#Cor I will maul your face off Leonis
andywinter16 · 2 years
That Titus and cor one you just did was amazing! Could you do one the other way. Titus is training with cors lover and gets a little too touchy in front of the Marshall. I’ve always loved the idea that Titus tries to purposely piss cor off!
Thank you kindly! :)  It´s because Titus does that on purpose! Also it´s payback for his S/O XD  again gender neutral for everyone to enjoy! 
*Y/N - your name
Y/S- your surname
So as Cor´s S/O you are a part of the Crownsguard. One of the trusted people (with Monica and Dustin)
Also sparring partner for Gladio when Cor isn´t available to teach him
Usually when the day is slow, you find your way to the shared gym between guards and glaives
You were going through some tactical drills and preparing obstacle course for  the newbies when wooden sword flew past you (you expertly catched it, no sweat)
“ Ready for some sparring Y/S? I believe desk work doesn´t do us both  good.” 
You were readily taking the challenge that Titus provided, excited to try some new moves on him
Sword in hand you attacked him head on, it was brutal ( Titus definitively knew some of those moves from certain marshal *smug grin*)
But sadly, you´ve been pinned down by this hulking colosus of man “Didn´t expect to have caucasion today, but here we are, sir.” “ Hush, little Crownsguard or should I kiss your wound to make the pain go away?”  your face is on flame
Cor was strolling along Regis, Clarus and Titus S/O chatting about joined mission for guards and glaives, when Cor´s eyes settled on the situation 
HE AIN´T PLEASED!!! ( especially when he sees Titus shit-eating grin, looking him straight into his eyes)
Just for your information, Cor isn´t that composed as Titus, he was always brash and didn´t give a dam about anyone´s opinion 
Will shove him harshly off you, glaring holes into his skull
“ Y/S, we will work on your moves tomorow, prepare to be sore. (yeah,and sore you were😏😏😏😏😏 ) “But now step aside me and old man have a score to settle!” 
“ Regis, you should stop them or someone gets killed.”
“ Shush Clarus, I wanna see how it ends.” brings from his arminger a popcorn.
Titus´s S/O and Cor´s S/O: YOUR HIGHNESS!!!
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