#Crazy insaneys :]
heterocephalusglaber · 9 months
all i've got in life is being the most mentally ill about nekomura iroha person in the world
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sapchats · 1 year
happy 500 posts in 15 days btw
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
But seriously this is why n*h*l cumulative stats kinda suck if you ONLY take those into account like... -_-
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Its totally leaving out the fact that geno didnt start in the league until age 19(20?) and that even with FEWER games than the walking turd, geno still only has like 8 points less in grand total. Thats crazy lol. Also the pens had BACK TO BACK cup wins AND that insaney long playoff streak. Malkin and crosby are set to go down in pittsburgh history. Meanwhile 💩 dumped chicago the minute it looked like new york had a better chance at a fourth cup (lol 😭 im not over new york's sad dumpster fire playoff run)
Im just sayin
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ihave got to stop drinking coffee in the mornings this is insanei am crazy and dying
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amplesalty · 2 years
Halloween 2022 - Day 17 - Evil Toons (1992)
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They’re animani, totally insaney (They pinned me down and maced me)
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I suspect that to be a lie of sorts...
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Oh hey, it’s David Carradine, son of John Carradine who was in a bunch of those early Universal classics and played Dracula in those House of... movies. He’s looking like the Evil Quaker Oats Man and appears to be holding some sort of bootleg Necronomicon. I’m sure everything is perfectly fine and nothing awkward could possibly happen, especially not in the very next scene...
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I will say, it seems kinda bullshit that his widow won a wrongful death suit against the production company of the film he was working on at the time. Obviously it’s very sad for her but it’s not like they can be expected to watch him every second of every day.
It’s also bullshit to claim this movie stars him since he’s barely in the bloody thing. He’s in this prelude briefly and then pops up again at the end but I suppose you’ve got to get eyes on your product somehow. Because apparently the copious amounts of T&A on show wasn’t doing that already. And that’s really all that this is. I know times were different in the early 90’s and people didn’t have access to the internet and all the filth that entails so they had to get their fix through teen sex comedies and ‘erotic thrillers’. But I came to see an extreme version of Roger Rabbit and was left sorely disappointed.
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There is an animated monster in the film but he too makes only a fleeting appearance. I guess the budget only stretched to a couple of minutes of screen time so for the rest of the movie it makes liberal use of its shape shifting abilities to change into one of the pretty girls they have running around. And most of the time he is on screen he’s hooting and hollering at the sight of some tits like that wolf from those Tex Avery cartoons.
These movies that have the mix of live action and animation are intriguing to me, having seen the likes of the aforementioned Roger Rabbit, Cool World and Monkeybone. I figured this would be something along those lines but taken in a more horror direction.  Animation is obviously such a creative medium because it allows you to do all manner of things that would be impossible in live action. That opens the door to lots of interesting things you can do, sort of like in Nightmare on Elm Street where you have all these unique kills because the rules of dream world allow all these crazy things to happen. But instead we get your average cheap B-movie that is more interested how well endowed their cast is than any story they can tell. And the title clearly says Toons, plural. One animated monster is hardly a galaxy!
In retrospect, I should be surprised given that director Fred Olen Ray seems to be King of the b-movie, with such hits as Bikini Airways, Bikini Cavegirl, Bikini Chain Gang, Bikini Royale ad Bikini Frankenstein. I love how he goes from all this porn stuff to what seems to be a deluge of Christmas movies within the last 5 years or so. You know all those ones you see the posters of where it’s just a man and a woman in red or green jumpers? Of course the real gem in Ray’s filmography is Sniper Special Ops starring both Steven Seagal and Rob Van Dam. That movie is completely unrelated to the Sniper series of films which is apparently up to 9 with another on the way?!
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There is the odd bright spot hidden away in the movie, such as the appearance of Dick Miller who in one scene is watching a movie featuring...Dick Miller. They do seem to be treating Dick Miller and the character separately, though his character does comment that this actor deserves the Academy Award. I’m not sure what movie this is, I was kinda hoping it was going to be The Terror.
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Or there’s the moment where one of the girls invites her boyfriend round who they spend lots of time talking about he’s on the high school football team but when he arrives he’s pretty plainly a 40 year old man. Possibly this was done deliberately and it’s a play on how all the teens in movies and TV shows are often played by people way older, like Luke Perry.
But aside from that, a truly terrible movie. I get that it’s meant to be bad but it doesn’t poke at my ‘so bad it’s good’ bone. Maybe because they’re going into the movie with the intention of it being bad which I think takes all the fun away.
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Maybe I’m just overthinking it though, if the movie wants to be titillation then let’s talk titillation. These two girls have massive 80’s hair that has lasted well in the 90’s at 100% volume and the dark haired girl performs a striptease complete with wobbly sound effect when she shakes her ass. Which I would show you but I’m not up to speed on Tumblrs policies on the buttocks.
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But the true highlight is the nerdy red-haired girl with glasses and massive wabbos. It’s like they found a list of my tastes and just ticked off every single one. I changed my mind, A+++!
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cf56 · 3 years
This is the hub for all my Animaniacs fanfics. If you read any of them and have something you'd like to say afterwards, positive or negative, please don't hesitate to leave a comment! I may not always know exactly how to respond, but I cherish each and every one.
Here is a link to my Ao3 page, if you'd prefer to browse that way:
One-shots/Short Fics:
A Christmas Emergency: On Christmas Eve, Wakko realizes that he forgot to get presents for his siblings.
A Little Birdy: Wakko befriends a little bird.
All For Nothing: The Warners learn that their show has been cancelled for a second time.
All That's in a Name: Yakko and Max are getting married soon, but Yakko has a hangup about changing his name.
And the Warner Sister?: In the early 90’s, the Warners are pitched a new series for them to star in. However, the studio doesn’t want all three of them…
A Very Serious Conversation: Yakko and Max have a very serious conversation about their relationship.
Don't Call Me Insaney: Finally caught and put away in a mental institution, Yakko tries to scheme a way out.
Earthquakes: An earthquake hits the tower the Warners are locked up in.
Empty Tracks: An alternate Wakko's Wish story where Yakko and Dot left on a train to get treatment for her illness, and Wakko waits for their return. Inspired by the tale of Hachiko The Dog.
Extending the Family: Ratto, Saffo, and Ditto get inducted into the Warner family.
First Christmas at Home: The Warners celebrate their first Christmas in the tower.
Goodbye, Doctor: Dr. Scratchansniff dies, and the siblings are forced to deal with a new emotion- grief.
I Hate Him: A new psychiatrist comes to the lot, and Yakko hates him. (First-person)
Knight in Shining Armor: Dot wishes for a knight to save her from Warnerstock.
Lost in the Crowd: Wakko finds a lost little girl in the streets of LA and tries to return her safely to her family.
Night of the Unliving Toons: A horror story written for Halloween. A toon zombie outbreak hits Burbank- can the Warners make it out unscathed? (Rated T)
Nighty Night Yakko: Usually, Yakko puts his siblings to bed. What happens when he falls asleep first? (Collab with @cringetownusa)
Not How We Operate: A poem about the making of Wakko’s Wish.
Off Stage: Hello Nurse finds the Warners in an unexpected state.
Over Before It Began: A tragic accident leaves Yakko and Dot in an unprecedented situation.
Say Hello: The truth about why Yakko stopped saying ‘hello nurse’. (Rated T)
September 1: In a nonspecific future where the Warners have grown up, Dot remembers someone important on her special day.
The Super Strong Warner Sibling: Dot loses control of her emotions.
Thoughts: Late at night, Yakko contemplates the nature of his existence. (First-person)
Thoughts of Nothing: Yakko thinks about how his siblings have changed.
Too Much: Yax breakup story.
Wakko’s World: Collection of Wakko-related one shots.
-Pants: Wakko asks for permission to wear pants.
-Puppy: Wakko gets mistaken for a puppy.
-Gookie: The origin of Wakko's gookie.
-Love: Wakko wonders why his brother never says those three important words.
-Stare: Wakko enjoys the presence of someone important to him.
-Stand: Wakko enjoys the evening air.
-Introduction: Wakko introduces himself.
-Crazy: Wakko asks Dot an important question about his name.
-School: Wakko does an assignment on what he likes about his family.
What We Never Had: A followup to reboot season 2, Yakko has a nightmare about the family that was never his.
A Day Apart-
A Day for Dot: After her brothers leave her alone, going off on a required WB business retreat, Dot enjoys her first-ever day to herself. It doesn't go quite as planned...
Just the Warner Brothers: A sidequel to the previous story, Yakko and Wakko go off on a business retreat without their little sister.
Multi-Chapter Fics:
Monsters Within: The Warners stumble upon a toon virus that has the ability to turn them into lovecraftian monsters. (Rated T)
Silent Nights: A pre-Wakko's Wish story about a young nonverbal Wakko.
The Curious Case of Yakko Warner: Yakko is mysteriously turned into a toddler, aging one year every day. Wakko and Dot are forced to get to the bottom of it all, while also trying to care for their new little big brother.
The Warners Write: A collection of diary/journal entries from the Warner sibs. (First-person)
And here is another list of all my fics, this one ordered from my personal favorite to my least favorite:
Empty Tracks
Don't Call Me Insaney
I Hate Him
What We Never Had
September 1
And the Warner Sister?
The Super Strong Warner Sibling
Knight in Shining Armor
Silent Nights
Wakko's World
Nighty Night Yakko
A Very Serious Conversation
All For Nothing
Off Stage
A Little Birdy
Not How We Operate
Goodbye, Doctor
Night of the Unliving Toons
Say Hello
A Day for Dot
Over Before It Began
Monsters Within
Thoughts of Nothing
Just the Warner Brothers
All That's in a Name
Too Much
Extending the Family
The Curious Case of Yakko Warner
First Christmas at Home
Lost in the Crowd
The Warners Write
A Christmas Emergency
Note that a fic being near the bottom of the list doesn't mean I dislike it. I love all my children :)
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artisticmystic919 · 4 years
Swap AU PatB.
This can go one of two ways:
1. Pinky is genius and Brain is insane, but they keep their respective personalities
2. Pinky is still insane and Brain is still genius, but their personalities swap
Florence... you know better than to give me such great ideas. Now it’s living in my mind 24/7 and it’s not paying rent! 😂🧡❤️
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So I’m figuring a Same-role but Swapped personalities, so Brain’s still a genius and Pinky’s insane, but they just act differently.
Brain is still crazy smart and wants to take over the world, but he does so in very wholesome ways rather than hypnotic activities or hostage situations. He’s very matter-of-fact of his opinion that he would make a better ruler than the current world leaders, but it’s never a point of ego at all.
TLDR - Happy Brain boy who writes his plans for world domination in red crayon.
Pinky is still insaney, but in a much more... off-putting way. He’s grouchy and constantly doubts Brain’s ideas since he thinks the little genius is too naive, but he’s always pleasantly surprised. The tall mouse tries to come up with his own ideas to take over the world, usually having to do with putting chemicals in the city’s water supply or something along those lines. However, Brain usually shuts those ideas down quickly, by either logic-ing why it wouldn’t work or by shaking his finger and saying “Pinky, that’s not nice.”
TLDR - Grouchy crazy boy who wants to protect his too-pure friend from a harsh world, even if his methods aren’t exactly... “nice”.
Also, here’s a Sw!Pinky that I spent WAY too much time on. (Click for better quality)
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I love him, he’s so fun
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skulksouls · 3 years
oh god what drugs did I do last night. did I die and go to hell? Is this hell? Why has god punished me this way? Was I really so awful in life to deserve this? Am I a bad person, Skylox-san? Have you been sent to torment me? Make me repent for my sins in life?
Oh HAIII oh nos!!! Repent to skylox.........and go FARTHER INTO SINNING!!! Teehee XD LUL U THINK IM ON DRUGS!!1!!1 LOL Im just a crackhead and SOSOSO crazy! Like supah insaney~ is wat skylox shipping does to u 😈 JOIN US WE HAZ COOKIE
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enderdwarf123 · 4 years
The Oddballs are doing WHAT?
Before Stacey arrives for lunch the group are doing something
Daniel: You REALLY want to do this?
Sam: YES!
Nathan: yep.
John: Sure.
Daniel: Fine Starts playing the Recorder and a tune comes out
Sam, Nathan, John (All together): It's time for An-iman-iacs! And we're zany to the max. So just sit back and relax, you'll laugh till you collapse, WE'RE ANIMAN-IACS!
Nathan, John: Come join the four oddballs,
Sam: And the mess they make a lot.
Sam, Nathan, John (All together): We drive our bosses crazy, that we leave them seeing spots. They could get rid of us, we guess that they forgot. But we stick 'round, and make dumb sounds, and now you know the plot. We're A-nima-niacs.
Sam, Nathan, John (All together): John is nice, and Nathan slacks. Sam just pulled another prank while Daniel has his back. WE'RE ANIMAN-IACS!
Sam: Meet Riley and NickNack as they pick another fight,
Nathan: and stacey who is taking in the "wonder" of a sight.
John: Daisy is trying to end it, while staying polite.
Sam, Nathan, John (All together): And we sing our song, it won't take long,
Nathan: as it's getting hard to write.
Sam, Nathan, John (All together): WE'RE ANIMAN-IACS! We're probably going to get sacked. We're zany to the max, we hope this stays intact. We're An-i-many, totally insaney,
Sam: This parody was lamey,
Sam, Nathan, John (Even Daniel joins in): AN-I-MAN-I-ACS!! Those are the facts!
John: So how was that?
Sam: We got my brother to join in at the end, I think we did awesome
Nathan: this was fun, so what do we do about them?
The rest of the Oddballs turn to where Nathan is pointing and sees everyone in the cafe, including Stacey and some of the other Handeemen watching. The group quickly turned embarrassed as they slowly began to clap at their performance
Sam: Scratch that, this was a stupid idea.
Daniel: Well luckily that isn't your first time.
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vespersilvanus · 4 years
Feeling like I'm broken Stranded in the open Nowhere to run from the end I was living hopeless And I was barely coping Don't wanna sing that song againThis time Maybe I could just act nice Make believe that it's all fine Nothing wrong with my mind I said twice Don't you look me in my eyes I'm talking soft to hide big lies Nothing wrong with my mindConversations in my head They're always changing what I said Conversations in my brain They're always making me insaneI try to turn the pages Words to fill the spaces I'm by myself losing touch Seen a lot of places Unfamiliar faces In my thoughts I've said enoughThis time Maybe I could just act nice Make believe that it's all fine Nothing wrong with my mindConversations in my head They're always changing what I said Conversations in my brain They're always making me insaneI'm so sad I'm so blue I'm so tired of pushing through Im so crazy I'm so shaken up And I don't know what to do I'm so glad That's not true I'm so over changing to Something weird when I'm waking up And I don't know what to do I'm so mad that I'm not you I'm so happy for you too Cause the constant signal's breaking up And I don't know what to do withConversations in my head They're always changing what I said Conversations in my brain They're always making me insane Conversations in my head They're always changing what I said Conversations in my brain They're always making me insane
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nerdyandabsurdy · 6 years
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The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Crazy Insaney Murdery And Stressy
#cosplay #cosplayers #cosplayer #crossplay #cosplayersofinstagram #cosplayerofinstagram #killing stalking #killing stalking cosplay #kscosplay ##ohsangwoo #ohsangwoocosplay #sangwoo #sangwoocosplay #korean #koogi #horror #horrorcomics #ohayocon #cosplayphotography #myphoto #canonphotography #sociopath #serialkiller #sangwooxyoonbum
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spacedoutamazon · 7 years
OCD, narcissistic, manic depressive, slit your wrists Hyperactive, ADD, generalized anxiety Drug addicts, agoraphobic Panic attacks, we’re all just so sick In the head, Need medicine quick Gotta stock up on prescription slips Had a breakdown of a nervous kind Pop a little Xanax to unwind Paranoid schizo half the time Bipolar and borderline Way fucked up when it comes to sex Shit, dick, cunt: that’s Tourette’s Stay in bed, we’re too depressed Post-traumatic stress effects Bulimics barf, anorexics starve Fast food binge inside our cars Multiple personalities Like, “Hi, it’s I, myself and me” You got trichotillomaniacs and autistic brainiacs All insaney to the max so doped up on Prozac packs Histrionic plus delusions Tangled dendrites, mad confusion Klepto narcoleptic All psych wards so antiseptic Take your Zoloft, Paxil Wellbutrin, Cymbalta, homie What you using? Adavan and Lexapro Don’t act like you do not know Did you ever think that just maybe We’re supposed to be a little bit crazy? Can it be? We’re really this mentally diseased? As I stare at an ink blot Thinking why I think the thoughts I think Paying 20 g’s a year straight to my shrink To analyze me on a couch And while he’s zoning out I’m tuning in to my inner child So that explains why I get wild On the weekend drinking no tomorrow Sleep around to ease my sorrow And it all relates to what happened in second grade I am told there is a name for what is wrong inside my brain And that fact alone makes me feel like I’m hardly that insane I’ve undergone psychoanalysis My dreams all full of phalluses Psychotropics I imbibe So happy to be prescribed What I get from Pfizer’s not much different from Budweiser In the end, you and I just fated to pretend
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hauntedromantics · 8 years
-waves- hi Saney and her insane anons that stalk you, Magen and other blogs! I'm sorry Tom doesn't seem to entertain you enough that you need to come on our blogs and tell inSaney what we discuss. We continue to love Tom while you continue to find hating us and Tay (while we do nothing wrong) more than loving & reporting on Tom. Get ur own significant other cause fantasizing about Tom everyday wont be realistic! Life is too short to think a male celeb will date all hundreds of you. -Love HS fans
Hahahaha. Hi crazies! 👋🏻
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