eva-mcculloch · 3 years
When: Present Day Where: Genosha - Research Room   With: Loki @tricksterxgod​
Genosha. She’d heard of the place while spying on several of Joseph’s assistants during her time trapped in the Mirrorverse. Now she was free she’d investigated a little more and learned of it’s full construction and purpose. It would be a neigh impenetrable fortress if she attempted to sneak inside. But there was no need; they had so many open doors for her to step through, or rather, windows.
Evan stepped out of a window and into the research room she’d spied while looking through the city. She’d seen some of her technology here, tracked using Joseph’s own software; if nothing else the bastard had been meticulous in keeping track of where his weapons ended up. This particular one emitted a wave capable of deflecting light, helping those hit with it become invisible for a time. 
And it didn’t belong to anyone but here. 
She looked around, sure the room was empty before walking forward towards the device. Eva laid a hand upon it and sighed; this was supposed to be used to help people, not fight wars... “What did he do to you?” she asked quietly.
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inthenameofnova · 4 years
When: Present Day Where: Star City - NOVA HQ (Jihl’s Office) With: Loki @mischief-and-tricks​
Jihl had internally debated putting an invitation out to Mr Løgnere... Johann for the past few days. She told herself it made sense, it was a more informal way to get to know a new employee and ensure he was fitting into a higher ranking position. NOVA’s inner circle was stressful work and it was only fitting to ensure nothing weighed upon the man too much. Besides, her superiors would no doubt want an update on the man as well; ever since that newspaper article that had kicked off the protests had been published security amongst their own had been tighter than ever. 
Plus, well... she had enjoyed the man’s company. He understood NOVA’s necessity, was well-spoken, intelligent and handsome (though she discounted that thought the moment after her mind conjured it) and decided to simply go ahead with the idea. It wasn’t as though anything bad would come from it. NOVA’s canteen food wasn’t amazing but she’d asked for two meals to be sent up to her office for seven pm and asked Mr. Løgnere to join her then as well for an ‘informal checkup’ on his new position.
Jihl had a small wardrobe in her office since she sometimes needed to change and didn’t have time to run home, and was currently looking herself over in the small mirror attached to the inside of one door, making her her hair fell straight and the thigh-length dress, blazer and heels were all wrinkle free. A knock came at her door and she shook her head at her own foolishness, closed the wardrobe and walked over, opening it and looking up at her guest. “Mr. Løgnere, do come in.” she beckoned him inside, “I’ve arranged for some food to be brought up for us since I’m keeping you from going home.” she said, smiling slightly, “Have a seat, make yourself at home.” 
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therapisttothedevil · 5 years
Oh To Be Young Again || Linda & Loki
Linda sighed, a small groan escaping her as she lowered into her chair at the coffee place, her steaming herbal tea looking boring now. She’d felt achy waking up, out of style watching teens go by and now she saw others with fair coffee’s and whipped cream while her tea sat brewing in its sad little mug... In short: she felt old. Days like this were becoming more common and she sighed once more when a giggling group of twenty-somethings woman came in and gossiped as they ordered, so happy, so full of life...
She looked away and her gaze went up (and up and up) to a very tall woman who’d been watching her watching people. “I was like that once you know,” she said, making a face and gesturing at the young woman, “Now I feel old as hell. You ever have days like that? Where you feel as though you’ve become ancient overnight?” she deadpanned.  
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Once upon a time, Tony had told Bruce that several floors of his tower were a candy land. He had meant it. Bruce could live on these floors alone, each a lab specifically designed for a different purpose. He would often be found in one in the early hours of the morning without even having gone to bed, not even aware that he’d been awake for longer than was healthy. Sometimes though, just sometimes, he left the labs to relax in a more casual environment especially if he was the only one in the tower at the time. Today was just such an occasion. He carried his coffee in his hand, forgotten and long since cold, with the intention of making a new one. He stepped out of the lift into the top floor living space, taking no notice of the room itself. It was only when he’d gotten closer to the windows that he registered a figure, and looked up to see Loki lounging on one of the couches. Bruce closed his eyes and rubbed them with his free hand to make sure he hadn’t fallen asleep over his desk and was dreaming this. Nope. He was awake. He stood there, almost frozen to the spot unsure of what to do. “Uh....Loki?”
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inthenameofnova · 5 years
When: Present Day Where: NOVA Headquarters With: Loki @mischief-and-tricks​
The aftermath of the riots was building public opinion (as she’d suspected) in their favour. The ignorant masses shrunk at the thought of human-looking things being held in check yet one afternoon of seeing what they could and would do was enough to make them think twice. Though she’d been all but loathe to have to resort to using a freak to get their point across, she couldn’t deny it had worked. 
But now it was business as usual, ensuring NOVA worked effectively and putting employees to their most use. Their new hire had excelled himself in recent months and, like she’d promised, a time had come to see his responsibilities increase.
“Mr. Løgnere.” Jihl said, stopping as she reached his area, “If you wouldn’t mind accompanying myself for a little while? I have some rather exciting news to share with you.” 
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inthenameofnova · 5 years
A Strong Work Ethic || Jihl & Loki
NOVA, despite what those against it may think, was a well run company who took care of its employees; they were the name’s valuable soldiers in their battle to protect humanity after all, an army needed to be cared for to act at their best. Linda knew each and every single employee of her large branch, from those directly under her to the janitorial staff. She also made sure to introduce herself personally to each new employee and take the measure of them herself. 
NOVA had just taken on a new tech who, in his very short time here was already having his praises sung. She’d been away those few days meeting her own boss, NOVA’s founder, and upon her return to the company set about meeting their latest soldier. She stepped into the room, full of smaller cubicles and the sounds of computer keys being struck, and walked till she came upon the face she’d seen in a personal file. 
“Sorry to bother you, Mr. Løgnere.” she began pleasantly, her smile polite and welcoming, “My name is Jihl Nabel, I’m commander of this branch and I like to meet each of my employees.” she held her hand out for the other to shake, he was a handsome man, if somewhat boring looking, “You’ve an interesting last name, is it Nordic?”
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inthenameofnova · 4 years
When: Present Day Where: Star City Outskirts - NOVA HQ With: Johan Loki @mischief-and-tricks
Jihl had been soldiering away since NOVA’s exile from the city. Their crusade wasn’t over and already new agents were arriving to replenish their decimated forces. This would’ve been a good thing if Jihl weren’t knee-deep in her own investigation into the organisation. Who could she trust? If anyone? She was still in control, for all appearances and her superiors had nothing but praise for her work ethic but... none of it sat well with her anymore. She felt like a stool that had one leg just a little shorter than the others: permanently off-balance. 
Her assistant pushed buzzed the intercom and informed her an agent needed to see her; the man’s voice sounded surprised which was enough to have her up from her chair and reaching for the gun under her desk as she said to send them in. 
The person she saw froze her in place. Johan Løgnere. 
She’d thought him dead in the assault on NOVA HQ. His body hadn’t been recovered by neither had several others. She’d attempted to contact his next of kin, as was her duty, but been unable to with the information provided. Yet, here he was, standing tall and unharmed. She didn’t speak for several moments, feelings she’d quashed under staunch professionalism bubbled up and, unbalanced as she was, fighting them seemed impossible. 
“Johan.” she whispered, moving around from behind her desk and, before she really registered it, throwing her arms around him in a hug. 
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