#Convo: Ethan
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tonitart · 2 years
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Ethan best dad 😭
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helyiios · 10 months
ilsa: i heated this tea in the microwave
benji (grinning): oh you filthy whore
ilsa (winking): i knew you’d love it
ethan: what the fuck is happening
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ruinedsoulsrp · 5 months
For @myriadxofxmuses continued from here
Blue hues rolled playfully at his response. She supposed that was true when he had enough money to not have to consider any consequences, but Annie was always weighing what might happen, and that was part of the reason she still tried to keep Ethan at length, because he might break her heart like she'd witnessed him do to countless other women. "Thank you." she offered when he opened the door, and she got into his car.
Annie returned the host's hug easily, a smile on her lips as she did so. "Thanks for having us." she offered, her Southern manners firmly engrained in her. She allowed Ethan to lead her into the kitchen, his hand on the small of her back sending a burning up her spine. A light laugh left her as she shook her head and took the bottle from him, setting it on the counter and grabbing a couple of cups. "Like I said, if its too strong you're fired." she teased playfully. It wasn't so much that Annie minded the taste of alcohol, it's that she was still getting used to it. Drinking wasn't something she'd done a whole hell of a lot of, and as such she was basically a lightweight. Turning the bottle she'd set down to read the label, another small chuckle left her. "Of course you're gonna start with tequila." she mused with a slight smirk.
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adiduck · 5 months
(dealer's choice!)
You know what? Since you gave me dealer's choice, Henley, here's the rest of the scene I'm working on. New sentences in bold ;)
“No,” he says, very firmly. “I—sorry. I’m—no.”
“Oh,” Emma says.
“I’m seeing someone,” Simon explains. “I—it’s not that—you’re still—”
Mortification hits like a tidal wave. “Oh, no no no, that’s fine,” Emma rushes to say, even as she feels her cheeks burning. “I wouldn’t have—that’s great, Simon. I’m glad to hear that.”
“Thank you,” Simon says. He looks as uncomfortable as she feels.
“How—how long, now?”
“Hard to say, you know how it is,” Simon says. “At least ten years all together.”
“Wow,” Emma says. She hasn’t had a relationship since Simon that’s lasted longer than a year. “That’s—wow!”
“Yeah,” Simon says. “I—he’s probably it for me, really.”
“I think at ten years, there’s a good chance,” Emma agrees. And then, “he?”
Simon’s mouth twists. “He,” he says, very firmly.
Emma nods. “Ethan called you ‘sweetheart’ earlier.” There is a lot, all of a sudden, that is making a great deal of sense. The clothes, the way they move around each other. She feels so stupid.
Simon hums. “Yeah, he did,” he says, voice very carefully neutral.
Emma nods. “Does he, uh, know we—”
“He does not,” Simons says. “Well, not that my last relationship was you. He knows I had one—”
“Right,” Emma says. “Right. Okay. I’m sorry about the kiss.”
“Don’t be,” Simon says. “Not exactly mad about a kiss on the cheek from a beautiful lady.”
Emma flinches, the line sticking uncomfortably, now that she knows— “I don’t—maybe don’t flirt with me if your boyfriend’s in the other room,” Emma suggests.
Simon looks sheepish, and finally takes a step back, hands in his pockets. “Force of habit,” he says. “And anyway, Ethan knows I’m a flirt.”
“Do you—I mean, do you still use—” Emma trails off, at a loss.
Simon raises an eyebrow. “Do I still honeypot targets as part of my job?”
Emma’s mouth thins, embarrassed.
“To a point,” Simon admits, and shrugs. “It’s a useful tool. I don’t sleep with anyone else—that’s the line we drew.”
Emma bends her knees and wraps her arms around them. “That wasn’t on the table with me,” she observes.
Simon sighs. Cautiously, he sits down next to her again, a good two inches of distance between them.
“It wasn’t on the table with Ethan for a long time, either,” he says. “A long time. It’s a useful tool, and also it’s—” he shrugs. “Well, honestly, I enjoyed that aspect of my job.”
“I didn’t like it,” Emma admits. “But I also didn’t think I could ask you to stop. Not when we knew we weren’t forever.”
Simon smiles. “You know,” he says. “I think in hindsight, we hindered ourselves a bit, deciding ahead of time that we wouldn’t be forever. Turns out, if you want a relationship to work, you have to be willing to work.”
And Simon had been, Emma concludes, for Ethan Hunt. She swallows the—not jealousy, not really. Feeling of inadequacy, maybe. She shuts her eyes. The exhaustion is back.“You’d know better than I would,” she admits. “Ten years. Really, that’s fantastic, Simon.”
“Ten years all together,” Simon corrects. Emma opens her eyes. Simon shrugs, sheepish. “It wasn’t all at once. We’re—well. I’m a lot. We’re both a lot.” He tilts his head. “Case in point, I guess I tend to be a bit, uh, defensive of what other people get to decide for me, about what I do or don’t do.”
Emma laughs, startled by it.
Simon smiles a little, wry and knowing. “If you’d asked, or if he had, I don’t think I’d have agreed. It had to be my idea.”
“Well, that would have been a deal breaker for me either way, in the end,” Emma admits. “So maybe we were right after all.”
Simon’s eyes go sad. “Bad timing, you and me.”
“Yeah,” Emma says, and they sit with that for a minute, the what ifs and maybes between them.
Then Simon stretches and stands up, pulling out his tablet and wandering over to boost himself onto the dresser, next to the television. “I’d better take a look at Benji’s algorithm,” he says. “I bet you’re ready to get out of here and back to your life.”
Emma watches the metaphorical distance stretch back out between them—Simon Templar, on the other side of the room and a universe away. For just a moment, she feels very alone.
“I am,” she says, and stands herself. “Though for now, I think what I want to do is take another shower, and then maybe crawl into bed and not come out for a long, long time.”
“Excellent plan,” Simon says. “Go take a shower and then a nap. I’ll wake you up when we’re reconvening.”
“Are we going to reconvene?” Emma asks. She’s not sure she can handle actually having to talk to Ethan Hunt again today. Not even just because of—this. Because the man is exhausting.
“We’re definitely going to reconvene, yes,” Simon says. “Ethan wants a check-in every hour, but he’ll want a proper team touchpoint before anyone heads off to sleep.” He eyes her, now, sharp and knowing. “But you won’t have to worry about that for a few hours,” he promises. “I’ll make sure you can sleep until then, promise.”
Well, that could be worse, Emma decides. She doesn’t have much of an option, anyway.
“Thank you Simon,” she says, and with nothing else coming to her, turns and walks into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.
It feels more final than it should.
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ofxhollows · 3 months
Location: Bar Characters: Ethan & Leon - @fatebinds
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Drinking, is a familiar feeling, something that takes hold of him, along with smoking or other drugs. Numbs the pain, for the time being, he was a few drinks in. He could hold his own, even when sharing a drink with another. ""Don' tell me yer already callin' it quits?"
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jonsbailey · 6 months
Just in case, I'm gonna preface this by saying I've been forced to ask you this next question. How many years have you let your hair grow? Well, I also kinda wanna know, in case I ever feel like growing mine out, how much of a commitment it would be. I gotta say, I don't think it would look as good on anyone else as it does on you, but hey, it's worth a shot, and I've been needing a new look for a while now. This is when you tell me it's a wig, you can picture my red face 'cause I'd be so embarrassed. ( @ethaneskinx )
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thebookoflcve · 7 months
"I know there's a storm coming when you darken my door," Ethan grumbled mainly to himself. It wasn't like she would listen to a thing that fell from his lips. There was something profound about the phantom ache of a scar, the marred flesh that brazenly dared to pool together and heal. Yet, the pain remained if only in the mind. The news of his martial status didn't exactly eclipse the truths that came sooner than the honeymoon. "If you came to gloat or comment, walk your ass back out this door." @drxnkandhxgh
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wirexbiter · 17 days
ethan & mallory
It wasn't necessarily that Mallory didn't respect others. It was just that, as a general rule of thumb, most people tended to be giant idiots when interacting with him. He didn't even claim to be a paragon of good thinking, either. Mallory knew very well his flaws. He acted before he fully thought shit through from time to time. It had gotten him in hot water a time or two.
But, people? Humans? They were selfish by default. It was you or them and Mallory had been caught with his pants down once, he wasn't ever going to let that happen again.
So, yeah. He was an ass. He was rude.
He didn't really give a shit who's feelings he hurt. He got things done that needed to be done. He did things others weren't willing to do. So yeah, there were very few people Mallory respected.
Ethan, however, happened to be one of the few.
Not that he'd ever tell him. Best to keep him guessing on how Mallory felt day to day. Besides, Mallory wasn't trying to make friends. Ethan just happened to be a problem solver, same as he -- one with a few good ideas that were decidedly not idiotic.
So yeah, Mallory was inclined to indulge the man where he wouldn't others.
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Which was how he found himself frowning down at a prosthetic arm. It looked a little banged up, but nothing a little TLC wouldn't fix. "What's the issue you're having with it?"
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middlefletcher · 1 year
I know you were gonna come visit me at the pub this afternoon, but two people called out at the hospital and they need me to come in tonight, so now I’ve gotta run over there right after my shift at the pub.
But we’re all going to Al’s on Saturday. He’s the broom maker I told you about, the one who helps us out? It’ll just be me and my siblings, no Patricia. You should come if you’re not working. Or don’t have other plans. Or if you do you have plans you could swing by after, we’ll be there most of the day. I can show you Al’s library and the swimming pool (it’s got heating charms on it so we can actually swim in it now!) and you can try out a broom if you want. And you can meet everyone. Mac and Cal want to meet you. Hope you can make it! 
P.S. This doesn’t get you out of ever visiting me at the pub. 
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landonpk · 1 month
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ༚⊹ “nunca más me subiré a esa cosa” / @ethxnb
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la expresión ajena le hace soltar una suave carcajada pues le hace pensar que lo menciona con cierto desprecio pero es algo que no puede saber al menos que pregunte. "¿mala experiencia ahí?" inquiere inclinando un poco su cabeza. "vamos ¿qué puede salir mal? luce bastante divertido, a demás de ser muy vintage" expresa entrecerrando sus ojos. "¿o es que su antigüedad te pone nervioso?"
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tricky-tricky-boys · 1 year
Closed starter for @ranodo-mobile-3
Seamus set his fork down gently after taking the last bite of his steak. One year ago today, he met Ethan. One year ago today, they had begun their relationship. While they had initially started as just a sugar type relationship... Seamus had fallen for him. "Baby boy... there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about for a while now... and now that it's our anniversary... now seems like a good time." He hummed, taking a deep breath as he grabbed his wine glass. The anniversary dinner had been catered by a restaurant in town since it was close to the full moon, and he'd rather not have this conversation in public. "Do you remember a few months ago when I told you the truth about me? That I'm a werewolf? An Alpha, to be exact. I... I was wondering if you ever gave any thought to... me turning you? Giving you the Bite? It would be completely up to you, and I would be here through every step of the process. But, I want us to be able to have this conversation. Even if your answer is no, I still want us to talk about it."
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yxkhei · 4 months
You seem the like the kinda person who loves thrill rides, so, what do you think about riding Everest, Tron and Space Mountain as many times as we can before they end up kicking us out? @ethaneskinx
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the-woman-upstairs · 1 year
Kittridge threatening Briggs and Degas so they’ll follow his orders vs Ethan saving their lives then asking for help.
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madiiscn · 7 months
closed: @ethan-windsor location: sea santy shack
"It's nice to know I mean that much to you that you can track me down to say hello, brother. Oh wait, you didn't." Madison snarled, as she folded her arms. "Once again, you disappoint me."
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ofxhollows · 3 months
Location: John's residence Characters: Ethan & John @godsunderfoot Closed starter
Was he nervous? around his dad? Yeah, all the time. He never knew what he was going to get. The ordeal about Alan not wanting to take on a leadership role was a heavy weight on Ethan's shoulders. He came here knowing that his father would be disappointed, but he still wanted to ask. "Hello, father."
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