#Christoph Waltz Film/Fernsehserie Masterlist
Christoph Waltz Film/Fernsehserie Masterlist Pt. 1
Part 2 , Part 3
List of all pre-2009 Christoph Waltz Films and TV series I could find on the internet so you could have the pleasure of viewing them online for free and have a nice little arranged list that you could refer to so you don't have to go searching everytime. The list is in ascending order according to the year the movie was made in.
I had to divide this into 3 different posts because it's so long. I originally made this on the phone's notepad.
(Keep in mind, you can always show more love and support to the work by actually buying and keeping a physical copy, especially for some of Christoph's better works in the past. Not to mention hard copies are nice and permanent and you can organise them all on your special CW shelf if you happen to have one :D)
I will update this if I find more stuff and put any more notes, credits or summaries where necessary. Feel free to suggest any additions.
*If there is any copyright issue, please do inform me, I will remove that link.
*Please inform me if any of the links don't work, I'll cross them out/try to find an alternate link.
(1977) Am Dam Des [DE]
• Folge 1
*Not Available
*Clip of Christoph's singing part: https://youtu.be/zY1Aa7vb8-c
(1977) Der Einstand [DE]
(1979) Feuer! [DE]
*Not Available
(1979) Parole Chicago [DE]
• Folge 1: Die Sache mit dem Ohrring
• Folge 2: Ein todsicherer Trick
• Folge 3: Das Ding beim Zahnarzt
• Folge 4: Der beste Freund des Menschen
• Folge 5: Die Entführung
*Not Available
• Folge 6: Der vergiftete Brief
• Folge 7: Der Bankraub
*Not Available
• Folge 8: Zwei Eisen im Feuer
*Not Available
• Folge 9: Die Uhr des Chefs
*Not Available
• Folge 10: Der ganz große Kunstraub
*Not Available
• Folge 11: Der Geburtstagsgeschenk
*Not Available
• Folge 12: Der Kommissionsverkauf
*Not Available
• Folge 13: Eine schnelle Reichsmark
*Not Available
*I happen to have 3 other episodes on Dropbox, thanks to the lovely @unbezahlbarstoph but unfortunately I am not allowed to post them here.
(1979) Breakthrough / Steiner - Das Eiserne Kreuz, 2 / Sergeant Steiner [EN/DE]
*No Christoph included ^^^
*Christoph's part was very minor and was cut from the final rendition of the film. Fortunately, thanks to the amazing @christophfanalways , we can see his small role here:
*However, his voice has been dubbed over in Polish and the original version isn't available.
(1981) Kopfstand [DE+Eng subs]
(1981) Feuer und Schwert: Die Legende von Tristan und Isolde [DE]
Part 1: https://vimeo.com/119511053
Part 2: https://vimeo.com/120113034
Part 3: https://vimeo.com/120867982
(1981) Die Weltmaschine [DE]
*Not Available
(1982) The Mysterious Stranger [DE]
*Not available
(1982) Dr. Margarete Johnsohn [DE]
*Not available
(1983) Der Sandmann [DE]
*Not available
(1985) Die Wupper [DE]
*Not Available
(1985) Ein Fall für zwei [DE]
• 5x06 Blutsbande
(1986) Wahnfried [DE/FR]
(1986-1990) Der Alte [DE]
• (1986) Folge 100: Zwei Leben
• (1990) Folge 151: So gut wie tot
(1986) Lenz oder die Freiheit [DE]
Part 1: https://youtu.be/ZYSCLay1_yM
Part 2: https://youtu.be/Q8yphwQ9Dnc
(1986) Roter Vogel [DE]
*Not Available
(1986-1988) Derrick [DE]
• (1986) Folge 145: Schonzeit für Mörder
• (1988) Folge 168: Mord Inklusive
(1988) Quicker Than the Eye / Supertrick [FR]
*Not available
(1987-2008) Tatort [DE]
• (1987) Folge 196: Wunschlos tot
• (2006) Folge 650: Schlaflos in Weimar
• (2008) Folge 705: Liebeswirren
(1987) Das andere Leben [DE]
*Not Available
(1988) The Alien Years [EN]
Part 1: https://youtube.com/watch?v=XOiarnK9Bko
Part 2: https://youtube.com/watch?v=1Qqdo7wR-_g
Part 3: https://youtube.com/watch?v=2ECkxr5OX-8
(1989) Goldeneye [EN]
*Not Available
(1990) The Gravy Train [EN]
• Episode 1: https://www.channel4.com/programmes/the-gravy-train/on-demand/7476-001
• Episode 2: https://www.channel4.com/programmes/the-gravy-train/on-demand/7476-002
• Episode 3: https://www.channel4.com/programmes/the-gravy-train/on-demand/7476-003
• Episode 4: https://www.channel4.com/programmes/the-gravy-train/on-demand/7476-004
*Flash support required and you need to be living in the UK
Trailer: https://youtu.be/O3mUUAXg7-Y
(1991) The Gravy Train Goes East [EN]
• Episode 1: https://youtube.com/watch?v=QWVH4JpqBS0
• Episode 2: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Gfv4sdbagAc
• Episode 3: https://youtube.com/watch?v=LahZjpiXNlU
• Episode 4: https://youtube.com/watch?v=x4yvsTcTllQ
Trailer: https://youtu.be/O3mUUAXg7-Y
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Christoph Waltz Film/Fernsehserie Masterlist Pt. 3
Part 1 , Part 2
Part 3 of the Christoph Waltz Film/Fernsehserie Masterlist.
(2001) Riekes Liebe [DE]
*Christoph has a very minor role here.
(2001) Engel sucht Flügel [DE]
*Not Available
(2001) Der Tanz mit dem Teufel - Die Entführung des Richard Oetker [DE]
*Not Available
(2002) Weihnachtsmann gesucht [DE]
English Summary: https://be-happy-80.tumblr.com/post/146146045645/slow-and-detailed-summary-weihnachtsmann-gesucht
*The summary was somewhat long which meant that it would be shortened with the Read More option. Unfortunately, the original Tumblr blog who posted this had been deactivated and clicking the Read More option on this reblog simply redirects you to the deactivated account's page aka the error page and therefore, it's incomplete. Sorry about that.
(2002) Dienstreise - Was für eine Nacht [DE]
*Not Available
(2003) Jennerwein [DE]
(2003) Der Fall Gehring - Der Mörder ist unter uns [DE]
*Not Available
Trailer: https://youtu.be/aPUfp0v6Erg
(2003) Der alte Affe Angst / Angst [DE]
*Not Available
Trailer: https://youtu.be/BoFdr-m2VuY
(2003) Schussangst / Gun-shy [DE]
*Not Available
Trailer: https://youtu.be/aTpSMTmchgQ
*Clip from the film featuring Christoph [DE+Eng sub]: https://youtu.be/z6JD3hJ5p3k
(2003) Tigeraugen sehen besser [DE]
(2003) Herr Lehmann / Berlin Blues [DE]
*Full Film Not Available
Trailer(not featuring Christoph): https://youtu.be/NeS9aSYJcUM
*Christoph's part [DE+Eng sub]: https://youtu.be/fK9rQI1bF-Q
(2003) Zwei Tage Hoffnung [DE]
*Not Available
(2003) Jagd auf den Flammenmann [DE]
*Not Available
(2004) Mörderische Suche [DE]
English Summary: https://be-happy-80.tumblr.com/post/148894772220/m%C3%B6rderische-suche-2004
(2004) Scheidungsopfer Mann [DE]
*Not Available
(2004) Pact with the Devil / Dorian [EN]
https://youtu.be/Lt9R5AiNKiA [ES]
*Could not find English version. Here's the full Spanish dub.
*English clips featuring Christoph: https://youtu.be/_aNM5P4FRoI
(2004) Schöne Witwen küssen besser [DE]
*Not Available
(2005) Die Patriarchin [DE]
• Teil 3
*Not Available
(2005) Der Elefant: Mord verjährt nie / Unsolved [DE]
• 3x10 Verlorene Jahre
Part 1: https://youtu.be/OekLuh_IDk0
Part 2: https://youtu.be/5s44621Glvk
Part 3: https://youtu.be/UbANb5uj_nI
(2006) Franziskas Gespür für Männer [DE]
*Not Available
(2006) Lapislazuli - im Auge des Bären [DE]
(2006) Stolberg / Kommissar Stolberg [DE]
• 1x03 : Kreuzbube
English Summary: https://be-happy-80.tumblr.com/post/147176502575/kreuzbube-kommissar-stolberg
(2006) SOKO Rhein-Main / Die Spezialisten: Kripo Rhein-Main [DE]
• 1x05 Schuld und Sühne
(2006) Polizeiruf 110 [DE]
• 35x09 Die Lettin und ihr Lover
*Sorry for the bad quality, it's the only version I could find.
(2007) Der letzte Zeuge [DE]
• 9x04 Martinspassion
(2007) Der Staatsanwalt [DE]
• 1x03 Glückskinder
(2007) Unter Verdacht / Under Suspicion [DE]
• 1x09 Hase und Igel
*Available on YouTube but doesn't have proper sound.
(2007) Die Verzauberung - Almferien mit Partnertausch [DE]
(2007) Die Zürcher Verlobung - Drehbuch zur Liebe [DE]
Part 1: https://youtu.be/1iFv8Rd8VF8
Part 2: https://youtu.be/evnTlEl5x6c
Part 3: https://youtu.be/FgVM8n-58ko
Part 4: https://youtu.be/ok0MG9uC-44
Part 5: https://youtu.be/UlnaZh5IEK0
Part 6: https://youtu.be/oWuXSDZ4Hp4
Part 7: https://youtu.be/eGAYejBsXo4
Part 8: https://youtu.be/Mq5Ed2KkGus
Part 9: https://youtu.be/-dp4ZApbEEk
(2008) Die Anwälte [DE]
• 1x01 Leben und Tod
*Not Available
(2008) Das jüngste Gericht [DE]
*Not Available
Trailer: https://youtu.be/1IndTbuPw6A
Teil 1 Trailer: https://youtu.be/A3E16hqG2KA
Teil 2 Trailer: https://youtu.be/5uoKo5RK8CU
Behind the Scenes(of stunts): https://youtu.be/f3MSiwVqTcc
(2008) Das Geheimnis im Wald [DE]
(2008) Todsünde [DE]
Phew! Finally done!
I had been working on this for the past few days now. Making it on the phone's notepad already took a good amount of time and then formatting it on Tumblr took extra time but at last it is done!....(for now).
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Christoph Waltz Film/Fernsehserie Masterlist Pt. 2
Part 1 , Part 3
Part 2 to the Christoph Waltz Film/Fernsehserie Masterlist.
(1991) Napoléon et l'Europe [FR]
• 1x03: Maria Walewska
*Not Available
(1991) St. Petri Schnee [DE]
*Not Available
(1991) Life for Life: Maximilian Kolbe [PL/DE]
• Życie za życie: Maksymilian Kolbe [PL]
• Leben für Leben – Maximilian Kolbe [DE]
*Sorry, could not find an English-subtitled version.
(1992) 5 Zimmer, Küche, Bad [DE]
(1992) Die Angst wird bleiben [DE]
*Not Available
(1993) König Der Letzten Tage [DE]
*Download only
*Clips from the film:
(1994) Tag der Abrechnung – Der Amokläufer von Euskirchen [DE]
*No seeds in the torrent, cannot be downloaded.
Trailer: https://youtu.be/QfPzDflQGfc
*Clip from the film featuring Christoph: https://youtu.be/Mm-T40sBgeQ
(1994) Jacob [EN]
https://youtu.be/ApmePyui4OM [FR]
*Could not find English version, here is full French version.
*An English clip I could find of this featuring Christoph: https://youtu.be/xG0CwpQq9D8
Quality isn't too good.
*Christoph has a very minor role.
(1995) Catherine the Great [EN]
*Christoph has a very minor role. I still can't find him lol.
*Here's the only clip from the film I could find of him: https://youtu.be/tyINZ1N9Qk0
(1995) Ein Anfang von etwas [DE]
(1995) Die Staatsanwältin [DE]
• Folge 1: *Not Available
• Folge 2: *Not Available
• Folge 3: *Not Available
(1995) Man(n) sucht Frau [DE]
*Not Available
(1995) Prinz zu entsorgen [DE]
(1995) The All New Alexei Sayle Show [EN]
• Episode 2.3
*Episode with only Christoph's part: https://youtu.be/7WI8B5CI2Bg
(1996) Der Tourist / Der Postkartenmörder [DE]
*It gets cut off at end, last 3 minutes missing probably. Nothing too important though.
(1996) Du bist nicht allein - Die Roy Black Story [DE]
*Not Available
DVD Trailer: https://youtu.be/NTC9QWlV0mM
*Clips from the film:
(1996) Rosa Roth [DE]
• Folge 4: Nirgendwohin
(1996) Kommissar Rex / Inspector Rex / Rex: A Cop's Best Friend[DE+Eng subs]
• 3x06: Der Puppenmörder
Part 1: https://youtu.be/wbrJ40n7I9Q
Part 2: https://youtu.be/zlLHM_v0S84
Part 3: https://youtu.be/jg6Wz-TTf_g
Part 4: https://youtu.be/rIyAl7t9WwM
Part 5: https://youtu.be/LABVyOfASXg
(1997) Our God's Brother / Brat naszego Boga [EN]
https://youtu.be/-R9DAG-SE3E [PL]
*Could not find English version, Here's a Polish dubbed one.
*Sorry for bad quality.
(1997) Maître Da Costa [FR]
• 1x03 Le doigt de Dieu
*Not Available
(1997) Faust [DE]
• 4x03 Villa Palermo
*Not Available
(1997) Schimanski
• 1x02 Blutsbrüder
*Not Available
*Clips from YouTube:
(1998) Das merkwürdige Verhalten geschlechtsreifer Großstädter zur Paarungszeit / Love Scenes From Planet Earth [DE]
(1998) Sieben Monde [DE]
(1998) Mörderisches Erbe - Tausch mit einer Toten [DE]
*Not Available
(1998) Das Finale [DE]
(1998) Schock - Eine Frau in Angst [DE]
*Not Available
(1998) Rache für mein totes Kind [DE]
*Not Available
(1998) Vickys Alptraum [DE]
*Not Available
(1998) Einsteins Ende [DE]
*Not Available
(1999) Die Braut [DE]
*Not Available
(1999) L'histoire du samedi
• Dessine-moi un jouet [FR/DE]
(2000) Das Teufelsweib / The Beast [DE]
*Not Available
Trailer: https://youtu.be/vnTPaIzWymE
(2000) Falling Rocks [DE+Eng subs]
Part 1: https://youtu.be/bKLsdYH-QAQ
Part 2: https://youtu.be/71ev_xs2uFI
Part 3: https://youtu.be/pqi7S_dvG3U
Part 4: https://youtu.be/tFYLWil4LJ8
Part 5: https://youtu.be/CxlWDawMILI
Part 6: https://youtu.be/_rjpZTeo
Part 7: https://youtu.be/E538o5NWc-M
Part 8: https://youtu.be/MbZuNYL6SOA
Part 9: https://youtu.be/FJQkobEFTsU
Part 10: https://youtu.be/X3ZMOL6KMi8
(2000) Ordinary Decent Criminal [EN]
(2000) Death, Deceit and Destiny Aboard the Orient Express [EN]
https://m.ok.ru/video/1477527276108 [RU]
*Could not find the full original movie but I did find a Russian-dubbed version
*Here are some clips of the movie from youtube though that are in English:
*Honestly...don't watch this, it's not really good.
(2001) Queen's Messenger [EN]
(2001) She [EN]
*Not Available
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Hi there! So apparently Engel sucht Flugel is linked instead to a trailer for Das Teufelsweib. Do you have the link? That's one I have been dying to see!
Ah thanks for informing me! I am not sure how exactly I ended up putting that link there but anyways unfortunately I don't have a link for Engel sucht Flügel. I have been dying to see it too!
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