scrollsofhumanlife · 2 years
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Dianne Persaud
B. August 16th 1947 in Corentyne, Guyana
Ocoee, Florida
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surinamecentral · 1 year
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Map of Guyana showing the official undisputed territory and the disputed territories with Venezuela (Guayana Esequiba) and Suriname (Tigri Area or New River Triangle)
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mapsontheweb · 3 months
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The Five Guianas
by anthro.atlas
The colonial territories in the biogeographic area known as the Guiana Shield are referred to as the Guianas. In an indigenous South American language, the name Guyana or Guayana means “land of many waters.” In the fifteenth century, Europeans began to explore and eventually colonise the Guianas. With the exception of French Guiana, these territories are now sovereign. It should be noted that some sections in this region are disputed: part of Maripasoula between Guyana and French Guiana, lower East Berbice-Corentyne between Suriname and Guyana, and Guayana Esequiba between Venezuela and Guyana.
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
General Abdalla Aulorian
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“Fay“ © Ivana Abbate, accessed at her gallery here
[Unlike the other characters I’ve been posting for Monster Girl Summer, this one is Mine. Abdalla Aulorian is my character in a long form, freeform Pathfinder game run by @strawberry-crocodile​. Her main NPC, who I have an enemies-to-lovers relationship with, will be posted in a couple of days. This is Abdalla immediately before the campaign started.]
Abdalla Aulorian CR 7 LE Outsider (native) This woman has pale mauve skin, shoulder length black hair with red streaks, and ridged horns growing from her brow. Her left leg is differently shaped from her right, with an elongated ankle and a horse-like hoof.
Life is cruel to Abdalla Aulorian, and she has learned how to be cruel in return. Born as the sixth child in a particularly ambitious branch of the Aulorian family, her mother made a deal with the contract devil Jebelat to have her turned into a tiefling. She was treated as a whipping boy and basically a servant by her parents and most of her siblings, and she lashed out violently. To teach her some discipline and make her useful, she was shipped off to the Sisters of Eiseth. On the plus side, the Sisters did accept her as a trans woman, and helped her transition. On the other hand, they did so with humiliating rituals and beat what little independence she had out of her thoroughly. At the end of her training, Abdalla signed her soul over to Eiseth and bears her unholy symbol as a brand on her breast. If my soul was to be owned by hell, she rationalized, I might as well choose who my master will be.
From the nunnery, Abdalla went into the Chelish military as an officer. Although a few of her fellow cadets thought that as a tiefling she should be kept to non-commissioned status, those that complained too loudly had a nasty habit of turning up dead. Her assistance in crushing a halfling slave revolt near Laekastel won her a title, Demibaroness, and she was successful enough in the war against the Glorious Reclamation to claw her way up to the rank of general. She has some regrets, and plenty of nightmares, but is proud of her ability to survive in as hostile a system as she has. She hasn’t spoken to her parents in years—they fled their manor in Corentyn to a summer estate in Vyre, just in time for Ravounel to declare independence. Whether her family are keeping their heads down, fought back against the Silver Ravens and were captured or killed, or just used this opportunity to cut Abdalla out of her life… she doesn’t know and doesn’t particularly care. Now that she is a general, Abdalla regularly volunteers to lead troops into enemy territory, hoping either to win a plot of land to retire to or to be put out of her misery in combat.
General Abdalla Aulorian has survived as long as she has by being able to control her own emotions. She lies habitually, presenting herself as a loyal workhorse for the military and dutiful supplicant to Eiseth. In truth, she deeply resents Eiseth, Cheliax, her family, and herself for her very existence. Abdalla’s rage and self-loathing has been channeled into infernal power. She uses her few spells to augment her own physical abilities and for a modicum of protection. Abdalla never had much patience for ranged weapons, and relies on her soldiers to provide artillery support. Although she is fleet of foot, Abdalla’s gait is awkward due to her mismatched legs, and she finds both running and riding to be difficult. 
Abdalla Aulorian          CR 7 XP 3,200 LE Medium outsider (native) Tiefling bloodrager 8 Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +11, scent Defense AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor) hp 64 (8d10+16) Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +3; +4 vs. enchantment, fear, poison DR 1/-; Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 10 Defensive Abilities blood sanctuary, diabolical arrogance, improved uncanny dodge, infernal resistance Offense Speed 30 ft. (40 ft. unarmored) Melee +1 halberd +12/+7 (1d10+5/x3) Ranged javelin +7 (1d6+3) Special Attacks bloodrage (19 rounds/day, +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 Will, -2 AC) Spells CL 5th, concentration +7 2nd (2/day)—bear’s strength, bull’s endurance, mirror image 1st (2/day)—expeditious retreat, magic missile, phantom blood, protection from good, shield Statistics Str 16, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12 Base Atk +8; CMB +11; CMD 21 Feats Blind-fight (B), Eschew Materials (B), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Bluff), Skilled Rager (Bluff) Skills Bluff +13, Climb +5, Handle Animal +6, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Perception +11, Perform (dance) +2, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +15, Survival +12; Racial Modifiers +2 Bluff, +2 Stealth Languages Common, Halfling, Infernal SQ blood casting, bloodline (infernal), fast movement, fiendish sorcery, variant tiefling Gear +1 halberd, +1 breastplate, cloak of elvenkind, silversheen (x2), feather token bird (x2), potion of cure moderate wounds, scroll of spider climb, 3 javelins, dress uniform worth 30 gp, jasper earrings worth 50 gp, 40 sp Special Abilities Variant Tiefling Abdalla has the scent special ability instead of darkness as a spell-like ability.
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beast-of-the-glades · 6 months
Names and Titles Related to Being A Character / Hero in a Story . . .
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NAMES ,, Saga , Lyre / Lyra ¹ , Yarn , Tome , Myth , Fable , Quest , Page / Paige , Bleddyn ² , Song , Perceval / Percival / Percy ⁴ , Harp / Harper , Hero , Cassander ² , Story / Storia / Astoria , Clely ² , Lyric , Taliesin , Ballad / Ballade , Corentyn ² , Legend , Rhapsody , Bard , Quill , Poet / Poe , Conlan / Connley ² , Pen / Penn , Cymbre ² , Forever / Ever ³ , Gawain ⁴ , Eternity , Bertille ² , Elysium , Finley / Finlay ² , Uther ⁴ , Blade , Halbert / Halbart / Halberd , Lannie ² , Paladin , Author , Pendragon / Pendraeg ⁴ , Arthur ⁴ , Oberon ⁴ , Lancelot ⁴ .
¹ like a story told in song ; ² meaning hero / heroic or related { i'm not even including all that i've found } , ³ reference to the timeless nature of stories and storytelling ; ⁴ related to Arthurian legend
COGNOMEN* TITLES ,, the {fabled / foretold} hero / heroine , the protagonist , the {young} lover , the dutiful , the regal , the eternal , the undying , the adventurer , the protector , the {righteous} sword / blade / other weapon , the unconquered , the romantic , the valiant {hero / heroine} , the lionheart , the glorious {hero / heroine} , the beacon , the champion , the chivalrous {hero / heroine} .
*meant to be used following a name , but can also be used in isolation ( ex. "hello, foxglove the undying" or "hello, the undying" ) .
SOBRIQUET* TITLES ,, the hero / beloved of [fictional place] , [lord / king / god-king / etc. **] of [fictional place] , the [noun] of great renown , [prn] of the paracosm / paracosmic fantasy , [prn] who is conquered by none .
*meant to be used purely in isolation ( ex. "hello, he of great renown" ) . **can be terms of any gender or identity .
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knight-commander · 4 months
I know it’s not Wednesday anymore I just wanted to share this wip I’m working on. More Adrigo lore and backstory. For meee…
992 Words
Untenable, unbearable.
Blinding white hot that split his jaw in two, that wreathed down every single notch of his spine, snagged on every single divot within him and pulled him apart at the seams. Breaking apart.
Put back together.
Light that creeps in; light he can’t open his eyes to see.
4706 • Abadius • 13, Sunday
Days of slipping in and out of consciousness. Adrigo wasn’t sure which was worse; pain or oblivion. One was proof that he yet lived, and the other was an endless cry for it all to stop. Maybe the dead had been the lucky ones after all. All he could taste was blood and steel on his tongue as he stirred.
“Adrigo?” A familiar voice broke through the silence. He didn’t want to, but he forced his eyes open. Even blinking—to adjust to the light that flooded the room—hurt.
As his eyes adjusted, he quickly scanned his surroundings. Simple room—four walls, a door opposite and slightly to the right of him and his bed. A window parallel to him, judging from the way the light shone in, but he didn’t dare turn his head to confirm.
Sitting to his left, on a chair that had been dragged up to the edge of his bed, was a tiefling woman. Her skin was deep red and beautiful, and her yellow eyes gleamed with a rich emotion that he couldn’t quite parse. She wore the robes of a Signifier, but no helm; her black hair was coiled atop her head and in between two horns that spiraled like a ram’s. The streaks of gray in her hair and lines on her face spoke to her wisdom.
On her lap was a mask etched with lines that spiraled endlessly, and that was Adrigo’s final clue to her identity: Maralictor Ardana, Order of the Gate.
He stirred and moved again but a searing, white-hot agony rushed through him and sent him falling limp again in the bed; he wanted to scream but that would be worse. Speaking would be worse. Opening his jaw would be worse. He knew.
“Don’t move!” Ardana warned, and if he could speak, maybe he would tell her that her warning had come too late. Far too late. Days too late. “You’re safe. You’re being tended to in Senara. Your injuries are severe; we weren’t sure if you would pull through.” She wouldn’t look him in the eyes as she spoke.
And he couldn’t speak. He could do nothing else but look.
Taking a breath, Ardana continued. “You’ve been here for the past two days. A local cleric has been tending to your injuries, but your jaw is a complicated break and can’t be treated properly until we return you to the Citadel Gheradesca—another matter of complication, given that you’re in no fit state to travel.”
Adrigo raised an eyebrow as he waited for her to get to her point, but all that did was shoot another stab of pain through his forehead. No funny looks either, it seemed. He hissed, but it was more of a rattle in the back of his throat.
“Once we determine whether you are healthy enough to make the journey to Corentyn, we’ll…” Ardana trailed off with a heavy sigh, and she rubbed two taloned fingers over a furrow in her brow. “What happened? What happened out there? This was never supposed to…”
She suddenly reached out toward the bedside table; Adrigo couldn’t tell what was on it and didn’t care to look to find out. Before long, a sheaf of parchment was thrust into his lap along with a quill that bled ink. He grabbed the quill, although every muscle in his body screamed at him not to, and glared at Ardana.
“Please,” she begged, her hands clasped like a prayer. “If you remember anything, you need to—“
“What is this?” Another voice entered the fray, and Adrigo turned his eyes to see another tiefling woman standing in the doorway; she wore white robes, and her pale hair was meticulously pinned out of her face. Her voice was firm, and her eyes glared daggers at Ardana.
“Oh, Heidi,” Ardana looked immediately guilty. “I was just—“
“Harassing my patient?” Heidi demanded, and she cleared the room quickly to stand on Adrigo’s other side. A cool hand was pressed against his forehead, and only then did he feel any sort of relief. “It is the first time that he has been awake in days, and already you are questioning him!”
“Heidi, you don’t understand. The nature of our position is such that—“
“—that can wait!” The cleric snapped, vitriol surprising Adrigo. Still he scribbled something into the parchment that neither woman seemed to notice. “There is no saying for certain that he even remembers anything. The nature of his injuries are severe. You should be thanking whatever god you worship that he is alive.”
“But if he does remember something, it is imperative that we have it on record as some sort of corroborating evidence as to what happened,” Ardana seethed, but Adrigo could sense the desperation behind her anger.
“Ser Livianus,” Heidi cut in again. “You are not required to answer any questions posed to you. You need to rest, first and foremost.” Finally, she actually looked at him. “What are you writing?”
Ardana’s eyes flew to him as well. Despite the ache in his bones and the effort that it took to write just a few words, Adrigo furrowed his brow and turned the parchment so that they could read the shaky scrawl.
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morningdewflop · 5 months
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Comic about my original character, Corentyn (she/her, he/him) and featuring a couple others. I don't know how comics work. Oopsie
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silversiren1101 · 1 year
Oh it's like the blossoming romance prompts are made for Mino and Reg ❤️ 28. surprising them with their favourite treat?
That smell.
So familiar. So out of place, here in frigid, far-flung Drezen.
But here it was, sitting in a cracked mug in front of him, the brown liquid dark and the same as any other coffee yet that smell saying it was anything but.
"An apology and... peace offering", Minovae said, looking at him with her arms crossed, still a bit guarded. Why? Did she fear him? Something about that disquieted him. Why did she need to offer peace?
Things were still tense with her memories freshly returned, though, and he had spent little time around her after their near-death experience in that valley. Too personal. Old friend or no, they had their roles and ranks to uphold.
Her tail rattled at his questioning look, though it might have come across as suspicious.
"I want things to be okay between us. I don't hold any hard feelings for what's happened and I... I guess it was kind of foolish now that I think about it... but I asked Garms to see if he could find that coffee that was really popular in Corentyn when we were there because I remembered you... you liked it."
He managed to conceal the raising of his brows at her admission. She'd tracked down this specific thing just because she'd remembered he'd remarked that one time he'd enjoyed it? Nearly a hundred years ago.
She remembered something of such small consequence. She remembered.
She looked away, signs of embarrassment and emotional discomfort as evident in her features as her writhing tail.
"Things have changed a lot since then so... A hundred years of... I shouldn't have assumed, I--"
"Commander. Arangeir", Regill interrupted her, holding up a palm as a gesture of cessation. "While this 'offering' is unnecessary it... is acceptable. Regardless of our previous history, we need to work together. If this facilitates that then, I accept."
Her hands fidgeted with the clasps of her vambraces before she straightened up, expression adopting a professional stoniness that he found himself subtly disagreeing with.
"... Yes, of course... Paralictor. Thank you for... accepting. I will see you at the strategy meeting later this afternoon. "
And as she briskly turned on her heel and strode out of the room, Regill was left... unsettled. Something about the exchange bothered him. Why?
He idly lifted the mug and took a sip, the answer coming to him as that familiar old taste- nostalgic -descended upon his shoulders.
Appreciated, not accepted. That was the word...
He made a mental note to comment to her later that the coffee was as he remembered it.
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teeseven-fanclub · 1 year
I thought it was time for an oc page, as I have far too many characters (some who are even developed). The ones listed are all who have some backstory attached, some briefer than others. They are split up in to two universes, called Fortiss and Alto. More under the cut.
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Canon Eight:
Yalla'ra | Ruka'ii | Ticcer | Keresen | Emyr | Xianen | Jayma | Ev'aari
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Supporting cast:
Kaetos | Tyrrin | Jadneehi | Jaenda | Azunee | Rodi | Moondust | Jaxci
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Qiren | Adaryn | Rykaeza | Arbutus | Corentyn | Ceirios | Jait'ee | Zayyu | Arthyen
Yalla'ra. A Jedi redeemed. As a young knight lives on the borderline between light and dark, ultimately seeks to atone for her mistakes. Forges her own image of the Jedi as she becomes the Commander of the Alliance.
Ruka'ii. Raised by the Jedi from a young age and makes a rapid ascent to become the order's Barsen'thor. A scholar and negotiator, and powerful force user drawn into the fight. Leads the Jedi to safety on Ossus but ponders the value of hiding.
Ticcer. Orphaned and left to grow up on the streets after the Sacking of Coruscant. Falls into a life of crime and eventually taken in by a group of smugglers. Feels the weight of his losses every day.
Keresen. A cocky young recruit to Havoc Squad who has to grow up fast when taking on the mantle of their leader. Becomes a Republic hero, but dishonourably discharged after going rogue to fight against Zakuul. Injuries mean she can no longer fight on the frontlines, but her leadership becomes important to the Alliance.
Emyr. The son of traitors who rises to the Emperor's Wrath. Turns his back on the Empire at the height of his powers. An unorthodox Sith who finds a home in the Alliance, and a home with four Jedi on his ship.
Xianen. An abandoned padawan who embraces the dark side in its entirety. Sides with Malgus on Ilum, marked as a traitor and defeated by Emyr. Dead in the typical way the Sith are (so not really).
Jayma. No-nonsense bounty hunter from Nar Shaddaa who has been moving in shady circles from the day she was born, making her determined to be the toughest kid in town.
Ev'aari. Slave on Dromund Kaas who leads enough rebellions for Intelligence to take notice of her talent and give her an ultimatum. Hates that she enjoys working for them, until a codex gives her the chance for real freedom.
Kaetos. A Jedi lost. One of the most promising young Knights, becomes disillusioned after training with Jun Seros and then suffers further at the Emperor's hand. Refuses to retreat to Ossus and ends up travelling with a Sith, of all people.
Tyrrin. A teenaged padawan already racked with guilt when his master gives his life to save him. Decides he can no longer flee and joins the resistance against Zakuul. Becomes the padawan of Kaetos to complete his training.
Jadneehi. Jedi who joins the Alliance force enclave, studying under Sana Rae alongside Jedi and Sith alike.
Jaenda. The daughter of soldiers on both sides of the war, who grows up hating the Republic after her father leaves. Sides with Darth Jadus and operates from the shadows thereafter.
Azunee. Sith archaeologist who finds her powers greatly enhanced after an accident on an expedition conveniently rids her of her master, and her rivals. Takes on the title of Darth Imperius and becomes an ally of Darth Marr, though prefers to focus on research over the squabbling of the Dark Council.
Rodi. Independent 'information broker', mercenary, agent. No true allegiance, other than perhaps money, and knowing more than anyone else.
Moondust. Known by a codename. Rogue force user, assassin.
Jaxci. Brother of Jayma, mainly sticks to bartending on Nar Shaddaa. More than useful with blasters in his hands though.
Qiren. Smuggler who becomes the Outlander on account of being the nearest one who could answer the call. Fiercely independent, and moulds the Alliance in her image - a haven for those outside the Republic and the Empire.
Adaryn. Daughter of smugglers turned Jedi hero, but never forgets her roots. Walks away from the Order to help those on her home planet of Rishi.
Rykaeza. A Jedi who strayed. Haunted by the cost of her thirst for knowledge and power, leaves into Wild Space to cut herself off from the force and learn again from scratch.
Arbutus. A disillusioned soldier who loses faith in the Republic and deserts, and makes some credits in the process. Spends his time smuggling artefacts for the highest bidder.
Corentyn. A farm boy who enlists for the Republic army as a means to get off his planet and see the galaxy, ends up shaken by what he finds.
Ceirios. Childhood friend of Adaryn who falls in with the gangs of Rishi, until she crosses path with a Sith. Turned into their weapon, though never made to feel one of them.
Jait'ee. Becomes a bounty hunter to provide for her family who prefer to hide, and also because she enjoys the challenge. Reluctant to tie herself with the Empire too closely.
Zayyu. An escaped Belsavis prisoner who enjoys breaking back in far too much. Determined to discover the planet's mysteries, and the greater mysteries of the light and dark sides of the force.
Arthyen. Joins Imperial Intelligence as it's the proper thing to do. Naturally everything unravels and he ends up serving the other side.
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demerarawaves · 2 months
Labourers charged with murder of domestic worker
Two labourers of Corentyne, East Berbice were Monday arraigned on a charge of murder, after police said they gathered sufficient evidence that the two allegedly killed a 52-year old woman. Those remanded to prison by Springlands Magistrate, Tuanna Hardy were 18-year old  Yogindra ‘Ravin’ Pokhai of Lot 79, Number 54 Village and 25-year old Crishan “Varen” David of No. 0 Village, Corentyne,…
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scrollsofhumanlife · 2 years
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Dianne Persaud
B. August 16th 1947 in Corentyne, Guyana
Ocoee, Florida
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surinamecentral · 1 year
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Map of Corantijn and upper Corantijn/Corentyn River in Suriname
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keynewssuriname · 3 months
Onderhandelingen Corantijnbrug met Suriname en Guyana gaan andere fase in
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President Chandrikapersad Santokhi en Guyanese president Irfaan Ali hebben tijdens een bilateraal overleg stil gestaan bij de impact en belang van de brug over de Corantijnrivier. Zowel Santokhi als Ali zeggen dat de impact dusdanig zal zijn voor beide landen daar zij straks een leidende rol gaan hebben binnen de olie- en gassector. "Het tot stand brengen van een vaste verbinding tussen de twee buurlanden zal ongetwijfeld de stroom mensen vergroten, de landbouwsamenwerking versterken, de handel en investeringen vergemakkelijken en het toerisme bevorderen, waardoor op gediversifieerde wijze wordt bijgedragen aan de economische groei die naar verwachting duurzame welvaart zal opleveren voor zowel de Surinaamse als Guyanese bevolking", aldus de twee staatshoofden in hun gezamenlijke verklaring. De gesprekken over de brug gaan naar inziens van de twee staatshoofden een andere fase in en hebben de daartoe aangewezen ministers de taak om de volgende fase van dit project in te gaan door discussies aan te gaan over prijzen, technische aspecten, financiering en operationele modaliteiten, met als gemeenschappelijk doel het optimaliseren van de betaalbaarheid en concessionaliteit. Deskundigen uit beide landen zullen ook gezamenlijk toewerken naar een politiek en juridisch kader, het aanbestedingsproces voor toezicht starten en de overeenkomst opstellen over het uiteindelijke bestuur dat gezamenlijk de brug zal beheren. Staat verder aangegeven in het statement. Beide presidenten herbevestigden het belang van deze vaste verbinding tussen hun twee buurlanden in de bredere context van Zuid-Amerikaanse connectiviteit, als onderdeel van de algemene doelstelling van regionale integratie en trilaterale samenwerking tussen Suriname, Guyana en Brazilië. De presidenten Santokhi en Ali verwelkomden de uitingen van tevredenheid van de president van de Federale Republiek Brazilië, Z.E. Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva, tijdens de onlangs gehouden trilaterale top in Guyana met betrekking tot de geoormerkte brug over de Corantijn/Corentyne-rivier. Er zijn duidelijke tijdlijnen vastgesteld voor de afronding van deze activiteiten. Het genoemde team van drie ministers aan elke zijde zal hun werk voortzetten om deze onderhandelingen en het verzamelen van gegevens te leiden, de voortgang te monitoren en regelmatig verslag uit te brengen aan de staatshoofden van beide regeringen. President Santokhi en president Ali kwamen overeen om begin mei 2024 het Platform voor Strategische Dialoog en Samenwerking (SDCP) bijeen te roepen om het overleg uit te breiden naar andere hangende relevante gebieden van strategisch belang op de agenda tussen de twee landen. Read the full article
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izatrini · 1 year
Mashramani celebration 2023 was the largest on the Corentyne - Stabroek News
Mashramani celebration 2023 was the largest on the Corentyne  Stabroek News http://dlvr.it/Sk93jq
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Works progress on business centre for people living with disabilities
Works progress on business centre for people living with disabilities
AFTER the sod was turned in August for the state-of-the-art Business Centre for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) at Palmyra, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne), construction is quickly progressing. First Lady Arya Ali on Thursday, through her official Facebook page shared snapshots of the ongoing works. The business centre is an initiative of Mrs Ali. The centre will feature five workstations…
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morningdewflop · 5 months
i feel like developing characters a little bit today! if anyone sends me an ask directed at a character i will draw them answering it :)
if you do not know any, my favorite OCs at the moment are corentyn, zachary, xander, antimony, chamomile + sage (a duo), alexander and hunter, just address one by name and I'll know what you mean!! i will answer any question you don't have to know anything about the OC.
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