#Chilling Harpy (Monet)
ikkaku-of-heart · 2 years
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@rubi-rp-hub​ asked:  😬 - I dare u to do Uni, Drake, Monet and hell, Doflamingo (get him good Anubis)
Send 😬 for me to suggest an unfitting/terrible AU for your muse(s). (Still Accepting!)
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*cracks knuckles* Time to put my dumb brain to work.
Uni: Desert Prince AU - Seems great at first, but sadly no fish for miles and he’s forced to always be in the public eye. Not even Gerald is with him, so he can’t cheer himself up by dressing him up like a little pharaoh. It’s all very sad.
Drake: Romance Novelist AU - Drake writes 50 Shades of Green. Or tried to. Pretty sure he got two sentences down on paper, read them, turned bright red, then ripped up the pages. If he did manage to write a successful book, it’s under a penname and he’ll deny ever having so much as heard of it, much less written it.
Monet: Kiwi AU - Everything’s the same except when Law made her part-bird, he made her a kiwi. He’s kind of a dick like that.
Doflamingo: Pro Wrestling AU - Listen, he has the flashy outfits, the bombastic personality, he would absolutely play the crowd, and would totally cheat behind the ref’s back. However, in this AU we get to see him get body-slammed. And choked out. And hit with steel chairs. And baseball bats. And thrown through tables. And probably set on fire once or twice.
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medicus-mortem · 3 years
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@icyharpy​ asked: Seeing as Law appears to be weakened by sleep deprivation, Monet tries to be helpful by wrapping his body in her snow to let him rest... Permanently.
Sleep Deprived
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   Oh shit. He can’t remember where he is going. Is he lost? This street isn't familiar to him but then again this town is so damn uniform. It’s freaky. Law glowers, turning about to get some sort of sense of direction but it doesn’t work. He's too tired, too sleep deprived to get his brain working right. It doesn't help that he feels like he’s being watched. Is it the town’s folk? Maybe some of them are Marines in disguise, or remnants of Doflamingo’s criminal empire. They’re planning something. Why else are they glancing at him?
   He hates this, hates the way it makes his skin crawl and his stomach churn. It is almost like there are worms under his skin, wiggling and cruel. A shudder runs through him and he hunches, pulling his hoodie closer to himself.
   Grumbling to himself, Law turns on his heels and starts walking in some random direction. A hand rises to his neck, scratching at a spot on the back of it. He feels skin break beneath the scraping nails but he doesn’t stop, too agitated to think about how damaging it is. He's even too distracted to notice the harpy deciding to descend upon him. Mind too fragmented and sluggish to recognize the sinister intent and the growing chill.
   Feathered wings wrap around him, the cold instantly seeping through his hoodie and to his bones. Law goes rigid, hand moving to the hilt of his sword. Breath hitches is his throat, the pirate moments from drawing his blade. Then he just goes limp. Hand falls to his side, Kikoku lowering and now dangling from near lifeless fingers. A slow blink, his shoulders sagging. There is no wish to fight this. He’s just too tired.
   “Go ahead,” he mutters to the familiar pale green wings filling his vision. “Fuckin’ kill me. Maybe then I can finally get some rest.”
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ikkaku-of-heart · 2 years
I’m realizing that if Ikkaku judged Law for having sexual relations with Monet, it would be strictly for the fact that she was associated with his most hated enemy and not because of the harpy thing. In fact, she’d probably find that part pretty hot. Talons and wings can be super sexy.
....girl, your monster-fucker genes are showing.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 2 years
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@xxanbuagentxx​ asked: Gonna go off of Anon with this one and give you a bunch of my muses first thing they notice about Ikkaku for the meme. Feel free to split these up if you want to though!
Kid - Her figure if I'm being honest. He might joke about the boiler suit but the bastard has an eye for curves. Her mechanical skills may be a close second if he ever gets to witness them!
Uni - Ikkaku is one of the first of the crew to approach him and haul him off to crew dinners so that initiative is something v noticeable and appreciated.
For my multi I'll choose Drake because he's interacted with her a bunch. - First thing he'd notice is her scent so distinctly greasy yet feminine and not unpleasant on the nose. He could probably track her on that alone when they are on the same island.
Doffy - The Heart pirates jolly roger first and foremost. He sees that on any of Law's crew and he gets the sinister grabby hands, wanting to ruin that symbol anyway that he can.
I would mention Monet but I think all we've got so far is they both appreciate ice cold sweets which is a plus in her books.
What’s the first thing your muse noticed about mine? (Still Accepting!)
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LOL! We’ll give Ikkaku’s reactions to these individually just for fun.
Kid - “Well duh, Captain Obvious. You’ve been staring at my tits and ass from day one and never tried to hide it. If you tried to claim anything else I’d call you a fuckin’ liar. But it’s good for my ego to hear you admit it.”
Uni - “There are worse things to notice than my assertive nature. Honestly I’d be surprised if you didn’t notice my willingness to drag your ass to social occasions with the crew.”
Drake - “Damn it, do I gotta take longer showers or something? Because I swear I scrub off all the oil I get on me. But...glad I otherwise smell ok. And that you’re not a Marine anymore so you tracking me down isn’t such a bad thing anymore.”
Doffy - “You keeps your grabby hands to your damn self. Fuck you, fuck your hands, fuck your strings, and fuck your fixation on my captain and crew.”
Monet - “Hey, nothing wrong with having a love of ice cream in common. Shows you noticed my good taste.”
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ikkaku-of-heart · 2 years
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@xxanbuagentxx​ asked: ✏️ Any muse you wanna do
Eᴠᴇɴ Mᴏʀᴇ Iɴᴄᴏʀʀᴇᴄᴛ Qᴜᴏᴛᴇs Gᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀ! (Still Accepting!)
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Ikkaku: Why are you always trying to aggravate me? Kid: To relax.
Monet: I typed "bitch" into my GPS and guess what? I'm in your driveway. Ikkaku: Monet: Vroom vroom, come out already.
Smoker: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one you'll be fined. Ikkaku: Heck. Smoker: You're on thin fucking ice. Smoker: Oh no-
Drake: That’s illegal, right? Ikkaku: Why do you care? Are you a fucking cop? Drake: No- Ikkaku: Then shut the fuck up.
Ikkaku: That’s the key slice of truth we need to complete the entire truth pie. Katakuri: Ooh, can we get some actual pie? Ikkaku: I like the way you think.
Ikkaku: I can't take you seriously wearing that. Doflamingo: Aw, you take me seriously at all? Ikkaku: Fair point.
Ikkaku: Smart is attractive. Educate me on something I don't know! Uni: The mouth of a jellyfish is also an anus. Ikkaku: Stop.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 2 years
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@icyharpy​ asked: Sidling up to the Hearts engineer, Monet leans over to give Ikkaku a peck on the cheek. " Consider this my thanks for the ice cream earlier." (Even after so long I still can't get over them having a lil ice cream date + Ikkaku could use a nice cool smooch.)
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The lips that pressed against Ikkaku’s cheek were remarkably soft, but the chill that seeped into her flesh was biting. Not quite enough to cause permanent damage, thankfully, but the sting was there. Yet it wasn’t wholly unpleasant, either. The engineer did enjoy a bit of pain to go with her pleasure, even if she wasn’t quite sure she trusted the harpy enough with that little secret. So for now, she’d simply enjoy the little thrill it gave her.
Turning, Ikkaku glanced at Monet suspiciously before deciding that she wasn’t looking to cause trouble, and her thanks were sincere. After all, if she wanted to kill her, she would have done so already and not wasted time with a friendly peck.
“You’re welcome,” she said, nodding her head and giving a half-smile. “Glad we were able to come to an...understanding of sorts. No better ceasefire than an ice cream date. Keep up the good behavior and maybe we could have another.”
She turned to leave, but only got a few feet before glancing over her shoulder and giving Monet a cheeky wink. “And if you’re very good, maybe someday you can have some of my private stash.”
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