#Chitose simps
tsukimon02 · 5 months
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Hello there, why yes, I am very normal about Miss Chitose Fujinomiya from the hit game Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth 😳
I see a pretty lady, I like =u=
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shinobus-left-eye · 2 months
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Heyyyy 👏
It's my fellow Skeptic simp!! Loveeee 💻 🤨
I have a request if you don't mind 👉👈
Headcanons for Skeptic 🙏🤌
How would he be with getting married and how would the honeymoon bee 👀
You don't need to rush at all! 💕
Please stay safe and healthy and have a wonderful day/night ❤️
(The chance to write for Skeptic is like getting a package delivered in the mail way before the estimated delivery date: GOOD)
~Skeptic’s Marriage and the Honeymoon~
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-You two likely announce your marriage together in front of the others. Tomoyasu is acting like he doesn’t care of that he’s annoyed by their “oooo’s and ahhhh’s” but you can clearly see the smile pulling up in the corner of his mouth. He’s proud and excited himself that you’d ever agree to marry someone like him. Hell, he was proud the day you agreed to date him! (You should’ve seen the proposal...He just walked into the bedroom and tossed the box at you barely missing your head. “Let’s get married.” Acting all nonchalant like he wasn’t panicking in the parking lot of the jewelry shop earlier about the possibility of you saying no to him) It’s almost too difficult to answer the slew of questions flying your way from both Chitose and Hanabata. 
-It hasn’t even been a full 2 days before you find yourself out dress/tux/outfit shopping with those two. Oh and don’t think ReDestro and Geten aren’t supportive just because they’re on the sidelines. Rikiya is busy trying to convince Skeptic to let him fund the ENTIRE event as a wedding gift, and Geten is waiting at ReDestro’s feet for any instruction to help his grand commander. I’m sure you already know who donated those ice sculptures at the reception (and no, it was not the catering company). Tomoyasu eventually settled on letting Rikiya pay the venue as a gift. Anymore than that and the man would feel uncomfortable making his commander pay like that. Chitose and Hanabata basically sprung to pay for the clothing. No matter how hard Skeptic and you tried to stop them, they were already on top of it. In all honesty, you two didn’t have to pay for anything except for the catering. That was only because Skeptic was able to beat Chitose to the phone to book them! Anyway, the wedding was a lovely event. 
-There were plenty of people attending from Detnerat, Feel Good, as well as family, friends, liberation army members, and a few from the others (Chitose and Hanabata’s) companies. It was extremely rare that you EVER saw Skeptic cry. On this day he cried so hard that his vows came out all choked up. You were sure him and ReDestro were in some sort of secret crying competition lol. 
Shortly after leaving the reception, the two of you jetted back home to take a quick nap and finish up packing before heading out on your honeymoon. The others would be in charge of putting all your wedding presents in your house while you were both gone so there was no need to worry there! All you needed to focus on at the moment was dealing with Tomoyasu’s road rage and wondering when was the next time you could stop and get something to eat. Seriously...you’ve switched to the driver’s side a few times during the trip since he could sometimes be unbearable when in a car for an extended period of time. He’d already cursed out three drivers and flipped off two others. On top of that, he REFUSED to check the directions claiming that he’s researched enough and knew how to get to the hotel just fine...he didn’t by the way. This (and the constant stopping on your behalf for breaks) had added an extra 2 hours onto the trip time. You didn’t make it to the hotel until nearly midnight! It was fine because the mood dramatically shifted once you parked and admired the grand beauty of the hotel and the tourist city surrounding you two. You’d checked in, had a lovely shower, and got the absolute shit fucked out of you *ahem...I mean consummated the marriage or whatever* 
-By the next morning you were both recharged and ready to see some sights! The first thing you did was check out a local aquarium. It was fun seeing the various fish and learning a few facts here and there. And sure, maybe it was a little childish waiting in line for the Penguin playhouse but who gives a shit? It’s your honeymoon, enjoy it! Next the two of you climbed the side of a mountain for a hike...something Skeptic had already wanted to quit considering he was way too hot and sweaty for it by now. You didn’t even make it to the waterfall tucked away in the woods! “Awwww, but Tomo!” He grunted at you and grabbed your hand as he gently pulled you alongside him and back down the mountainside. “Let’s go, my hair is getting nasty and I’m about to pass out. I’ll show you the damn waterfall over the satellite footage.” 
-The course of the next few days was filled with exploring different attractions (mirror mases and wax museums and more), with a side of eating half your weight in street foods. On top of that, Skeptic let you go a little wild with the souvenir budget as long as you didn’t buy more than you could take back with you in the car. When the last day came along, neither of you wanted to return back to your normal lives but you eventually had to come to terms with just relaxing every single day going out the window lol. 
-Oh and of course he carried you through the front door when you made it back home. Something something traditional about the threshold or whatever. Congrats on making it back home safe newlyweds! Now you get to focus on unwrapping and putting away a shit ton of wedding presents...hurrah!     
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elo-kodon · 3 years
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Hey yall! My friend and i just finished finalizing our K Project 18+ server! If you like the anime or mangas, come join us and we'll all have fun :3 Non-RP centric as well, tho we do have a roleplay search channel for those of you who are interested!
Server link: https://discord.gg/D8AN3NaHuJ
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