#Clemence Cockburne
autumnslance · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023 Day 18: Fish Out of Water
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G’raha took a deep breath before stepping through the door leading from the corridor into the common room of the Rising Stones.
An elderly elf—no, elezen—sat at the nearest table, steaming mug of tea at hand, speaking with a younger elezen woman. The latter G’raha recognized as one of the healers who had helped tend to him and the other Scions; Alianne, her name was. The old man must be the grandfather she had mentioned.
“Finally up and about?” the old man said warmly.
“Yes, thanks to the Scions’ cadre of healers,” G’raha replied, bowing slightly to Alianne.
He couldn’t for the life of him remember what she had said her grandfather’s name was.
“Just be sure not to push yourself too quickly, Archon,” Alianne said.
He took a moment, then smiled sheepishly, rubbing his neck and nodding. “Of course!” The marks had been covered for so long, and no one had known that title in the First; he’d nearly forgotten what it was like to be addressed as such.
A clatter of activity came from the front door, a quintet making their way in; two gald—roegadyn men, an elezen man, two Hyuran women. The redhead was grousing at the blonde, who rolled her eyes, before focusing in on G’raha.
“Well! Our new arrival’s up and about!”
Her companions looked his way as well, and he felt very on the spot. The redhead—Clemence, one of the healers—smiled. “Krile said you were well enough now.”
“Welcome!” the roegadyn in mage’s robes said, beaming. “Always nice to meet a new comrade.”
Comrade. Was he? G’raha smiled politely as Clemence made introductions (he would have to ask her about Alianne’s grandfather, discreetly, later), and pondered that implication.
Did the others actually want him to stay? Now that all in the First was complete and they were home, would the sins he had committed as the Crystal Exarch cause conflict?
And there were the memories of his younger self, of his comrades in the remaining Students of Baldesion, the Sons of St Coinach, of NOAH, which in turn led him to recall the Garlond Ironworks. Memories that conflicted with his elder self, and the difficulty of remembering the original Biggs’ face, versus that of his descendant in that other timeline.
After a round of introductions, where he managed to avoid saying much of himself, he took a seat at the bar, where a miqo’te woman stepped up and smiled. “Feeling overwhelmed?”
“Just a bit,” he admitted. “I’m sorry, I am G’raha Tia.”
She smiled. “F’lhaminn Qesh,” she replied.
Minfilia’s adoptive mother! The fabled Songstress of Ul’dah herself. Once again, the historian in him thrilled, reminded that he walked among those who in a later time would be considered legends.
And he was simply…G’raha Tia.
“You’ve had a long recovery, and will need yet more time. Think you can handle a traditional Ul’dahn lunch?” F’lhaminn asked warmly.
G’raha nodded, uncertain how to feel at being waited on by a woman who in so many stories was held in the sort of reverence granted to the parents of sainted figures such as the Oracle of Light.
Except Minfilia was not the Oracle in this world; she was the Antecedent, if no less important for her work in founding the Scions.
“There you are,” a blessedly familiar voice said.
G’raha turned and smiled gratefully as Krile joined him. “And how are you feeling?” she asked.
“Better, and hopefully a meal will only improve things.”
“Good; you’re looking a little pale yet.” She tilted her head, watching him. “Or is that the general feeling of being overwhelmed?”
She always had been too perceptive; knowing now that she possessed the Echo, and how sensitive hers was, that made far more sense. “A bit of both, I think,” he answered honestly. “A part of me still feels as though I walk among legends, especially now that I am…myself, again.”
Not that he ever truly would be; the consequences of merging his timelines into one self was going to be an ongoing process, he suspected.
Krile smiled. “Says the former Crystal Exarch,” she teased. “From all I hear, you have accomplished your own share of extraordinary feats, old friend.”
When not stumbling through the process every step of the way. What he wouldn’t give for Y’shtola’s calm confidence, or Thancred’s steadfast bravery, or Urianger’s clever dedications. And then of course, there was their champion…
To Krile, he merely shrugged and smiled sheepishly again. “I did what I could,” G’raha said. “But that time is past, and now I must find my way in this new future.”
“You will,” she said warmly, reaching over to pat his hand. “And we’ll be here to help, every step of the way.”
“Truly?” he couldn’t help but ask quietly.
“Of course!” she replied, beaming. It was familiar and comforting, reminding him of youthful times and old dreams shared in too late conversations.
Perhaps some things had not changed. Perhaps he had an anchor after all, to help him navigate this new, uncharted course his continuing life had taken.
F’lhaminn set down meals for them both, delighting Krile, the two women falling into easy conversation.
G’raha picked up his fork, content to listen, and settle in.
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wizling · 2 years
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ok this is WoLshipping
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headcanons-n-shit · 2 years
B-team Scion headcanons! Hoary, Coultenet, Alianne, Ochre, Aenor, Riol, Clemence, and one or two others if you wish!
Imma be real i had to log in and run around for like. 15 minutes to remind myself who all of these ppl were.
Hoary and Aenor have never actually like. Done. Anything. Despite Aenor's many claims and fantasies. Poor Hoary is both A) Dense and B) Gay.
Aenor and Ochre on the other hand...
Speaking of Aenor and Ochre, they both discover a shared passion for teaching in Gridania. Eventually they get a nice little house on a quaint little plot set far enough away from their neighbors that they don't have to worry about noise complaints. It's a very nice house, just. dont go in the basement. It's more degen than the Balmung quicksands down there.
Hoary and Coultenet are married.
Riol has his fingers in every thieves' guild and information network from limsa to ala mhigo. His connections are only surpassed by Tataru (who he rightful respects and fears in equal measure). But somebody sneezes on the continent of Eorzea, and you can bet that Riol already knows.
Clemence is an extremely intelligent and competent healer, with a particular knack for detail work that makes her the ideal surgeon. Once she removes herself from the stress of combat healing, she eventually goes on to join the Eorzean equivalent of doctors without borders.
Bluomwyda is Merlwyb's half-sister. They don't talk a lot, but they do care about each other. Bluomwyda makes sure to send Merlwyb food and trinkets from her adventures, and Merlwyb sometimes plays a little favoritism to make sure Bluomwyda's ventures are funded (within reason).
Krile puts off officially becoming the leader of the Students of Baldesion for sooooo long. Ojika and Ejika basically con her into it: "here, this office has been empty for so long, you might as well do all your paperwork here!" "Oh, can you look over the list of potential new Students for us? we're sooooo busy." "Hey can you sign this really quick for me? Oh, nothing important, thank you." "Here's your new robes, congratulations on your 'promotion'."
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allycryz · 4 years
Scion Headcanons (Minor Characters)
Also we’ll consider this my contribution to Six Sentence Sunday Many Sentence Sunday
+ Everyone has a crush on Riol except for those Scions not attracted to men. (This includes the main players as well: Tataru, Thancred, Y'shtola etc. They all crush on him)
+ The Scions not attracted to men uniformly think Riol is  incredibly cool
+ There is a throwaway line from Tataru about Riol sending letters about his findings. They keep up a lively correspondence, the only lull when she temporarily relocates to Kugane and needs to work out change of address/forwarding 
At first it is about keeping the Scions abreast of his work but soon it becomes about their deep friendship. They also tease each other a lot about her Kugane paramours and his own romantic escapades. He had not considered himself a man of letters before but finds himself developing a real voice and talent for painting pictures with words. 
+ He starts doing travel writing and selling volumes, published by a small press in Revenant’s Toll
+ Alianne is a lesbian
+ Alianne and Alphinaud become good friends after their names are cleared in Heavensward. They spar when they can, and play strategy-based board games. Alphinaud is the champion for a long while but Alianne learns quick and is catching up.
+ Isildaure enjoys painting when his hands are not too sore. He, Alianne, and Alphinaud will find a nice sunny place outside and spend an afternoon painting the landscapes.
+ He also takes his tea a very precise way and strength, at a very precise time before dinner and will not eat if he hasn't had his tea yet.
+ Clemence is not allowed to make anyone tea. She knows what she did.
+ Clemence has a photographic memory. She is more warrior than scholar but because of this trait, she will help the scholars of the group with organizing/recording
+ Ephemie publishes poetry under a pseudonym. Some of it is extremely scandalous.
Ocher Boulder:
+ Ocher loves the poetry of Mistress Nightquill and one day would like to meet the reclusive author.
+ He has a talent for woodworking, particularly instruments and has taught himself how to play on them. He has even devised his own new instruments, some more successful than others.
+ Aenor has a singing voice to put all to shame and bring a tear to anyone’s eye. She doesn’t do it often because she has other traits she wants to be known for.
Hoary Boulder
+ Once a month Hoary cooks a giant breakfast for everyone and pulls out the stops. Everyone is expected to help clean up so that no one is stuck in the kitchen all afternoon.
+ He is excellent with needle and thread. Most days, this means he is called upon for field medicine. He has made clothes for himself and Coultenet.
+ Coultenet is not threatened by Aenor, but at a certain point he takes her aside and explains that even if she is jesting, he would like her to stop talking about sharing his partner. They get along better after that. (He and Hoary are mostly monogamous)
+ When the Domans lived in Mor Dhona, the kids pretty much loved everyone. They're good kiddos and prone to hero worship of anyone even remotely involved with adventuring and/or Nerys. 
The one they adore the most? Coultenet. He helps the Doman adults develop a curriculum so the kids can keep learning and it only fans out from there. He teaches them about magic, self-defense, logic, science, investigation. For a while he masks it under the guise of "he is a scholar and researcher at heart and it is his duty to help where he can" but soon enough everyone can tell that he is actually a big softie. He is surprised to discover that he likes working with kids. 
When the kids form their own Adventurer Guild, he supervises them and also assigns them missions. He will also send them out with Hoary on more complex/risky missions (but still appropriate for their age) and Hoary is expected to make the same reports the kids need to.
When the kids leave, Coultenet pulls it together for their goodbye while F'lhaminn gives them their matching hats. But then he finds that they have all written him long letters. One of his lessons was teaching them how to write certain things–formal and/or business letters, personal letters, persuasive essays etc. All these letters adhere to what he taught them. It is the first time in a long time he has cried so openly.
For a long time he and Hoary have been in the camp of "no strong feelings about a family, so it probably won't happen." After this, Coultenet goes to Hoary and says he wants a family–maybe not now with all that is happening. but someday. Perhaps they could foster kids in need.
They of course visit Doma when they can.
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According to the lore book, Aenor’s and Clemence’s last name is Cockburne.
They’re totally messing with us.
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autumnslance · 4 years
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Clemence: When we went to deliver the ice shards, we had occasion to speak with G'raha Tia. Sister says he acts like an old person, but if you ask me he seems like a perfect gentleman. Aenor: So, I had a little chat with G'raha Tia. Though he looks as young as any of us, he has the air of an older person about him. I suspect he's seen more than his fair share of trials.
We all like to joke about Aenor’s endless thirst--and the girl deserves it--but this stood out to me, in the little incidental dialogues in the Rising Stones between quests. Especially as it, along with the Boulder brothers’ comments, indicate that the junior Scions aren’t quite aware of everything about the new Archon in their midst.
Clemence sees a polite young catboy, but Aenor has noticed the truth behind G’raha’s demeanor, the way he moves and acts. Clemence is the healer, but Aenor’s the sharpshooter, with an eye needed to notice things. That she also uses that for interactions with people, not just targets, gives her a bit of needed characterization.
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autumnslance · 4 years
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“I’ve detected no slavering beasts in the vicinity...my sister excepted.”
Never forget Clemence: Savage.
We talk a lot about the twins’ sheer sibling energy, but let’s also remember the Cockburne sisters have their own special brand.
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