#Chinese online courses with Certification
historysideblog · 1 year
Online History Short-Courses offered by Universities Masterpost
Categories: Classical Studies, Egyptology, Medieval, Renaissance, The Americas, Asia, Other, Linguistics, Archaeology
How to get Coursera courses for free: There are several types of courses on Coursera, some will allow you to study the full course and only charge for the optional-certificate, for others you will need to audit it and you may have limited access (usually just to assignments), and thirdly some courses charge a monthly subscription in this case a 7 day free trial is available.
Classical Studies 🏛️🏺
At the Origins of the Mediterranean Civilization: Archeology of the City from the Levant to the West 3rd-1st millennium BC - Sapienza University of Rome
Greek and Roman Mythology - University of Pennsylvania
Health and Wellbeing in the Ancient World - Open University
Roman Architecture - Yale
Roman Art and Archeology - University of Arizona
Rome: A Virtual Tour of the Ancient City - University of Reading
The Ancient Greeks - Wesleyan University
The Changing Landscape of Ancient Rome. Archeology and History of Palatine Hill - Sapienza University of Rome
Uncovering Roman Britain in Old Museum Collections - University of Reading
Egyptology 𓂀⚱️
Egypt before and after pharaohs - Sapienza University of Rome
Introduction to Ancient Egypt and Its Civilization - University of Pennsylvania
Wonders of Ancient Egypt - University of Pennsylvania
Medieval 🗡️🏰
Age of Cathedrals - Yale
Coexistence in Medieval Spain: Jews, Christians, and Muslims - University of Colorado
Deciphering Secrets: The Illuminated Manuscripts of Medieval Europe - University of Colorado
Enlightening the Dark Ages: Early Medieval Archaeology in Italy - University of Padova
Lancaster Castle and Northern English History: The View from the Stronghold - Lancaster University
Magic in the Middle Ages - University of Barcelona
Old Norse Mythology in the Sources - University of Colorado Bolder
Preserving Norwegian Stave Churches - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
The Book of Kells: Exploring an Irish Medieval Masterpiece - Trinity College Dublin
The Cosmopolitan Medival Arabic World - University of Leiden
Renaissance ⚜️🃏
Black Tudors: The Untold Story
European Empires: An Introduction, 1400–1522 - University of Newcastle
The Mediterranean, a Space of Exchange (from Renaissance to Enlightenment) - University of Barcelona
The Life and Afterlife of Mary Queen of Scots - University of Glasgow
The Tudors - University of Roehampton London
The Americas 🪶🦙🛖
History of Slavery in the British Caribbean - University of Glasgow
Indigeneity as a Global Concept - University of Newcastle
Indigenous Canada - University of Alberta
Indigenous Religions & Ecology - Yale
Asia 🏯🛕
Contemporary India - University of Melbourne
Introduction to Korean Philosophy - Sung Kyun Kwan University
Japanese Culture Through Rare Books - University of Keio
Sino-Japanese Interactions Through Rare Books - University of Keio
The History and Culture of Chinese Silk - University for the Creative Arts
Travelling Books: History in Europe and Japan - University of Keio
A Global History of Sex and Gender: Bodies and Power in the Modern World - University of Glasgow
A History of Royal Fashion - University of Glasgow
Anarchy in the UK: A History of Punk from 1976-78 - University of Reading
Biodiversity, Guardianship, and the Natural History of New Zealand: A Museum Perspective - Te Papa
Empire: the Controversies of British Imperialism - University of Exeter
Great South Land: Introducing Australian History - University of Newcastle
Indigeneity as a Global Concept - University of Newcastle
New Zealand History, Culture and Conflict: A Museum Perspective - Te Papa
Organising an Empire: The Assyrian Way - LMU Munich
Plagues, Witches, and War: The Worlds of Historical Fiction - University of Virginia
Russian History: from Lenin to Putin - University of California Santa Cruz
Linguistics 🗣️
Introduction to Comparative Indo-European Linguistics - University of Leiden - Coursera version
Miracles of Human Language: An Introduction to Linguistics - University of Leiden
Archeology 💀
Archeoastronomy - University of Milan
Archaeology and the Battle of Dunbar 1650 - Durham University
Archaeology: from Dig to Lab and Beyond - University of Reading
Archeology: Recovering the Humankind's Past and Saving the Universal Heritage - Sapienza University of Rome
Change of Era: The Origins of Christian Culture through the Lens of Archaeology - University of Padova
Endangered Archaeology: Using Remote Sensing to Protect Cultural Heritage - Universities of Durham, Leicester & Oxford
Enlightening the Dark Ages: Early Medieval Archaeology in Italy - University of Padova
Exploring Stone Age Archaeology: The Mysteries of Star Carr - University of York
Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology - Durham University
Roman Art and Archeology - University of Arizona
The Changing Landscape of Ancient Rome. Archeology and History of Palatine Hill - Sapienza University of Rome
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doctor-seamonster · 4 months
Instead of writing what I get paid to write, I spent 30 minutes writing a 500 word rant about the rise of fascism in america post-ww2.
We grew up being told that america won ww2 and stopped the nazis for good.
They never told us about the fascists and nazi sympathizers in the US, who had open pro-nazi rallies before america got involved in the war.
And for as excited as the government was to round up random japanese-american citizens, they didn't do anything to stop the american fascists at home.
Not to mention all the nazi scientists that got smuggled into government research programs after the war, of course.
The nazis are here. They've been here the whole time. They never went away, they just got real, real quiet.
Private newsletters and secret meetings and published books with coded messages.
Politics ebbed and flowed over the decades since the war. When they could be more vocal, they took every opportunity. There was even a presidential candidate that ran on a pro-segregation platform. But for most of them, they were just waiting behind the scenes.
Sometimes they wore hoods, sometimes they wore business suits, sometimes they wore metal badges.
Then came the internet. It was so, so easy to put up anything they wanted. Websites like stormfront popped up like toxic weeds. And any place that wasn't moderated well, like image boards, rhetoric and propaganda seeped in.
Then we get to the turn of the century.
And there was a tragedy so massive that everyone in america absolutely lost their minds. Suddenly it was in vogue to blame everything on not just muslims, but anyone who had dark skin or non-european names. There's records of many indian people getting brutalized after 9/11.
And by then it was open season to spew propaganda against anyone who wasn't white.
They drummed up fears about north korean military threats and chinese businesses and mexican cartels and columbian drug lords.
Then a black man ran for president and shit just absolutely exploded. This isn't really about him specifically, he's definitely not my favorite person in the world. But just the very idea of a black man leading america brought out the very worst sides of the very worst people.
The public got fed lines about how "racism is over!", all the while online spaces were dripping with venomous conspiracy theories about the blacks and the jews.
And then there's this asshole.
A public figure, hot off his own network tv show, started to spew that same venom. Nonsense about "fake birth certificates" and anything else awful he could say that got people whipped up into a froth.
He's not so much making racist dogwhistles as he's blaring a klaxon, letting all the cryptofascists know that it's okay to be loud and proud, and telling the whole new generation groomed with online white supremacy that it was their time to shine.
Between the support he's drummed up for himself and the general fucking failures on the other side, it's a cakewalk for him to get into office. Finally, a real, red-blooded, blonde-haired, white-skinned american man is running the country again.
So now we've got open white supremacists on speaking tours and nazi rallies in the streets. Not only is it okay to be a racist piece of shit, just as long as you use the right turn of phrase, but it's even good for mass appeal if you do it stylishly enough.
And that's modern life in america.
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acupunturetreat · 1 day
Unlocking the Power of Healing: Acupuncture Training in Delhi
Are you passionate about helping others and drawn to holistic health practices? Considering a Career in Acupuncture? If so, read this piece of writing!
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Delhi, known for its rich cultural heritage, is also emerging as a hub for holistic healing practices, including acupuncture. If you're looking to embark on a rewarding career in holistic health, enrolling in Acupuncture training in Delhi from a top institute can be your gateway to mastering this ancient healing art. With hands-on experience, expert guidance, and recognized certification, your journey toward becoming a skilled acupuncturist awaits!
Acupuncture, rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is renowned globally for its holistic approach to wellness. It helps restore balance, alleviate pain, and promote overall well-being. Acupuncture training equips you with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, empowering you to meet the growing demand for holistic health solutions in today’s world.
Why Choose Acupuncture Training?
In today's fast-paced world, the appeal of acupuncture lies in its holistic approach. It treats the root cause of ailments rather than just symptoms. By learning acupuncture, you can:
Offer Natural Healing: Acupuncture provides drug-free solutions to manage pain, anxiety, and other conditions naturally.
Professional Growth: With the rising demand for alternative therapies, acupuncture offers various career opportunities in clinics, wellness centers, or private practice.
Make a Difference: Acupuncturists have a profound impact on their patients’ physical, emotional, and mental health, helping them achieve balance.
Dr. Niharika's clinic, a renowned treatment center and Acupuncture institute in Delhi, offers high-quality education and hands-on training. Graduating from our program equips you for a fulfilling career in holistic health. With expert guidance, practical experience, and a focus on both traditional and modern practices, we ensure you graduate fully prepared to excel as an acupuncturist.
Program Highlights (Certified Courses):
Duration: 8-month online learning + 5-day practical experience.
Schedule: Classes every Sunday for your convenience.
Take the first step toward a fulfilling career in holistic health—enroll today and begin your journey in acupuncture! Visit us at www.acupuncturetreat.com for more information!
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chinesetutor · 2 months
Want to Excel with a Chinese Tutor?
Desire to Succeed with a Chinese Instructor? A committed Chinese tutor can customize classes to your learning style and objectives, whether you are looking to improve your conversational abilities or ace exams. Skilled tutors offer individualized instruction that builds on your strengths and targets your areas of need. A Chinese instructor guarantees systematic study that increases confidence and fluency, from mastering difficult grammar to perfecting pronunciation and broadening vocabulary. Whether you are an adult learner looking to improve career opportunities or a student getting ready for exams, hiring a Chinese tutor in Singapore can result in major language skill gains and cultural insights.
Why Opt for Singapore’s Higher Chinese Tuition Program? In order to support students in succeeding at this advanced stage of Chinese language study, Singapore offers higher Chinese tuition. Exam preparation and real-world request are the main areas of tutors, who concentrate on successful students’ reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.
 The Advantages of Hiring a Chinese Teacher
Personalized Learning: Tutors adapt courses to each student’s unique learning objectives and style in order to promote rapid learning and greater comprehension.
Exam Preparation: GCE O-Level Higher Chinese Examination and other Higher Chinese exams are prepared for by specialized tutoring, which focuses on exam methods, subject mastery, and scoring approaches.
Cultural Perspective: Chinese customs, literature, and social mores are all integrated into language training by tutors, who frequently incorporate cultural backgrounds into their instruction.
 Locating the Best Chinese Teacher in Singapore Think about things like credentials, method of instruction, and past performance when choosing a Chinese tutor. Seek out teachers with a track record of improving students’ performance who specialize in higher Chinese tuition. Kinds of Higher Education in China Offered
Individualized attention enables targeted learning, targeting particular areas of weakness and improving general competency in one-on-one tutoring.
Group Classes: Engaging classroom environments encourage peer learning and debate, making them perfect for honing speaking and arguing techniques.
Online Tuition: This simple option connects students with trained teachers no matter where they are, with flexible scheduling and accessibility.
 Benefits Not Just for Academics
 Career Advancement: Being proficient in Higher Chinese provides access to jobs in fields like business, government, and media that need bilingualism.
Personal Enrichment: Learning more advanced Mandarin helps people better understand local culture and integrate into Singaporean society.
 Selecting the Appropriate Higher Chinese Education Program
 Consider factors such as student evaluations, price, tutor certifications, and curriculum quality while evaluating tuition programs. Make sure the course fits mutually your desired learning environment and your academic objects.
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lovethesagefan · 2 months
I try real hard not to use the word "never" because once you say it, you will end up doing that thing to which you said you wouldn't do. Well, I fell victim again to it.
Five years ago, I walked down the steps of NCHS, turned in my keys, and swore I would never teach again...unless it was on some college campus.
I had left, probably the only job I ever love, due to uncomfortable attacks by El Diablo and an ailing mother. I will also admit I was burning out. i was out of gas. Removing my AP classes killed my motor.
Five years later found me motherless and living in the land of retirement. Of course retiring early had it perks, it also had its warts. You see, retiring early meant I didn't get my full pension. My expenses were still there. When my mother was alive, she made sure I received a supplement for leaving teaching to care for her. That ended in 2020.
So faced with more money going out than coming in, I looked for a teaching job that would allow me to stay home, not deal with the Horde, and keep my pension. I thought about some of the tutor programs online or teaching English to rich Chinese students. But I love teaching Social Studies! I did apply to the IRS, the last of my employer before I landed that first teaching job in Macon. But nothing was happening and I was hanging on by a thread. Life happens people. You can either sit back and let it swallow you up or you can get up, put on your serious clothes and fight back, even if it meant going back on a "never" situation.
I was once a sub, so I know the drill. Kids act up for subs, unless they have a teacher who put the fear of God in them. Like me! I knew I could sub and keep my pension. Now I also looked at the pay differential if I just walked back into the classroom. I still not quite sure which is giving me the most bang for the buck. Nevertheless, I decided I would do long term subbing on my terms. It would be middle school. I know what people say about middle students. Heck! I probably said most of it out loud myself. I chose not to go back to high school. Man! I love high schoolers. You can have real talk with them about their futures. The activities are there and you see your students through the years. And when they graduate and after the ceremony they come up to you and say "Mr. Norah, thank you for being such a great teacher!" It makes all the nonsense you have to put up with worth it. I am serious. I ran into a former student last week and was overjoyed when she saw me. I was told the student had been so excited to see me.
Middle school was where I really began teaching. I had a great crew in Griffin. Those days I will cherish til the day I die. The students were wonderful. The administration allowed us to try just about anything to raise student achievement. There was where I got most of my "daring". Kids never quite knew what to expect in Mr. Norah class.
So I hatched a scheme. I knew some people who I thought would look out for me. I would be a long term sub. With my certification, I would get much more money than an ordinary sub and keep my pension. I was all set until the county decided place someone in my slot. I could have gone elsewhere, but for personal reason, I owe a great debt that I had to pay. To keep me, I agreed to LT as a DES teacher, same room, same subject. You see, there were a greater issue.
My coming on board was not to just collaborate with the person in my slot. I was to be an anchor for 7th grade. The school had a lot of new teachers. They needed someone who could mold them. There is where I come in. There were 2 new social studies teachers. I mean spanking new. It took me almost 3 years to get a job, these guys are being hired right off the graduation stage. The grade level also needed that force to guide them.
Now believe me, it is not ME who thinks this. I am nothing of the sort. Despite my pleadings, people, students, administrators believe that I am some phenomenal educator along the line of Horace Mann and Mr. Chips. I am no such thing.
I will admit, I love teaching. I got that from my mother. She was always teaching us something whether we knew it or not. When I became a teacher, she would save stuff out of the newspaper whether it was for my grade or not. She saw that I loved teaching more than anything despite the problem I faced. It was in my blood. I was short a year from reaching the magic number of 30. That's when you get the full bag of coins. But now is it that important to get it? It is something that did nag at me over the years. Yes I was retired, but I didn't have 30 years. See other people even in other fields, retiring at 30 years. Plus when I retired, I was 55. I thought people retired in their 60s, got Social Security, and played golf. So what does one do?
Well I tell you. They go back to the one thing they know they can do or at least think they can do. And that is what I did. I returned to teaching via subbing. Now in my position as a DES teacher, I have a subset of students I am charged with being sure their needs are being met through modifications or making sure the child's needs are being served. I have no lesson plans, unless I am teaching, which I am still trying determine my relationship with my co-teacher. It's her room, her rules, and her students with the exception of my charges. As a veteran who always had a collaborative teacher in my class, I know I wouldn't single out the DES students. I would help everyone who ask, but I have to always make sure the DES children are being served.
Today was the first day of school. Kale decided that he wanted, nay, he needed to go out at 4 am, thus breaking my sleep. I get back to sleep but get up late. I slept through two alarms that I set. My fail safe, my sister, couldn't reach me which signaled I was dead to the world. She woke my cousin to wake me up. I got up and was out the door in time. I made it school on time forgetting that every child on God's green earth would be trying to get to school. No close parking for me.. But I made and I was energized like an atomic battery. My new teammates welcomed with open arms. The APs treaded lightly cause they know the wrong word would send Mr. Norah home.
The plan almost immediately went off the rails. The first block went of ok. Then because they needed a teacher in a class, I was the go to person. You see I was the anchor. So I took the job. I was in charge of a classroom of students for the first time in 5 years. I was afraid i had lost my touch, but there was still a little sparkle in hands. I was the entertainer. I told some of my stupid jokes. Students traditionally do not like the first day of school because they may not be with their friends. So I have to work to try to get them to see it will be ok. They can still have fun. Middle schoolers are so different. I played classical music. I talked about the composer and what the music was about. I told them I expected them to graduate. In a way, I told them I cared about them. Now many of them won't here that message, but the seed has been planted.
I am back home. I am told I will have to hold the fort down once again. I am a veteran warrior. I have the scars to prove it. I taught Crack babies of the 90s. I missed the Covid Kids but like a hurricane whose destruction comes in waves upon the shore, so is the problems with Covid. You know are so sweet. I will say what I think as if I am some great educator or philosopher and they are amazed. I am just me. But I digress. In one class, I had to transform back into the teacher because a student was chewing gum. I hate students chewing gum. It's the Faye Dunaway's Joan Crawford hating wired hangers type of hate. It is because kids don't chew, they end up popping it or putting it under desks and table or the floor. So anyway, I told him to spit it out. A few minutes later, he had another piece. Now my 7th grade students knew I was one of the best gum finders in the world. I would catch the best of them. So on the first day, I had to call him out. I called him to the desk and just asked had he lost his mind? I just told him to spit the gum out and he had another piece. I told him if I even have to look at them with a suspicious eye, I will call his parents and no one like getting a parent phone call on the first day! You have to establish the ground rules. Now remember this wasn't my class. LOL! I was just covering it for the day. But these are kids on my team so I would be in contact with them on a daily basis.
On a whole the day was good. My sister said that school was my "happy place." I can't deny that. I think it was something I always knew. Students were my children. They feed me with their successes. Hearing about a student getting married, a new job, or just how happy they are in turn pump me up. I am serious. I can't explain it. These students I count as my own and they know it. Many will hit me up for advice. They may remember sitting in my classroom after school and picking my brain about some issue they are facing. I have children of my own, so I am not a father. But being a teacher, I guess, will have to be close enough.
Thus ends day one of a new journey. I do not know what will come of it. I do not know if I will survive it. Have I lost my touch? Will I jell with this team team whom I do not know? In this new role, can I still be effective? I do know I have made some fast friends who waves at me in the hallway and their face lights up when they come to class. I told myself not to enjoy this. I had the best time in 7th grade Griffin. Nothing can replace that. However, this is different, so don't compare...just enjoy!
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rye-in-a-coat · 3 months
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My grandma brought up again that I should go to some place for English learning to improve on such or get some type of certification, given the fact that during the six classes of English in preparatory across such six semesters I was just "learning" stuff I already knew and that I mostly considered basic; and that in my current university I managed to credit out two entire English subjects with a grade of 10 in just an interview.
I have the feeling that if they all knew how many hours of my week go to talking in English to others online, some of them native speakers; they may not think I require such to "keep my English getting used around" that much.
She said I should use this free time to go learn then, I of course introduced the fact that I was using such right now on learning Esperanto finally. As I ate my banana and gave a little talk on it, she mentioned that such language is not one employers look for people who speak it. Before this she talked about how a friend of a family member learnt Chinese for job reasons.
"I don't learn languages to become a more useful product for capitalism, I do as I want to, well..." "to have fun?" she added on. Sorta yes, I worded it out as feeding one's mind and cuz the languages I have learnt after the second were cuz I found their proposed ideas, environments and general look quite attractive. "It's important when one's young." She surely said that based on ocupation but also, well, such also is cuz of how the mind works and all.
Father said it was nice, it's easier for someone to understand learning Esperanto when you learnt and talked about Toki Pona to them before, it seems.
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georgiexie · 3 months
9 Considerations When Using Skillsfuture Credits in Chinese
You should consider using your SkillsFuture credits for your studies. Click here for nine considerations for using your SkillsFuture credits in Chinese studies.
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If you are a Singaporean resident looking to learn Chinese, you may want to consider using your SkillsFuture credits to fund your studies. SkillsFuture is a national initiative in Singapore that provides residents with funding to develop new skills and stay relevant in the job market. Residents can use their SkillsFuture credits in taking Chinese lessons through accredited and certified courses. However, there are still considerations for course content, instructor qualifications, mode of delivery, duration, cost, time commitment and learning goals. Explore some of the most important considerations when using your SkillsFuture credits to enrol in Mandarin courses.
#1 Course Content
Before using your SkillsFuture credits for language courses, consider the course content carefully. Look for language courses that are comprehensive and engaging. It should cover all aspects of the Chinese language, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Ensure that the course fits your level of proficiency and that it offers opportunities for practice and feedback.
#2 Instructor Qualifications
The qualifications and experience of the instructors can have a significant impact on the quality of the course. Look for Mandarin courses taught by experienced and qualified instructors with a track record of successful teaching. Do your research, read reviews, and ask for recommendations before committing to use your SkillsFuture credits for attending a Mandarin language course.
#3 Mode of Delivery
Different people have different preferences when it comes to the mode of delivery. Some prefer traditional classroom-based courses, while others prefer to learn Mandarin through online classes or blended learning options. Consider your learning style and preferences when selecting a language course. Choose a mode of delivery that suits you best.
#4 Duration of the Course
Considering the language course duration is crucial before using your SkillsFuture credits in Chinese lessons. It can affect the cost and the time commitment required. Look for language courses that offer a class duration that suits your schedule and learning needs. Some courses may be shorter and more intensive, while others may be longer and more flexible.
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#5 Accreditation and Certification
When using your SkillsFuture credits for language courses, ensure that the course is accredited and that you will receive a certification upon completion. This certification can be valuable for demonstrating your new skills and knowledge to potential employers.
#6 Cost
Although you can use your SkillsFuture credits to fund various language courses, you may incur additional costs, like course materials or examination fees. Ensure you understand the full extent of the costs of the course before committing to it. Check if it offers value for your money.
#7 Time Commitment
Learning a language requires time and commitment. Ensure you have enough time to devote to the course and that it fits your schedule. Consider the time you may need for homework, revision, and practice before using your SkillsFuture credits in enrolling for Chinese lessons.
#8 Cultural Considerations
When learning Chinese, be aware of cultural differences and approach learning Mandarin openly. Consider whether the language course includes cultural components to help you better understand Chinese culture and customs.
#9 Learning Goals
Before starting a course, set clear learning goals. It will help you stay motivated and focused throughout the course as you learn Mandarin online or onsite. Consider what you want to achieve from the language course and how you will measure your progress.
In conclusion, using your SkillsFuture credits to learn Chinese in Singapore can be a great way to develop new skills and stay competitive in the job market. By carefully selecting a course that meets your needs and preferences, you can ensure a high-quality and efficient learning experience.
Ready to start learning Chinese with your SkillsFuture credits? Check out the various comprehensive and engaging Chinese courses at Stanford Language Centre.
Experience and qualified instructors teach their language courses and aim to help you achieve your learning goals. Visit Stanford Language Centre's website to learn about their offers and how you can use your SkillsFuture credits for language courses.
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erpinformation · 4 months
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mbbsblogsblog · 5 months
MBBS in China Has Gained Immense Popularities Among the Indian MBBS Aspirants!
MBBS in China offers unique opportunities and study ambiance that great success in their professional career. Each year many Indian MBBS aspirants are focused and ambitious to study MBBS overseas. Thus, after the completion of 12th exam, they engage themselves in navigating and gathering information about top notch medical universities in foreign countries.
The page offers valuable suggestion about one the popular foreign countries where many Indian students are found to show their interests in pursuing their MBBS career.
China's medical education system is well-known for its commitment to providing high-quality education. Along with theoretical knowledge, students receive thorough practical training that helps them improve their abilities and competencies. Another advantage is the presence of various low-priced MBBS in China, which provide education at a fraction of the cost of medical colleges in industrialised countries.
MBBS in China has gained immense popularities among the Indian MBBS aspirants because China is highly concerned to draw MBBS aspirants from various countries for contributing intellectual properties to the global medical industry. Thus, China is concerned to make its medical universities and curriculum appropriate for the international students.
Why should you select MBBS in China?
Medical universities/colleges those are internationally recognised and highly regarded. Classrooms have a low student-to-teacher ratio, ensuring that staff can provide personalised attention.
·         Experienced professors emphasise practical-oriented courses and training.
·         Job security and opportunity to work in multiple countries.
·         The Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE) has impressive passing rates.
·         Medical degrees are internationally recognised.
·         China's medical universities are approved by the National Medical Commission (NMC).
·         Provision of Indian cuisine in the hostel mess.
·         There is no requirement for English proficiency exams (IELTS or TOEFL).
·         Secure countries that prioritise the safety of overseas students.
MBBS Admission Process in China:  
·         Visit the college's official website and click to the admissions area.
·         Fill out the admissions form online, including all relevant information and details.
·         Scan the required documents (such as educational certificates, passports, and so on) according to the college's instructions.
·         Upload scanned copies of the documents to the web portal.
·         Wait for the college to process your application. You will receive an offer letter if
·         Your application has been accepted. Save this letter for future reference.
·         Pay the registration fees for the preferred college as specified by the university.
·         Begin the visa application process after you've paid your college fees and gotten the confirmation letter.
·         Gather all of the documents required for the visa application (passport, offer letter, proof of financial capability, medical reports, etc.).
·         Apply for a student visa through the Chinese embassy or consulate in your home country.
·         Wait for visa approval. Once you've received your student visa, keep it safe during your travels.
·         Book your ticket to China based on the commencement date of your lectures and any orientation programmes.
Ria Overseas is a popular consultant agency that offers guidance to join MBBS overseas. You can find its team members friendly and highly concerned to your desires and need. They provide you with need based solutions of your problems that you may face in joining MBBS overseas.
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sudhanshu-bhatt · 5 months
Global Perspectives: The International Focus of Girls Boarding Schools in Shimla
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Nestled in the beauty of the Himalayas, Shimla's girls' boarding schools offer a surprisingly international outlook. Here's how these institutions prepare young women to be informed and engaged global citizens:
Diverse Student Body: Many schools attract students from various Indian states, and some may even have a sprinkling of international students. This interaction fosters cultural awareness, understanding, and the ability to navigate a diverse world.
International Curriculum Options: Some schools offer curriculums like the International Baccalaureate (IB) or International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) alongside traditional Indian boards. These programs expose girls to a global perspective on various subjects and prepare them for higher education in international institutions.
Exchange Programs and International Collaborations: Schools may have established partnerships with international institutions, facilitating student exchange programs or collaborative projects on topics like environmental sustainability or social justice. These experiences allow girls to connect with peers from different cultures and broaden their worldview.
Focus on Global Issues: The curriculum often incorporates discussions on global challenges like climate change, poverty, and human rights. This equips girls with a critical understanding of the interconnectedness of the world and empowers them to become advocates for positive change.
Modern Language Instruction: Many schools offer foreign language courses like French, Spanish, or Mandarin Chinese. Learning new languages not only improves communication skills but also opens doors to understanding different cultures and perspectives.
Model United Nations (MUN) Participation: MUN simulations allow girls to step into the shoes of international diplomats, tackling global issues and developing negotiation and public speaking skills in an international context. This prepares them to confidently engage with diverse audiences.
International Faculty: Some schools have faculty members from various countries, bringing diverse perspectives and real-world experiences into the classroom. This allows girls to learn from individuals with a global understanding of their fields.
Technology as a Bridge: Schools utilize technology for virtual exchange programs, online courses with international instructors, and global collaborative projects. This fosters connections with students worldwide and exposes them to different teaching methodologies.
By incorporating these elements, Shimla's girls' boarding schools go beyond traditional education. They cultivate a global mindset in their students, preparing them to be informed and engaged participants in the international community, ready to address the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.
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oliviadlima · 9 months
Online Language Learning Platform Market Overview, and Forecast to 2032
According to a new report published by Allied Market Research, titled, “Online Language Learning Platform Market, by Mode (Digital Self-Tutoring, Live Learning), by Language Type (English, Spanish, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Others), by End User (Educational Institutions, Individuals): Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2023–2032” The online language learning platform market was valued at $9.3 billion in 2022, and is estimated to reach $44.8 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 17.2% from 2023 to 2032.
Online language learning platforms are witnessing several notable trends shaping the landscape of language education. The rise of mobile learning is prominent, with users increasingly accessing language courses through smartphones and tablets, making learning more convenient and on-the-go. Moreover, gamification is another emerging trend, integrating game-like elements into courses to enhance engagement and motivation among learners. Furthermore, demand for personalized learning experiences is driving the incorporation of adaptive learning technologies, tailoring content to individual proficiency levels and learning styles. Social learning features, including discussion forums and peer interaction, are becoming integral, fostering collaborative learning experiences. Moreover, there is rise in the emphasis on pragmatic, tangible linguistic abilities, with instructional programs concentrated on conversational competence and comprehension of different cultures. As the field progresses, the combination of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies is expected to offer captivating language acquisition experiences, augmenting overall efficacy and user contentment.
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Furthermore, the global online language learning platform market is in its developing phase, and exhibits high growth potential, due to rise in implementation of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). In addition, increase in partnerships are expected to promote the online language learning platform market growth in future. For instance, in September 2021, Voxy, an innovative training solution used institutional clients, announced that it has partnered with Coursera, one of the largest online learning platforms, to provide career development opportunities for professionals who seek to improve their English skills. With this partnership, Coursera’s 87 million global learners now have access to English language learning courses from Voxy, designed to help professionals communicate more effectively in English across a wide range of environments and subjects, such as technology, calls & messaging, and planning & organization.
Moreover, many online languages learning platform expanded their product offerings to expand their customer base and gain more profits. For instance, in April 2022, LingoAce, a Singapore-headquartered global education technology company and leading Mandarin Chinese language learning platform, has launched their latest offering, English Live, leveraging its success in teaching Mandarin Chinese through its technology platform to now teach English. Through the development of industry leading Chinese language curriculum and products, LingoAce is applying those teaching concepts and methods to English Live.
By end user, the educational institutions segment acquired a major online language learning platform market share in 2022. This is attributed to the fact that online platforms enable educational institutions to reach a global audience. Students from different geographical locations enroll in language courses, fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment.
Region-wise, Asia-Pacific is expected to grow significantly in the online language learning platform market during the forecast period. This is attributed to the fact that recognition of language proficiency through certifications is gaining importance in the Asia-Pacific region. Online language learning platforms are offering certification programs aligned with international language proficiency standards to validate learners’ skills.
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With lockdowns and social distancing measures in place, there was a surge in demand for remote learning solutions, leading to a notable uptick in users on language learning platforms. Further, the pandemic accelerated the adoption of online education as individuals sought productive activities during lockdowns. As traditional language schools faced disruptions, online platforms became a primary choice for language learners worldwide. The shift to remote work also increased the importance of language skills, further boosting the demand for online language learning platform industry. While the pandemic presented challenges, such as economic uncertainties affecting consumer spending, it underscored the resilience and adaptability of online language learning platforms, positioning them as essential tools for language education in the new normal. Thus, these factors promoted the growth of the online language learning platform industry during the pandemic.
By mode, the digital self tutoring segment accounted for the highest online language learning platform market share, in terms of revenue in 2022.
On the basis of end user, the individual segment is expected to exhibit the fastest growth rate during online language learning platform market forecast.
Region wise, North America generated the highest revenue of online language learning platform market size in 2022.
The key players operating in the online language learning platform market analysis Rosetta Stone LLC, Babbel GmbH, Speexx, Sanako, Busuu Ltd, Berlitz Corporation, Memrise, ELSA, Inlingua International Ltd., and Transparent Language, Inc. These players have adopted various strategies to increase their market penetration and strengthen their position in the online language learning platform industry.
About Us: Allied Market Research (AMR) is a full-service market research and business-consulting wing of Allied Analytics LLP based in Portland, Oregon. Allied Market Research provides global enterprises as well as medium and small businesses with unmatched quality of “Market Research Reports Insights” and “Business Intelligence Solutions.” AMR has a targeted view to provide business insights and consulting to assist its clients to make strategic business decisions and achieve sustainable growth in their respective market domain.
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meiyuchinese01 · 1 year
Chinese Language Course in Delhi
In the present globalized world, the capacity to convey in numerous dialects is a significant expertise. Among the plethora of languages spoken worldwide, Chinese stands out as one of the most influential. With China’s rapid economic growth and increasing global presence, learning Chinese can open doors to countless opportunities. This article explores the significance of Chinese language courses in Delhi, India, and why they are essential for anyone looking to expand their horizons.
The Global Impact of Chinese The Chinese language, predominantly Mandarin, is the most spoken language globally, with over a billion native speakers. China’s emergence as a global economic superpower has led to a growing demand for individuals proficient in the language. In business, diplomacy, and academia, the ability to speak Chinese has become a valuable asset.
Career Advancements Delhi, India’s capital and a major hub for commerce and international relations, is no exception to this trend. Companies operating in Delhi often seek candidates who can communicate effectively with Chinese partners and clients. As a result, professionals who have undergone Chinese language courses in Delhi find themselves at a distinct advantage in the job market.
Diplomacy and International Relations In the realm of diplomacy, India’s relations with China are crucial. A strong diplomatic relationship relies on effective communication, and diplomats proficient in Chinese can contribute significantly to peaceful interactions between the two nations. Indian diplomats who have completed Chinese language courses in Delhi play a pivotal role in shaping these relations.
Educational Opportunities Delhi is home to some of India’s most prestigious universities, and many of them offer Chinese language courses. These courses provide students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in the language and culture, opening up academic exchanges and research opportunities with Chinese institutions.
Why Choose Delhi for Chinese Language Courses? Delhi’s appeal as a destination for learning Chinese extends beyond its status as the capital city. Several factors make Delhi an ideal place to embark on your journey to master the Chinese language.
Diverse Learning Environment Delhi is a melting pot of cultures, and this diversity extends to its educational institutions. When you enroll in a Chinese language course in Delhi, you’ll find yourself surrounded by fellow students from various backgrounds, making the learning experience rich and immersive.
Experienced Instructors Delhi boasts a pool of highly qualified and experienced Chinese language instructors. These educators bring their expertise and a deep understanding of Chinese culture to the classroom, ensuring that students receive top-notch education.
Cultural Exposure Studying Chinese in Delhi provides an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in Chinese culture. From authentic Chinese cuisine to cultural events and festivals, Delhi offers a taste of China right in the heart of India.
Networking Opportunities Delhi’s thriving business community and diplomatic circles offer numerous networking opportunities. By learning Chinese in Delhi, you’ll be better equipped to engage with professionals in various fields and broaden your career horizons.
Choosing the Right Course When considering Chinese language courses in Delhi, it’s essential to choose the right one to suit your needs. Here are some factors to consider:
Course Duration and Intensity Determine whether you prefer an intensive course that gets you speaking quickly or a longer, more comprehensive program.
Certification Some courses offer certifications that can enhance your employability. Check if the course you’re interested in provides recognized certification.
Learning Format Consider whether you like face-to-face classes, online courses, or a blend of both. The flexibility of online learning may be ideal for those with busy schedules.
Cultural Immersion If cultural immersion is important to you, inquire if the course includes cultural activities and experiences alongside language instruction.
Conclusion In a world where global interactions are increasingly vital, learning the Chinese language in Delhi can be a transformative experience. Whether you’re aiming to advance your career, contribute to diplomacy, or deepen your understanding of Chinese culture, Chinese language courses in Delhi offer a gateway to a world of opportunities.
So, if you’re ready to embark on this exciting journey, consider enrolling in a Chinese language course in Delhi. Unlock the doors to a brighter future and a world of possibilities.
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risenwraith · 1 year
#153 Quantum Violence.
I've been full of cold and fever all week. Mostly better now apart from hacking up my lungs a lot. Ow, bleh, etc etc.
However many posts back, I talked about the random people in this house who wandered in and out and I had no idea who they were. I mentioned a purple pixie lady in the kitchen (and if I didn’t call her that I should have)… turns out she’s the landlady. Cool, good to know.
Landlady has a PHD in physics, is obsessed with nutrition and practices acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. (Before I continue, I would like to state that I am aware that acupuncture and Herbal Medicine – Chinese or otherwise – can do amazing things. But I’m also aware of the number of people who take some sort of online course, get a certificate from the University of Bullshit, and brazenly practice their ‘craft’ on actual people.)
Today, Landlady told me about a woman from Brazil she’d treated who had cancer. (I don’t know what it is about the chemo look, but everybody suddenly wants to chat to you about bloody cancer.) Landlady had treated her with acupuncture and with herbal teas and tinctures. The cancer had gone into remission. ‘Oh!’ exclaimed Brazilian lady. ‘I can’t believe it!’ And she went home, where upon it was discovered her cancer was back. This, according to Landlady, was Brazilian woman’s own fault because she didn’t believe it so she messed it all up – because QUANTUM!!
Do you know how much willpower I had to burn through to keep my expression mild and not brain her with a skillet?
I’m all for any weird and wonderful additional treatment you care to take with your chemo and surgeries. But what pisses me off an apocalyptic amount is when people with very serious life-threatening medical issues are given false hope – and worse, made to waste time – with random bollocks that might make you feel holistically healthier but won’t do a damn thing to fix the underlying problem that’s killing you.
Bitch, if fucking acupuncture and some tea could fix me, don’t you think the hospitals would be offering that instead of the incredibly expensive and poisonous course of treatment they gave me? Also (do I really have to point this out?) medicine isn’t something that requires belief to function. If it requires belief, it is at its base, a placebo. Look, I think quantum is great too – I love the fact that you can kinda explain sympathetic magic via string theory. But again, if Quantum was powerful and reliable enough to kick the shit out of cancer, I wouldn’t have gone to the Infusion Centre every three weeks I’d have gone to the Quantum Detanglement Centre or something. FFS.
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acharyaganesh123 · 1 year
How to become an astrologer?
Becoming an astrologer requires a deep understanding of astrology, which is the study of celestial objects and their positions to predict and analyze human behavior and natural phenomena. Astrology is both an ancient and contemporary field that has a diverse range of approaches and beliefs. If you're interested in becoming an astrologer, here are the steps you can follow:
Study Astrology Fundamentals:
Start by learning the basics of astrology, including the zodiac signs, planets, houses, and aspects. You can find numerous books, online courses, and websites that offer introductory astrology lessons.
Invest in a good astrology book or take an introductory astrology course to grasp the fundamentals.
Build Your Astrology Library:
Accumulate a collection of astrology books and resources. These can include ephemerides (tables of planetary positions), astrology software, and reference books.
Understand Natal Astrology:
Natal astrology, also known as birth chart astrology, involves creating birth charts for individuals based on their date, time, and place of birth. Study how to create and interpret these charts.
Learn how to analyze the positions of planets, houses, and aspects in a birth chart to gain insights into a person's personality, strengths, weaknesses, and life path.
Learn About Different Astrological Systems:
Astrology has various branches, such as Western astrology, Vedic astrology, and Chinese astrology. Familiarize yourself with different systems to broaden your knowledge and skills.
Practice Chart Interpretation:
Practice interpreting birth charts for friends and family to gain experience. As you develop your skills, consider offering free readings to build your portfolio.
Advanced Studies:
If you want to become a professional astrologer, consider taking advanced courses or workshops to deepen your understanding. You may also want to specialize in a particular area of astrology, such as relationship astrology or predictive astrology.
Ethical Considerations:
Keep in mind the ethical responsibilities associated with astrology. Respect clients' privacy and confidentiality, and provide guidance and insight responsibly.
Networking and Certification:
Join astrology organizations and attend conferences to network with other astrologers and stay updated on industry trends.
Some astrologers choose to obtain certifications from reputable astrology organizations, such as the American Federation of Astrologers (AFA) or the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR).
Set Up Your Practice:
Decide whether you want to offer astrology consultations as a part-time or full-time career.
Establish a professional website and social media presence to market your services.
Continual Learning:
Astrology is a lifelong learning journey. Stay current with astronomical discoveries and astrological trends through reading, workshops, and ongoing study.
Build a Client Base:
Initially, you may need to offer free or discounted readings to attract clients and build your reputation. Positive client testimonials can be valuable for your astrology practice.
Legal and Ethical Considerations:
Be aware of any legal requirements for practicing astrology in your area. Also, adhere to ethical guidelines and always provide responsible and compassionate advice.
Remember that astrology is a belief system and not a science, so it's important to approach it with an open mind and respect for different perspectives. Building a career as an astrologer may take time, patience, and dedication, but with passion and a commitment to ethical practice, you can become a respected astrologer in your community or even offer online services to a global audience.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 year
Titans of nothing in particular but nevertheless dangerous by u/umbleUriahHeep
*Titans* of nothing in particular but nevertheless dangerous We joke a lot here and snark on the two delusional narcissists, but we also have serious discussions of the danger the Harkle couple pose—not only their staff, but to the stability of communities and governments. On SMM, we have had posts and discussions that speculate about: • if they’re patsies, or fronts for Russian or Chinese meddling• who is funding them• their shameful behind the scenes manipulation of the then Cambridges’ trip to the Caribbean• their promotion of racially divisive online activities• their involvement with American politics• their active involvement in anti-free speech organizations• their use of SM bot manipulations And of course, undermining the British monarchy.While we enjoy the many own goals that the prince and his wife have experienced lately, and rejoice at their comeuppances, we should be mindful that if even a little of our speculation is on target, Haz and Hertz could still pose a danger to our communities. We need to stay on guard. They absolutely want to abolish free speech as we know it.They have sketchy, questionable support from foreign actors.They’re delusional narcissists who will hurt whoever and whatever to get theirs or get vengeance.I’m thinking about this because it is clear to me that the billionaire Stockton Rush was a delusional narcissist who would not follow the community rules, commonly accepted engineering principles, and scientifically established facts of deepwater exploration. Certification is for losers!Experienced sub operators are uninspiring!I won’t let your regulations keep me from innovating!Everyone told me that it can’t be done, but I am doing it anyway, because I’m smarter than those guys! I’m innovative, modernizing the deepwater exploration field!YOU CAN’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!He lied and exaggerated about the assistance from NASA and Boeing.He ignored 50 years of research and design.That man truly believed that his flawed, under-engineered, homemade sub was safe despite clear and incontrovertible proof to the contrary.Despite the advice and warnings of industry legends and experts.Despite the immediate danger to himself and othersHe fired the experts who dared disagree with him, and made snide remarks about the industry experts he should have been listening to.Rather than comply with the established safety and engineering standards, he willfully refused to seek classification for his commercial vehicle…because I know better. You can’t tell me what to do!Who does all this sound like?So yeah, God help us if Megan fulfills her political aspirations or if they land a financial whale. They’re delusional narcissists who have grown beyond literally anyone telling them no or that’s not a good idea or please don’t start a nuclear war.We sinners need to remember and stay on guard. post link: https://ift.tt/Kg5dzqN author: umbleUriahHeep submitted: June 23, 2023 at 06:47PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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mark-matos · 1 year
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🌐There's a 'World Economic Forum' Study and... It's Not Pretty!
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🤖Language Models and Job Loss: It's Not a Sci-Fi Novel, It's Our Reality!
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💻Our AI Overlords Are Here, but Coursera to the Rescue!
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💼Stalled Career? Online Programs Are Here to Turbocharge Your Professional Life!
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