#Cho seungyeon
Woodz is the type of boyfriend who would look at you as if you're his whole world
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cherphadetseuk · 2 years
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Favourite songs of 2022 (29/?) Hey come on let us Running through the storm Sky is the limit We march and break the wall Why you gonna be so sad Rub some dirt on it Why you wanna be so tamed Get back on your own feet Dirt on my Leather - WOODZ
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leehanie · 9 months
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femaleidols · 1 year
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maiwrld · 1 year
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even on my worst day, did i deserve, babe, all the hell that you gave me?
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a-poplexy · 1 year
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proseandscribbles · 1 year
"Seungyeon always said girls don't need special treatment — they just want the same responsibilities and opportunities. Instead of choosing the lunch menu, they want to run for president. One devoted member of the club would always repeat the same thing: 'It's too much work for women. You brighten up the club with your mere presence.' 'I'm not here to support you,' Seungyeon would say. 'If the club needs brightening up, get a lamp. I'm sick and tired of this place, but I'm gonna keep fighting tooth and nail until the day a woman becomes president of the hiking club.'"
— Cho Nam-Joo, Kim Ji Young, Born 1982
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( ooc: +18 ) Os fãs não param de falar disso! Parece que Jang Minjae entrou para as redes sociais, sabia? Dizem que ele parece tanto com o Cho Seungyeon/Woodz! Ele nasceu em 02/10/1999 na cidade de Jeonju, Coreia de Sul e atualmente tem 23 anos. Ele trabalha como integrante do TIMELESS na SENSE Entertainment, deve ser muito talentoso… Ah, você quer seguir ele? Procura por @uv_minjae e fica de olho nas novidades.
Etnia: coreano.
Personalidade: indeciso, egóico, focado, calmo.
Não é o tipo de pessoa que se importa com opiniões externas, guiado por um motto e princípios criados por si mesmo para seguir sua vida e saber se portar diante situações sociais, mediante situações passadas em sua vida que o causaram sofrimento. Não é lá o tipo de pessoa que vai ficar extremamente empolgada com qualquer coisa - até os aspectos e hobbies que ele realmente ama, ele não é lá a pessoa que vai dar detalhes excessivos sobre sua própria vida -, portanto, é difícil vê-lo demonstrar sentimentos positivos ou negativos com facilidade.
Ele ama a si mesmo, ama os aspectos que constituem sua personalidade e sua vidinha pacífica, não se vê em um relacionamento com ninguém além de si mesmo. Não é o tipo de pessoa que vá colocar alguém acima de si, mas não é o tipo de pessoa que irá machucar alguém por pura diversão, afinal, ele é apenas focado em seus próprios objetivos - mas não irá passar por cima de ninguém para isso.
A indecisão é um ponto negativo muito forte em sua personalidade, ele não sabe fazer decisões, tanto para escolher a comida que irá jantar, quanto para escolher coisas que impactem sua vida de verdade. Ele odeia jogos de escolhas.
Há rumores de que quando era trainee, participava do elenco de uma academia de dança, onde apresentava músicas de Rupaul’s Drag Race. Isso nunca foi comprovado por ninguém, mas acabou acarretando em um hate exarcebado por um tempo por parte dos k-netizens, por não quererem um idol afeminado no TIMELESS.
Desenterraram fotos de Minjae quando criança em fóruns da internet, onde o rapaz tinha uma aparência diferente da atual e era acima do peso. Ele recebeu o apelido de “monstro da cirurgia plástica por isso.”
Os colegas de classe do ensino médio de Minjae disseram que ele era representante de turma, com boas notas e muito calmo, nunca se envolveu em brigas ou trouxe incômodo para a comunidade escolar. Apesar de ter sido trainee, era muito dedicado.
Shaun - Bad Habits, AKMU - Melted, AKMU - Hey kid close your eyes, VIXX - On&On. Músicas que produziu para outros artistas: TripleS - Generation, LE SSERAFIM - Fire in the Belly, aespa - Lingo, LIGHTSUM - i, TripleS - Cherry Talk, aespa - Spicy.
TW: morte.
Minjae nasceu em uma manhãzinha de neve no dia 2 de outubro, de uma família com três filhos, sendo ele do meio. Teve uma infância especialmente comum, ele era uma criança muito comum. Ia para a escola, voltava para casa com Minhee e Minkyung (suas duas irmãs), e passava o resto do seu dia brincando com as irmãs, os amigos no parque perto de casa, ou fazendo tarefas na escola. No dia dezessete de junho de 2008, aos sete anos, sua mãe sofrera um acidente indo para o trabalho e fora atropelada, deixando um pai para cuidar sozinho de três crianças, os filhos desolados e um luto eterno para sua família. Sua família tentava se reestruturar, crescendo mais próximos do que nunca e a criança se tornava um alicerce para seu pai, para conseguir cuidar de suas irmãs. Eles se mudaram para a cidade de Seoul alguns meses depois, onde Minjae teria contato com influências que aflorariam seu desejo para gostar cada vez mais de música e a vontade de deixar sua família e a falecida mãe orgulhosos com o adulto que se tornaria.
Em uma noite de primavera, nos seus dez anos, jogando em uma lan-house, Minjae conhecera o 2U. A criança ficara totalmente obcecada com o boygroup e colocava na sua cabeça que queria ser como eles. Voltou para casa correndo, pedindo para o pai ajudá-lo e colocá-lo em aulas de dança. A resposta de primeiro fora negativa, o seu progenitor queria que o menino provasse que ele realmente queria isso. Foram meses treinando depois da escola sozinho em casa para mostrar para o pai que o menino realmente queria aquilo. O pai portanto decidiu colocar Minjae na SOPA, onde frequentou sua adolescência toda, o Departamento de Stage Arts tinha sido a vida de Minjae, os melhores anos de sua vida e onde ele tinha encontrado paixão para dar orgulho ao pai, Minhee e Minkyung, sua mãe… Passava a maior parte do tempo se dedicando a escola, a ser um bom artista e a ter boas notas. Um aluno exemplar.
Em 2014, Minjae aplicou para as audições da FNC, onde passou bom tempo sendo trainee, até ter a chance de mudar para a F4M Entertainment e poder debutar, sendo mandado para o I=FUTURE. Apesar de ter sofrido muito hate, o rapaz conseguiu debutar no TIMELESS em sexto lugar.
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captainhongjoong · 1 year
cho seungyeon you wanna come to the us so bad
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i97venus · 2 years
hello I wanted to ask for a Woodz (Cho Seungyoun) reading
I wanted to request an Ideal type reading!
Tysm! 💕
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this reading was done on september 15. this is not 100% accurate, so take it with a grain of salt.
what is woodz's ideal type?
-> the cards: 9 of pentacles rx, 7 of swords rx, 3 of pentacles, 9 of wands, king of pentacles woodz's ideal type is someone who can indulge in the simple things in life and is hardworking. he does not want someone who is overly arrogant or spoiled, so his type must be extremely humble and grateful for their belongings. he wants a genuine and reliable/dependable person rather than a deceitful one. additionally, he prefers if his type is cooperative and gets along well with others. this reinforces the amount of effort that he would like. he definitely wants a resilient person and is turned off when someone dwells on their mistakes. he would want someone is calm and understanding, and is successful. through their success, he would aspire to work with them or build a strong relationship. he yearns for stability a bit, therefore, he would prefer someone who is stable. he would also desire sophistication in a partner (whether it be clothing or mannerisms) because it turns him on and is admirable to him.
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midnightculture · 3 years
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woodz - feel like 직캠
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mileyjassie · 3 years
(𝑺𝒊𝒈𝒏𝒊𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒚) 𝗕𝗟𝗨𝗘! 𝗖.𝗦𝗬
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Pairing: Cho Seungyoun (Woodz) x Reader
Genre: Angst / Drama/ Suspicious happy ending
Word count: 2.4K
Synopsis: You wanted a little more of red from him, but he was only blue, and behind the purple light you find the red half he tries so much to hide.
Author's note: It can look confusing but it's more simple than you think, they're kind of into his mind, he's not really 100% mental healthy and she wants too much from him, more than what he can actually offer. Inspired on his "Love Me Harder" MV and "EQUAL" album songs (the changes of you/your to he/his might look confusing I know)
You made me blue. Day after day, a little bit more blue.
So explain to me, what does this mean for both of us?
I met you early, I needed you.
Close. Close. Close.
You hid me yourself, you hid yourself from me perfectly, never, I never found out how well you hid from me.
I pay attention again, I remembered that space again, that purple place.
I went to you, hugging you without thinking. You hugged me back, of course, snuggled up to me. It was gradually, little by little that I realized that you were hiding from me.
"Do not touch me." I didn't hear you say it with your own mouth, but you did, I heard it from somewhere outside, I heard it from somewhere inside, very close to my ear, but too far away to hear it perfectly.
Your disgusted voice, your voice low and agonized.
"Take your hands off me."
"I hate being touched. Get away."
"Leave me alone, Get out! Get out! Get out!"
I looked at you more than scared, my hands leaving your arms with hurt, I was shocked, you didn't say anything to me, but that was what I really felt.
You loved me, yes, it was true.
"Take your hands off me."
You looked at me more than confused, even more confused than me when I let go of you with frowning brows.
"What happened?" You said to me with your hand outstretched, not understanding the contrast of humor.
"Why do you think this?" I asked in a harmless voice, approaching his silhouette and squeezing his arms. "What's going on? Why do you think that way?"
"What you mean?" He asked confused and without explanations coming from me, not understanding why I was looking at him like that. "For what reason you let go of me this way?"
"I heard your voice, I heard it inside you, asking me not to touch you, do you feel disgust of me?"
You froze, as if it was shocking to hear a truth that you were already fully aware of.
"I'm not disgusted of you, I love you, how could I be disgusted of you?"
I looked at your expressions carefully, you hid, you hid something from me, but you weren't lying to me.
It was a mistake to show him that I was aware of his secrets. I should have closed my eyes, kept quiet, but I didn't, I wanted to force you to tell me the truth, I forced you to tell me about a problem that was only yours. But I just wanted to help. I wanted to take a burden off of you, without realizing that only you could carry it.
It was inside those purple curtains, in that small place, behind it I saw what you were hiding. A warm, small room, without much light, showing the bloody tone of the room. Red.
Once... I saw your eyes that color.
If you knew I was there...you would be so mad at me.
He was trapped by the arms so I released that young man.
I let you go.
A very, very familiar stranger.
His smile was sharp, intimidating, cunning and smug. Long ginger hair, expressive eyebrows, reddish and dark eyelids.
"Have you been crying?" I murmured to him, his thin, narrow eyes searching for me with amusement.
"Angel, why do you think that? ..."
I dry swallowed, proceeding.
"Because your eyes are red."
He smiled to himself, delighting in a satisfaction that I could never understand what it was about.
"I don't cry, honey, I don't keep enough space inside me for such feeling ..." he said serenely, as he walked unhurriedly through the dark corners of the room, analyzing me with purposeful walks. "Not even for pleasure."
I followed him with my eyes, clenching my fists, knowing I couldn't be there any longer.
"Now that I have released you leave my beloved alone, as you make him suffer internally and is taking him away from me."
His reaction was kind of surprised, impressed for some reason.
"So, now is everything my fault?" He leaned over dramatically, placing his fingerprints on his chest, finding a cane next to his silhouette, left on the wall beside him. "Naive."
I furrowed my eyebrows, staring at him with discomfort, as he went around and around and still didn't feel like I was in conversation.
"I was stuck here, if you didn't notice ..." he Ironized without much malice, ceasing his walks. "What power would a prisoner have?"
I turned to face him, thanking silently for his lack of approach.
"I deduce that if you heard something before you came after me, it came from him, and from no one else ..."
I shook my head, not accepting to be carried away by the perverse lines of the man in front of me, but he did not care, he played with one of his eyebrows, approaching with a few steps, hitting the end of his cane on the floor without much force.
"Did your lover disappoint you?" He hummed, but I stopped him in seconds.
"He wouldn't do that." The answer made him smile again, proving me he have a superior aura that I would never achieve.
"Of course he would ..." he retorted with a nod, waiting for my reaction with a lazy pose.
"Because he is sad."
I parted my lips, swallowing my words in shock, dispersed in my own mind.
Seungyoun was sad?
Those were words that hit me like fire, my chest tightening in an unfamiliar feeling, perhaps more intense than simple concern. I heard him snap his tongue, an expression of disdain already stamped on his initially cynical face.
"Stop this." He said in a disgusted tone, an almost angry sound. His treatment almost refreshed my memory, yet it was different, different from when he had been disgusted with me before. "You remind me of him."
I looked up, remaining silent.
"You are not as surprised as you are pretending to be in front of me now ..." he approached it bluntly this time, brushing the tip of my hair with the top of his fingers. "You are as sad as he is, you know that. That's why you hurt him as much as he does to you."
He swirled my strands in his fingers, raising his eyes to mine again, forcing himself to absentmindedly walk away.
I pressed my lips together, looking around, not knowing which choice to do.
"So what do I do now?" I watched him walk away, without listening to me. "If you have no fault, what do I do to purify my love? What do I do for him not get disgusted of me?"
His shoulders lifted minimally, my comment seeming to immediately pique his interest.
"What exactly are you asking me for, cutie?" He turned slightly, his reddened lids darkening in my sight. "Tell me exactly in the right way."
"I want him not to be disgusted of m-"
"You can't cure a paranoid" he smiled roguishly, tipping his head along with the slight inclination of his tall body. "...honey."
I looked at the door, giving him one last look before striding towards it, feeling the cold, long fingers sink into the skin of my forearm, preventing me from leaving him with that one act.
"What you're looking for I can give you and it will not be difficult."
I raised my face to analyze his face with curiosity, the lines of his malicious expression attracting the attention of my pupils, my eyes strolling over his provocative details shamelessly, forgetting the ardent spirit that inhabited that being.
"What you want is still him. I know that, you can't hide anything from me ..." he spoke in a low tone, taking the strands of my hair out of my sight. "You want him, don't you?" He lowered his face, joking as he noticed the clear tension exhaling from my body. "In a sick way ..."
"How can you say something like that?"
"Yeah, I know." He raised his eyebrows as he closed his eyes, cocking his head to the side convincingly. "I know what you want from him, and I know he will never give you... but I can work it out."
I watched his grip soften on my arm, letting go and making a slight gesture of surrender.
That Seungyoun smiled pleasantly, extending his wide white palm to me. I looked at him suspiciously, pulling the corner of my lips in disdain.
"We're not friends."
His smile did not fall apart though.
"We could never be." He said softly, insisting on letting his hand hang in the air. "Under no circumstances."
"For you what would we be, then?" I asked uncomfortable, not surprised by the continued presence of entertainment on his face.
"For real?" He let out a faint laugh, opening his palms in false innocence. "At most I could be your other lover..." he stood up, tall and straight, looking at me from above. "But that's only if you wanted to. What is not the case ... or is it?" He walked around me, leaning back, his cheeky face finding mine to just mock my discomfort again.
"Whether I'm attracted to you or not is not enough." I mumbled through clenched teeth. "I love only one."
He sighed, quietly and without a laugh, clasping his hands on my shoulders, his warmth present behind me. I stopped right there, not afraid of him, but of what he chose or not to do.
"I know that."
You were in front of me, looking at me with deep disappointment, not knowing whether to fall or remain standing. You staggered and murmured things that I couldn't understand, smiles rising and falling between my blinks.
Nearby watching you suffer your crises I remained, the room only with you and me, the sight of the purple curtains behind your body hiding the room that one day kept your secret.
I did not approach your body, but I remained uneasy, watching you reject yourself several times without knowing what I could do to relieve some of your pain.
When you fell to the floor, you lowered your head in weariness, wet hair hiding your face.
I went to you, falling on my knees to hold your neck in my warm hands. "Dear?"
Your smile widened when your head fell back in satisfaction, a large, contented smile, however profoundly wicked.
You were with me, warm and hot. But what about your other self? Your really you, where were?
"My pleasure, honey. It wasn't that bad, huh?" His reddened and amused eyes greeted me, laughing with my astonishment.
"What did you do?" I removed my hands from his neck, being prevented from moving away, his hands gripping my wrists and pulling me back, our bodies close enough for him to enjoy, dropping a fake kiss near my face.
"You still blame me so much." He let go of me, looking away slyly. "If he's not here, it's because he does not want to."
I dry swallowed.
His body relaxed, sitting calmly, without guilt, without worries.
"Can't you hear it?"
I turned away, looking at him with distress.
"Your fault"
"It's your fault."
"You know it."
"He despises you. He thinks you have betrayed him." He waved his hand, disinterested. "Which I think is funny, really."
"I shouldn't have done that. You tricked me."
Seungyoun rolled his eyes, shrugging.
"I didn't tricked you, I promised the sickly love you asked me for, you could have it in the dirtiest ways possible, I would be there to make it happen ..." He explained, laying his head on his shoulder, following me with sharp eyes when I got up euphoric. "It's not my fault if he chose not to stay ..." He laughed maliciously, his shoulders rising and falling again and again.
I hid my face in my hands, closing my eyes tightly.
"Go away! I don't want to be with you, I regret it."
"Regret?" Hhhe asked doubtfully, a serious, almost moral tone coming from his throat.
I remained silent, listening to him shout at me.
"Say you regret it!"
"Of course I regret it!" I turned around, already seeing him standing, approaching frighteningly fast in heavy steps.
"Tell me to go away then! Do it now if you want! Come on! Tell me!" He yelled loudly, shaking me frantically.
It was not an angry tone, but he wasn't pretending tho too.
"Get out! Don't touch me! I don't like being touched! Let me go!" I replied euphorically, trying to let go of his hands, my eyes closed with all my strength. "Take your hands off of me!"
I kept responding in agony, still feeling his hands.
"Leave me alone, Get out! Get out! Get out!"
When I opened my eyes, I saw your sad look staring at me with distress. You were back, as if nothing had happened.
"Are you disgusted of me?" You asked in a wistful tone, your eyes narrowing, your eyebrows squeezing. "Is that what you think of me?"
I stammered, not knowing how to fix this.
"I'm not disgusted of you, I love you, how could I be disgusted of you?"
Seungyoun looked down, moving away.
"Then why did you say those things?"
I went to him, hugging him.
"I don't know. Just ..." I held my breath, running my hands through his hair. "Pretend it never happened, my love..."
Seungyoun returned the hug, squeezing me into his body.
I was able to hear his voices again.
Repeating the same things.
I hugged him tighter.
I didn't react.
I pretended to not hear.
To not know.
That was his own problem, which I could not possibly opine. And I hoped he was doing the same for me.
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niomesu · 4 years
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♡̸ 𓈒 ﹙🍙﹚ ⥄ 邏 𝗅ɵve𝗅ч 𝗀ir𝗅 𓂅 碌 ⃐ ﹏﹌ 𝟎𝟎﹪ ﹿ 𝗅i𝗄ә 𝗈r rәb𝗅𝗈g ︕ 泥倫離 ꒰ @myiikasii ◜ 🏐᳟
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thirsty-x1 · 4 years
Too Much | Cho Seungyoun
can i request a smutty oneshot where the reader is ceo!seungyoun’s gf and after a couple days of him coming home late/not coming him at all because he’s overworking himself, she goes to his office herself (all dressed up 👀) to try and help him unwind/relax? basically him fucking his gf over a desk lmao, hope this is okay!
↬ Pairing: Seungyoun x fem!reader.
↬ Genre: Smut, bit of fluffy ending.
↬ Warnings: explicit language, dom!Seungyoun, dirty talking, slight degradation, semi-exhibitionism, oral sex (blowjob), very slight bondage, fingering, unprotected sex.
↬ Word Count: 3.8k.
↬ Song Recommendation: “Too Much” by Loco ft. Dean.
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The sun coming down reflected on your windshield as you drove your car, turning right before seeing your destination come in sight. The building stood tall, somehow looking threatening and making you doubt whether you really were going to follow through your plan. It wasn’t a hurried decision considering that you had been trying to gather the courage to do it since quite a few weeks after noticing the pattern your boyfriend had started to create, but it was also your first time visiting him at work. Taking a deep breath, you parked the car, your fingers turning white as you held the steering wheel tightly, comforting you a bit before you got out.
A slight breeze sent shivers down your spine, the cold air impacting mainly on your exposed legs. Your eyes travelled down examining your outfit, wondering if it was fancy enough; as the CEO’s girlfriend, you couldn’t just show up in any clothes. The mid-thigh skirt wasn’t doing much to protect you against the weather, although it would have been much worse without the thin dark stockings underneath it. You ironed the white shirt with your fingers and fixed your coat while walking towards the entrance, the sound of your high heels resonating on the empty street.
Pushing through the heavy glass door, a man behind the welcoming desk smiled at you kindly but without saying a word, waiting for you to initiate the conversation, which was rather odd… wasn’t that supposed to work the other way? Without giving it much thought, you proceeded to ask in a low voice.
“Excuse me… I have come to meet the CEO, Cho Seungyoun.”
The man nodded, as if he expected it, and asked in a condescending tone: “Do you have an appointment?”
“Ah, no, but I–” He waited no time in interrupting you.
“Then I’m afraid you can’t see him now. If you call to this number,” he scribbled down in a card, handing it to you, the tactic being too obvious as you saw what was probably his name on it, “you can arrange a meeting.”
Smiling as sweetly as you could, you declined his offer. “I’m his girlfriend.”
You could see the blush on his face as his eyes opened wide, starting to stutter as he pointed out the way indicating which floor you had to go to, much more polite than at the beginning. It was fun to see the immediate change without even confirming whether it was true, the thought of the employee trembling at the fact making you wonder just how strict of a boss was Seungyoun.
Waiting for the elevator you could feel eyes on you, turning away whenever you tried to catch who they belonged to. As you heard a few people muttering, you noticed that other’s women outfits weren’t as sophisticated as you were, rather using full suits instead of skirts and blazers on top of their shirts. You started to feel slightly embarrassed, focusing on the numbers changing as the elevator went up, your hands quickly closing the long coat as a way to protect yourself from the gazes.
After what it seemed to take forever, you got to the floor, hurriedly getting out of the cramped space while examining the whole room to see if you could find your boyfriend’s office. Finally, you noticed a slouched figure behind one of the glass walls, a sudden relief washing over your body as you recognized Seungyoun working on his office, sitting behind his desk as he seemed to study the papers in front of him. Nodding to some of the workers you passed by, you opened the door, careful to not disturb him as you got in.
“Have you finally brought the right papers? Also, ask everyone to stop sending messages through the work chat, I can see them, and what are they all being so loud for? Who came? I haven’t authorized anyone to pass.” His tone was completely serious as he rearranged some of the papers on the desk, almost throwing one of the folders to you as he looked up to his screen to check something. “The numbers are wrong, ask the statistic office to check them at least once.”
It was hard to hold back your giggle. “Would be nice if you looked up every now and then, your employees will hate you otherwise.”
Right when you started the sentence, his eyes shoot up, a smile spreading on his face as he stood up and walked around the dark wood table to hug you.
“What are you doing here? I thought you would be at home…”
Pouting, you played with the collar of his shirt. “Well, you have been working way too much… and since it’s impossible to make you take one free day, I thought of coming here.” You placed your hands on his shoulders, leaning to press a kiss against his sleep thankful that he was covering you from anyone spying.
“I know, it’s just that the deadline is close and everything must be perfect, plus we started a new deal with another business.” It was fun to see the contrast between his boss-self and the Seungyoun you were so familiar with, especially as he put a strand of your hair behind your ear. “I need to finish some work now, would you mind to wait for a bit? We can go have dinner to some fancy place afterwards.”
There wasn’t much you could do now and he was being too kind considering you came without prior notice too. You nodded, not without slapping his butt as he turned around to go back to his seat. While you heard the incessant typing, you walked around, staring at the multiple diplomas and degrees on the walls. On one of the shelves, there were all the awards that the agency had won next to pictures of Seungyoun with numerous renowned business men. It had been barely a year since you two had started dating, but by now you had noticed he wasn’t too keen on talking about his work, which was a bit surprising seeing just how big part of his life it had become. When you asked him about it, he simply said it was because he preferred to keep both separated and focus on relaxing while at home and you hadn’t pressed much on it.
After a few minutes, you took of your coat and sat down on the sofa, grabbing one of the magazines that was on the coffee table without paying much attention to it. Instead, you preferred to watch Seungyoun working: the way his hair was slicked back, his tie slightly loose since he pulled on it whenever he got stressed, the sleeves of his white shirt were rolled showing the shiny wrist watch that blinded you each time he angled it in a particular way and one of your favorite tattoos of him, his glasses resting on the bridge of his nose sliding a bit and his hand quickly putting them back in place, how he nibbled on his bottom lip, the soft grunt he would let out when something in the screen wasn’t going the way he wanted… You knew he was having a hard time, but he was also looking extremely hot while doing it so, to the point where you couldn’t think straight anymore.
“Is that article so interesting?” His question interrupted your thoughts, causing you to blink a few times and he smirked. “You have been drooling for quite a while…”
You let out a breathy laugh and got up to walk next to him, hugging him from behind and resting your head on the crook of his neck. “Is there a lot left?”
He pressed a soft kiss on the back of your hand. “Almost done.”
“Hmm… You are pretty tense.” Your hands slid down his chest, barely grazing his belt. “Want me to help you relax a bit?”
Seungyoun sighed, grasping your wrist right before it got to his groin. “I’m at work, princess.”
“And?” You pressed your lips against his neck, lightly nibbling on the skin before licking a stripe, his head falling to a side to allow you reach more. “If I get under the desk, it should be fine, right? You deserve it, you have been working so hard…”
Before he could even form an answer, you took a peak outside the office only to notice almost everyone had gone by now and dropped to your knees, quickly undoing his belt and unzipping his pants, palming him over his underwear earning a groan from him. Maybe it was the rush of being caught what turned him on so much because in just a few minutes he was hard, his length twitching under the fabric.
“Don’t tease me, y/n.” His tone was commanding, eyes piercing as he looked down on you, the new side of him making you wet. “Be a good girl and suck me off, hm?”
Unable to form any kind of reply that didn’t expose just how much power his words had over your whole self, you decided to follow his order. Hooking your fingers on the tight band of his underwear, you pulled it down enough to free him, his head thrown back as you slid your tongue on his shaft covering it up with your saliva. With a wicked smile, you teased the tip of his cock, already tasting the precum forming on the tiny slit. His head rested on the back of your head, encouraging you to take him in your mouth, shutting his eyes closed as he felt your lips wrapping around his member.
Right as you were about to begin bobbing your head, the door of the office opened, the sound of steps getting closer to the desk stopping you dead on your tracks. You looked up, trying to get some kind of indication on what to do from your boyfriend but he was completely ignoring you, his gaze fixed on the person before him.
“Is there anything you want to tell me, Miss Lee?”
“Ah, yes, here are the files you asked for, Sir.” You could feel a hesitant tone on her voice and you wondered if she was the woman that Seungyoun was waiting for when you had entered his office earlier.
“Thank you.” Realizing that the woman hadn’t left, Seungyoun continued. “Anything else?”
“W-well, you see… Some of the other employees were going to have a drinking meet up to celebrate the stocks going up, a-and… I was wondering if you would like to c-come…” You rolled your eyes at the obvious excuse to flirt with him, but what annoyed you the most was how much time your boyfriend was taking to decline the offer so you could continue, so you engulfed more of his length into your mouth and heard his fist impact on the desk, scaring you and his secretary, apparently. “A-are you feeling well, Sir?”
“Yes, it’s nothing, sorry, thought there was… something…” His voice sounded strained, so you swirled your tongue and pressed lightly on the underside of his tip.
“I see… T-then, will you come with us to celebrate?”
Just as a reminder, you went all the way, holding back a gag when you felt him hit the back of your throat, causing him to clear his own. “No, I’m sorry, but I have plans with my girlfriend tonight.” Pleased with his answer, you were about to pull out until his hand forced you to stay in place.
“Oh… I will get going then. Have a good night, sir.”
As the door closed, you hurriedly tapped on his thigh and he put his hand away allowing you to pull his dick out of your mouth as you coughed violently, the air hitting your lungs all at once as you tried to dry the tears that had clouded your vision. While you tried to recover, Seungyoun put away all the things on his work station with the most calmed expression, taking his time until he finished and went back to look at you, his thumb wiping the corner of your lips.
“I warned you to not tease me, baby.” He fixed his clothes again before he leaned in and picked you up, placing you on his desk. “Guess I should have expected it seeing the outfit you are wearing. Were you the one to cause all that fuss in the office?” His hand slid up your leg, appreciating the smoothness of the stockings. “I can’t have you wrecking the whole place… or was that what you wanted?”
His actions made it hard for you to focus on what he was saying, the previous situation had already turned you on beyond any expectation but now it was him acting all confident, teasing you on purpose.
“Are you sure? Are you sure you didn’t want my secretary to listen to those lewd noises you made while choking on my cock?” His fingers slipped under your skirt. “Or have my employees trying to get a sneak peak of your ass?” Seungyoun’s gaze burned, your cheeks hot as he analyzed each of your reactions, smirking at the gasp that left your lips when he cupped your core. “You are dripping wet, sweetheart…”
“Seungyoun, please…”
His fingers kept rubbing you, the friction not being enough, the two layers of fabric, your panties and the stockings, starting to become annoying as you held his hand in place.
“Tsk, no, you didn’t follow my order before, so you don’t get to do what you want.”
Within a second, he slapped your grip, undoing his tie and wrapping it around your wrists, tying them behind your back rather tightly. You could feel the blood burn under your skin, your muscles itching in anticipation and your heart beating faster as you noticed a few lights still on outside the office. What if there was anyone out there? What if you got caught in the act? How was Seungyoun going to explain that and would it have any negative consequences on his position? All the questions dissipated from your mind as you heard a loud ripping noise, looking down to find your boyfriend smiling playfully.
“You- You ripped my stockings?!” For a second, you forgot of the whole scenario, but he made sure to remind you who was in charge in a flash, his fingers making your underwear to a side and feeling up the slit of your pussy.
“They were in the way and this is most discrete than having you fully exposed on my desk, don’t you think?” Your muscles tightened at the suggestion and he raised an eyebrow. “You like that idea? Hmm, who would have thought that my darling could be such a slut…? Wanting to be exhibited…” One of his fingers entered you, Seungyoun purring on your ear as he felt you clenching around it. “What would everyone think? You looked so professional a few hours ago and now you are sprawled and whining for me on my desk.”
The feeling was overwhelming, his breath grazing your skin with each word he said, making you feel hot all over as you fought with the strains that prohibited you touching him. He kept fingering you at a slow pace, loving how you squirmed under his touch, trying to keep your sounds low in case anyone would hear, but when he suddenly inserted another finger, it was impossible to hold back the guttural moan you let out.
“Fuck, Seungyoun, I really can’t take it…”
“Hm? Weren’t you going to help me relax? Maybe you are not the good pet I thought you would be…” You could feel that he was going to pull back, so reuniting each bit of strength you had left, you surrounded him with your legs and pressed him against you.
“Please, please… Use me in any way you want but I beg you to fuck me, I just can’t wait anymore, I need you, Youn, please…” The last few words came out muffled with sobs, the need in your system growing bigger and bigger under his hungry stare.
“You are too much, babygirl, too much for anyone to handle…” His hands unbuttoned your shirt impatiently, sighing when his favorite lacy bra came into view. “Anyone but me.”
His lips crashed against yours in a rough kiss, groaning at his own taste on your mouth as he slipped his tongue in, swallowing all of your whimpers when he took out his cock and buried inside you in one strong thrust. Smoothly, he pushed your shoulders until you felt the cold wood through the thin fabric of your shirt, and Seungyoun would swear he could have come right then at the view: you, laying back on his desk with your hands tied up behind your back, your breasts bouncing each time he rammed into you, your skirt lifting up slightly to show your cunt taking him in with the panties aside and your ripped stockings, some of his precum smeared on the side of your face, your loud whimpers and the wet sound filling the room in evidence of the lustful act you two were doing. It was his biggest fantasy come true, but the real thing was so much better than what he had played on his mind over and over again.
Right as you felt the knot on your stomach tightening up, you saw a shadow cross the glass wall, fear invading you, but when you looked at Seungyoun, his smile was bigger than ever.
“Why are you so quiet now, doll? You suddenly feel shy? I’m their boss anyway.” His high pitched laugh didn’t match the aggressive pace he maintained while moving his hips. “Why don’t you let them hear who you belong to, hm? Who makes you feel this way? Who is in charge of pleasing you?”
You didn’t dare to reply with words, shaking your head multiple times while trying to make him stop somehow, although the way your body reacted to his voice was betraying your true desires.
“C’mon y/n, I know you love this… I can feel your dirty juices spilling, making a mess… Just admit it, baby, you love being fucked raw by me, completely at my mercy and being this vulnerable and exposed… so helpless…” He continued to shove his length into you, his hands holding your hips in place. “Can you let go of your inhibitions for me?”
Shyly, you opened your mouth. “I-It’s… too much…” Your whimper sent shivers down his spine, his cheeks blushing as he got closer to you.
“I know you can and want to take all of me in this pretty, tight hole of yours, my love, you just have to ask.” Seungyoun pressed a few kisses on the valley of your breasts, sucking on the skin and leaving marks. “Give yourself to me, y/n.”
Just like that, your whole body crumbled, your thighs shaking as your orgasm washed over you, your mouth letting out a mix of incoherencies along with your boyfriend’s name. A few thrusts later, Seungyoun came as well, the feeling of his sperm filling you making you complain from oversensitivity while he made sure to completely empty inside of you. He stayed like that for a while, holding you before peppering you with small kisses and praising against your skin just how good you had been for him, his hands quickly untying yours. When he got soft, he pulled out, hiding a giggle at the complete mess he had caused before looking for some wipes to clean you and himself a little.
When you composed yourself, you fixed your clothes, still feeling a bit uncomfortable with each movement you made since you could feel some of “Seungyoun” inside of you. Everything seemed to be in order, except for your ripped stockings for the which ones your boyfriend apologized under the promise of buying you even better ones, and while you were trying to comb your hair with your fingers, the criminal got closer, helping you put on your coat before hugging you.
“Do you feel more relaxed now?”
He laughed at your sarcastic question. “Yes, very.” Seungyoun pulled away, holding your face in his hands. “Thank you, really. Wasn’t quite expecting that ending but… It was amazing. You really are a good girl.”
Your whole face got red at the sudden compliment, slapping his arm before you grabbed your purse and got out of the office, still waiting for him outside of it. Carefully, you studied the surroundings, but no one seemed to be at the building, so maybe the shadow you had seen before was just a product of your imagination… or so you hoped.
As you got down on the elevator with Seungyoun tightly holding your hands and discussing where you should go to have dinner, you were greeted with an overall familiar face. The guy that had welcomed you earlier that day, and something told you that the blush on his cheeks wasn’t caused merely because of the incident during your presentation.
“Ah, Hangyul, you are still here?” Seungyoun’s tone was extremely casual, your eyes getting bigger as you realized that they must have been more than just co-workers. “Thought you would have gone out with Miss Lee to celebrate.”
The other man wouldn’t look at you in the eye and furtively avoiding your boyfriend’s stare. “Yeah, I just thought it would be more interesting to stay around here and… do some work…”
It was just for a fraction of a second, but you got to see the rampaging boner that the younger had, although he was desperately trying to cover it with his briefcase. Seungyoun must have noticed, because in a second he was standing in front of you, hiding you from his friend.
“I see. Was it interesting enough?” You suppose the other must have nodded due to the elder’s laugh. “Well done today, hope we can work together on some other opportunity. We will be leaving first, make sure to close properly and handle all unfinished business first hand.”
Immediately after you two left the building, Seungyoun exploded in laughter, making you feel even more embarrassed than before as you reprimanded him for making fun of the poor guy.
“That was too much, Youn! You crossed a line!”
His laughing fit started to calm, sliding an arm behind your back as you started walking to your car. “I was just imitating you, my love.”
The only sound that was heard was the echo of Seungyoun’s whine after you flicked his forehead. Despite his bad puns and silly attitude, he was still the man you had fallen for. A man that was “too much” for anyone, but not for you.
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this has no business being so fucking long and I don’t know why I added Gyul at the ending but it just seemed fun and I want to cry so much because writing this made me incredibly horny bye
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