#Cuz wow they changed a lot THATS a remake
frobby · 4 months
i know atlus said they're not making another mainline etrian odyssey game but if somehow they did i would love a wait button like in labyrinth of refrain/galleria
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nebuvoid · 1 year
btw finished rewatching vinny playing ffviir. not my own playthru tho im still in the first sewer section ugh. slowest playthru of my life, of anything ever. the burden of only playing with an audience (the irl).
but anyway this really reminded me just how prominent they make the zack reappearance at the end of it. like its not just to wow you or to impress on you how fate changed. they make it a big deal. its the literal last shot. the game ends with Hollow(the song) like. how funny would it be if disc 2 is just fully the zack au and if the whole 'the party kinda fucking died' from the trailer isnt a red herring it could be like zack in a party with like wedge and biggs (sorry i mean BIGGS! WEDGE!) and really, hard to say if this is farfetched or incredibly in the realm of possibilities lol. and if it IS a red herring. what if instead its an au where cloud stays in a coma and zack takes his place. but then again i dont think even they would want two of each party member thats too messy. theyll have to find a way to have OUR party meet zack anyway, otherwise whats the point. (because like otherwise they couldve just skipped the entire fighting fate thing and just literally made a lil au for funsies of zack replacing cloud. but fans wont want that. they want cloud, the guy they tried to imitate when they were 13 and cloud was the coolest epicest guy of their 90s life)
its also pretty clear theyll be continuing the whole zackaerith thing, i mean obviously really, and just. ugh lots of thoughts. like cuz its A ZACK but not OUR zack you know. fundamentally the exact same person but not OUR person. that ones still very much dead. ...UNLESS
unless. because like we thought its au zack because of the different stamp right. but what if thats just shown so in your face not to show its an au seperate from OUR story but instead just to show how the story changed in general now. then it would indeed be OUR zack. id certainly prefer that. could be as easy as "zack dropped cloud off somewhere for safety then gets caught by the turks and eventually they release him because theyve got a soft spot for him but by then cloud already did the entirety of the remake storyline and zack returns to the church expecting aerith tending to cloud but instead everyones fucking gone". ...if nothing else a good idea for a fic anyway lol. not like cloud would remember zack dropping him off since he has terrible amnesia regardless.
in the end it all comes to how they handle the whole 'beat up fate thing and it changes things retroactively'. will their actions also have changed the past? or did it only open up the possibility of a different future? just because aerith i think? said the past is set in stone doesnt mean its true. characters can lie or be wrong.
idk just stream of consciousness-ing it lol. sometimes its nice to just ramble to clear it all out a bit. feel free to talk at me over this. please actually
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