alonglistofbirds · 6 months
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[2843/11080] Cryptic treehunter - Cichlocolaptes mazarbarnetti
Order: Passeriformes Suborder: Tyranni Family: Furnariidae
Image credit: R. Grantsau
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squawkoverflow · 2 years
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A new variant has been added!
Pale-browed Treehunter (Cichlocolaptes leucophrus) © Maria Roc
It hatches from dead, nasal, pale, and sharp eggs.
squawkoverflow - the ultimate bird collecting game          🥚 hatch    ❤️ collect     🤝 connect
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Meet the beautiful birds that are rebuilding Brazil’s Atlantic Forests            
Want to restore a degraded forest? Why not let the birds do the work! Find out how – with a little help from BirdLife – some of Brazil’s most threatened birds are coming back, and bringing the whole forest with them…
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When you think of Brazilian forests, the Amazon is probably the first place that comes to mind. But Brazil is also home to the Atlantic Forest, which originally covered about 15% of the country, and where 72% of the Brazil’s 200 million citizens now live. The Atlantic Forest was once a continuous swathe of green, but was rapidly cleared and converted into sugarcane plantations, pastures and cities, leaving small patches of vegetation scattered along the east coast of South America. Today, just 12% remains in Brazil. These forest islands are the final refuge for a large number of bird species, many of which are threatened with extinction. Of the 1,919 bird species in Brazil, 891 (nearly half) can be found in the Atlantic Forest.
The forest patches in northeast Brazil are currently under the greatest threat. Tragically, the region has just lost two of its unique bird species: the Alagoas Foliage-gleaner Philydor novaesi and Cryptic Treehunter Cichlocolaptes mazarbarnetti were declared officially extinct by BirdLife in 2019. Yet despite this bleak situation, there is still hope to turn the tide on extinction with other species.
Serra do Urubu and Murici are two Important Bird & Biodiversity Areas found 100 kilometres apart, with only a few small forest patches between them. Murici is home to 242 bird species, 17 of which are threatened – including the Alagoas Antwren Myrmotherula snowi (Critically Endangered), which has a population of fewer than 50 birds. This alarming situation first drew SAVE Brasil to Murici in 2000 to secure protection for the area. Working with its partners, in 2001 they helped to establish the Murici Ecological Station, run by the Brazilian Environment Federal Agency. However, even though it was officially declared a protected area, key parts of Murici’s conservation plan are still not being carried out properly, and the forest is still vulnerable to being degraded and encroached upon at its edges.
Meanwhile, over in southeast Brazil, SAVE Brasil is working on a different approach: battling local extinctions in order to stop a species from dying out entirely. The Black-fronted Piping-guan Pipile jacutinga was originally found across Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. But today, poaching and habitat destruction has driven it from all but a handful of forest patches, and it is now Endangered.
In response, SAVE Brasil launched a project to reintroduce the guan to locations were it had become extinct. Starting in 2010, researchers bred birds in captivity and, in 2016, began releasing them in three patches of well-preserved protected forest inside the species’ original distribution. Once again, the recovery of this majestic bird helped to restore entire forest.
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kb-1cik--tarasik · 5 years
А вы знали, что...
голубые ара из мультика "Рио" не просто находятся на грани выживания, а уже вымерли в дикой природе.
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Последние голубые ара, которых люди видели в дикой природе, жили в бразильском штате Баия. В 1985-1986 годах там оставалось всего три птицы, в следующие годы их поймали, чтобы продать. Один самец голубого ара жил в этом месте с самкой попугая другого вида c 1990 до конца 2000 года, однако после этого времени о нем ничего не известно.
Также за последние несколько лет список видов птиц, что вымерли пополнили:
Загадочный охотник за деревьями (Cichlocolaptes mazarbarnetti)
Этот вид открыли в 2002 году, а уже в 2007 он исчез. Птицы встречались в небольших бразильских лесах, которые полностью вырубили и заменили плантациями сахарного тростника или скотоводческими пастбищами.
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Philydor novaesi
Еще один бразильский эндемик Philydor novaesi исчез из дикой природы в 2011 году после массовой вырубки лесов.
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Пооули (Melamprosops phaeosoma)
Птица подсемейства Гавайской цветочницы обитала только в самой сухой части острова Мауи. Их род обнаружили в 1974 году. Последний раз троих пооули видели на Гавайских островах в 2004 году.
Причиной вымирания птиц считают изменение среды обитания, сокращение ареала кормовых растений, исчезновение их любимого лакомства — древесной улитки, а также болезни (например, завезенные на остров комары стали распространителями птичьей малярии).
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До того, как они попадут в перечень Международного союза охраны природы может пройти не одно десятилетие. Ученым требуется время, чтобы окончательно убедиться в исчезновении животных. Так, например, восточную пуму в последний раз видели в 1938 году, а в список исчезающих животных ее включили только в 1973-м. И только в 2018 году Служба охраны рыбных ресурсов и диких животных США официально признала восточных пум вымершими животными.
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rjzimmerman · 6 years
Excerpt from this USA Today article:
They'd been on our planet for millions of years, but 2018 was the year several species officially vanished forever.
Three bird species went extinct this year, scientists said, two of which are songbirds from northeastern Brazil: The Cryptic Treehunter (Cichlocolaptes mazarbarnetti) and Alagoas Foliage-gleaner (Philydor novaesi), according to a report from the conservation group BirdLife International.
According to BirdLife, the other extinct bird is Hawaii's Po'ouli (Melamprosops phaeosoma), which has not been seen in the wild since 2004 (the same year the last captive bird died).
A disturbing trend is that mainland species are starting to go extinct, rather than island species: “Ninety percent of bird extinctions in recent centuries have been of species on islands,” said Stuart Butchart, BirdLife’s chief scientist and lead author on the paper.
“However, our results confirm that there is a growing wave of extinctions sweeping across the continents, driven mainly by habitat loss and degradation from unsustainable agriculture and logging," he said.
An additional species of bird – the Spix’s macaw, which was made famous in the 2011 animated movie "Rio" – was declared extinct in the wild. Only a few dozen captive Spix's macaws are alive. That species was wiped out in the wild because of deforestation and other factors such as the creation of a dam and trapping for wild trade.
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Cryptic treehunter
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Alagoas Foliage-gleaner
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lscreativedesigns · 3 years
Effects of Deforestation on the Extinction of Animals
·      The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has declared 665 species either completely extinct or extinct in the wild
·      Four forest-dependent species that have vanished due to habitat loss in the last 20 years
o   Formosan Clouded Leopard (Neofelis Nebulosa Brachyura) – Last official sighting of the leopard was in 1983 – Illegal logging – declared extinct in 2013
§  Island of Taiwan
o   Spix’s Macaw (Cyanopsitta Spixii) – Inspired the movie “Rio” – They were declared extinct in 2018, but estimated that between 60 and 80 individuals are still alive in captivity
§  Native to the arid lowland forests in the interior and northeast of Brazil
o   Mount Glorious Torrent Frog (Taudactylus Diurnus) – Declared extinct in 2004 (Logging in the watershed and upstream is hypothesized to have had an impact)
§  Native to 3 mountain ranges on the eastern coast of Australia (rainforest streams)
o   Cryptic Treehunter (Cichlocolaptes Mazarbarnetti) – By 2019 the IUCN declared them extinct – due to tree cover loss (deforestation)
§  Atlantic forest in Brazil
·      “As it currently stands, there are more than 26,000 species on the verge of extinction. Half of the birds that recently went extinct were native to Brazil.”
·      Spix’s Macaw was last sighted in the wild in 2000 (being raised in captivity)
·      “The Alagoas Foliage-gleaner, the Cryptic Treehunter and the Poo-uli, for example, will never be seen again.”
·      There are 51 other birds that are ‘critically endangered’
·      “New Animal Endangerment Map shows global distribution of threatened animal species”
·      2.4 billion people depend on forest and wood for energy
·      “Forest landscape restoration (FLR) is the ongoing process of regaining ecological functionality and enhancing human well-being across deforested or degraded forest landscapes.”
·      The planet is losing an estimated 137 species of plants, animals and insects every day due to deforestation” (World Animal Foundation)
·      Harpy eagle, the Amazon rainforest
o   One of the largest species in the world (currently dwindling as tree canopies disappear)
o   Their specific prey lived in the canopies as well (as that food supply decreased, the eagles did not switch to alternative prey)
o   “The eagles would then deliver prey to their hatchlings less frequently, and when they did, the animals tended to have a smaller estimated weight in landscapes with 50% to 70% deforestation, according to the study.”
o   Reseachers observed multiple eagle deaths from starvation and did not locate any nests in areas with more than 70% deforestation
·      Jaguar, the Americas
o   Found in the western hemisphere
o   They tend to live in habitat with dense tree canopy cover, such as the Amazon rainforest in Brazil
o   Accelerated deforestation continue to threaten the jaguar habitat, specially when it occurs in corridors that connect conservation areas… Without corridors to travel through, the populations can become isolated and lose genetic diversity, which could then affect the short and long-term survival of the species.
“4 Species That Went Extinct This Century Because of Forest Loss: Data and Research: Global Forest Watch Blog.” Global Forest Watch Content, 5 Jan. 2021, www.globalforestwatch.org/blog/data-and-research/four-species-that-went-extinct-this-century-because-of-forest-loss/.
“Deforestation in South America Causes Extinction of 8 Bird Species.” Inhabitat Green Design Innovation Architecture Green Building, inhabitat.com/deforestation-in-south-america-causes-extinction-of-8-bird-species/.
“International Union for Conservation of Nature.” IUCN, www.iucn.org/.
“COP26: This Is How Mass Deforestation Is Wiping out Species around the World.” ABC News, ABC News Network, abcnews.go.com/US/mass-deforestation-wiping-species-world/story?id=78564880.
McCoy, Marina. “9 Species Going Extinct Due to Habitat Destruction & Deforestation.” Vermont Woods Studios, 27 Sept. 2021, vermontwoodsstudios.com/blog/species-going-extinct-habitat-destruction-deforestation/.
“Deforestation: Clearing the Path for Wildlife Extinctions.” Wild Earth News & Facts by World Animal Foundation, www.worldanimalfoundation.org/advocate/wild-earth/params/post/1278141/deforestation-clearing-the-path-for-wildlife-extinctions.
Citizen Action Guide, www.saveamericasforests.org/pages/educationrtfacts.htm.
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levysoft · 6 years
L’Ara di Spix, rarissima specie di pappagallo brasiliano dal piumaggio blu, la specie di Blu e Gioiel del film di animazione “Rio”, si è estinta in natura. Tra le cause dell’estinzione dell’Ara di Spix, la deforestazione in Sudamerica, la caccia illegale, ma soprattutto il comportamento sconsiderato di alcuni esseri umani che per anni hanno catturato questi animali costringendoli in gabbia. L’ultimo avvistamento ufficiale in natura risale al 2000.
A rivelarlo, una nuova analisi condotta da BirdLife international. L’ara è solo una delle otto specie estinte dal 2001 ad oggi. Tra le altre ci sono il Cichlocolaptes mazarbarnetti, il ticotico di Novaes (Philydor novaesi), il poo uli (Melamprosops phaeosoma), il gufo pigmeo del Pernambuco (Glaucidium mooreorum) e l’ara glauca (Anodorhynchus glaucus). Le prime tre, secondo i ricercatori, sono sicuramente estinte e non ne esistono più esemplari nemmeno in cattività, mentre le altre sono ritenute probabilmente estinte. Almeno per il pappagallo blu, però, le speranze non sono totalmente scomparse:  l’obiettivo è reintrodurre la specie in natura partendo dagli esemplari ancora presenti in cattività.
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Brasil tem mais de 3 mil espécies de animais e plantas em risco de extinção
O Brasil tem 3.299 espécies de animais e plantas ameaçadas de desaparecerem do mapa. É o que revela divulgada pelo IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística).
Esse número pode bem maior, já que os dados se referem a 2014 e não reflete a destruição provocada pelo desmatamento e pelas queimadas nos últimos dois anos, principalmente na Amazônia e no Pantanal.
O número de espécies de animais e plantas ameaçados representa 19,8% do total de 16.645 avaliadas, segundo o IBGE.
Ao menos dez espécies estão extintas: as aves maçarico-esquimó (Numenius borealis), gritador-do-nordeste (Cichlocolaptes mazarbarnetti), limpa-folha-do-nordeste (Philydor novaesi), peito-vermelho-grande (Sturnella defilippii), arara-azul-pequena (Anodorhynchus glaucus), e caburé-de-pernambuco (Glaucidium mooreorum); o anfíbio perereca-verde-de-fímbria (Phrynomedusa fimbriata); o mamífero rato-de-Noronha (Noronhomys vespuccii); e os peixes marinhos tubarão-dente-de-agulha (Carcharhinus isodon), e tubarão-lagarto (Schroederichthys bivius).
Além dessas, uma espécie está extinta na natureza, ou seja, depende de programas de reprodução em cativeiro: a ave mutum-do-Nordeste (Pauxi mitu), observada na Mata Atlântica.
Atualmente, são reconhecidas no país 49.168 espécies de plantas e 117.096 espécies de animais. Desse total, a pesquisa analisou as 4.617 espécies da flora e as 12.262 espécies da fauna listadas pelo ICMBio (Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade) e pelo Centro Nacional de Conservação da Flora do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro.
Biomas ameaçados
A Mata Atlântica foi o bioma com mais espécies ameaçadas, tanto em números absolutos (1.989) quanto proporcionalmente (25%). Em seguida vêm o Cerrado, com 1.061 espécies ameaçadas, 19,7% do total de espécies do bioma, e a Caatinga (366 espécies ou 18,2%). O Pampa tem194 espécies ameaçadas, o que equivale a 14,5%.
Já o Pantanal e a Amazônia têm as maiores proporções de espécies na categoria menos preocupante (88,7% e 84,3%, respectivamente) e também o menor percentual de espécies consideradas ameaçadas (3,8% e 4,7%, respectivamente). Em números absolutos, são 54 espécies ameaçadas no Pantanal e 278 na Amazônia.
A pesquisa analisou a fauna e a flora segundo sua ocorrência nos biomas – Amazônia, Cerrado, Caatinga, Mata Atlântica, Pampa, Pantanal e Mar e ilhas oceânicas – e tipos de ambiente (terrestre, água doce e marinho). Uma mesma espécie pode ocorrer em diferentes biomas e ambientes. Nesse sentido, 47,7% das espécies eram observadas na Mata Atlântica, 35,7% na Amazônia, 32,4% no Cerrado, 12,4% no Mar e ilhas, 12,1% na Caatinga, 8,4% no Pantanal e 8% no Pampa.
Em relação à fauna no ambiente terrestre, a maior proporção de espécies ameaçadas se encontra nas ilhas oceânicas, com 30 espécies, ou 38,5% do total de espécies terrestres no Mar e ilhas. A Mata Atlântica tem um número absoluto maior de animais terrestres ameaçados (426), mas uma proporção menor (12,8% do total de espécies terrestres na Mata Atlântica).
Veja também: Um milhão de animais e plantas estão ameaçados de extinção
Brasil tem mais de 3 mil espécies de animais e plantas em risco de extinçãopublicado primeiro em como se vestir bem
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vivimetalliun · 5 years
Retratada no filme ‘Rio’, ararinha-azul está extinta no Brasil
Retratada no filme ‘Rio’, ararinha-azul está extinta no Brasil
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A organização BirdLife International revelou que de 8 aves oficialmente extintas, 4 são brasileiras.  São elas, a ararinha-azul (Cyanopsitta spixii), o limpa-folha-do-nordeste (Philydor novaesi), o trepador-do-nordeste (Cichlocolaptes mazarbarnetti) e o caburé-de-pernambuco (Glaucidium mooreorum).
O anúncio do desaparecimento da ararinha-azul causou tristeza. Talvez você não tenha se…
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jornal-do-reboucas · 6 years
Ararinha-azul está provavelmente extinta da natureza, indica estudo
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A organização ambiental BirdLife Internacional divulgou um estudo em que revela que oito espécies de pássaros estão extintas ou com alta probabilidade de terem sido extintas da natureza. Quatro dessas aves são brasileiras: a ararinha-azul (Cyanopsitta spixii), o limpa-folha-do-nordeste (Philydor novaesi), o trepador-do-nordeste (Cichlocolaptes mazarbarnetti) e o caburé-de-pernambuco (Glaucidium mooreorum) – que é uma coruja. A ararinha azul ganhou fama internacional com o filme Rio, dirigido pelo brasileiro Carlos Saldanha. Nele, a ararinha Blu vivia feliz nos Estados Unidos até descobrir a liberdade e conhecer o Rio de Janeiro. A história romantiza a ave, mas também mostra o quanto é rara. Com a declaração de extinção, exemplares da ararinha-azul podem ser encontrados apenas com criadores. A BirdLife estima a existência de 60 a 80 delas criadas em cativeiro. Para o estudo, foram analisadas 51 espécies apontadas com risco de extinção a partir dos seguintes fatores: intensidade das ameaças e confiabilidade dos registros.
Das oito espécies analisadas, cinco vivem no continente sul-americano. Segundo especialistas, a principal causa das extinções está associada às elevadas taxas de desmatamento. O estudo indica que quatro espécies devem ser reclassificadas como “criticamente ameaçadas”: Lorikeet Charmosyna diadema, da Nova Caledônia; Abibe Vanellus macropterus; Glaucidium mooreorum; e a Glaucous Macaw Anodorhynchus glaucus, uma ave brasileira. O cientista-chefe da BirdLife e principal autor do estudo, Stuart Butchart, afirmou que há uma tendência de aumento de extinções nos continentes, impulsionada principalmente pela “perda de habitat, degradação da agricultura e extração insustentáveis”.
É uma espécie de aproximadamente 57 centímetros com plumagem em tons de azul e que era encontrada na Bahia, principalmente nos municípios de Juazeiro e Curacá. Também há informações não confirmadas da existência dela em Pernambuco e no Piauí. Há dados segundo os quais as últimas espécies vivendo em liberdade foram identificadas até 2001. Porém, especialistas informam que é um tipo de ave com “perigo de extinção”.
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Brazil’s Atlantic forest: putting the pieces back together
Surrounded by a sea of cattle ranches and sugarcane plantations, a few ‘islands’ of Atlantic Forest remain. By establishing a private reserve and working with local people to connect forest fragments, SAVE Brasil is showing that it is possible to turn the tide on extinction.
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"I can pinpoint the location where the last ever Alagoas Foliage-gleaner was seen”, says Pedro Develey, Director of SAVE Brasil (BirdLife Partner). “The bird was in a tangle of lianas, mid-story level, close to the edge of the forest. It was possible to see some plantations invading the protected forest. That sighting in 2011 was very short, just a quick view of this very rare bird. But I never imagined at the time that it would be one of last records of the species in the wild. Now it is on the brink of being declared officially extinct.”
The Atlantic Forest was once a great continuous swathe of green, but was rapidly cleared and most forest converted into sugarcane plantations and cities, leaving only patches of forest scattered along the east coast of South America. Just 2% of the Atlantic Forest remains in north-eastern Brazil. These forest islands are now final refuges for bird species with global populations of just tens of adult birds.
The Alagoas Foliage-gleaner Philydor novaesi and Cryptic Treehunter Cichlocolaptes mazarbarnetti, both endemic to the region, look set to be declared extinct this year, and their final calls still echo through the forest. Yet despite this bleak situation, there is still hope to save other species in the region on the brink of extinction.
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