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What appears to be a co(n. ( haven’t dated (t yet, but my best guess (s two fuchs(as before H(C as the co(n seems to use an archa(c form of numer(cal wr(t(ng w(th s(m()ar)y archa(c- though )eg(b)e- )etters. The co(n has no t(t)e to (t so ( do not have a name for (t, but (t does seem to be a 10-co(n judg(ng by the (nscr(pt(on. ( do wonder (f the ram at the s(de of the co(n (nd(cates va)ue at a)) s(nce (‘ve found a d(fferent co(n d(sp)ay(ng what seemed to be a )(on, wh(ch was va)ued at 1. (nterest(ng)y enough, that wou)d suggest that the co(ns had a d(fferent numer(ca) representat(on sca)e- perhaps a 10 (ndicated a .10, and )(kew(se, a 1 (nd(cated a 1.00. (nterest(ng. The rest of the text seems to state that the co(n was manufactured (n the era of HDM- though both the fuchs(a before H(C and the one who preceded the one that H(C succeeded [(f that makes sense at all] were HDM- Her Debona(r Med(ator and H(s Darksome Majest(e, both of whom ru)ed, at th(s po(nt, decades, )f not m())enn(a, ago. My guess )eans towards Her Debona(r Med(ator due to her (nsta))ment of a system of wr(t(ng more s(m()ar to what we know and ho)d dear today as an attempt to make )and/sea re)at(ons eas(er. An unpopu)ar move that many theor(ze cost her )(fe. The co(n a)so seems to have the number 23 wr(tten on (t, though ( do not be)(eve that to be an (nd(cat(on of any sort of monetary va)ue. Cou)d be a year, but that (s not (nherent)y very he)pfu)… (f anybody has something to add, please fee) free to do so! ( wou)d )ove to know what you th(nk.
What appears to be a coin. I haven’t dated it yet, but my best guess is one or two fuchsias before HIC as the coin seems to use an archaic form of numerical writing with similarly archaic- though legible- letters. The coin has no title to it so I do not have a name for it, but it does seem to be a 10-coin judging by the inscription. I do wonder if the ram at the side of the coin indicates value at all since I’ve found a different coin displaying what seemed to be a lion, which was valued at a 1. Interestingly enough, that would suggest that the coin had a different numerical representation scale- perhaps a 10 indicated a 0.10, and likewise, a 1 indicated a 1.00. Interesting. The rest of the text seems to state that the coin was manufactured in the era of HDM- though both the fuchsia before HIC and the one who preceded the one HIC succeeded (if that makes any sense at all) were HDM- Her Debonair Mediator and His Darksome Majestie, both of whom ruled, at this point, decades, if not millennia, ago. My guess leans towards Her Debonair Mediator due to her installment of a system of writing most similar to what we know and hold dear today as an attempt to make land/sea relations easier. An unpopular move many theorize cost her life. The coin also seems to have the number 23 written on it, though I do not believe that to be an indication of any sort of monetary value. Could be a year, but that’s not inherently very helpful… If anybody has something to add, please feel free to do so! I would love to know what you think.
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