#Crea Aortic Valve
onecreamedical · 2 months
Crea Aortic Valve
Crea Aortic Valve by Onecrea Medical - Innovating Heart Health Solutions. Experience cutting-edge technology and superior performance with our advanced aortic valve. Trust in our commitment to revolutionise cardiac care.
Visit ; https://onecreamedical.com/
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stiri-noi · 4 years
Imprimantele 3D, folosite pentru a crea valve cardiace realiste
O combinație de tehnici și materiale permite crearea unei valve și a structurilor din proximitate, acestea fiind asemănătoare cu cele reale.
Cercetătorii de la Universitatea din Minnesota, Statele Unite ale Americii, au dezvoltat un proces revoluționar pentru imprimarea tridimensională cu mai multe materiale a modelelor realiste ale valvei aortice a inimii umane. oamenii de știință susțin că metoda lor oferă un produs care seamănă cu valvele obișnuite, notează Medicalxpress.
Aceste modele de organe specifice pacientului, care includ matrice de senzori moi imprimați 3-D, integrați în structură, sunt fabricați folosind cerneluri specializate și un proces de imprimare 3D inedit. Astfel de modele pot fi utilizate în pregătirea unor proceduri minim invazive pentru a îmbunătăți prognosticul a mii de pacienți din întreaga lume.
Imprimarea tridimensională
Cercetătorii 3-D au tipărit o secțiune pe care medicii o numesc rădăcina aortică, secțiunea aortei cea mai apropiată și atașată de inimă. Aceasta este formată din valva aortică și deschiderile pentru arterele coronare. Valva aortică are trei clapete, numite pliante, înconjurate de un inel fibros. Modelul a inclus, de asemenea, o parte a mușchiului ventriculului stâng și aortei ascendente.
„Scopul nostru este de acela de a reduce riscurile și complicațiile medicale, oferind instrumente specifice pentru a ajuta medicii să înțeleagă structura anatomică exactă și proprietățile mecanice ale inimii pacienților”, explică Michael McAlpine, profesor de inginerie mecanică al Universității din Minnesota și cercetător principal al studiului.
„Medicii pot testa aceste implanturi înainte de procedura efectivă. Modelele pot ajuta, de asemenea, pacienții să înțeleagă mai bine propria anatomie și procedura în sine”, mai adaugă cercetătorul.
Aceste modele de valvă au fost concepute special pentru a ajuta medicii să se pregătească pentru o procedurile chirurgicale, în care o nouă valvă este plasată în interiorul valvei aortice native a pacientului. Procedura este utilizată pentru a trata o afecțiune numită stenoză aortică care apare atunci când valva aortică a inimii se îngustează și împiedică deschiderea completă a valvei, ceea ce reduce sau blochează fluxul de sânge din inimă către artera principală.
Modelele de rădăcină aortică sunt realizate utilizând scanări computerizate ale pacienților pentru a se potrivi cu forma exactă a valvei originale. Acestea sunt tipărite apoi 3D folosind cerneluri pe bază de silicon specializate care se potrivesc mecanic cu senzația de țesut cardiac real Imprimantele comerciale existente în prezent pe piață pot imprima forma tridimensională, dar folosesc cerneluri care sunt adesea prea rigide pentru a se potrivi cu țesuturile umane.
Studiul 3D printed patient-specific aortic root models with internal sensors for minimally invasive applications a fost publicat în Science Advances.
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Articolul Imprimantele 3D, folosite pentru a crea valve cardiace realiste apare prima dată în Descopera.ro.
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onecreamedical · 2 months
Crea Aortic Valve
The Crea Aortic Valve from Onecrea Medical is a pioneering solution for aortic valve replacement, offering advanced functionality and durability for improved patient outcomes. Designed with precision engineering, it ensures optimal performance and long-term reliability in cardiac care.
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onecreamedical · 2 months
Kris Kupumbati Onecrea Medical
Are you interested in modern healthcare solutions? Meet Kris Kupumbati, a skilled medical expert, working with Onecrea Medical, an inventive healthcare company. Get in touch with us now!
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onecreamedical · 3 months
Crea Aortic Valve
The damaged aortic valve can be replaced with the Crea Aortic Valve, a novel heart valve created by Onecrea Medical. It's a technology known as transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), and Cleveland Clinic's unique technologies have helped to make it possible. Onecrea Medical's commitment to provide patients with cardiovascular issues with better treatment is demonstrated by the development of the Crea Aortic Valve, a noteworthy breakthrough in heart valve therapy. Get in touch with us right now!
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onecreamedical · 4 months
Crea Aortic Valve
Experience advanced cardiac care with the Crea Aortic Valve by Onecrea Medical. This medical device is designed with precision and durability in mind, delivering cutting-edge solutions for aortic valve-related conditions. Contact us today!
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onecreamedical · 5 months
Crea Aortic Valve
Experience innovative heart valve therapy with Onecrea Medical's Crea Aortic Valve, a pioneering solution in cardiovascular care in the USA. Engineered with patented technology, it represents a significant leap forward in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR), promising improved patient outcomes.
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onecreamedical · 6 months
Crea Aortic Valve
Introducing the crea aortic valve by Onecrea Medical, an innovative medical device designed to deliver exceptional performance in cardiac care. This cutting-edge valve offers advanced technology and precision for aortic valve replacement procedures, ensuring the best possible outcomes for patients.
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onecreamedical · 6 months
Safeguarding Hearts: How the Crea Aortic Valve Enhances Patient Lives?
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The Crea Aortic Valve is that beacon of hope, a marvel of modern medicine, enhancing and safeguarding hearts. In this article, we're going to delve into the revolutionary Crea Aortic Valve and how it's changing the game in cardiac care.
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onecreamedical · 6 months
Safeguarding Hearts: How the Crea Aortic Valve Enhances Patient Lives?
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The Crea Aortic Valve is that beacon of hope, a marvel of modern medicine, enhancing and safeguarding hearts. In this article, we're going to delve into the revolutionary Crea Aortic Valve and how it's changing the game in cardiac care.
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onecreamedical · 6 months
Safeguarding Hearts: How the Crea Aortic Valve Enhances Patient Lives?
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Imagine a world where a single innovation can transform lives, reviving the hopes of those who have been living on borrowed heartbeats. The Crea Aortic Valve is that beacon of hope, a marvel of modern medicine, enhancing and safeguarding hearts. In this article, we're going to delve into the revolutionary Crea Aortic Valve and how it's changing the game in cardiac care.
Aortic Valves: The Heart's Guardian
Before we dive into the specifics of the Crea Aortic Valve, let's understand the vital role the aortic valve plays in our circulatory system. This tiny yet mighty component ensures the blood flows from the heart into the aorta and then to the rest of the body. It's a gatekeeper, allowing one-way blood flow, and when this gatekeeper falters, it can lead to severe heart problems.
The Evolution of Cardiac Care
Over the years, cardiac care has witnessed tremendous advancements, and the Crea Aortic Valve is a testimony to that. Developed by the visionary Kris Kupumbati at Onecrea Medical, this valve has redefined cardiac interventions.
Key Advantages of the Crea Aortic Valve
Minimally Invasive Surgery: The Crea Aortic Valve brings a breath of fresh air for patients as it can be implanted using minimally invasive techniques. It means smaller incisions, reduced pain, and a quicker recovery. Patients can often go home just a few days after surgery.
Durability: Unlike traditional valves, the Crea Aortic Valve is designed to last a lifetime. Its cutting-edge materials and design ensure it withstands the test of time, saving patients from the ordeal of repeated surgeries.
Enhanced Blood Flow: This valve is designed for optimal blood flow. It minimises turbulence, reducing the risk of clot formation, which is a common concern with other valve types.
Natural Feel: The Crea Aortic Valve closely mimics the natural aortic valve's functionality. It's not just a mechanical piece; it adapts to your body's needs, enhancing your overall cardiac performance.
A Lifesaver for High-Risk Patients: Traditional open-heart surgeries carry significant risks, especially for elderly patients or those with multiple health issues. The minimally invasive approach and the durability of the Crea Aortic Valve make it a saviour for these high-risk groups.
The Road Ahead
As we look to the future, the Crea Aortic Valve continues to evolve, thanks to the dedication and vision of Kris Kupumbati. This life-saving device stands as a testament to the power of human innovation and the positive impact it can have on countless lives.
Future Prospects:
Advancements in Materials: Ongoing research promises even more advanced materials, making the Crea Aortic Valve even more durable and resilient.
Expanded Accessibility: Efforts are underway to ensure that this life-saving technology reaches even the remotest corners of the globe.
Enhanced Patient Experience: Continuous innovation will focus on improving the patient experience, making the procedure and recovery as smooth as possible.
In Conclusion
The Crea Aortic Valve, born out of the brilliance of Kris Kupumbati Onecrea Medical, is a game-changer in cardiac care. So, if you or a loved one are grappling with aortic valve issues, remember, there's hope, and it comes in the form of the Crea Aortic Valve. It's not just a medical device; it's a lifeline, enhancing and safeguarding hearts, one beat at a time.
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onecreamedical · 6 months
The Latest Advancements in Heart Valve Technology: Crea Aortic Valve Explained
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Future medical technology breakthroughs could change how we treat patients. The Crea Aortic Valve is a groundbreaking heart valve technology invented at Onecrea Medical. Crea Aortic Valve's capabilities and benefits will be discussed in this post.
Insight into Aortic Valve Diseases
Before learning about the Crea Aortic Valve, you must understand its importance to aortic valve issues. The heart's aortic valve helps oxygenated blood flow smoothly from the heart to the body.
Aortic stenosis, which constricts the valve and blocks blood flow, can damage the heart. Traditional open-heart surgery for aortic valve issues is risky and intrusive.
Learning About Crea Aortic Valve
The Breakthrough of Heart Valves
The Crea Aortic Valve leads heart valve technology. Stenosis and regurgitation are treated with this aortic valve replacement.
Creative Conceptualisation
The Crea Aortic Valve is a novel mechanical heart valve that tries to replicate the heart's natural valve function. Its state-of-the-art frame can expand and contract independently, allowing maximum blood flow while minimising the possibility of clot formation.
Procedure With Minimal Invasiveness
The minimally invasive nature of the Crea Aortic Valve implantation process is a major benefit. It is possible to replace a valve without having to open the chest. Because of this, patients spend less time in the hospital, heal more rapidly, and experience fewer complications after surgery.
Crea Aortic Valve's Advantages
Improved Quality of Life: Patients should expect a marked increase in quality of life after receiving the Crea Aortic Valve. It's built to improve blood flow, lowering the chance of problems and boosting health.
Minimised Recovery Time: Patients can anticipate less downtime because the Crea Aortic Valve treatment is less intrusive. This is especially helpful for the growing population of older adults who no longer qualify for open-heart surgery.
Reduced Potential for Complications: The Crea Aortic Valve minimises the danger of blood clots and infections that can occur with other valve replacement procedures. Patients may relax knowing they receive the best care possible for their cardiovascular health.
Heart Valve Replacement: What's Next?
Regarding heart valve replacement, the Crea Aortic Valve is just the beginning. As long as there are pioneers in the field like Kris Kupumbati President Onecrea Medical, we can rest assured that the quality of life for countless people with heart diseases will continue to improve.
Successful First-in-Human Implants of the Crea Aortic Valve by Onecrea Medical
Although TAVR technology has been available since 2007, the scientists and engineers at Onecrea Medical have been working hard to develop the next generation of TAVR. Dislodging the implant or perivalvular leak (PVL) from an ill-fitting valve is a typical problem with TAVR/ operations. The concavo-convex shape of the Onecrea Medical valve provides superior implantation in the aortic annulus. Different regions of the annulus and aorta impart weak or strong radial forces on the valve using the valve's differential radial force feature. The delivery mechanism has also been refined for more precise valve placement. Crea Aortic valves are evaluated extensively in animal testing throughout over 200 million fatigue cycles and over 140 days. Reduced vulnerability to PVL and other issues is a result of these enhancements. Surgeons working under Dr. Carlos Calderas, a renowned interventional cardiologist, performed all the implantations.
It is clear that the Crea Aortic Valve, invented by Kris Kupumbati President Onecrea Medical, is a major step forward in heart valves. The Crea Aortic Valve is only one example of the remarkable progress that may be made in healthcare thanks to scientific research and technological development.
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onecreamedical · 7 months
Crea Aortic Valve
At Onecrea Medical, we are proud to offer the cutting-edge Crea Aortic Valve - a medical device that represents the pinnacle of innovation in the field of aortic valve solutions. This device is engineered to provide minimally invasive solutions to aortic valve conditions, ensuring that patients receive the highest possible standard of care. Our commitment to medical advancements means that we are constantly exploring new ways to improve patient outcomes, and we are confident that the Crea Aortic Valve will play a significant role in shaping the future of medical treatment. Trust our team of experts to provide you with the highest quality care and to deliver on our promise of a healthier future. Get in touch with us now!
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onecreamedical · 7 months
The Latest Advancements in Heart Valve Technology: Crea Aortic Valve Explained
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The field of medical technology has been advancing at an astonishing rate, with breakthroughs that have the potential to transform the way we approach healthcare. One such groundbreaking innovation is the Crea Aortic Valve, a remarkable development in the realm of heart valve technology. In this post, we'll delve into the Crea Aortic Valve, its features, and benefits.
Understanding Aortic Valve Disorders
Before we dive into the specifics of the Crea Aortic Valve, it's essential to grasp the significance of this breakthrough in the context of aortic valve disorders. The aortic valve plays a crucial role in the heart, ensuring that oxygenated blood is efficiently pumped from the heart to the rest of the body.
However, conditions like aortic stenosis, where the valve narrows and obstructs blood flow, can severely compromise cardiac function. Traditional treatments for aortic valve disorders often involve open-heart surgery, which can be both invasive and risky.
Understanding the Crea Aortic Valve
● The Heart Valve Revolution The Crea Aortic Valve is at the forefront of a revolution in heart valve technology. Designed to replace the aortic valve in the heart, it addresses a range of cardiac conditions, including aortic stenosis and regurgitation.
● Innovative Design Unlike traditional mechanical or bioprosthetic valves, the Crea Aortic Valve boasts an innovative design that aims to mimic the natural functionality of the heart valve. It features a flexible, self-expanding frame made of cutting-edge materials, reducing the risk of clot formation and enabling optimal blood flow.
● Minimally Invasive Procedure One of the most significant advantages of the Crea Aortic Valve is the minimally invasive procedure it offers. Patients can undergo valve replacement without the need for open-heart surgery. This results in shorter hospital stays, quicker recovery times, and reduced surgical risks.
Benefits of the Crea Aortic Valve
Improved Quality of Life: Patients who receive the Crea Aortic Valve can experience a significant improvement in their quality of life. Its design allows for smoother blood flow, reducing the risk of complications and enhancing overall well-being.
Reduced Recovery Time: The minimally invasive nature of the Crea Aortic Valve procedure means that patients can expect a quicker recovery. This is especially beneficial for older individuals who may not be candidates for open-heart surgery.
Lower Risk of Complications: Compared to traditional valve replacement methods, the Crea Aortic Valve offers a lower risk of complications such as clot formation and infection. This means that patients can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their heart health is in good hands.
The Future of Heart Valve Technology
The Crea Aortic Valve is just the beginning of what's possible in the world of heart valve technology. With visionaries like Kris Kupumbati Onecrea Medical leading the way, we can anticipate even more groundbreaking advancements that will continue to improve the lives of countless individuals suffering from heart-related conditions.
In Conclusion
The Crea Aortic Valve, developed by Kris Kupumbati Onecrea Medical, represents a remarkable leap forward in heart valve technology. As medical technology continues to evolve, it's innovations like the Crea Aortic Valve that remind us of the incredible potential to enhance and extend human lives through science and innovation.
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onecreamedical · 1 month
Crea Aortic Valve
The Crea Aortic Valve revolutionises heart valve treatment, offering a minimally invasive procedure with swift recovery and improved quality of life. Experience advanced cardiac care with the Crea Aortic Valve, designed to enhance patient outcomes and provide lasting benefits. Contact us now!
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onecreamedical · 4 months
The Latest Advancements in Heart Valve Technology: Crea Aortic Valve Explained
Future developments in medical technology may alter the way we treat patients. Onecrea Medical created the revolutionary Crea Aortic Valve, a heart valve technology. This essay will go over the features and advantages of the Crea Aortic Valve.
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