#Colin Bell&039;s poetry
wolfie-wolfgang · 2 years
A new Fibonacci poem inspired by the art of a friend.
Fight by Nikola Stanković I first worked with my friend, the Serbian artist Nikola Stanković, in 2018, when I opened a virtual art gallery, Glinka Gallery, in the virtual world of Second Life where my avatar uses the virtual name, Wolfgang Glinka: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Seaforth/85/198/29 Nikola Stanković’s outstanding paintings formed our first exhibition there, where I was…
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wolfie-wolfgang · 4 months
Baudelaire Day at Wolfie's Poetry Surf
Last Thursday (16th May 2024), I finished a three-year marathon, reading the whole of Charles Baudelaire’s Les Fleurs du Mal (155 poems in English and in French) at my weekly on-line poetry event called Wolfie’s Poetry Surf which will have been running for exactly twelve years this coming Thursday. I’ve hosted poetry events in my home town of Lewes over the years and read my own work any many…
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wolfie-wolfgang · 7 years
You've read the poems, seen the film, now buy the album
You’ve read the poems, seen the film, now buy the album
I’ve been working with the multi-talented American composer, Tim Risher for a few years now. It’s been both stimulating but also, great fun. Most recently, we worked together on a new song cycle for tenor and piano (Fibonacci Poems) and before that we’ve also worked on short animated films which combined my poems with music and pictures.
Now Tim has brought out an music album of some of his work…
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wolfie-wolfgang · 5 years
I'm Rediscovering Youtube
I’m Rediscovering Youtube
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My Youtube page. Colin Bell reading Haiku
A few years ago I started to record myself reading some of my poems but also poetry by greater people than me. I moved away from this idea when I ran into computer problems and then forgot about these little videos until I revived my account at Youtube a few weeks ago.
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wolfie-wolfgang · 5 years
I'm reading one of my Remembering Blue poems in the Virtual World.
I’m reading one of my Remembering Blue poems in the Virtual World.
My poem The Imperial Stamp was filmed in the virtual world Second Life three years ago. I’m playing it here to celebrate its inclusion in my new poetry collection, Remembering Blue.
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My avatar Wolfgang Glinka reads my poetry in Second Life. https://vimeo.com/179093122
My poem The Imperial Stamp from my newly published poetry collection Remembering Blue (Ward Wood Publishing). It…
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wolfie-wolfgang · 5 years
My debut poetry collection -Remembering Blue - is published.
My debut poetry collection -Remembering Blue – is published.
This week sees the publication of my debut poetry collection, Remembering Blue by Ward Wood Publishing. The poems were written over a period of ten years (2018 – 2018) and, even though I am also lucky enough to have two novels published (Also by Ward Wood), with two more on the way, there is something very special about having a book of my poems in print.
My first instinct when it came out…
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