#Curtis Everett x Mousey
imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Headcanon for Curtis and mousey: mousey likes to steal his sweatpants. They're so comfy and cozy and warm and she likes the cut of them. One time Curtis tried to get her her own pair but she got offended and wouldn't talk to him till he apologized
He knew before he had even stepped foot into the house from the garage, that he’d find you wearing his sweats. It had become so nomenclature that he didn’t bat an eye anymore, rather he wondered if it was the comfort you wanted or the scent of him.
Trying to gauge as best as he could, Curtis had took a few hours out of the house after finding you yet again stealing all his sweats to buy you your own. He had gotten one in every available colour with no shortage of comfort detailed in the sweats, almost identical to his own.
He wanted his sexy little mousey thief to be comfortable anytime you could be. It was an effort made on his part that he expected to go over well.
“What is this?” You questioned the stacks of sweats, folded still from the store, but laying on the bed in piles.
“Sweats, baby. You don’t have to steal mine.” Curtis kissed the top of your head in passing,’only getting a few feet before a record scratching, nails of a chalkboard echoed in the room, and grinding of two metal plates made him stop in his place.
“Sweats,” Curtis looked over his shoulder to catch the expression on your face, gears grinding in his head as an expectation he had anticipated had come to pass, “so I won’t steal yours?”
Curtis had ever seen a look of such adorable crossness, he had never seen someone whose face was contorted with anger and irritation yet still look absolutely stunning. He’d never quite witnessed the absolute terror you could unleash on himself and his house, save for the incident where you scolded his gang members, but today he was obtusely aware of your power.
“Mousey-” Curtis had already stated to backtrack when you moved.
You had turned on your heel and walked toward the bedroom door, neither rushed nor angrily stalking from the room like he was expecting. Rather your hair was calm, cool and collected, and truly that made Curtis more apprehensive. He watched you, he listened to the door opening and shutting with a soft click, and then he looked back at the sweats in dire confusion.
“What the fuck?” Curtis whispered under his breath before he gathered the sweats and started to put them away in your dressers.
He knew you liked stealing his sweats, he knew that they drowned you out but you still wanted them. You still lounged around in the soft material, almost as if the sweats were as claiming of Curtis as they were you.
“Mousey, you keep me on my toes.” Curtis shook his head and left the bedroom, continuing on his daily tasks as normal.
Until dinner, when he was face to face with Mousey and the sweats debacle.
“Baby what do you want for dinner?” Curtis entered the kitchen with phone in hand to call for takeout, waiting a moment and then lifting his head when he was met with silence.
“Mama’s ignoring you, daddy.” James piped up from the table, his smile cute and his eyes bright. “Mama won’t talk to you until you apologize.”
“Apologize? For the fuck what?”
“Daddy said a bad word! Mama! Daddy said a bad woooooord!” Theo chimed with glee, poignantly trying to get you to crack, eager to play this game.
“You’re gonna ignore me? Really, sweetheart?” Curtis drew closer to you, keeping himself on the other side of the island, and then leaned forward on his elbows. “You know I can play the long game, baby. All fucking night long.”
Silence met him.
“You want me to stop swearing? Tell me right fucking-” he winced and hissed as you flicked him in the forehead as retaliation, a smirk playing on your lips. “I’m not apologizing, and since you won’t tell me what you want for dinner then I’m leaving it up to the boys.”
His chance to make you crumble failed. The boys chose everything they wanted without you blinking an eye, and as dinner had come and gone you’d stuck to your silence. You are in silence while Curtis watched you, James cheered you on and Theo tried to get you to crack, and the 25 pairs (or so) of sweats sat tucked away.
“They’re sweats, Mousey. You can’t keep stealing my clothes.” Curtis was not going to crack. He wanted going to bend.
He wanted to see how long you could go.
“You know I’m hungry for some cream. Mousey if you don’t want me to-” Curtis had just as soon dropped to his knees when you’d pushed his shoulder with your foot, putting enough pressure into the move to send him away from you.
“Fuck!” Curtis growled as he stood, hastily ripping layers off him. “You won’t talk to me and now you won’t let me eat you out? Mousey! Your pussy need my lips and you’re being a cruel girl.”
He rest his hands on the bed beside your hips and leaned in, his eyes darkened with lust and hunger. His tongue wet his lips and he briefly searched your face before he huffed.
“Fuck! Fine!” Curtis leaned in and kissed you passionately, his hunger radiating toward you. “I’m sorry, steal all my clothes. Take everything. Take it all.”
He pulled away to see your shit-eating grin as you claimed victory.
“I knew you’d cave.” Your voice was music to his ears and you added to the moment by spreading your legs and inviting him in.
“You’re letting me eat you out, don’t be mean to your pussy.” Curtis dropped to his knees and hooked his hands around your thighs to yank you closer. “I’m donating those sweats to the women’s shelter, since you won’t take them.”
“I don’t need them, I have yours.”
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
#7 could be Permanent Claim. Curtis strikes me as man who usually never gets drunk, but when he does, Reader gets messages like these.
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Club business had taken Curtis away from the house for the night and well into the early hours of the morning. Even before he had left the house, Curtis was astute about giving Theo & James a hug before bed and a quick tuck in. He had kissed their foreheads and promised them that he’d be safe, whispering his intent to take them out tomorrow afternoon to a ballgame.
And after Curtis had told them goodnight, he found you in the living room wrapped in a big fluffy blanket with a glass of wine and your favourite salty snack.
“You didn’t think I’d come say goodbye to you?” Curtis stooped low and kissed your slowly, intimately and maddeningly, only pulling away when you tried to chase the kiss.
“You gonna be my good girl, Mousey?” Curtis’ silver tongue teased you with every rise and fall of his voice, and his eyes communicated how desperately he wanted you even as he was preparing to leave.
“You know I reward good girls.” He added the last quip while dragging his thumb across your bottom lip, his eyes blazing with desire and need. “Do you want to be rewarded?”
Curtis hadn’t inherently waited for an answer. He had slipped on his leather jacket and left, leaving you on the couch with a slack jaw and wide eyes. You watched as he left, leaving you alone to deal with continued desire.
Your night was quiet after he had left, with the twins sleeping upstairs you were left to your own devices. It was a quarter after 11 when you finally crawled into bed and fell asleep almost as soon as your head hit the pillow. You were tucked in and sleeping, resting comfortably in yours and Curtis’ bed until the buzzing and subtle chiming of your phone had woken you up.
You reached for the night stand and blinked sleepily as you tried to focus on the messages on the screen, seeing Curtis’ name pop up.
IK I’m drunk but listen
Im gonna wife you up one day
That’s all
Realization hit you, and you’d fallen back into the bed with wide eyes and fire burning in your belly. His message was concise and clear, desire imminently surging through every word of his texts. You clutched your phone and let your mind wander toward the possibilities of what that could contain for you, a future as Mrs. Everett.
Was it minutes that you lay still? Or close to an hour?
When you finally found yourself wanting to sleep again, you rolled over onto your side and placed your phone back on your nightstand. It was a quick drop, the phone slipping from your hand and clattering to the floor as Curtis stumbled through the bedroom door and cocked his head.
“Mousey, fuck me…” his jacket was ripped from his body, his shirt thrown to the floor leaving you stunned until the door clicked shut and the melodic chime of the metal from his belt fell to the floor.
“Seriously,” he groaned and stepped toward you, “fuck me.”
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
A momentary scare — A Permanent Claim drabble
A/N: I have never been through anaphylaxis and I’m not allergic to anything so my medical knowledge might not be completely accurate
Behave, Mousey. I’ll know if you aren’t, and I’m not afraid to dole out some punishments — Curtis
“He’s still worried? He needs to relax a little, its dinner not a strip club.” Park side-eyes Nat and gives her a little smirk, the two women communicating silently while you sit around a table.
“Its Mousey,” Nat teases affectionately, “the only people Curtis is more protective over is Theo & James.”
“We’re not…” you lean forward and rest your forearms against the edge of the table. “…going to a strip club are we?”
“Not now, hun.” Nat reaches over to squeeze your hand, her smile meeting her eyes. “We’ll let you get a little more used to the club business before we throw naked men at you.”
“Or at least try to throw naked men at her. If Curtis doesn’t throw her over his shoulder first.” Pari and Nat’s teasing comes with ease, and you don’t feel dismayed by their comments.
The idea of Curtis becoming so jealous of you going to a strip club that he throws you over his shoulder was another thing altogether.
“She’s thinking of it.” Nat continued, lifting her glass to her lips. “Let that imagination run wild, its not even close to what Curtis is capable with you.”
“Oh! No, I mean I’m not…” you felt warmth pool in your belly, desire quick to follow when you think of all 6ft+ of him tossing you around.
“Ladies,” the waiter had come back to the table, first setting your drinks down, “your order will be out shortly. Another few minutes.”
“Seafood free, right? I hate to be anal but…”
“Allergies.” The waiter had nodded his head, an astute yet kind of distance in his gaze. “Everything’s taken care of.”
The waiter is quick to leave, and the three of you fall into a comfortable conversation. You drink and talk for the few minutes until your food comes, and then you add your final bits of dialogue before you start eating.
It doesn’t hit you at first, the sense that somethings wrong. Its subtle, almost as if it wasn’t there to begin with and then you feel it. You chew and swallow before you feel it becoming harder to breathe, your hands clutch the table as you recognize what’s happening.
“Y/N, sweetheart…” Natasha reaches for your hand, turning your wrist over to feel the drop in your pulse. “Call an ambulance!”
“They said it was taken care of!” Pari stands so abruptly, the chair toppled over and she’s immediately at your side, giving you support.
You feel like gasping for air yet your throw keeps growing tighter. You don’t know whether its the anxiety of going into anaphylactic shock or the idea that someone could have messed with your food that has you unable to comprehend the chaos.
“Call Curtis! Get him to meet us at the hospital!” Natasha stays behind, Pari is already leading you out toward the door.
A manager, the general manager or someone with absolute dread on their face, is coming toward you both. Your eyes burn, your skin feels hot and the urgent need to throw up is hitting you with the weight of train.
It could’ve been minutes, hours or days. You don’t recollect time between being in the restaurant to being strapped to an ambulance board. You don’t know how you managed not to completely collapse as the paramedics talk to you with muffled voices.
You feel accosted by the lights of the ambulance, you feel detrimentally conscious and aggravated with yourself for not having your EpiPen.
Everything hurts, everything is grating to your body. Your eyes begin to close as rest finds you.
“…i’m sorry…” you whisper to the person next to you, the back of an ambulance traded for a hospital bed. “…I screwed up…”
“No,” a handle yet rough hand brushes your hair back, his bright eyes linger on you, “you didn’t do anything, Mousey.”
“I didn’t know, Curtis. I told them over and over…” you felt weak still, but the oxygen mask you were given by the doctors and nurses helps enough.
“Someone fucked with your food. The cooks adhered but somewhere between it leaving the kitchen and being given to you, it was fucked with.” He leans in and brushes his lips against your forehead, kissing you softly.
“I should’ve had my EpiPen.” You whined, turning your head in embarrassment for being foolish. “I should’ve…been more careful.”
“You’re okay, you’re going to be okay.” He astutely gentle, keeping a rather level head now that he’s here though you know he likely gave someone hell.
“Theo & James..?”
“They’re taken care of. Steve’s girls’ got them.” Curtis answered you and slowly inched you over so he could lay beside you, and then he wrapped an arm around you.
“I told you not to get into trouble.” His grip on you was protective and firm, he was careful not to squeeze. “This is never happening again, Mousey.”
“Curtis-“ he stopped you before you could stop, pressing a finger to your lips.
“We’re getting you an allergy protection dog. That’s not a question, its happening. And you’re going to start carrying your EpiPen.” Curtis spoke with finality, you couldn’t have argued with him if you wanted to.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized again, feeling emotional and anxious.
“I can’t fucking lose you, baby. I won’t lose you, I can’t.” Curtis closed his eyes and breathed in deep. “I would never recover.”
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Christmas countdown day 25 — Open presents
You don’t know how you managed to forget your gift to Curtis until the moment Theo and James wanted to open presents on Christmas morning. You had been so busy with the boys making cookies for Santa, finishing up last minute lists, decorating their rooms after they begged and pleaded you to, and wrapping their last minute presents.
You’d been so focused on them that you’d forgotten what Curtis had gotten from you. You had let it slip your mind until the very moment that he grabbed your gift with languid motivation, while you were internally flipping out.
“I forgot something.” You made the excuse and darted out of the room toward the kitchen, aiming for a glass of cold water to calm your nerves while listening to Theo and James tearing into more presents.
You rallied yourself into a corner as you gulped down water and let yourself think of every and all possibilities or probabilities that could face you. You had been seeking an out to either steal the present back or make yourself sparse for then next hundred years.
“Mousey.” You squeaked when he entered the kitchen, a daunting smirk upon his face and a swagger in his step. “Why’d you run off before I could open my gift?”
“Curtis, Curtis…” you set the glass down and licked your lips, feeling as if you were in the Sahara rather than in a snowy city. “Look about-“
“That’s one hell of a gift, baby.” He encroached upon you, the book in his hands and his eyes dropping from your eyes to your lips and then the swell of your breasts. “There’s a lot in here.”
“I didn’t know what else…but then I thought-” you stammered, your heart thrashing as he came around the counter and began to trap you in.
“You thought what?” His smirk grew, his eyes had become devoured by lust.
“C-can I have them back?” You pushes yourself against the counter, a slight quiver to your hands and legs as if you’d become hyper aware of how tough and burly he was.
“My only suggestion little Mousey,” Curtis first cupped your cheek and then brushed your hair behind your ears, “was that you should have made more?”
“More?” You were confused, and then you felt the hard edge of his erection pressing into your belly. “M-more..? Oh…Oh!”
He yanked you to his chest and slipped his hands down your back to the curve of your ass and back again, his lips and teeth nipping your neck. He was feeling you with every intention of devouring you, ungraciously making you electrified with his touch.
“I don’t know how many I could go through tonight.” Curtis hummed, he squeezed your ass and ground himself into you. “Do I think you should start with a strip tease? Or should I make you give me a massage?”
“Curtis I really overstepped-“
“No, no baby.” He corrected you with another purr. “You gave me the perfect gift. But how am I supposed to keep my hands off of you until Theo and James have a sleepover with Scott or Steve?”
“I-I guess-“
“Mama! Daddy!” Theo and James called you from the living room, begging for you to watch them finish opening presents.
“I’m redeeming two tonight, Mousey. With how much fun Theo and James had tonight? They won’t be waking up.” To make his point Curtis had slipped two of the folded coupons beneath your dress into the left cup of your bra.
“Merry Christmas, Mousey.” Curtis tapped his finger against your lips and gave you another smirk, walking away from you while you were stunned.
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Mousey & Curtis bring the twins to see Santa 🥰
Christmas Countdown day 19: Visit Santa/sit on Santa’s lap
It was hard to focus on what was happening around you when you felt Curtis’ hand and the warmth it radiated seeping through your sweater to infiltrate your flesh. It was hard to focus on Theo and James as they playfully hit each other while waiting in line to see Santa Clause at the mall, their lists tucked into your hands for safekeeping while still being a mystery to you.
“You’re up next, boys. You remember what I told you?” They whipped around to look at you, eyes that matched Curtis’ piercing through you as they grinned crookedly.
“Be on our best behaviour for five minutes and pretend that daddy isn’t permanently on the naughty list.” James’s soft laugh fell from his lips as he looked at his dad, and in response Curtis’ hand tightened against your sweater.
“I’m working on getting off the list,” Curtis huskily whispered in your ear, breathing in the scent of your perfume that he had gifted you earlier, “it would be easier said than done if my little mousey didn’t make me lose my fucking mind.”
“Curtis,” you elbowed him and steeled your gaze, attempting to scold him with a glare, “there are other kids around, they don’t need-“
“-for Christmas, I want nanny to get a ring from my daddy-“ James had spoken loudly, unapologetically bold as he spoke excitedly to the mall Santa.
“Oh! And a baby!” Theo added, brightly waving toward you and Curtis. “I would love for my daddy and my nanny to have a baby, because then they have to get married and-“
“Oh my god…” Your eyes grew in size, and every attempt to get toward the twins to get them to stop speaking was met with resistance of Curtis’ arm around your waist. “Theo! James!”
“…and other than that, I want lego and Nerf guns.” Theo and James beamed, brightly scooting off Santa’s lap with brimming excitement, crashing into Curtis’ legs. “I told Santa exactly what i want.”
“Yes you did,” Curtis grinned selfishly, his eyes rimmed with growing desire and hunger that was, thankfully, missed by his boys, “good job, boys.”
“Did you put them up to this?” You whispered hurriedly to Curtis, keeping your eyes on the twins as they darted to the nearest book store.
“I’m on the naughty list, mousey. I can’t ask Santa for anything.”
“Curtis-“ He cut you off with a sweeping yet short kiss, stealing your breath and any words right off your tongue.
“We should go home and work on giving our boys their gift.” Curtis spoke with unkempt possession and lust, his words dripping with seedy intent that warmed your belly and your thighs. “If we wanna give them what they want by Christmas, we better get started now.”
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Will Theo and James ever get a sibling?
I think Theo & James would have two siblings (twins or others wise) and they would be the first to ask
They see some of the other members girlfriends/wives having babies and they ask Curtis & Mousey if they’re gonna have a baby
After the first, they’re completely enamoured and protective of their sibling and when enough time passed they ask them for another
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
What is Curtis and Mouseys favorite activity to do with Theo and James? Like family activity or something 😊
Theo and James are identical with subtle differences but their personalities are the most identifying about them and that influences what they do as a family
Theo is bolder and more stubborn, he likes being rough and adventurous, a little wild—he’s really into sports and using his hands and enjoys crawling and climbing in everything he can
James is more sensitive and artsy, he’s more emotional and geared toward creativity—he’s into creating art and building with his hands, sculpting or painting
With Theo & James, Curtis & Mousey do different activities geared toward the boys interests and make as much time for each of them as they can
They take Theo climbing and to jumping yards as a family, letting him be wild while James stays close to Mousey
James they take to art studios and science museums that are really hands on, allowing him to expel his creativity and fuel his wonder
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Do Curtis and mousey like to cook together?
Yes but it takes a while
While Curtis initially doesn’t have the desire to cook much for his kids (he hires a cook/pays the maid/nanny’s before Mousey) after she arrives he finds himself more interested in the skill
As they get closer he finds himself enjoying cooking and baking together, and even asks one of the other girls to watch Theo & James so himself and Mousey can attend cooking classes together
Soon, more often than not, Curtis will kick Mousey out of the kitchen to leave him to cook dinner for the house while she either plays with Theo & James or relaxes
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Question for Curtis: what's your favourite piece of clothing from mousey?
Curtis: Everything that’s ripped off and thrown on the floor, I’ve ruined more than she’s bought. If you’re making me choose, it’s a pair of jeans she bought that makes her ass look incredible
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imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Alpha!silverfox!Steve Rogers
Asylum!Steve Rogers and nurse!Reader
Brave New World
Breathe You In
Curtis & Mousey
Jake Jensen & Pretty Girl
Jake Jensen & Princess
Lloyd & Pumpkin
Lycan!Steve Rogers & barista!Reader
Photo ask game drabbles
Silverfox!professor!Ari Levinson & his librarian
Silverfox!Bucky & Sweet Girl
Silverfox!Johnny Storm & Little flame
Silverfox!mechanic!Steve Rogers x nurse!Reader
Silverfox!paramedic!Bucky Barnes & Bambi
Werewolf!Ari Levinson & Sweetpea
Wildest Dreams
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Six sentence smut — thick thighs, Stucky x reader
Johnny & Jake & plus-sized reader
Sugar & Spice welcome home Wednesday
Thick thighs save lives take out Tuesday
Mob!Andy & mob!Lloyd
Three reasons why…YAY Steve
Three reasons why…BB&B
Jefferson gets angry and runs off his cat familiar
Colin Shea hockey
Werewolf!Ari sleepy Sunday
Monster match-up orc!Curtis Everett
White werewolf!Bucky Barnes
Lycan!skinny!Steve Rogers
Lucas Lee university soulmate
Bucky and his ex wife (Bucky is an asshole)
Bucky loses Reader (Once Bitten, Twice Shy)
Steve x reader x Natasha (bisexual!reader)
Fae!Stucky find cat!shifter!Reader
Silverfox!Ransom Drysdale meets reader’s child
Silverfox!Nick Fowler
BT Ransom takes his omegas shopping
Chubby!Bucky takes care of Becca while reader’s gone
Demon!Curtis Everett x human!Reader
Death!Bucky Barnes x life!Reader
Demon!Curtis confronts readers ex
Pipsqueak makes a good tray for Nick and the team
Fae!Jefferson and his reader go to a festival
Construction!alpha!Curtis Everett
Nick introduces pipsqueak to his teammates
Silverfox!Nick Fowler
Kitty!Reader is saved and housed by fae!Curtis, her defender when Jefferson comes to collect her
Ceo!Ari meets plus-sized!Reader at her bakery
Alpha!biker!Steve and alpha!biker!Ari meet pregnant!omega!Reader
Chris Evans (rpf) x pregnant!one night stand!Reader
Demon!Curtis teases reader
Here’s Your Perfect (drabble)
Ari is in a rut, Ice Princess has to help him out
Werewolf!Curtis Everett meets his luna!Reader at his work
Soft!dark!Steve Rogers and his wife
Soft!dark!mob!Steve Rogers and his wife
Jake Seresin gets protective
Silverfox!biker!Steve meets Ladybug
Silverfox!cowboy!Curtis meets his bride at the airport
Silverfox!cowboy!Curtis & reader sleep together for the first time
Bucky meets Steve’s assistant (HFY)
Cop!Andy Barber x arrested!Reader — how they meet
A/b/o angst
Silverfox!lawyer!Andy Barber
Silverfox!mob!Steve Rogers
Werepanther!Andy Barber gets set up with human!Reader
Merman!Curtis Everett x nurse!Reader
Silverfox!Steve Rogers x Ladybug
Werewolf!Curtis Everett x human!Reader
Fae!Ransom Drysdale x human!Reader
Silverfox!cowboy!Curtis gives reader a sad goodbye
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
A Permanent Claim
Prologue Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Summary: After taking a high turnaround job as a nanny, you find yourself thrown into the world of bikers where you’re claimed by the leader
Pairing: biker!Curtis Everett x nanny!Reader
Curtis & Mousey drabbles
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