#Choony jash*
tallyhoot · 9 months
I wanna draw something but arghhghh I dont know what to draw
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showtheater · 11 months
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Choony jash one school white broad :0
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I saw this video and I thought of you... mostly because it's Choony Jash
oooo!! Was surprised to see Mucka Blucka instead of one of the TME covers
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showtheater · 1 year
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All the choony ajsh fan art I've drawn because I jashed to hard sos
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Since seeing it pop up a lot on the timeline but can’t listen to it myself since my Autism doesn’t like how it recognizes stuff as Tally hall. What is the whole story behind Choony jash? It looks interesting
Alright! Spoilers below and it’s long, you got 27 songs for me to explain
Warnings for suicide and self harm
I’m going to generally explain and then give more in depth stuff on each song
First off, we only have half the story. We don’t know when Maniac’s Bootstrap will come out but it’ll have intro to Calamity and Outro to Concord + another section starting with C
Secondly, it’s a loop/cycle. It’s constantly referenced in the songs but basically they always fall back into this cycle of fighting and becoming whole before fighting again, and from what we currently know it’s kickstarted by Whole himself during TMR.
Heart and Mind are constantly fighting, trying to get control. Soul is trying to stop the fighting and his main goal is for them to become Whole. The conflict between Heart and Mind seems to be started by Heart when he shot at Mind, although we don’t know Heart’s reasoning currently. Soul threatens multiple times to kill all 3 of them if they don’t stop fighting. Eventually Heart and Mind acknowledge they’re not so different and they all unify. The section of the album Concord is mostly Whole songs and not as connected to HMS (heart mind and soul)
So the album starts out with Time Machine Reprise which starts with Heart and Mind saying “Wait! No please wait!” To Whole/CJ the rest of it is then sung by Whole, until it fades into Soul at the end of the song. All 3 (Heart Mind and Soul) are now separated again and Whole is gone
Then comes Dream. Dream is sung by Soul (with a line from Heart + Mind in there) and basically about his thoughts on the situation and Heart and Mind and their fighting that he knows is about to happen. He hates it but he’ll also keep fighting to try to get all of them unified
Then is Mucka Blucka this song is 6 minutes of lore and references (and chicken puns). Anyways it’s the intro to the section of the album called Cacophony and really does it’s intro job well (notably the other songs are part of the section called Calamity which has no current start). It talks about futility of cyclic things and identity struggles with being 3 now. The ending section is extremely important though. Mind brings up being shot at, and a few seconds later it’s revealed that Heart is the one who shot at him but missed. There was some kind of moment of clarity during the shot though. And then there’s more lines referencing cyclic stuff I wonder why
Never Meant to Know and Spring and a Storm aren’t too lore important and have very little changed from their originals and it’s only one of them singing for most of it
Now for Night, a lot of people theorize that Night is about a rough first meeting between Mind and Heart. Soul is also there too and it seems like he’s already been around Heart for a bit. This is also where a popular theory of Heart being blinded by a trident (wether by Soul himself or Mind with Soul’s trident) comes from with the line “tines stabbed through eyes”
Oh boy Ruler of Everything. So it starts out with Juno shooting at the sun as usual and is then followed up with “well listen to this, he shot and he missed. And so Juno got what he deserved, imprisonment was all that he earned” Juno here is Heart, and The Sun is Mind. Heart got punished for shooting at Mind, the rest is mostly the same as the regular song, but towards the end there’s Heart acknowledging Mind as the Ruler of Everything (if you see Mind drawn with a crown this is why usually)
Alright, Good Day. This one is the one that really needs that suicide warning Good Day is sung by Heart and is a lot about their mental state, mentioning wanting to die and possible methods of dying. There’s also a bit where it’s presumably Whole who says “you want me to sing? Fine.”. The “let us sing” part is taken by Soul and Mind
Just Apathy is a Heart and Mind song, Mind seems to be wearing down Heart, making him well, more apathetic (which probably isn’t great for the embodiment of emotions :D)
ALRIGHT HEART ACOUSTIC TIME Now we really get to hear Heart’s side of things. He sings about his frustration with Mind “life can’t thrive controlled by digits” He also acknowledges that they’ll need to become whole (“but I know that one plus one can’t equal two if happiness is both our truths”) He then goes back to critiquing Mind, saying that he’s corrupting Soul and making him “sickly dead and cold”. Heart ends off the song calling Mind and automaton freak and giving him control because he doesn’t care anymore (And well being right after Just Apathy makes sense)
Be Born! First mainly Mind song! It starts out with mentioning Heart being content in his “little hole dug for someone else’s remains” which I’ll get back to during The Mind Electric. Mind is singing to Heart during this, pointing out that they’re the same and that Mind isn’t really the villain or enemy and Heart isn’t really the victim, and despite being the logical side Mind seems angry. Then there’s Mind reminding Heart that “time will move forward, onward, without you” and that no one is listening, and that’s for the best. The end is an ultimatum “So make your choice, and make it right, will we be ours, or will you die?”
STORM AND A SPRING another Mind song. Still tearing into Heart. He mentions how Heart has seemingly not done as well as he should for emotions ( “when the tears streamed down that day obfuscated by the rain can you truly say with a straight face that you tried your best?” ) Then Heart comes in, and asks him what he sees behind “those dead leaden eyes” Mind says he sees Soul, dark and eternally cold. And that there was an oath between him and Heart to keep Soul whole, but he doesn’t trust Heart to be able to deal with things and he’s not going to let Heart ruin things. During the ending it’s an overlap of Mind singing new lyrics and Heart singing the original lyrics from the ending of Spring and a Storm and seemingly overwhelming Mind
The Mind Electric, Mind is really getting the spotlight in this section isn’t he? Anyways he starts out insulting Heart, then says “I could go on but let’s leave it there” and proceeds to not leave it there. He later accuses Heart of faking things to make himself seem more innocent (and Heart accuses him of lying). The hole that Heart dug for “someone else’s remains” is brought up here, the someone being Mind, presumably connected to Heart shooting at him.
Ah the Soul Eclectic, you would think Soul would be the only singer with THA and TME almost exclusively being sung by their title character, nope. But it starts with Soul just introducing himself with a bunch of different kinds of titles. Heart calls Mind a madman and Mind calls Heart a depressed fool, both trying to get Soul to take their side. Soul refuses to take a side though and reminds them that he’s the one in charge here. He uses Heart and Mind’s words against them and then points out that “neither is wrong yet neither is right” and then comments on the futility of them trying to control him and continues to assert that he is in charge and that he’s not going to let them just continue like this. The bridge is Heart and Mind arguing again, Soul mentions how they keep doing this and that they have one more chance or he’s killing all three of them
The Bidding, where things finally start getting better for the characters. Still starts with Heart and Mind arguing and Soul trying to be some kind of mediator between the two. Heart and Mind end up harmonizing during “your violence/silence deafens more than any sound” and Soul is amazed and begs them to at least try to unify if not for eachother then for him because he can’t take this anymore.
Light!! Heart and Mind talk to each other and recognize their faults and that they need each other. Soul asserts again that he won’t be Heart or Mind, all of them need to be working together, whether dead or alive. Then Heart and Mind switch musical styles for a bit until Whole shows up for the bridge. He tells them to “open the window look out and see me, this sad sulking mess, this human you’re being” to help them see their state of how things are from their arguing.
We’re Gonna Win :D Heart and Mind song, and there’s a moment of care between the two, harmonizing at “how do you feel? you’ve been concealing your worries from the world, but we’re not so different you see” and towards the end they just sound happy about finally getting along
TWO WUV! Soul song, Soul reflects on his views of Heart and Mind and how they’ve changed. He also reveals that he has quite a bit of religious trauma, due to a lot including being queer. At the end he’s accepting of Heart and Mind being part of him, accepting “Tridential sovereignty” or rule by three kings, which connects to his “tridential regicide” line in TSE which is killing three kings
Variations on a Cloud is split into three parts as opposed to the two of the original, and most of the added lyrics here are Soul’s. Bringing up “there’s no difference ‘tween night and day” referring to Heart (night/the moon) and Mind (day/the sun). He also brings up religious trauma again with “though we say our prayers happily we can’t stand the sound”
The Whole World and You! Heart sings it it seems like, and talks about unifying and that it’s felt freeing. Mind is there and singing about how he wanted them to be one all along (liar but whatever). They acknowledge not being alright but “at least now I’m mine” and the rest of the song is a genuine praise of Tally Hall
Welcome to Tally Hall isn’t really too much story-wise, but he’s definitely put his own twist on it there. It’s the intro to Concord, and in Concord there’s a lot less character-relevant songs
Banana Man isn’t a HMS (Heart Mind Soul) song, but it is a critique of the original Banana Man
Haiku, this one’s got some relevance! At the start not really, but once the Haiku is actually completed it picks up. “Been trying not to try my Heart, I’ve minded my own Mind” being said. Infamous titty line is here. The singer ends up stabbing themselves at the end of the song
Hidden in the Sand is a little relevant, the voices of the three start singing towards the end and “simply that when I took my shot I missed” is said, again the theme of taking a shot and missing
Greener isn’t really plot relevant but is more “Don’t idolize me, my life is screwed up and you really shouldn’t be envying me. I write these songs for myself but I’m happy you’re listening”
Special is a Heart or Soul song, I think Soul? Kinda hard to tell even with the video. At the end though all four of them are there, Soul and Whole are singing Time Machine, Heart and Mind are singing VOaC
Taken for a Ride is the last song and is Whole/CJ reflecting on the album, with a lot of references to duality which is well a massive theme of the album. Plus just the immense hard work put in to make it. He’s taking a break but he’ll be back. And also references to it being a cycle, and says he just wants to enjoy time being one
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Left brain right brain deals with similar themes of logic fighting with emotion. Just a lot more comedy put in the mask the depressive tones. Choony Jash just dives into those even more with added feelings of disconnection of self with the added soul.
And Chonny’s ‘right brain’ (Heart) has a gun!
Yeah I’ve heard of the left brain right brain stuff before. But yeah logic vs emotion is a big theme with the album, and how both are needed. Also fun thing to add to the disconnection of their self with Soul, during The Soul Eclectic most times Soul says “me” there’s a glitching effect, a notable part lacking the effect is “doctor I can’t tell if I’m not me”
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