#Could be kinda traumatic imagine if you accidentally kill an animal cuz you expected they would runaway imagine the shock
celibibratty · 1 year
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Okay, i/we played true colors this year, we waited so long(since 2021), it was long cuz first we needed to wait for the physical version on the nintendo switch, and then wait to find a version with a better price (was too expensive), but now we finally made it, and this texts that i will put now are my reactions and thoughts while playing the game
"man, seeing these things, sean looks like a saint, whata hell was that with this Issac guy?💢, comparing Alex with Sean, Sean becomes even a saint"
"for a character who is said to be empathetic, alex has a very jerk way"
"Me with alex was the opposite with me in 2018 with sean, my first impression of her was good, but playing the game more further i'm not liking her very much, with sean my first impression of him wasn't very good, but as the episode went on i liked him❤"
"i kinda like that alex doesn't give up on her brother, it'sss… kinda cute💦, if it was up to her she would die trying to pull him, ha-ha, god, the bro died in a horrible way😂, I keep trying to imagine the dude vision, first out of nowhere a rock flies in his face that makes him fall (that was kinda hilarious not gonna lie😅), he probably should have hitted the mountain because of alex holding, then after that, the bro must be hanging and thinking "no, calm down, I'm saved because alex is pulling me, her and ryan just need to try to pull me that.. .", then out of nowhere the rope "breaks", the bro dies from fall and then his body is crushed by some giant rocks, jesus (i didn't thought about that, maybe he was unconcious cuz of the rock hit)"
"for someone empathetic alex accuses others/get conclusions of people very quickly😒"
"my god, what does this franchise have that loves drugs?💢especially marijuana😒"
"playing true colors made me realize why i like sean and daniel, (makes me feel even a little melancholic and embarrassed, playing true colors makes me realize how much this franchise is not/doesn't work for me, I feel kind of stupid for liking the second one)"me getting melancholic thoughts for some reason😑💦
"that's a good one😂, sean is a pothead and alex is an alcoholic (marina who said, and is kinda coherent god damnit alex seems to drink/mention alcoholic drinks a lot)"
"who needs references when you yourself can do/say the references😂, we always joke around about the second/sean and daniel when something remind us of them"
"Alex: getting sick of people feeling bad for me" well, so fuck you then!, continue crying about your dead brother💢"
"whata hell!?, i didn't find funny the goose thing, an animal have died!, what's wrong with you?💢🔥"
"i'm not even with this mindset of "i won't do the romances cuz ryan and steph don't deserve alex", i'm like "i won't do the romances cuz alex don't deserve ryan and steph💦", they are too nice/cool"
"sometimes this game characters/protags says things that i don't understand, like, huh???, some nonsense things"
"that LARP thing was kinda cool/cute (i not even a big fan of rpg gameplay, but was cool watching marina playing)"
"Sometimes she's nice, sometimes she's jerk"
"alex breaks champion blah blah thing - well, if steph had some feelings for "us", it all gone now😅💦, at least she wasn't the champion (i was the champion✨), would be more mean/cruel, poor steph💧"
"we playing true colors resumes on - 10% we complaining about alex's jerkness 30% we don't understanding a word that the characters says(mostly alex) 90% we asking "who is (character name)?"😂"
"fuck you alex, stop blaming the woman"
"it's difficult playing this episode with this amount of cool musics in the background (steph you have good taste, we loved this "🎵you make me go crazzyy🎶")"
okay, getting a little out of the true colors conversation, the music thing has a very cool story, so, the spring party had some cool background songs, and i enjoyed one of them and with that marina tried to find it for me, but unfortanely she didn't find the song that i wanted, but she find two ones that were also cool, these were "you make me go crazy by jaco caraco" and "best i ever found by mitchell marlow", in the day after we finished the game, i listened to the songs, while i was listening to this "best i ever found" i was looking at the youtube recommedations and appeared a song called "we will always win" from the same person tha has something to do with this "best i ever found", the song name was familiar (past story, i used to like a song that played on tv in telecine premium commercial of the newest programming that would have on october from 2015, and i did find the song at the time, i wrote it in some notebook, time pass i forgot where i note the song(i never found) and since 2016 i tried to find the song again, i remember the sound of the song and that the name had something to do with win), my reaction was like "no, no, is that the song?", i click on the video and i recognized immedially the hard rock instrumental, i was like "OH MY GOD, IS THE SONG!!!, I NEED TO TELL THIS TO MARINA", the most cool part is that in this exactly year in the beggining we tried to find this song!!, we tried to see some old telecine commercials, but we failed, and now thanks to true colors i find the song, if we didn't get interested in playing true colors i wouldn't find the song, that's so crazy, i believe one day i would find, but it wouldn't be today
"it plays a cute song when we were on the terrace with steph (sorry steph, only hug)"
"poor old man, very few people helped him to overcome his trauma, hmph, people were all running to talk to steph, right?💢"
"older brothers being older brothers (never likes affection)"
"🚨problematic/incest alert🚨😂 - i kinda find interesting alex with her brother, but i feel bad cuz of that charlotte💦(but i think the biggest turn off is alex herself😑, she's too much jerk/bitch😒)"
"wow, alex's past is pretty fuck up, it seems that her father and brother abandoned her, she was left alone, she tried to be the mother, but she couldn't, she couldn't keep the family united/balanced, and now the father and her brother are dead, there is only her left as always"
"motherfucker brother💦, tried to run away and didn't even take his sister with him, learned from PW sean😂"
"ha-ha, our gameplay definitely summed up us in life😂, it was the old people who stood by our side😂"
we made all this effort to play true colors because we wanted to know if true colors would be better than the second one or if the second one that would be better than true colors, but in the end, I don't know, because true colors transmits what it wants to transmit, the story goes in a more natural direction, but on the other hand the second one is the one that i/we liked, it's the one that won me over somehow, so at the end of the day, I just don't know, and I don't think I'll ever know
#we played this game in august and look at the moment we made the post... in december💦#my plan was to post this post right after we finished the game😤#but at the end of the day we finished i had an anxiety attack on sleep time#and that made me feel a bit traumatized with the day now i think i'm fine with it#alex was so jerk for me i didn't expect that💢have moments that she is nice but her jerkness speak louder#yeah sean you still(i think always will be) considered the most decent/nice character in this game even with your flaws#But sometimes you're little jerk too💢 the thing is that i endure you cuz i liked you somehow(and also cuz you're cute😤💦)#But idk it's so long since the last time i watched lis2 (2019) if i saw the game and i don't like them (find them assholes as i find alex)#...💧well i like to believe if i managed to like them since then it's because they do are a little more nice/cool😊💦(hope so💧)#I got traumatized by this Isaac situation 💦 weird situation#I really hate this Alex reaction toward the girl feeling bad for her situation(okay now i kinda get it her reaction it cuz of her past😒)#Ah but still whata a fuckin jerk💢🔥#Funny that this dialogue could go in a more sweet way like ;i tired of seeing people feeling down cuz of me😿;#Cuz the whole town must be feeling bad cuz of her loss But no it goes to the most jerkest way possible💢#Till this days i don't know if this goose thing was a prank or if it was real i think it was real unfortunaly whata hell that wasn't funny#Could be kinda traumatic imagine if you accidentally kill an animal cuz you expected they would runaway imagine the shock#And in the dialogue says that had a lot of blood(marina would faint😅)#Now i note the song in a safe place where i won't lost it again✨(my sketchbook)#Ngl i liked the experience more than i expected
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“Hey Arnold!” and “Miraculous!” parallels
Ever have an idea for a post that you take forever to get around to because 2020 is 
to kill you?!
 Welp, that’s me. I mean, uh, this is that post.
Long post is long and I don’t like cuts cuz I’ve lost a few posts in the past using them. Please filter the tag “long post” I use it for walls of text like these.
So there’s this show from my childhood called Hey Arnold! 
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Having been on air before I had cable (I and my unsupervised brothers and sisters spent our childhood watching Jerry Springer and Maury because there was literally nothing else on our cheap little TV. How hilarious is that?) I didn’t really have much of an experience with Hey Arnold! aside from brief little glances at it when i visited a friends home or the rare occasion where they showed cartoons at school. By the time I got satellite, the show was no longer on the air save for some late night reruns and the Christmas special which aired in December along with other Nickelodeon Christmas episodes (THE best Christmas episode EVER btw).
Really I couldn’t remember much about it until hearing about the Jungle Movie finally getting a release date (a total flop but at least its no cliff hanger) and decided to re-watch the entire series in preparation for said movie.
By which point I had discovered another show—Miraculous. 
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At first glance the two shows have absolutely nothing in common. Miraculous being a French-born mahou shoujo-esque CGI superhero TV series about a couple of middle schoolers who regularly battle a walking peppermint-frappucino-looking psychopath. Hey Arnold! being a more realistic children’s sitcom about a young football-headed boy who deals out humanitarian aid in the form of advice and simple good deeds to his neighbors, classmates and friends. 
In terms of setting, logic, and animation the two series are as different as night and day.
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So imagine my pleasant surprise to discover a whole post’s worth of parallels shared between the two shows???
And here they are in no particular order:
1)Arnold’s Parents/Adrien’s mom
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Prior to the start of Miraculous, Emilie Agreste disappeared under mysterious circumstances leaving her family behind. Later on it was revealed that she was in fact sleeping (dead?) in a glass coffin beneath the Agreste mansion--unbeknownst to Adrien, or anyone else in Paris save for Gabriel and Nathalie.
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In a similar fashion, Arnold’s parents, Miles and Stella, also disappeared prior to the start of Hey Arnold! and like Emilie were always referred to as “missing” rather than “dead.” 
The Jungle Movie later revealed Miles and Stella weren’t dead, but like Emilie appears to be doing in her coffin, they were sleeping. Having caught a bout of sleeping sickness (apparently they do not need to be hooked up to IVs or other medical devices while in a comatose state cuz fuck logic) they simply needed their orphaned son to come and cure them with the help of the magical golden heart Helga provided him with.
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Perhaps Mari holds the key to waking Emilie? That would be nice to see. 
Not the miraculous of course--but some other key.
Although personally I’m hoping for a hardcore, devastating ending like Emilie dying, Gabriel going to prison where he belongs, and Adrien leaving the country for a bit until the second Hawk Moth shows up because I just like devastating cliffhangers and angst and being in utter turmoil over fictional people. But that’s just me.
2) Their best friends are dating
Smol parallel here: Arnold’s best friend Gerald and Helga’s Best friend Phoebe wind up together in The Jungle Movie after being imprisoned together by Lasombra. Similar to how Nino and Alya ended up together after being imprisoned by Ladybug (for their protection, of course).
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3) The Bag of Money Episode/ The Ladybug episode
OOh boy both of these episodes make me rage. 
Some context about the Bag of Money episode: Arnold and his friends Gerald and Sid find a random bag of money containing almost $4000. Sid is ecstatic and wants to split the money evenly between the three boys, but Arnold worries it could just be lost and convinces them to let him, Arnold, take the money to the police station. On the way he accidentally switches the bag with another one that is identical and contains a bunch of useless junk, and when he tries to explain what happened to his friends they don’t believe him because their bag of money was accidentally taken by an “old lady with pink hair and a peg leg.”
 Arnold’s a good boy and he’s telling the truth--but the truth sounds crazy, even to my ears. Sid accuses Arnold of stealing the money and spreads lies to their classmates, whom Arnold has spent the ENTIRE SERIES helping in some form or fashion. Despite everything he’s done for them though, the vast majority of the class come to believe Arnold is a thief. Even Gerald, Arnold’s closest friend, nearly believes Sid over Arnold but eventually comes to Arnold’s defense. The other kids (save for Helga who doesn’t really make an appearance this episode) gang up on Arnold, but thankfully the old lady with pink hair and a peg leg shows up with an officer and together they explain the bag of money is now at the lost and found where it will remain and if gone unclaimed will be returned to Arnold, Gerald and Sid. 
Pretty much everything is resolved and things return to normal between the kids. 
But I hate this episode. I hate this episode so, so much. Arnold has spent the entire series helping these people out in some form or fashion. Literally thats the entire show. And after everything he’s done for them they’re so. Quick. To. Turn. On. Him. 
Sound familiar???
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4) Hidden Personality                   vs.          Surface Personality
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 I do not refer to the cruddy “true selves” thing half the Miraculous fandom believes in. Depending on one’s individual circumstances, environment and how comfortable they are, said person’s behavior can fluctuate or even do a complete 180. This can be kinda frustrating when dealing on one’s own--”Who am I anyway? Is that me or is this me???”
It’s all you, fam.
Arnold and Helga are themselves too, no matter what metaphorical/actual mask they put on. There’s the side that everyone sees and then there’s the side almost no one sees. The hidden personality isn’t hidden due to a lack of trust, necessarily, but rather it is the result of retreating to their respective “shells”--ones which both Arnold and Helga were kinda punched, kicked, and shoved into. 
Helga’s surface personality: Class bully, puts up a tough front, constantly torments Arnold because she can’t stand him and his niceness
Helga’s hidden personality: Poetic, abused and isolated, is in love with Arnold to the point of being obsessed with him and bullies him via surface personality in order to hide that fact
Of course Adrien is no bully--his reasons for not being the “cunning, funny, ultra-charming Chat Noir” 24/7 DOES have a lot to do with his toxic household, his dad, and the overwhelming expectations which are constantly smothering him as Adrien. 
Adrien is a bug under a magnifying glass (or so he feels)
Chat Noir is a chance for a freedom.
 Adrien’s surface personality was molded by his dad.
 Helga’s is the result of her entire family. Her father is brash and loud, her mother is a confirmed alcoholic, her sister is a gifted prodigy, well-rounded and spends most of the series at university or elsewhere. Although her sister, Olga, has been shown to genuinely care for Helga, Olga is kinda the reason their parents neglect Helga. With their first daughter being the genius and prodigy she is, Helga’s parents poured all of their pride and affection and parental devotion onto her. Meanwhile Helga had to walk to pre-school alone. At four years old. In the rain. Not for the last time. 
Which leads me to the next parallel.
5) Umbrella in the Rain
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squeals in delight over this parallel<3<3<3
If you’ve never seen Hey Arnold! do yourselves a favor and watch this short little clip over how Helga and Arnold first met. If you have seen it, watch it anyway because it is the most adorable clip in the entire show.
Dr. Bliss: “So nobody’s ever noticed you?”
Helga: “...There was someone.”
The soft way Helga confesses that--you can actually hear how grateful she is to have such a tender memory from such a painful time. 
 In a similar manner, Adrien offered his umbrella to Marinette. Of course Adrien did it because Mari had to walk home in the rain and Arnold did it as a simple gesture of kindness (seeing as they were already at the school)--one of the many kind acts he displays throughout the series. 
 But just like Adrien needed unconditional love coming from somewhere, so did Helga. They were both denied this one common necessity which everyone else around them had. It’s not a lot to ask for, and they should’ve already had it coming from their families--but they didn’t.
 And then, one rainy day, there it was--the unconditional love they needed.
6) Clinginess
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What happens when you take someone, specifically a love-starved abused child from an unstable home environment--deprived of the one thing most crucial to their mental well-being--and miraculously provide them with that very necessity? 
I can’t really think of the correct word to describe this. “Clinginess” is pretty close to what I’m trying to describe, if not on point, so let’s go with that. 
 What I mean is Helga and Adrien both need Arnold and Ladybug respectively. That’s not a bad thing--it’s okay to need somebody else. What’s bad is hinging your entire being on this one connection. For if either kiddo were to be left behind they wouldn’t handle it very well.
 It can’t really be helped with either Helga or Adrien. They didn’t really have the option to learn certain things and went deprived of unconditional love for such a long time. They’re kids--nine and fourteen/fifteen respectively. They’re not perfect and they’re traumatized for life. Being denied love from your family--the very people designed to love you--would do that to a person. Naturally they would cling to the first people to show up and provide them with the love they needed. 
 The Hey Arnold! wiki says this about Helga and Arnold’s relationship
Due to her unstable family upbringing where both her mother and father constantly neglect [Helga] and shower all of their attention onto Olga, leaving her deprived of the love and attention she needed growing up. On her way to preschool, Arnold helped her by keeping the rain off her with an umbrella and even complimented her on her hairbow. He even later gave her crackers during their snack time. Arnold's kindness and being the first person to notice her quickly caused Helga to transfer all of her love and attention to Arnold.
Of course Adrien’s tunnel vision isn’t quite as bad as Helga’s.
 He treats his friends better.
 He does love his father--
Even though his father is THE. 
--because he’s Adrien and he’s just too precious a cinnamon roll and that’s still his dad even if the man does belong behind bars.
7) Unhealthy Obsession
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Ugh. I am not going to delve too far into this. You’re just going to have to take my word for it. Helga’s creepy stalker behavior is a thousand times worse than Marinette’s. That pic up there of Helga hiding out in Arnold’s room watching him is pretty decent evidence to back up my argument, but it’s hardly the only example or even the worst incident.
 Honestly I’m amazed at what Nicktoons were able to get away with in the late nineties/early 2000s. 
But yes, Helga’s obsession with Arnold is rather unhealthy in the most extreme moments leading her to display behavior which is more often than not disturbing and concerning. 
The Hey Arnold! wiki has this to say about Helga’s obsession with Arnold
Helga is possessive of her love for Arnold and thinks non-stop about him to the point of obsession. This is evidenced throughout the series by the many shrines and poems she makes of Arnold and of her frequent dramatic soliloquies about her love for Arnold.
Again--Mari isn’t as bad as all that. She’s a sweet girl with many healthy relationships in her life. She has ambition, creativity, and drive. But yeah she can be rather possessive of Adrien too, and that needs to stop. Like right now. Adrien doesn’t need another girl being possessive of him and thinking he’s perfect--he needs someone who acknowledges him as a flawed person and loves him despite that. 
As for Helga and Arnold--show creator Craig Bartlett confirmed they are “made for each other” and wind up married with three kids, so I’m guessing Helga grew out of some of these bad habits? Or at least I hope so...
8) Helper/Humanitarian tendencies
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As mentioned before, the plot of Hey Arnold! is more or less about Arnold helping people. As stated by Gerald in The Jungle Movie, “He’s a humanitarian! Like his parents!” Of course not every episode is about Arnold helping people. There are episodes devoted to supporting characters and they’re just as enjoyable and satisfying. 
 But as he is the titular character he spends a lot of time in the spotlight. 
Remember that “best christmas special EVER” episode I mentioned before?
 The reason it’s the best special, in my less than humble opinion, is due to a few things.
 The special is not about Santa Claws. In fact, I don’t think he’s even mentioned, let alone shown and treated like an actual living character.
The focus on the entire episode is again on Arnold helping someone, but he doesn’t succeed. Not really.
The one who succeeded in helping someone was Helga, who accomplished the goal Arnold had set out to do. 
The episode deals with some rather dark subject matter and is actually quite heartwarming as the “perfect present” Arnold was trying to provide someone with wasn’t something you can buy in the store
It’s also one of the episodes where Helga’s love for Arnold leaves her to do good and as her love for him is a secret, she expects nothing in return. She’s just happy to help him.
 Kinda similar to Mari who is, as Adrien puts it in Mayura, “Our every day Ladybug.” Her kindness and devotion to helping others is what drives her as Ladybug and Marinette. It’s what brought Ivan and Mylene together. Is the reason Nathaniel and Mark now have a comic book together. And at the end of the day, that’s the reason for her strange behavior around Adrien--she wants to help him. Even if it’s just as a “good friend.” 
9) There are two main characters
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Although Hey Arnold! is technically a show about Arnold, one could argue it is just as much Helga’s story. 
Similarly, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir is named thusly in order to convey the fact that Adrien is just as much a main character as Marinette is. 
Although I must say Hey Arnold! did a much better job of giving it’s co-character their dues. GIVE. ME. MORE. CHAT NOIR. FOCUSED. EPISODES. DAMMIT.
But, yes, in terms of screen time, Helga gets about as much as Arnold does. Her story and struggles were given just as much importance as Arnold’s and many people have even come to believe that the show is really about Helga. I’d say its about both of them.
10) Constantly bumping into each other
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Granted this happens between Arnold and Helga more often than it does to the love square dorks. 
 But yes the two people meant to be together keep knocking into each other in their respective universes. 
 I forget who, but I remember reading that someone a while back theorized that this was the universe’s way of trying to push Arnold and Helga together. Kinda like the “Now kiss!” meme
Perhaps it’s the same for Adrien and Marinette? 
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twilightvolt · 5 years
Twilight Thoughts (BEASTARS Episode 6)
Episode 6:
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- Ok, so first we--someone’s dead again.
....o h .
Of course, everyone’s like “Whelp, gotta dip, carnivores. cya.” and Jack be a sad boi. ;w; man, these guys have it hard.
- Then we get introduced to our next main character from the trailers: Juno!
Imma be honest, i was really iffy about her before this because i was hoping her character isn’t what i think it would be. and i’m sure any Persona 4 players who’re watching this show can get what i’m about to say.
.....I hope she’s not like Rise.
For those of you who haven’t played P4, Rise came off as SUPER clingy to the main protagonist. at least in my opinion. i know some say she’s best girl, but no. not for me. that’s Naoto’s title. lmao
I am praying that Juno doesn’t do the same and become clingy towards Legoshi and like, becomes that character that just feels like a shoehorned love interest because y’know, she’s a wolf too. so far, she seems ok. she was being bullied and Legoshi stepped in and played hero for a moment which was great. but her mentioning she was also in drama and also one of his kind just kinda raised a little red flag for me. i dunno.
Also, shoutout to the way he saved her. like “I’m her older brother.” but then she sees her face and he like “D-damn! We look nothing alike!” i’m sorry, i’m ded. lmao
- I was excited to see what the world outside the school was like. i’m the type who likes taking in all the little things and seeing the town be all bright and bustling was just so nice. then i heard Louis be like “Don’t go to the black market.” and i was like “Wh-....b...black market?” O_o
Oh no, things’re gonna get crazy again, aren’t they?
Y’all don’t just tell people not to go somewhere. that’s cartoon talk for “Go there. That’s where the plot is.” lmao
- So they eatin’, gettin’ that W c D o n a l d ’ s , and i’m like “Huh....I want fries now.” and then a little while after the episode, we come home with fries. and i never outwardly asked. it just happened. and i was like “MY FEELINGS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED.”
And Legoshi’s just sitting there quietly eating like a third wheel and i’m like “Dude, same.” also, Bill acts very much like one of the popular kids at school that i totally used to have to be in the same classes with and i swear i felt a twinge of old school annoyance resurfacing.
Still, it was fun seeing what the town was like. i’m hoping we get to see it much more in the coming episodes.
- And then they get lost (Thanks, Zoozle Maps. XD) and accidentally end up in where? the black market.
And i was thoroughly traumatized.
I was like, “Oh, it’s an old shopkeeper. probably sells weird trinkets or so-” *Shows his fingers. or lack thereof*
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U-uhh....w h a t ?
Like, it’s the black market. i expected it to be weird. but like....not this disturbing.
He was just, like, selling off his LIVING body to the carnivores and i was like “Oh god, that’s horrible.” goodness, i signed up for this, huh?
Then i hear the market theme and hear some sick beats and i’m like “dONTCHU THROW SOME JAMS AT ME AT A TIME LIKE THIS I CAN’T VIBE TO THIS nO-”
And then Bill be like:
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And suddenly i wanted to beat him upside the head. thankfully, my boi did that for me. lmao
But for real, i was mad, but like....it’s understandable? like, i hate that i understand enough to not be totally angry with him, but like....he’s a tiger. and ngl, after the bunny blood, i did NOT put it past him to react like this. i just wish he weren’t so....B i l l , y’know? the more he’s on screen, the more i wanna smack him, but i still actually kinda like him enough to see where he might go as a character. cuz he’s not a bad guy, he’s just.....an idiot. it’s weird. XD i’m still holding onto my theory that he killed Tem tho.
Just....man, this is heavy.
And then they cut to right after the last episode where Legoshi and Haru finish their heart to heart moment and then they cut back to him running off through the market street not knowing what these feelings are. like, he genuinely likes her and he can’t stop thinking about her.....but at the same time, he’s uncontrollably drooling?....i dunno man, sounds like you’re just hungry. and that concerns me.
Oh, right, right afterward he gets taken in by the panda from the trailers whom i believe is named Gouhin? but yeah, he ties him up in chains and a muzzle and proceeds to interrogate him about his feelings toward the one he thinks he “likes.” and then shows him a wall of pictures. pictures of carnivores just like him that have tasted meat and couldn’t get over it. to the point where they uhh......yeah, let’s just say i was shook by the things he said. like, that could potentially be what happens to Legoshi and honestly, that’s really sad and i don’t want that to happen. i legit felt a chill when i saw some of those photos. no joke.
Then i guess he takes him to the next room and has a little chat with him. what the conversation was about was basically Gouhin telling Legoshi that his “love” isn’t real and he should cut ties with Haru if he wants to not eat her by accident. but in a way where it sounds like he’s telling him off for it cuz Legoshi was like “That’s not true! we’re friends!” and he basically says that Legoshi’s way of thinking is a childish, flawed mindset. like, d a m n . he verbally smacked him. lmao
Then he starts to leave, but not until Gouhin hands him a copy of bunny porn.
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“If you get excited over this, then you’re just a young boy with a fetish for small animals. if not, and you stick with your one rabbit, that’s bad.”
Ok, so if he feels something, then he’s just a weirdo. but if he doesn’t, then he’s in danger of eating her and that’s a BIG problem. huh....kind of a lose lose situation here, don’t you think? ._.’
But yeah, Legoshi runs out thinking to himself about how much he hates this and that he wants to forget everything that just happened. and honestly, this is the point where i kinda felt sad enough to cry. cuz this is an innocent kid that wants to stay connected to someone they believe they love, but then reality just hits them REALLY hard. and they just want to cover their ears and stay unaware about what’s really going on.
All this time, he believed the adults just stayed vegetarian cuz that’s probably what he was taught or maybe what he assumed because of how he was taught. but when you think about it, not everyone can repress their true feelings forever. they’re animals. it’s in their nature.
He keeps trying to tell himself that this is okay. that he won’t hurt her anymore than that first night. but....is that true? can that be true? or is this just some twisted sense of “love” that ends in yet another unfortunate death? things seem to be getting more and more frustrating for him and if i didn’t feel some form of sympathy for him i sure as hell am now.
But....i wanna believe he can overcome those feelings and stay close to her. maybe they won’t be able to be a couple. they might just have to stay friends. but anything to let him be happy, y’know?
The episode ends with him finding Aoba the eagle again. he tells him that he just couldn’t go through with eating that guy’s fingers cuz he thought of his herbivore friends which just made him feel icky about it. and yeah, that’s understandable. birb boi is a good boi....who probably just stuck by Bill cuz he wanted to fit in, but y’know.
This causes Legoshi to cry and yeah, i broke after that. i was highkey imagining an alternate ending where he just runs up to him and hugs him crying in a full on bro moment and i kinda wish that happened cuz honestly that would make me cry a river. for real. i would die.
And i guess that’s that. this episode was quite a wake up call for Legoshi at least. but here’s hoping things look up next episode. see you again!
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