#Classic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
andean-travel · 5 months
Escape From A Boring and Tiresome Life By Selecting Luxury Inca Trail Hike
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Choose Luxury Short Inca trail hike. If you want to make memories forever in this modern life of luxury. Imagine after a fun-filled day you  are getting a chance to soothe your exhausted muscles. You should check out the andeanpathtravel website where we offer these luxury acquainted hiking services.
Build A Strong Physique To Get Ready For The Short Inca Trail Hike
The first thing you should keep in mind is that you should be physically fit to enjoy this Short Inca trail hike. There are restrictions assessed by the original government on the number of visits.
The Short Inca trail to Machu Picchu Permits gets put up fast, so you need to make bookings in advance. Start your planning beforehand. Start getting fit and aim for a healthy heart and lungs before you decide you head out on the trip. It is a wise decision to be well adapted concerning advanced mound and if necessary discuss with the croaker before starting on any exercise authority.
The Inca Trail to Machu Picchu And Other Inca Trail Tours
Treat yourself and your family to some truly memorable Short Inca trail to Machu Picchu by visiting our website. At one point you will find a huge selection of amazing passages from a variety of different adventure trip companies. We will save you hours of time and trouble searching each over the web. They are well worth a visit.
There are so numerous instigative holidays to hike the Short Inca trail, and fantastic treks that will live with you ever and one of the stylish places to look for the right vacation for you is at the andeanpathtravel. This point isn't a trip agent and they don't sell leaves but they  are clearly in the know.
Short Inca Trail Tour Being The Perfect Getaway For Your Weekend
Short Inca trail tour is one of the most popular trails in the world. Numerous people view it as one of the top five journeys across the globe. This trail has a perfect blending of beautiful decor in the mountainous terrain, expansive cloud forestlands along with well-known remains and Inca paving monuments. So if you  are getting a bit tired of the periodic family recesses revolving around the theme premises and the usual sand leaves, now is the right time to shake the effects a little. Have an inconceivable adventure by taking a Luxury Short Inca trail tour. Rejuvenate yourself by walking off the beaten path.
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alpacaexpeditions · 6 months
Unveiling the Best Hiking Tour Companies: Alpaca Expeditions Leads the Way
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Embarking on a hiking adventure is a thrilling endeavor that promises breathtaking views, unforgettable experiences, and a connection with nature like no other. Choosing the right hiking tour company can make or break your journey, and if you're searching for the best hiking tour companies, look no further. Alpaca Expeditions stands out as a trailblazer in providing unparalleled hiking experiences.
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Alpaca has earned its reputation as one of the best hiking tour companies for several reasons. First and foremost, their commitment to safety is unwavering. When it comes to exploring the great outdoors, safety is paramount, and it prioritizes this at every step of the journey. From well-maintained trails to expert guides, they ensure that every hiker feels secure throughout the adventure.
What sets that apart is their dedication to sustainable and responsible tourism. As a conscious traveler, you'll appreciate their efforts to minimize the environmental impact of each hiking tour. The company actively contributes to local communities and ecosystems, ensuring that future generations can enjoy these natural wonders.
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They offers a diverse range of hiking tours, catering to all levels of experience. Whether you're a seasoned trekker or a novice adventurer, there's a trail for you. From the awe-inspiring Inca Trail leading to Machu Picchu to the challenging paths of the Andes, Alpaca provides an array of options that showcase the stunning beauty of the destinations they explore.
When searching for the best hiking tour companies, it's essential to consider the level of comfort and service provided. They excels in this aspect, offering top-notch camping equipment, delicious meals, and knowledgeable guides who enhance the overall experience. Their attention to detail ensures that your focus remains on the journey itself, rather than worrying about logistics.
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In conclusion,
if you're in pursuit of the best hiking tour companies, look no further than Alpaca Expeditions. With a strong commitment to safety, sustainability, and providing unforgettable adventures, they have rightfully earned their place as leaders in the industry. Take the first step towards an extraordinary hiking experience with Alpaca Expeditions, where every trail tells a story and every step leads to discovery.
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salkantaytrek-peru · 5 months
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Tour: 4 day Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
Guide: Franco Guillen Sanchez
The Classic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu 4 days route is along hand-hewn stone stairs and trails through sumptuous mountain scenery and amazing cloud forest, past rushing rivers and dozens of Inca ruins. The zone is inhabited by rare orchids, 419 species of birds, and even the indigenous spectacled bear. The trek begins at Qorihuayrachina near Ollantaytambo- more easily described as Km 88 of the railway from Cusco to Aguas Calientes. The 43 km (26-mile) route passes three formidable mountain passes, including the punishing "Dead Woman's Pass", to a maximum altitude of 4,200m (13,800 ft.). Most groups enter the ruins of Machu Picchu at sunrise on the fourth day, although others, whose members are less keen on rising at 3:30am to do it, trickle in throughout the morning.
More info:
+51 970 506 205
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willytravel-blog · 8 months
TREKS IN CUSCO por cusco destination Por Flickr:  CHOQUEQUIRAO TREK You can visit the architectural complex Choquequirao is situated in Vilcabamba at 3100 meters, considered the last Inka refuge and place of resistance from the invaders, when doing this trek you will enjoy beautiful scenery, you'll see the impressive Apurimac Canyon, flora and wildlife along the path. This route offers a strenuous but formidable journey due to the various existing ecosystems. Useful Information - Starting Altitude - 2900m / 9515ft. - Highest Altitude - 3050m / 10,005ft- Walking Distance - 64 km / 40 miles- Longest Day - Day 1, approximately 25 km/15.5 miles- Overall Difficulty - Difficult INCA JUNGLE TO MACHU PICCHU Our Inca Jungle Trail classic To Machu Picchu combines adventure sports such as mountain biking, rafting, zip line, hot spring and trekking for 4 days until you reach Machu Picchu and one of the additional mountains "Machu Picchu Mountain" or "Huaynapicchu". The Inca Jungle route is the favorite tour for young people from all over the world who come to Cusco in search of deferent adventures and extreme sports. As a Tourism Agency located in Cusco we offer a differentiated service; with an exclusive route, trained guides (real command of English, local history and adventure sports), bicycles equipped for downhill, the safest rafting and zipline services. We recommend our passengers book in advance to have everything insured and avoid unnecessary risks such as loss of equipment, lack of access to Machu Picchu, Machu Picchu Mountain, Huayna Picchu or even worse, being stranded in Aguas Calientes (no return train). This tour is one of the classic routes full of adrenaline to the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu.Useful Information - Starting Altitude: 4400m / 14435ft. - Highest Altitude: 4350 meters / 14271 ft. - Minimum Altitude: 1430 meters / 4691 ft - Biking distance: 65km / 40 mile - Biking time: 3.5 to 4 hour approximately. - Hiking distance: 19 Kilometers / 12.3 mile - Overall Difficulty: Moderate INCA QAURRY TREK TO MACHU PICCHU The quarry of Cachicata was the place of extraction of the stones that were used for the construction of Ollantaytambo and many surrounding areas. This place is 9 kilometers from the Inca town of Ollantaytambo and has three groups of quarries: Molle Pucro, Sirkusirkuyoc (it was the largest), shows evidence of having been in full operation when the Spaniards entered this area. And finally Kantirayoq or Cacchicata, where another type of extraction of minerals and precious stones was practiced.Useful Information - Starting Altitude - 3350 meters / 10990 feet . - Highest Altitude - 4500m / 14,764ft- Walking Distance - 25 km / 15.5 miles- Meals - 2 breakfast, 2 lunch, 2 dinner, 2 tea times, 2 wake up tea- Overall Difficulty - Moderate- STARTING POINT: - Cusco at your hotel
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2wards-travelling · 1 year
Wow! We have done so much since my last post.
We left Cusco a few days ago on our way to Machu Picchu. We took the easy option by train and bus, whilst the others on our tour spent 3 days hiking on the Inca and Quarry trail ( it's an age thing ) Anyway more of that later.
We left Cusco for a detour and overnight stay to the sacred valley. Only 4 of us,but well worth the trip. We sampled the Peruvian corn beer, but don't get excited it is only 1.5% Vol ( I think top deck shandy has more alcohol than that ). At the bar we also found the Guinea pig store, all still alive. you just ,have to do is choose one, and they do the rest. Don't worry we didn't do it. However we did drive through, The Guinea Pig mile, where every restaurant sells Guinea Pig. We stopped at one, but just to confirm, before I cause any more offence, it was just for a photo opportunity.
Next day we travelled to ollantaytambo, for another overnighter, a really nice little place, where I had 1, 2 too many proper peruvian beers. The following day we ran up a load of ancient Inca steps, just for fun and a few more photos opportunities, before boarding the Inca Rail to Machu Picchu. I think it must have been 1st class, as we had traditional singers and dancers to see us onto the train,and then a performance of a traditional folk song, it was like a show at disney world. ( I will post the video later, for those who aren't bored enough already ) We stayed overnight in Machu Picchu town, full of backpackers, restaurants and gift shops along with the obligatory, hundreds of requests to either eat in restaurants or buy souvenirs. At least they understand 'No thanks'.
Early start next day on the bus to Machu Picchu itself. Thankfully the weather held for us and we were able to take classic pictures of the ruins, but with us in them.Absolutely amazing, just gob smacked to be there, and Ann had the obligatory emotional moment, before we took literally hundreds of photos. luckily the battery in my camera and phone lasted. I promise not to post them all.
Today we booked a trip to Rainbow Mountain with 4 others from the tour. I think they were a but worried we might not make it to the top, as its a steep walk of 1.5 hours from the car park to reach the 5000m summit ( Apparently the same height as Everest base camp, however our next trip will not be to Nepal ) We prepared with altitude sickness medication and resisted the opportunity to hire horses up to the top, more in pity that one of the unlucky nags would have to carry me. Great achievement and great photos.
Back at the hotel in Cusco now recovering from our ordeal. I think we may have a sleep before dinner.
Off to the peruvian amazon tomorrow in search of the legendary Yakumama.
Next post after our amazon adventure.
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Tour: Classic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu 4 Days
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Tour: Classic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu 4 Days 
 ¿Do you want to hike the famous Inca Trail to Machupicchu?
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Our first group in March 2023! We are more than happy to welcome new travelers and help them make their dream come true.We are a travel agency specialized in trekking, our commitment is to provide excellent tourist services and a guaranteed quality service.
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More information here:  https://bit.ly/3X2e2BN>>
 Send us a message or contact us
 <<WhatsApp: +51 970 506 205https://bit.ly/3HsCKW2 [email protected]
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vaexpeditionsperu · 2 years
5 Reasons to Book Luxury Peru Travel Packages Today
Peru is situated on the east coast area of South America, right next to the Pacific Ocean. The country is a truly exceptional, multicultural, and vibrantly colorful country with contrasts that come to light after exploring its rich diversity of culture, history, geography, biodiversity and gastronomy. Luxury Peru travel packages cover everything from the coastal areas of the capital and the dunes of  Ica, coming across the Andes Mountain Range that takes you down to the Peruvian Amazon.
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Peru stands as the home to the citadel of Machu Picchu, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, situated outside the Cusco city in the forest brow. Even if Machu Picchu is well-known as one of the most visited sites around Peru, it is not enough alone,  to completely comprehend this luxury country. Here are a few reasons why you should book a luxury Peru travel package for lifetime travel experiences.
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1. Wildlife Diversity
Peru is one of the most diverse countries in the world with different geography and microclimates. Its rich diversity draws the attention of scientists and researchers from all around the world. The South American country is a perfect destination for bird-watching enthusiasts and animal lovers as it is the home to a great array of birds, mammals and amphibians throughout the territory.
2. Superb Gastronomy
Peruvian gastronomy can’t be described in just a few words; so you need to experience it on your own. Currently, Peru is living the gastronomic boom because of its unique traditions, flavors and using diverse ingredients, for the preparation.
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Peruvian gastronomy is all about fusion, change, originality and tradition. Within a short time period, the country has become one of the most highly recognized and mouthwatering cuisines around the world. The gastronomic experiences play a significant aspect in Peruvian identity.
3. Full of History, Culture and Folklore
Peru is a renowned site for so many cultures long before the Spanish conquest. The most significant is the Inca culture whose capital was Cusco. You can plan a visit to the citadel of Machu Picchu, the magnificent achievement of Incan architecture that captures the imaginations of the world, among many other fortresses and monuments of significant historical value.
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There are so many cultural vestiges throughout the Peruvian territory. When you go along the north coast, you can truly appreciate the magnificence of tombs, fortresses, ceramics and metal works of the Pre-Incan cultures like the Lord of Sipan burial complex, Chan Chan, the pyramids of Tucume, etc.
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During your visit to Lima, the capital of Peru, you should visit the historical center of Lima, built during colonial times as well as other museums like Larco and Museo de Arte de Lima and Huacas in the metropolitan Lima. They are the prologue to the Incan history that continues in Cusco.
4. Amazing Unknown Adventure Opportunities
Peru is a country with so many diversities and has a great variety of places from where to start your adventure.
Lima is a beautiful city that coexists between contracts and similarities of traditional customs and habits from other countries. The destination is the starting point to understanding the true meaning of Peru and has an imperfect mixture that is still merging.
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There are so many activities available for those who are looking for adventure experiences from discovering how life for Peruvians was during the colonial era, to following the traditional gastronomic route to understand Peruvian flavors.
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There are so many things to discover throughout Cusco, from the classic wonders to know the most visited sites, to the adventurous experiences of the well-known Inca Trail. Cusco is a Peruvian destination that people of every age will enjoy to the fullest.
5. Outstanding Otherworldly Landscapes
With so many destinations to explore, luxury Peru travel packages give you enormous opportunities for capturing beautiful moments. If you love capturing photos, you will feel like you are vacationing in paradise.
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Bottom Line –
VA Expeditions offers Peru vacation packages including a 12 Luxury Travel Peru package that covers beautiful destinations like Cusco, Lima, the Sacred Valley of the Incas, Lake Titicaca, and the citadel of Machu Picchu. For more information about our luxury Peru travel itinerary, please call us at 1 - (888) 803 8004.
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inkatrail-peru · 3 months
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Classic Inca Trail & Salkantay trek to Machu Picchu 2024: Book your adventure now! Limited spaces, don't miss out on your spot.
Contact us: [email protected] +51 908 803 679 https://lnkd.in/ev7pkwEt
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Exploring the Wonders of Alternative Inca Trails: Beyond the Classic Trek
The Inca Trail is synonymous with adventure and exploration, drawing thousands of trekkers each year to unravel the mysteries of ancient Incan civilization while basking in the breathtaking beauty of the Peruvian Andes. However, beyond the well-trodden paths of the classic Inca Trail lies a network of Alternative inca trail , each offering a unique perspective on this enchanting region.
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Diverse Routes for Varied Tastes
For those seeking an alternative to the crowded main route, the Salkantay Trek presents itself as a formidable option. This trail, named after the imposing Salkantay Mountain, offers a challenging yet rewarding journey through diverse landscapes. Trekkers navigate through high-altitude mountain passes, lush cloud forests, and traditional Andean villages, providing a glimpse into the rich cultural tapestry of the region.
The Lares Trek is another alternative that immerses trekkers in the authentic Andean way of life. This route takes you through remote villages where locals still practice age-old traditions. The encounters with indigenous communities add a cultural dimension to the trek, creating an experience that extends beyond the physical challenge of the journey.
Choquequirao: The Hidden Jewel
For those seeking a truly off-the-beaten-path adventure, the Choquequirao Trek beckons with its mystical allure. Often referred to as the "sister city" to Machu Picchu, Choquequirao boasts impressive terraces and intricate stone structures. The trek to Choquequirao is challenging, with steep ascents and descents, but the reward is the opportunity to explore a hidden archaeological gem with fewer crowds and an authentic sense of discovery.
Inca Jungle Trail: A Multisport Adventure
For adrenaline junkies, the Inca Jungle Trail offers a thrilling alternative that combines trekking, biking, and even zip-lining. This multi-sport adventure begins in the high-altitude mountains and descends into the lush cloud forest, providing an exhilarating journey that caters to the adventurous spirit. The Cusco adventure tours route culminates in a visit to Machu Picchu, ensuring that trekkers still get to experience the iconic site despite taking a less conventional path.
Preserving the Environment and Culture
As the classic Inca Trail faces environmental challenges and concerns over sustainability, alternative routes emerge as responsible options for conscious travelers. By diverting traffic away from the main trail, these alternative routes help reduce the impact on the fragile ecosystems and cultural sites. Sustainable tourism practices are crucial for preserving the natural beauty and historical significance of the region for future generations.
Planning Your Alternative Inca Adventure
Before embarking on an alternative Inca Trail, thorough planning is essential. Each route has its own set of challenges and highlights, requiring different levels of fitness and preparation. Trekkers should be mindful of the altitude, pack accordingly, and, if needed, engage the services of experienced guides who are familiar with the intricacies of each trail.
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ritisuyo · 6 months
Embark on Unforgettable Peru Machu Picchu Tours: Explore Ritisuyo's Spectacular Treks
Discover the magic of Peru with awe-inspiring Machu Picchu tours offered by Ritisuyo. Our collection of treks immerses you in the breathtaking beauty and rich history of this iconic destination. Traverse ancient paths, witness stunning landscapes, and experience the wonder of Machu Picchu like never before. With expert guides and meticulously crafted itineraries, Ritisuyo ensures an unforgettable journey through Peru's cultural gems. Whether it's the classic Inca Trail or off-the-beaten-path adventures, our Peru Machu Picchu tours promise an authentic and transformative experience.
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andean-travel · 6 months
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In the new year explore Machu Picchu with Andean Path Travel! Machu Picchu 2 Day Hike is a great full day Inca trail with a sunset experience in Machupicchu. This 2 Day Hike to Machu Picchu is surrounded by the Andean mountains, primitive lush vegetation and extraordinary ecological varieties.
Visit our website for more information - https://bit.ly/3NdMc3x Call: ☎️ +51 931303626 Email:✉️ [email protected]
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alpacaexpeditions · 7 months
Unforgettable Journey: 2-Day Machu Picchu Tour from Lima with Alpaca Expeditions 
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Discover the magic of Machu Picchu on a captivating 2-day Machu Picchu tour from Lima with Alpaca Expeditions. Immerse yourself in the rich history and breathtaking landscapes as you explore the ancient wonders of this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Alpaca Expeditions, renowned for its exceptional guided tours, ensures an enriching experience filled with cultural insights and stunning views. Unwind in the beauty of the Andes, marvel at the iconic Inca ruins, and relish the comfort of a hassle-free journey. Don't miss this opportunity to make memories that last a lifetime with Alpaca Expeditions expertly curated 2-day Machu Picchu tour from Lima. Book now and let the adventure begin! 
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salkantaytrek-peru · 27 days
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Tour: Classic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in 4 days
Guie: Thony Montana
The Classic Inca Trail to Machu Picchu 4 days route is along hand-hewn stone stairs and trails through sumptuous mountain scenery and amazing cloud forest, past rushing rivers and dozens of Inca ruins. The zone is inhabited by rare orchids, 419 species of birds, and even the indigenous spectacled bear. The trek begins at Qorihuayrachina near Ollantaytambo- more easily described as Km 88 of the railway from Cusco to Aguas Calientes. The 43 km (26-mile) route passes three formidable mountain passes, including the punishing "Dead Woman's Pass", to a maximum altitude of 4,200m (13,800 ft.). Most groups enter the ruins of Machu Picchu at sunrise on the fourth day, although others, whose members are less keen on rising at 3:30am to do it, trickle in throughout the morning.
More info:
+51 970 506 205
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Caminata Clásica Choquequirao 4 Días
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Choquequirao Trek 4 Days Classic tour of Machu Picchu Inca Trekking being one of the most adventurous treks in Cusco we will take care of offering you an adventure different from the conventional one, Choquequirao Trek Classic that was proven to be the last refuge that served as a center of expansion towards the Peruvian coast. The location of the town is close to the gods (sky, sun, moon, star and mountain) A spectacular trek to Choquequirao will take you to the enigmatic last refuge of the Incas. Choquequirao (3,103m/10,178ft) is an important archaeological complex still in the process of being restored, located in the surroundings of the sacred mountain Salkantay (6,271m/20,569ft) and the Apurímac river canyon. Choquequirao Trek 4 Days Classic You will enjoy the fantastic mountainous landscape, as well as a lot of Andean flora and fauna. If we comment on all the Inca roads in South America, this is a section of the original road with a lot of history and legend left behind by them. The trail is 60 km or 40 miles in 4 days. Choquequirao Trek Classic. Read the full article
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CLASSIC SACRED SALKANTAY Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in 5 Days
Salkantay Trek crosses the Salkantay Pass at 4600m, descends into the cloud forest and passes through the archaeological place named Llactapata, with one of the wonderful views of Machu Picchu.
The trail starts in Mollepata/Markocasa or Soraypampa, a couple of hours away from Cusco and ends in Hidroelectrica giving access to town of Aguas Calientes - Machu Picchu. The trek is not as popular as the overbooked Inca Trail but many people find this trek just as beautiful as the Inca trail.
More info: [email protected] +51 908 862 838 https://wa.me/51908862838 https://www.iteptravel.com/tour/classic-sacred-salkantay-inca-trail-machu-picchu-5-days
#salkantaytrek #salkantay #Salkantaytrail #salkantaytrekking #Soraypampa #cloudforest #inca #IncaTrailAdventure #incatrailtomachupicchu #machupicchuchallenge #machupicchuperu #llactapata #machupicchutravel #trekkingperu #trekking #TrekkingAdventure
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vaexpeditionsperu · 2 years
Machu Picchu Inca Trail Tour
The Inca Trail in Peru has garnered recognition as the most popular trek in the country of the Incas and one of the highly demanding treks throughout South America. The Peruvian trail boasts an exciting mix of ancient ruins, remarkable history, and the spectacular landscape of the Andes leading to Machu Picchu. Taking the Inca Trail to reach Machu Picchu is an experience that appeals to trekking enthusiasts worldwide. 
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The Machu Picchu Inca Trail tour inspires excitement, invokes a little bit of fear, stokes envy among your friends, and stirs a unique sense of wonder in your soul. It’s one of the most popular and exciting things to do in South America. As one of the world-renowned hikes, the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is the sort of worthwhile adventure that every adventure lover deserves. 
The Inca Trail hike takes you along the ancient narrow paths that lead deep to the Peruvian countryside and high into the Andes. You will be rewarded with gorgeous natural spectacles of the Incan ruins, cloud forest, and the majestic valley layout like bread crumbs along the way. Knowing the best things to pack for your Machu Picchu Inca Trail tour is essential to making the most of your trip. 
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Please check out the packing list for the Inca Trail trekking tour.
When planning for the Inca Trail trek, you must be prepared for all weather conditions. Besides, you should pack some essentials, no matter whenever trekking the Inca trail. All tour operators provide porters to accompany you to carry your things in a duffle bag. Typically, the allowed weight for the bag is around five kilograms. You can keep the remaining belongings in your backpack. Some essential items for the Inca Trail tour include the followings:
A hiking backpack
Trekking t-shirts and pants
Light trekking boots with ankle support 
Sneakers or sandals for your comfort when you’re in the camp
Warm clothes like fleece and layers for different temperatures during the night
Rain gear or waterproof clothes 
Gloves or mittens
Wool socks 
Wool hat for cold nights 
Thermal underwear
Three plastic bags for keeping clean, dirty, and wet clothes 
Flashlight, headlamp, and camera with additional batteries 
Sunglasses and small binoculars 
Sun block 30+ SPF, lip balm, and insect repellent lotion 
Swiss army knife 
Toilet paper, toiletries, and personal hygiene accessories 
Personal medicine, medicine for altitude sickness, and anti-blistering gel 
Refillable water bottle and zip-lock plastic bags 
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Explore the Best of Inca Trail in May or October
Machu Picchu’s Inca Trail is a heavenly paradise for trekking lovers, regardless of your time-frame. You can take the two-day tour or the classic four-day Inca Trail tour. However, you may need to finalize the days available for this Peruvian trekking expedition. 
Besides, you must keep in mind that you must book your Inca Trail permit at least six months in advance. You must consider the weather during the month to prepare better for the tour. 
However, the best time to visit the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu is in May, as the month brings in suitable temperatures, no crowds, and stunning green landscapes that look and feel beautiful. Generally, the trail remains crowded in June, July, and August, while January and March are rain times. Hence, you should consider avoiding that time. October is an excellent alternative to May as the weather conditions are similar and even a bit warmer. 
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Bottom Line –
Ultimately, the experience will be genuinely exceptional regardless of the month you choose to trek. If you’re looking for a Machu Picchu Inca Trail, VA Expeditions would be a good option. For more information about our Inca Trail trekking packages, please contact us at 1 - (888) 803 8004.
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