#Crossword quiz pop culture level 8
greyshn · 2 years
Crossword quiz pop culture level 8
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#Crossword quiz pop culture level 8 Patch
Can you name them?įorget the politics of the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall. A few Earth-shattering artists saw their careers skyrocket in the '80s. They're free and easy-to-solve in an American-style 13 x 13 grid. Boatload Puzzles offers thousands of novice-level crossword puzzles that can test your skills before moving onto the bigger challenges. It's a unique way of thinking that takes a bit of training. The larger Sunday crossword, which appears in The New York Times Magazine, is an icon in American culture it is typically intended to be as difficult as a. But it wasn’t all superficial fluff or hair band rock. Crosswords challenge your memory and quick thinking skills. The Bangles, the Go-Gos, Madonna, and a whole lot of other big bands got their start during this decade. What do you recall about the most popular kids’ trends of this decade?Īfter the glam rock and disco of the ‘70s, music veered sharply toward pure pop in the ‘80s.
#Crossword quiz pop culture level 8 Patch
Joe to Cabbage Patch Kids dolls, some of which inspired violent frenzy in parents panicking to spoil their already spoiled offspring. Toy stores were overflowing with fantastically popular items, everything from G.I. Do you think you can be a Master of the Universe in this '80s pop culture quiz?įrom Transformers to Rainbow Brite, the ‘80s were a fun time to be a kid. Clothes clashed, hair climbed to previously unscaled heights, and synthesizers of all kinds warped pop music in strange and fascinating ways. But by the middle of the ‘80s, this decade was defining itself in new (and sometimes obnoxious) ways. At the beginning of the 1980s, America was still very much hung over from the weirdness of the ’60s and ‘70s.
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/world/asia-pacific/william-barr-huawei-caster-semenya-your-thursday-briefing/
William Barr, Huawei, Caster Semenya: Your Thursday Briefing
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U.S. Attorney General Grilled by Senate Panel
Attorney General William Barr spent much of Wednesday answering questions from members of the Senate Judiciary Committee on the special counsel’s report on Russian election meddling and possible obstruction of justice.
Mr. Barr defended the four-page summary that he released of the report, which the special counsel, Robert Mueller, criticized in a letter released by the Justice Department as failing to capture the “context, nature and substance” of the 448-page document.
Partisan focus: Democrats pressed Mr. Barr on why he had not publicly acknowledged concerns about his original summary and why he asserted that Mr. Trump had cooperated fully with the investigation when he tried to thwart it.
Republicans focused not on Mr. Trump or Mr. Mueller’s report but on Hillary Clinton’s emails and the former F.B.I. officials who opened the Russia investigation.
Go deeper: Read our reporter’s takeaways from the hearing.
What’s next: The House Judiciary Committee voted to allow staff lawyers to question Mr. Barr on Thursday. Mr. Barr has said he will not appear under that format.
See for yourself: Watch clips from the hearing.
Huawei grapples with an identity crisis
The Trump administration’s accusations that the telecommunications giant acts as a spy for the Chinese government, means that Huawei must prove it is trustworthy to maintain lucrative global business ties.
But “its soul is steeped in Communist Party culture,” writes our New New World columnist Li Yuan, and the company���s internal structures resemble the party, from the power of its top leadership down to its team-building activities.
Related: Britain’s prime minister, Theresa May, fired her defense secretary, accusing him of leaking sensitive information about the government’s internal deliberations about Huawei and its decision to let the company build out its 5G network.
Trade talks: As the U.S. and China work toward closing a trade deal, there’s one thing that Beijing is unlikely to yield on: control over the data that American companies collect on their consumers inside China.
Women with high testosterone can be barred from races
A nuanced ruling by the highest court in international sports will force female athletes with elevated levels of male hormones to take suppressants to compete in certain international track races.
The ruling is a defeat for Caster Semenya, a two-time Olympic champion in track and field from South Africa, who had previously challenged a proposal to limit testosterone levels. The ruling by the arbitration court was also watched closely by transgender athletes.
The court said restrictions on permitted levels of naturally occurring testosterone were discriminatory, but that such discrimination was a “necessary, reasonable and proportionate means” to preserve the integrity of women’s competition.
Response: Ms. Semenya issued a statement through her lawyers, said the decision “will not hold me back. I will once again rise above and continue to inspire young women and athletes in South Africa and around the world.” Her lawyers are considering an appeal.
What’s next: If she wants to keep participating at major international competitions, she faces some hard choices: take hormone-suppressing drugs; compete against men; or enter competitions for intersex athletes, if any are offered.
Focus on food and climate
What we eat every day has consequences.
The world’s food system is responsible for about one-quarter of the planet-warming greenhouse gases that humans generate each year. That includes raising and harvesting all the plants, animals and animal products we eat. Climate change is also now altering the foods America grows.
What should you do? We’ve answered all your questions about how to shop, cook and eat in a warming world.
Recipes: Review our collection of climate-friendly dishes. And a correspondent who has traveled the world suggests five cuisines that are easier on the planet.
Quiz: What is the climate impact of the type of foods you ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner yesterday? Take our quiz.
If you have 8 minutes, this is worth it
In pursuit of Aboriginal justice
Patrick Cumaiyi waved to his family with shackled hands as he boarded a plane to Darwin, the capital of Australia’s Northern Territory, to face a domestic-violence complaint. Before takeoff, an argument broke out, an officer delivered a sharp blow to Mr. Cumaiyi’s head, and another officer dragged him headfirst onto the tarmac.
Medical records obtained by The New York Times suggest he was a victim not only of police brutality — a persistent problem for Indigenous Australians — but also a cover-up.
Here’s what else is happening
U.N.C.: A 22-year-old man was in custody following a deadly shooting at the University of North Carolina that left two dead and four wounded.
Venezuela: Thousands of the opposition Juan Guaidó’s supporters turned out for a second day of protests in the capital, Caracas, and elsewhere, but it was unclear whether the antigovernment demonstrations were a convincing rejoinder to the setback he suffered on Tuesday, when military commanders asserted their allegiance to President Nicolás Maduro.
Julian Assange: A British court sentenced the WikiLeaks founder to 50 weeks in jail for jumping bail when he took refuge in Ecuador’s embassy in London seven years ago.
Taliban: Negotiators began a new round of peace talks with the U.S. in Doha, Qatar. The U.S. military command in Afghanistan has stopped counting how much of the country is controlled by the Taliban, eliminating what had been a public measure of progress in the war.
Australia: Kate Jenkins, who is leading the country’s inquiry into workplace sexual harassment, is trying to overcome nondisclosure agreements that prevent victims from speaking out.
Snapshot: Above, Emperor Naruhito’s ascension ceremony. It offers striking visual evidence of the imperial family’s existential crisis: few heirs.
Yeti sighting? The Indian Army posted photos of 32-inch footprints near a base camp in Nepal, saying they belonged to the mythical snowman. Social media users had their own theories.
Netflix: The video streaming giant and SK Global Entertainment, the production house that made the film “Crazy Rich Asians,” acquired the rights to the story of the 12 boys and their soccer coach who were trapped in a cave in Thailand in July.
Do-it-yourself treadmills: Internet users are posting videos of themselves exercising using nothing more than soap, water, a slick hard floor and maybe a lack of common sense.
Dolphins: Scientists believe a beluga whale found off the coast of Norway and harnessed with a GoPro-type camera was being trained by the Russian Navy.
What we’re reading: This conversation with Anjelika Huston in Vulture. “It’s as good as everyone is saying,” writes Katie Rogers, one of our White House correspondents.
Now, a break from the news
Cook: When an average salad won’t do, Samin Nosrat’s greenest green salad will satisfy.
Listen: From Kanye West to serpentwithfeet to the Stellar Awards returning to BET, our critics discuss the evolving dialogue between gospel and pop.
Watch: The comedian Anthony Jeselnik says he can say very dark things because audiences understand that he’s not a monster — his character is. His new special is now on Netflix.
Go: The Turner Prize, Britain’s most prestigious art award, announced four finalists. Their work will go on display in Margate, England, and the winner will be announced in December.
Smarter Living:Allergies can be torture. Immunotherapy — shots that can help desensitize you to allergens — can help over time. If needles aren’t your thing, cleaning the filter of your air conditioner or furnace can keep indoor air cleaner. Vacuum often. Mattress protectors for both your mattress and box spring keep dust mites out. Pillow protectors are also an option.
And we asked you for the best advice anyone’s ever given you, and how it made an impact on your life. Here’s what you said.
And now for the Back Story on …
The power of fairy tales
A recent feature by our Berlin bureau chief tracked how Germany’s far-right has adopted anti-immigrant tropes in discussing an influx from Poland of “the most notorious fairy-tale baddie”: the wolf.
Connecting nationalism and fairy tales is not new.
The Brothers Grimm, who based their tales on folk tradition, lived and worked in the 19th century, when Europe was brimming with enthusiasm for the nation-state over multi-ethnic empires. Artists and writers reached for ancient myths to feed the ideal of a national culture.
That legacy lives on in children’s books but also concert halls: Jean Sibelius picked tales from the Finnish national epic “Kalevala”, and Bela Bartok collected folk songs from the former Austro-Hungarian empire.
But populists picking up the tales and myths often seems far from the artists’ intentions.
“Even if musical folklore once owed a debt to nationalism, today, ultranationalism hurts it so much that the damage is far greater than the benefit once was,” Bartok wrote in an essay in 1937.
Earlier this week, we told you about South Korean grandmothers who are learning to read and write for the first time. Their poignant stories reminded our Seoul bureau chief of the older villagers he knew when he was growing up.
That’s it for this briefing. See you next time.
— Inyoung and Katie
Thank you Alisha Haridasani Gupta helped compile today’s briefing. Mark Josephson, Eleanor Stanford and Kenneth R. Rosen wrote the break from the news. Palko Karasz, in our London bureau, wrote today’s Back Story. You can reach the team at [email protected].
P.S. • We’re listening to “The Daily.” Our latest episode is about the end of Omar Hassan al-Bashir’s rule of Sudan. • Here’s our Mini Crossword puzzle, and a clue: Singer who’s part of the celebrity couple “J-Rod” (3 letters). You can find all our puzzles here. • The New York Times translated our Tokyo bureau chief’s five-part look at the Japanese monarchy into Japanese.
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