#Cistercian cipher
Cistercian Ciphers in Manuscripts
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To see more details to decode Cistercian ciphers: So, Cistercian Ciphers (at historysurvivalguide.com)
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dearestones · 2 years
Hetalia Matchup: Lithuania
Warnings: Fluff.
@somebodytouchmyspagett Request: hi local hyperfixated dork wondering who out of all the hetalia characters would be chill with a queerplatonic partnership with an aromantic asexual nonbinary autistic adult (28 yrs old). born and raised in florida, only ever been to about a half dozen other states and nowhere outside of the us of a, but deeply curious about other places. lot of copinglinks (aka kinning to cope with mental illness), i'm the host of an endogenic gateway system that generally has around a half dozen other members at any given time. too many mental/cognitive and physical diagnoses to easily list, i am in the weird position of loving food but being physically unable to easily cook and unable to eat a lot of things safely. you'll generally find me chilling online. i was unable to learn html due to ableism when i attempted college (trust me, i tried, best i could get was a high school degree), but i am deeply into geeky/nerdy things like how hex code colors work (look up the website bada55.io i LOVE IT), scripts ciphers and code systems like daukin and cistercian numerals, various internet memes like the road to el dorado guys and the spaghett bear and the is it art guy (the iron giant is god tier movie btw), homestuck, star trek (tng best in my opinion) and stargate, etc. i'd prefer someone quiet and understanding, however. anytime prussia is onscreen i've consistently had to turn down my computer volume, and i'm quite sensory defensive in other ways along with having significant social function, memory, and attention span issues.
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After reading through your description, I believe that you pair well with Lithuania!
As a Nation, Lithuania is more than well acquainted with all sorts of relationships. He’s been with many people over the years, both Nations and humans, and he knows for a fact that the most basic and integral part of a relationship is trust and mutual respect. If you make it clear from the beginning your needs and wants in regards to your relationship, he will deliver without question while also expressing his own boundaries and expectations.. As you can see, your relationship is already off to a great start!
(You shouldn’t be too surprised, he’s best friends—and at times, more—with Poland). 
Ah, you’ve never been outside of the United States? But you’re still interested in other countries? Already, Lithuania respects that you want to learn more about different cultures. If you want, he will be your tour guide if you ever visit his home country. Touring his sites, walking down the streets of his most populous cities, and perhaps appreciating his countryside are on the top of the agenda if you choose to go with him. If your relationship has deepened to the point where he trusts you with many of his secrets, he’ll even take you to national summits or international meetings. Not only will you be able to meet other Nations and explore the host Nation’s home, you can see him in his element as he tends to paperwork and reports in preparation for these important gatherings.
As for your mental health and disabilities, please inform Lithuania of your needs ahead of time. Although he’s a calm individual and can easily come up with solutions on the fly, he would rather not be blindsided by sudden problems. If you have any medications or appointments, he’ll be there to support you and remind you of your prescriptions. However, if you’re not comfortable with disclosing these issues yet, he’ll understand, but his offer stands: he will offer support if you ever need it.
You’re in luck when it comes to food! His home may not be as renowned for its cuisine like France’s or Italy’s food, but he has learned how to cook a plethora of dishes from his time spent in working other Nation’s homes. Since he has spent time at America’s house as his personal aide, he knows how to make classic American cuisine. Again, please tell him of any dietary restrictions so that he can safely create foods that will suit your palate. 
Your determination and hard work impresses Lithuania. Although he was never put into a position where he was banned from learning something because of his physical capabilities, he was pushed down time and time again because of his status as a pagan Nation and later, because he was Russia’s unwilling lackey. He can relate to how it feels to have your options taken away because of arbitrary rules formed because of society’s standards. Your continued interest in coding and technological jargon is enough of an indicator that you are a hard worker and perhaps there is still hope that you can still achieve your dreams.
Lithuania hopes that you turn to him in times of when you need it most. Having sensory issues can be a hard burden to bear in life, so he’ll do his best to aid you in leading a lifestyle that won’t cause you undue stress. Please, if you feel like the world can be too much or if you simply want to sit in silence, know that he’ll be there to support you all the way.
At his core, Lithuania is a caretaker. Once a connection between the two of you is formed, he will do his utmost to respect your needs and he hopes that you will reciprocate as well. There may be some hurdles in this relationship since he still bears the scars (mental and physical) of his past relationships with fellow Nations and has the telltale signs of trauma, but if the both of you push forward and respect each other’s boundaries, you’ll be fine. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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dr-archeville · 4 years
The Forgotten Number System - Numberphile [source]
Europe’s long-lost medieval number system, developed and used by the Cistercian Order, an offshoot of the Benedictine Monks.  [10 min 20 sec]
(The numbers in the thumbnail image are 1410, 4173, 5750, and 1368.)
Wikipedia’s page on The Ciphers of the Monks has this handy chart:
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leam1983 · 3 years
On Memories of Giving Crypto a Shot
I found my old USB-powered ASIC in my Box o' Junk.
The concept was kinda cute: a tiny board with a chonky CPU, a massive heatsink and fan - and the whole of it depending on a host computer for hash and wallet-related operations. It cannibalizes a USB port you aren't getting back as long as you're minting, and it screams like a fucking ramjet. It's a desktop toy you can't mess with that spends electricity and maybe gives you back twenty-five cents per dollar spent on your power bill. That's if you're patient.
Letting this thing work is like asking a Cistercian monk to copy In Search of Lost Time from cover to cover after passing the entire text through a Base64 cipher. The monk weeps at the extent of the work you've piled onto him, and you just smile at your mother obliviously.
"Mommy, I'm cryptomining! Look, mommy!"
I can't believe people build dedicated rigs in this economy, and renting a rack from a crypto farm feels like giving Mother Earth the finger twice. I'm not letting my rigs mint on their off-time, I need them to work and play. Their shelf-life matters to me.
Ten to one that the "official" Crypto Tumblrs don't even realize that sticking to trades on dedicated platforms is more efficient. The last one who tried to snipe me looked like all the others in the genre: blind Evangelists thinking they've hacked Finance and found a license to print money, when the most efficient way to make an investment grow is to follow the actual market, and to let a broker do it for you, for your sanity's sake.
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jekyll-and-rook · 3 years
im making a fucking cipher at three am why
for anyone interested its based off of the Cistercian monks numbering system: with each rune being a letter rather than a number
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talmidimblogging · 4 years
Medieval Cistercian Numbers
If you’re looking to enrich your fantasy or Medieval fiction, why not mention Cistercian numbers — the forgotten ciphers of Medieval monks? As Tibi Puiu reports on ZME Science, people have employed all sorts of systems throughout history, most of which are now forgotten. These include the intriguing Cistercian numbers used by monks in the […]Medieval Cistercian Numbers
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nicholasrossis · 4 years
Medieval Cistercian Numbers
If you’re looking to enrich your fantasy or Medieval fiction, why not mention Cistercian numbers — the forgotten ciphers of Medieval monks? As Tibi Puiu reports on ZME Science, people have employed all sorts of systems throughout history, most of which are now forgotten. These include the intriguing Cistercian numbers used by monks in the Middle Ages, but also Nazis and occultists in the 20th…
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emmaklee · 7 years
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a number-notation cipher developed by Cistercian monks in the late 13th century
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Cistercian Ciphers in Artifacts and Writings
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detail from an astrolabe dated c.1400, showing month-names in Picard orthography
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Images from: King, David. (2019). DAVID KING 1995 – A forgotten Cistercian system of numerical notation.
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To see more details to decode Cistercian ciphers: So, Cistercian Ciphers (at historysurvivalguide.com)
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Cistercian Numerals Bibliography:
Beard, Daniel Carter. The American Boys’ Book of Signs, Signals and Symbols. 1918, https://archive.org/details/americanboysbook00bear5/page/92/mode/1up?view=theater.
King, David. (2019). DAVID KING 1995 – A forgotten Cistercian system of numerical notation.
King, David. (2019). 203 – KING 2001 (BOOK) – The Ciphers of the monks, a forgotten number-notation of the Middle Ages.
Miller, Kirk. Background for Unicode Consideration of Cistercian Numerals. 10 Dec. 2020, https://www.unicode.org/L2/L2020/20290-cistercian-digits.pdf.
Puiu, Tibi. “What Are Cistercian Numbers — the Forgotten Ciphers of Medieval Monks.” ZME Science, 21 Jan. 2021, https://www.zmescience.com/science/cirstercian-numbers-90432432/.
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This week, decide an ancient and uncommon European numeral system that uses overlapping glyphs
The numerals, developed in the 13th century, were likely developed in response to the introduction of the foreign Hindi-Arabic numerals by a rival religion but they never achieved the same level of popularity
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Looking good, chrononauts, time for a new guidebook page, upcoming next week:
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There are currently 3-4 topics in the works (depending on how I end up splitting them up). One is about an antique number system and the others are on ancient astronomy, stellar navigation, and the history of science instruments
This includes the largest and most detailed page to date. Might see about putting out a small short page early to make up for the delay on the bigger project, which is shaping up to be around 5+ pages with additional diagrams
Long story short: astrolabes have a lot of math involved that isn’t widely documented
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Numerals of the Magic
Ancient System of Secret Numbers
At least so they are claimed to be by occult authors
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Here is some of the work in progress for Cistercian Ciphers (an upcoming page). Still working on the write up, but I have completed the png images for the ciphers
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tlaquetzqui · 4 years
English can say the first two powers of vigesimal (base 20)—score and twentyscore—and at least the first two if not three of duodecimal/dozenal (base 12)—dozen, gross, and, optionally, “grand gross” (though I prefer to use “twelvegross”, on the model of twentyscore). Then you can, on the model of constructions like “twenty-three hundred”, also describe the third power of vigesimal (onescore twentyscore = 8,000), and, on the model of “two hundred thousand”, up to the fifth power of dozenal (one gross twelvegross = 248,832).
This was really helpful to me in my fantasy, where elves and dwarves use dozenal (because they count on the joints of each finger of each hand, with their thumb—due to often holding, respectively, branches or mountainsides, with the other hand) and gnomes use vigesimal (because they count on their toes too—due to my gnomes, not my halflings, being the ones whose toes are usually visible, though they don’t have hairy feet, they just wear sandals).
Also have my giants using octal numbers, like the Yuki of California and the Pamean languages of Mexico, originally, like them, from counting on the spaces between the fingers (which is what I based their numerals on—their 1 looks like our 7, their 2 like a sorta sideways W, etc.). Nowadays they usually count on their fingertips using their thumbs (like elven and dwarven dozenal numbers, but only using the distal finger-joint rather than all three, and with both hands).
Dragons use senary (base-6), because they have three Archaeopteryx-like claws in each wing (their wings, though, have five fingers, with the other two fused like the digits in a modern bird’s wings). Their written numerals, though, are base-1296 (6⁴), because they write the symbols for 1–5 in each of the four quadrants of a character, like the Cistercian numerical cipher of the Middle Ages, but combined with the concept of place-value (a wholly bare character-base would represent 0), so they can write any number up to 470,184,984,575 in just four digits. Dragons, after all, have to write about larger numbers, much earlier, than species whose life-cycle does not involve hoarding large amounts of coins.
My “naga”-type creatures—which are D&D-style nagas, or like the Children of Yig, i.e. snakes with human faces, not Warcraft-style nagas with humanoid upper torsos—use binary, from counting on the tips of their forked tongues (you tell me what snake people count on). So do their servants, despite having hands. I think a natively binary number system is best translated as “one, pair, pair-one, quartet, quartet one, quartet pair, quartet pair-one, octet” and so on.
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