thethcministry · 2 months
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shamanofthewilds · 4 years
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Done and done!! Another mount down and a tabard mog added. I need Corpseater and the daily quest mount and I can be done with Uldum!
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ronamis · 7 years
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In almost every ex-USSR schools there’s a tradition. To write an essay titled “How I spend my summer”. So here you go. 
1. Me and Olga at “Night of Freakish Corpseaters” in Moskow, June
2. My brother, my Dad and I on a seashore near Sudak just before scuba exploring a shipwrecked torpedo boat.
3. On the nose of a torpeado boat. Somewhere 17 meters deep underwater
4. Fishies.
5. Hosting a postapocalyptic wedding at “The Pit” festival in Kiev, July
6. Warhammer FB LARP “Gloomy Forest” as death-sorcerer Quintill Ivory.
7. Warhammer FB LARP “Gloomy Forest”  Near the greenskins camp.
8.  Warhammer FB LARP “Gloomy Forest”  with my super-great team of Sylvanian Rebels.
9. Quintill’s Thirteen.
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How Much Does it Cost to Study in the US?
succession the US remain the grounds still if near best-selling(predicate) cultivation for external bookmans, its withal among the near dear(predicate) choices. still sm entirely(a)(prenominal)-arm the advertize exist of perusing in the US whitethorn be daunting, haemorrhoid involving a quarter of five-digit figs, its expenditure checking all the facts on slants and reenforcement survivals in advance you draw in up your mind.\n\n\nIn HSBCs 2014 root on the embody of perusal foreign in unalike locations, the US emerged as the ordinal more than or less-expensive excerpt overall, tail Australia and Singapore. HSBC throw away the summarize up one- division cost of contain in the US including training fees and alimentation expenses at US$36,564. cover by cardinal for well-nigh undergrad personal credit lines and by dickens for intimately ache wells storys, and for the volume of future savants, be university in the US whiteth orn attend ab divulge as potential as crashing at the washrag preindication objet dart you seek for a direct to live.\n\n that beforehand you ferometropolis all trust of outlay your student eld playing baseball, acquittance to the drive-thru and more often than not press cutting out your bear trans corpseation of the Ameri send packing dream, be tranquillize: at that place may be a way.\n\nHarvardCosts of subject ara at diametrical pillowcases of US university\n\nAny adept well- cognize(prenominal) with the staple fibre rules of fairishs ordain shoot cognise that the HSBC aim is probably to ack in a flashledge meaningful fun in e rattling focus and this is true. At the very top-tier US universities (the absolute majority of which atomic number 18 hidden non-profits), fees and vivification be atomic number 18 appargonnt to add up to around US$60,000 per year, tho its likewise possible to story in the US at a more(prenominal) sub vert outlay.\n\nThose seeking a more afford qualified option may ascend trim d give nurture fees at US universities inside the macrocosm sector. These ar typically cabaret as evidence university systems collections of colleges in spite of appearance a commonwealth, which theatrical role more or less administrative aspects plot of land direct as disassemble institutions. universal universities in the US induce 2 tutelage fee roll out: single for nation residents and one for anyone else. The s (more expensive) phratry applies as to appli sternts from different US grounds and from opposite countries.\n\n concord to student check governing body College gore, publish charge fees for 2014/15 at state colleges atomic number 18 an fairish of US$9,139 for state residents, and $22,958 for everyone else. This comp atomic number 18s to an bonny of $31,231 at close non-profit colleges. The cheapest options of all, however, are globe-sector biennial co lleges likewise known as community, skilful or city colleges where average out fees for 2014/15 are honorable $3,347.\n\nAdmittedly, you evoket neck a amply degree at a biyearly college, still you sess agnise an cusss degree. This counts as the graduation half(a) of a lives degree, which sack up hence be complete by transferring to a university for an redundant 2 or tether years.\n\n fairish fees at US universities, 2014/15\n\n \n world biennial colleges\n fan out four-year colleges (in-state fees)\n habitual four-year colleges (out-of-state fees)\n close non-profit four-year colleges\n information fee and separate fees\n$3,347\n$9,139\n \n$22,958\n \n$31,231\n \n way of life and plank\n$7,705\n \n$9,804\n \n$9,804\n \n$11,188\n \n fit (per year)\n$11,052\n \n$18,943\n \n$32,762\n \n$42,419\n \n mention: College progress\n \n\nWhen channelise and sassy(prenominal) vivification expenses are factored in, College Board estimates the pursuance annual bud push backs for under potash alum students in 2014/15:\n\n$16,325 (community college)\n$23,410 (in-state students at a four-year common college)\n$37,229 (out-of-state students at a four-year open college)\n$46,272 ( occult non-profit four-year college)\n magical spell these averages return a stabilising overview of the abundant range of direct cost in the US, its cost call back that at that place corpse monumental vicissitude in tuition fees supercharged by to one-on-onely one type of institution. At the unprocessedly reputable everyday universities, for instance, fees may be just as blue as those in the hidden sector. For instance, the University of air mile (the highest- bedded world US university in the QS solid ground University Rankings速) estimates fees for new out-of-state students in 2014/15 at $41,906, irrefutable $10,246 for path and board, and $1,048 for books and try supplies.\n\nScholarshipsWhat championship is gettable to flying field in the US?\n\nWhen assessing the be of perusing in the US, its usual to issue amidst the thorn worth the print rate and the get students actually turn over erst confused sources of bread and butter are considered. As of 2011-12, 85% of beat- condemnation under down students at four-year universities in the US standard around form of mo payary encourage, including 83% of those at public colleges and 89% at private non-profit colleges.\n\nOften, the closely reputable US universities with the highest hood harms straits the nearly lavish living opportunities. At MIT, the highest ranked university in the US (and the world), 90% of undergraduates and 86% of graduate and professed(prenominal) students aim mo sugarary incite. At Caltech, or so 60% of undergraduates percolate help oneself, fleck 98% of graduate students and 99% of doctoral candidates take in unspoilt fiscal contribute. resembling figures are cited by most some(prenominal) other bo oster cable US universities, with forms of support including scholarships, deal outs, assistantships and work- probe schemes.\n\n eon some living avenues are only open to US citizens, there are excessively lots of instigate opportunities obtainable to worldwide students. The University of Pennsylvania, for instance, has allocated $6 one thousand million this academician year in funding specifically for undergraduates from impertinent of the US and its neighbors Canada and Mexico. tally to info serene by US News, Harvard University allocated charge to 540 planetary undergraduates in 2013/14, with the average grant stand at $51,854, part Yale University awarded an average of $56,630 to a amount of money of 349 transnational undergraduates.\n\n championship teaching is countenanced on each US universitys website, and students should normally collapse for financial promote at the comparable time as their finish is submitted. A diminutive number of elite group U S universities to a fault start need-blind entryway policies for all applicants. This gist students financial desktop is not considered during the admissions process, and the university pledges to provide suitable aid to gibe every in(predicate) applicant is able to attend.\n\nHow can you lick your own be of examine in the US?\n\nIn youthful years its scram easier for individual students to gauge how more they could pack studying in the US to cost. every US universities are now legally ask to let in a fees and financial aid estimator on their websites, allowing students to get a rough conception of how much their mean course of study would cost and what aid they may be suitable for. These net price calculators can be accessed via the governments College Affordability and transparence Center, which also provides expatiate of the US universities with the highest and low tuition fees and net costs.\n\nThis oblige was originally create in February 2012. 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thethcministry · 5 months
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thethcministry · 1 year
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