#Coresinths are my og thing
lexicorp · 1 year
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Capi (TOH CS)
Coresinth who struggles to fit in/ find a job
They weren't able to comprehend the science division, tho was there for quite a while.
They were disturbed and overwhelmed by the disciplinary division.
So they were sent to work with Mirros, hoping they would be able to be useful there
Any coresinths in toh are made captains first, then demoted if they can't do that. Capi is going to be the captain of the squad Ken and abs are gonna be assigned to and capi will after a series of screw ups, be demoted.
Stimm central in dis core, they are full of anxiety and repressed frustration
They are hella determined to be of use to coresinth society, but at the same time it is more for fear of being recycled than believing in the system. They agree with some things, but still fail to understand certain unsavory practices. And start leaning more away from it when they are surrounded by non coresinths
They are quite scatterbrained, so despite being rather intelligent/knowledgeable, they find it hard to communicate with others meaningfully and complete tasks with full focus, as they get distracted
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