking to my locker. I hang up my bag and set my phone and keys down on the shelf in my locker, and take a sip of my coffee as I turn to face Katie who followed me to my locker.
"They have, all of you have been busy to join us. All of you have been more than welcome to join Less, Lotte and I any time you wanted. What more do you want me to say?" I say before turning to get changed for practice.
"Fine, then why don't we make it a group thing. We'll meet at…" Katie looks at the logo on my cup, "Cosmic Cookies after training today and see if this place is really as good as you say." Katie says loudly drawing the attention of the others still in the locker room. I sigh and agree.
"Okay fine, can we get to practice now?" I ask. She agrees before walking to her own locker. I finish changing and grab my phone to send a quick text.
To My Baker [7:54 a.m.]
Just a heads up. More than just the UNC girls and I after practice today. The whole team will be by. Might want extra cookies on hand.
From My Baker [7:56 a.m.]
Done, I actually just finished a batch of your favorites. Text me when you are done and I'll put them in the oven so they are warm when you guys get here.
To My Baker [7:57 a.m.]
Thank you! I love you and I'll see you after practice!
From My Baker [7:58 a.m.]
I love you too!
I set my phone in my locker and take a quick look around the locker room. Seeing just Kim in the room I hurriedly slip off my wedding ring, having forgot to take it off this morning, and place it on the shelf in my locker before making my way out to the pitch for practice.
"Alright girls job well done today! No practice tomorrow so rest up before the game this weekend. See you in 2 days for a light session before gameday." Jonas says before dismissing us to the showers. I try and be quiet hoping Katie forgot about-my thoughts are cut off by arms wrapping around my shoulders. I look and see Kyra and Katie on either side of me.
"So I hear we finally get to try this place you keep secret from us," Kyra says.
"It's not a secret. The name and logo is on this cup I have every morning practice. You guys just never asked to join or try the place so I never said anything." I shrug them off my shoulders.
"Oh please we have asked you about it everyday since we noticed you showed up here with the same logo on the cup for a month straight. You just brushed us off." Leah pipes up turning to look at us from where she was walking ahead of us with Lia, Beth and Kim.
"Guys leave her alone, you get to try the place today so let it go," Kim says to the three. I mouth my thanks before further pushing Kyra and Katie away from me.
Once in the locker room I forego showering to get to the café before the others. I quickly change and pack my things. I'm almost out of the door when I'm called back.
"Why are you in such a hurry Foxy? I thought we could carpool, since only three of us here know where this bakery even is." Leah says. I give her a really look but she just shrugs. "What? You Lotte and Less are the only ones on the team who have been there. I've lived here most of my life and have never been to or even heard of this bakery since before you transferred here."
"Look, the owner is an old friend who moved to London around the time Foxy did. They opened the cafe around the corner from my apartment. I brought Foxy over on her first day with Arsenal to help calm her nerves. She was addicted to coffee in college so I thought a cup might help her relax on her first day." Alessia speaks up. I give her a grateful look. She sends me a subtle nod in return. "Let Em go. Lotte and I can car pool some of you. The rest can follow us there. Em told me earlier she has something to do before we all met there." Leah nods in response to Alessia so I take that as my queue to leave.
I quickly make my way out to my car. I open the door and throw my stuff in the back seat slamming it shut before opening the drivers door jumping in the seat, pulling the door closed behind me. I press the break and start button to turn my car on. I give it a minute to start up and let my phone connect to the Bluetooth in my car. Once connected I press the phone button on my wheel and select my wife's contact. I put the car in drive as the call dials out.
"Hey love. I'm on my way to you now. I wanted to have a minute with you before the chaos ensues" I smile hearing her giggle.
"I'm sure it won't be that bad. It’ll be nice to meet the people you, Lotte, and Less talk about all the time."
"You will regret those words. You've never met Kyra and Katie. I'm envious of that." I whisper at the end causing her to laugh again.
"I'm sure I'll be fine, you forget who I grew up with?" It's my turn to laugh this time knowing just how crazy her family is. I see her sister everyday.
"Never. Love, I'm just turning the corner to the café now. I'll be in shortly."
"Okay baby. I'll see you in a minute" I tap the red phone on my car's screen to end the call. I turn into the parking lot of the café and pull into an empty spot. I press the power button to turn off my car. I grab my phone and keys before getting out of my car and making my way to the café.
I open the door to the café, the bell above ringing signaling my arrival. I look to the counter and smile as I see my wife at the till handing a customer their box of baked goods. I walk over and stand to the side allowing her to finish up.
As we make eye contact she holds up her index finger to me signaling me to give her a minute. I nod and continue to watch her in her element. After a couple minutes she turns to one of her employees.
"Hey Adam, can you take over up here? I have a batch or two that need to get in the oven." The boy nods moving towards the till. My wife walks over to where I'm standing. The gate that separates the front of the café from the kitchen the only thing between us.
"Hello my love," I whisper to her when she unlatches the gate and pulls me closer to her, her arms going around my waist. I stand on my tiptoes to wrap my own around her neck, pressing a kiss to her lips. I slowly pull back and rest my forehead on hers.
"Hello beautiful," She whispers into the air between us. I give her a soft smile as I look into her eyes. I take a moment to admire her wondering how I got so lucky. She pulls back and removes one arm from my waist to guide me further into the kitchen.
She releases her hold on me to grab two trays of cookies and walks them to the oven. I lean back on a counter with trays of cookies already baked. I take a quick look at my wife and once I confirm her back is to me I snag a cookie off the tray and take a bite. I hold back a moan from the taste of the cookies. I've been with her for years and her baking never seizes to amaze me.
"How was train-Babe!" she cuts herself off, I look up like a deer in headlights mid-bite of the cookie. I give her a sheepish smile before stuffing the rest of it into my mouth. "Em!"
"What?" I try to ask, but it comes out all muffled with the mouthful of cookie.
"I can't bring you anywhere can I?" She asks walking up to me. She grabs the rag from her apron using it to brush off the cookie from my face before placing it back in her apron-pocket.
"Well if you stopped making such delicious cookies then there wouldn't be a problem. And to answer your unfinished question training itself was fine. Before and after until I left not so much." She gives me a questioning look.
"Why? What happened?"
"Katie and some of the others were ganging up on my about why I always have coffee from here and why I've never invited them besides Lotte and Less here before. When I tried to leave they stopped me again but Less spoke up with an excuse, fibbing just a bit…" I trail off as she begins to move around the kitchen cleaning up.
"What do you mean? Why did she lie?" She asks putting a baking sheet and mixing bowl in the industrial size sink.
"Okay, maybe it wasn't a lie per say but she told them you're an old friend who moved here around when I did and she brought me here on my first day at Arsenal because she knew from college that coffee calmed me. She knows as well as I that you like your privacy and if it was known who you are it may break your bubble. I just hop they can keep their mouths shut when they meet you today."
"Em, it's fine. I knew my bubble would only last so long. If I'm honest I'm surprised it has lasted this long. You know my sister, she is not the best secret keeper, plus you'd think more people would be able to figure it out. I'm really okay with people knowing who I am, whether that be as your wife or as-" We are cut off by the sound of the door ringing along with a voice calling out.
"Y/n we're here!" I groan hearing the Alessia.
"Looks like it is time for chaos. I love you baby," I wrap my arms around her waist for a quick hug. I pull back and press a kiss to her lips, "I'm going to sneak out the back so they don't see me. It will give you a second of peace." She nods pressing another quick kiss to my lips before I move to the back door in the kitchen.
I watch as Emily leaves through the back door. I take a deep breath, but jump before I can move as the oven beeps for the cookies.
"One second Alessia!" I call out grabbing my oven mitts before turning back towards the oven to take out the cookies.
"Hurry up will you?" Alessia calls back. I roll my eyes as I set the trays on the counter to cool. I remove the oven mitts and make my way to the front of the café. Just as I step behind the register where Alessia and her team are waiting I hear the bell on the door and see Emily walking into the shop. I smile as we make eye contact, before turning to Alessia.
"I can take over now Adam, can you clean the tables in the corner off for these girls?" He nods and moves to grab the rag and bucket from the back before going to do as I asked. "How can I help you girls?" I look at the others behind Alessia who stare at me in shock. I chuckle and turn back to Alessia who has a smirk matching my own at their reactions. Aside from Emily and Lotte as they know who I am.
"You know Emily, Lotte and I's orders, let's give Kyra, Katie, Caitlin, Beth, Viv, Kim, Steph and Leah a minute to recover," Alessia laughs. I nod and turn to start making their orders.
"Wait!!" Kyra yells seemingly the first to recover. "You look just like Alessia!" Katie is the next to recover as she smacks the back of Kyra's head causing the girl to whine in pain.
"That's because they're twins you idiot,"
"That we are. I'm Y/n it's nice to meet you all." I smile and wave.
"Less why did we never know you had a twin? You've been on the Lionesses for years but we've never seen or heard of you having a sister." Leah asks.
"That would be because of me. As Less was getting recognized I wanted to be kept private. I wanted to be able to make my own name for myself." I explain causing a few of them to nod.
"That makes sense," Beth adds. The rest seemingly recovered from their initial shock of Alessia having a twin and are now studying the menu on what to order.
"Since that's out of the way Lotte, Less, Em I'll grab your usuals while the rest of you decide." I turn and head into the kitchen leaving the girls at the counter. As I grab the cups for their drinks I can hear the girls talking.
"So Lotte and Em, you knew Alessia had a twin and never said anything?" I heard Leah ask.
"We all went to UNC together Y/n majored in business. You guys know what the three of us majored in. Lotte and Alessia roomed together and Y/n and I got roomed together. When Lotte, Less and I weren't at practice all four of us would hang out and work on homework or taste test any new recipes Y/n/n had come up with." I hear Emily respond. I smile remembering most of those "taste-testing" sessions were just Emily and I. I hear Alessia scoff likely remembering the same thing.
"So it seems Y/n has always wanted to open a bakery. What got her into that?" I hear one of them ask.
"That would be because of our grandmother. She and Y/n used to bake all the time when we were younger. When our brothers and I were outside kicking a ball, Y/n was in the kitchen watching or helping our grandmother bake." I hear Alessia answer, just as I finish their orders. I place them on the tray and walk back to the front of the café, balancing the tray on my left arm.
I stop at the counter setting the tray down and pass their drinks and pastries." Here you go ladies," I smile as my hand brushes against Emily's noticing the blush on her cheeks. Even after all these years I have the same effect on her. "Now do you ladies know what you'd like?" I set the tray to the side and grab my notepad to take their orders.
Once I have their orders Adam makes his way back over to the counter. "Adam do you mind running the register? I have to grab these ladies their orders."
"Of course not, I can handle the front. Kacey should be in any minute any way to help so you can spend the time with your sister. We will have it covered." He says, I give him a smile and nod.
"Thanks Adam, I really appreciate it," He gives me a smile back and turns to help the next customer. The girls walk over to their table while I make my way back to the kitchen to work on their orders.
I make quick work of their orders setting them on two trays. I balance one on my right arm and hold the other on my left hand before moving to where the girls are sitting.
As Alessia and Emily see me approach Alessia goes to get up and help me but Emily places a hand on her arm to stop her.
"I'm pretty sure the others would like to enjoy their pastries and coffees, not have them spilled all over the floor." Emily says standing herself causing the others to laugh. Emily makes her way over to me and grabs the tray balanced on my arm. "Let me help," she says softly I nod giving her an appreciative smile before passing out the orders.
"Well that's one way to tell the difference between you two. Alessia would have fallen with those before she even made it to the counter," Katie says causing the others, including myself to laugh. Alessia sits back in her seat crossing her arms.
"You guys are mean," She pouts, I laugh and finish passing out the order before moving to stand behind Alessia. I place my hands on her shoulders giving them a reassuring squeeze. I feel her lean back into my touch.
"You know she's right Less, you've always been the clumsy one," I say, she huffs out a breath before slowly nodding.
"I guess," I press a kiss to her head before sitting in the seat between her and Emily. I feel Emily grab my hand under the table and lace our fingers together. I smile and give her hand a squeeze. I look around the table seeing the girls enjoying their treats but also looking at me. I sigh.
"Ask away," most of them start talking at once causing some of the others in the café to look over. "Woah! One at a time!" They all quiet down and raise their hands causing a few of us to laugh. "From what I've heard from these three I'm going to regret asking you first, but go ahead Kyra."
"It's nothing bad I promise," The girl starts, I nod for her to continue," Since you and Alessia are twins, who's older?" I smirk and glance at Alessia to see that pout back on her lips.
"That would be me, older by 10 minutes," I smile proudly. I see Alessia roll her eyes.
"Yes you are, and you like to remind me every chance you get," she grumbles. I laugh and release Emily's hand to wrap Alessia in a hug pulling her into my body.
"Yes, but you have loved having an older sister who looks out for you," She sighs but nods relaxing into my hold.
"Is it just me or is this a different side to Alessia we have never seen before?" Leah asks.
"Oh this is normal for them. Y/n and Alessia have always been touchy like this," Lotte speaks up, Emily nodding in agreement.
"Yup you never saw one without the other attached. If not attached she wasn't far behind. Only times they were apart was when Less had practice or camp or when Y/n was in the kitchen." Emily adds.
"So you guys live together?" Beth asks before taking a sip of her coffee. Alessia and I shake our heads.
"Nope, we did but Y/n moved out a couple years back," Alessia answers pulling back from our hug. I sit back in my chair and take hold of Emily's hand once again.
"Can I ask a question now?" Katie speaks up. I sigh and nod. "Are you single?" Caitlin slaps the back of Katie's head, "Ow! It's a valid question!"
"No, next question," I respond moving my left hand to rest on top of Emily and I's interlocked hands.
"Wait! You're not single? Why didn't I know this?" Alessia fakes shocked. I roll my eyes and nudge her with my shoulder causing her to laugh.
"You've met her you idiot,"
"Oh I know, I just like poking fun. After all that's what younger sisters do isn't it?" I roll my eyes and briefly let go of Emily's hand to flick Alessia in the head. "Ow!" I smile and grab hold of Emily's hand once again lacing out fingers. She squeezes my hand three times, I squeeze hers three times back. Emily adjusts so she is leaning her head on my shoulder.
The questions continue from the girls. I answer them as best I can through Katie and Kyra seemed to have teamed up to keep pushing about my partner.
"Guys she just met you, if she doesn't want to tell you she doesn't have to," Steph says stepping in after their eighth time asking. I give her a grateful look. She offers me a smile. They both go to protest but Steph, Caitlin and Kim give them a look to stop asking causing them to sigh but agree.
The others break off into their own conversations leaving Emily, Alessia and I to talk quietly to ourselves.
"I though you were okay telling them?" Alessia asks confused.
"Oh we are. I just lie making them guess. From what you two and Lotte have told me they cause you guys enough grief, if they want to know bad enough they can work for it," I say.
"Babe, they just met you and you're already driving them crazy," Emily comments giving my hand a squeeze.
"It's fun! Besides I'm surprised no one noticed the ring on your finger yet. How long have you been playing here?" I ask jokingly. From what I've been told these girls are some of the smartest yet stupidest bunch. "Besides Em, you have been glued to my side since I sat down and not one of them have said anything," I point out causing her to blush. I press a kiss to her cheek causing Alessia to laugh.
"You have a point. You and Em have been touchy since you started dating. It got worse when you proposed and worse again when you got married. You both have been pretty tame today," Alessia comments. I roll my eyes and nudge her shoulder causing Emily to whine softly from me moving away from her.
"Sorry my love," I whisper moving back towards her, and pressing a kiss to her head when she leans back on my shoulder. "Like Em said, I just met the girls I don't want to scare them away…yet" I mumble at the end causing Alessia and Emily to laugh. "What? You both know these girls can get on your nerves."
"Hey! You guys have told her we get on your nerves?" Katie asks, having overheard our conversation. The other conversations halt at Katie's comment. The two give her a knowing look causing her to shrink back in her seat. "Okay point taken. Now back to the topic at hand. This partner of yours Y/n who are they?" Katie asks leaning forward in her seat, awaiting my response.
"Since you can't give it a rest I'll tell you this. You know her." They look at me curiously.
"All of us?" Kyra asks. I nod.
"I'll give you guys three hints to figure it out." Katie, Kyra, Beth and Leah nod. The others not as invested in knowing as those four.
"Okay, clue 1 -" I start before Leah cuts me off.
"Wait! How long have you been with your partner?" she asks.
"Since college," I answer before continuing, "Clue 1 they play professional soccer." the four groan in response.
"We figured that much! You said we know them! How else would all of us know the person?" Katie exclaims causing customers to look at our table again. Katie gives a sheepish smile before apologizing.
"Fine, you want another clue?" I ask causing them to nod. "She is a defender,"
"That doesn't narrow it down too much! Do you know how many defenders we know?" Kyra asks.
"I never said they'd be easy clues." I comment. The rest of the girls aside from the four questioning me snicker at my response. "Final clue, she plays for Arsenal." I say. Emily squeezes my hand before pushing her head closer to he trying to be obvious. I look at the others whose eyes widen as they realize just who my partner is. I nod and bring my left index finger to my lips signaling them to keep quiet as the other four bicker with each other about who on the team it could be. Their eyes widen even more, if possible, when they notice the ring on my finger. I smirk reaching for Emily's coffee with my left hand before taking a sip.
"Wait?!? You're married?!?" Kyra yells. The others turning to look at me in shock. I chuckle and nod.
"Yup, we just celebrated our two year wedding anniversary." I answer, the girls continuing to look at me in shock.
"I think you two should just put them out of their misery and tell them," Alessia laughs.
"Babe?" I shrug, turning to look at Emily.
"As much fun as this has been I think you've tortured them enough baby," She says pressing a kiss to my lips then cupping my face with her hand to guide me into a kiss. I smile placing my hand on her cheek trying to deepen the kiss only for it to be broken by one of the girls.
"Foxy?! You're married?!" One of them shout. I pull away from Emily, moving my hand from her cheek to wrap my arm around her shoulder pulling her into me.
"Yes. Yes I am, She smiles proudly leaning her head back on my shoulder. I smile down at her pressing a kiss to her temple before leaning my head on hers.
"How did we miss Foxy being married?" Leah asks causing the others to shrug in response before Kim speaks up.
"I knew," the others turn to look at her in confusion. "What? I pay attention unlike the rest of you, besides she left her ring on when we met when she first joined the club," I chuckle knowing Emily has forgotten to take off her ring a lot. I look around the table watching the others talk amongst themselves trying to figure out how they missed that big detail about their teammate. I lean farther back in my seat looking between Alessia and Emily.
"I can see why you guys love them so much. You all really are a family," I whisper to them. Both girls smile at me and nod.
"They're your family now too. Welcome to the chaos." Alessia chuckles. I smile looking around the table at the girls my sister and wife have come to call family.
"Fine with me. I love them already,"
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ghouljams · 2 days
i love when u write the boys (but especially ghost) as bite-y 🥰 its rlly hot. personally speaking.
One flash of Ghost's canines has me weak in the fucking knees. The man is fine as hell (in a scarred and kind of mean way) and I know he's giving you a smirk, running his tongue over his teeth and thinking about getting you bruised up. That man has some wicked canines too, mean things that you can feel the tips of against your skin.
He'll sit nicely and let you press the pad of your thumb against them if you ask, his eyes watching you with a darkness that makes you shiver. Waiting for your approval so he can find a new spot to bite. New marks that bruise and leave you with pleasant aches you can't stop poking. You even, almost, like the way he bites your pussy. Some deep animal part of you purring at the thought of your man marking up the most private parts of you. Marking your cunt as his with the same teeth that you run your tongue over when you lick your slick off his lips.
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bunnis-monsters · 2 days
Too cute
Male!Puppy Hybrid x Fem!Reader
Bunni’s Monstertober Event
Oct 19th
Oct 18
Oct 20
summary: your puppy hybrid bf doesn’t enjoy all the attention your costume is giving you…
warnings: SUPER SHORT, breeding, belly bulge
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It had been hard enough keeping his hands off of you after seeing you with those cute bunny ears on your head, but when he noticed everyone at the costume party staring at your barely concealed ass and noticeable cleavage, he went a bit crazy.
It took only a few seconds for him to pull you into a closet and lift up the back of your dress.
After pushing your panties to the side, you yelped when he pushed his throbbing cock inside without any prep.
“Mine… all those guys looking at what’s mine…”
You could hear his tail wagging wildly behind him, thumping against the closet door as his cock slammed into you.
“Time to give you a litter… then everyone will know who you belong to…”
You spent nearly an hour in the closet, getting knotted over and over until your belly bulged with his cum.
You walked out sheepishly, now wearing your boyfriend’s coat to hide how soaked your dress was and how your belly was now bulging.
And his tail wagged furiously, seeing everyone look away with red faces.
They had definitely heard what happened.
NSFW TAGLIST: @sunset-214 @strawberrypoundtown @avalordream @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @im-eating-rn @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @unforgettablewhvre @yoongiigolden @peachesdabunny @murder-hobo @leiselotte @misswonderfrojustice @dij-ology @i8kaeya @lollboogurl @h3110-dar1in9 @keikokashi @aliceattheart @mssmil3y @spicyspicyliving @namjoons-t1ddies @izarosf1833 @healanette @lem-hhn @spufflepuff @honey-crypt @karljra @zyettemoon1800 @exodiam @vexillum-moeru @imperfectlyperfectprincess1 @binnieonabike @enchantedsylveon @mysticranger575 @readeryn68 @danielle143 @kittenlover614 @filthybunny420 @annavittoria-mm @makimamybelovedwife @blubearxy @omglovelylaila @toocollectionchaos-universe-blog @fruk-you-usuk-fans @wil10wthetree @hammerhead96-blog @slightlyusedfloormat
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slvttyplum · 20 hours
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satoru loves how wet you get, but he especially loves your wet panties and how the core of them gets so soaked that your sweet fluid drips through them.
four whole drawers dedicated to your panties and he had no shame about them, making sure to pick them up off the floor after he fucked you so that he could stuff them in the "discrete" drawer by his bed.
it was just so fascinating to see what he could do to you without laying a single finger on him to make your pussy drip through fabric, saliva building in his mouth from how aroused he was.
 he fucking loved it, loved every single part about teasing you and touching you through your clothes just to get to those thin underwear that protected the treasure he yearned for.
some people would call satoru a perv for collecting his partner's panties that were clearly ruined with fluids, but satoru called it love and dedication. who else would do this for you? appreciate everything your sexy body could do. 
even doing some unspeakable things with them whenever he had some alone time, he couldn't help it; it was practically calling to him with the drawer right next to his bed, especially on lonely nights where you weren't there. 
of course you knew about it—him snatching up your panties off the floor before you could wake up so he could stuff them in his jerk-off drawer. 
you liked it; no, you loved it. it was flattering, to say the least.
he took time to get you nice and wet, soaking you out of your seat and fucking you to sleep every single time. he deserved a little sweet treat for it; the least you could give him was your underwear, plus he always got you more. 
his favorite thing to do was get very light colors and thin fabric so that he could see just how much damage you did to them, soaking them through and easy to feel you up on, like a runny nose that just wouldn't stop and he wouldn't have it any other way. 
playing dumb, asking where your panties were, and he.'' show up a few weeks later with a laundry basket of them neatly folded.
that's some scary shit, but also hot, so it canceled out... right?
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dixonsstinkysock · 3 days
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Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Era: Commonwealth (Halloween)
Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: Kissing?
Word Count: 1,850
Summary: Your little boy wants to be just like his Daddy.
A/N: This was inspired by @bambidixon …I couldn’t stop thinking about it plus it’s Halloween time so why not. Kinda rushed so...Hope you enjoy! 
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The smell of your famous homemade alfredo sauce wafts through the air. The freshly cut pasta is boiling away on the stove, made from the pasta maker Daryl got you for Christmas. You’ve always had a passion for cooking, making food from scratch whenever you get the chance. Daryl was different, he prefers opening a can of some vegetable and calling it a night. He deserves better than that, so you give him your best. Speaking of Daryl, He, Judith, RJ, and your son Beau sit in the living room watching an old movie, obviously Daryl’s idea. He’s a sucker for old movies, says it reminds him of the only good part of his childhood.
 After a while, your strawberry shaped timer went off, signaling the pasta was ready, another thing Daryl got you. Your kitchen was a mitch-matched mess but you loved it, it gave the place some character. After stirring the thick, creamy sauce you move to grab a strainer. Draining the noodles and combining them with the sauce, you add a bit of chicken you shredded prior, mixing everything together. 
“Dinner!’ You call out, hearing Daryl tell the kids to go sit at the table. You feel a pair of warm, strong arms wrap around you, and then the smell of tobacco.
“I can do the rest” Daryl leaves soft, sweet kisses down your neck. Slowly rocking side to side with you, gently taking the cooking spoon from your hand and stirring the pasta himself. You turn your head to look him in the eyes, his eyes are beautiful, a deep navy blue like the ocean. “Are you sure? I can do it— I don’t mind”
He gives you that sexy, lopsided, half smile. “Nah…go sit. I’m just puttin’ it on plates right? Can’t mess that up…” You reluctantly pull away from him, going to sit down with the kids as Daryl plates the food. After a moment Daryl starts to bring the food in, you stand to help him but he insists you sit and relax. He hands the kids their plates before bringing out yours and his.
The kids say their “Thank you’s” and dig in. You can tell Beau is Daryl’s son by the way they both eat. You always thought it was cute, how alike they both were. The hair, the smile, the attitude…Almost seems like the only thing he got from you was his eyes, well…one of his eyes. He has Heterochromia, one eye blue like his fathers, the other matching yours. Daryl said he was our good luck charm, the best of both of us. Halfway into dinner you decide to speak up–
“So, have any of you thought of what you wanna be for Halloween..?”
RJ was the only one who answered, having thought alot about this. Judith and Beau were silent, still eating.
“Really? That is pretty cool RJ. Judith? Beau? What about you two? Any ideas?” You look at the two, confused at why they were so silent. Usually Judith is the first to answer, and Beau is the same thing every year. He loves that stupid Dinosaur costume. You and Daryl tried keeping up with the holiday’s back in Alexandria, wanting to give the kids some type of normal childhood.
“I don’t know…I don’t think I wanna dress up this year.” Judith murmurs looking down at her food. Daryl finally looks up and stops eating. “How come Jude? You love Halloween.” 
Judith shrugs “I don’t know, I don’t even know what I would be. Plus I’m getting too old to be dressing up…” She takes another bite of her food, obviously done talking.
“Uhh, You're never too old to dress up J. Look at me, I dress up every year.” You look at her pretending to be offended. She looks at you with a “seriously?” face. 
“You’re the same thing every year, it basically doesn’t count.”
Knowing she’s right, you turn to Daryl silently asking him to take over. He shrugs, taking another bite of his pasta, “Okay…What about you baby? What do you wanna be?” Beau doesn’t look up and just shrugs, which is weird because he is usually ecstatic when we ask him, every year telling us he wants to be a Dinosaur. This gets Daryl's attention, and he questions Beau.
“What’s wrong buddy? You don’t wanna wear your Dinosaur costume?” Beau shakes his head and that’s the end of the conversation. 
After dinner, you’re in the kitchen cleaning up. Daryl is getting the kids ready for bed, Beau being more stubborn than usual tonight. Daryl walks in after a while, coming up behind you and leaning on the counter.
“Everything okay? Heard you were having some trouble with Beau..” Daryl sighs and runs a hand down his face.
“Yeah he uh…He wants you to put him down instead.” 
“Okay..Do you mind finishing these dishes for me?” He nods, standing up to take over. You give him a quick kiss as you walk by, a silent thank you while walking to your son's room. 
Knock Knock Knock…
Beau looks up from his picture book, he’s been doing amazing with his reading recently though he still likes to just look at the pictures. “Hey… What’s going on my love?” You make your way towards his bed, sitting on the edge with him. He leans his head on you, snuggling closer.
“Mommy…I know what I wanna be for Halloween…” You look down at him.
“Really? Did you not wanna say it in front of everyone at the table?” He nods moving to sit in your lap. “So…what do you wanna be?”
He’s quiet for a moment, thinking of the right words to say. “Can you promise to keep it a secret?” He looks up at you with his big beautiful eyes and his father’s half smile. 
“Of course, pinky promise.” You stretch out your pinky to lock in your promise, he does the same. 
“Okay…I wanna be Papa for Halloween…” A smile starts to creep in, already imagining the tiny version of Daryl’s angel wing vest, Beau living up to his nickname “Mini Daryl Dixon”. You’d have to get Carol to help with the sewing, it should be hard to find a pair of jeans that fit Beau, that boy is spoiled by Daryl. Finding a toy crossbow might be a challenge, you’d have to go on a few runs maybe…
“Momma?” Beau snaps you out of your planning, you look back down at him. Brushing his hair out of his face and moving to lay him down. 
“Listen, I love that you wanna be your daddy for Halloween, but it is time for bed…Guess what? Tomorrow we can go visit Aunt Carol and ask her to help make your costume okay? We’re gonna get you a vest and a crossbow just like daddy’s.”
“Yep, and we don’t have to tell your daddy until Halloween. What do you think?”
“Okay..” He nods and gives you a big smile, getting comfortable under the blankets. You give him a quick kiss on his head and stand. “Goodnight Beau, I love you.” 
“Love you too, momma..” He flips over to look out his window and falls asleep. 
Daryl’s sitting on the couch, just having finished cleaning the kitchen. You sit next to him, laying on his shoulder and closing your eyes. “He okay,,?”
“Yeah, just wanted to talk to me..” 
Daryl looks down, carding his fingers through your hair as much as he could. “Bout what?” You smile, keeping your promise to Beau. “Nothin important, just about how much he loved me…of course” Daryl looked back up at the TV. “Right…Of Course.” 
It was the day of Halloween, everyone was getting ready to go trick-or-treating. Judith decided at the last minute she actually did want to dress up. Lucky for her you knew that would happen and prepared a few options for her, Now you were helping Beau finish his costume. You and Carol were able to sneak out a few times looking for a toy crossbow and a child-sized leather vest. You two found the crossbow no problem, the vest was a different story. Carol gave up looking and decided to make one from scratch, finding a normal-sized leather vest and cutting it down to Beau’s size. 
You and Beau are in his room putting his costume on, he was very picky about how everything was sitting so you two have been in there for a while. Daryl, Judith, and RJ are already ready to head out, the three waiting by the door for us. Daryl goes as himself every year…how original, RJ is going as a walker, and Judith is a Samurai, in honor of their mother Michonne. 
“You two almost done?” Daryl yells from the living room, impatient as usual. 
“Yes, one more minute!” You respond, doing the last finishing touches on Beau’s makeup. He wanted his Daddy’s scar as well, practically begged for it. After finishing his costume, he opens the door slightly and shouts out. “Daddy! Close your eyes, you can’t see it yet!”
“Okay..Okay..” Daryl complies, just wanting to leave and get this over with.
“You promise you aren’t looking?” 
“Yes! I promise! You better hurry or all the good candy is gonna be gone boy!” 
You walk out first, well..Beau pushed you out first, nervous of how his Dad was going to react to his costume. You two make it down the hallway, Daryl is standing by the entryway, waiting for Beau to tell him he can look. “Okay..now you can look…” Beau is standing beside you, fidgeting with his hands, crossbow strapped to his back. His vest Carol sewed up for him is identical to Daryl’s, blue wing and all. He’s got the stitched up jeans and a strip of red cloth tied around his neck to imitate Daryl’s bandana.
“No fuckin’ way…Are you shittin’ me?” Daryl looks up at you in disbelief, you can tell he loves it. Judith and RJ are so interested in Beau’s costume they don’t even say “Swear jar”. Beau looks up at Daryl, a bit anxious from his reaction. “Do you like it..?”
“Do I like it..?” Daryl crouches down to his level. “I think that’s the best costume I’ve ever seen, Little man. We’re basically the same person now…” Beau visibly relaxes after Daryl says that, now excited to leave. Daryl stands and opens the door for the kids, signaling that it was time to leave. You and Daryl hang back watching the kids walk down the hallway, glad to finally get going. 
“So..? You like it?” You lean on Daryl’s shoulder, wanting a moment to yourselves before being crowded by the hundreds of people outside.
“I love it…I love you. You’re amazin’..” Daryl leans his head on yours, leaving a soft kiss on the crown of your head. You lean into his touch, taking a deep breath and preparing yourself to follow the kids.
“…I love you too.” You and Daryl finally make your way out the door, closing and locking it, trying to catch up with the kids. 
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October 21 - Ruined Orgasm
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pairing: dom!Wanda x sub!Reader
summary: Wanda punishes you by controlling your orgasm... then ruining it.
content warnings: restraints, vibrator
word count: 1.1k+
comments and reblogs are always appreciated! happy reading ♡
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“Wanda I swear to god-”
A laugh sounds out from behind you, and you sag slightly in your restraints as the vibrator pressed against you turns off. You’re standing, tied spread eagle to an x-cross, your hole leaking down against the toy. 
“Oh my poor pet,” Wanda says, her voice amused as she circles back around you. “If you want something you should ask nicely.”
Leaning in, she licks a long, wet strip from your collarbones to your ear, collecting your sweat on her tongue. You can’t help but shudder at the feeling, wanting her to touch you more. Her hands gently stroke your damp skin, her fingernails dragging over your trembling stomach and up to your hard nipples, tugging slightly and smiling at your responding groan. 
“You’ve been keeping me on edge for… hours,” you say, your voice strained as Wanda turns the vibrator on again. It’s on the lowest setting this time, your clit throbbing furiously at the stimulation. 
“And I’ll keep you like this for as long as I want,” Wanda’s voice is suddenly cold, and your eyes widen. “Remind me, pet. Why am I doing this?”
You open your mouth to speak right as Wanda turns the vibrator up again. A choked moan comes out instead of words, and you see Wanda smirk slightly. Her fingers tap your lips, a silent reminder to answer her question.
“You’re doing this because-”
“Ah ah,” she chides, turning the vibrator up again. “Use a proper sentence, I didn’t spend all that time training you just for you to forget it as soon as your slutty little brain turns off.”
You let out a whimper at that, fighting against the fuzziness threatening to overtake you as pleasure courses through you. Your words are slurred slightly together as you speak, your voice strained. “Mommy is punishing me because I broke a rule and came without permission this morning.”
“Exactly,” Wanda purrs, her hands gentle as they tease your nipples. “And Mommy was so nice this morning, letting you hump her thigh all sleepy. But you had to go and ruin it like a brat. Did I not train you well enough?”
“No,” your voice is slightly desperate now. “You trained me well I just… it was my fault, not yours. I just wasn’t thinking… getting too needy and forgetting my place.”
A wide smile breaks out on Wanda’s face. “That’s right,” she coos, her hand gently cupping your cheek. “You just need Mommy to do all the thinking for you, huh? Mommy is in charge of all your orgasms, so she’ll have to be stricter about when she lets you cum, isn’t that right?”
You nod, not quite knowing what she means but not wanting to disagree with her. 
“Good, because Mommy always knows what's best, doesn’t she?”
Nodding again, you watch her with wide eyes. You can feel an orgasm rising, and hold yourself extra still so she doesn’t notice. 
“Use your words.” Her voice is sharp. 
“Yes Mommy,” you speak hurriedly, noticing the way she glances down toward your hips. “You always know what’s best.”
Wanda doesn’t respond, simply nodding and turning the vibrator up a bit higher. Her fingers lightly trail over your stomach, feeling your muscles clenching in anticipation. Green eyes lock with yours, her eyebrows raising as she leans in, her lips mere inches from yours. 
You let out a moan, your muscles beginning to shake. “Please, please let me cum. I need it, I-”
Cutting yourself off, you try to rut harder against the vibrator, feeling your orgasm coming quickly. It’s seconds away, you just need two… more…
Wanda turns the vibrator off, pulling it away from your hips as you groan in frustration. She smiles at you, the look in her eyes dark as she watches you pant as your pleasure fades. 
“You’ll have to do better than that,” she says, placing the vibrator back against your sensitive, aching clit. It feels even better than before, your hole leaking around the toy as Wanda begins to press it further against you. The pressure only serves to elevate the vibrations, making your nerves feel like they’ve been set on fire. 
You begin to speak again, but before you can get any words out, Wanda shoves her fingers in your mouth. The weight of them presses against your tongue, and you obediently close your lips around them and begin to suck. 
“I love it when you get like this,” Wanda murmurs, her eyes intensely focused on your face. She watches your eyes as they begin to glaze over, the vibrations increasing steadily against your most sensitive parts. “So obedient, so docile for me.”
The only thing you can do is moan in agreement. You love it when she treats you like this, when you get so needy and submissive that you become completely reliant on Wanda. The only thing on your mind is your orgasm, and you love that she has control over if and when you get to come. 
“Do you want to cum, baby?” Wanda’s voice is low and soothing. Her green eyes are warm when you manage to make eye contact. 
Nodding quickly, you moan around her fingers as she begins thrusting them in and out of your mouth. The vibrator speeds up, the stimulation feeling perfect against you. The feeling of your orgasm looms, and you resist the urge to hump the toy like before, knowing that Wanda would disapprove. 
Smiling, Wanda turns the vibrator all the way up, loving the way you throw your head back and groan. You’re close, she can tell, but she doesn’t want you to get the satisfaction of an orgasm. No, she wants you to truly suffer, to truly understand how bad it was to cum without her permission. She wants to show you the kind of power she holds when she controls your orgasms. 
“Cum for Mommy,” she murmurs, her fingers flexing around the toy. She presses it hard against you, your clit throbbing and aching, the pleasure building up and up and up…
Your orgasm hits, your clit throbbing against the vibrator as you begin to spasm. As soon as the pleasure begins to pour through you, Wanda rips the toy away, stepping back. 
She watches with sadistic glee as you squirm and thrash in your restraints, your clit throbbing uselessly as your orgasm is ruined. You leak down your inner thighs, tears of frustration running down your face. All pleasure fades, your body tired from the hours of build-up, only to have it ruined at the last second. 
“That was fun,” Wanda says, and you scowl in disagreement. “Ah ah, no more attitude from you, darling. You just earned yourself another ruined orgasm.”
Another one?
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