pidgecv · 7 months
I hate having to make content for my own character wtf the world is so cruel.
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pidgecv · 9 months
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I was not immune to good times 😔
or tumblr dropping the hell out of my quality apparently. Welp. Behold, my doodles. Now in definition so low it’s playing poker with the devil.
Still have not watched secret life but this skin is good(timeswithscar) as hell.
..this is a secret life skin right… (I do not remember)
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pidgecv · 3 months
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i need to know if this is just me or not bc i spent a whole minute trying to decipher this font bc i thought it said “wiitter school” and i was like wtf is that but is this font crazy unreadable or what
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pidgecv · 6 days
“looks like we’re going on a journey… to the West.” SHUT THE FUCK UP LMFAOOOOOOOOO
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pidgecv · 9 months
urgh thoughts and opinions on giving rat girl a poncho bc god I wanna give her a cool poncho-thingy sb I’m not even like,, but it’s not the most thematically appropriate but I wanna I wanna so bad
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pidgecv · 3 months
The last thing s!cleo sees is the look on jo’s face as she hits the detonator. It isn’t fear. It isn’t disappointment. It’s not even fury. It’s pure hatred.
The last thing Jo sees is Cleo’s finger on the button. She doesn’t even bother looking at her face.
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pidgecv · 11 months
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pidgecv · 5 months
btw I’m making the cult leader fusion canon and transing his gender his real name is castor (cas) and he is evil but his followers call him Gabriel bc he is a stuck up piece of shit and is trying to gaslight ppl into thinking he’s an angle 😇
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pidgecv · 2 months
i want to draw but i refuse to get up welcome back aggie
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pidgecv · 2 months
i wish my nails were sharper
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pidgecv · 3 months
Cleo wears makeup bc it makes her feel more human WOAH WHO SAID THAT WHAT it was me lol
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pidgecv · 3 months
early morning ramblings///
posting this for funsies
pidge talks about romance as horror for far too long and makes no sense in the process 2024 colorized
relationships as a vessel for psychological horror has always been something that fascinates me. take killing stalking for example. a viscerally disgusting and terrible work of horror fiction that i honestly find really compelling conceptually. now did SOME of the fandom™️ completely miss the point and just go “omg yaoi” yes, they did. and yeah the story is like,, not my thing exactly in execution i didn’t finish the comic itself. im not the biggest fan of gore and it crossed my personal line into shock horror (got a bit too into the wrong kind of uncomfortable) but it’s all preference. however, the inherent horror of things like stockholm syndrome, or the idea of a frankenstein being infatuated with his monster not because of who they are but because he made them are both SO interesting. imagine a person loving someone who they have manipulated and abused past the point of humanity. not romantically necessarily (though yeah that’s totally a thing, that all-consuming fascination being misunderstood as a sick romance) rather like a personal project they’re absolutely obsessed with. their creation. except that creation has feelings as well. or maybe in extreme cases, used to at least. problem is it’s difficult to write platonically, since a lot of that stuff can come off as romanticizing abuse and it’s a very delicate topic. deffo easier to have someone eat their own arm and call it a day. going back to stockholm syndrome, in a way it’s a removal of agency (which is a staple of horror media lol). so the horror could be applied both ways, the obsessed and the obsession. the monster and its twisted creator. the inhuman and the inhumane. idk it’s just so damn interesting. it gets complicated and tricky to pull off, but horror doesn’t mix well with cut corners. i may try and expand on this sort of idea but in a far less extreme way for the swapverse. absolutely nothing romantic, in fact i headcanon (or i guess canon?) both versions of cleo as aroace (fully, not just somewhere in the middle of the aroace spectrum but completely disinterested in romance and sex repulsed) ((mostly just wanted to explore familial and platonic bonds without having to consider any sort of romantic stuff)) (((yes s!cleo had a boyfriend pre apox. it was qpr, they were both aroace but were besties for the resties and were gonna marry for tax purposes))). but i’d love to pull off a platonic obsession. jo would absolutely obsess over her work. she would be so proud of herself for creating cleo. living (debatably) proof of her skill. her magnum opus. every success of cleo’s is actually jos, but also every failure is taken the same way. jo sees it as her own failure, and takes out that selfish anger on cleo or even V sometimes. cleo struggles with her humanity. she was one of the first infected. not patient 0, but one of the first. early enough to have been institutionalized and studied at least. and jo has twisted her memories so much that cleo doesn’t know anything about herself except that she belongs to jo. she’s property, a dangerous weapon. that’s what makes their deaths so poetic. jo dies at the hands of V, through her own weapon. because while cleo hit the detonator, it was V who rigged the bomb. Cleo and jo depend on each other so much. the way you need the sword to cut but the sword needs you to polish. to sharpen. even to forge. of course V is the only one who survives. cleo was never going to be able to live without jo and vice versa. they weren’t friends. they weren’t family. they were something else entirely, something torturous and hateful and tragic. a dynamic of lies and manipulation and cruelty. they died as they lived, together. while the original final lives cast was threatened by the new world, they managed to overcome it by being a team. in the swapverse, the outside world was never the threat. they dominated the apocalypse, thriving compared to the og crew. but they were torn apart from the inside, and they couldn’t overcome it. yet another reflection of the original cast. i was gonna type more but hit tumblr limit goodnight fazgang
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pidgecv · 11 months
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pidgecv · 10 months
not to brag but I am storyboarding (it isn’t tmnt sorry to disappoint)
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pidgecv · 2 months
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my machine gun poem doll rant from 3am
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pidgecv · 10 months
character design is really complicated this shit got me studying hierarchy and value and color balance and shape theory and line weight and detail distribution and color theory in design and silhouette and fucjing value patterning and color and saturation and color mixing shout out to valves dota 2 design document what the fuck is this shit i’m practing on my o!boo design LMFAO 💀💀💀
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