#Choco gave him those small flowers that are on his staff
goldenlol · 8 months
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Dw guys, I got us 6 chocomilk lovers
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moonlit-nightingale · 4 years
.:Prompt 19 - Where the Heart Is:.
ft. a roleplay between Sari and A’vani Tia about a future that could possibly be in a few years.
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The pan was stirred over the stove, the strong warm scent of nutmeg, cloves, and allspice wafting through the temple's common area. The spacious room was adorned in All Saint's Wake decoration, the heavy amount of Eorzean wards here making sure that the whacky holiday was celebrated with all the kooky fun that it brought. Over on some cushions near the window that was decorated about with orange jack'o'lantern lights, two sleepyheads were cuddled together still in their costumes, Creamsicle stuck in between the two children. Not that the fat orange cat minded.
Sari looked over shoulder to the sight with a small smile before going to test the hot cider, taking some up in a spoon and sure to keep that long silver braid dangling over his shoulder way from the burner! Mmm, good. No bourbon. He avoided the temptations, years of sobriety holding strong.  Content, the cider was poured into two tall mugs with a cinnamon stick plopped in. Plucking up the two mugs, the Qalli made his way out of the kitchen and to one of the low tables where Vani was sorting through the candy bags. A light sound as Sari placed one cider in front of the Seeker before sitting right next to him, his own mug in his hands.
"Anything good?" he asked quietly not to wake the slumbering fuzzballs.
The Seeker still had his kitsune mask on his head, cocked up over one ear and held in place though he'd discarded the long outer robe of the costume once they'd returned to the temple. Pale eyes looked up from the haul, an ear flicking as he paused long enough to pick up the cider and stir it. That first sip was heaven, the tip of his tail curling in delight. "Fizza managed to get twenty-six Choco-chews, I split out half for you." He gently nudged the brightly wrapped candies toward the Qalli with a grin. "Plus a handful of Sour Spriggans for myself. I haven't even started on Safi's bag yet. What about Tani?"
His voice stayed low, knowing full well if the two children woke from their doze that the jig was up and there would be no candy for either himself or Sari tonight, a true tragedy. He looked over to where the young Xaela in her princess costume snoozed against the bulk that was Mirare, well protected and looked after in her crashed state as the tigress simply watched the goings on calmly.
"I haven't been able to pry her bag away," he chuckled quietly. "Mirare is guarding it for her." A look over to the tigress who seemed to know she was being talked about, ears shifting towards the Qalli. "Tani may be the only one that escapes with a full bag."
He could bait the lovely beastkin away with some meat cuts but that risked waking up his daughter. And for now, this peace was meant for the two adults. Unlike Vani, the Xaela wore no costume, just loose warmer robes for the autumn chill. Though he didn't escape entirely...paints were on his tail, his arms (metal AND flesh) and a shaky image of what could be a flower on his cheek in bright pink paint. How could he have said no when the adorable trio wanted to dress him up too? A chaotic evening for both parents as this holiday always was. The costumes, the running about, the scares and spooks from displays, and the eventual sugar rush and crash.
"I'm simply glad I could stop Tani from kicking Tanaka-san in the shin. I think the oni costume was a bit much for Fizza." Perhaps it was still the instinct of the Steppe, but Tani had been quick to 'attack' when her lil Seeker sister was spooped by the scary mask. Sari had just barely plucked her up by the back of the sparkly costume in time.
Vani gave Mirare a long and appraising look before turning back to Sari and putting up a smile. "It was all well in the end when she saw it was just Tanaka-san but you're right, she's a little tender about the scary things." Another sip, hard to do when he couldn't stop smiling. "Quick reflexes with Tani though, she's just like you our protective little miss is. We're going to have to see about getting her into some lessons soon otherwise when she starts school next year I have no doubts we'll be hearing about how she got into it when someone wasn't being fair."
He reached out, tucking a strand of loose hair behind one of Sari's horns, getting it out of the other's face. "All and all though...it went much better than expected for the first Trick or Treat. They were all polite, all waited, I guess all those last minute lessons about how to politely ask for candy paid off huh Dad?"
A small smile at the motion and words. Though small in gesture, it was a sincere thing. "I still don't know if they will accept a Xaela child, Vani. We may have to homeschool." There were still prejudices against the darker-scaled sect and Sari honestly couldn't blame the locals. Besides, there were enough visitors at the shrine that keeping the little girl safely here didn't take away the socialization aspect.
"Safi was a bit fidgety to wait but I'm proud of him." An affectionate look over to the furpile, their tails impromptu blankets over one another as they slept. "...but I do have one thing I'm not to happy about." That blue eye shifted to Vani slowly...and then he reached over to nab that kitsune mask and plop it back over his boyfriend's face.
"A kitsune? Truly?" It was a jest, honestly. But as one cursed by a fox, there was an odd irony in it!
Silver eyes burned through the holes in the mask, the paper mache construction hiding his grin. "You should have seen the look on Hokusai's face. In my defense, the Orochi one looked awkward with my ears. Besides, the robes that came with it were so soft, how could I not?" He pulled the mask off, setting it aside as he stared at the other with those markings under his eyes. "Besides, I'm rather grateful to the kitsune in my life. They helped keep you in it."
He knew that Sari didn't always appreciate his 'curse' and true, it ultimately was a terrible thing. But it had kept Vani from losing the xaela a time or two and for that he was in the creature's debt. "Don't worry about Tani. I'm certain she'll be attending. But if the children start making life difficult for her then yes, homeschool it will be. I want her to have the opportunity, not be the target for every bully and complaint."
Ah, something they went back and forth on. There was a protectiveness from the Qalli about sending Tani out during the day. The little girl wouldn't complain even something would happen. He knew it. So what if something did happen? His painted tail swished over tatami.
"You can thank the one of many spirits that seemed to enjoy my body as their home." The wonders of being a shaman. He sipped his cider, the warm spices always a favorite. "And I think the Orochi one was quite dashing."
"You just wanted to see me in the slinky outfit that went with it." He wagged a finger at the other before idly stirring the cider again. "Maybe next year." Another sip of the warm beverage and he slowly turned to the task of quietly replacing all the 'approved' candy back in Fizza's bag for the little girl to have in the morning. She'd ever notice a few pieces of not her favorites missing. Next up, Safi's bag.
He knew Sari worried about Tani, he knew the little girl wasn't likely to speak up about a problem either. It was a bit of a sticky situation. Pulling a candy apple out of the bag, he wrinkled his nose while examining it. "You make better ones, the shell isn't even even on this one." He set it down, glancing back to the other. "And we don't have to send Tani, we can keep her here and let her learn with the others, start Safi and Fizza early...if we can get Safi to sit still long enough."
The apple was taken to be examined. Hmm, it was still good though! And he took a bite. Passable.
"That's a good idea...maybe they can all start in the same class together. Thank Hasu-dono that you can remain levelheaded about this." When it came to the children, Sari was always the cautious and overprotective one, hovering constantly. There were still just some emotional marks from his younger years that drilled some instincts into him, panicking when they were out of sight for too long.
He sighed deeply. "I'd have grey hair already if one couldn't tell."
"The benefit of a largely regular childhood." Well, as regular as being one of the only two children in the tribe got. He'd had plenty of protection and thus, plenty of freedom. Someone had always been making sure they were safe. "Honestly, while I wanted the children to have the benefit of going to school and mixing with some of the other local children...I'd have been a wreck. I'm fairly certain the staff wouldn't have appreciated me sending Mirare to school with them." He was ferociously protective of the little ones, he just tried to leave the bulk of the worrying to Sari.
"And you, Mister, are a wonderful parent. I think you second guess yourself a little too much, especially when you worry about things them meeting new people. They need to get out and meet other children. Normal children. Not children blessed by the kami or who are kami or who's parents are empowered by kami, spirits, divinities. They need to learn how to interact with just children. That's my worry."
Another sigh and he set the apple down before leaning to rest his head on the Seeker's shoulder, careful of his horns. Ah, the one good thing about being teeny tiny for his race...there were only a few ilms difference between the two of them. "...we're going to worry regardless. But you keep the logic about it in, Vani, and I'm grateful for that."
His eye closed, the other covered by that dark cloth since he'd been in public. It was a courtesy so no one would be disgusted by that side of his face. "I'd be running in circles without you."
"Says the man who taught me everything I know about parenting. Tell me again, who taught me how to bottle feed? Change a diaper? Properly swaddle an infant? Who took shifts with me so that we were able to get sleep. Also, who has the most uncanny talent to get fussy babes to eat their food and sit still for getting clothes put on?" He leaned his head against the other, wrapping his arm around the man he loved. "That would be you inima mia. You're giving me too much credit again."
Whatever would he do without his other half?
"I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you," was the reply, all that was needed in rebuttal. The years had been a struggle with depression and alcoholism nipping at his heels. Shonkhor had been rather quiet but the Hawk still ached and grew restless. It was a part of Sari that would never be fully quieted.
"I likely would've disappeared a long time ago," he said quietly, just listening to the Seeker's breathing and heartbeat this close. It was a sound he'd grown accustomed to, it kept him grounded.
"Inima mia, there you go giving me too much credit again. Saranqerel you're strong, no matter how dark a place you end up in, I know you'll always find your way out." He kissed the top of the other's head, closing his pale eyes. "But for now, you don't have to worry about that. I'm not going anywhere. I'd be a fool if I did. Nobody keeps me as level as you. Without you around as an example, I'd be back to my surly ways in no time."
He continued to stroke his fingers along that long braid, just enjoying the other's warmth and presence for a long moment. "You know, we have to move them eventually. If we let them sleep where they are until dawn, we'll all regret it."
That long sleek tail curled about them both, tapping Vani's leg softly. "...or we could all just sleep down here." His hand searched for one of his boyfriend's holding it in between his flesh and bone fingers. There was so much admiration for this dancer, Vani would never have any idea of how much respect the archer had for him. Never.
"It smells nice...it's quiet...no Nine about."
"Drag some pillows up in the loft, curl up there until morning comes...I like the way you think." He hummed happily, basking in the warmth of the other's presence. There was no greater sense of home than just sitting next to Sari. No greater place of safety. "You're right, no Nine about...I wonder where they've gotten off to?"
He didn't wonder very hard. He rubbed his thumb over Sari's knuckles, silky tail still in his contentment, left to fall as he rested against the other.
"It's All Saint's....Hokusai-dono likely took them with him to terrorize some children on the beach." An amused smile pulled at his lips as he felt sleep beckon. The loft seemed far away. They'd likely regret sitting like this in less than a bell and moving up there anyway but for now...there was zero motivation to move.
"He's really enjoying himself now that he's got the freedom to move around." He wasn't in any hurry to go anywhere either, tail finally flicking to cover both their laps. He yawned then, ears flicking, closing his eyes with a soft hum that slowly turned into a purr. "I'm getting old. Time was I'd have taken you out on the town, see if we couldn't have found ourselves a Halloween bash to attend. Now...that just sounds like effort."
"I prefer this anyway...I've had enough of noise." Too many bad nights 'on the town' involving drinks and fistfights. This...this was what he loved. Time with the children, time with this one he held close to his heart. A feeling of finding home again.
He yawned, showing off his tiny fangs, giving the other a pat. "C'mon inima mia, the sooner everyone is moved for bed, the sooner we can curl up together." Slowly he disentangled himself from the other safe for where their fingers were wound together. He loathed letting go of Sari, as if worried breaking the connection would wake him from this long dream he lived in.
It took all his adult constitution not to whine like a child as the warmth moved away and he had to sit up again, eye opening. "I'll get the kittens." He had that advantage of that strong arm, easy to carry lil furballs in one each. A small yawn of his own, contagious!, his own fangs on display before Sari slowly stood, adjusting his robes about him. He used that hand holding to help Vani up after him.
"Though you have to wake Mirare."
"Gee, thanks dear." He rolled his eyes, stifling a laugh as he made his way over to where Tani and the tigress were a ball of stripes and sequins. It wasn't hard to wake the tiger, a simple ruffle to her ears before he reached into take the small xaela girl. Tani gave a small squeaky protest, wiggling until she realized she was just being carried to bed, and Vani was spared the wrath of her tiny headbutts.
Sari couldn’t help but watch the group with affection. There was always so much thankfulness he had that Tani had found his way into his life, safe from passing away alone under the sun's heat, abandoned on the Steppe just a few days old. Now she was healthy, happy, and full of energy.
A soft few clicks of his tongue as he approached the two mi'kittens, going to sit on his knees, lean down and wrap one arm each around the Wake conquerors of the evening. A practiced motion always with care, tucking them against his neck as he stood. Soft mumbles and one grab of his braid later, they were asleep once more against the Qalli's chest.
He glanced over, smiling at Sari with the two blond blobs of fur, long tails hanging like tassels as they both clung to him in their sleep. Vani had known he was going to follow this man around forever the first time he'd woken up to find Sari, holding a swaddled Fizza and making faces at her to soothe her from sobs to giggles. Everything he cared about was right here, right now and he couldn't help but take a moment to appreciate it before he started to make his way toward the loft, Mirare at his heels.
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withchantomo · 8 years
Hirose Tomoki 040217 Ameblo (extract)
Kirakira Boshi ~Choco and Birthday~
Good work (*´-`) Today was the (day of the) actual Kirakira Boshi ~Choco and Birthday~ event. Thank you very much for coming m(_ _)m
I was reallyyyyy happy. I think that a lot of happiness flooded into the room. This world was like a dream.
At the end when I sent everybody off and looked at every one of your faces, I seriously thought “Ah I’m really glad that I managed to have an event”.
James who helped me to make the first session extremely exciting (*´-`)
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Though we haven’t met each other for a year and a half, he managed to follow up with me as usual and we had a lot of fun. Even though we didn’t meet, as a fellow actor, I was always very interested in what James did and I was really happy when I heard his name around. That’s why I called him to be my guest MC this time (^^) Thank you for getting excited with me m(_ _)m
And for the second session, Takuma-chan bringing up my present, with his glasses and that outfit, really roused up (the audience) (*´-`)
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From the actors that I have met since the beginning of my career to the actors that I have recently met, Takuma-chan is the person that I became good friends with in the shortest period of time and I’m honestly happy for that. I don’t think I have many relationships where both parties respect and accept each other and he is the only friend I have where I can do that without feeling embarrassed.
I’m really glad that it’s James and Takuma who came. The both of them agreed (to participate) really quickly so I was able to relax and move forward with the various preparations needed for the event.
Last but not least, the many staffs. I think that all those who came also got a shock.... I wasn’t any less shocked than you were. For this many people to be working just so that I can carry out my solo event, Ahhh, I’m really grateful~.... In order to let them feel proud working on this event, I have once again understood that I have to take responsibility for my own actions.
Also, I performed some songs at today’s event. With regards to music, I still have many things to learn but, my feelings, the lyrics, the script, the things I want to convey, I clearly intended to sing them with my heart. If those could reach your hearts then I’m happy.
With Junchi.-san who played an extremely cool and amazing guitar session.
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Every~one, Thank you so much for the many love letters, presents and cute flowers m(_ _)m
Of course I’m happy just by being able to meet you.....Of course I’m happy just by being able to meet you, but....I don’t want it to end like that. I didn’t want to do such a simple event.... I did all that I was able to do by myself. I wonder if you went home with a dazzling smile..... I wonder if you really had fun.....
I forgot but thank you very much for celebrating my birthday with me m(_ _)m Let’s make this year a fruitful year.
Also, we have heard your voices and have decided to do Kirakira Boshi in Osaka on the 16th of April ♡ For those who could not come today, if you have time, please come down and play. It’s veryyyyy fun. Let’s have fun together, I’ll wait for you (*´-`) I’m always holding on to the dream of touring around Japan. That’s because there’s “the power of words”. Do wait okay.
On the way back, after having a small wrap-up party with the staff, I went to have a drink with Takuma-chan*. (T/N: *not what he actually wrote, I didn’t know what the appropriate word for しっぽり here was so I changed the sentence.)
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It has been a long time~. Being with Takuma-chan and also having a drink. We talked a lot about work. That was good beer.
I got a birthday present from Takuma ♡ He gave me a letter during the event too. To not.....pass me my present during the event, I thought that was really cool of him. I’ll show it to you another time (^^) I have never thought about it before but the item I got is super convenient.
I feel like I’ll have a good dream tonight. Those of you who couldn’t come really waited patiently, such good girls. Thank you very much (*´-`) I had fun for you!
This post became really long. I will give a gold star to those that read this post till the end.
I will text again (^^)
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