#Children of Buramadgee
syotoyakurutoki · 1 year
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Struth! Looks like Cass has turned the tazzie boys into babies… and they don't look too happy about it!
Luckily, however, their parents, Shazza and Naomi are all more than willing to take care of the baby tazzies and will make sure to kick Cass' ass while they're at it!
Background Image used/Ty and Sly (c) Krome Studios
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kromelazarus · 5 years
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Doodles for my dust blogs, enjoy everybody.
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freakova · 7 years
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@kromelazarus drew one of the precious bby cubs sad! Had to draw him with his cousin Banjo cause he doesn’t want him feeling down. :’-C
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syotoyakurutoki · 1 year
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Just a little something I drew a few months ago and felt like uploading it here :3
For context; I've been getting back into the Ty series lately and these babbus are fan-kids of mine (their mums: Ty OCs Redesign - Chloe and Sydney by HedgeCatDragonix on DeviantArt): Oliver-Sylvester and Nathan-Tyrone :3 <3
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kromelazarus · 6 years
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Something a bit on the sad and silly side. Pastel and Russel try to cheer up their long-time employee Mark while they figure how the heck can they pull him out of that suit without any physical harm.
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kromelazarus · 7 years
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I almost ruined this pic with actual coffee but thank God it didn't screw the pic a whole lot, so whoops. But it I kinda like, it adds authenticity on how old the pic it is. Anywho, some dads with their kids and their varying lifestyle with them. Kelly is definitely the clingy type while Banjo just pull his dad's hair. TY and Sly are adjusting so well though.
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kromelazarus · 7 years
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I was bored and couldn't sleep so here are Duncan & Betty's Children in my AU, I really wasn't getting a vibe on their adult self just yet. So back to basic for a smidge and work on them as kids for the time being. So, there is a difference when their head bands are off, they all have Betty's luscious hair. Since Pastel and Russel are identical, they had to grow long strands of hair on either side to know who's who. Also, yes, that is the Shadowring on Pastel's arm.
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kromelazarus · 7 years
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The difference from listening to epic video game music. Here is more Kelly but a little more like his old man’s age in his prime. Steve provide a lot of insight from his Concept art, so here Kelly as a Scout in one of the classes from Steve’s collection of photos. I will do Banjo and the twins next, so expect it later. ;3
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freakova · 7 years
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Little sketches for @kromelazarus He’s pulled me into Ty hell good, along with a future!Au and made up some designs for some cute little beebs so here they are as even smaller bby beebs with their dads. X-)
Hope these are ok, friend!
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kromelazarus · 7 years
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Now we have adult Banjo. He may scowlier than his dad, but he still a nice guy. Granted all his dad's fame made him cocky over time, but he is not a pushover. He respects his family and proud to be part of it, he got his father's respect as his successor along with his cousins. So he has to keep heroism ego in check, but everyone knew he is still the little Banjo who adores music and tim tams.
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kromelazarus · 7 years
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Finally got a name for these two and a full body portrait. Banjo has his father's Quinkan Bracelet while Kelly has his father's shark tooth when they grow up. I got their name from the National Heroes of Australia and I think they roll off the tongue nicely.
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kromelazarus · 7 years
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Now here we have Kelly and Paste. I couldn't even take their whole speech without distorting the image so I have to type later, but the jist is that Kelly doesn't like how Russ(from my previous pic) being picked on by somebody and now Paste is being picked as well. Kelly is also a hippy like his mom but really, really bad at controlling his temper if somebody insults his family member.
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kromelazarus · 7 years
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Now for Betty and Duncan’s Twins, Pastel and Russel, but their nicknames are “Paste and Rust” given by their cousin Banjo. Russel is the hottest head & serious while Pastel is a bit more carefree and a bit of a show off. They are younger than Kelly and Banjo, 5 years apart young. Russel really loves crafting and making a lot of tech from scratch and doesn’t always leave material behind, hence his nickname. Pastel, thanks to Mascot Mark and a lot of performers and movie makers visiting the park, he was inspired to be part of the limelight. Both are creative and improvise their work and love sweets, but they love each other and their parents the most. They are hard workers and never let failure get in their way.
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kromelazarus · 7 years
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Rust in a Onesie crying... I mean... There is nothing more to it, it's just Rust in a Fair Dinkum's Mascot Onesie... Nah, he always wears this when he's sleeping at home. But as you can tell, he needs a little "protection" before he goes to sleep, figuratively and literally. Told you he's the youngest twin. But please don't discourage him, it was given by Mascot Mark so don't make him cry.
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kromelazarus · 7 years
Children of Buramadgee
TY & Shazza's Eldest Child
* He's the complete opposite of his parents; quite bombastic and enthusiastic compared to TY & Shazza. But has the same strong and brave heart like them, much more charismatic than his father.
* He's a big fan of Super Heroes, he always read comics that he alwaysbuy with his earnings from helping the residents of Buramadgee. But his biggest heroes shall always be his dad, mom and the Bush Rescue Team. But he can't help but brag about being the son of a hero, especially if his dad saved Buramadgee numerous times.
* He's fond of the Super Hero concept so much, that he asked Maurie to train him to be like his father and Julius for cool Gadgets and Rangs. But his father is always ahead of him and stop him from doing any hero business. He really is that easy to read.
* But like his father he has a fear for the creepy-crawlies like spiders. He also have his father's weakness; Tim Tams.
* He always play with the bilbies along with his cousins, even when they grew out of the nursery. He always act as a supporting leader and giving them morale support whenever the group is down, he always know what to say in the desperate time of needs.
* Maurie always scold him for not following his instructions most of the time, especially when they are doing basic training in Buramadgee HQ. He really loves doing his own ways, but it often ends up getting scolded by Maurie or TY.
* Despite his nature, he is quite a musical genius. He has a sharp sense of hearing and can play a tune from just hearing it. His favorite instrument are wind instruments, he especially got this trait with the Bilbies when he can hear "beautiful song of nature". He has a good response time and can tell from a mile where the sound is coming from.
* He's quite an easy target from being teased because he can be so gullible at times, often leading him getting hurt at times or getting himself in trouble when the subject of "Heroic Justice" is involved. He really means well, but it often make his dad worried.
Sly & Naomi's Eldest Child
* A quiet & timid individual, just like his dad, but quite a mama's boy. Always target of bullies at schools and often getting saved by his cousins. He always spends time with his parents and his cousins, but barely a social butterfly unlike TY's child.
* He has a broad sense of fashion, never had one simple design on him. He always changed his clothes day by day given by his parents, especially from his dad. He even starts knitting at a young age.
* He is cold and sharp-tongued kid when he's angered, especially when they mock his family member like his parents or cousins. But he is afraid to fight back when he made his dad cried when he run away from home, he keeps himself quiet and afraid to make friends with anyone because of it.
* But once he warmed up, he often talks about the trends and fashion, offers knitting advice or even fishing. He can even crack a joke or two when he's in a good mood.
* When he's feeling alone or sad, he always talk to his cousins or his parents that he knows he can trust for a good advice or pep talk.
* His favorite hobby is cooking, especially making exquisite dish from high-class main course and desserts. He learned this when one of the bilbies thought him about the bounties of natures and learning to expand upon thanks to his mom when they tend to cook together.
* He has the most survival instincts and the most cunning, he can identify any edible and poisonous plants and mushrooms. Due to his quiet nature, he can easily sneak up to anybody without realizing.
Betty and Duncan's Twins.
* One is a Big Dreamer and A Genius, often talk about as the new inheritance of Fair Dinkum as he knows very well of business or even as a Successor for Julius' Place. The Other is a Prodigy in the Performing Arts thanks to Mascot Mark, he's always in awe when Mark talks to him about Drama & the cool tricks he learned with the other performers.
* They often help their parents in their home at a young age, even without any rewards as seeing them happy is enough for them. Making the parents happy that their children is learning responsibility at a young age.
* Both are eager to inherit the park with different reasons: One live up to his parent's legacy, but he knows too well that he has to sacrifice his own dreams of working with Julius and becoming a Tech Guy in Buramadgee. The other, while not very competent in the business market, wants to be part of the park as well as one of the performers in the park itself.
* They both have a knack of sweets like cotton candy thanks to the park, which makes their parents concern for their health at times. They really don't like eating greens when their parents tried to feed it to them. So they often hide from them when they smell veggies in their homes.... to no success.
* As mentioned before, they excel in tech and performing arts respectively but both has a keen sense of sight, intuition and smell. They operate both the Bunyips and Gunyips with ease at their time in the Buramadgee and they both can identify any tracks and navigate their way without any use of tools.
@freakova I partially blame you for this. :P
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kromelazarus · 7 years
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Now the Twins are here and really brainstorm on this one, but got some concepts done. Also, they are Identical but I have to make them more characterized rather than mirrored.
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