godocdblog-blog · 6 years
Name, address, repeat.
On Saturday morning, I spent some much-needed time with the LORD.  I was able to worship, pray, journal, all the good stuff. During this time, God gave me the inspiration for this blog post.  It came as I was listening to a song by Kim Walker Smith called, “Christ the Rock”.  There was a time in my life, not too long ago, that this song kept me from spiraling into an abyss of total despair and fear.  It is a little comical looking back on the situation now, however, it was and still is serious.  You’ll see what I mean as you read on…  
Let’s flash back to the days when I was filled with “four alarm” anxiety and confusion.  By the grace of God, I was able to keep moving on some small levels despite the madness. One of these small levels of movement was playing on a softball team.  I wasn’t that strong of a softball player to begin with, but for some odd reason, God saw to it that I played one of the most important positions on the field.  This was a co-ed league, so I had to be sharp to avoid serious injury such as a getting a concussion from taking a softball to the face off the bat of a burly middle-aged man with, “old man strength”. Thankfully, this did not happen, but you get the picture.  Instead of focusing on the game, my OCD thought it was best for me to obsessively chant my name and address in my head to avoid one of my greatest fears at the time: forgetting who I was.  Suffice it to say, my career as a first baseman was short-lived.  However, the fear of forgetting who I was lived on for quite some time during those dark days.  I truly believed that with all the inner chaos, I would lose myself; that I wouldn’t remember my name, where I lived, or my past.  This fear felt real and threatening, like it was ready to pounce on me at any moment.  One summer evening, while sitting on the bench at a softball game, the song “Christ the Rock” by Kim Walker Smith popped into my head.  I was listening to one of her albums a lot at the time, so it was in my regular-mind-music rotation.  In any event, the song was there.  I reached for it and used it to lift me out of the fear.  I sat on the bench, whistling it, and singing it out loud at certain points.  Instead of repeating my name and address, I was repeating the lyrics.  Although my fear and anxiety did not fully go away with the singing and whistling, it certainly quieted things and brought underlying peace. So, for those of you out there obsessing over something right now, I encourage you to read these lyrics and find yourself a way to listen to this song.  It is a great reminder that all though our thoughts may race and seem to change faster than the speed of light, God does not.  The Bible says He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  He will not leave you or forsake you.  Stand on those promises no matter what your afflicted mind tells you.
On Christ the solid rock I stand No double minded shifting sands On Christ the rock I plant my feet A firm foundation for me On Christ the rock I place my heart And trust in who You say You are No circumstance that blows my way Will never move this solid place Holy [x4] On Christ the solid rock I stand Leaving behind the fear of man With Christ the truth I will agree Forsaking lies that come for me Holy [x4] On Christ the rock I lay my dreams Come with Your fire consuming me With Christ the rock I make my plans Partner with Your purposes Holy [x15] You are Holy Oh God yea On Christ the solid rock I stand
  God bless you.  Keep fighting, but remember there is peace available to you through Jesus.  
 (lyrics copied from azlyrics.com)
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brittonchurch · 7 years
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It was such a thrill watching Connie help lead worship at Christ the Rock Community Church this weekend! #christtherock #breakeverychain #missionsmonth (at Christ the Rock Community Church)
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