#Chris Evans x poc!un
rebelcap · 4 years
We are not just friends —Part 6
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a people of color, she's brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.
Warnings: drinking, smoking, drug use (weed), assault, Chris being Steve Rogers, commitment issues, my girl Sofia kinda messy, lots of fucking (eventually)
This is slow burn at its best, at least emotionally.
Series masterlist
Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4 — Part 5
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6. Stay.
Chris's brain was barely functioning as they kissed, slowly. Her lips were soft and gentle against his, she was sucking and licking his lips as Chris caress her neck and slide his hand slowly to her lower back. Sofia grabbed his wrist and pulled his down under, to get a hold of her ass and Chris smiled.
“Damn, Sof—” He whispered as he kissed her neck and pull her close, sliding his leg between hers. She gasped when she felt that sweet friction on her pussy, that only encourage Chris more as he moved his hand under her shirt and lifted it, planting kisses on her belly as he goes up.
He's abruptly interrupted as Sofia pushed him off and she quickly straddles him as she planted a firm kiss on his lips. His hands go to her hips making her feel how hard he already was.
“Fuck,” She mumbles against his lips and Chris took that as a cue and moved her against him again, now she fully set down on his clothed dick rubbing her pussy alongside. Chris sat down pushing her further down as he kissed her again, Sofia began moving her hips as she used his shoulder as leverage to move.
The friction was enough to get her going and Chris was kissing her neck, rubbing his beard and holding her close.
“You're so fucking warm,” Sofía said as he pushed her hands under his shirt, feeling his muscles tense as she moans softly at Chris's ear. Chris was about to take off her shirt as an annoying ringtone started blasting from her forgotten hoddie.
“Shit,” Sofía exclaimed as she reached for the hoodie.
“Do you have to get that?” Chris asked as she tried to fish out her phone, never stooping to plant kisses on her neck.
“It's Ron,” She said triumph as she slides her finger and put the thing on her ear. “Hey boss, ” She answered as she played with Chris's hair, dischaved it more.
Chris felt like he was on a cloud, feeling beyond intoxicated as she touched him so lightly. He kept trying to take her shirt off and she swats him shaking her head.
“But-” Chris tried to argue and she mm-uhm at the phone and leans on to kiss him fully on the lips.
“Yeah, sure. I'll be there. I might take a little bit because I'm not on the hotel-yeah, sure. Alright, I'll take a few samples and meet you there.” She said smiling through her voice as she hung up. Sofia let out a sigh and look down at Chris that had to lay down to the grass. “I have to go.”
“You're kidd-wait!” Sofía was quickly on her feet as he almost couldn't move, his dick was painfully hard. “Sof!” He sat down and saw her sliding inside of her jacket and put her backpack on. She walked back inside and kissed him but on the cheek, which took Chris by surprise.
“See you,” She smiled casually, ruffled his hair, and before Chris could even answer she was out.
“Stay,” Chris Whispered as he laid back to the grass and palmed his dick. “Fuck.”
"What the fuck?!” Sofía muttered angrily at herself as she wiped her cellphone and quickly texted her Jiminy Cricket.
I heavily make out with Chris, thoughts?.
Before she could even pocket her phone it rings to like.
“Fucking finally!.”
“No, Mandy. I never meant it to do that, he was talking about her ex and fucked up shit people do to him and he said he trusted me and I kissed him!” Sofía stressed herself as she tells what happened. “I almost fuck him if it wasn't that Ron called!”
“Then why did you kiss him?” Mandy asked as she shushed someone, it was probably Luke.
“I don't know!” She shouted as she crossed the street and wave down a taxi. “What I'm supposed to do now?,” Sofía asked as she gets in and quickly told the driver the address of the hotel.
“What if I ruined a perfect friendship?, because you know I adore that idiot.”
“Sofía, you need to talk about it then.”
“No fucking way.”
“Are you going to avoid Chris?”
“Fuck yes, until I can look him on the face again. Oh my God!, why I'm such a hoe?, Why I'm like this?” Sofía covers her face as the driver cleared his throat.
“Sof, don't avoid him. Chris is your friend, not some guy…” Amanda told her making her curse under her breath.
“Yes, I know that—I'll a with it later.”
Later, much much later. The meeting went more than amazing, Ron had managed to seal a deal with a bar that was a household of LA, this was a big step in the right direction.
“You did well today, kid. I'm proud of you.” Ron grabbed her shoulder and give it a warm squeeze making Sofía smile.
“Thanks, Ron, it means a lot.”
Ron smiled back at her and keep on chatting with the bar people, the place was packed but she had managed to be on a place that was kind of quiet and her beer kept getting warmer by the second.
“You need a refill?” The barmaid asked her and she nods a few times giving her back the glass. “You okay?” She asked putting back the full pint in front of her.
“I guess,” Sofia sigh and put both elbows on the counter bar. “I kissed one of my closest friends and he kissed me back and now I'm confused as fuck.”
She laughs but understood. “You like him?”
“Yes, besides that he's freaking captain America—” She laughed. “He's great, awesome and we had so much fun together. I've known him for a year now our best friends date each other.”
“So, there's been pressure?”
“You've got no idea, we mostly laugh and joke about it—he was with someone until a couple of months but he slept with her recently and he's avoiding her and I'd kiss him and he kissed me back and if it wasn't that I'd have to come here we were going to sleep together.”
“Alright, you two obviously like each other of any of that wouldn't have happened.”
“Guess so.”
“That doesn't leave much room for thinking, girl.” She wiped the counter and Sofía just hummed.
Her phone started ringing and it was Mandy calling her.
“Hey babe, what's up?”
“Hello, gorg, where you at?”
“I'm still on the bar—”
“I know but where?”
“On the last stall of the bar—why you want to know?” Sofía asked sipping her beer and heard mumble over the phone.
“Just asking for a friend—”
“Mandy no.”
“Mandy yes, you'll thank me later I know, I love yoooooou.” She sings over the phone and Sofía hung up and grunted and started to drink her beer.
“Shit.” Sofía gulped and drank the rest of her beer on one go and asked the barmaid for something stronger—she was going to need it.
“Yeah, I see her. thanks, bro, yeah yeah.” Chris spoke making his way through the crowd of the bar, it wasn't many people. He could easily see her on the back of the bar, chugging down the rest of the beer.
“Sofi,” He spoke sitting on the stall beside her. Sofía gives him a quick look and bites her bottom lip. “You run on me,” Chris said with a smile, seeing her acting this shy was… endearing.
“Yes, I know.” She hummed and nod a few times, still looking forward and made a face. “Sorry, I didn't mean that to happen—I mean, you know. Dude—I don't want you to think that—Chris, fuck. I'm sorry, I don't want to fuck up what we have.” Sofía stumbles over her words, not really knowing what to say because she didn't even know what to think about it. One thing she was sure was that she absolutely didn't want to lose Chris over anything.
“You don't fuck up nothing, sweetheart.” Chris quickly assure her. “Trust me, it's everything alright but we do have to talk about it—
“No, we'll talk about it.” He interrupted, sternly. Sofia sigh and nod a few times as she kept an eye on her boss.
“We can't, my boss is there and there are people and I'm trying to prolong this not talking. So, maybe back at the hotel?”
Chris laughed and Sofia covered her face with her hands, half embarrassed and half smiling. Couldn't help to feel relief that Chris wasn't giving her shit about it, it makes sense what she was saying.
“Alright,” He bows his head to then look back at her, smiling like a freaking ray of sun. “Don't panic, Sof—
“I'm not, It's just—I like you, I really like you, dude. I don't want to fuck this shit up.”
“Baby—it's not,” Chris quickly interrupted shaking his head. “I like you, in all honestly I've wanted to kiss you since I saw you at the bar.”
“Chris… really?”
“Yeah, you kidding me?” He laughed hiding his face under his hat, he was blushing. Sofía laughed and pull his cap down.
“Idiot.” She mutters biting her lip and looked around, at least no one seems to notice him. “I should go to see if Ron needs any help, you wanna stay or…
“I honestly prefer to be alone with you, I can't kiss you here.” He shrugged and Sofía rolled her eyes.
“Christopher.” He laughed again.
“Alright, alright—” He raised his hands and rub his beard. “I'll go to the hotel, okay?”
Sofía nods a few times and he laughs, making her laugh.
“What are we doing!?” She exclaimed putting both hands on her face, embarrassed. Chris couldn't help but hug her, placing a kiss on top of her head.
“We'll figure it out.”
Well shit, finally.
Thanks everyone, your support means so much!
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@lovepeacefood (doesn't let me tag u)
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