#Colin Firth Sweet Sixty
Harry Hart x Reader  Warnings: N/A Word Count: 1060 (see what I did there ;) ) A/N: So, some glitch happened, the draft I saved on my laptop using Chrome got its content erased when I posted it using my phone at about 12mn. My stupid ass made no back-ups because I never had a problem with Tumblr before, but thank God Microsoft Word saved me with its awesome features.  I rushed this fic in time for Colin Firth’s birthday, and I can say with absolute confidence that this is not one of my best works. But I still hope you guys will enjoy reading this. I started writing this last year, it was just sitting in my drafts, collecting dust, until yesterday. It’s not everyday that Colin turns 60, so I wanted to do something. In this fic, imagine Arthur’s Sir Giles, the one from TGC, because he seems pretty chill.  And one last thing, if you’re on Twitter, I hope you join in on making Colin Firth a Trending Topic on his birthday (September 10), and you can also use the #ColinFirthSweetSixty. Stay safe everyone!
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As a spy, giving up a normal life is mandatory. One is expected to have little to no ties outside of the agency. Human connection could be a weakness when you are in this line of job, and weaknesses are bad for business. It’s just the safety of the world that depends on the quality of Kingsman's business.
Which explains how Harry Hart was never fond of celebrating his birthday. And he’s still partial to this when you came along.
From what he told you, Harry last celebrated his birthday when he was a teen, before he joined the military. Since then, he only gets a call from his mother on his birthdays and spends an hour or two with Merlin and James, former Lancelot, may he rest in peace, having drinks if they weren’t sent on missions.
Today, you asked Arthur if you could take an early day off at work. There's not much to do, and mainly because you had planned something for Harry's birthday.
It was a slow day. Out of boredom, you decided to stop by Merlin's office and ask if you could help him with anything today.
"Hey Merlin!" The wizard peeled away from the screen to look at you. "Percival, what brings ye here?" He asked. "Anything interesting happening?" Instead of answering his question, you also asked him one too. "Nah, everything seems to be good." "So, no missions for us?" You inquired, to which Merlin chuckled. "Do ye really want that?" "It's in the job description, isn't it?" You said as a matter-of-factly. Which prompted Merlin to ask you again. "You sure ye really want to go on a mission today?" The answer to that is a no, of course, but you decided to keep that to yourself. "I did ask for an early off, but I'm bored." "Right, how 'bout this? Your mission today is to pick up Harry's cake on the bakery just around the corner from the shop." "Oh, baking isn't in the skillset of our resident wizard?" "Unfortunately, no, but maybe you already have one prepared?" Your smart-ass mouth might get you in trouble just about now. "Excuse me?" You raised your eyebrow at his question. He just laughed, he handed you the receipt, and sent you on your way.
You and Harry have been dating for months now. You both decided to keep the relationship a secret in order to avoid complications at work. And that conversation with Merlin implied that he might have an idea that you and Harry are dating. What he actually knows, you’re not sure. Asking any further about what he meant would only confirm whatever he thinks, and that’s the last thing you want to do right now.
You didn't tell Harry you were taking an early day off today; the original plan was to stay at your flat and cook dinner together after work. But you wanted to do something more, you want to spoil your man on his birthday.
Merlin picked a simple but large chocolate cake, enough for everyone at the HQ to share. Just as you arrived back in HQ, Eggsy sent you a message through the glasses saying he already got the gift.
To avoid suspicions, you decided to pitch-in on Eggsy's gift for Harry. He insisted that you guys get Harry a ridiculously large, 3-D butterfly painting so he had it commissioned. Then you and Eggsy started to put up the banners in the dining room. Harry was probably busy with paper works in his office. At work, you both try to keep your interactions at a minimum, as it seems impossible to stay in one room together alone without making out.
The afternoon meeting that Arthur called in for was actually for Harry’s birthday surprise at work. This kind of surprises at Kingsman only started when the younger agents joined the table. Fortunately, Arthur was on board and open to new traditions.
On the way home, you picked up a good wine and few other things you're going to need for tonight. Once you arrived, you immediately started prepare for cooking dinner. You can do a decent meal, but Harry’s still the best cook out of the two of you. You texted him a message saying you’ve already done the groceries, so he’d just go straight to your place once he clocked out of work.
When Harry arrived, the table was already set. He was taking off his suit jacket as he walked to the dining room to start cooking when he saw everything’s already done. You could see that he was genuinely surprised and delighted.
“Surprise! Happy birthday, love.” And you planted a kiss on his cheeks.  
After dinner, the two of you sat on your sofa, your head leaning against his chest. The two of you sat in silence in each other’s presence, drinking wine. Yes, you two are staying at your flat tonight, but this, this is home.
"Y/N, remember when I told you that I never liked celebrating my birthday? I somehow still don’t.” You looked up at him. “But not in a bad way. My birthday reminds me of how old I am. How much older I am compared to you.” You smiled at him. “You know that that never bothers me, right? Starting this year, you never have to worry about that. We’ll celebrate your birthday, even if we’re sent on missions. See, without your birthday I would probably be a lonely old maid.” He chuckled. “We both know that’s not true. You’re not old, not yet anyway, and I happen to know a list of men who would court you if they’re given the chance.” “Oh, are you jealous?” “It was my chest you were leaning against earlier, so no.” That’s good to know, you never want him to be jealous, or even give him reasons to.
“Harry, I know you’re not a huge fan of sweets. But I made dessert.” You stood up from the sofa. “I’m a huge fan of anything you make. But I told you, you didn't have to do anything. Having you in my life is already a gift." And if it was possible to love this man so much more, you just did.
“I just wanted to spoil you on your birthday.” “Any more surprises for tonight?” Harry asked “Maybe.” And you winked
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Colin Firth spotted in London on his last day of being 59 years old (9-9-2020)
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annaofaza · 8 years
Thank you to the amazing @notbrogues for the tag!
Total Number of Stories Completed: On Ao3, ninety-nine (good lord). Sixty-four of those are from Kingsman. Y’all keep me going! I have a few floating around on tumblr that I haven’t counted officially, too.
Total Word Count: On Ao3, according to the lovely stats section, 400628. Oh, my. 
Fandoms Written In: Kingsman, Check Please!, The Flash, Legend, Bridget Jones’s Diary, and Supernatural (overall). But 2016 was the year of Kingsman for me!
Looking Back, Did You Expect To Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected? I expected I would have written less, but I wrote a lot more than expected, despite school, a job, and more school. It has to mostly do with delving into the Kingsman fandom more and meeting a lot of people who not only encouraged my work, but wrote some amazing stuff of their own as well! It’s fun to write when I have people writing; it sort of pressures me to keep up. 
What’s Your Own Favorite Story Of The Year? I loved what I was able to do with First for Jack and Bitty’s firsts and all the baggage that’s behind their firsts, as well as the other small ones with their own serious/emotion-packed implications and emotions, like On the Fringes, I Measure Every Grief I Meet, Bruises, When to Leave the Party, Kintsukuroi, etc. And I will always have a fondness for the When We Two Parted series (which is still a work in progress) and Pies and Prejudice. I love almost all my fics for different reasons, though. 
Did You Take Any Writing Risks This Year? I guess? I tried my hand at more humor and smut, even though I personally don’t know if I’m funny or can write smut, but I have to say Fidelity is one of the more challenging fics because it’s so...grueling, and the angst turned from cheating levels to surviving drug cartels/slave labor levels. It’s not a feel-good fic; let’s just say that. But @futuredescending and I are having a lot of fun (?) trying to survive all the twists and turns we throw at each other. (This is my first co-authored fic!) 
Do You Have Any Fanfic Or Profic Goals For The New Year? Finish the WIPs from 2016. Finish Dripping, then move onto And Makes Me End Where I Begin. Finish the last of the follower giveaway fics (sorry). Write my Mini Bang! Prepare for Kingsman 2, and pray we stay a (relatively) chill fandom. 
Best Story Of The Year? Dripping, if we’re going by the number of kudos, but Pies and Prejudice had more bookmarks. (personally, I have a soft spot for the latter more than the former)
Most Popular Story Of The Year? Going back to the handy stats page on A03, Dripping took the crown! It was only supposed to be a few chapters, all PWP, and involving water/getting wet (hence, the title). But plot happened. 
Story of Mine Most Under-appreciated By The Universe, IMO: None I can think of at the moment!
Most Fun Story To Write: I think I had the most fun writing the angsty ones because of all the wailing and threats I’d get in my inbox, but if I had to pick, The Colin Firth Effect was just a lot of soap opera-esque hand-wringing with seemingly unrequited love and panic and misunderstandings...all fun things to write. Embarrassment, He Wrote also afforded me the chance to do a cringe-comedy of sorts with a) intentional purple prose, b) that scenario in which you’re in love with your professor, and c) sending that terrible purple prose sexual fantasy you wrote to your professor. That’s what college is all about, kids. 
Story With The Single Sexiest Moment: Oh, man, I’m not good with these, but I liked writing Harry winding his bowtie around Eggsy’s wrist and the bedpost, sweet-talking him all the way in On My Arm. Consent, trust, and light bondage are sexy ;) 
Most Sweet Story: Pies and Prejudice? There are other sweet stories (without the angst) that I’ve written, but I loved containing Harry and Eggsy in Stanhope Mews: no missions, no end-of-the-world worries, no major deal-or-no-deal conflict, with just the two of them recovering in the wake of V-Day and Harry’s own injuries. And of course, our loving pie-baking neighbor :) Mrs. Braddock remains one of my favorite OCs. 
“Holy Crap, That’s Wrong, Even For You!” Story: Shit, I don’t know. Fidelity has both mine and @futuredescending‘s hands in it, so it’s partial blame for both sides. (It’s my first adultery fic!...and my first mission fic that involves human-trafficking and drug cartels.) I don’t think I’ve written anything too out there, though there are a few dark(ish) fics I’ve written. (Just wait until I post something soon. It involves taxidermy.) 
Story That Shifted My Own Perceptions Of The Characters: I liked writing How to Put Out Forest Fires because it forced me to think about Teddy’s and Frances’s roles as the Krays’ lovers as someone other than a) the lover in the sexual sense and b) a victim/tag-along. They’re both tied to someone very dangerous, but how they deal with that is different. Even though I didn’t personally like Legend, I enjoyed thinking about that dynamic. 
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: I told myself when I started writing fanfiction that I’d never write a) smut, b) crossovers, and c) RPS. And I’ve done all three this year! Every “first” I do: smut/bondage, professor/student relationships (how scandalous I thought I was being), RPS, crossover (A Second Shot), etc. Once I can write something down that I thought I couldn’t, it’s always telling me: hey, you can do that, ‘cause you just did.   
Hardest Story To Write: Something Stupid was probably written over a hundred times. @paxdracona gave me three really good prompts that had a lot of potential. I wrote, like, three or more fics to see which one was going to have more story. I settled on one scenario/prompt. Then, I revived a dead fic that tied into the plot, which had a lot of issues to solve, and I harassed the generous @coloursflyaway and @mockingjaybeevicious (along with others) about them and what to do. I also had to come up with a mission that would cause insecurities and a villain and...  Basically, it was a long process of writing and re-writing, but I’m pleased with how it turned out. :)
Biggest Disappointment: Myself. Not finishing fics from 2016 or the follower fics! 
Biggest Surprise: We got Harry Hart back for the sequel (and there’s going to be a sequel)! I’m not used to getting what I wish for from creators, so that was such a fun surprise, especially when all the photos and tweets and articles were rolling out. It may not what we are expecting, but we always have fandom :) (Also, the election, Brexit, the deaths of various celebrities, and ughhhhhh)
tagging @missbeckywrites, @scandalmuss, @krissielee, @sententiousandbellicose, @coloursflyaway, @mockingjaybeevicious, @sheepunderthemountain, @mauzymorn, @elletromil, and anyone who wants to do it!
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This photo finally found its way on the internet
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If you’re on Twitter, I hope you join in on making Colin Firth a Trending Topic on his birthday (September 10), and you can also use the #ColinFirthSweetSixty. Stay safe everyone!
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Reblog for Colin Firth without a beard
Like for Colin Firth with a beard
Reply for both
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