#Citrina Solaris de Vespertina
drops-of-moonlights · 4 years
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Over the last few weeks, I've been retouching/redesigning the main cast of a RPG idea I had as a teen and then promptly scrapped it. I might do stuff with these guys later, but who knows!
In order:
Maya Sereia, Magic Knight of Pisces: She was the protagonist, journeying the country in search of a special fountain required to heal the Prince’s illness. She had decent stats all around, but was more focused in Magic than regular Attack. Her main element was Water, and could dabble in Ice and Darkness. Her main weapon were staffs.
Amelia Barros, Passerby Warrior: Amy was a traveling warrior trying to find her father. I never got it down if it was to simply meet him or to beat the shit out of him, but I’m thinking the latter for now. While her magic stat was poor, her main weapons granted an Earth effect, and was able to cast extra spells (also dabbling in Metal and Fire) that used her attack stat. Her main weapon were swords.
Elric Donmeir, Loudmouth Rogue: As it says in his title, Elric was a show-off, who boasted of his supposed sneaking skills as well as his powerful voice. The second one was true, but the first one... varied. He had Electricity spells, and could learn Sound and Wind attacks as well. His main weapon was daggers.
Sericeo Lunaris (née Groen), Kind Herbologist: Sery here worked as a herbologist, acting as apothecary for a large forest village. He had a nice and soothing disposition and was married to Adalbern. He acted as the primary healer (using an Orb as “weapon” along some herbs), and his main magic was Plants, with influences in Water and Sound.
Adalbern Lunaris, Retired Gruff Knight: contrasting his husband, Adal is more grumpy and snarky, working as lumberjack after 20 years acting as knight in the castle. He’s also a werewolf (has been all his life), and received the nickname “the Forest Beast” by the villagers to scare tourists. He’s quite proud of the nickname, as it makes it easier for people to not bother him when he’s working. His main weapon were axes, and his main magic was Light, also dabbling in Metal and Darkness.
Citrina Solaris de Vespertina, Magic Knight of Leo: Citrina also acted as a magic knight, serving the House of Leo instead of the House of Piscis, and had earned the nickname “La Leona Rubí” (The Ruby Lioness) thanks to her fighting style and flair. She’s a fairly confident warrior, but underneath the badassery there’s a very, VERY goofy woman. Her main weapon were rapiers, and her main Element was Fire, also dabbling in Light and Plants.
If you’re questioning Adal’s outfit, his concept was “buff man in skimpy armor”, after observing how 95% of the time armor for women in games is... barely there. Might as well reverse it.
If I ever do stuff with these characters again, their tentative title for tagging purposes will be Fantasy Story, because I am not original.
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