#Contemplated adding the Greg method that's still sitting so
foxskip · 2 years
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jess-su-verant · 7 years
Pearlmethyst Week Day #2: Wedding
Title: You Make Me Feel Good Prompt: Wedding Characters: Amethyst, Pearl, Connie (background Connverse)
I’ve never written Pearlmethyst before and it was hard but! I think I managed!
Title is from this song of the same name that I listened to while writing!
"...I'm nervous."
Pearl glanced up from the tuft of hair in her hands, eyes catching the reflection of the young woman before her. Connie was sitting in a chair in front of her, hands fidgeting in her lap, eyes wide as dinner plates. The side of the waterfall that was serving as their mirror in their vanity glistened in response, sending a slight spray over them. Pearl lowered the brush and walked around to face Connie, cupping her cheek in her hand and lifting her gaze.
"There's nothing to be nervous about, Connie," Pearl soothed, and rubbed a gentle circle with her thumb into Connie's cheek. Connie gave Pearl a small smile, but her eyes were still wide and tense.
"Pearl... I'm getting married tomorrow," she muttered, looking back into the waterfall. "Married. That's... forever." Connie then ran her fingers through the very same hair Pearl had been meticulously brushing just moments before, causing the ends to tangle once more. Pearl pulled Connie's hand from her thick hair and instead held it in her lap, eyes softening.
"You're not marrying a stranger," Pearl said. "It's Steven." Connie glanced away, face bright red, her smile widening.
"I know, I know," she responded. "It's still, y'know, something I have to do in front of a bunch of people. What if I mess up? What if something goes wrong?" Pearl released Connie’s cheek and picked up the brush as she went back around, hands settling on the back of Connie’s seat.
"Don't forget, half the crowd will be clueless Gems," Pearl assured. "They won’t know what's going on and won't notice if something goes wrong." She began brushing Connie's hair once more, taking care to get ever strand and every tangle. They were going through a few different styles for the following day, and had built a makeshift vanity in Pearl's room with Amethyst's help.
"I guess that's true," Connie admitted. A sense of calm ran through her from the repetitive motions of the brush through her long hair. She had grown it back out for the wedding so she could style it as she pleased, but was now discovering she wasn't sure if she wanted to do anything to it. Pearl's regimented way of brushing was making it glossy and smooth and... pretty on its own. "You're really good at this, Pearl," Connie commented after a few moments of silence. "It feels really nice."
"Thank you," Pearl said. "I've had a lot of practice with long, unruly hair." Pearl glanced up at the mirror again and pursed her lips at the sight of one of those heads of long, unruly hair. Amethyst had appeared in Pearl's room and was hiding behind another fountain several yards behind them, poking her head out. She seemed to have something with her.
"Amethyst!" Pearl called out. "You'd better not be coming in here to ruin Connie's styling session. We have to get this figured out by tomorrow." Amethyst pouted and dragged herself and her parcel out from behind the fountain. It appeared to be a very large pillow.
"Aw, c'mon, P," Amethyst whined. "I was just gonna give her a little bop! Y'know, for luck." Pearl rolled her eyes and sighed as Connie giggled.
"Hi, Amethyst!" she chirped, turning in her seat. Amethyst grinned and plopped down on the cushion beside the duo at the vanity. "Thank you again for letting us use this stuff from your room." Amethyst waved the appreciation off, although her cheeks still colored.
"Anything for you, C," Amethyst responded. "Anything you lovebirds need, I gotcha. I have a ton of baby stuff I've been for hoarding for, like, fifty years." Connie's face turned even redder and Pearl glared at Amethyst.
"What?" Amethyst cried. "Baby stuff is expensive! Why do you think I've been keeping it all? I've always been keeping it for them!" Pearl let out another sigh, but she smiled regardless.
"That's sweet of you, Amethyst," Connie said. "I don't think we'll be thinking about kids anytime soon, but it's good to know we'd be well supported." Amethyst preened at the comment, looking up expectantly to see if Pearl noticed. Pearl pointedly avoided her gaze but her smile brightened.
"Okay, Connie, your hair is all brushed," Pearl announced, stepping back to admire her handiwork. "Now, which look should we try first?"
"Let me see... oh," Connie said, pulling out her phone. "My mom texted me asking if I could call her back. Is that okay?"
"Of course!" Pearl said, and she gestured off to the side behind another fountain where Connie could make the call in private. Connie hopped from the chair and mouthed 'one minute' before disappearing behind the fountain. Pearl took the opportunity to go over to the vanity to sort through the items they were using, and contemplate what they'd need. It was then she heard a whoomph and a voice say "Oh!". Pearl scoffed and turned to see the predictable sight of Amethyst now lounging in the chair.
"Amethyst. What are you doing?"
"Just checking out the digs," Amethyst responded. "Wanted to see what the Salon de Pearl was like, since I helped build the place." Amethyst then shape-shifted into Connie, and admired her reflection. "Whoa, Connie got tall."
"That's what happens when humans grow up," Pearl said, taking a brush and a box of elastics into her hands. There was a small cart beside the vanity for Pearl to use, and she placed the items on top of it before wheeling it over behind Amethyst. Amethyst shifted back into her normal form and began playing with her wild hair, pulling it up in all directions.
"Hey, Pearl?" Amethyst said, turning slightly in the chair. Her cheeks were flushed a dark violet and her eyes were soft. "D'you think you could brush my hair?" Pearl stopped her organizing and glanced up, smiling at Amethyst.
"Of course," Pearl said, and she stood and took a fistful of Amethyst's hair. She started with her fingers, tackling the larger knots towards the ends, and then started methodically brushing in small sections, starting from Amethyst's scalp. "This is probably a good idea to do now so it's not totally a mess before the wedding tomorrow."
"Hey, it won't be that messy," Amethyst protested, but she closed her eyes and leaned into the repetitive motions. They remained in silence for a time, Amethyst relaxing in the seat, Pearl getting lost in the challenge of smoothing Amethyst's quartz locks. Every once in a while, Connie's voice would drift towards them from across the room as a reminder of her presence. It sounded like her mother was confirming several details for tomorrow.
"I'm not pulling your hair, am I?" Pearl asked in a voice more delicate than she expected, after a time brushing in silence. Amethyst simply grunted in response, eyes closed. Pearl leaned down over Amethyst's face, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. Amethyst opened her eyes and grinned, reaching up and placing her hands on Pearl's cheeks. They remained this way for a moment, simply basking in their shared presence, when Amethyst spoke.
"What d'you think it'd be like?" she asked, voice close to a whisper. Pearl furrowed her brow and stood back up, pushing her hair back from her face.
"What what would be like?" Pearl asked, her cheeks a dark, flustered teal. She picked up Amethyst's hair and started brushing again. Amethyst fidgeted in her chair, as if she was unsure of how to proceed.
"Y'know... getting married," she said. "Like... if we were to do it. Would you... would you want to?" Pearl stopped her brushing, hand mid-air.
What? Amethyst turned in her seat to face Pearl, getting to her knees so she was level to Pearl's height.
"Like Connie and Steven," Amethyst suggested. She looked down at her fidgeting hands again. "They're so happy, y'know? And I know it's just like, a dumb human thing, but I was talking to V and Greg about it, and it means a lot? Like, hundreds of years ago it was less romantic and stuff but now it's really romantic! And, uh..." Amethyst trailed off, still not looking at Pearl. Pearl had lowered her hand to her side, so shocked at what Amethyst was saying she was having trouble processing it.
Amethyst wants to marry me? Amethyst showed her emotion in actions, never in words. If she was saying all of this out loud, she must be serious.
"...It'd probably make it easier to form Opal, too, now that I'm thinkin' about it," Amethyst continued, finally looking up at Pearl. "I mean, I feel like if we had an entire ceremony talkin' about how much we love each other and trust each other and all that... stuff. Right?"
"Amethyst," Pearl said, and Amethyst snapped her mouth shut. "Are you asking me to marry you? Like humans?"
"Uh," Amethyst said. "I-I guess so? But only if you want to!" she added quickly, tugging a lock of hair over her shoulder. She began running her fingers through it nervously, undoing Pearl's brushing. Pearl swallowed thickly, two hundred thousand thoughts running through her head all at once.
Married. Me and Amethyst. In a ceremony declaring our love and commitment to each other. It was something Pearl had dreamed about for years but never thought would happen. Not to her. When she first learned of the human concept of marriage, she had immediately latched onto the idea, and had proposed the idea to Rose. Rose, of course, loved the idea of marriage, but didn't want to go through the ceremonial declaration of love to just one other being. At the time, Pearl had acquiesced and didn't push the issue, although it was always in the back of her mind.
Eventually, she realized Rose was never going to marry anyone. It just wasn't her. And if she had ever married... Pearl had long ago accepted that it wouldn't be to her.
But Amethyst?
Amethyst wants to get married. Amethyst wants that commitment with me.
"You just... you make me feel... good," Amethyst said. "And I feel good when I think about you. A-and you make me feel all this other stuff, like appreciated, and cared for, and loved." Pearl licked her lips and she knew she had to say something, because Amethyst was growing increasingly more nervous.
"L-look, if you don't wanna, that's okay, P--"
"I love you," Pearl blurted. Amethyst stopped mid-sentence, hands still tangled in her hair. Pearl dropped the brush and it clattered to the floor in agreement. "I love you, Amethyst." She reached forward and placed her hands on Amethyst's cheeks, leaning down towards her. Amethyst let go of her hair and instead placed her own hands over Pearl's, her left eye brimming with unshed tears. Pearl hadn't even noticed her own tears forming. "I love you." With that, she leaned in and locked lips with the other gem, Amethyst's unique taste mingling with salty tears. They broke apart, and Amethyst leaned into Pearl's hand.
"I love you, too," Amethyst said in a voice so gentle, Pearl wouldn't have believed it were Amethyst had she not heard it before. "I just... don't know how to explain how much without..."
"I understand," Pearl said, using her thumb to brush away Amethyst's tears. "I will marry you." Amethyst perked up, eyes widening in surprise.
"You will?" she cried, and she leapt from the seat and into Pearl's arms, laughing her coarse laugh. "You will!"
"I will!" Pearl cried and spun Amethyst around, laughing with her in delight. It was then the couple finally noticed Connie standing off to the side by the vanity, phone in hand, a look of excitement on her face.
"Oh! Connie!" Pearl squeaked, stopping her spinning abruptly. Amethyst grunted at the sudden stop, holding onto Pearl's neck protectively. "Y-you're done speaking with Priyanka?"
"I have been for a while," Connie admitted, pocketing her phone. "I just didn't want to interrupt. Congratulations!" She beamed at the duo.
"Thanks, I think," Amethyst said, still holding onto Pearl. "What are you congratulating us on?"
"Well, you're engaged now, right?" Connie explained, walking over and sitting down in the chair. "That's the part after you decide to get married but before the ceremony."
"Oh," Amethyst said, and she looked at Pearl, who looked back at her. "Cool!"
"Alright, alright, I need to focus on Connie now," Pearl said, pushing Amethyst gently to the floor. "We still have to figure out her hair for the wedding that's happening tomorrow." Amethyst hopped back into the large cushion, her face still flushed and wearing a huge smile. Pearl's cheeks were also still darkly colored and she could barely contain her own smile. Connie was giddy in her seat, and asked what felt like ten thousand questions to Pearl and Amethyst.
"Do gems have weddings? Are you gonna make it up? Oh, you could go through different human ceremonies and pick out the best parts! Will you invite everyone you know or just a few people? Will you have Steven officiate? I think he can get certified at city hall. Oh, you definitely should have Steven officiate!" Pearl found that discussing the gems' wedding was easing Connie's nerves, and made it easier to work on her hair.
"I think we might be trailblazers in this case," Pearl admitted, eyes darting to Amethyst. "The concept of marriage doesn't exist on Homeworld and I don't think any of the other earth Gems have considered it."
"I mean, Peridot and Lapis are basically married," Amethyst said from the cushion. "I bet once they see us, they'll wanna get in on the action, huh?"
"Do you think you'll start a chain of Gem weddings?" Connie asked as Pearl finished off the braid she was working on. She then twisted it in a knot at the back of Connie's head, pinning it down with a plethora of bobby pins.
"There we go," Pearl said, stepping back to admire the braid. "What do you think, Connie?" She spun Connie around in the chair so Connie could get a good look.
"Oh, this one is beautiful, Pearl!" Connie cried, standing up and leaning on the vanity to get a better look. "It's perfect." She did a small twirl, testing its strength. "And it isn't moving at all!"
"Is that the point?" Amethyst asked. Connie shrugged.
"I don't want it to all get in my face while we're dancing," she explained. "Or during the ceremony, either. It can be really windy on the beach."
"True," Pearl agreed. "I think this will work perfectly." Connie took out her phone to try to take a selfie, but frowned when she found the lighting where they were to be a bit too dark.
"Hmm, I'm gonna go into the bathroom where the bright lights are and try to take a picture there. Will you let me back into your room?" Connie asked.
"Oh, of course, Connie! We should test it with some of these clips Priyanka gave us," Pearl said. "Just knock."
"Okay, I'll be right back," Connie said, and she ran towards the door that opened just a few yards away. Amethyst took the opportunity to get back into the chair in front of Pearl.
"Do me now, fiancée," Amethyst purred, throwing her head back so her hair fell in sheathes behind the chair. Pearl frowned but her eyes betrayed her, still glowing from before. The words Amethyst said earlier were still running through her mind and spreading warmth throughout her limbs, as if they had turned to steam. Amethyst had been grinning but her grin faded as she noticed Pearl seemed to be deep in thought, giving her an odd expression. "Pearl? Something wrong?"
We're getting married, Pearl thought. I still can't believe this.
"Oh, Amethyst," Pearl murmured, and she spun the chair around so Amethyst faced her. Pearl crouched down and pressed her gem against Amethyst's forehead, closing her eyes and sighing. "I'm just... so happy."
"Really?" Amethyst asked, and Pearl nodded.
"Truly. You... you make me feel good too, Amethyst." Amethyst took both of Pearl's hands in her own, fingers interlocked in her lap between them.
"Love you, Pearl."
"Love you always, Amethyst."
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